Results for 'International Federation for Victory Over Communism'

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  1.  40
    Negotiating conservation and competition: national parks and ‘victory-over-communism’ diplomacy in South Korea.Jaehwan Hyun - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Science 57 (2):239-255.
    Focusing on South Korean biologists and their efforts to establish national parks in the 1960s and 1970s, I illuminate the ways in which they negotiated their relationship with the ecological diplomacy of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the anti-communist and developmentalist diplomacy of the South Korean government. To justify their activities, these South Korean biologists emphasized the importance of nature conservation activities in the competition for international recognition and economic development with their northern counterparts. (...)
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    Józef Piłsudski’s Presidency Model 1918–1922.Marian Marek Drozdowski - 2011 - Dialogue and Universalism 21 (4):121-137.
    The years in which Piłsudski headed the Polish state marked his “golden age” in Polish history, a period considered as the least controversial in his career despite the failure of his federation concept and troubles with Polish national leaders in the west, especially Upper Silesia. Piłsudski’s achievements in those years are numerous and important, they include among others: the definition of Poland’s borders after military victories over the Ukrainian, Bolshevik and Lithuanian armies and in result of insurgencies in (...)
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  3.  42
    International federation for information processing's framework for computer ethics.Professor J. Berleur - 1996 - Science and Engineering Ethics 2 (2):155-165.
    This paper reviews codes of ethics and codes of conduct from different countries. The differences and similarities between code content and between attitudes are considered. Distinction is drawn between a code of ethics and a code of conduct. Recommendations are made for establishing a common framework for IFIP (International Federation for Information Process) Member or Affiliate Societies.
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    International federation for information processing’s framework for computer ethics.J. Berleur - 1996 - Science and Engineering Ethics 2 (2):155-165.
    This paper reviews codes of ethics and codes of conduct from different countries. The differences and similarities between code content and between attitudes are considered. Distinction is drawn between a code of ethics and a code of conduct. Recommendations are made for establishing a common framework for IFIP (International Federation for Information Process) Member or Affiliate Societies.
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    2005 International Lotus Sutra Conference.Leo D. Lefebure - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):195-197.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:2005 International Lotus Sutra ConferenceLeo D. LefebureIn May 2005 Rissho Kosei-kai sponsored its annual conference on the Lotus Sutra for the first time in China, at the new conference center of Beijing Normal University. Chinese Buddhist scholars Zhang Fenglei and Wei Dedong of Renmin University participated, offering discussions of "Earthly Orientation of Tiantai Buddhist Doctrine" and "Zhanran's Doctrine about the Nature of Insentient Beings and Its Ecological Implications," (...)
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    The Season of Transgression Is Over?: The Union of Italian Women and the Italian Communist Party: Reaction, Negotiation and Sanctioned Struggles in Local and Global Context 1944-1963.Rachele Ledda - 2017 - History of Communism in Europe 8:211-228.
    This contribution aims to outline the birth and development of the Unione Donne Italiane in regard to its relations with the Partito Comunista Italiano from 1944 to 1963.The present research has drawn mainly from archival sources.UDI was born as a multi-party women’s organization but the hegemony of the Communist women would de facto bring it under the influence of the PCI. The Italian Communist Party tried to perform a normative and normalizing task. By the logic of the Cold War, women (...)
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  7.  59
    A history of post-communist remembrance: from memory politics to the emergence of a field of anticommunism.Zoltan Dujisin - 2021 - Theory and Society 50 (1):65-96.
    This article invites the view that the Europeanization of an antitotalitarian “collective memory” of communism reveals the emergence of a field of anticommunism. This transnational field is inextricably tied to the proliferation of state-sponsored and anticommunist memory institutes across Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), but cannot be treated as epiphenomenal to their propagation. The diffusion of bodies tasked with establishing the “true” history of communism reflects, first and foremost, a shift in the region’s approach to its past, one (...)
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  8.  17
    The Great Victory of the Soviet People and the Present Struggle for Peace.V. V. Sheliag - 1980 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 19 (3):52-69.
    The glorious anniversary of the great victory of the Soviet people and their heroic armed forces over the most aggressive armies of international imperialism provides a perspective that makes it possible to see the importance of this feat on the scale of world history, in the vivid light of the favorable influence it has exercised on all the subsequent development of sociopolitical processes on earth.
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  9. The Concept and the Experience of Revolution: France 1789--/Russia 1985--.Artemy V. Magun - 2003 - Dissertation, University of Michigan
    The historical meaning of the dissolution of the Soviet Union and of the subsequent post-communist transformation remains profoundly unclear. Most observers hesitate to designate these events as a revolution, building on a common-sense notion of revolution as a violent, radical change. My dissertation argues that the post-communist transformation was indeed a revolution and proves this claim by comparing it with the French Revolution, in its political, social, and anthropological aspects. In both historical cases, the quick and easy victory of (...)
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    2005 International Lotus Sutra Conference: Sponsored by Rissho Kosei-Kai, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, May 24-27, 2005. [REVIEW]Leo D. Lefebure - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):195.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:2005 International Lotus Sutra ConferenceLeo D. LefebureIn May 2005 Rissho Kosei-kai sponsored its annual conference on the Lotus Sutra for the first time in China, at the new conference center of Beijing Normal University. Chinese Buddhist scholars Zhang Fenglei and Wei Dedong of Renmin University participated, offering discussions of "Earthly Orientation of Tiantai Buddhist Doctrine" and "Zhanran's Doctrine about the Nature of Insentient Beings and Its Ecological Implications," (...)
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  11.  56
    Collapse of communism, crisis of capitalism, and the state of humanity.Svetozar Stojanovic - 2010 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 36 (8):903-916.
    This article argues the main following points. (1) Communism was fatefully dependent upon the action or inaction of its top leaders because of the vulnerability of the hyper-centralized power and hyper-centralized defense of the ruling class and the ruling party. No one was really able to seriously predict the historical contingencies such as Gorbachev and Yeltsin that played a decisive role. The most that social scientists and analysts could safely claim was that communism had become unsuccessful and problematical (...)
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  12. Editorial Preface to Presentations by the Member Associations of the International Federation for Modern Languages and Literatures.David A. Wells - 2003 - Diogenes 50 (2):91-94.
    This issue of Diogenes includes short papers by prominent officers of 18 of the member-associations of the International Federation for Modern Languages and Literatures (Fédération Internationale des Langues et Littératures Modernes - FILLM) with a view to introducing and explaining the history, purpose, and function of these international learned societies representing different branches of the modern languages field at a time when the role of such bodies is often questioned even by professional academics working within the discipline, (...)
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    Index to Russell's The Impact of Science on Society.Roma Hutchinson - 2004 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 24 (2):173-184.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:_Russell_ journal (home office): E:CPBRRUSSJOURTYPE2402\INDEXISS.242 : 2005-05-19 13:34 ibliographies, rchival nventories, ndexes INDEX TO RUSSELL’S THE IMPACT OF SCIENCE ON SOCIETY R H Summerfields, The Glade Escrick, York  , .. @.. he edition of the richly allusioned The Impact of Science on Society Tindexed here is that of George Allen and Unwin, published in London in . The pagination of Simon and Schuster’s edition (New York, ) is (...)
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  14.  7
    Collective portrait of the leaders of regional branches of parliamentary political parties (on the example of the subjects of the Ural Federal District).Ruslan Mukhametov - 2020 - Sotsium I Vlast 6:17-28.
    Introduction. In the political science literature, there are several main approaches that explain the weakness of the political parties’ institution in Russia. These concepts point to reasons that are outside political parties. This study attempts to link the low status of political parties in Russia with the quality of party top management, in particular, with the parties’ regional leaders (United Russia, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Liberal Democratic Party and A Just Russia). The purpose of the (...)
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  15.  26
    Why privilege the Europeans? A discussion of FIFA’s rules for international transfers for under-18 players.Jørn Sønderholm - 2023 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 50 (2):190-207.
    Many professional football clubs in Europe have youth academies. The business model of such academies is that a club invests resources in training a player and then, when the player is old enough to sign an adult contract, either sells the player or offers him an adult contract. According to Fédération Internationale De Football Association (FIFA), international transfers of players are only permitted if the player is over the age of 18. There are five exceptions to this rule. (...)
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  16.  51
    Determining Risk in Pediatric Research with No Prospect of Direct Benefit: Time for a National Consensus on the Interpretation of Federal Regulations.Celia B. Fisher - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (3):5-10.
    United States federal regulations for pediatric research with no prospect of direct benefit restrict institutional review board (IRB) approval to procedures presenting: 1) no more than "minimal risk" (§ 45CFR46.404); or 2) no more than a "minor increase over minimal risk" if the research is commensurate with the subjects' previous or expected experiences and intended to gain vitally important information about the child's disorder or condition (§ 45CFR46.406) (DHHS 2001). During the 25 years since their adoption, these regulations have (...)
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  17.  38
    (1 other version)The international campaign against the multilateral agreement on investment: A test case for the future of globalisation?David Wood - 2000 - Philosophy and Geography 3 (1):25-45.
    Written from the point of view of a campaigner against economic globalisation, this paper looks at the recent Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) and the campaign against it which eventually led to its demise. It looks at the nature of the diverse coalition of interests opposed to the MAI, and in particular their use of e‐mail and the Internet, and argues that the success of this campaign has lessons beyond the immediate victory over the forces promoting the MAI. (...)
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  18.  38
    Wang Hao. Formalization and automatic theorem-proving. Information processing 1965, Proceedings of IFIP Congress 65, organized by the International Federation for Information Processing, New York City, May 24–29, 1965, Volume 1, edited by Kalenich Wayne A., Spartan Books, Inc., Washington, D.C., and Macmillan and Co., Ltd., London, 1965, pp. 51–58. [REVIEW]Joyce Friedman - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (2):350-350.
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  19.  67
    Feminist theory and intersex activism: Thinking between and beyond.Ellen K. Feder - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 16 (10):e12764.
    Intersex—the fact of bodies neither typically male nor female, together with the grim history of its medical management—was a topic for feminist theory before there was such a thing as intersex activism. Indeed, critical academic scholarship about intersex supported the consciousness raising that made an intersex activist movement possible. Activist engagement, in turn, has expanded the understanding of the theorists whose work is responsive to that activism. Central to the thinking about intersex are the questions of identity and its limits (...)
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  20.  38
    Internal bolshevisation? Elite social science training in stalinist Poland.John Connelly - 1996 - Minerva 34 (4):323-346.
    From the viewpoint of its Stalinist-era creators, the IKKN/INS could at best be described as a mixed success. Despite heroic efforts, it failed to train the cadres that might have permeated Polish scholarship with Marxism-Leninism. If it was the major channel for transmitting Soviet experience to Polish academia, then Poland's universities would not learn to be Soviet—the Polish historian Jerzy Halbersztadt has made the point that the institute was the only direct conduit of Soviet experience into Polish academic life. It (...)
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  21.  12
    The Uncertain Structure of Process Review in the EU: Beyond the Debate on the CJEU’s Weiss Ruling and the German Federal Constitutional Court’s PSPP Ruling.Oliver Gerstenberg - 2021 - Jus Cogens 3 (3):279-301.
    The obligation to provide reasons may appear rather a simple and straightforward, but in actual practice—as the mutually antagonistic Weiss rulings of the CJEU and the German Bundesverfassungsgericht amply demonstrate—is fraught with constitutional complication. On the one side, there lies the concern with a deeply intrusive form of judicial review which substitutes judicially determined “good” reasons for those of the reviewee decisionmaker—legislatures, administrative agencies, or, as in Weiss, the European Central Bank. On the other side lies the concern with judicial (...)
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  22.  17
    International federation of societies and institutes for the study of the renaissance.Robert M. Kingdon - 1971 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 33 (1):183-185.
  23.  16
    A Secondary Bibliography of the International War Crimes Tribunal: London, Stockholm and Roskilde.Stefan Andersson - 2011 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 31 (2):167-187.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:January 25, 2012 (9:31 am) E:\CPBR\RUSSJOUR\TYPE3102\russell 31,2 064 red.wpd 1 See Russell’s exposure of this derogatory contraction of “Viet Nam Cong San” (“Vietnamese Communists”) in his War Crimes in Vietnam (London: Allen and Unwin, 1967), p. 45n. On the importance of language, cf. the legendary remark of Russell’s correspondent, Mohammad Ali: “I ain’t got no quarrel with them Viet Cong.… No Viet Cong ever called me nigger.” Russell attempted (...)
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  24.  44
    Discourse Ethics and International Law.Edward Demenchonok - 2005 - Dialogue and Universalism 15 (11-12):57-84.
    This essay combines information on the recent ISUD Sixth World Congress Humanity at the Turning Point: Rethinking Nature, Culture, and Freedom and some reflections inspired by presentations and discussions at the congress. It is focused on the presentation of one of the keynote speakers, Karl-Otto Apel, entitled “Discourse Ethics, Democracy, and International Law: Toward a Globalization of Practical Reason”. Apel argued that the transcendental-pragmatic foundation of morality serves as the ultimate basis for the universal conception of law, e.g., of (...)
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  25.  39
    The Evolution of Research Ethics: The Current International Configuration.Sev S. Fluss - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (4):596-603.
    I propose in this essay to briefly describe some of the main current stakeholders who issue guidance on the ethics of human subjects research. This will be preceded by a very brief historical introduction.Prior to World War II, as far as I have been able to ascertain, there were no international efforts to regulate human experimentation. National activities were few and far between. One exception was a Directive on Human Experimentation issued in December 1900 by the then Prussian Minister (...)
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  26.  54
    J. Hartmanis, P. M. LewisII, and R. E. Stearns. Classifications of computations by time and memory requirements. Information processing 1965, Proceedings of IFIP Congress 65, organized by the International Federation for Information Processing, New York City, May 24–29,1965, Volume 1, edited by Wayne A. Kalenich, Spartan Books, Inc., Washington, D.C., and Macmillan and Co., Ltd., London, 1965, pp. 31–35. [REVIEW]Jir Becvar - 1972 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 37 (3):624.
  27.  93
    McCarthy J.. Towards a mathematical science of computation. Information processing 1962, Proceedings oflFIP Congress 62, organized by the International Federation for Information Processing, Munich, 27 August-1 September 1962, edited by Popplewell Cicely M., North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1963, pp. 21–28.McCarthy John. Problems in the theory of computation. Information processing 1965, Proceedings of IFIP Congress 65, organized by the International Federation for Information Processing, New York City, May 24–29, 1965, Volume I, edited by Kalenich Wayne A., Spartan Books, Inc., Washington, D.C., and Macmillan and Co., Ltd., London, 1965, pp. 219–222. [REVIEW]Richard J. Orgass - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (2):346-347.
  28.  39
    Kallick Bruce. A decision procedure based on the resolution method. Information processing 68, Proceedings of IFIP Congress 1968, organized by the International Federation for Information Processing, Edinburgh, 5–10 August 1968, Volume 1, Mathematics, Software, edited by Morrell A. J. H., North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam 1969, pp. 269–275. [REVIEW]Joyce Friedman - 1973 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 38 (4):656-656.
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  29. Planning a trip to Italy, arriving in Holland: The delusion of choice in planning a family.Eva Feder Kittay - 2010 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 3 (2):9.
    The title of this paper deserves an explanation—or rather two explanations, one for the portion preceding the colon, the other for that following as the subtitle. The first part is derived from a short essay by Emily Perl Kingsley, written in 1987 in response to questions she had received about what it is like to raise a child with Down Syndrome.1 Kingsley suggests that planning for a child is like planning a trip to some wonderful destination—in her example, Italy. She (...)
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    Corporate Governance Practices: A Proposed Policy Incentive Regime to Facilitate Internal Investigations and Self-Reporting of Criminal Activities. [REVIEW]Thomas A. Hemphill & Francine Cullari - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (1):333 - 351.
    Since the mid-1980s, internal corporate investigations have become commonplace in the U. S., with an upsurge occurring as a result of the corporate scandals of 2001-02 involving Adelphi Communications Corporation, Enron, Merck & Company, Riggs Bank, and other companies accused of financial malfeasance. After an introduction, this article first presents the U. S. public policy framework (as implemented through the U. S. Sentencing Commission, the U. S. Department of Justice, and the Securities and Exchange Commission) encouraging the use of corporate (...)
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  31. Caring for the long haul: Long-term care needs and the (moral) failure to acknowledge them.Eva Feder Kittay - 2013 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 6 (2):66-88.
    As the mother of a daughter who has and will always require care to meet her most basic needs, I have seen firsthand how critical it is to have adequate means by which to meet those needs—for her sake, mine, and my family’s. Her flourishing life has contributed to enhancing not only our own, but those of all who care for her and who enter our lives. I have wanted to see us do better by all the families who struggle (...)
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  32.  75
    Concepts of Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Livestock Systems.Mette Vaarst & Hugo F. Alrøe - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (3):333-347.
    In 2005, The International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements (IFOAM) developed four new ethical principles of organic agriculture to guide its future development: the principles of health, ecology, care, and fairness. The key distinctive concept of animal welfare in organic agriculture combines naturalness and human care, and can be linked meaningfully with these principles. In practice, a number of challenges are connected with making organic livestock systems work. These challenges are particularly dominant in immature agro-ecological systems, for example (...)
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  33.  83
    Report on redress: the Japanese American internment.Eric Yamamoto & Liann Ebesugawa - 2006 - In De Greiff Pablo, The handbook of reparations. New York: Oxford University Press.
    How does a country repair its harm to a vulnerable minority targeted during times of national fear because of race? How did the United States redress its then popular yet unconstitutional WWII incarceration of 120,000 innocent Japanese Americans in desolate barbed wire prisons without charges, hearings, or bona fide evidence of military necessity? In response to a Congressional inquiry, political lobbying, and lawsuits, the Civil Liberties Act of 1988 directed the President to apologize and authorized over one billion dollars (...)
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  34.  65
    Why are Generic Drugs Being Held up in Transit? Intellectual Property Rights, International Trade, and the Right to Health in Brazil and beyond.Mônica Steffen Guise Rosina & Lea Shaver - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (2):197-205.
    Most new drugs are protected by pharmaceutical patents, which give the patent holder exclusive control over that drug’s supply for 20 years. When the patent term expires, the drug becomes available for generic production by any company. The resulting competition typically leads to dramatic reductions in price. In Brazil, generic drugs are on average 40% cheaper than reference or brand-name drugs. In the United States, the Federal Drug Administration reports up to 85% price differences. Consumers in India have witnessed (...)
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  35.  11
    Warspeak: Nietzsche's victory over nihilism.Lise van Boxel - 2020 - Chicago: Political Animal Press. Edited by Michael W. Grenke.
    A new and comprehensive interpretation of Nietzsche's thought guided by the problem and task that Nietzsche himself identifies as the heart of his life's work: nihilism and his endeavor to overcome it. Warspeak presents a focused reading of Nietzsche's On The Genealogy of Morality, driven and ordered by three major themes Nietzsche uses to structure his attack on nihilism and to lay the foundation for his life-affirming counter-ideal to nihilism: the moral-theological prejudice, the genealogical method, and utilitarianism. Warspeak, like Nietzsche (...)
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  36. Einstein's Revolution: A Study in Theory Unification.Rinat M. Nugayev - 2018 - Sharjah, UAE: Bentham science publishers.
    Press release. -/- The ebook entitled, Einstein’s Revolution: A Study of Theory-Unification, gives students of physics and philosophy, and general readers, an epistemological insight into the genesis of Einstein’s special relativity and its further unification with other theories, that ended well by the construction of general relativity. The book was developed by Rinat Nugayev who graduated from Kazan State University relativity department and got his M.Sci at Moscow State University department of philosophy of science and Ph.D at Moscow Institute of (...)
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    Secondary Victimization of Animals in Criminal Procedure: Lessons from Switzerland.Charlotte E. Blattner - 2020 - Journal of Animal Ethics 10 (1):1-32.
    Switzerland is internationally known for its progressive animal laws and for its innovative tools in law enforcement. In 1992, the Canton of Zurich introduced a public lawyer vested with the task of representing animals’ interests in criminal procedure, known as the Animal Protection Lawyer. The APL had the power to access information about court proceedings, study pending court cases, and intervene on behalf of victim animals. This enforcement tool set a precedent across the world. It amounted to a recognition of (...)
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    Відправні концепти радянської урбанізації або protos pseudos соцміста.Oleh Turenko - 2016 - Схід 5 (145):108-113.
    The article reconstructs the false foundations of Soviet designs imaginable urbanization detects starting social places concepts of "classical" days of building socialism. Projected into the future the idea of permanent revolution, the destruction of "bourgeois barbarism" and desire the establishment of legal order Bolsheviks led the workers to the approval of a new type of state and the formation of a new anthropological type of person. This type - "eternal revolutionary", "architect of the new world" had to live with a (...)
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    Issues of war and defense of the motherland in the catechisms of the modern Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church.Оlgа Nedavnya - 2023 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 1:86-96.
    The article examines the provisions of the catechisms of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church regarding the war and its challenges, as well as the defense of the Motherland. A comparative analysis of relevant thematic instructions in the Catechism “Christ is our Easter” (published in 2011), the Catechism for youth “We walk with Christ” (published in 2021) and the “Catechism of the Christian Warrior” (published in 2022) was carried out. It was determined that the provisions of the UGCC's own fundamental doctrinal (...)
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    Crisis, Committees and Consultants: The Rise of Value-For-Money Auditing in the Federal Public Sector in Canada. [REVIEW]Clinton Free, Vaughan S. Radcliffe & Brent White - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 113 (3):441-459.
    This paper investigates the key drivers behind the origins of value-for-money (VFM) audit in Canada and the aims, intents, and logics ascribed by the original proponents. Drawing on insights from governmentality and New Public Management, the paper utilizes analysis methods adapted from case study research to review a wide range of primary documentation (e.g., Hansards from the Public Accounts Committee, House of Commons debates, the so-called Wilson report and the FMCS study) and secondary documentation (newspaper articles, Office of the Auditor (...)
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  41. International Right and Kant's World Federation.Chris Melenovsky - manuscript
    Recent interpretations of Kant’s international political philosophy have argued that the formation of a coercive world-state (Völkerstaat) is morally required. While these interpretations highlight the importance of a strong world government, they ignore Kant’s alternative to a Völkerstaat, a world-federation (Völkerbund). For both theoretical and practical reasons, the Völkerbund plays a crucial role in cosmopolitan right, and Kant can only justifiably reject the formation of the Völkerstaat because of the structure of the Völkerbund. This article explains the constitution (...)
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  42. Why ‘Meaningful Competition’ is not fair competition.Jon Pike - 2023 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 50 (1):1-17.
    In this paper I discuss a new conception that has arrived relatively recently on the scene, in the context of the debate over the inclusion of transwomen (hereafter TW) in female sport. That conception is ‘Meaningful Competition’ (hereafter MC) – a term used by some of those who advocate for the inclusion of TW in female sport if and only if they reduce their testosterone levels. I will argue that MC is not fair. I understand MC as a substitute (...)
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  43.  22
    A Pre-Doctoral Clinical Ethics Fellowship for Medical Students.Janice I. Firn, Andrew G. Shuman, Christian J. Vercler, Samantha K. Chao & Katherine J. Feder - 2021 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 32 (2):165-172.
    IntroductionDespite the need for trained physician ethicists, fellowships in clinical ethics are limited and primarily offered to thosewho have completed a graduate degree. The standardization of credentialing for clinical ethics consultants (CECs) and the restructuring of undergraduate medical education allow innovative models to train CECs that can provide an expanded opportunity for formal ethics training at an earlier stage.MethodsAt the University of Michigan Medical School we developed, implemented, and evaluated a pre-doctoral clinical ethics fellowship program from 2017 to 2019 for (...)
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    Esports, real sports and the Olympic Virtual Series.Jim Parry & Jacob Giesbrecht - 2023 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 50 (2):208-228.
    Despite reservations over the status of esports as sports, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has, for policy reasons, encouraged International Federations to pursue links with providers of ‘virtual and simulated’ sports, in part by the introduction of an event, the Olympic Virtual Series, first held in 2021. In providing an account of ‘virtuality’ and ‘simulation’, we query the theoretical basis of the Olympic Virtual Series. In particular, we query the IOC’s use of the term ‘virtual’ in the (...)
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  45. What Kind of Revolutionary is Mr. Robot?Shane J. Ralston - 2017 - In Richard Greene & Rachel Robison-Greene, Mr. Robot and Philosophy: Beyond Good and Evil Corp. Open Court. pp. 73-82.
    Besides being the title of an EP by The (International) Noise Conspiracy, “Bigger cages, longer chains!” is an anarchist rallying cry. It’s meant to ridicule those political activists who compromise their ideals, make demands and then settle for partial concessions or, to put it bluntly, bargain with the Man. In the T.V. series Mr. Robot, Christian Slater plays the anarchist leader of a hacktivist group known as fsociety. Mr. Robot won’t negotiate with the FBI and E(vil) Corp for bigger (...)
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  46.  81
    Resisting Bellamy: How Kautsky and Bebel Read Looking Backward.Csaba Toth - 2012 - Utopian Studies 23 (1):57-78.
    Scientific socialism as developed by the Social Democratic Party of Germany, the world's largest workers' party, and the Second International, basically a creation of German socialists, viewed utopianism as empirically unverifiable. The publication, wide circulation, and enormous success in Germany of Edward Bellamy's Looking Backward therefore posed a strong challenge to the leaders of the SPD, Karl Kautsky and August Bebel, and it attracted their criticism on several occasions. Such high-level condemnations of Bellamy call for an explanation. The SPD, (...)
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  47. The General Relativity Genesis: an Intertheoretic Context.Rinat M. Nugayev - 2017 - Voprosi Filosofii (The Problems of Philosophy) (1):62-70.
    Abstract. The theory-change epistemological model, tried on maxwellian revolution and special relativity genesis, is unfolded to apprehend general relativity genesis. It is exhibited that the dynamics of general relativity (GR) construction was largely governed by internal tensions of special relativity and Newton’s theory of gravitation. The research traditions’ encounter engendered construction of the hybrid domain at first with an irregular set of theoretical models. However, step by step, on revealing and gradual eliminating the contradictions between the models involved, the hybrid (...)
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  48.  25
    The Genesis of General Relativity: An Inter-Theoretical Context.Rinat M. Nugayev - 2018 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 6 (1):97-129.
    The aim of the paper is to amend the received view on the general relativity (GR) genesis and advancement by taking into account common scientific practice of its functioning, the history of science data and philosophy of science arguments. The genesis of GR as an instance of an epistemological model of mature theory change that hinges upon ‘old’ theories encounter and interaction is elucidated. I strengthen arguments in favour of the tenet that the dynamic creation of GR had been continually (...)
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  49.  6
    Christian ethics.Georgia Elma Harkness - 1957 - New York,: Abingdon Press.
    Foundations of Christian ethics -- What is Christian ethics? -- Frames of reference -- Christian ethics and moral philosophy -- Christian ethics and the ethics of Christendom -- Christian ethics and the churches -- Christian ethics and the Bible -- Christian ethics and the New Testament -- The covenant, the law, and the prophets -- The covenant -- The law -- The prophets -- Jesus and the Old Testament -- The ethics of Jesus -- What did Jesus teach? -- Eschatology (...)
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  50.  33
    Philosophy in the Mid-Century: a Survey. Ed. Klibansky Raymond. 4 vols. Florence, La Nuova Italia, 1958. P. XI+336, 218, 232, 330. Published under the auspices of the International Council of Philosophy and Humanistic Studies and of the International Federation of Philosophical Societies with the support of Unesco. Price: for the 4 vols. in paper 11,000, in cloth 15,000 lire, single vol. I 4000–5000, vol. II 2500–3500, vol. III 3000–4000, vol. IV 3500–4500. [REVIEW]A. C. Ewing - 1962 - Philosophy 37 (139):75.
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