Results for 'Identity-Relative Paternalism'

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  1.  76
    Identity-Relative Paternalism and Allowing Harm to Others.David Birks - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (6):411-412.
    Dominic Wilkinson’s defence of identity-relative paternalism raises many important issues that are well worth considering. In this short paper, I will argue that there could be two important differences between the first-party and third-party cases that Wilkinson discusses, namely, a difference in associative duties and how the decision relates to the decision maker’s own autonomous life. This could mean that identity-relative paternalism is impermissible in a greater number of cases than he suggests.
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    Identity-relative paternalism fails to achieve its apparent goal.Esther Braun - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (6):413-414.
    In a recent article, Wilkinson puts forward the notion of identity-relative paternalism. According to Wilkinson’s final formulation of this principle, ‘[i]ndividuals should be prevented from doing to future selves (where there are weakened prudential unity relations between the current and future self) what it would be justified to prevent them from doing to others’.1 In medical ethics, it is usually assumed that hard paternalism, that is, acting against a competent person’s wishes for their own benefit, is (...)
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    Does identity-relative paternalism prohibit (future) self-sacrifice? A reply to Wilkinson.Charlotte Garstman, Sterre de Jong & Justin Bernstein - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (6):406-408.
    Paternalism has attracted new defenders in recent years. Such defenders typically either downplay the normative significance of autonomy or deny that we are sufficiently rational for paternalistic interventions to be objectionable.1 Both of these argumentative strategies constitute challenges to John Stuart Mill’s influential anti-paternalistic ‘harm principle’, which states that coercive interference with the liberty of competent adults is justifiable only if such interference prevents harm to non-consenting third parties (Mill, p. 23).2 In this journal, Wilkinson has provided a novel, (...)
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    Can identity-relative paternalism shift the focus from the principle of autonomy?Cressida Auckland - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (7):451-452.
    Mill’s proscription that ‘the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others’ has become almost axiomatic in bioethics. 1 Bolstered by the rise of patient autonomy during the mid-20th century, Millian conceptions of freedom have become so embedded in bioethical theory, that attempts to justify paternalism have typically involved making one of two claims. Either, they have involved refuting the significance of autonomy (...)
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    Implications of identity-relative paternalism.Dominic Wilkinson - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (6):417-418.
    I am grateful to the commentators for their thoughtful engagement with my paper.1 I am unable in this short response to reply to all of the important questions raised. Instead, I will focus on the practical application of identity-relative paternalism. Some commentators felt that this novel concept would yield implausible implications,2 others that it would have no impact because of uncertainty,3 or because existing ethical principles would yield the same conclusion.4 In the paper, I proposed the following (...)
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    The harm principle, personal identity and identity-relative paternalism.Dominic Wilkinson - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (6):393-402.
    Is it ethical for doctors or courts to prevent patients from making choices that will cause significant harm to themselves in the future? According to an important liberal principle the only justification for infringing the liberty of an individual is to prevent harm to others; harm to the self does not suffice.In this paper, I explore Derek Parfit’s arguments that blur the sharp line between harm to self and others. I analyse cases of treatment refusal by capacitous patients and describe (...)
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    Paternalism, with and without identity.Ben Saunders - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (6):409-410.
    Interference is paternalistic when it restricts an individual’s freedom for their own good. Anti-paternalists, such as John Stuart Mill, object to this for various reasons, including that the individual is usually a better judge of her own interests than the would-be paternalist. However, Wilkinson argues that a Parfitian reductivist approach to personal identity opens the door to what he calls ‘identity-relative paternalism’ where someone’s present action is restricted for the sake of a different future self.1 This (...)
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  8. Future Selves, Paternalism and Our Rational Powers.Kyle van Oosterum - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    This paper challenges the two aims of Michael Cholbi’s Rational Will View (RWV) which are to (1) offer an account of why paternalism is presumptively or pro tanto wrong and (2) relate the relative wrongness of paternalistic interventions to the rational powers that such interventions target (Sections 1 and 2). Some of a paternalizee’s choices harm their future selves in ways that would be wrong if they were done to others. I claim this challenges Cholbi’s second aim (2) (...)
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    Medical choices and changing selves.Rebecca Dresser - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (6):403-403.
    In The Harm Principle, Personal Identity and Identity-Relative Paternalism,1 Wilkinson offers a thoughtful argument about medical decision-making and Derek Parfit’s reductionist account of personal identity. I agree that Parfit’s account can contribute to the ethical analysis of patients’ choices. My own work in this area emphasises challenges the reductionist account presents to conventional understanding of advance treatment directives, particularly in cases involving people with dementia.2 I have also urged people making directives to consider the harm (...)
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  10. 9. Identity-like Relations in Attribute Systems.Ob Ob & Rel Val aa At - 2006 - In Paolo Valore, Topics on General and Formal Ontology. Polimetrica International Scientific Publisher.
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  11. Relative identity.Nicholas Griffin - 1977 - Oxford: Clarendon Press.
    The author attacks the view that identity, Like largeness, Is a relative relation. The primary advocate of the view that identity is relative is p.T. Geach. It is argued that geach has not shown that the failure of the identity of indiscernibles principle, As a truth of logic, Forces us to stop taking indiscernibility within particular formal theories or languages as a sufficient condition for identity. The author also argues that the whole notion of (...)
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    Examining consent within the patient-doctor relationship.M. A. Habiba - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (3):183-187.
    The notion of consent which rose to the forefront in biomedical ethics as an attempt to safeguard patients' autonomy, is relatively new. The notion itself requires qualification, for it precludes neither duress nor ignorance. More seriously, I argue here that consent is redundant except in situations where paternalism prevails. Paradoxically, these are the very situations where it may be difficult to uphold or to verify voluntary consent. I suggest that a request-based relationship has the potential to overcome these difficulties. (...)
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    Beyond Paternalism: The Physician's Identity in the Relational Web.Anika Khan - 2011 - Asian Bioethics Review 3 (2):137-141.
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  14. The Relative Identity of All Objects: Tiantai Buddhism Meets Analytic Metaphysics.Li Kang - 2024 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 11:1195-1221.
    According to Zhiyi 智顗 (538–597), the founder of the Chinese Buddhist Tiantai school 天台宗, “one object is all objects;” hence, all objects are profoundly interconnected. In this paper, I critically examine Zhiyi’s metaphysics of objects as presented in the historical Tiantai texts and subsequently develop a contemporary and accessible thesis of interconnectedness by integrating Zhiyi’s views with resources from contemporary analytic philosophy, particularly relative identity. By drawing on Zhiyi’s insights and incorporating contemporary philosophical ideas, I also illustrate how (...)
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    (1 other version)Relative Identity.Harold Noonan - 1997 - In Bob Hale, Crispin Wright & Alexander Miller, A Companion to the Philosophy of Language. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1013–1032.
    This chapter considers Geach's claims solely as pertaining to the philosophy of language and philosophical logic, though much of the interest of the concept of relative identity concerns its applicability to other areas: the metaphysical controversy about personal identity and the debate in philosophical theology on the doctrine of the Trinity. It describes Geach's views under six headings: the non‐existence of absolute identity; the sortal relativity of identity; the derelativization thesis; the counting thesis; the thesis (...)
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  16. Relative identity and Leibniz's law.Leslie Stevenson - 1972 - Philosophical Quarterly 22 (87):155-158.
    The indiscernibility of identicals is incompatible with geach's theory of 'relative' identity, But consistent with the view that x is identical with y iff x is the same a as y, For some count-Noun 'a'. 'x is the same a as y' expresses identity only if x is an a, Otherwise it is merely an equivalence relation.
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    Plausibility, necessity and identity: A logic of relative plausibility.L. I. Xiaowu & W. E. N. Xuefeng - 2007 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 2 (4):629-644.
    We construct a Hilbert style system RPL for the notion of plausibility measure introduced by Halpern J, and we prove the soundness and completeness with respect to a neighborhood style semantics. Using the language of RPL, we demonstrate that it can define well-studied notions of necessity, conditionals and propositional identity.
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  18. Relative Identity and the Doctrine of the Trinity.Michael C. Rea - 2003 - Philosophia Christi 5 (2):431 - 445.
    The doctrine of the Trinity maintains that there are exactly three divine Persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) but only one God. The philosophical problem raised by this doctrine is well known. On the one hand, the doctrine seems clearly to imply that the divine Persons are numerically distinct. How else could they be ’three’ rather than one? On the other hand, it seems to imply that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are identical. If each Person is divine, how else (...)
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    Geach and Relative Identity.Fred Feldman - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (3):547-555.
    Since Geach did not give any account of what is to be considered the same form of relative identity, I assumed that 'x is the same A as y' expresses the same form of relative identity as 'x is the same B as y' if and only if 'A' means the same as 'B'. If this is an incorrect assumption, then I must ask what is the criterion of identity for forms of relative (...)? (shrink)
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    An Enhanced Account of Relative Identity: Double-Reference Starting Point and Dual-Track Feature.Bo Mou - 2025 - History and Philosophy of Logic 46 (1):161-183.
    This article gives a holistic re-examination of the semantic content and syntactic structure of the concept of relative identity: it suggests and explains an expanded and enhanced dual-track characterization of relative identity. It is expanded in this sense: its due coverage is not narrowly restricted to the equal-status case of identity statements (the symmetric case for identity simplex) but also includes the category-assimilating case (the asymmetric case for identity complex), both of which are (...)
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  21. Relative Identity and Cardinality.Patricia Blanchette - 1999 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 29 (2):205 - 223.
    Peter Geach famously holds that there is no such thing as absolute identity. There are rather, as Geach sees it, a variety of relative identity relations, each essentially connected with a particular monadic predicate. Though we can strictly and meaningfully say that an individual a is the same man as the individual b, or that a is the same statue as b, we cannot, on this view, strictly and meaningfully say that the individual a simply is b. (...)
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    Paternalism and Personal Identity.John Kleinig - 2009 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 14 (1):93-106.
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  23. Relative Identity and Number.John Perry - 1978 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 8 (1):1-14.
    I argue for the consistency of frege's treatments of identity and number. Specifically, I argue that geach is wrong in suggesting that frege's insights about number should have led him to the doctrine of relative identity.
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  24. Logics of Relative Identity.Paweł Garbacz - 2002 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 43 (1):27-50.
    This paper is the first part of an exploration into the logical properties of relative identity. After providing the semantic grounds for various monadic logics of relative identity, I define the minimal system and its nine extensions. It is suggested that despite their purely formal origin at least some of them may contain nontrivial philosophical insights. All logics are axiomatized by means of sound and complete sequent calculi. I show their affinities with existing formalizations.
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  25. Relative Identity and the Number of Artifacts.Massimiliano Carrara - 2009 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 13 (2):108-122.
    Relativists maintain that identity is always relative to a general term. According to them, the notion of absolute identity has to be abandoned and replaced by a multiplicity of relative identity relations for which Leibniz’s Law does not hold. For relativists RI is at least as good as the Fregean cardinality thesis, which contends that an ascription of cardinality is always relative to a concept specifying what, in any specific case, counts as a unit. (...)
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  26. Ontological relativity and relative identity.Peter Thomas Geach - 1973 - In Milton Karl Munitz, Logic and ontology. New York,: New York University Press.
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  27. Identical Legal Entities and the Trinity: Relative-Social Trinitarianism.James Goetz - 2016 - Journal of Analytic Theology 4:128-146.
    Goetz outlined legal models of identical entities that include natural persons who are identical to a coregency and natural persons who are identical to a general partnership. Those entities cohere with the formula logic of relative identity. This essay outlines the coexistence of relative identity and numerical identity in the models of identical legal entities, which is impure relative identity. These models support the synthesis of Relative Trinitarianism and Social Trinitarianism, which I (...)
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    Relative Identity.Colin McGinn - 1979 - Philosophical Review 88 (1):137.
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  29. Objects and identity: an examination of the relative identity thesis and its consequences.Harold W. Noonan - 1980 - The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.
    In the first twelve chapters of this book, I am concerned with the Fregean notion of an object (the reference of a proper name) and its connection with the notion of identity. The rest of the book is devoted to a discussion of the problem of personal identity.
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  30. Delineating paternalism in pediatric care.John H. Sorenson & Garrett E. Bergman - 1984 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 5 (1).
    Paternalism in the medical care of children is appropriate and ethically justifiable. However, dilemmatic disagreement by paternalistic agents as to which clinical choice is in the child's best interest may occur because of the underlying conflict between two rival standards for the moral value of life: longevity versus quality. Neither standard is unreasonable. Either could be the basis for choice of medical care by the parents or by the pediatrician. Having the child choose between options disputed by his parents (...)
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    An Enhanced Account of Relative Identity: Double-Reference Starting Point and Dual-Track Feature.Bo Mou - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 46 (1):161-183.
    This article gives a holistic re-examination of the semantic content and syntactic structure of the concept of relative identity: it suggests and explains an expanded and enhanced dual-track characterization of relative identity. It is expanded in this sense: its due coverage is not narrowly restricted to the equal-status case of identity statements (the symmetric case for identity simplex) but also includes the category-assimilating case (the asymmetric case for identity complex), both of which are (...)
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  32. Relative identity.Harry Deutsch - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  33. Relative Identity.Nicholas Griffin - 1978 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 168 (2):226-228.
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    Relative Identity.Leslie Stevenson - 1978 - Philosophical Quarterly 28 (110):83.
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  35. Subsumption and relative identity.P. Garbacz - 2004 - Axiomathes 14 (4):341-360.
    This paper is a modification of Nicola Guarino and Christopher Welty's conception of the subsumption relation. Guarino and Welty require that that whether one property may subsume the other should depend on the modal metaproperties of those properties. I argue that the part of their account that concerns the metaproperty carrying a criterion of identity is essentially flawed. Subsequently, I propose to constrain the subsumption relation not, as Guarino and Welty require, by means of incompatible criteria of absolute (...) but by means of incompatible criteria of relative identity. After discussing the benefits of applying relative identity in ontological investigations I provide a formal framework in which to prove a counterpart of the identity criteria constraint. (shrink)
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    Relative Identity and Locke's Principle of Individuation.William L. Uzgalis - 1990 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 7 (3):283 - 297.
  37. Paternalism and our Rational Powers.Michael Cholbi - 2017 - Mind 126 (501):123-153.
    According to rational will views of paternalism, the wrongmaking feature of paternalism is that paternalists disregard or fail to respect the rational will of the paternalized, in effect substituting their own presumably superior judgments about what ends the paternalized ought to pursue or how they ought to pursue them. Here I defend a version of the rational will view appealing to three rational powers that constitute rational agency, which I call recognition, discrimination, and satisfaction. By appealing to these (...)
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    Locke and Relative Identity.Vere Chappell - 1989 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 6 (1):69 - 83.
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    Relative identity: a reply to Nicholas Griffin.H. W. Noonan - 1980 - Mind 89 (353):96-98.
    In the October 1978 issue of Mind, Nicholas Griffin puts forward a criticism of one of my arguments in 'Wiggins on Identity'. Although I would not now wish to defend everything I said in that paper, the argument Griffin attacks still seems to me to be a good one. In what follows, I explain why I think his criticism fails to strike home.
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  40. Moral difference between humans and robots: paternalism and human-relative reason.Tsung-Hsing Ho - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (4):1533-1543.
    According to some philosophers, if moral agency is understood in behaviourist terms, robots could become moral agents that are as good as or even better than humans. Given the behaviourist conception, it is natural to think that there is no interesting moral difference between robots and humans in terms of moral agency (call it the _equivalence thesis_). However, such moral differences exist: based on Strawson’s account of participant reactive attitude and Scanlon’s relational account of blame, I argue that a distinct (...)
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    The unity of identity and difference as the absoluteness of all relativity: Hui Shi and the longing for a different logic.Jana S. Rošker - 2024 - Asian Philosophy 34 (3):251-263.
    This paper addresses the question of whether it is possible to develop theoretical methods to reconcile absolute principles on the one hand and relative tenets on the other. I will look at this question through the lens of classical Chinese logic and, more concretely, through the elaborations of the Chinese logician Hui Shi on this relationship. The examination of this problem proceeds from a general introduction of the basic framework of semantically determined classical Chinese logic, through an illumination of (...)
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    Objects and Identity: An Examination of the Relative Identity Thesis and its Consequences.C. D. C. Reeve & Harold W. Noonan - 1983 - Philosophical Review 92 (4):633.
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  43. In defence of relative identity.Eddy M. Zemach - 1974 - Philosophical Studies 26 (3-4):207 - 218.
    I defend a slightly modified version of geach's rule r, I.E., That although both a and b are g, It is possible for a to be the same f as b and a different h than b, Provided that the question whether a and b are the same g is undecidable. Answering those who object to relative identity I claim that they tacitly adhere to a false fregean view, I.E., That one cannot use a singular term to denote (...)
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  44. Geach and Relative Identity [with Rejoinder and Reply].Fred Feldman & P. T. Geach - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (3):547 - 561.
    It would seem that Geach's claim is that the relation expressed by 'is identical with' is like the relation expressed by 'is better than', at least in one respect. If x and y are people, it may turn out that x is a better golfer than y, while y is a better poet than x. If we merely say that x is better than y, we fail to specify the respect in which we hold x to be the better. Another (...)
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  45. Diachronic identity as relative identity.E. J. Borowski - 1975 - Philosophical Quarterly 25 (100):271-276.
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  46. Borowski on the relative identity of persons.Roland Puccetti - 1978 - Mind 87 (346):262-263.
    Borowski ("identity and personal identity," "mind", Volume lxxxv, Number 340, October 1976, Pages 481-502) claims that if x's brain were successfully transplanted into y's body, Our judgment of who the survivor z really is would be relative to our interest in z: for example, If the body y is that of an athlete or film actor, We would say it is y if we are athletic coaches or film directors. This view completely overlooks that acting talents and (...)
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    GRIFFIN, N., "Relative Identity".L. Splitter - 1980 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 58:298.
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    The unity of identity and difference as the absoluteness of all relativity: Hui Shi and the longing for a different logic.Slovenija Ljubljana - 2024 - Asian Philosophy 34 (3):251-263.
    This paper addresses the question of whether it is possible to develop theoretical methods to reconcile absolute principles on the one hand and relative tenets on the other. I will look at this question through the lens of classical Chinese logic and, more concretely, through the elaborations of the Chinese logician Hui Shi on this relationship. The examination of this problem proceeds from a general introduction of the basic framework of semantically determined classical Chinese logic, through an illumination of (...)
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    Nicholas Griffin on Relative Identity.Richard H. Feldman - 1981 - Dialogue 20 (2):365-375.
    Relative Identity contains a sustained attack on the classical or absolute theory of identity and a defense of a non-classical or relative theory of identity. According to the absolute theory of identity each thing is identical with itself and with nothing other than itself. The fundamental principle of this theory is Leibniz' Law:From a variety of characteristic principles about identity can be derived, including The Indiscernibility of Identicals, The Identity of Indiscernibles, and (...)
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    (1 other version)Relative identity.Jack Nelson - 1970 - Noûs 4 (3):241-260.
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