Results for 'Interpersonal relations Judaism.'

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    Choose right: building better interpersonal relationships.Sarah Feldbrand - 2022 - Lakewood, NJ: Lishmoa Lilmod U'le'lamed.
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    Interpersonal relating.Interpersonal Relating - 2013 - In K. W. M. Fulford, Martin Davies, Richard Gipps, George Graham, John Sadler, Giovanni Stanghellini & Tim Thornton, The Oxford handbook of philosophy and psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 240.
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    The Social Teaching of Rabbinic Judaism: Between Israelites.Jacob Neusner - 2001 - BRILL.
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  4. Sefer Lle-hoʻil le-aḥrini: ḥidushim beʼurim ṿṿe-liḳuṭim ba-ʻinynim she-ben adam le-ḥavero ; ṿe-nilṿah elaṿ Ḳunṭres Ate dibur u-mevaṭel maʻas̀eh: beʼurim ṿe-ʻiyunim..Naftali Selengut - 2021 - Lakewood N.J.: Naftali Selengut.
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  5. Betkha shalom: pirḳe hanḥayah le-tiḳshoret ba-mishpaḥah ule-yaḥase enosh ʻal-pi meḳorot ha-Yahadut.Simcha Cohen - 2010 - Bene Beraḳ: Śimḥah Kohen.
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  6. Ḳunṭres Heḥaltsu: meʼah shanah.Shalom Dov Baer Schneersohn - 1998 - Netanyah: Beʼer Menaḥem. Edited by Yiśraʼel Elfenbain & Joseph Isaac Schneersohn.
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  7. ha-Madrikh la-mitʼareaḥ.Yitshak Meir - 2012 - Yerushalayim: Dabri shir.
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    Ahavat ha-reʻa be-shiṭato shel Herman Kohen: ʻiyun be-sefer Dat ha-tevunah mi-meḳorot ha-Yahadut.Eliezer Hadad - 2010 - Alon Shevut: Hotsaʼat Tevunot, Mikhlelet Hertsog.
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  9. Sefer Darkhe Eliyahu: netivot ṿe-orḥot ḥayim ba-ʻavodat ha-midot ben adam la-ḥavero... le-ʻilui nishmat avi mori R. Eliyahu b.R. Yehudah zal..Ḥayim Meʼir Shraiber & Gedalyah Grinboim (eds.) - 2009 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon Torat Mosheh Ṿiz'nits.
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  10. Heḥaltsu-259: Maʼamar.Shalom Dov Baer Schneersohn - 2008 - YeḳutiʼEl Grin. Edited by Yeḳutiʼel Grin.
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    Successful relationships: at home, at work, and with friends: bringing control issues under control.Abraham J. Twerski - 2003 - Brooklyn, N.Y.: Mesorah Publications.
    Often the greatest challenges in our relationships with others center on control. Using the Torah wisdom of his heritage and the remarkable insight of his profession, Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, M. D. once again enlightens us on key issues that.
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  12. Sheʼelot u-teshuvot: ba-nośʼim kibud av ṿa-em, berakhot, dine birkat ha-reaḥ, avedah u-metsiʼah, Shabat, ben adam la-ḥavero, berakhot, hashkamat ha-boḳer, avedah u-metsiʼah.Daṿid Gavriʼel - 1997 - Ḥolon: Yeshivat "ʻAṭeret ḥakhamim".
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  13. ha-Bayit ha-Yehudi: pirḳe hanḥayah le-tiḳshoret ba-mishpaḥah ule-yaḥase enosh ṿe-ḥevrah ʻal pi meḳorot ha-Yahadut.Simcha Cohen - 1994 - Bene Beraḳ: Ś. Kohen.
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  14. Lebn ṿi a malekh.Avigdor Miller - 2017 - Monroe, N.Y.: Toyres̀ Rebe Avigdor ha-Koyen Miller.
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  15. Gefen poriyah u-shetile zetim: (el binatkha al tishaʻen).Mosheh Ḥazan - 2000 - Yerushalayim: Mosheh Ḥazan.
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    The Talmud of relationships / Rabbi Amy Scheinerman.Amy Scheinerman - 2018 - Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society.
    volume 1. God, self, and family -- volume 2. The Jewish community and beyond.
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  17. Hadrakhot ṿe-ʻetsot ba-ʻavodat H.Naftali Ḳaplan - 2022 - [Israel?]: [Publisher Not Identified].
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  18. Sefer Halikhot ha-Shulḥan ʻarukh ha-ḥamishi.Ari Abraham Smadja - 2015 - Yerushalaim: Hotsaʼah la-or Tsuf.
    [1] Seder rishon. Yesode halikhot ha-Shulḥan ʻarukh ha-hamishi. Sefer rishon - ha-kolel: Petiḥah maḳifah le-khol shemonat sidre halikhot ha-Shulḥan ʻarukh ha-ḥamishi ... Ḥeleḳ 1. Torat ha-hanhagut derekh erets u-musar ... Ḥeleḳ 2. Meḳorot halikhot ha-Shulḥan ʻarukh ha-ḥamishi ... Ḥeleḳ 3. Ḥashivut limud halikhot ha-Shulḥan ʻarukh ha-ḥamishi ... Nispaḥim -- 2. Seder sheni. Halikhot adam le-ḥavero.
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  19. Interpersonal relations.Benedetto Gui - 1994 - In Alan Lewis & Karl Erik Wärneryd, Ethics and economic affairs. New York: Routledge. pp. 251.
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    The Body in Interpersonal Relations: Merleau-Ponty.Mary Rose Barral - 1965 - University Press of Amer.
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    Emotion, Morality, and Interpersonal Relations as Critical Components of Children’s Cultural Learning in Conjunction With Middle-Class Family Life in the United States.Karen Gainer Sirota - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    An enduring question in the cultural study of psychological experience concerns how emotion may play a role in shaping moral aspects of children’s lives as they are mentored into socially preferred ways of understanding and responding to the world at hand. This article brings together approaches from psychological and linguistic anthropology to explore how cultural schemas of normativity are communicated, embodied, and enacted as children participate in day-to-day family activities and routines. Illustrative examples emanate from a videotaped corpus of naturalistic (...)
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    Interpersonal Relating.Daniel D. Hutto - 2013 - In K. W. M. Fulford, Martin Davies, Richard Gipps, George Graham, John Sadler, Giovanni Stanghellini & Tim Thornton, The Oxford handbook of philosophy and psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Getting clear about the nature and basis of interpersonal relating is a central concern of many recent debates in the philosophy of mind. The first section of this chapter highlights some basic facts about the complexity and multifaceted character of interpersonal relating and briefly overviews some of its most prominent dysfunctions. Popular mind-minding hypotheses which claim that the dysfunctions in question are rooted in impaired capacities for attending to and attributing mental states to others are then introduced. Next, (...)
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  23. The Epistemology of Interpersonal Relations.Matthew A. Benton - 2025 - Noûs 59 (1):92-111.
    What is it to know someone? Epistemologists rarely take up this question, though recent developments make such inquiry possible and desirable. This paper advances an account of how such interpersonal knowledge goes beyond mere propositional and qualitative knowledge about someone, giving a central place to second-personal treatment. It examines what such knowledge requires, and what makes it distinctive within epistemology as well as socially. It assesses its theoretic value for several issues in moral psychology, epistemic injustice, and philosophy of (...)
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    The complementarity of interpersonal relations and the social intelligence of students.S. V. Scherbakov - 2013 - Liberal Arts in Russia 2 (5):458.
    As a result of interviews with the students of the psychology department of Bashkir State university the set of everyday conflict situations has been picked up and a new situational judgment test of social intelligence was worked out. The positive correlations between social intelligence and the stability and harmony of relations between university students were discovered. The main purpose of our current investigation was to explore the correlations between the social intelligence of university students and the complementarity of (...) relations between them and university teachers. The significant positive correlation between social intelligence and complementarity scores on the affiliation axis of the IMI-C test has been obtained. We may conclude that this fact implies that students with high social intelligence are able to self-control and affiliation in conflict situations. (shrink)
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    Jacques Maritain’s Interpersonal Relations and African Philosophy of Personhood/Community.Stanley Uche Anozie - 2017 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 33:78-99.
  26. Interpersonal Relations According to John Macmurray'.L. Roy - 1989 - Modern Theology 3:347-365.
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  27. A Theology of Interpersonal Relations.Ewert Cousins - 1970 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 45 (1):56-82.
    Richard of St. Victor's elaboration of the themes of interpersonal relations and of human love as self-transcendence links him to contemporary philosophical and theological interests.
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  28. Social media, interpersonal relations and the objective attitude.Michael-John Turp - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 22 (3):269-279.
    How do social media affect interpersonal relationships? Adopting a Strawsonian framework, I argue that social media make us more likely to adopt the objective attitude towards persons. Technologically mediated communication tends to inhibit interpersonal emotions and other reactive attitudes. This is due to a relative lack of the social cues that typically enable us to read minds and react to them. Adopting the objective attitude can be harmful for two reasons. First, it tends to undermine the basis of (...)
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    The future in the past: H ildegard P eplau and interpersonal relations in nursing.Patricia D'Antonio, Linda Beeber, Grayce Sills & Madeline Naegle - 2014 - Nursing Inquiry 21 (4):311-317.
    Researchers, educators and clinicians have long recognized the profound influence of the mid‐twentieth century focus on interpersonal relations and relationships on nursing. Today, in nursing, as well as in medicine and other social sciences, neuroanatomy, neurobiology and neurophysiology have replaced interpersonal dynamics as keys to understanding human behavior. Yet concerns are being raised that the teaching, research and practice of the critical importance of healing relationships have been overridden by a biological focus on the experiences of health (...)
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    Bellezza in interpersonal relations.Robert A. Wicklund & Renate Vida-Grim - 2004 - In Jeff Greenberg, Sander Leon Koole & Thomas A. Pyszczynski, Handbook of Experimental Existential Psychology. Guilford Press.
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    Psychological explanations and interpersonal relations.Michael Schleifer - 1973 - In Alan Montefiore, Philosophy and Personal Relations: An Anglo-French Study. Montreal,: McGill-Queen's University Press. pp. 170-190.
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  32. Self-Enhancing Self-Presentation : Interpersonal, Relational, and Organizational Implications.Constantine Sedikides, Vera Hoorens & Michael Dufner - 2015 - In Frédéric Guay, Self-concept, motivation, and identity underpinning success with research and practice. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
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    Economics and Social Interaction: Accounting for Interpersonal Relations.Benedetto Gui & Robert Sugden (eds.) - 2005 - Cambridge University Press.
    First published in 2005, Economics and Social Interaction is a fresh attempt to overcome the traditional inability of economics to deal with interpersonal phenomena that occur within the sphere of markets and productive organizations. It makes use of traditional economic concepts for understanding interpersonal events, while venturing beyond those concepts to give a better account of personalised interactions. In contrast to other books, Economics and Social Interaction offers the reader a rigorous effort at extending economic analysis to a (...)
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    An outline of a unified theory of the relational self: grounding the self in the manifold of interpersonal relations.Majid Davoody Beni - 2019 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 18 (3):473-491.
    The paper outlines a structuralist unification between two existing relational theories of the self, i.e., Beni's Structural Realist theory of the Self and Gallese's Embodied Relational Self. Each one of these theories provides a structuralist account of some aspects of the self but leaves out some other aspects which are indispensable to a comprehensive account of the self. SRS accounts for the reflective aspects of the self, and ERS accounts for the environmental and social aspects of the self. In this (...)
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    A Study of Interpersonal Relations[REVIEW]J. A. Passmore - 1950 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 28:200.
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    The Interpersonal Functions of Empathy: A Relational Perspective.Alexandra Main, Eric A. Walle, Carmen Kho & Jodi Halpern - 2017 - Emotion Review 9 (4):358-366.
    Empathy is an extensively studied construct, but operationalization of effective empathy is routinely debated in popular culture, theory, and empirical research. This article offers a process-focused approach emphasizing the relational functions of empathy in interpersonal contexts. We argue that this perspective offers advantages over more traditional conceptualizations that focus on primarily intrapsychic features. Our aim is to enrich current conceptualizations and empirical approaches to the study of empathy by drawing on psychological, philosophical, medical, linguistic, and anthropological perspectives. In doing (...)
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    Merleau-Ponty: The Role of the Body-Subject in Interpersonal Relations.Kenneth T. Gallagher - 1966 - International Philosophical Quarterly 6 (4):678-679.
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  38. (1 other version)Merleau-Ponty: The Role of the Body in Interpersonal Relations.Mary Rose Barral - 1963 - Dissertation, Fordham University
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    Merleau-Ponty: The Role of the Body-Subject in Interpersonal Relations.John O'Neill - 1966 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 27 (4):625-626.
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  40. A comparison of dialectical and Boolean algebraic models of the genesis of interpersonal relations.D. Mefford - 1982 - In Hayward R. Alker, Dialectical logics for the political sciences. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
  41. The hermeneutics of historical events as interpersonal relations.L. Paoletti - 1998 - Filosofia 49 (1):91-103.
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  42. Relational identity : an interpersonal approach to the body-soul-consciousness problem.Gabrielle Hiltmann - 2007 - In Helen Fielding, Hiltmann Gabrielle, Olkowski Dorothea & Reichold Anne, The other: feminist reflections in ethics. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 42.
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    Relational Determination in Interpersonal and Intrapsychic Experience.Edward S. Ragsdale - 2021 - Gestalt Theory 43 (1):121-141.
    Summary The task of this article is to review the principle of relational determination, as described by Solomon Asch (1952) which expands over Karl Duncker’s (1939) critique of ethical relativism. Relational determination has much to offer to the therapeutic community first with regard to interpersonal relations and social relations. My main goal is to extend this relational analysis to intrapsychic life, which may expose new potentialities for internal conflict resolution and personal integration, predicated on the cultivation of (...)
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  44. Merleau-Ponty: The Role of the Body-Subject in Interpersonal Relations[REVIEW]J. J. - 1967 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (3):535-536.
    A good summary of Merleau-Ponty's theory of intersubjectivity, drawn from the Phénoménologie de la perception and La structure du comportement. Barral sees Merleau-Ponty's work in this area more as a groundwork for further investigation than as a satisfactory philosophy of the person-in-relation itself; since this topic is a central one in Merleau-Ponty, her study is a helpful introduction to much of his philosophy.—J. J.
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    Relational Goes Beyond Interpersonal: The Development of Empathy in the Context of Culture.Alexandra Main & Carmen Kho - 2020 - Emotion Review 12 (4):295-296.
    It is clear a relational approach to the study of empathy is gaining traction across multiple disciplines. Both commentaries on “A Relational Framework for Integrating the Study of Empathy in Child...
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    "Merleau-Ponty: The Role of the Body-Subject in Interpersonal Relations," by Mary Rose Barral. [REVIEW]Hacker J. Fagot - 1967 - Modern Schoolman 44 (3):262-263.
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  47. The relational self: An interpersonal social-cognitive theory.Susan M. Andersen & Serena Chen - 2002 - Psychological Review 109 (4):619-645.
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    The interpersonal effects of emotional expressions with both and single valences on work-related satisfaction: an examination of emotions and perceived openness as mediators.Ming-Hong Tsai - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (3):361-377.
    Work-related satisfaction has critical benefits. To predict work-related satisfaction, we investigated how a counterpart’s expressions of emotional complexity (both positive and negative emotions), positive emotions, and negative emotions influenced a perceiver’s work-related satisfaction during discussions over different work-relevant ideas. We conducted a three-wave coworker survey (N = 529) and an experiment with a confederate as a task partner (N = 378). The results consistently showed significant positive impacts of a counterpart’s emotional complexity and positive emotion expressions on a perceiver’s work-related (...)
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    An Interpersonal Perspective on HR Attributions: Examining the Role of Line Managers, Coworkers, and Similarity in Work-Related Motivations.Susanne Beijer, Karina Van De Voorde & Maria Tims - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Worry spreads: Interpersonal transfer of problem-related anxiety.Brian Parkinson & Gwenda Simons - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (3):462-479.
    This paper distinguishes processes potentially contributing to interpersonal anxiety transfer, including object-directed social appraisal, empathic worry, and anxiety contagion, and reviews evidence for their operation. We argue that these anxiety-transfer processes may be exploited strategically when attempting to regulate relationship partners’ emotion. More generally, anxiety may serve as either a warning signal to other people about threat (alerting function) or an appeal for emotional support or practical help (comfort-seeking function). Tensions between these two interpersonal functions may account for (...)
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