Results for 'Identità'

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  1. Il significato come Norma Della sua conoscenza.Come Identità di Norma la Sinonimia - 2009 - Epistemologia 32:127-146.
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  2. Identità: logica e ontologia.Cesare Cozzo - 1997 - Almanacchi Nuovi 96 (2):33-79.
    Identità” qui si intende nel senso già precisato da Aristotele di “identità numerica”, che si ha “quando i nomi sono parecchi, ma la cosa è una sola” e, non nel senso di “identità specifica”, che si ha invece “quando gli oggetti, pur essendo parecchi, non rivelano differenze quanto alla specie”.1 In questo articolo intendo fornire al lettore indicazioni introduttive (non certo esaustive) sul posto che la nozione di identità numerica occupa nella logica contemporanea e nell’area di (...)
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    Identität und Differenz.Martin Heidegger - 1957 - Pfullingen: G. Neske.
    Der Satz der Identität--Die onto-theo-logische Verfassung der Metaphysik.
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    Identitások és médiák.Katalin Neumer (ed.) - 2015 - Budapest: Gondolat Kiadó.
    I. Identitások és váltások -- II. Médiák és váltások.
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  5. Olfatto, identità, memoria. La costituzione del soggetto attraverso l’olfatto [Smell, Identity and Memory. The Constitution of the Subject through Olfactation].Madalina Diaconu - 2003 - la Società Degli Individui 17.
    Nella filosofia moderna la coscienza e la memoria sono state considerate fattori identitari cruciali. L’articolo analizza il ruolo svolto dagli odori nella costituzione dell’identità personale, distinguendo tre livelli: corporeo , socio-culturale e personale . Da un lato, il proprio odore corporeo funge da principium individuationis. Dall’altro, gli odori costituiscono la base di una comunità chiusa ed estremamente conservatrice. Infine, il sé emerge rammentando le proprie «storie» e i ricordi sugli odori.Consciousness and memory were considered identitary key factors in modern (...)
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  6. Identità narrativa e unità dell'io.Lorenzo Greco - 2019 - Notizie di Politeia 35 (135):34-43.
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    Osobní identita a její praktická hodnota.Radim Bělohrad - 2011 - Brno: Masarykova univerzita.
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    Identità e riconoscimento nella sociologia contemporanea.Franco Crespi - 2004 - Roma: Laterza.
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    Identità cibernetiche: dissociazioni indotte, contesti obbliganti e comandi furtivi.Renato Curcio - 2020 - [Roma]: Sensibili alle foglie.
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  10. Identità personale e politica dell'insegnante.Marco Dallari - 2002 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 12:21-34.
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    Identità umana e libertà: narrazioni rivali nella storia della filosofia.Umberto Galeazzi - 2002 - Lecce: Milella.
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    Identität und Selbst: systematische, begriffsgeschichtliche und kritische Aspekte.Benjamin Jörissen - 2000 - Berlin: Logos.
    Der weit verbreitete, aber ausserordentlich mehrdeutige Begriff der Identitat wird in dieser Arbeit zunachst einer analytischen und historischen Untersuchung unterzogen. Eine anschliessende ausfuhrliche Rekonstruktion der Identitatstheorie G. H. Meads fuhrt zu einer kritischen Differenzierung von selbstbewusster,Identitat' und asthetischem bzw. asthetisch-existenziellem,Selbst'. Letztere werden als Momente einer unhintergehbaren Selbstfremdheit des Subjekts erkannt, welche es in Theorie und Praxis zu berucksichtigen gilt.
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    Identità e Alterità: dall’inclusione all’integrazione dialettica. Spunti di riflessione teorico-pratica con Felice Balbo in Migrazioni. Responsabilità della filosofia e sfide globali.Patrizia Salvatore - 2018 - In Francesca Gambetti (ed.), Migrazioni. Responsabilità della filosofia e sfide globali.
    Issues relating to the migration of entire populations and to religious and political integralism have thrown the paradigm of ‘inclusion’ into crisis by challenging the already fragile equilibrium. This necessitates a push for deeper answers, not merely those imposed by a passing need. Balbo’s current reflections allow us to re-think the dilemma of our relationship with the ‘other’ through the paradigm of the ‘dialectic integration’, which by referring to the ‘sublation’ or experiential ‘going through’ seems to promote integral human development (...)
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    Identità naturale e finalità politica.Enrico Berti - 1989
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    Identitás és stratégia.Imre Garaczi - 2010 - Budapest: Stratégiakutató Intézet.
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    Identità nazionale e circolazione della filosofia in Europa: gli sviluppi ottocenteschi della storiografia filosofica.Paolo Giuspoli - 2006 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3.
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    Identitásom és végső kérdéseim.György Kunszt - 2010 - Pozsony: Kalligram.
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  18. Leibliche identität christlichen Gut-Seins versus Genderperspektive : Phänomenologische Essentialisierung einer sozialethischen Diskussion.Elmar Nass - 2018 - In Guido Meyer, Marco A. Sorace, Clara Vasseur & Johannes Bündgens (eds.), Identitätsbildung: Spiritualität der Wahrnehmung und die Krise der Moderne. Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber, in der Verlag Herder.
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  19. Personale Identität und Möglichkeiten der Erziehung.Niklas Luhmann und Karl Eberhard Schorr - 1982 - In Niklas Luhmann & Karl-Eberhard Schorr (eds.), Zwischen Technologie und Selbstreferenz: Fragen an die Pädagogik. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Identità e determinismo genetico. Bioetica e filosofia delle scienze genetiche.Gregory Tranchesi - 2013 - Edizioni Nuova Prhomos.
  21. Sull'identità del pensiero moderno: studi e saggi.G. Baroncini (ed.) - 1979 - Firenze: La nuova Italia.
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    L'identità in questione: saggio di psicoanalisi ed ermeneutica.Vinicio Busacchi & Giuseppe Martini (eds.) - 2020 - Milano: Jaca Book.
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    L'identità del medio nel primo modo della prima figura sillogistica secondo Aristotele.Paolo Cosenza - 2006 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino.
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  24. Identità e tradizione. Fra ermeneutica e fenomenologia.Renato Cristin - 2010 - Studium 106 (6):833-850.
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  25. Kematangan identitas diri mahasiswa jawa.Muhammad Idrus - 2010 - Phronesis (Misc) 6 (12).
    This research aims at determining the effect of adolescent rearing practices toward self identity formation. Several hypotheses are set as follows: (1) there is the effect of adolescence rearing practice toward self identity formation; (2) there is deference between boys and girls in terms of adolescence rearing practice and self identity formation; (3) there is deference between student’s department in terms of adolescence rearing practice and self identity formation; (4) there is defference between parent occupation in terms of adolescence rearing (...)
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    Identität, Verkörperung, Bildung: pädagogische Perspektiven der philosophischen Anthropologie Helmuth Plessners.Thorsten Kubitza - 2005 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
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    Identità personale: storia e critica di un'idea.Eugenio Lecaldano - 2021 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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  28. Identità, essenza ed accidente.Mauro Mariani - 2006 - Teoria 26 (1):7-30.
    In Met. Z 6 Aristotle argues, inter alias, that things which are spoken of coincidentally are different from what being is for them. Unfortunately the arguments which are aimed at supporting this claim are less than compelling, and Aristotle himself seems to cast serious doubt on their validity. The main purpose of this paper is to stress the dialectical features of Met. Z 4-6 in order to display the logical structure of the above mentioned arguments and to put forward a (...)
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    Eidos and Identitas Indiscernibilium in Quantum Mechanics.Vicente Llamas Roig - 2020 - Scientia et Fides 8 (1):141-163.
    The principle of identitas indiscernibilium can be thoroughly expressed in a quantum context, overcoming the debate about the possibility of distinction among identical entities according to space-time parameters: the symmetry defined by the exchange of the wave function without overlapping describes the behavior of particles as if they were alike. That nature of the wave function is depicted along the essay as a relational property of observation, not of the quantum object itself, making the principle take an epistemological turn, dissociated (...)
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  30. Identita v liberální politické teorii a dilema kosmopolitismu [Identity in Liberal Political Theory and the Cosmopolitan Dilemma].Sylvie Bláhová & Pavel Dufek - 2018 - Filosoficky Casopis 66 (3, 4):383–399, 505–517.
    In this article we address the question of individual identity and its place – or rather omission – in contemporary discussions about the cosmopolitan extension of liberalism as the dominant political theory. The article is divided into two parts. In the first part we show that if we consistently emphasise the complementarity of the “inner” and “outer” identity of a person, which is essential to liberalism from its very beginnings, then a fundamental flaw in the liberal cosmopolitan project becomes apparent. (...)
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  31. Fraktální identita a Hannah arendtová.J. Baudrillard - unknown - Filozofia 57 (7):493.
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    Identitás és kulturális idegenség.Gábor Bednanics, Zoltán Kékesi & Ernő Kulcsár Szabó (eds.) - 2003 - Budapest: Osiris.
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  33. Identità E relazionalità Della persona Nella testimonianza E Nel pensiero francescani.Giovanni Iammarrone - 2011 - Miscellanea Francescana 111 (1-2):7-44.
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  34. Identità personale, preferenze, narratività.Pierpaolo Marrone - 2008 - Etica E Politica 10 (2):274-296.
    The paper explores various conceptual formats that are designed to help us organize our thoughts concerning what we do, expecially personal identity, intertemporal preferences, and maximization. I discuss some suggestions from Parfit on personal identity and from Hare on interpersonal preference.
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    Libertà, identità, relazione.Ferdinando L. Marcolungo (ed.) - 2005 - Padova: CLEUP.
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    Soggetto, identità, alterità.Pierpaolo Marrone (ed.) - 2016 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  37. L'identità del diverso.Vittorio Mathieu - 1988 - Giornale di Metafisica 10 (3):441.
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  38. Identità Cristiana e Filosofia.Leonardo Messinese - 2001 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 57 (2):395-397.
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  39. Identità e ruoli della donna ieri e oggi.Paolo Miccoli - 2009 - Studium 105 (6):869-903.
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    Identität--Logik--Kritik: Festschrift für Ulrich Pardey zum 65. Geburtstag.Ulrich Pardey & Benedikt Fait (eds.) - 2014 - Berlin: Lit.
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    Identität und Erziehung: was kann der Identitätsbegriff für die Pädagogik leisten?Friedrich Schweitzer - 1985 - Weinheim: Beltz.
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    L'identità del destino: lezioni veneziane.Emanuele Severino - 2009 - [Milan, Italy]: Rizzoli.
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    Identität und Objektivität: e. Unters. über Kants transzendentale Deduktion.Dieter Henrich - 1976 - Heidelberg: C. Winter.
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    Identitas indiscernibilium.Kurt Grelling - 1936 - Erkenntnis 6 (1):252-259.
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    "Reduplikative Identität": der Schlüssel zu Schellings reifer Philosophie.Manfred Frank - 2018 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog.
    English summary: It was not until the publication of Schelling''s Munich and Berlin lectures that we learned the decisive source for his theory of an identity of identity or identity doubled in itself. Schelling referred to what he called an older logic that was still acquainted with the figure of reduplication, for instance in Leibniz and Wolff. Philosophers in this tradition employed this term to refer to the specification of an aspect under which the subject-term is being considered. An often (...)
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  46. Identitas: Semantics-free and human-readable identifiers.Nizal Alshammry & Phillip Lord - 2021 - Applied ontology 16 (4):379-394.
    In this article, we present a new approach to identifiers, one that aims to improve the management of ontologies. This approach overcomes some of the main flaws associated with the existing approac...
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  47. Identità e sostituzione: Quine, Leibniz e il principio di sostituzione.Gaetano Chiurazzi - 1999 - Filosofia 50 (3):339-360.
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    Identità violata. Manipolazione del corpo e alterazione dell'io.Michele Farisco - 2007 - Idee 64:119-130.
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  49. Identità e Cultura. Per un'antropologia della reciprocità, Roma, Ed.di Cristofaro Longo Gioia - forthcoming - Studium.
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  50. Peran identitas jenis kelamin sebagai variabel moderator dalam hubungan antara kebutuhan berprestasi, kebutuhan berafiliasi Dan kebutuhan berkuasa Dengan kinerja karyawan.Ayu Dwi Nindyati - 2010 - Phronesis (Misc) 6 (11).
    This research was aimed to discover whether sex-role identity could play a significant role as moderating variable to the relation between McClleland’s needs of achievement, affiliation and power and employee’s performance. Subjects of this research were employees in scales division from a cosmetical company in Jakarta Following Baron and Kenny’s ideas, data was analyzed with two way analysis of variance. The main hypothesis in this research is moderating effect of sex role identity in how need of achievement, need of affiliation (...)
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