Results for 'Integral Human Development'

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  1. Integral Human Development.Lori Keleher - 2018 - In Jay Drydyk & Lori Keleher (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Development Ethics. Routledge. pp. 29-34.
    Integral human development is a human-centered development perspective that originated from Catholic social teaching. The perspective holds that authentic development is development that makes every person “more human.” Although it is seldom named in the literature, integral human development has had considerable influence on notions of authentic development, and in turn, development ethics. In this short chapter, I provide a brief explanation of the origins and implications of (...)
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    Made in Carcere: Integral Human Development in Extreme Conditions.Luca Mongelli, Pietro Versari, Francesco Rullani & Antonino Vaccaro - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (4):977-995.
    This paper analyzes the case of Made in Carcere, an innovative social enterprise providing jobs to one of the most marginalized groups in society: convicted women. Relying on an extensive database that covers 8 years of activity, we propose a micro-level analysis of the processes adopted by Made in Carcere to foster the integral human development of convicted women, its target stakeholders. We show that this complex effort has successfully unfolded through two macro-processes: creating a safe space (...)
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    Integral Human Development.Marc V. Rugani - 2024 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 21 (2):421-423.
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    Integral Human Development via Sen’s Capability Approach and a Faith Community at the Latin American Urban Margins.Séverine Deneulin - 2018 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 15 (2):275-315.
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  5. Placing Integral Human Development at the Centre of Catholic Social Teaching.Sandie Cornish - 2009 - The Australasian Catholic Record 86 (4):450.
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    Another Vision of Integral Human Development.Matthew Bagot - 2020 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 17 (2):219-240.
    This paper seeks to rehabilitate the work of the Italian priest and social theorist Luigi Sturzo in regard to two areas of current concern: first, the interdependence of nation-states and the emergence of the international community; and, second, the notion of human personality as ground for these developments. In this latter regard, the paper draws on the work of the sociologist Christian Smith to show how an account of the person that transcends empiricist positivism can shed light on authentic (...)
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  7. Toward an Integral Human Development Ethics.Lori Keleher - 2017 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 37:19-34.
    In this paper, i provide an introduction to development ethics and make some observations about integral human development. i argue that although there is very little dialogue between these two traditions, they have a lot of common ground, and can helpfully inform one another. International development ethics is a largely secular field concerned with ethical reflection on the ends and means of development. i discuss four levels of ethical reflection: meta-ethical, normative, practical, or applied, (...)
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    Human Development Index—Revisited: Integration of Human Values.Hemant Sharma & Dhirendra Sharma - 2015 - Journal of Human Values 21 (1):23-36.
    In the present article, the concept of Human Development Index has been revisited so as to integrate the human values using the Corruption Perception Index measured by Transparency International, for different countries, as a simple generalization within the framework of existing Anand and Sen’s and Haq’s prescription. In this framework, a geometrical average of three indices corresponding to three dimensions, namely, the life expectancy, years of schooling and standard of living, was taken. In order to have HDI (...)
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    Lebret’s Christian-inspired societal project and integral human development.Nuno Martins & Vítor Teixeira - 2021 - Journal of Global Ethics 17 (2):167-184.
    In this article, we describe how Louis-Joseph Lebret’s work, propelled by his human-centred spirituality, contributed to the development of an approach aimed at the transformation of social and eco...
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    Sri Aurobindo's Vision of Integral Human Development: Designing a Future Discipline of Study.Monica Gupta - 2014 - New Delhi: Imprint: Springer.
    This book explores the integral vision of human development contained in the original works of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. It delves into multiple layers of the human personality as envisaged by Sri Aurobindo and The Mother and explores a new developmental science of consciousness based on the practice of Integral Yoga. The book examines the major metatheoretical conceptions that shape the contemporary discipline of developmental psychology and discusses the ways in which Sri Aurobindo's philosophical (...)
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  11. Three Keys Concepts of Catholic Humanism for Economic Activity: Human Dignity, Human Rights and Integral Human Development.Domènec Melé - 2015 - In Martin Schlag & Domènec Melé (eds.), Humanism in Economics and Business: Perspectives of the Catholic Social Tradition. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag.
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    Integrating Climate Change Adaptation and Human Development: A Commentary.John Lemons - 2010 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 10 (2):47–52.
    I discuss why integration of global climate change and human development aid programs requires consideration of some understudied uncertainties in making projections of future climate and environmental conditions at local and regional scales, and further, the value-laden policy consequences of dealing with uncertainties for national and international development programs. Additionally, I propose that conflicts between the interests of humans and other species be given greater attention than has been done by those involved in human development (...)
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    Global Economic Integration in Developing Countries: The Role of Corruption and Human Capital Investment.Charles E. Bryant & Rajshekhar G. Javalgi - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 136 (3):437-450.
    Globalization is multifaceted and involves the interaction among businesses, services, governments, and societies beyond national borders. As a result, the flow of foreign direct investment, international trade in goods and services, and the economic interdependence of the nations of the world have been increasing. At the same time, much attention has been paid to the effect of corruption prevalent within many cultures and societies, and its impact on the economies, especially developing economies. This paper examines the relationship between human (...)
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  14.  20
    Integrating Human and Nonhuman Research Ethics.Jeff Sebo - 2023 - In Erick Valdés & Juan Alberto Lecaros (eds.), Handbook of Bioethical Decisions. Volume I: Decisions at the Bench. Springer Verlag. pp. 685-701.
    I argue for developing a unified moral framework for assessing human and nonhuman subjects research. At present, our standards for human subjects research involve treating humans with respect, compassion, and justice, whereas our ethical standards for nonhuman subjects research merely involve (half-heartedly) aspiring to replace, reduce, and confine our use of nonhuman animals. This creates an unacceptable double standard and leads to pseudo-problems, for example regarding how to treat human-nonhuman chimeras. I discuss general features that a more (...)
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    Human development index as a measure of human development.Bojana Radovanovic - 2011 - Filozofija I Društvo 22 (3):193-208.
    Humani razvoj je?proces povecavanja stvarnih sloboda koje ljudi uzivaju?. Shodno tome, povecanje mogucnosti izbora bi trebalo da bude cilj javnih politika koje u fokus stavljaju humani razvoj. Prilikom procene nivoa humanog razvoja, njegovog poredjenja sa dostignucima drugih zemalja, kao i analize razlicitih predloga prakticnih politika, donosioci odluka se moraju oslanjati na precizne pokazatelje nivoa humanog razvoja. Posto bruto domaci proizvod ne moze posluziti ovoj svrsi, javila se potreba za adekvatnijom merom i formiran je indeks humanog razvoja. Cilj ovog rada je (...)
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    Human Development – Friend or Foe to Environmental Ethics?Nigel Dower - 2000 - Environmental Values 9 (1):39-54.
    This article is premised on the assumption that in order for us adequately to protect our environment, significant adjustments need to be made to the ways we pursue and think about development – adjustments not merely to technologies but also to life-styles. In this respect the emphasis in much recent development literature on human development is to be welcomed as a useful corrective to definitions of development in terms of economic growth, though there is still (...)
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    Human development, language, and the future of mankind: the madness of culture.Louis S. Berger - 2014 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Drawing on and integrating unorthodox thought from a broad range of disciplines including clinical psychology, linguistics, philosophy, natural science and psychoanalysis, this book offers a provocative, original analysis of the global threats to our survival, and proposes a remedy.
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    Human Development and the Pursuit of the Common Good: Social Psychology or Aristotelian Virtue Ethics? [REVIEW]Felix Martin - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 100 (S1):89-98.
    The encyclical proclaims the centrality of human development, which includes acting with gratuitousness and solidarity in pursuing the common good. This paper considers first whether such relationships of gratuitousness and solidarity can be analysed through the prism of traditional theories of social psychology, which are highly influential in current management research, and concludes that certain aspects of those theories may offer useful tools for analysis at the practical level. This is contrasted with the analysis of such relationships through (...)
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    The Practice of Human Development and Dignity" and "Human Development and the Catholic Social Tradition: Towards an Integral Ecology.Stephanie Ann Puen - 2023 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 20 (2):501-504.
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  20. Putting sustainability into sustainable human development.Wouter Peeters, jo Dirix & Sigrid Sterckx - 2013 - Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 1 (14):58-76.
    Abating the threat climate change poses to the lives of future people clearly challenges our development models. The 2011 Human Devel- opment Report rightly focuses on the integral links between sustainability and equity. However, the human development and capabilities approach emphasizes the expansion of people’s capabilities simpliciter, which is ques- tionable in view of environmental sustainability. We argue that capabilities should be defined as triadic relations between an agent, constraints and poss- ible functionings. This triadic (...)
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    Methodological Problems on the Way to Integrative Human Neuroscience.Boris Kotchoubey, Felix Tretter, Hans A. Braun, Thomas Buchheim, Andreas Draguhn, Thomas Fuchs, Felix Hasler, Heiner Hastedt, Thilo Hinterberger, Georg Northoff, Ingo Rentschler, Stephan Schleim, Stephan Sellmaier, Ludger Tebartz van Elst & Wolfgang Tschacher - unknown
    Neuroscience is a multidisciplinary effort to understand the structures and functions of the brain and brain-mind relations. This effort results in an increasing amount of data, generated by sophisticated technologies. However, these data enhance our descriptive knowledge, rather than improve our understanding of brain functions. This is caused by methodological gaps both within and between subdisciplines constituting neuroscience, and the atomistic approach that limits the study of macro- and mesoscopic issues. Whole-brain measurement technologies do not resolve these issues, but rather (...)
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    Race, Empire, and the Idea of Human Development.Thomas McCarthy - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    In an exciting study of ideas accompanying the rise of the West, Thomas McCarthy analyzes the ideologies of race and empire that were integral to European-American expansion. He highlights the central role that conceptions of human development played in answering challenges to legitimacy through a hierarchical ordering of difference. Focusing on Kant and natural history in the eighteenth century, Mill and social Darwinism in the nineteenth, and theories of development and modernization in the twentieth, he proposes (...)
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  23.  1
    A Framework to Integrate Ethical, Legal, and Societal Aspects (ELSA) in the Development and Deployment of Human Performance Enhancement (HPE) Technologies and Applications in Military Contexts.Human Behaviour Marc Steen Koen Hogenelst Heleen Huijgen A. Tno, The Hague Collaboration, Human Performance The Netherlandsb Tno, The Netherlandsc Tno Soesterberg, Aerospace Warfare Surface, The NetherlAndsmarc Steen Works As A. Senior Research ScientIst At Tno The Hague, Value-Sensitive Design Human-Centred Design, Virtue Ethics HIs Mission is To Promote The Design Applied Ethics Of Technology, Flourish Koen Hogenelst Works As A. Senior Research Scientist at Tno ApplicAtion Of Technologies In Ways That Help To Create A. Just Society In Which People Can Live Well Together, His Research COncentrates on Measuring A. Background In Neuroscience, Cognitive Performance Improving Mental Health, Military Domains HIs Goal is To Align Experimental Research In Both The Civil, Field-Based Research Applied, Practical Use To Pave The Way For Implementation, Consultant At Tno Impact Heleen Huijgen Is A. Legal Scientist & StrAtegic Environment Her MIssion is To Create Legal Safeguards Fo Technologies - 2025 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (3):219-244.
    In order to maximize human performance, defence forces continue to explore, develop, and apply human performance enhancement (HPE) methods, ranging from pharmaceuticals to (bio)technological enhancement. This raises ethical, legal, and societal concerns and requires organizing a careful reflection and deliberation process, with relevant stakeholders. We discuss a range of ethical, legal, and societal aspects (ELSA), which people involved in the development and deployment of HPE can use for such reflection and deliberation. A realistic military scenario with proposed (...)
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    Contemplative Interiority and Human Development.T. R. Raghunath - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 8:209-235.
    This paper will present an alternative to the mainstream Western approach to human development. The mainstream Western approach to human development does not countenance contemplative interiority as a means of cognitive inquiry and a domain of cognitive value. Hence, its conception of human development is narrowly confined to the domain of formal-operational thinking and its application to material exteriority. The alternative I will present is the work of the twentieth Indian philosopher Aurobindo (1872–1950) whose (...)
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    Ethical Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research (A Recommended Manuscript).Chinese National Human Genome Center at Shanghai Ethics Committee - 2004 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14 (1):47-54.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14.1 (2004) 47-54 [Access article in PDF] Ethical Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research*(A Recommended Manuscript) Adopted on 16 October 2001Revised on 20 August 2002 Ethics Committee of the Chinese National Human Genome Center at Shanghai, Shanghai 201203 Human embryonic stem cell (ES) research is a great project in the frontier of biomedical science for the twenty-first century. Be- cause (...)
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    A Legitimate Freedom Approach to Sustainability: Sen, Scanlon and the Inadequacy of the Human Development Index.Andrew Crabtree - 2012 - International Journal of Social Quality 2 (1):24-40.
    Although the capability approach has had a tremendous impact on the development debate, it has had little to say about sustainable development. As several Human Development Reports have maintained, the last twenty years' gains in human development are not sustainable. The failure to include an integrate sustainability into the Human Development Index would thus give the wrong policy message. Drawing on the works of Amartya Sen and Thomas Scanlon, this article argues that (...)
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    The gift-reciprocity as motor of human development.Cristina Calvo - 2016 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 35:9-28.
    Por muchos años los economistas han afirmado que los individuos buscan maximizar la riqueza para maximizar su utilidad, porque "si somos más ricos, somos más felices". Es necesario reconocer que la vida buena, la felicidad, es la combinación de bienes materiales y de bienes relacionales. "Relaciones": es una gran preocupación, porque hoy el "bien escaso", son las relaciones genuinas, la confianza, la fraternidad. El "otro" como persona es, en sí mismo, un valor absoluto no sujeto a transacciones. La sociedad utilitarista (...)
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    Emotional Education for Proper Money Management, Promoting Human Development.Tania Elizabeth Plasencia Lopez - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:694-716.
    This study examines the relationship between emotional education and effective money management, with a particular focus on its impact on human development. It is proposed that the identification and proper management of emotions enables individuals to make more informed financial decisions and to create new economic opportunities. A review of the literature and an empirical analysis demonstrate that digital platforms can be effective in promoting educational content that addresses both emotional and financial backwardness in Mexico. The findings highlight (...)
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    Spandan and the Integral Development of the Human Person: Indian Insights, Experiences and Experiments.G. P. Rao - 2002 - Journal of Human Values 8 (1):67-70.
    This paper addresses the issue of dehumanization in the workplace and attempts to offer directions to restore the balance between ‘results’ and ‘relations’ in organizations: The author has drawn inspiration from the classical Indian concept of spandan (vibration) and translates it into actionable values for integral development of the human being at three levels—interpersonal, institutional and cosmic. Using insights from empirical work done in Indian organizations, the author advocates a maternalistic style of management based on human (...)
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    Ethics and Integrity for Developing Democratic Governance Capability.Paul Oquist - 1999 - Journal of Human Values 5 (2):125-133.
    This reflective essay argues that the synergistic combination of anti-corruption and ethics, and integrity improvement, oversight and citizen participation actions can facilitate transparency, accountability and responsiveness as part of democratic governance capacity building. International learning experiences are an important source of information and analysis for countries undertaking programmes in this area in order to meet the ethics and integrity challenges of the twenty-first century.
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    The Ancient Virtues and Vices: Philosophical Foundations for the Psychology, Ethics, and Politics of Human Development.Jody Palmour - 1984 - University Microfilms International.
    This dissertation argues that a proper understanding of Aristotle's theory of the virtues and vices requires us to understand how practical science presupposes theoretical science, more particularly the science of the nature of the morally-developed person. It argues that by using the canons of the Posterior Analytics we can prove why the virtues are causally necessary for the morally-developed person. Further, by seeing the virtues and vices in the context of the Physics, we can see how the development of (...)
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  32. Developing human-nonhuman chimeras in human stem cell research: Ethical issues and boundaries.Phillip Karpowicz, Cynthia B. Cohen & Derek J. Van der Kooy - 2005 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 15 (2):107-134.
    : The transplantation of adult human neural stem cells into prenatal non-humans offers an avenue for studying human neural cell development without direct use of human embryos. However, such experiments raise significant ethical concerns about mixing human and nonhuman materials in ways that could result in the development of human-nonhuman chimeras. This paper examines four arguments against such research, the moral taboo, species integrity, "unnaturalness," and human dignity arguments, and finds the last (...)
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    Integrating indigenous knowledge and soil science to develop a national soil classification system for Nigeria.Ademola K. Braimoh - 2002 - Agriculture and Human Values 19 (1):75-80.
    The absence of a national soilclassification system for Nigeria hinderssuccessful agrotechnology transfer inparticular, and agricultural development ingeneral. A discussion of the role of indigenousknowledge in agricultural development showsthat indigenous knowledge of the soil can beintegrated with modern soil science to developa soil classification system for the country.Much as local knowledge is invaluable foradvancing scientific knowledge and vice versa,caution is given against overestimating therole of indigenous knowledge in developmentalactivities. It is important to encourage theproper integration of all knowledge systems (...)
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    Autonomous development and learning in artificial intelligence and robotics: Scaling up deep learning to human-like learning.Pierre-Yves Oudeyer - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
    Autonomous lifelong development and learning are fundamental capabilities of humans, differentiating them from current deep learning systems. However, other branches of artificial intelligence have designed crucial ingredients towards autonomous learning: curiosity and intrinsic motivation, social learning and natural interaction with peers, and embodiment. These mechanisms guide exploration and autonomous choice of goals, and integrating them with deep learning opens stimulating perspectives.
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    Sustainable development goals and human moral obligations: the ends and means relation.Shashi Motilal - 2015 - Journal of Global Ethics 11 (1):24-31.
    This paper aims at understanding Sustainable Development Goals as normative ends to be achieved by normative means in the context of global ethics. It distinguishes the descriptive and the normative senses of sustainability and development and puts forward a case for exploring the role of human moral obligations as the normative means to attain the goals of sustainable development. It argues that it is only when basic human moral obligations and role-related obligations are fulfilled that (...)
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    Integration of Social Information by Human Groups.Boris Granovskiy, Jason M. Gold, David J. T. Sumpter & Robert L. Goldstone - 2015 - Topics in Cognitive Science 7 (3):469-493.
    We consider a situation in which individuals search for accurate decisions without direct feedback on their accuracy, but with information about the decisions made by peers in their group. The “wisdom of crowds” hypothesis states that the average judgment of many individuals can give a good estimate of, for example, the outcomes of sporting events and the answers to trivia questions. Two conditions for the application of wisdom of crowds are that estimates should be independent and unbiased. Here, we study (...)
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  37. Integrating indexicals in simian semiotics: Symbolic development and culture.Seth Surgan & Simone de Lima - 2003 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 24 (3-4):317-338.
    The ability to understand both the self and others as purposeful agents — with thoughts, beliefs, and desires — seems to be central to the emergence of cultural processes both phylo- and ontogenetically. This ability has been termed second-order intentionality or “theory of mind” and has been conceptualized as a species-specific “trait” which is genetically predetermined, naturally selected and the resident of a dedicated module within the mind. Alternatively, we see it emerging out of a more general process — symbolization. (...)
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  38. Integrity, advanced professional development, and learning.David A. Kolb - 1988 - In Suresh Srivastva (ed.), Executive integrity: the search for high human values in organizational life. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
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    Development law: Squaring the circle, advancing human rights in Africa. [REVIEW]Grady Jessup - 2006 - Human Rights Review 7 (3):96-111.
    Development law is an ethos-driven law reform paradigm that examines conditions from within the country and provides a frame of reference in which to evaluate the legal regime in the political, economic, social and cultural context. Moreover, development law provides a fresh approach to assessing existing national laws effectiveness generally; it assesses whether modifications are required to promote economic, political, and social progress, including protecting the rights of minority ethnic groups and disenfranchised peoples. By protecting rights, law can (...)
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  40. A Framework to Integrate Ethical, Legal, and Societal Aspects (ELSA) in the Development and Deployment of Human Performance Enhancement (HPE) Technologies and Applications in Military Contexts.Marc Steen, Koen Hogenelst & Heleen Huijgen - 2024 - Journal of Military Ethics 23 (3):219-244.
    In order to maximize human performance, defence forces continue to explore, develop, and apply human performance enhancement (HPE) methods, ranging from pharmaceuticals to (bio)technological enhancement. This raises ethical, legal, and societal concerns and requires organizing a careful reflection and deliberation process, with relevant stakeholders. We discuss a range of ethical, legal, and societal aspects (ELSA), which people involved in the development and deployment of HPE can use for such reflection and deliberation. A realistic military scenario with proposed (...)
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    Development of a Medical Humanities and Ethics Certificate Program in Texas.Cheryl J. Erwin - 2014 - Journal of Medical Humanities 35 (4):389-403.
    Education in the medical humanities and ethics is an integral part of the formation of future physicians. This article reports on an innovative approach to incorporating the medical humanities and ethics into the four-year curriculum in a Certificate Program spanning all four years of the medical school experience. The faculty of the McGovern Center for Humanities and Ethics at the University of Texas Medical School at Houston conceived and implemented this program to teach medical students a range of scholarly (...)
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    Development of Print-Speech Integration in the Brain of Beginning Readers With Varying Reading Skills.Fang Wang, Iliana I. Karipidis, Georgette Pleisch, Gorka Fraga-González & Silvia Brem - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Human and social capital and environmental management in small firms: a developing country perspective.Banjo Roxas, Doren Chadee, Rowenna Mae C. de Jesus & Arlene Cosape - 2017 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 6 (1):1-20.
    We examine the important roles of two forms of capital—human and social—in the accumulation of critical resources that enable firms to adopt sound environmental management practices which contribute to better firm performance. Drawing on human and social capital theories and the resource-based view of the firm, we tested this proposition using data from a survey of 141 small manufacturing firms drawn from a survey of business enterprises in a metropolitan city in the southern region of the Philippines. The (...)
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    Strategy of Socially-Anthropological Development in Ideas and System of Modern Social Philosophy of Education: Integration of Model of the Instrumentalism and the Neopragmatism with the Concept «New Humanism».Viktor V. Zinchenko - 2013 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 4:52-70.
    The purpose. Explore the major ideological patterns of development of a socially philosophies of education in the context of the problems of institutionalization of knowledge about human and social development. To analyse system-integration aspect of social philosophy and education management in interaction of concepts of an instrumentalism of a pragmatism and a neopragmatism with model of «new humanism» in formation of socially valuable orientations. Methodology. Classification existing in the western philosophy of education and education of directions is (...)
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  45. Developing a new paradigm for integrating ethics and biomedical research: proposal for a benchside consultation program.M. Cho, H. T. Greely, D. Magnus & J. Maienschein - forthcoming - American Society for Bioethics and Humanities/Canadian Bioethics Society Joint Meeting.
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  46. Global Regulatory System of Human Resources Development.Sergii Sardak - 2014 - Dissertation, Київський Національний Економічний Університет Імені Вадима Гетьмана
    ANNOTATION Sardak S.E. Global Regulatory System of Human Resources Development. – Manuscript. Thesis for the Doctor of Economic Science academic degree with major in 08.00.02 – World Economy and international economic relations. – SHEE «Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman», Kyiv, 2014. The preconditions and factors of the global economic system with the identified relevant subjects areas and mechanisms of regulation instruments have been investigated. The crucial role of humans in the global economic system as a (...)
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    Executive integrity: the search for high human values in organizational life.Suresh Srivastva (ed.) - 1988 - San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
    Shows that executive integrity is not merely a moral trait but a dynamic process of making empathetic, responsible, and sound decisions. Describes key features of executive integrity including effective social interaction, open dialogue, and responsive leadershipand explains how integrity can be developed and practiced in today's organizations.
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    Does Tourism Induce Sustainable Human Capital Development in BRICS Through the Channel of Capital Formation and Financial Development? Evidence From Augmented ARDL With Structural Break and Fourier-TY Causality.Jun Li & Md Qamruzzaman - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The motivation of the study is to explore the nexus tourism-led sustainable human capital development in Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa for the period 1984–2019. The study applied several econometrical techniques for exposing the empirical association between tourism and HCD, such as the conventional and structural break unit root test, the combined cointegration test, long-run and short-run coefficients detected through implementing the Augmented Autoregressive Distributed Lagged, and directional causality by following Toda-Yamamoto with Fourier function. The unit-roots (...)
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    Integrating Ethics into Action Theory and Organizational Theory.Antonio Argandoña - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (3):435-446.
    A serious attempt to integrate ethics in management was done by Professor Juan Antonio Pérez López (1934–1996). His thought represents a break with current scholarly thinking on these subjects. The purpose of this article is to explain some of the most significant aspects of his theories, relating basically to his recourse to ethics as what defines the characteristic behavior of human beings, considered as individuals and as members of organizations. Pérez López used the anthropological conception underlying the ethics of (...)
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    (1 other version)Progress and Human Rights Justice as Evaluating Criteria for Global Developments.Georg Lohmann - 2019 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2019 (4):241-254.
    The paper clarifies first a critical understanding of “progress”. Progress implies a development for the better, the comprehensive definition of which must be a conception of justice if progress is to justify global developments and political rule. Therefore a somewhat minimal but complex definition of “human rights justice”, as formulated in the international human rights pacts since 1948, is explained. Through this, the different but systematically interrelated human rights (liberty rights, justice rights, political rights, economic, cultural (...)
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