Results for 'Informativeness of an experiment'

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  1.  38
    Influence of an Intermediate Option on the Description-Experience Gap and Information Search.Neha Sharma, Shoubhik Debnath & Varun Dutt - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    An experiment to enhance awareness of the power of information.Shifra Baruchson-Arbib & Vicky Horenstein - 2007 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 5 (2/3):79-97.
    – The paper's purpose is to study the effects of enhancing the awareness of the power of information among adolescents by developing a “social information section” in the library., – During the experiment the library's structure was modified to include a “social information section” that presented information on subjects relevant to the students such as: adolescence, family relationships, drugs, sex, disabilities and death. The “social information section” included books, newspapers and access to the internet as well as talks and (...)
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    Experiences of an Obese Patient.Christine R. Brass - 2014 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4 (2):88-91.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Experiences of an Obese PatientChristine R. BrassIn the middle of an annual pelvic exam, the gynecologist said to me, “You should apply to be on ‘The Biggest Loser.’” I was too stunned and embarrassed to mutter anything more than a [End Page 88] comment that I didn’t think that, being quite introverted, I was a good candidate for a reality TV show. She argued with me about that. I (...)
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    An experiment testing the determinants of non-compliance with insider trading laws.Joseph D. Beams, Robert M. Brown & Larry N. Killough - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 45 (4):309 - 323.
    Recent stories of corporate insiders avoiding losses and, in some cases, generating enormous personal profits as their companies crumbled have led investors to question the integrity of American business and the fairness of the United States stock markets. The SEC tries to ensure the fairness of the stock markets by making and enforcing laws against unfair practices such as insider trading. In the United States, when insiders trade stock based on non-public information, they have broken the law and betrayed the (...)
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    Grasping the Concept of an Object at a Glance: Category Information Accessed by Brief Dichoptic Presentation.Caitlyn Antal & Roberto G. de Almeida - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (10):e70002.
    What type of conceptual information about an object do we get at a brief glance? In two experiments, we investigated the nature of conceptual tokening—the moment at which conceptual information about an object is accessed. Using a masked picture-word congruency task with dichoptic presentations at “brief” (50−60 ms) and “long” (190−200 ms) durations, participants judged the relation between a picture (e.g., a banana) and a word representing one of four property types about the object: superordinate (fruit), basic level (banana), a (...)
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    The spectrum of an altered state of consciousness, where information is accessed or abilities realized beyond what is ordinarily possible.Pam Payne - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 10 (2-3):287-295.
    As an artist I am interested in creative states of consciousness and the direct expression of altered states of consciousness in forms such as musical improvisation and the automatic writings and drawings of the Surrealist Artists. I have been investigating a particular spectrum of altered states characterized by an enhanced experience where out-of-the-ordinary information is accessed or an enhanced ability is realized beyond what would ordinarily be possible. Within this realm we would find the ‘peak performance’ state of athletes and (...)
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    “Let those who have an experience of prison speak”: The Critique & Praxis of the Prisons Information Group (1970-1980).Bernard E. Harcourt - 2021 - Foucault Studies 31.
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  8. Inner privacy of conscious experiences and quantum information.Danko D. Georgiev - 2020 - Biosystems 187:104051.
    The human mind is constituted by inner, subjective, private, first-person conscious experiences that cannot be measured with physical devices or observed from an external, objective, public, third-person perspective. The qualitative, phenomenal nature of conscious experiences also cannot be communicated to others in the form of a message composed of classical bits of information. Because in a classical world everything physical is observable and communicable, it is a daunting task to explain how an empirically unobservable, incommunicable consciousness could have any physical (...)
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    Decisions at the Brink: Locomotor Experience Affects Infants’ Use of Social Information on an Adjustable Drop-off.Lana B. Karasik, Catherine S. Tamis-LeMonda & Karen E. Adolph - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Experimenting with modifications to consent forms in comparative effectiveness research: understanding the impact of language about financial implications and key information.Neal W. Dickert, Yi-An Ko, Ofer Sadan, Andrea R. Mitchell, Gabriel Najarro, Candace D. Speight & Nyiramugisha K. Niyibizi - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-10.
    BackgroundInformed consent forms are intended to facilitate research enrollment decisions. However, the technical language in institutional templates can be unfamiliar and confusing for decision-makers. Standardized language describing financial implications of participation, namely compensation for injury and costs of care associated with participating, can be complex and could be a deterrent for potential participants. This standardized language may also be misleading in the context of comparative effectiveness trials of standard care interventions, in which costs and risk of injury associated with participating (...)
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  11. The Speed of Thought. Experience of Change, Movement, and Time: A Lockean Account.Jiri Benovsky - 2012 - Locke Studies 12:85-110.
    This paper is about our experience of change and movement, and thus about our experience of time – at least under the reasonable assumption that we (can only) experience time by having experiences of change. This assumption is shared by Locke, whose view on temporal experience, expounded in Book II, Chap.14 of his Essay, will be the main focal point of my paper. Some of the most influential accounts of temporal experience embrace the notion of a "specious present" as an (...)
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  12. The Dream of Mercury: An Experiment that Tests an Interpretation.Maxson J. McDowell, Joenine Roberts & Omid Moadeli - manuscript
    In an online, participatory class, we interpreted The Dream of Mercury knowing nothing of the dreamer and having none of the dreamer’s associations. Our interpretation included a series of falsifiable predictions about the dreamer. When it was complete, we asked the bringer of the dream (who had until then been silent and was not visible to us) to give us more information about the dreamer. The dreamer is instructed to confront a friendship he had abandoned and, when he does so, (...)
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  13. The Dream of Geese Nesting in Trees: An Experiment that Tests an Interpretation.Maxson J. McDowell, Joenine E. Roberts & Nathalie Hausman - manuscript
    In an online, participatory class, we interpreted 'The Dream of Geese Nesting in Trees' knowing nothing of the dreamer beyond age and gender, and having none of the dreamer’s associations. Our interpretation included predictions about the dreamer. When it was complete, we asked the bringer of the dream (who had until then been mostly silent and who also gave no visual feedback to our discussion) to give us more information about the dreamer. Our main predictions were confirmed. Goslings are falling (...)
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  14. An Experiment that Tests an Interpretation: The Dream of the Six-Legged Dog.Maxson J. McDowell, Joenine E. Roberts & Rachel McRoberts - manuscript
    We present experimental evidence that an interpretation was accurate. Current wisdom notwithstanding, we could interpret from the text alone because its information is redundant: repetition provides internal checks. Knowing neither dreamer nor their associations we made falsifiable predictions that we tested by subsequently gathering information about the dreamer. Predictions were supported. Results were repeated with seven additional dreams. Each dream was tightly crafted, used humor, drama or hyperbole to penetrate the dreamer’s defenses, and furthered the emergence of personality. Our (...) compliments fMRI and statistics because it studies a whole text as a unique narrative: one iteration identified healing steps during therapy; another confirmed the psychological meaning of a myth. Our experiment might generate a body of objective knowledge about interpretation and make interpretation itself more accurate. In the US 20% live with mental illness. Our experiment supports talk therapy against pressure from the drug and insurance industries. (shrink)
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  15. The represented object of color experience.Elizabeth Schier - 2007 - Philosophical Psychology 20 (1):1 – 27.
    Despite a wealth of data we still have no clear idea what color experiences represent. In fact, color experiences vary with so many factors that it has been claimed that they do not represent anything at all. The primary challenge for any representational account of color experience is to accommodate the various psychophysical results that demonstrate that color appearance depends not only on the spectral nature of the target but also on the spectral, spatial and figural nature of the surround. (...)
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    On the transparency of nudges: an experiment.Sandro Casal, Francesco Guala & Luigi Mittone - forthcoming - Mind and Society:1-24.
    We investigate the effects that different levels of transparency may have on a simple nudge. Using an incentivized task and eliminating possible confounds due to strategic reasoning, we examine how different types of information (positive, negative, or a combination of the two) affect the impact of a nudge on behaviour in an experimental task. Our results indicate that providing reasons in favour of the nudge increases its efficacy, while warning subjects about its potential drawbacks does not significantly reduce it.
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  17. African heritage and contemporary Experience Of Epistemological - 2003 - In P. H. Coetzee & A. P. J. Roux (eds.), Philosophy from Africa: A text with readings 2nd Edition. London, UK: Oxford University Press.
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    Prediction From Minimal Experience: How People Predict the Duration of an Ongoing Epidemic.Yi-Long Lu, Yang-Fan Lu, Zhuo Rachel Han, Shaozheng Qin, Xin Zhang, Li Yi & Hang Zhang - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (5):e13294.
    People are known for good predictions in domains they have rich experience with, such as everyday statistics and intuitive physics. But how well can they predict for problems they lack experience with, such as the duration of an ongoing epidemic caused by a new virus? Amid the first wave of COVID-19 in China, we conducted an online diary study, asking each of over 400 participants to predict the remaining duration of the epidemic, once per day for 14 days. Participants’ predictions (...)
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    An experiment on case-based decision making.Brit Grosskopf, Rajiv Sarin & Elizabeth Watson - 2015 - Theory and Decision 79 (4):639-666.
    We experimentally investigate the disposition of decision makers to use case-based reasoning as suggested by Hume and formalized by case-based decision theory. Our subjects face a monopoly decision problem about which they have very limited information. Information is presented in a manner which makes similarity judgements according to the feature matching model of Tversky plausible. We provide subjects a “history” of cases. In the 2×2\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$2\times 2$$\end{document} between-subject design, we vary whether information (...)
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    An experiment in digital government at the United States National Organic Program.Stuart W. Shulman - 2003 - Agriculture and Human Values 20 (3):253-265.
    Digital communications technology isreconfiguring democratic governance. Federalagencies increasingly rely on Internet-basedapplications to improve citizen-governmentinteraction. Early efforts in the area ofdigital government have created newparticipatory opportunities as well asformidable governance challenges. Federalagencies are working within and across theirboundaries to find an e-rulemaking format thatis cost-effective, legally appropriate,user-friendly, and well suited to diverse modesof rulemaking activities. One of the overridingissues emerging from this process is thedefinition of meaningful public participationin rulemaking. An examination of an early caseinvolving the USDA's National Organic Programproposed rule (...)
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  21. Effects of Amateur Musical Experience on Categorical Perception of Lexical Tones by Native Chinese Adults: An ERP Study.Jiaqiang Zhu, Xiaoxiang Chen & Yuxiao Yang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Music impacting on speech processing is vividly evidenced in most reports involving professional musicians, while the question of whether the facilitative effects of music are limited to experts or may extend to amateurs remains to be resolved. Previous research has suggested that analogous to language experience, musicianship also modulates lexical tone perception but the influence of amateur musical experience in adulthood is poorly understood. Furthermore, little is known about how acoustic information and phonological information of lexical tones are processed by (...)
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  22. The evolution of learning: An experiment in genetic connectionism.David Chalmers - 1992 - In Connectionist Models: Proceedings of the 1990 Summer School Workshop. Morgan Kaufmann.
    This paper explores how an evolutionary process can produce systems that learn. A general framework for the evolution of learning is outlined, and is applied to the task of evolving mechanisms suitable for supervised learning in single-layer neural networks. Dynamic properties of a network’s information-processing capacity are encoded genetically, and these properties are subjected to selective pressure based on their success in producing adaptive behavior in diverse environments. As a result of selection and genetic recombination, various successful learning mechanisms evolve, (...)
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    Syntactic Structures and the Conscious Awareness of Language Experience. An Intermediate Level Hypothesis.Francesco Marchi & Giacomo Ettore Tullio Romano - 2014 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 5 (2):169-183.
    In this article we review the basic idea of the “intermediate level” hypothesis about consciousness as proposed by Ray Jackendoff, then developed by Crick and Koch and finally by Prinz. According to this hypothesis, consciousness arises only at an intermediate-level, which lies between rough sensory inputs and the more abstract representations used, e.g., in object recognition. We aim at formulating a more specific hypothesis about a suitable conception of consciousness relative to the experience of language. We claim that “linguistic consciousness”, (...)
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    Computers and commitment to a public management decision: An experiment.Barry Bozeman & R. F. Shangraw - 1989 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 2 (3):42-56.
    Based on results of an experiment, hypotheses are tested concerning the effects of computer use on decision commitment. The experiment required subjects to make an adoption decision regarding a hypothetical government agency's innovation. Subjects could choose from a variety of information sets, some computer based, some not, before making the decision. After their decision the subjects were given “new evidence” that contradicted their initial position. Two experimental treatments included more difficult access to the computer-based information and higher cost (...)
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    Nudges for Judges: An Experiment on the Effect of Making Sentencing Costs Explicit.Eyal Aharoni, Heather M. Kleider-Offutt, Sarah F. Brosnan & Morris B. Hoffman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Judges are typically tasked to consider sentencing benefits but not costs. Previous research finds that both laypeople and prosecutors discount the costs of incarceration when forming sentencing attitudes, raising important questions about whether professional judges show the same bias during sentencing. To test this, we used a vignette-based experiment in which Minnesota state judges reviewed a case summary about an aggravated robbery and imposed a hypothetical sentence. Using random assignment, half the participants received additional information about plausible negative consequences (...)
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    Nurses’ experience of providing ethical care following an earthquake: A phenomenological study.Khalil Moradi, Alireza Abdi, Sina Valiee & Soheila Ahangarzadeh Rezaei - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (4):911-923.
    Background Ethical care provided by nurses to earthquake victims is one of the main subjects in nursing profession. Objectives Given the information gap in this field, the present study is an attempt to explore the nurses’ experience of ethical care provided to victims of an earthquake. Research design and method A hermeneutic phenomenological study was performed. The participants were 16 nurses involved in providing care to the injured in Kermanshah earthquake, Iran. They were selected using purposeful sampling, and in-depth and (...)
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    Experiment in the General Decision Problem.V. Ivanenko & V. Labkovskii - 2004 - Theory and Decision 57 (4):309-330.
    We consider an experiment that conducts observations on an uncertain parameter. Experiments observing a parameter with a stochastic uncertainty have been studied exhaustively and their characteristics have been described by many authors [see, e.g., De Groot, M. (1974), Optimal Statistical Decisions (Russian translation)]. In this article, we assume that uncertainty is generated by a mechanism which is “random in the broad sense” [a term introduced by Kolmogorov, A.N. (1986), in Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics (in Russia), pp. 467–471]. Ivanenko, (...)
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    Extractive summarization of Malayalam documents using latent Dirichlet allocation: An experience.Sumam Mary Idicula, David Peter Suseelan & Manju Kondath - 2022 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):393-406.
    Automatic text summarization extracts information from a source text and presents it to the user in a condensed form while preserving its primary content. Many text summarization approaches have been investigated in the literature for highly resourced languages. At the same time, ATS is a complicated and challenging task for under-resourced languages like Malayalam. The lack of a standard corpus and enough processing tools are challenges when it comes to language processing. In the absence of a standard corpus, we have (...)
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    Relationships and burden: An empirical‐ethical investigation of lived experience in home nursing arrangements.Anna‐Henrikje Seidlein, Ines Buchholz, Maresa Buchholz & Sabine Salloch - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (4):448-456.
    Quantitative research has called attention to the burden associated with informal caregiving in home nursing arrangements. Less emphasis has been placed, however, on care recipients’ subjective feelings of being a burden and on caregivers’ willingness to carry the burden in home care. This article uses empirical material from semi‐structured interviews conducted with older people affected by multiple chronic conditions and in need of long‐term home care, and with informal and professional caregivers, as two groups of relevant others. The high burden (...)
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    Existential Phenomenology and the World of Ordinary Experience: An Introduction.Paul T. Brockelman - 1980 - Upa.
    To find more information about Rowman and Littlefield titles, please visit
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    Degree of Language Experience Modulates Visual Attention to Visible Speech and Iconic Gestures During Clear and Degraded Speech Comprehension.Linda Drijvers, Julija Vaitonytė & Asli Özyürek - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (10):e12789.
    Visual information conveyed by iconic hand gestures and visible speech can enhance speech comprehension under adverse listening conditions for both native and non‐native listeners. However, how a listener allocates visual attention to these articulators during speech comprehension is unknown. We used eye‐tracking to investigate whether and how native and highly proficient non‐native listeners of Dutch allocated overt eye gaze to visible speech and gestures during clear and degraded speech comprehension. Participants watched video clips of an actress uttering a clear or (...)
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  32. An application of information theory to the problem of the scientific experiment.Massimiliano Badino - 2004 - Synthese 140 (3):355 - 389.
    There are two basic approaches to the problem of induction:the empirical one, which deems that the possibility of induction depends on how theworld was made (and how it works) and the logical one, which considers the formation(and function) of language. The first is closer to being useful for induction, whilethe second is more rigorous and clearer. The purpose of this paper is to create an empiricalapproach to induction that contains the same formal exactitude as the logical approach.This requires: (a) that (...)
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    Nurses’ experiences of informal coercion on adult psychiatric wards.Urban Andersson, Jafar Fathollahi & Lena Wiklund Gustin - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (3):741-753.
    Background: Informal coercion, that is, situations where caregivers use subtle coercive measures to impose their will on patients, is common in adult psychiatric inpatient care. It has been described as ‘a necessary evil’, confronting nurses with an ethical dilemma where they need to balance between a wish to do good, and the risk of violating patients’ dignity and autonomy. Aim: To describe nurses’ experiences of being involved in informal coercion in adult psychiatric inpatient care. Research design: The study has a (...)
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    The Healing Power of an Ethics Consult.Laura J. Hoeksema - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (1):21-23.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Healing Power of an Ethics ConsultLaura J. HoeksemaOur interdisciplinary team was inhaling and exhaling conflict, frustration, anger, confusion, guilt, and feelings of helplessness as we cared for a 21-year-old woman who was dying. We had regular disagreements about how our team should best care for her. She was receiving hospice care and had complex medical, psychosocial, physical, and emotional needs. She was frequently transitioning between hospice care at (...)
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  35. The Dream of the Flaming Sword: An Experiment that Tests an Interpretation.Maxson J. McDowell, Joenine E. Roberts & Maria A. Lakis - manuscript
    In an online, participatory class, we interpreted The Dream of the Flaming Sword knowing nothing of the dreamer beyond age and gender, and having none of the dreamer’s associations. Our interpretation included a series of predictions about the dreamer. When it was complete, we asked the bringer of the dream (who had until then been silent and who also gave no visual feedback to our discussion) to give us more information about the dreamer. Eight months later the bringer gave us (...)
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  36. The Dream of the Three Orcas: An Experiment that Tests an Interpretation.Maxson J. McDowell & E. Roberts Joenine - manuscript
    In an online, participatory class, we interpreted 'The Dream of the Three Orcas' knowing nothing of the dreamer beyond age and gender, and having none of the dreamer’s associations. -/- Our interpretation included nine predictions about the dreamer. When it was complete, we asked the bringer of the dream (who had not been present before our interpretation was complete) to give us more information about the dreamer. Later the dreamer also gave us more information. Our predictions were mostly confirmed. The (...)
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    Self-resolving information markets: an experimental case study.Kristoffer Ahlstrom-Vij & N. Williams - forthcoming - Journal of Prediction Markets.
    On traditional information markets, rewards are tied to the occurrence of events external to the market, such as some particular candidate winning an election. For that reason, they can only be used when it is possible to wait for some external event to resolve the market. In cases involving long time-horizons or counterfactual events, this is not an option. Hence, the need for a self-resolving information market, resolved with reference to factors internal to the market itself. In the present paper, (...)
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  38. Intuition pumps and the proper use of thought experiments.Elke Brendel - 2004 - Dialectica 58 (1):89–108.
    I begin with an explication of "thought experiment". I then clarify the role that intuitions play in thought experiments by addressing two important issues: (1) the informativeness of thought experiments and (2) the legitimacy of the method of thought experiments in philosophy and the natural sciences. I defend a naturalistic account of intuitions that provides a plausible explanation of the informativeness of thought experiments, which, in turn, allows thought experiments to be reconstructed as arguments. I also specify (...)
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    Uncovering the realities of delusional experience in schizophrenia: a qualitative phenomenological study in Belgium.Jasper Feyaerts, Wouter Kusters, Zeno Van Duppen, Stijn Vanheule, Inez Myin-Germeys & Louis Sass - 2021 - Lancet Psychiatry 8 (9):784-796.
    BACKGROUND: Delusions in schizophrenia are commonly approached as empirical false beliefs about everyday reality. Phenomenological accounts, by contrast, have suggested that delusions are more adequately understood as pertaining to a different kind of reality experience. How this alteration of reality experience should be characterised, which dimensions of experiential life are involved, and whether delusional reality might differ from standard reality in various ways is unclear and little is known about how patients with delusions value and relate to these experiential alterations. (...)
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    Information Disclosure: the moral experience of nurses in China.Mei-che Samantha Pang - 1998 - Nursing Ethics 5 (4):347-361.
    While the movement to ensure patient’s rights to information and informed consent spreads throughout the world, patient rights of this kind have yet to be introduced in mainland China. Nonetheless, China is no different from other parts of the world in that nurses are expected to shoulder the responsibility of safeguarding patients’ best interests and at the same time to uphold their right to information. This paper expounds on the principle of protectiveness grounded in traditional Chinese medical ethics concerning the (...)
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  41. The Dream of the White House: An Experiment that Tests an Interpretation.Maxson J. Mcdowell, Joenine Roberts & Andrea Nyerges - manuscript
    In an online, participatory class, we interpreted The Dream of the White House knowing nothing of the dreamer and having none of the dreamer’s associations. Our interpretation included a series of falsifiable predictions about the dreamer. When it was complete, we asked the bringer of the dream (who had until then been silent and was not visible to us) to give us more information about the dreamer. Of 17 predictions 15 were confirmed. The dreamer suffers dislocation and loss until she (...)
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    Parental Cancer: Acceptance and Usability of an Information Booklet for Affected Parents.Leslie Melchiors, Wiebke Geertz & Laura Inhestern - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundParents affected by cancer are confronted with challenges such as communicating with their children about the disease and dealing with changes in their parental role. Providing appropriate information could support affected parents and their children. Still, high-quality and information booklets are rare. Therefore, we developed an information booklet for affected families. The study aims are: investigating the acceptability and usability of the information booklet, determining parental information needs, and collating suggestions for implementation. Finally, we adapted the booklet according to the (...)
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    Dialogical Communicative Interaction between Humans and Elephants: an Experiment in Semiotic Alignment.Ignasi Ribó - 2019 - Biosemiotics 12 (2):305-327.
    Theoretical and empirical contributions to the understanding of communicative interactions between heterospecifics are scarce and tend to apply a monological model of communication that focuses on the transfer of information from signallers to receivers. This study relies on an alternative model of communication, semiotic alignment, which sees communicative interaction as a dialogical process of joint semiosis resulting in the alignment of the interactants’ own-worlds. We conducted an experiment where dyads composed of an elephant instruction-giver and a human instruction-receiver needed (...)
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  44. Order and Change in Art: Towards an Active Inference Account of Aesthetic Experience.Sander Van de Cruys, Jacopo Frascaroli & Karl Friston - 2024 - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 379 (20220411).
    How to account for the power that art holds over us? Why do artworks touch us deeply, consoling, transforming or invigorating us in the process? In this paper, we argue that an answer to this question might emerge from a fecund framework in cognitive science known as predictive processing (a.k.a. active inference). We unpack how this approach connects sense-making and aesthetic experiences through the idea of an ‘epistemic arc’, consisting of three parts (curiosity, epistemic action and aha experiences), which we (...)
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    The transformation of body experience into language.Reinhard Stelter - 2000 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 31 (1):63-77.
    Body experience can be seen as the basis for the formation of the self-concept. The relation between body experience and self-concept is fundamental for human existence and is especially in focus in the fields of psychotherapy and movement activities . But body experience is a "data source" which is difficult to handle scientifically. Body experiences are based on "internal physical sensations" - which Gendlin also describes as the felt meaning or the felt sense, and is not in opposition to phenomenology. (...)
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    Guarantee of Harmful Gamma Radiation Absence as Part of the Consumer Information Rights: A Behavioural Experiment under a Public Health Perspective.Arnau Rodríguez-Illamola - 2020 - Food Ethics 5 (1-2):1-7.
    Gamma radioactivity produced by human technology is the most dangerous industrial product to life. Two recent global catastrophic events in which nuclear plants were involved, separated only by 25 years, have confirmed that, independently of the usage of nuclear weapons, achieving the 100% of security in the nuclear energy management was and still is a complete unrealistic idea. Although the guarantee of offering information of food and drink products quality concerning the date of expiry or the ingredients content is nowadays (...)
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    Ethical aspects of caregivers’ experience with persons with dementia at mealtimes.Lena Marmstål Hammar, Anna Swall & Martina Summer Meranius - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (6):624-635.
    Background: Persons with dementia are at risk of malnutrition and thus in need of assistance during mealtimes. Research suggest interventions for caregivers to learn how to facilitate mealtimes and eating, while other suggest a working environment enabling the encounter needed to provide high-quality care. However, the phenomenon of caring for this unique population needs to be elucidated from several perspectives before suggesting suitable implications that ensure their optimal health. Objectives: To illustrate the meanings within caregivers’ experiences of caring for persons (...)
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    Volunteer experiences and perceptions of the informed consent process: Lessons from two HIV clinical trials in Uganda.Agnes Ssali, Fiona Poland & Janet Seeley - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):1-14.
    BackgroundInformed consent as stipulated in regulatory human research guidelines requires that a volunteer is well-informed about what will happen to them in a trial. However researchers are faced with a challenge of how to ensure that a volunteer agreeing to take part in a clinical trial is truly informed. We conducted a qualitative study among volunteers taking part in two HIV clinical trials in Uganda to find out how they defined informed consent and their perceptions of the trial procedures, study (...)
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    The Centrality of Lived Experience in Wojtyla’s Account of the Person.Deborah Savage - 2013 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 61 (1):19-51.
    THE CENTRALITY OF LIVED EXPERIENCE IN WOJTYLA’S ACCOUNT OF THE PERSON S u m m a r y The aim of this paper is to illuminate the centrality of lived experience in Karol Wojytla’s account of the person and identify its significance for philosophy and praxis in the contemporary period. Specifically the author intends to pursue the meaning of Wojtyla’s claim that “the category of lived experience must have a place in anthropology and ethics—and somehow be at the center of (...)
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    End-of-life experiences and expectations of Africans in Australia.Kiros Hiruy & Lillian Mwanri - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (2):187-197.
    The ageing and frail migrants who are at the end of life are an increasing share of migrants living in Australia. However, within such populations, information about end-of-life experiences is limited, particularly among Africans. This article provides some insights into the sociocultural end-of-life experiences of Africans in Australia and their interaction with the health services in general and end-of-life care in particular. It provides points for discussion to consider an ethical framework that include Afro-communitarian ethical principles to enhance the capacity (...)
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