Results for 'Individualism Psychological aspects.'

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  1.  31
    Some aspects of professor Fite's individualism.A. K. Rogers - 1912 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 9 (14):372-376.
  2. Causal depth, theoretical appropriateness, and individualism in psychology.Robert A. Wilson - 1994 - Philosophy of Science 61 (1):55-75.
    Individualists claim that wide explanations in psychology are problematic. I argue that wide psychological explanations sometimes have greater explanatory power than individualistic explanations. The aspects of explanatory power I focus on are causal depth and theoretical appropriateness. Reflection on the depth and appropriateness of other wide explanations of behavior, such as evolutionary explanations, clarifies why wide psychological explanations sometimes have more causal depth and theoretical appropriateness than narrow psychological explanations. I also argue for the rejection of eliminative (...)
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    Moral psychology biases toward individual, not systemic, representations.Irein A. Thomas, Nick R. Kay & Kristin Laurin - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e178.
    We expand Chater & Loewenstein's discussion of barriers to s-frames by highlighting moral psychological mechanisms. Systemic aspects of moralized social issues can be neglected because of (a) the individualistic frame through which we perceive moral transgressions; (b) the desire to punish elicited by moral emotions; and (c) the motivation to attribute agency and moral responsibility to transgressors.
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    Organizations and ethical individualism.Konstantin Kolenda (ed.) - 1988 - New York: Praeger.
    Lapses in the ethical behavior of individuals can seriously and permanently affect the moral health of an organization. In Organizations and Ethical Individualism, Kolenda's edited volume, this complex problem is treated from a multi-dimensional, interdisciplinary approach; each author considers organizational life from his own professional perspective while maintaining the focus on ethical individualism. This format allows for wide-angled coverage and will thus be useful to a broad range of readers: professionals and students of philosophy, professional ethics, business ethics, (...)
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    Positive Psychology Interventions as an Opportunity in Arab Countries to Promoting Well-Being.Asma A. Basurrah, Mohammed Al-Haj Baddar & Zelda Di Blasi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:793608.
    Positive Psychology Interventions as an Opportunity in Arab Countries to Promoting Well-being AbstractIn this perspective paper, we emphasize the importance of further research on culturally-sensitive positive psychology interventions in the Arab region. We argue that these interventions are needed in the region because they not only reduce mental health problems but also promote well-being and flourishing. To achieve this, we shed light on the cultural elements of the Arab region and how the concept of well-being differs from that of Western (...)
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  6. Criticism of individualist and collectivist methodological approaches to social emergence.S. M. Reza Amiri Tehrani - 2023 - Expositions: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities 15 (3):111-139.
    ABSTRACT The individual-community relationship has always been one of the most fundamental topics of social sciences. In sociology, this is known as the micro-macro relationship while in economics it refers to the processes, through which, individual actions lead to macroeconomic phenomena. Based on philosophical discourse and systems theory, many sociologists even use the term "emergence" in their understanding of micro-macro relationship, which refers to collective phenomena that are created by the cooperation of individuals, but cannot be reduced to individual actions. (...)
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    A constructive critique of the dialectical aspect of positive psychology’s second wave.Yuval Eytan - forthcoming - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology.
    This article provides a constructive critique of positive psychology, focusing on its second wave, which attempts to offer a more developed position than the first but still lacks a philosophical foundation anchored in an understanding of the inherent tensions between dialectical processes of authentic self-development and meaningful happiness or flourishing. Much criticism has been leveled against the so-called “tyranny of positive thinking,” and many agree that one of positive psychology’s most significant flaws is its consistent refusal to participate in any (...)
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  8. Disjunctivism and perceptual psychology.Tyler Burge - 2005 - Philosophical Topics 33 (1):1-78.
    This essay is a long one. It is not meant to be read in a single sitting. Its structure is as follows. In section I, I explicate perceptual anti-individualism. Section II centers on the two aspects of the representational content of perceptual states. Sections III and IV concern the nature of the empirical psychology of vision, and its bearing on the individuation of perceptual states. Section V shows how what is known from empirical psychology undermines disjunctivism and hence certain (...)
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  9. The common mind: an essay on psychology, society, and politics.Philip Pettit - 1993 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What makes human beings intentional and thinking subjects? How does their intentionality and thought connect with their social nature and their communal experience? How do the answers to these questions shape the assumptions which it is legitimate to make in social explanation and political evaluation? These are the broad-ranging issues which Pettit addresses in this novel study. The Common Mind argues for an original way of marking off thinking subjects, in particular human beings, from other intentional systems, natural and artificial. (...)
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    Was ich tun muss: Praktische Notwendigkeit und persönliche Grenzen.Katharina Bauer - 2021 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Cover -- Titel -- Vorwort -- Inhaltsverzeichnis -- 1. ,Hier stehe ich...' -- Ausgangspunkte und Vorgehensweise -- 2. Praktische Notwendigkeit? -- Abgrenzungen und Einordnungen -- 2.1 Die Behauptung, etwas tun zu müssen -- 2.2 Eine widersinnige Terminologie? -- 2.3 Abgrenzung von Zwangshandlungen, Automatismen und vom Zwang durch Sanktionen -- 2.4 Frei-sein-wollen-Müssen und Anders-handeln-Können -- 3. Romantische und andere Notwendigkeiten -- Leitmotive -- 3.1 Romantische Notwendigkeiten -- Ein besonderes Gewicht -- 3.2 Ein individuelles Gesetz? -- Ein Ringen um Ganzheit.
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    Hermeneutic Dialogue and Shaping the Landscape of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology: The Work of Frank Richardson.Robert C. Bishop - 2021 - London: Routledge.
    This volume introduces the methodological value of hermeneutic dialogue in the field of theoretical and philosophical psychology. It reflects on the works of Frank Richardson, who has made, and continues to make, seminal contributions to the field, as well as having influenced the work of many of the practitioners engaged in this field today. Each chapter explores a major topic of hermeneutic dialogue and is authored by a scholar whose work has been directly impacted by Richardson's life and research. The (...)
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  12.  32
    The Project of an Experimental Social Psychology: Historical Perspectives.Kurt Danzier - 1992 - Science in Context 5 (2):309-328.
    The ArgumentThe notion that experimentation provides an appropriate means for acquiring valid knowledge about some aspects of social reality has always depended on certain presuppositions about the nature of social reality and about the role of expenment in knowledge acquisition. In this paper I examine historical changes in these presuppositions from the beginnings of social psychological experimentation to the period after World War II.It was late nineteenth-century crowd psychology that provided the theoretical inspiration fo the first systematic steps in (...)
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  13.  15
    Becoming an ethnic subject. Cultural-psychological theory of ethnic identification.Ana Djordjevic - 2021 - Filozofija I Društvo 32 (3):460-478.
    This paper offers an alternative theoretical consideration of ethnic identification in psychology. Mainstream social psychological theories are largely positivist and individualistic. New possibilities of theoretical understanding open up as the relational and symbolic nature of ethnicity enters psychological inquiry. This paper takes culture and self as two conceptual domains of social identification, following a meta-theoretical position of cultural psychology. The central focus is the cultural development of the person in social context of a given culture, specifically their ethnic (...)
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    Munhwa, yuhak sasang kŭrigo simnihak =.Kŭng-ho Cho - 2019 - Sŏul T'ŭkpyŏlsi: Hakchisa.
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    Polysemy in the Public Square. Racist Monuments in Diverse Societies.Andrew Sneddon - 2020 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 10 (2): 235-270.
    Monuments commemorating racists are theoretically and practically controversial. Just what these monuments represent is interpreted, in part, on grounds of identity. Since the public nature of such monuments renders them polysemous, ways of reasonably thinking about the relevant identity-based claims are needed. A distinction between an individualistic, psychological notion of identity and an interpersonal, way-of-living notion of identity is drawn. The former notion is illegitimate as a basis of claims about how to interpret public symbols, but the latter notion (...)
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  16.  2
    Individual Behaviour as a Community Resilience Factor: Lessons for Policy Making.Sonya Karabelyova, Elena Kalfova & Yonko Bushnyashki - 2024 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 33 (4s):45-64.
    The article links community resilience – the resilience of the political community, with the process of public policy-making. In the argumentation, the study investigates the formation of community resilience and the importance of individual attitudes, compared to the individualism-collectivism scale. The sample research is conducted among 669 respondents in Bulgaria, aged 15 to 77 years old (M=29.3; SD=13.39). The applied methodology is based on the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) to measure people’s environmental attitudes, and the Ecological Consumer Behaviour Scale (...)
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  17.  47
    On psychological aspects of translation.Bruno Osimo - 2002 - Sign Systems Studies 30 (2):607-626.
    Translation science is going through a preliminary stage of self-definition. Jakobson’s essay “On linguistic aspects of translation”, whose title is re-echoed in the title of this article, despite the linguistic approach suggested, opened, in 1959, the study of translation to disciplines other than linguistics, semiotics to start with. Many developments in the semiotics of translation — particularly Torop’s theory of total translation — take their cue from the celebrated category “intersemiotic translation or transmutation” outlined in that 1959 article. I intend (...)
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    Law's interior: legal and literary constructions of the self.Kevin Crotty - 2001 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    The quest for autonomy : modern jurisprudence and the Oresteia -- Dilemmas of the self : law and confession -- Rationality and imagination in the law : Jürgen Habermas and Wallace Stevens.
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    Some psychological aspects of early Buddhist philosophy based on Abhidharmakośa of Vasubandhu.Aruna Haldar - 1981 - Calcutta: Asiatic Society.
    Besides Giving An Account Of The Origin And Development Of Buddhism As Well As The Works Of Vasubandhu And Reviewing The Abhidarwa Literature Of Buddhism, Written In Sanskrit And Pali This Book Thoroughly Analyses The Doctrine Of Sarvastivada And The Buddhist Conceptions Of Feeling, Perception, Consciousness And Impression.
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  20. Individualism, Psychological Explanation, and Mental Representation.Robert Andrew Wilson - 1992 - Dissertation, Cornell University
    Individualism in psychology is the view that mental states must be individuated so as to be intrinsic to particular individuals. This view has been thought to impose an intuitive and plausible constraint on explanation in psychology. The dissertation is a sustained examination of individualism, especially with respect to its role in psychological explanation. My particular interest is in showing that individualism is not a constraint on psychology which follows from either psychology's scientific nature, or from the (...)
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    psychological Aspects Of English Social Stratification.T. H. Pear - 1942 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 26 (2):342-368.
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  22. Psychological Aspects of Pauline Theology.Gerd Theissen & John P. Galvin - 1987
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    Psychological Aspects of Ernst Mach’s The Science of Mechanics.Francis Seaman - 1964 - Memorias Del XIII Congreso Internacional de Filosofía 6:135-145.
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    Methodological Individualism, Psychological Individualism and the Defense of Reason.Richard Schmitt - 1989 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 15:231-253.
    Jon Elster believes that methodological individualism is self-evident (Elster 1986, 66). Not finding it so, and being suspicious of philosophers who claim that their views are so obvious as to demand no arguments in their favor, I went back to retrace the outlines of the methodological individualism debate. It turns out that the participants to the debate disagree widely as to what they are arguing about; it is not obvious to them what methodological individualism is. The defenders (...)
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    Psychological Aspects of Risk and Aggression among Motorcyclists - "Mad Max" Syndrome.Michał Nowopolski, Aleksandra Peplińska & Ryszard Makarowski - 2010 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 41 (2):74-83.
    Psychological Aspects of Risk and Aggression among Motorcyclists - "Mad Max" Syndrome The primary objective of this study was the psychological examination of a group of Polish motorcyclists against a group of students and graduates of Technical Universities. This work poses a question regarding the differences in temperament, aggression and the level of risk between motorcyclists and the control group. The second question was whether it was possible to create a typology of Polish motorcyclists taking into account the (...)
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  26.  8
    The psychological aspects of Christian experience.Richard Hooker Keller Gill - 1915 - Boston,: Sherman, French & company.
    Excerpt from The Psychological Aspects of Christian Experience Continued observation of the various methods of religious instruction has brought upon me a conviction that grows stronger as the years go by, that there must be, as Francis Peabody says, a new expansion of the range of studies appropri ate to the teachers of religion. There ought to be a far deeper study of the psychology of reli gion. The appeal to the impulses and emotions, so prevalent in the methods (...)
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    Psychological Aspects of Widowhood and Divorce.J. K. Trivedi, H. Sareen & M. Dhyani - 2009 - Mens Sana Monographs 7 (1):37.
    _Despite advances in standard of living of the population, the condition of widows and divorced women remains deplorable in society. The situation is worse in developing nations with their unique social, cultural and economic milieu, which at times ignores the basic human rights of this vulnerable section of society. A gap exists in life expectancies of men and women in both developing and developed nations. This, coupled with greater remarriage rates in men, ensures that the number of widows continues to (...)
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    Psychological Aspects of Individualized Choice and Reproductive Autonomy in Prenatal Screening.Jenny Hewison - 2014 - Bioethics 29 (1):9-18.
    Probably the main purpose of reproductive technologies is to enable people who choose to do so to avoid the birth of a baby with a disabling condition. However the conditions women want information about and the ‘price’ they are willing to pay for obtaining that information vary enormously. Individual women have to arrive at their own prenatal testing choices by ‘trading off’ means and ends in order to resolve the dilemmas facing them. We know very little about how individuals make (...)
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  29.  26
    The psychological aspects of paraconsistency.Konrad Rudnicki - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1):4393-4414.
    The creation of paraconsistent logics have expanded the boundaries of formal logic by introducing coherent systems that tolerate contradictions without triviality. Thanks to their novel approach and rigorous formalization they have already found many applications in computer science, linguistics and mathematics. As a natural next step, some philosophers have also tried to answer the question if human everyday reasoning could be accurately modelled with paraconsistent logics. The purpose of this article is to argue against the notion that human reasoning is (...)
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  30.  52
    Psychological aspects of face transplantation: Read the small print carefully.Nichola Rumsey - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (3):22 – 25.
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    Logical and psychological aspects in the consideration of language.Evert W. Beth - 1947 - Synthese 5 (11-12):542 - 544.
  32.  20
    The Implications of Filial Piety in Study Engagement and Study Satisfaction: A Polish-Vietnamese Comparison.Joanna Różycka-Tran, Paweł Jurek, Thi Khanh Ha Truong & Michał Olech - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:525034.
    Even in psychological literature, which describes many determining variables related to the school domain, few studies have investigated the universal mechanism underlying parent–child relations, which is a prototype matrix for future student–teacher relations. The role of the imprinted schema of children’s obligations toward parents seems to be crucial for school functioning in classroom society. The Dual Filial Piety Model is comprised of two higher-order factors that correspond to the two focal filial piety attributes: reciprocal and authoritarian, which have been (...)
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  33.  13
    On Certain Psychological Aspects of Moral Training.Josiah Royce - 1892 - International Journal of Ethics 3 (4):413.
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  34. Discussion: [Explanation] is explanation better.Valerie Gray Hardcastle - 1997 - Philosophy of Science 64 (1):154-160.
    Robert Wilson (1994) maintains that many interesting and fundamental aspects of psychology are non-individualistic because large chunks of psychology depend upon organisms being deeply embedded in some environment. I disagree and present one version of narrow content that allows enough reference to the environment to meet any wide challenge. I argue that most psychologists are already this sort of narrow content theorist and that these narrow content explanations of psychological phenomena meet Wilson's criteria for being a good explanation better (...)
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  35.  18
    Psychological Aspects Associated With Fertility Preservation in Oncology: An Exploratory Study.Valentina Elisabetta Di Mattei, Gaia Perego, Paola Maria Vittoria Rancoita, Paola Taranto, Letizia Carnelli, Giorgia Mangili, Veronica Sarais, Alice Bergamini & Massimo Candiani - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    ObjectiveGonadotoxicity is considered one of the most distressing side effects of cancer treatment. Although fertility preservation can be a valid solution, it also involves a challenging process. A clear understanding of the features of women who decide to pursue fertility preservation after cancer diagnosis is missing. The purpose of the present study was therefore to analyze the personality profile of female patients referred to oncofertility prior to gonadotoxic treatment.MethodsFifty-two female cancer patients took part in the study. The Temperament and Character (...)
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  36. Metaphor: Psychological Aspects.R. W. Gibbs - 2005 - In Keith Brown, Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. pp. 43--50.
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    Psychological Aspects of the Study of Gender Sphere of Concept in the Media.Myroslava Chornodon, Nataliia Leonova, Tetyana Doronina, Olha Yadlovska, Ellina Tsykhovska & Viktoriia Zarva - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (1):103-130.
    The changes that have affected all spheres of society have also affected the existing stereotypes of gender behaviour, so the issue of the place and role of men and women in society focuses on research on the aspirations, interests and preferences of both sexes. Gender issues are studied in an interdisciplinary aspect, so recently there have been many studies in which the subject of discussion concerns different fields of science - psychology, philosophy, linguistics, journalism, sociology, political science and many others. (...)
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  38.  13
    Psychological Aspects of Students With Learning Disabilities in E-Environments: A Mini Review and Future Research Directions.Stefania Cataudella, Stefano Carta, Maria Lidia Mascia, Carmelo Masala, Donatella Rita Petretto & Maria Pietronilla Penna - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    What are the main learning difficulties or advantages encountered by students with learning disabilities within e-environments? As a result of the Covid-19 emergency, e-learning is being increasingly used to support students’ learning processes. A number of countries closed their schools altogether, so face-to-face lessons were and have been replaced by distance lessons. A search of current literature via Scopus, Eric and Google Scholar electronic databases was conducted according to Prisma Guidelines. Other sources of literature were also considered, starting from the (...)
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    Sociology in Its Psychological Aspects.Charles A. Ellwood - 1913 - International Journal of Ethics 23 (4):502-504.
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  40. On certain Psychological Aspects of Moral Training.J. Royce - 1893 - Philosophical Review 2:614.
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  41. Behavior genetics: psychological aspect. М.M. S. Egorova - forthcoming - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España].
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    Mariology: the socio-psychological aspect.L. O. Kalinina - 1998 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 7:101.
    At the present stage of the development of theological thought of a new sound acquires the marijolic conception of Catholicism. The theologically developed image of Virgin Mary, laid the foundation of marly, formed into a universal concept.
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    Psychological Aspects of Hoping for a Miracle.Samantha Siess & Anne Moyer - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (5):67-68.
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  44.  17
    Psychological aspects of modernity.Jerome Braun (ed.) - 1993 - Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
    Braun's work has a strong psychological focus on the ramifications of social change--with emphasis on modernization for meeting the psychological needs of the people involved. What is unique about the work (it represents the collaboration of seven scholars in such fields as philosophy, psychology, sociology, and political science) is that it makes a serious attempt to provide a realistic and relevant framework of analysis for interpreting the way the human personality reacts to strain and pressure, including cultural and (...)
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  45. Some Psychological Aspects of the Belief in Immortality.J. B. Pratt - 1920 - Philosophical Review 29:109.
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    Moral Psychological Aspects in William of Ockham’s Theory of Natural Rights.Virpi Mäkinen - 2012 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 86 (3):507-525.
    Ockham’s theory of natural rights was based on a careful definition of the basic juridical terms dominium and ius utendi, as well as on the idea of human agency and morality. By defining a right as a licit power of action in accordance with right reason (recta ratio), Ockham placed rights firmly in the agent. A right was a subjective power of action. Ockham’s theory of natural rights was influential for later natural rights theories. Its advocates included leading thinkers of (...)
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  47. Psychological aspects of punishment.R. W. Pickford - 1947 - Ethics 58 (1):1-17.
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    The psychological aspects of child development.Evelyn Lawrence - 1935 - The Eugenics Review 27 (3):239.
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  49. Psychologic aspects of dupuytren's disease: A new scale of subjective well-being of patients psychologiczne aspekty choroby dupuytrena: Nowa Skala oceny subiektywnego samopoczucia pacjentów.Annales Academiae Medicae Stetinensis & Roczniki Pomorskiej Akademii Medycznej W. Szczecinie - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman, The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 5-6.
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    The psychological aspect of the platonic value-judgment.Rupert Clendon Lodge - 1922 - Philosophical Review 31 (3):237-256.
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