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Ivo Schneider [18]Irene Schneider [9]Iris K. Schneider [7]Ingrid Schneider [2]
Ivo H. Schneider [1]Isabel Schneider [1]Irmela Schneider [1]Ilse Schneider [1]

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  1.  44
    Embodied mood regulation: the impact of body posture on mood recovery, negative thoughts, and mood-congruent recall.Lotte Veenstra, Iris K. Schneider & Sander L. Koole - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (7):1361-1376.
    ABSTRACTPrevious work has shown that a stooped posture may activate negative mood. Extending this work, the present experiments examine how stooped body posture influences recovery from pre-existing negative mood. In Experiment 1, participants were randomly assigned to receive either a negative or neutral mood induction, after which participants were instructed to take either a stooped, straight, or control posture while writing down their thoughts. Stooped posture led to less mood recovery in the negative mood condition, and more negative mood in (...)
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  2.  70
    The path of ambivalence: tracing the pull of opposing evaluations using mouse trajectories.Iris K. Schneider, Frenk van Harreveld, Mark Rotteveel, Sascha Topolinski, Joop van der Pligt, Norbert Schwarz & Sander L. Koole - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  3.  51
    What's in and what's out in branding? A novel articulation effect for brand names.Sascha Topolinski, Michael Zürn & Iris K. Schneider - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  4.  40
    Editorial: The Social Nature of Emotions.Gerben A. van Kleef, Arik Cheshin, Agneta H. Fischer & Iris K. Schneider - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:205474.
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  5. Isaac Newton.Ivo Schneider, Kolumban Hutter, Isaac Newton & Friedrich Steinle - 1993 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 24 (1):169-185.
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  6.  27
    Der Mathematiker Abraham de Moivre (1667?1754).Ivo Schneider - 1968 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 5 (3):177-317.
    Before examining de Moivre's contributions to the science of mathematics, this article reviews the source materials, consisting of the printed works and the correspondence of de Moivre, and constructs his biography from them. The analytical part examines de Moivre's contributions and achievements in the study of equations, series, and the calculus of probability. De Moivre contributed to the continuing development from Viète to Abel and Galois of the theory of solving equations by means of constructing particular equations, the roots of (...)
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  7.  39
    International Symposia.Evan M. Melhado, Gad Freudenthal, Zafer Toprak, Selcuk Tozeren, Selim Deringil, Yakov Rabkin & Ivo Schneider - 1985 - Isis 76 (4):562-566.
  8.  33
    Weighty data: importance information influences estimated weight of digital information storage devices.Iris K. Schneider, Michal Parzuchowski, Bogdan Wojciszke, Norbert Schwarz & Sander L. Koole - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  9.  23
    The Mathematization of Chance in the Middle of the 17th Century.Ivo Schneider - 2000 - In Emily Grosholz & Herbert Breger, The growth of mathematical knowledge. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 59--75.
  10.  60
    AI ethics and data governance in the geospatial domain of Digital Earth.Marina Micheli, Caroline M. Gevaert, Mary Carman, Max Craglia, Emily Daemen, Rania E. Ibrahim, Alexander Kotsev, Zaffar Mohamed-Ghouse, Sven Schade, Ingrid Schneider, Lea A. Shanley, Alessio Tartaro & Michele Vespe - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (2).
    Digital Earth applications provide a common ground for visualizing, simulating, and modeling real-world situations. The potential of Digital Earth applications has increased significantly with the evolution of artificial intelligence systems and the capacity to collect and process complex amounts of geospatial data. Yet, the widespread techno-optimism at the root of Digital Earth must now confront concerns over high-risk artificial intelligence systems and power asymmetries of a datafied society. In this commentary, we claim that not only can current debates about data (...)
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  11.  25
    Kinderverkauf und Schuldknechtschaft: Untersuchungen zur frühen Phase des islamischen RechtsKinderverkauf und Schuldknechtschaft: Untersuchungen zur fruhen Phase des islamischen Rechts.Peri Bearman & Irene Schneider - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (2):334.
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  12.  42
    Eloge: Kurt Vogel, 30 September 1888-27 October 1985.Michael Mahoney & Ivo Schneider - 1986 - Isis 77 (4):667-669.
  13.  45
    Blaise Pascal, 1623-1662. Hans Loeffel.Ivo Schneider - 1990 - Isis 81 (4):774-774.
  14.  26
    Baroque Science - by Ofer Gal and Raz Chen-Morris.Ivo Schneider - 2014 - Centaurus 56 (2):121-123.
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  15.  11
    Die Frau in Saudi-Arabien zwischen Tradition und Moderne.Irene Schneider & Holger Vagt - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (2):331.
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  16.  23
    Die Pythagoreer: Religiose Bruderschaft und Schule der WissenschaftB. L. van der Waerden.Ivo Schneider - 1982 - Isis 73 (1):133-135.
  17.  11
    Die schule Von Salerno AlS erbin der antiken medizin und ihre bedeutung für Das mittelalter.Ilse Schneider - 1971 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 115 (1-4):278-291.
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  18.  30
    Die Wurzen der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung. Die Verbindung von Glucksspieltheorie und statistischer Praxis vor Laplace. Walter Hauser.Ivo Schneider - 1999 - Isis 90 (4):812-813.
  19.  25
    Freedom and Slavery in Early Islamic Time (1st/7th and 2nd/8th centuries).Irene Schneider - 2007 - Al-Qantara 28 (2):353-382.
    Este artículo se centra en dos cuestiones: por un lado, la presunción de libertad en el «período literario» (desde el s. VIII en adelante); y, por otro, la cuestión de la esclavización, venta o servidumbre ¿voluntaria o no¿ de personas libres en la «época preliteraria» (ss. VII y VIII). Asumiendo de partida la idea de que la práctica legal en la Antigüedad Tardía influyó en las discusiones de los primeros juristas musulmanes, trataré de reconstruir el discurso legal de los siglos (...)
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  20.  14
    Herrscher-Gemeinwesen-Vermittler: Ostiran und Transoxanien in vormongolischer Zeit.Irene Schneider, Jürgen Paul & Jurgen Paul - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (1):147.
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  21.  26
    Maxwell on Molecules and GasesElizabeth Garber Stephen G. Brush C. W. F. Everitt.Ivo Schneider - 1989 - Isis 80 (3):535-536.
  22.  22
    NTM gratuliert: Peter Zimmermann zum 60. Geburtstag.Ivo Schneider - 1998 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 6 (1):245-246.
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  23.  3
    Vom Porträt zur Ikone – Die Online-Datenbank NietzschePics .Ida Schneider & Manuel Schwarz - 2024 - Nietzscheforschung 31 (1):293-315.
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  24.  21
    Ambivalence and Interpersonal Liking: The Expression of Ambivalence as Social Validation of Attitudinal Conflict.Daniel Toribio-Flórez, Frenk van Harreveld & Iris K. Schneider - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Literature on attitude similarity suggests that sharing similar attitudes enhances interpersonal liking, but it remains unanswered whether this effect also holds for ambivalent attitudes. In the present research, we shed light on the role attitudinal ambivalence plays in interpersonal liking. Specifically, we examine whether people express ambivalence strategically to generate a positive or negative social image, and whether this is dependent on the attitudinal ambivalence of their perceiver. We test two alternative hypotheses. In line with the attitude-similarity effect, people should (...)
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  25.  19
    Die Anfänge der islamischen Jurisprudenz: Ihre Entwicklung in Mekka bis zur Mitte des 2./8. JahrhundertsDie Anfange der islamischen Jurisprudenz: Ihre Entwicklung in Mekka bis zur Mitte des 2./8. Jahrhunderts. [REVIEW]Irene Schneider & Harald Motzki - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (4):684.
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  26.  40
    From Ancient Omens to Statistical Mechanics: Essays on the Exact Sciences Presented to Asger Aaboe. J. L. Berggren, B. R. Goldstein. [REVIEW]Ivo Schneider - 1991 - Isis 82 (2):345-346.