Results for 'Ilana Angel'

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  1.  33
    When Pain Brings Gain: Soccer Players Behavior and Admissions Suggest Feigning Injury to Maintain a Favorable Scoreline.Stuart W. G. Derbyshire, Ilana Angel & Richard Bushell - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    A Truly Impure Science: Researchers, Industrialists, and the CigaretteRobert N. Proctor. Golden Holocaust: Origins of the Cigarette Catastrophe and the Case for Abolition. x + 737 pp., illus., bibl., index. Berkeley/Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2011. $49.95. [REVIEW]Ilana Löwy - 2013 - Isis 104 (1):140-144.
  3. Informational Theories of Content and Mental Representation.Marc Artiga & Miguel Ángel Sebastián - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 11 (3):613-627.
    Informational theories of semantic content have been recently gaining prominence in the debate on the notion of mental representation. In this paper we examine new-wave informational theories which have a special focus on cognitive science. In particular, we argue that these theories face four important difficulties: they do not fully solve the problem of error, fall prey to the wrong distality attribution problem, have serious difficulties accounting for ambiguous and redundant representations and fail to deliver a metasemantic theory of representation. (...)
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    Perspectival self-consciousness and ego-dissolution.Miguel Angel Sebastian - 2020 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 1 (I):1-27.
    It is often claimed that a minimal form of self-awareness is constitutive of our conscious experience. Some have considered that such a claim is plausible for our ordinary experiences but false when considered unrestrictedly on the basis of the empirical evidence from altered states. In this paper I want to reject such a reasoning. This requires, first, a proper understanding of a minimal form of self-awareness – one that makes it plausible that minimal self-awareness is part of our ordinary experiences. (...)
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  5. Skepticism and the acquisition of “knowledge”.Shaun Nichols & N. Ángel Pinillos - 2018 - Mind and Language 33 (4):397-414.
    Do you know you are not being massively deceived by an evil demon? That is a familiar skeptical challenge. Less familiar is this question: How do you have a conception of knowledge on which the evil demon constitutes a prima facie challenge? Recently several philosophers have suggested that our responses to skeptical scenarios can be explained in terms of heuristics and biases. We offer an alternative explanation, based in learning theory. We argue that, given the evidence available to the learner, (...)
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  6. The Lvov-Warsaw School. Past and Present.Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska & Ángel Garrido (eds.) - 2018 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer- Birkhauser,.
    This is a collection of new investigations and discoveries on the history of a great tradition, the Lvov-Warsaw School of logic , philosophy and mathematics, by the best specialists from all over the world. The papers range from historical considerations to new philosophical, logical and mathematical developments of this impressive School, including applications to Computer Science, Mathematics, Metalogic, Scientific and Analytic Philosophy, Theory of Models and Linguistics.
  7. A consciousness-based quantum objective collapse model.Elias Okon & Miguel Ángel Sebastián - 2020 - Synthese 197 (9):3947-3967.
    Ever since the early days of quantum mechanics it has been suggested that consciousness could be linked to the collapse of the wave function. However, no detailed account of such an interplay is usually provided. In this paper we present an objective collapse model where the collapse operator depends on integrated information, which has been argued to measure consciousness. By doing so, we construct an empirically adequate scheme in which superpositions of conscious states are dynamically suppressed. Unlike other proposals in (...)
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  8. (1 other version)The strength of loose concepts-boundary concepts, federative experimental strategies and disciplinary growth: the case of immunology.Ilana Löwy - 1990 - History of Science 30 (90):371-396.
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  9. Gradualism, bifurcation and fading qualia.Miguel Ángel Sebastián & Manolo Martínez - 2024 - Analysis 84 (2):301-310.
    When reasoning about dependence relations, philosophers often rely on gradualist assumptions, according to which abrupt changes in a phenomenon of interest can result only from abrupt changes in the low-level phenomena on which it depends. These assumptions, while strictly correct if the dependence relation in question can be expressed by continuous dynamical equations, should be handled with care: very often the descriptively relevant property of a dynamical system connecting high- and low-level phenomena is not its instantaneous behaviour but its stable (...)
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    Situational and Positional Effects on the Technical Variation of Players in the UEFA Champions League.Qing Yi, Miguel-Ángel Gómez, Hongyou Liu, Binghong Gao, Fabian Wunderlich & Daniel Memmert - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  11.  41
    Prenatal diagnosis: The irresistible rise of the ‘visible fetus’.Ilana Löwy - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 47 (PB):290-299.
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    Virtue and Arguers.José Ángel Gascón - 2016 - Topoi 35 (2):441-450.
    Is a virtue approach in argumentation possible without committing the ad hominem fallacy? My answer is affirmative, provided that the object study of our theory is well delimited. My proposal is that a theory of argumentative virtue should not focus on argument appraisal, as has been assumed, but on those traits that make an individual achieve excellence in argumentative practices. An agent-based approach in argumentation should be developed, not in order to find better grounds for argument appraisal, but to gain (...)
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  13. Aciertos e insuficiencias en la ontología de Markus Gabriel y Graham Harman.Manuel Ángel González Berruga - 2024 - Synesis 16 (2).
    El Realismo Especulativo, Nuevo Realismo o Realismo Postcontinental es una corriente ecléctica que viene a superar las aporías e insuficiencias de la filosofía continental desde una perspectiva a la que se le podrían achacar los mismos problemas que la perspectiva idealista y constructivista de los filósofos continentales. Para el desarrollo de la filosofía es importante entablar conversación los autores de este movimiento. En el presente artículo se presenta una aproximación a los aciertos e insuficiencias de las ontologías de dos autores (...)
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    Evidence Sensitivity as a Heuristic for Doubt.N. Ángel Pinillos - 2021 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 45:223-239.
    Sensitivity-type principles are prominent in epistemology. They have the promise to explain our intuitive and considered reactions to a wide range of important cases in everyday life, science and philosophy. Despite this promise, philosophers have raised a number of very serious objections to the principles. Accordingly, I propose a different type of sensitivity account which, I believe, gets around these serious objections. An important feature of the new approach is that the principle I propose need not be true. Rather, it (...)
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    Democracy and the problem of certainty.Ilana Redstone - forthcoming - Theory and Society:1-18.
    This paper introduces The Certainty Trap, a pervasive cognitive distortion that leads individuals to treat their knowledge and beliefs as definitive and final rather than provisional, particularly regarding contentious social and political issues. It explores three key fallacies underlying this trap, discusses its consequences, and proposes strategies for moving from certainty to confidence in thinking and discourse. By revealing the mechanisms of The Certainty Trap and its overall impact on various domains of society, this essay aims to contribute to the (...)
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    Pragmatic Sociology as Cultural Sociology: Beyond Repertoire Theory?Ilana Friedrich Silber - 2003 - European Journal of Social Theory 6 (4):427-449.
    Pragmatic sociology is often read as a reaction to and an alternative to Bourdieu’s ‘critical sociology’. This article, in contrast, offers an assessment of pragmatic sociology in terms of its contribution to the theory of culture in general and its affinities with repertoire theory in particular. Whereas the tendency has been to conceive of repertoires as largely unstructured entities, pragmatic sociology has demonstrated a systematic interest in their internal contents and structure, which it has even expanded through its more recent (...)
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  17. Qué podemos aprender de Foucault (aunque no seamos de izquierdas).Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2024 - In Fundación Disenso, Michel Foucault: un baluarte de la posmodernidad. Madrid: Fundación Disenso. pp. 9-15.
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  18. Introduction: Ludwik Fleck’s epistemology of medicine and biomedical sciences.Ilana Löwy - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 35 (3):437-445.
  19.  81
    Prevalence of depression in granted and refused requests for euthanasia and assisted suicide: a systematic review.Ilana Levene & Michael Parker - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (4):205-211.
    Next SectionBackground There is an established link between depression and interest in hastened death in patients who are seriously ill. Concern exists over the extent of depression in patients who actively request euthanasia/physician-assisted suicide (PAS) and those who have their requests granted. Objectives To estimate the prevalence of depression in refused and granted requests for euthanasia/PAS and discuss these findings. Methods A systematic review was performed in MEDLINE and PsycINFO in July 2010, identifying studies reporting rates of depression in requests (...)
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  20.  30
    Epistemic justice and feminist bioethics in global health.Ilana Ambrogi, Luciana Brito & Roberta Lemos dos Santos - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (5):345-346.
    Doctors Pratt and de Vries propose a well-structured and courageous approach to analyse and repair an insufficiently recognised discussion about epistemologies and knowledge production in bioethics.1 The authors invite researchers, scholars, public health experts and bioethicists from the global North to reflect about their lack of imagination regarding different sources of narratives produced by the global South. There is a critical analysis of injustices and an urgent call for global bioethicists to reorient their field and focus on the analysis and (...)
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  21. Can Informational Theories Account for Metarepresentation?Miguel Ángel Sebastián & Marc Artiga - 2020 - Topoi 39 (1):81-94.
    In this essay we discuss recent attempts to analyse the notion of representation, as it is employed in cognitive science, in purely informational terms. In particular, we argue that recent informational theories cannot accommodate the existence of metarepresentations. Since metarepresentations play a central role in the explanation of many cognitive abilities, this is a serious shortcoming of these proposals.
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    Reflections on research ethics in a public health emergency: Experiences of Brazilian women affected by Zika.Ilana Ambrogi, Luciana Brito & Sergio Rego - 2023 - Developing World Bioethics 23 (2):138-146.
    In Brazil, the epicenter of the Zika crisis, brown, black, and indigenous poor women living in municipalities with scarce resources were disproportionally affected. The gendered consequences of the epidemic exposed how intersectional lenses are central to understand the impact of public health emergencies in the lives of women and girls. The demand for Zika-affected children and women to be research participants is relevant for an ethical analysis of participant protection procedures during a crisis. We investigated how women experienced research participation (...)
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  23.  24
    Vulnerable person investigation plan (VIP) to optimise inclusion in clinical trials.Ilana C. Raburn, Eline M. Bunnik & Antonia J. Cronin - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (7):489-490.
    Smajdor addresses the problem of inferior clinical outcomes among adults with impairments of capacity to give informed consent (AWIC). She notes that AWIC are generally excluded from clinical trials to protect them against harms and avoid exploitation and claims there is a causal link between involvement in clinical trials and favourable outcomes. She argues, given this link, that we should increase AWIC representation in clinical trials and can justifiably do so by recognising the capacity of AWIC to assent. AWIC form (...)
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  24.  23
    Nietzsche y el transhumanismo: ¿Una relación necesaria?Miguel Ángel González Vallejos - 2022 - Revista Ethika+ 5:27-49.
    En el presente trabajo se aborda la discusión acerca de la influencia de Nietzsche en el pensamiento transhumanista. El artículo sostendrá la tesis que no hay semejanzas estructurales entre ambas líneas de pensamiento. El principal argumento que respalda esta idea radica en que Nietzsche, a diferencia del transhumanismo, que plantea una mejora de la condición humana por medios tecnológicos con fines hedonistas, propone una superación del hombre de carácter moral por medio del superhombre y del pensamiento del eterno retorno.
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  25. Nihilismo político: acerca de ciertas derivas del pensamiento de Vattimo en torno a las democracias postmodernas.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2007 - Anthropos 217:73-96.
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  26.  64
    Aproximación a la ontología de Markus Gabriel y Graham Harman.Manuel Ángel González Berruga - 2021 - Madrid: Apeirón Ediciones.
    El objetivo del presente trabajo es ofrecer una aproximación al modelo ontológico de Markus Gabriel y Graham Harman, adheridos al movimiento del nuevo realismo o realismo especulativo, destacando los aciertos e insuficiencias que presentan los modelos. La tesis del trabajo defiende que los aportes de Markus Gabriel y Graham Harman sobre ontología suponen un cambio de perspectiva que aporta elementos para la reflexión y crítica que permiten superar algunos de los elementos en los que se había anclado la filosofía continental, (...)
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    ‘A river that is cutting its own bed’: the serology of syphilis between laboratory, society and the law.Ilana Löwy - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 35 (3):509-524.
    This paper focuses on the role of regulation in the shaping new scientific facts. Fleck chose to study the origins of a diagnostic test for a disease seen as a major public health problem, that is, a ‘scientific fact’ that had a direct and immediate influence outside the closed universe of fundamental scientific research. In 1935, when Fleck wrote his book, Genesis and development of a scientific fact, he believed that the tumultuous early history of the Wassermann reaction had come (...)
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  28.  67
    On guinea pigs, dogs and men: anaphylaxis and the study of biological individuality, 1902–1939.Ilana Löwy - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 34 (3):399-423.
    In 1910, Charles Richet suggested that studying individual variations in anaphylactic responses might both open a way to experimental investigation of the biological basis of individuality and help unify the immunological and physiological approaches to biological phenomena. The very opposite would happen however. In the next two decades, physiologists and immunologists interested in anaphylaxis and allergy experienced more and more difficulties in communicating. This divergence between the physiopathological and immunological approaches derived from discrepancies between the experimental systems used by each (...)
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  29.  52
    Watching for witness: Evidential strategies and epistemic authority in Garrwa conversation.Ilana Mushin - 2012 - Pragmatics and Society 3 (2):270-293.
    Linguistic forms with dedicated evidential meanings have been described for a number of Australian languages (eg. Donaldson 1980, Laughren 1982, Wilkins 1989) but there has been little written on how these are used in social interaction. This paper examines evidential strategies in ordinary Garrwa conversations, by taking into account what we know more generally about the status of knowledge and epistemic authority in Aboriginal societies, and applying this understanding to account for the ways knowledge is managed in `ordinary' interactions.
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    Precision Medicine: Historiography of Life Sciences and the Geneticization of the Clinics.Ilana Löwy - 2022 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 45 (3):487-498.
    Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Volume 45, Issue 3, Page 487-498, September 2022.
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    Labelled Bodies: Classification of Diseases and the Medical Way of Knowing.Ilana Löwy - 2011 - History of Science 49 (3):299-315.
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    Erratum to: “Intrinsic Kinds in Internal Medicine,” Philosophy of Medicine 5, no. 1 (2024).Ilana Raburn - 2025 - Philosophy of Medicine 6 (1).
    Due to an oversight, Ilana Raburn's article “Intrinsic Kinds in Internal Medicine,” Philosophy of Medicine 5, no. 1 (2024),, failed to acknowledge the influence of Harriet Fagerberg’s characterisation of diseases as Millikanian natural kinds in “Reactive Natural Kinds and Varieties of Dependence,” European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12, article 72 (2022),
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  33. Descolonización y feminismo: introducción a los textos de Manuela Espejo.Manuel Ángel González Berruga - 2023 - Ñemitỹrã 5 (3).
  34. Los consuelos prohibidos. Entrevista a Gabriel Albiac.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2007 - Cuaderno Gris 9:61-87.
  35.  36
    Space, Fields, Boundaries: The Rise of Spatial Metaphors in Contemporary Sociological Theory.Ilana Silber - 1995 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 62.
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    Historiography of Biomedicine: “Bio,” “Medicine,” and In Between.Ilana Löwy - 2011 - Isis 102 (1):116-122.
  37. Post-Truth as a Feature of Hypermodern Times.Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2018 - Edukacja Filozoficzna 66:143-161.
    In this paper I will defend the idea of the success of post-truth as one of the main features of hypermodernity. In order to understand such a claim, I will start by defining “post-truth” and showing the key differences that separate it from simple manipulation or lies. I will explain how post-truth characterizes a whole new way of understanding the difference between truth and falsity: a new attitude of indifference to the sharp distinction that moderns and ancients had placed between (...)
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    (1 other version)Pieces of mind: The proper domain of psychological predicates.Ángel García Rodríguez - 2020 - Philosophical Psychology 33 (8):1185-1203.
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    Correlate Attitudes Toward LGBT and Sexism in Spanish Psychology Students.Miguel Ángel López-Sáez, Dau García-Dauder & Ignacio Montero - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    How genetics came to the unborn: 1960–2000.Ilana Löwy - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 47:154-162.
  41. ¿Amenaza nuestras libertades el capitalismo moralista?Miguel Angel Quintana Paz - 2020 - la Ilustración Liberal 82:81-95.
  42. Conscious Perception in Favour of Essential Indexicality.Miguel Ángel Sebastián - 2022 - Belgrade Philosophical Annual 35 (2):13-30.
    It has been widely acknowledged that indexical thought poses a problem for traditional theories of mental content. However, recent work in philosophy has defied this received view and challenged its defenders not to rely on intuitions but rather to clearly articulate what the problem is supposed to be. For example, in “The Inessential Indexical”, Cappelen and Dever claim that there are no philosophically interesting or important roles played by essential indexical representations. This paper assesses the role of essential indexicality in (...)
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  43.  10
    Open Your Hand: Teaching as a Jew, Teaching as an American.Ilana Blumberg - 2018 - Rutgers University Press.
    Fifteen years into a successful career as a college professor, Ilana Blumberg encounters a crisis in the classroom that sends her back to the most basic questions about education and prompts a life-changing journey that ultimately takes her from East Lansing to Tel Aviv. As she explores how civic and religious commitments shape the culture of her humanities classrooms, Blumberg argues that there is no education without ethics. When we know what sort of society we seek to build, our (...)
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    Making knowledge visible in discourse: Implications for the study of linguistic evidentiality.Ilana Mushin - 2013 - Discourse Studies 15 (5):627-645.
    Linguistic studies of evidentiality, the coding of source of knowledge, have often appeared divided into two camps: those whose focus is the semantic, morphological and typological characteristics of grammaticalized morphological evidential systems, and those whose focus is on the social functions of non-grammaticalized evidential constructions as markers of epistemic authority and responsibility. While interest in the discourse functions of all evidential systems has been growing as seen in the recent special issue of the journal Pragmatics and Society on ‘Evidentiality in (...)
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  45.  34
    Quantification in Science and Cognition Circa 1937 A Newly Discovered Text of Ludwik Fleck.Ilana Löwy - 1988 - Science in Context 2 (2):345-355.
    Although Ludwik Fleck is today recognized as one of the pioneers of the historical sociology of science, his historical and epistemological writings, most of them dating from the 1930s, long remained practically unknown. They were rediscovered following the mention of Fleck's principal work, the monographGenesis and Development of a Scientific Fact(1935) in the preface of Kuhn'sThe Structure of Scientific Revolutions(1962), and thanks to the efforts of W. Baldamus (1977) and his student T. Schnelle (1982) and of the editors of the (...)
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    The role of expectations in comparisons.Ilana Ritov - 2000 - Psychological Review 107 (2):345-357.
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  47. Come on Baby, Light My Fire: Sparking Further Research in Socio-Affective Mechanisms of Music Using Computational Advancements.Ilana Harris & Mats B. Küssner - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:557162.
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  48. What panpsychists should reject: on the incompatibility of panpsychism and organizational invariantism.Miguel Ángel Sebastián - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (7):1833-1846.
    Some philosophers, like David Chalmers, have either shown their sympathy for, or explicitly endorsed, the following two principles: Panpsychism—roughly the thesis that the mind is ubiquitous throughout the universe—and Organizational Invariantism—the principle that holds that two systems with the same fine-grained functional organization will have qualitatively identical experiences. The purpose of this paper is to show the tension between the arguments that back up both principles. This tension should lead, or so I will argue, defenders of one of the principles (...)
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  49. Las implicaciones del deporte en Educación Física desde la perspectiva del materialismo filosófico de Gustavo Bueno.Manuel Ángel González Berruga - 2021 - Amauta 19 (38):7-15.
    El objetivo de este artículo es el de señalar las implicaciones del concepto de deporte a través del materialismo filosófico de Gustavo Bueno en su obra Ensayo de una definición filosófica de la Idea de Deporte. Desde esta perspectiva, Bueno llega a la conclusión de que no hay una idea unívoca de deporte, sino que nos encontramos ante un concepto sobre el que se han depositado diversas acepciones según el objetivo físico, político, social o religioso atribuido al deporte. Esta diversidad (...)
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    La sombra conceptual. Conceptos operativos e indicadores formales en la fenomenología.Ángel Xolocotzi Yáñez - 2019 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 24 (3).
    En el siguiente escrito buscamos poner de manifiesto las necesidades expresivas, en razón de las cuales, el joven Heidegger emprende el camino en búsqueda de los indicadores formales. Nuestra línea argumentativa toma como punto de partida la crítica que Eugen Fink construye alrededor de los conceptos de la fenomenología husserliana, pero se enfoca exclusivamente en la transformación hermenéutica de sus contenidos. Con ello pretendemos aclarar la transición de qué al cómo que caracteriza la propuesta fenomenológico-hermenéutica de Martin Heidegger, desde el (...)
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