Results for 'Igualitarismo liberal'

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  1.  53
    O igualitarismo liberal de Dworkin.Darlei Dall'Agnol - 2005 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 46 (111):55-69.
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  2. Igualitarismo y meritocracia: de Rawls a Scanlon.Fernando Lizarraga - 2019 - Páginas de Filosofía 20 (23):7-32.
    Contra el "sentido ordinario" de que la justicia implica, entre otras cosas, dar a cada quien lo que se merece, en su teoría de la justicia como equidad John Rawls adopta una perspectiva normativa radicalmente anti-meritocrática al considerar que nadie merece su lugar inicial en la sociedad y, por lo tanto, los factores contingentes no pueden tener incidencia distributiva. Desde el comunitarismo, se argumenta que la concepción rawlsiana del sujeto –despojado de casi toda particularidad– impide abordar la cuestión del mérito (...)
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    Liberalismo igualitario E igualitarismo orientado al bienestar: Las demandas de las minorías culturales.Daniel Loewe - 2008 - Signos Filosóficos 10 (20):25-60.
    En este artículo investigo si es posible justificar derechos culturales en (a) un marco teórico liberal igualitario que define la métrica en relación con una concepción de bienes básicos y en (b) un marco teórico que se orienta de acuerdo al acceso al bienestar individual. De acuerdo con la tesis de..
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    Pluralismo liberal, razón pública y libertades básicas.Alan Brudner - 2021 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 55:7-48.
    ¿Qué es lo que tienen de especial ciertas libertades para merecer protección constitucional frente a la regulación legal? ¿En qué se diferencian las llamadas libertades básicas de la libertad general cuya regulación por el Estado da lugar a un escrutinio de los tribunales para un propósito público válido ejercido con cierta indiferencia? ¿Qué nos enseña la especial naturaleza de las libertades básicas sobre el tipo de fines que están cualificados para limitarlas y sobre la grado de respeto que todavía les (...)
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    Emigración e ilegalización: una mirada ética.Gabriel Bello Reguera - 2012 - Dilemata 8:83-97.
    El trabajo adopta como marco general la ética de la alteridad de E. Levinas, desde la que intenta explorar la mala respuesta que los estados receptores dan a los otros, los emigrantes ilegalizados. La hipótesis en juego apunta a una contradicción radical interna la ética política de esos estados. Por un lado, adoptan la ética liberal que subyace a los derechos humanos universales pero, por el otro, se identifican con la ética realista comunitarista que defiende los intereses de sus (...)
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    Bienes Constitucionales: El Objetivo de la Teoría Constitucional.Alan Brudner - 2013 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 45:231-270.
    Constitutional Goods de Alan Brudner es un documentado estudio de teoría constitucional que aspira a elaborar el modelo de constitución ideal para el liberalismo político capaz de suscitar la adhesión de las diversas escuelas y tradiciones filosófico-políticas que debaten a propósito del sentido de la razón pública en las democracias constitucionales o los principios básicos que deberían de inspirar la acción de sus gobiernos. Brudner intenta elaborar un modelo de razón pública que suscite un consenso convergente de esas escuelas (liberalismo (...)
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    Liberalismo, identidade e reconhecimento em Habermas.Luiz Bernardo Leite Araújo - 2007 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 52 (1):120-136.
    O artigo apresenta a posição ocupada pela teoria discursiva de Jürgen Habermas no debate entre liberalismo e multiculturalismo. Adotando uma perspectiva universalista sensível às diferenças, resultante da tese da relação interna entre democracia e estado constitucional, Habermas enfoca três aspectos interligados e diretamente vinculados à questão do reconhecimento: a idéia liberal de igualdade, os direitos de grupos e o igual tratamento das culturas. A defesa da conjugação do ideal igualitário da cidadania democrática com as demandas legítimas de indivíduos e (...)
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    A Philosophy for Liberal Democracy.Geoffrey Thomas & Liberal Democrats Britain) - 1993
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  9. Islam and politics.Liberation Of Man, From Subjection To, Than Whom There & Creator Of All - 2001 - In John D. Caputo (ed.), The Religious. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Re-examining Dovzhenko's Political Environment: A Response to Riley.George O. Liber - 2003 - Film-Philosophy 7 (5).
    John Riley 'A (Ukrainian) Life in Soviet Film: Liber's _Alexander Dovzhenko_' _Film-Philosophy_, vol. 7 no. 31, September 2003.
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  11. Do Researchers Learn to Practice Misbehavior?Liberal Eugenics - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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  12. Richard Krouse Michael S. McPherson.Liberal Equality - 1988 - In J. Donald Moon (ed.), Responsibility, rights, and welfare: the theory of the welfare state. Boulder: Westview Press. pp. 133.
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  13. Carlos S. Nino.Liberal Rights - 1989 - Law and Philosophy 8:37-52.
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  14. Moral enfeeblement.Liberal Virtue - 1999 - In David Carr & Jan Willem Steutel (eds.), Virtue ethics and moral education. New York: Routledge. pp. 184.
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  15. Can a good Christian be.A. Good Liberal - 2006 - Public Affairs Quarterly 20 (2):163.
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    Standardization and Ethics.A. Fiscus Liber & David Weinman - 1933 - International Journal of Ethics 43 (4):379-394.
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  17. Stephen Holmes.Liberal Guilt - 1988 - In J. Donald Moon (ed.), Responsibility, rights, and welfare: the theory of the welfare state. Boulder: Westview Press. pp. 77.
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  18. Stephen Macedo.Defending Liberal Civic Education - 1995 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 29 (2-3):223.
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    Theory? Jay W. Richards.Must Classical Liberals Also Embrace Darwinian - 2013 - In Stephen Dilley (ed.), Darwinian Evolution and Classical Liberalism: Theories in Tension. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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    Suffering in the Workplace from a Philosophical View.Sheila Liberal Ormaechea, Eduardo Gismera, Cristina Paredes & Francisco Javier Sastre - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):103-116.
    Individual, family, economic, and other forms of people suffering impact organizations. Suffering in the workplace is probably a more common occurrence than expected in everyday life, and opposite to health and employee wellbeing. According to the World Health Organization, 300 million people worldwide struggle with depression and close to 800.000 people die due to suicide every year. The European Survey on Working Conditions in the European Union gathers the most varied aspects of working conditions, such as the duration of the (...)
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    Dido, Aeneas, and Iulus: Heirship and Obligation in Aeneid 4.Maronis Aeneidos Liber Primus, P. Vergili & Maronis Aeneidos Liber Quartus - 2003 - Classical Quarterly 53:260-267.
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  22. Critical study.Alphabet Of Being & Liberal Morality - 2002 - Philosophia 29 (1-4).
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  23. Liberal Representationalism: A Deflationist Defense.Marc Artiga - 2016 - Dialectica 70 (3):407-430.
    The idea that only complex brains can possess genuine representations is an important element in mainstream philosophical thinking. An alternative view, which I label ‘liberal representationalism’, holds that we should accept the existence of many more full-blown representations, from activity in retinal ganglion cells to the neural states produced by innate releasing mechanisms in cognitively unsophisticated organisms. A promising way of supporting liberal representationalism is to show it to be a consequence of our best naturalistic theories of representation. (...)
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    Moral autonomy and the liberal theory of moral education.Grenville Wall - 1974 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 8 (2):222–236.
    Grenville Wall; Moral Autonomy and the Liberal Theory of Moral Education, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 8, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages 222–236, htt.
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    The Myth of Liberal Individualism.Colin Bird - 1999 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book challenges us to look at liberal political ideas in a fresh way. Colin Bird examines the assumption, held both by liberals and by their strongest critics, that the values and ideals of the liberal political tradition cohere around a distinctively 'individualist' conception of the relation between individuals, society and the state. He concludes that the formula of 'liberal individualism' conceals fundamental conflicts between liberal views of these relations, conflicts that neither liberals nor their critics (...)
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  26. Strong liberal representationalism.Marc Artiga - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (3):645-667.
    The received view holds that there is a significant divide between full-blown representational states and so called ‘detectors’, which are mechanisms set off by specific stimuli that trigger a particular effect. The main goal of this paper is to defend the idea that many detectors are genuine representations, a view that I call ‘Strong Liberal Representationalism’. More precisely, I argue that ascribing semantic properties to them contributes to an explanation of behavior, guides research in useful ways and can accommodate (...)
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  27. Ultra-liberal attitude reports.Kyle Blumberg & Ben Holguín - 2018 - Philosophical Studies 175 (8):2043-2062.
    Although much has been written about the truth-conditions of de re attitude reports, little attention has been paid to certain ‘ultra-liberal’ uses of those reports. We believe that if these uses are legitimate, then a number of interesting consequences for various theses in philosophical semantics follow. The majority of the paper involves describing these consequences. In short, we argue that, if true, ultra-liberal reports: bring counterexamples to a popular approach to de re attitude ascriptions, which we will call (...)
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    Feminism, Fundamentalism, and Liberal Legitimacy.John Exdell - 1994 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 24 (3):441 - 463.
    In recent years feminist philosophers have criticized mainstream liberal theory for ignoring issues of justice within the gender structured family and for failing to see how male privilege in this sphere works to deny women equality in economic and political life. Some argue that the source of this failure is liberalism's commitment to the distinction between domestic and public life, and the idea that the family is inherently a private institution to which standards of justice do not apply. In (...)
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    Liberal Purposes: Goods, Virtues, and Diversity in the Liberal State.William Arthur Galston - 1991 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book is a major contribution to the current theory of liberalism by an eminent political theorist. It challenges the views of such theorists as Rawls, Dworkin, and Ackerman who believe that the essence of liberalism is that it should remain neutral concerning different ways of life and individual conceptions of what is good or valuable. Professor Galston argues that the modern liberal state is committed to a distinctive conception of the human good, and to that end has developed (...)
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    Justification, Disagreement and the Liberal State.Graham Long - 2003 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 6 (3):32-49.
    A demand for public justification characterises many contemporary arguments for liberal principles. Nagel notes, ‘the task of discovering the conditions of legitimacy is traditionally conceived as...
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  31. The liberal conception of free speech and its limits.Mark R. Reiff - forthcoming - Jurisprudence.
    Unfortunately, many people today see the regulation of lies, disinformation, hate speech, and fake news as an infringement of free speech, at least when such speech is ‘political,’ despite the damage that such speech can do. But this very protective attitude toward speech rests on a mistaken understanding of the role of free speech in a liberal society. The right to free speech is based on the liberal value of freedom, and as such can be no broader than (...)
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  32. Liberal Fundamentalism and Its Rivals.Peter Graham - 2006 - In Jennifer Lackey & Ernest Sosa (eds.), The epistemology of testimony. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 93-115.
    When is a testimony-based belief justified? According to so-called "Anti-Reductionism," the principle that a hearer is prima facie justified to take what another tells them at face value is true. I call this position "Liberal Foundationalism." I call it "liberal" for it is more liberal than "Moderate Foundationalism" that holds that perception-based beliefs are prima facie justified but testimony-based beliefs are not. Liberal Foundationalism has two interpretations: the principle is a contingent empirical truth, or an a (...)
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    Historicism and Radicalism on Liberal «Vintismo». Horta Municipality’s case.Maria Fernanda Enes - 2006 - Cultura:213-230.
    Na tentativa de tornar compreensível o processo vintista nas suas componentes ideológicas ao nível das estruturas orgânicas da Nação, analisamos um caso – o do município do Horta. Utilizando as categorias do liberalismo historicista, de matriz inglesa, e as do radicalismo libe­ral, de coloração racionalista à francesa, procuramos demonstrar como o liberalismo vintista se estabelece entre o balanceamento dos dois modelos. A teoria do municipalismo, levada a cabo por Alexandre Herculano, mais não faz do que elevar ao nível da conceptualização (...)
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    Economic Incentives and Liberal Equality.Colin Macleod - unknown
    In order to assess to the degree to which the provision of economic incentives can result in justified inequalities, we need to distinguish between compensatory incentive payments and non-compensatory incentive payments. From a liberal egalitarian perspective, economic inequalities traceable to the provision of compensatory incentive payments are generally justifiable. However, economic inequalities created by the provision of non-compensatory incentive payments are more problematic. I argue that in non-ideal circumstances justice may permit and even require the provision of non-compensatory incentives (...)
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    The Arts and the Liberal Arts at Black Mountain College.Jason Miller - 2016 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 52 (4):49.
    Shortly after John Andrew Rice, the eccentric classics professor and fire-brand advocate of progressive education, was dismissed from Rollins College for, among other things, teaching his students to “do as they please,”1 he drafted a sort of pedagogical manifesto announcing a new, and fundamentally new kind of, liberal arts school. The “Preliminary Announcement of Black Mountain College” describes this radical educational paradigm in largely contrarian terms, as the antithesis to traditional higher learning. This new college would be one without (...)
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  36. Dirty hands and clean gloves: Liberal ideals and real politics.Richard Bellamy - 2010 - European Journal of Political Theory 9 (4):412-430.
    Can liberal ideals clean up dirty politicians or politics? This article doubts they can. It disputes that a ‘clean’ liberal person might inhabit the dirty clothes of the real politician, or that a clean depoliticized liberal constitution can constrain real-world dirty politics. Nevertheless, the need for a democratic prince to wear clean liberal gloves offers a necessary and effective political restraint. It also means that citizens share the hypocrisy and dirt of those who serve them — (...)
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    Liberal Democracy 3.0: Civil Society in an Age of Experts.Stephen Turner - 2003 - SAGE.
    '... a powerful piece of work that deserves to be read widely. It ranges across central concerns in the fields of social theory, political theory, and science studies and engages with the ideas of key classical and contemporary thinkers' - Barry Smart, Professor of Sociology, University of Portsmouth.
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    Radical challenges in a liberal world:: The mixed success of comparable worth.Ronnie Steinberg - 1987 - Gender and Society 1 (4):466-475.
    Comparable worth is a limited remedy for occupational segregation and the wage gap: It is compatible with meritocratic values, argued for in conventional labor market terms, and may increase tensions among men and women workers. But, while it relies on liberal political discourse, it has also improved the wages of women workers, broadened public thinking about discrimination, and stimulated cross gender wage comparisons unthinkable even a few years ago. This comment explains the limitations of comparable worth, not in terms (...)
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    Raymond Aron and Liberal Thought in the Twentieth Century: by Iain Stewart, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020, xiii + 290 pp., $99.99.K. Steven Vincent - 2021 - The European Legacy 26 (7-8):878-881.
    Raymond Aron is best known for his intellectual sparring with Jean-Paul Sartre and for his stature as the pre-eminent Cold War liberal in France. He is credited with establishing an aut...
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    (1 other version)Rorty as Virtue Liberal.William M. Curtis - 2016 - Contemporary Pragmatism 13 (4):400-419.
    Virtue liberalism holds that the success of liberal politics and society depends on the citizenry possessing a set of liberal virtues, including traits like open-mindedness, toleration, and individual autonomy. Virtue liberalism is thus an ethically demanding conception of liberalism that is at odds with conceptions, like Rawlsian political liberalism andmodus vivendiliberalism, that attempt to minimize liberalism’s ethical impact in order to accommodate a greater range of ethical pluralism. Although he claims to be a Rawlsian political liberal, Richard (...)
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    The liberal tradition in China.William Theodore De Bary - 1983 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Like the cracking of the genetic code and the creation of the atomic bomb, the discovery of how the brain's neurons work is one of the fundamental scientific developments of the twentieth century. The discovery of neurotransmitters revolutionized the way we think about the brain and what it means to be human yet few people know how they were discovered, the scientists involved, or the fierce controversy about whether they even existed. The War of the Soups and the Sparks tells (...)
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    Liberal Attachments: Cultivating Civic Identifications.Derek Gottlieb & Amy B. Shuffelton - 2020 - Educational Theory 70 (6):749-767.
  43. Liberal utilitarianism – yes, but for whom?Joona Räsänen - 2021 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 30 (2):368-375.
    The aim of this commentary is to critically examine Matti Häyry’s article ‘Just Better Utilitarianism’, where he argues that liberal utilitarianism can offer a basis for moral and political choices in bioethics and thus could be helpful in decision-making. This commentary, while generally sympathetic to Häyry’s perspective, argues that Häyry should expand on who belongs to our moral community because, to solve practical ethical issues, we need to determine who (and what) deserves our moral consideration. Challenging Häyry’s principle of (...)
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  44. Communitarian and Liberal Theories of the Good.Jeffrey Paul and Fred D. Miller Jr - 1990 - Review of Metaphysics 43 (4):803-830.
    A MAJOR THESIS OF CONTEMPORARY LIBERAL PHILOSOPHY is that its theory of justice, which incorporates strong rights to negative liberty, must be prior to and independent of a theory of the good. This priority is necessary, according to liberal theorists, in view of the requirement that any adequate theory accommodate a plurality of contending views of the good, no one of which is capable of eliciting public assent to it. Recent critics of liberalism have disputed this thesis, maintaining (...)
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    Liberal Self-Determination in a World of Migration.Luara Ferracioli - 2021 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    The values of freedom and equality are at the heart of what it means for liberal states to do justice to their citizens. Yet, when it comes to the question of whether liberal states are capable of realizing the values of freedom and equality while controlling their borders, many philosophers are skeptical that liberalism and existing immigration arrangements can in fact be reconciled. After all, liberal states often deny entrance to prospective immigrants who are fleeing extreme forms (...)
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  46. Liberal Naturalism: The Curious Case of Hegel.Paul Giladi - 2014 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 22 (2):248-270.
    My aim in this paper is to defend the claim that the absolute idealism of Hegel is a liberal naturalist position against Sebastian Gardner’s claim that it is not genuinely naturalistic, and also to defend the position of ‘liberal naturalism’ from Ram Neta’s charge that there is no logical space for it to occupy. By ‘liberal naturalism’, I mean a doctrine which is a non-reductive form of philosophical naturalism. Like Fred Beiser, I take the thesis of (...) naturalism to find support in the idealism of Hegel. I begin by first explaining what philosophical naturalism amounts to. I then move on to show, using Finn Spicer’s and Alison Stone’s understandings of philosophical naturalism, how there is a stronger form of philosophical naturalism but also how there is a weaker form as well. Having established the distinction between stronger and weaker variants of philosophical naturalism, I discuss Sebastian Gardner’s recent objections to treating absolute idealism as a genuinely naturalist position. I argue that Gardner is incorrect to claim that absolute idealism is not a genuinely naturalist position on both historical and interpretive grounds, where to do so I bring in features of Hegel’s idealism to show that Hegel was committed to liberal naturalism. In the next section of the paper, I address Ram Neta’s charge that there is no logical space for liberal naturalism. To counter this claim, I offer an Hegelian diagnosis of Neta’s charge and argue that Neta’s concern about the possibility of liberal naturalism is illegitimately motivated. (shrink)
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  47. Defending the liberal-content view of perceptual experience: direct social perception of emotions and person impressions.Albert Newen - 2017 - Synthese 194 (3):761-785.
    The debate about direct perception encompasses different topics, one of which concerns the richness of the contents of perceptual experiences. Can we directly perceive only low-level properties, like edges, colors etc., or can we perceive high-level properties and entities as well? The aim of the paper is to defend the claim that the content of our perceptual experience can include emotions and also person impressions. Using these examples, an argument is developed to defend a liberal-content view for core examples (...)
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    The Routledge Handbook of Liberal Naturalism.Mario De Caro & David Macarthur (eds.) - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This is the first collection to present a comprehensive overview of liberal naturalism. Essential reading for students and researchers in all areas of philosophy it will be of particular interest for those studying philosophical naturalism, philosophy of science, metaphysics, philosophy of mind and ethics.
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  49. The illiberality of 'liberal eugenics'.Dov Fox - 2007 - Ratio 20 (1):1–25.
    This essay evaluates the moral logic of ‘liberal eugenics’: the ideal of genetic control which leaves decisions about what sort of people to produce in the hands of individual parents, absent government intervention. I argue that liberal eugenics cannot be justified on the basis of the underlying liberal theory which inspires it. I introduce an alternative to Rawls's social primary goods that might be called natural primary goods: hereditable mental and physical capacities and dispositions that are valued (...)
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    What do we owe co-nationals and non-nationals? why the liberal nationalist account fails and how we can do better.Dr Gillian Brock - 2005 - Journal of Global Ethics 1 (2):127-151.
    Liberal nationalists have been trying to argue that a suitably sanitized version of nationalism—namely, one that respects and embodies liberal values—is not only morally defensible, but also of great moral value, especially on grounds liberals should find very appealing. Although there are plausible aspects to the idea and some compelling arguments are offered in defense of this position, one area still proves to be a point of considerable vulnerability for this project and that is the issue of what, (...)
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