Results for 'Ionuţ Stoican'

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  1. Laşitatea.Raluca Ion, Matei Florian, Ionuţ Stoican, Rodica Culcer, Andrei Gorzo, Silvia Vrânceanu & Adina Popescu - 2003 - Dilema 554:7-11.
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    ⚘ The Agonistic Dimension of Peircean Semiotics and Its Postmodern Interpretations: Sebeok, Deely, Petrilli ☀ Ionut Untea.Ionut Untea, Elize Bisanz & William Passarini - unknown
    Be aware... and you will be mindful of a notable ambiguity in semiotics as well as of those who have masterfully strived to transcend it. This event, commented on by Elize Bisanz (Texas Tech University) and chaired by William Passarini (Institute for Philosophical Studies), is part of the activities of the 2022 International Open Seminar on Semiotics: a Tribute to John Deely on the Fifth Anniversary of His Passing, cooperatively organized by the Institute for Philosophical Studies of the Faculty of (...)
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    Homelessness in the Urban Landscape: Beyond Negative Aesthetics.Ionut Untea - 2018 - The Monist 101 (1):17-30.
    The great popularity of homelessness as an artistic theme in the twentieth century and beyond may be explained by the frequency by which the everyday image of homeless persons impacts upon the passerby’s aesthetic perception of the urban environment. Nonetheless, as yet, homelessness has not been included in the field of the aesthetics of everyday life. This article is meant to fill this void. Being inspired by frequent personal encounters with homeless persons and drawing on parallels between the effort of (...)
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    Anthropodicy and the Fate of Humanity in the Anthropocene: From the Disenchantment of Evil to the Re-enchantment of Suffering.Ionut Untea - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (5):873-889.
    The rise of a collective conscience of a new epoch, the Anthropocene, has brought to the fore scientists’ predictions of irreversible damage done to the Earth’s ecosystems within barely a decade. The passive attitude worldwide of placing the task of overcoming the evil consequences of human activity on specialized forums has already proved to be insufficient. In this context, Hamilton seeks to continue Becker’s project of laying down the foundations of an “anthropodicy,” seen as a humanistic science meant to bring (...)
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  5. Where Human and Divine Intimacy Meet: an Insight into the Theodicy of Marilyn McCord Adams.Ionut Untea - 2020 - Sophia 59 (3):525-547.
    Marilyn McCord Adams’s perspective on the intimacy with God as a way of defeating horrendous evils in the course of a human being’s existence has been met with a series of objections in contemporary scholarship. This is due to the fact that the critiques formulated have focused more on the debilitating impact of suffering on the sufferer’s body and mind, on intimacy as mere intermittent relationships between God and humans, or on what is lost or gained from the presence or (...)
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    Communication Management within the Organization.Ionut Ghibanu - 2018 - Postmodern Openings 9 (4):16-23.
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    Collective Regret and Guilt and Heroic Agency: A Pro-Existential Approach.Ionut Untea - 2023 - The Pluralist 18 (3):59-86.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Collective Regret and Guilt and Heroic Agency:A Pro-Existential ApproachIonut UnteaIntroductory Discussion: Challenging the Supposedly "Rationally Refutable" Character of GuiltStudies in social psychology point out that feelings of guilt are more likely than feelings of regret to occur in an interpersonal context (Wagner et al. 1) marked by "interpersonal harm," or harm done to others (Berndsen et al. 55, 66). In keeping with these studies, in social ontology, regret seems (...)
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  8. Linking Faith and Trust: Of Contracts and Covenants.Ionut Untea - 2019 - Teoria 39 (1):157-168.
    Trust is so intimately linked with faith that sometimes trust needs faith to unfold in a relationship. I argue that the role of this faith element in trust is to elevate the status of the one in which we trust so as to emphasize the equal dignity of all the participants in the relationship of trust. Against views that focus on a «rational» trust based on an exaggerated emphasis on the capacity of self-trust as a point of departure for the (...)
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    “Hominids with an Infected Brain” Engage in Viral Debate: Agamben and Žižek on the Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Human Relationships.Ionut Untea - 2022 - The Pluralist 17 (2):59-67.
    the unprecedented measures regarding population mobility and dwelling that have been taken by states across the world have led the philosopher Giorgio Agamben to wonder whether the coronavirus pandemic represents the perfect opportunity for governments worldwide to take advantage of "collective panic" and instate the use of a state of exception as "a normal paradigm". Agamben's intervention in the global conversation about the impact of the pandemic has been met with outright criticism among some commentators for at least two reasons. (...)
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    East Meets West Once Again: A Quantitative Comparative Approach of Religiosity in Europe over the Last Two Decades.Ionuţ Apahideanu - 2013 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 12 (36):100-128.
    Theoretically placeable within the framework of the secularization versus post-secularism debate, this research employs an aggregated religiosity index as an instrument to compare Western and former Communist Eastern Europe during the globalization era in terms of area trends in religiosity. Structured in eighteen differently weighted components corresponding to three core dimensions of religiosity, i.e. beliefs, practice, and affiliation, the index confirms that over the past decade, while in the West (and Central Europe as well) secularization trends have continued, albeit at (...)
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    Canonizare, demitizare și realism științific: studii despre Mircea Vulcănescu.Ionuț Butoi - 2017 - București: Eikon.
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    Mircea Vulcănescu: o microistorie a interbelicului românesc.Ionuţ Butoi - 2015 - București: Eikon.
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    Strategies and Techniques of Organizational Image Building.Ionut Adrian Ghibanu - 2019 - Postmodern Openings 10 (1):193-199.
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    The Role of Mass-Media in Triggering and Developing the Media Crisis.Ionut Ghibanu - 2018 - Postmodern Openings 9 (4):24-30.
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    Considerations on Some Historical and Contemporary Issues in Lucian Blaga's Metaphysics.Ionut Isac - 2008 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 7 (19):184-202.
    The Romanian thinker Lucian Blaga, poet, playwright, and philosopher, created works in all of these fields that were penetrated and united by the same brilliant spirit, reflecting an admirable desire of reaching a philosophical consciousness. Firstly, this article deals with the so-called “historical issues” of this metaphysics. During his formative years he set about to create a philosophical system that aimed at dealing with the problems of transcendence. Blaga’s criticism of some of the most famous and influential philosophical positions, such (...)
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  16. From Interwar Foreshadowing to Post-Totalitarian Achievements. Dialectics of Local and Global in Constantin Noica's View about the issues of Romanian C.Ionut Isac - 2012 - International Journal on Humanistic Ideology 5 (2):107-123.
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  17.  20
    Salvation in Indian Philosophy: Perfection and Simplicity for Vaiśeṣika.Ionut Moise - 2019 - New York: Routledge.
    This book offers a comprehensive description of the 'doctrine of salvation' and Vaiśeṣika, one of the oldest philosophical systems of Indian philosophy and provides an overview of theories in other related Indian philosophical systems and classical doctrines of salvation. The book examines liberation, the fourth goal of life and arguably one of the most important topics in Indian philosophy, from a comparative philosophical perspective. Contextualising classical Greek Philosophy which contains the three goals of life, and explains salvation as first understood (...)
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    Vaiśeṣikasūtra – a Translation.Ionut Moise & Ganesh U. Thite - 2021 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Kaṇāda, Candrānanda, Jambūvijaya, Ionut Moise & Ganesh Umakant Thite.
    This book introduces readers to Indian philosophy by presenting the first integral English translation of Vaiśeṣikasūtra with the earliest extant commentary of Candrānanda on the old aphorisms of Vaiśeṣika school of Indian philosophy. The book offers a comprehensive description of the fundamental categories of ontology and metaphysics, among which the category of 'particularity' plays a major role in the 'problem of individuation' of 'substance' and 'nature' in both Indian and Western metaphysics. The book should be read primarily in relation to (...)
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    Hans Blumenberg’s “Great Questions.” Freedom within Immanent History.Ionuț Răduică - 2015 - Dialogue and Universalism 25 (1):237-246.
    This article deals with the concept of “great questions” in Hans Blumenberg’s philosophy. The “great questions” are fundamental elements of the German philosophy due to their role in explaining the core of the modern paradigm. Great questions are posed as resorts, and create references to them. They can be seen as atoms on the bottom of the modernity foundation, while some phenomena that could make them functional emerge as related to them. The law that enforces the atoms bond and the (...)
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  20.  35
    David Friedman's Model of Privatized Justice.Ionuţ Sterpan - 2011 - Public Reason 3 (1).
  21.  21
    Dialogul ecumenic anglicano-luteran la nivel mondial, regional si local. Excurs istorico-dogmatic/ The ecumenic Anglican-Lutheran dialogue at global, regional and local level. A historic and dogmatic approach.Ionut Alexandru Tudorie - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (9):27-51.
    In 1967, the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) appointed a Committee in order to begin formal conversations. The first series of theological dialogues resulted in the Pullach Report (1972), which surveyed the variety of issues affecting AnglicanLutheran relations. The ACC and the Executive Committee of LWF convened a Joint Working Group in 1975 to review responses to the Pullach Report. A new Joint Working Group was convened in 1983. The Cold Ash Report (1983) surveyed the (...)
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  22.  35
    Collective Continuity and Ontological Responsibility: Contesting the Pragmatic Approach in Ascribing Responsibility to Groups.Ionut Untea - 2019 - Ethical Perspectives 4 (26):583-621.
    The present paper challenges the view, rooted in the argument that groups lack a mind in the Davidsonian sense, that collective responsibility may be assessed mainly according to pragmatic criteria. I argue in favour of a kind of mental web of holistic collective attitudes and mindsets in the weak sense. I further connect this mental web to the dimension of collective responsibility via a reflection involving the existentialist dimension of Jaspers’ dilemma of seeing individuals in the position of having to (...)
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  23.  29
    Covenantal trust and semioethics: A reflection on interpersonal and intercultural summoning.Ionut Untea - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (236-237):1-19.
    The article proposes a reflection on cultural sign production in social contexts dominated by the socially generalized fear of the unknown other and the obsession for vulnerability avoidance. This phenomenon has been reflected in the generalized tendency of reliance upon contractual trust, where the coherence of the signs legitimating a trustful relationship is maintained by external agencies backed by authoritative forums (e.g., religious, legal, political) and sanctioned by well-defined rewards and punishments. In contrast with the contractual model of trust, I (...)
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    Catholicity Without Leviathan: Stanley Hauerwas's Perspective on the Church as an Alternative Political Community.Ionut Untea - 2019 - The Politics and Religion Journal 12 (1):1-31.
    The article brings into focus a series of political arguments of Stanley Hauerwas's “theological politics” and argues that these arguments are in stark contrast with the theoretical perspective of a political rule by a god-like Leviathan, an image inherited in modern and contemporary political culture from the early modern English philosopher Thomas Hobbes. The first section focuses on Hauerwas's arguments regarding the political potential of the term “Catholicity” to represent an alternative to the coercive politics reinforced by the post-Enlightenment nation (...)
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  25.  49
    Dirty Hands, the Scapegoat, and the Collective Responsibility of Religious Communities.Ionut Untea - 2019 - Heythrop Journal 60 (6):842-855.
    The article connects the debates surrounding the problem of dirty hands with those regarding collective responsibility, mainly via René Girard’s scapegoat mechanism and his view on mimetic violence. By virtue of the distinction between group intentions and individual pre‐reflective intentions, the article will explore the notion that groups are morally responsible for acts accomplished with dirty hands, and whether individual participants in group actions are also responsible. Moreover, the article introduces a reflection on the collective shame of a larger community (...)
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  26.  18
    European Humanities in the Perception of Chinese Students: A Reflection Based on A Personal Teaching Experience.Ionut Untea - unknown
    As a young teacher and researcher, the prospective of introducing western philosophical themes to a public of students from a non-western country, came in 2016 as a once-in-a lifetime opportunity, which I met with great enthusiasm. However, as in any situation involving pre-conceived expectations, facing and dealing with the real situation on the ground opens up a pathway for a closer understanding of both the new culture explored, a perception of one’s own limits and the willingness to overcome them. The (...)
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  27.  42
    (1 other version)From Sacrifice to Gift: Aesthetic and Moral Aspects of the Experience of Awe for the Natural Environment.Ionut Untea - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 54 (1):18-34.
    The multiple aesthetic representations of the sacred throughout our troubled human history account for the variety of the ways the sacred has been appropriated as a regulatory moral and civilizing force by groups and large communities of peoples. Nature has always been part of the everyday life of human beings, and the natural environment has been perceived as a medium for the manifestation of the sacred and as a source of moral behavior. Because of this, humans developed a peculiar relationship (...)
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    From the Aesthetic Theme to the Aesthetic Myth: a Reflection on the Trinitarian God’s Connection to Nature and the Problem of Evil.Ionut Untea - 2022 - Sophia 61 (4):839-868.
    The article begins with a reflection on the ‘conversation between mythologies’ present in the debate between C. Robert Mesle and John Hick on the role of Irenaean theodicy and process theology to tackle convincingly the problem of evil in the contemporary and future context of scientific advancement. I argue that, although these two authors consider their mythological perspectives to be widely different, there is a possibility of advancing toward conciliating the two views. I call the resulting myth the ‘aesthetic myth,’ (...)
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    From “The Kingdom of Darkness” to “The Pit Beneath the Cave”: Leo Strauss’s Critique of “Steady Progress” and the Contemporary Ideal of Sustainable Development.Ionut Untea - 2015 - Dialogue and Universalism 25 (2):269-280.
    In the Persecution and the Art of Writing Leo Strauss criticized the replacement of philosophical enquiry in youth education with history of philosophy and of philosophers with specialists in certain scientific fields. Contemporary calls for a “global social contract” emphasize the need of reforming international institutions and the importance of a youth education “for” sustainable development. Philosophical voices decry the ever-growing importance of institutions at the expense of individual freedom of expression and action. The article explores common points and differences (...)
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    Matérialisme, eschatologie, nécessité.Ionut Untea - 2016 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 100 (4):581.
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    Peircean and Confucian Interpretations of Self-Development: Semiotic, Normative, and Aesthetic Aspects.Ionut Untea - 2022 - Philosophy East and West 72 (1):188-209.
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    Samson, Antigone, and the charismatic agonistes: From a “pro‐power” to a “pro‐existence” political engagement.Ionut Untea - 2020 - Philosophical Forum 51 (4):359-375.
    In this essay, I argue that the agonistic approach toward political engagement places too much emphasis on the task of winning the social game and overlooks the dimension of what has been called ever since Greek Antiquity by the name charis. Charis is the quality of life, denoting ideals of reciprocal invitations to feel joy and satisfaction. Under the influence of the Weberian model of charismatic leadership, collective charisma has faded away from the attention of political theorists. This essay offers (...)
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  33.  30
    Semioethics and the Average Life.Ionut Untea - 2021 - American Journal of Semiotics 37 (1-2):47-69.
    Concerning the public cultivation of the philosophical vocation, it can be said that some people become sowers, others become reapers, and still others, followers. However, from the followers’ perspective, sometimes the reapers may appear as sowers because they harvest ideas that they did not plant. In the context of globalization, those whose lives have been traditionally deemed “average”—and therefore insignificant—may become critical sources of inquiry for philosophy when it is seen as a way of life. I draw inspiration from semioethics, (...)
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    Thomas Hobbes’s Theological and Political Anthropology and the Essential Mutations of the Perception of the Laws of Nature and Natural Rights in Seventeenth-Century England.Ionut Untea - 2020 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 37 (3):395-413.
    The overall goal of the article is to reexamine Hobbes’s concern to respond to the challenges of the republican perspective on the relationship between the liberty of subjects and the political power. If, according to Skinner, republican theorists appealed to sources of classical antiquity, I argue that Hobbes chooses to offer a blend of classical and theological ideas in order to generate a “science” of the political life within the confines of a postlapsarian world dominated by passion and the fear (...)
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  35. Intellectual Virtues and Biased Understanding.Andrei Ionuţ Mărăşoiu - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Research 45:97-113.
    Biases affect much of our epistemic lives. Do they affect how we understand things? For Linda Zagzebski, we only understand something when we manifest intellectual virtues or skills. Relying on how widespread biases are, J. Adam Carter and Duncan Pritchard raise a skeptical objection to understanding so conceived. It runs as follows: most of us seem to understand many things. We genuinely understand only when we manifest intellectual virtues or skills, and are cognitively responsible for so doing. Yet much of (...)
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  36.  8
    How is Nazism still possible today? [REVIEW]Ionut Barliba - 2014 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 6 (1):430-436.
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    Interest as Mirror to Our Own Self. [REVIEW]Ionut Barliba - 2010 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 2 (2):553-561.
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    In Search for Forgiveness. [REVIEW]Ionut Barliba - 2011 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 3 (2):510-516.
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    The individual way of thinking Christianly. [REVIEW]Ionut Barliba - 2009 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 1 (2):409-414.
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    The multitudinous creativity of the contemporary capitalisms. [REVIEW]Ionut Barliba - 2015 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 7 (2):397-405.
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    The possibility of a happy Fall. [REVIEW]Ionut Barliba - 2013 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 5 (1):239-243.
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    Book Review: The Making of Stanley Hauerwas: Bridging Barth and Postliberalism by David B Hunsicker. [REVIEW]Ionut Untea - 2022 - Studies in Christian Ethics 35 (3):653-657.
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    Blaming Dirty Looks.Andrei Ionuţ Mărăşoiu - 2020 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 34 (1):123-136.
    Casting dirty looks is morally wrong when it encourages gender stereotypes and objectifies the woman looked at. Oglers are to blame for the harm done. And, if an ogler were to merely imagine what he perceives, we would blame him less than for his stare. So, in many such cases, we must be at least partly be blaming the ogler for being in the very perceptual state he is then in—for his male gaze. This line of reasoning goes against ethical (...)
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    Communauté (Gemeinschaft), Martin Buber (2018).Mario Ionuț Maroșan - 2023 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 14 (2):163-169.
    Review of: Communauté (Gemeinschaft), Martin Buber (2018) Paris: Éditions de l’éclat, 157 pp., ISBN 978-2-84162-432-4, p/bk, €10.
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    Evidence for Mixed Rationalities in Preference Formation.Alexandru-Ionuț Băbeanu & Diego Garlaschelli - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-19.
    Understanding the mechanisms underlying the formation of cultural traits is an open challenge. This is intimately connected to cultural dynamics, which has been the focus of a variety of quantitative models. Recent studies have emphasized the importance of connecting those models to empirically accessible snapshots of cultural dynamics. In particular, it has been suggested that empirical cultural states, which differ systematically from randomized counterparts, exhibit properties that are universally present. Hence, a question about the mechanism responsible for the observed patterns (...)
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  46. Filosofie: tematizări contemporane.Vasile Macoviciuc & Ionuț Emilian Anastasiu (eds.) - 2010 - București: Editura ASE.
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    Annabel Herzog, Levinas’s Politics. Justice, Mercy, Universality.Mario Ionuț Maroșan - 2021 - Studia Phaenomenologica 21:405-407.
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    Quine’s Ontology: the Interplay between Commitment and Decision.Andrei Ionuţ Mărășoiu - 2020 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 12 (2).
    This paper elaborates on the relation between Quine’s notion of ontological commitment and his philosophy of science. I distinguish and present Quine’s solutions to two problems of existence, a semantic problem, roughly amounting to asking how existence can be expressed within a certain language, and an epistemological problem, roughly amounting to how the members of the scientific community can decide which theories are warranted. The gap between these problems is filled by noticing that existence is equated by Quine with reference, (...)
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    The Content of Complex Visual Hallucinations.Andrei Ionuţ Mărăşoiu - 2020 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:85-94.
    According to a widespread view about the content of conscious experience (Peacocke, 1992; Siegel, 2007), an experience has content when it is accurate relative to a possible scenario. Suppose you saw a ripe tomato. Your visual experience would have content if what you saw looked exactly like a ripe tomato, be it a genuine tomato or an expertly designed wax copy of a tomato. I argue that this view cannot account for the content of a hallucination whose content is impossible. (...)
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    Understanding and conscious experience: philosophical and scientific perspectives.Andrei Ionuț Mărăşoiu & Mircea Dumitru (eds.) - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This volume explores how understanding relates to conscious experience. In doing so, it builds bridges between different philosophical disciplines and provides a metaphysically robust characterization of understanding, both in and beyond science. The past two decades have witnessed growing interest from epistemologists, philosophers of science, philosophers of mind, and ethicists in the nature and value of intellectual understanding. This volume features original essays on understanding and the phenomenal experiences that underlie it. The chapters are divided into three thematic sections. Part (...)
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