Results for 'Irit Samet-Porat'

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  1.  66
    Satanic motivations.Irit Samet-Porat - 2007 - Journal of Value Inquiry 41 (1):77-94.
  2.  39
    Taking Evil Seriously.Irit Samet-Porat - 2007 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 27 (4):741-756.
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    Guarding the Fiduciary's Conscience—A Justification of a Stringent Profit-stripping Rule.Irit Samet - 2008 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 28 (4):763-781.
    This article argues that considerations of moral psychology support the traditional stringency of the rule according to which fiduciaries who get involved in a potential conflict of interest shall be stripped of all their gains. The application of the rule, regardless of good faith on the part of the fiduciary, is being contested by courts and academia alike. The article is focused on the ‘deterrence’ justification for the rule, and argues that its unusual strictness should be read as a response (...)
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    Equity: conscience goes to market.Irit Samet - 2018 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    This book sets out to defend the claim that Equity ought to remain a separate body of law; the temptation to iron-out the differences between neighbouring doctrines on the two sides of the Equity/Common Law divide should, in most cases, be resisted. The theoretical part of the book is argues that the characteristics of Equity, namely, appeal to conscience, flexibility, retroactivity and the use of morally-freighted jargon, are essential for the implementation of a legal ideal that has been neglected by (...)
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    The Form of Evil.Irit Samet - 2010 - Kantian Review 14 (2):93-117.
    Upon arriving in Auschwitz Primo Levi discovered that rational discourse, in which actions are done for reasons, was left lying on the carriage floor together with his human dignity. By responding ‘Here one doesn't ask why’, the camp guard succinctly conveys the insight that evil defies reason. This paper examines two studies of evil that are predicated on that idea: Kant's and Augustine's. It argues that their theories share an underlying formation wherein evil remains incomprehensible, except in negative terms as (...)
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  6.  46
    What Conscience Can Do for Equity.Irit Samet - 2012 - Jurisprudence 3 (1):13-35.
    The paper argues that there are good reasons to frame the categories of equitable liability around the concept of conscience. A quick look at recent case law reveals an increasing use of conscience categories to discourage overly selfish behaviour among parties to commercial relationships. Critics discard 'conscionability' as an empty category of reference, or see it as a dangerously subjective point of reference. I want to show that the critics assume a very specific, and controversial, model of conscience in which (...)
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  7. On Pain and the Privation Theory of Evil.Irit Samet - 2012 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 4 (1):19--34.
    The paper argues that pain is not a good counter-example to the privation theory of evil. Objectors to the privation thesis see pain as too real to be accounted for in privative terms. However, the properties for which pain is intuitively thought of as real, i.e. its localised nature, intensity, and quality are features of the senso-somatic aspect of pain. This is a problem for the objectors because, as findings of modern science clearly demonstrate, the senso-somatic aspect of pain is (...)
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  8. Irit Samet, Equity: Conscience Goes to Market. [REVIEW]Manish Oza - 2020 - University of Toronto Law Journal 7 (2):216-222.
  9. Preventing Sexual Violence: A Behavioral Problem Without a Behaviorally Informed Solution.Roni Porat, Ana Gantman, Seth A. Green, John-Henry Pezzuto & Elizabeth Levy Paluck - 2024 - Psychological Science in the Public Interest 25 (1):4-29.
    What solutions can we find in the research literature for preventing sexual violence, and what psychological theories have guided these efforts? We gather all primary prevention efforts to reduce sexual violence from 1985 to 2018 and provide a bird’s-eye view of the literature. We first review predominant theoretical approaches to sexual-violence perpetration prevention by highlighting three interventions that exemplify the zeitgeist of primary prevention efforts at various points during this time period. We find a throughline in primary prevention interventions: They (...)
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  10.  37
    Together we cry: Social motives and preferences for group-based sadness.Roni Porat, Eran Halperin, Ittay Mannheim & Maya Tamir - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (1):66-79.
  11.  52
    Competing iconicities in the structure of languages.Irit Meir, Carol Padden, Mark Aronoff & Wendy Sandler - 2013 - Cognitive Linguistics 24 (2).
  12.  18
    The Principles of Art Therapy in Virtual Reality.Irit Hacmun, Dafna Regev & Roy Salomon - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    In recent years, the field of virtual reality (VR) has shown tremendous advancements and is utilized in fields ranging from entertainment, scientific research, social networks, artistic creation as well as numerous approaches to employ VR for psychotherapy. While the use of VR in psychotherapy has been widely discussed, little attention has been given to the potential of this new medium for art therapy. Artistic expression in virtual reality is a novel medium which offers unique possibilities, extending beyond classical expressive art (...)
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  13.  92
    The historical controversies surrounding innateness.Jerry Samet - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  14.  48
    Motivated emotion and the rally around the flag effect: liberals are motivated to feel collective angst (like conservatives) when faced with existential threat.Roni Porat, Maya Tamir, Michael J. A. Wohl, Tamar Gur & Eran Halperin - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (3):480-491.
    ABSTRACTA careful look at societies facing threat reveals a unique phenomenon in which liberals and conservatives react emotionally and attitudinally in a similar manner, rallying around the conservative flag. Previous research suggests that this rally effect is the result of liberals shifting in their attitudes and emotional responses toward the conservative end. Whereas theories of motivated social cognition provide a motivation-based account of cognitive processes, it remains unclear whether emotional shifts are, in fact, also a motivation-based process. Herein, we propose (...)
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  15.  71
    Troubles with Fodor's nativism.Jerry Samet - 1986 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 10 (1):575-594.
  16. Innate representations.Jerry Samet & Owen J. Flanagan - 1988 - In Stuart Silvers, Representation: Readings In The Philosophy Of Mental Representation. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  17. Coherence and connectivity.Jerry Samet & Roger Schank - 1984 - Linguistics and Philosophy 7 (1):57 - 82.
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  18.  22
    Imposed Metaphoricity.Roy Porat & Yeshayahu Shen - 2015 - Metaphor and Symbol 30 (2):77-94.
    We introduce a hitherto overlooked phenomenon in the cognitive and psycholinguistic study of metaphors that we termed imposed metaphoricity. We propose that a metaphorical reading can be imposed on a given expression regardless of its semantic content. We suggest that there is a class of constructions that impose metaphorical interpretation. We present findings from three experiments and from corpus-based analyses that support our proposal. Experiments 1–2 compared interpretations of expressions that can have both a literal and a metaphorical meaning when (...)
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  19. Sefer Shivḥe ha-tsadik: ṿe-hu likuṭ nifla ha-medaber be-shivḥe ha-tsadikim... ; Mikṿeh meṭaher...: Naḥale shemen: la-Ḥanukah...: Shemaʻ Yiśraʼel...: kolel ḥidushim... /ckol eleh ḥubru... maʻaśeh yede Yiśra'el Ḥayim Sameṭ.Yiśraʼel Ḥayim Sameṭ - 1986 - Bruklin, N.Y.: M.Y.Ḥ. Samet.
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  20.  42
    Metaphor in Sign Languages.Irit Meir & Ariel Cohen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:351138.
    Metaphor abounds in both sign and spoken languages. However, in sign languages, languages in the visual-manual modality, metaphors work a bit differently than they do in spoken languages. In this paper we explore some of the ways in which metaphors in sign languages differ from metaphors in spoken languages. We address three differences: (a) Some metaphors are very common in spoken languages yet are infelicitous in sign languages; (b) Body-part terms are possible in very specific types of metaphors in sign (...)
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  21.  48
    Immigration, proletarianization, and deproletarianization.Amir Ben-Porat - 1991 - Theory and Society 20 (2):233-258.
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  22.  51
    Aimed Inquiry and Positive Theology in Sefer Maʿayan ha-Ḥokhmah.Oded Porat - 2016 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 24 (2):224-278.
    _ Source: _Volume 24, Issue 2, pp 224 - 278 This article discusses the anonymous early kabbalistic work _Sefer Maʿayan ha-Ḥokhmah_, one of the pivotal works of ʿIyyun literature. The first part deals with the book’s historical and literary aspects. The second part interprets a specific formulation in light of the basic ideas of the book itself, presenting the twofold pattern as a mystical type and as a grounding for linguistic-theological theory. The third part discusses the term “positive theology” in (...)
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  23.  10
    Changing People’s Preferences by the State and the Law.Ariel Porat - 2021 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 22 (2):215-246.
    In standard economic models, two basic assumptions are made: the first, that actors are rational, and the second, that actors’ preferences are a given and exogenously determined. Behavioral economics — followed by behavioral law and economics — has questioned the first assumption. This Article challenges the second one, arguing that in many instances, social welfare should be enhanced not by maximizing satisfaction of existing preferences but by changing the preferences themselves. The Article identifies seven categories of cases where the traditional (...)
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  24.  20
    Developing ReApp: an emotion regulation mobile intervention for intergroup conflict.Roni Porat, Lihi Erel, Vered Pnueli & Eran Halperin - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (7):1326-1342.
    People living in areas of intractable conflicts experience extreme negative emotions which ultimately lead to support of aggressive policies. Emotion regulation and particularly cognitive reapprais...
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  25.  65
    Indeterminate Causation and Apportionment of Damages: An Essay on Holtby, Allen, and Fairchild.Ariel Porat & Alex Stein - 2003 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 23 (4):667-702.
    Holtby, Allen and Fairchild are both recent and revolutionary decisions that address an important aspect of the indeterminate causation problem that frequently arises in tort litigation. In Holtby and Allen, the Court of Appeal departed from the traditional binary approach, under which a tort claimant either recovers compensation for his or her entire injury or is altogether denied recovery—depending on whether his or her case against the defendant is more probable than not. Holtby and Allen substituted this approach by the (...)
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  26.  13
    Implementing the Law by Impartial Agents: An Exercise in Tort Law and International Law.Ariel Porat & Eyal Benvenisti - 2005 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 6 (1):1-36.
    Lawmakers regularly delegate authority to agents. Such delegation is accompanied by mechanisms that attempt to ensure that the agents adhere to the will of the lawmakers. But these mechanisms are often ineffective or inefficient. Moreover, at times the very imposition of constraints distorts the agents’ incentives and impels them to adopt skewed policies. We suggest that it is possible to reduce such wasteful enforcement costs by delegating authority to certain types of agents who will pursue the lawmaker’s policies without constraints (...)
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  27.  16
    Lapses of Attention in Medical Malpractice and Road Accidents.Ariel Porat & Robert Cooter - 2014 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 15 (2):329-358.
    A doctor who lapses and injures her patient, and a driver who lapses and causes an accident, are liable under negligence law for the harm done. But lapse is not necessarily negligence, since reasonable people lapse from time to time. We show that tort liability for “reasonable” lapses distorts doctors’, drivers’, and manufacturers’ incentives to take care. Furthermore, such liability provides potential injurers with incentives to substitute activities which are less prone to lapses with activities which are more prone to (...)
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  28. Mapping the American debate over balancing.Iddo Porat - 2014 - In Grant Huscroft, Bradley W. Miller & Grégoire C. N. Webber, Proportionality and the Rule of Law: Rights, Justification, Reasoning. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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  29.  23
    On the Jehovah's Witnesses Cases, Balancing Tests, and Three Kinds of Multicultural Claims.Iddo Porat - 2007 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 1 (1):429-450.
    The Jehovah’s Witnesses cases of the late 1930s and early 1940s presented some of the first instances of American Supreme Court’s attempts to grapple with the challenges of a multicultural society. Taken as a whole, these cases represented a favorable position towards minorities’ claims, even to some extent a path breaking one. The Jehovah’s Witnesses cases were a precursor of the Court’s growing involvement in the protection of minorities’ rights, which colored the entire second half of the 20th century. They (...)
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  30. Ohev ṭehar lev: ʻal Mesilat yesharim la-Ramḥal = Ohev tehar lev: Mesilat Yesharim.Hanan Porat - 2021 - Yerushalayim: Sifriyat Bet-El. Edited by Moshe Ḥayyim Luzzatto.
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  31.  20
    Questioning the Idea of Correlativity in Weinrib's Theory of Corrective Justice.Ariel Porat - 2001 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 2 (1).
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    Supervising and Controlling Unmanned Systems: A Multi-Phase Study with Subject Matter Experts.Talya Porat, Tal Oron-Gilad, Michal Rottem-Hovev & Jacob Silbiger - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  33.  21
    Solving One-Side Polarization: Supreme Court Polarization and Politicization in Israel and the U.S.Iddo Porat - 2021 - The Law and Ethics of Human Rights 15 (2):221-258.
    The Israeli Supreme Court has become increasingly polarized between liberal and conservative judges. This phenomenon is relatively new to the Israeli Supreme Court and follows the much older and more well-known example of the U.S. Supreme Court. This article surveys both U.S. and Israeli court polarization and shows the history, reasons, and special features of polarization of both courts, including the important differences between them. It also adds a distinction to existing literature on court polarization—the distinction between court polarization and (...)
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  34.  20
    Tort Liability Under Uncertainty.Ariel Porat & Alex Stein - 2001 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The book provides a comprehensive and principled account of the uncertainty problem that arises in tort litigation. It presents and critically examines the existing doctrinal solutions of the problem, as evolved in England, the United States, Canada, and Israel, and also offers a number of original solutions, such as imposition of collective liability and liability for evidential damage. Among the issues dealt with by the book are rapidly developing areas of tort law, such as mass torts, liability for imposing risk (...)
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  35.  20
    The Many Faces of Negligence.Ariel Porat - 2003 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 4 (1).
    Negligence law is built around the paradigmatic case of a person who unreasonably preferred his own interests to those of others and, as a result, caused damage to another person. However, this case is not representative of all instances of negligence. In some cases, the negligent injurer failed in balancing between the interests of the victim alone; in other cases, he failed in balancing between the victim’s interests and those of a third party; sometimes the injurer failed in balancing the (...)
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  36.  28
    Traces of Darkness in Early Daoism: The Evolution of Vision Metaphors in the Laozi.Roy Porat - 2021 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20 (3):407-431.
    An interesting feature of the language of many Daoist texts is their atypical idealization of Darkness and Obscurity, which contrasts with the positive connotations of Light and Clarity in virtually all great philosophical traditions. This article highlights a formerly unnoted difference between the received and the excavated Guodian 郭店 versions of the Laozi 老子, which reveals an interesting change in the use of Light/Darkness symbolism through the evolution of the text: while the received Laozi uses both metaphorical schemes to roughly (...)
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  37.  10
    It wasn't how it seemed: short stories about people who jumped to conclusions.Yehudis Samet - 2000 - Brooklyn, N.Y.: Mesorah Publications.
    Rebbetzin Yehudis Samet has double vision - and in this charming and stimulating book she shares her gift with us. What kind of double vision? How often have we been sure, positive, willing to swear - that someone did something terrible? After all, seeing is believing, isn't it? Not always. It is all too easy to misinterpret facts and think the worst, instead of the best. Rebbetzin Samet teaches us how to look for the truth, instead of the (...)
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  38.  31
    The Modulated Vision: Lionel Trilling's "Larger Naturalism".Tom Samet - 1978 - Critical Inquiry 4 (3):539-557.
    Trilling's "larger naturalism," acknowledging as it does the value of mystery and the power of fact, aligns him with Arnold and Freud and Forster in an effort to synthesize the legacies of the Enlightenment and of the Romantic movement: conscious of the authority of the imagination, he "never deceives himself into believing that the power of the imagination is sovereign, that it can make the power of circumstance of no account" ; committed to reason and to an ideal of rational (...)
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  39.  14
    Akademik Yazımda Yapay Zek' Kullanımının Etik Açıdan İncelenmesi: ChatGPT Örneği.Samet Büyükada - 2024 - Rize İlahiyat Dergisi 26:1-12.
    “Neyi bilebilirim? Nasıl bilebilirim? Nasıl eylemde bulunurum?” sorularına felsefe tarihi boyunca cevap aranmıştır. Yanıtların sürekli yenisi ile güncellendiği bir süreçte, bugün geldiğimiz nokta bize bilginin hakikatine yönelik araştırmaların yerini gündelik bilginin ticaretine bıraktığını göstermektedir. ChatGPT (3,5) gibi yapay zekâ dil modelleri insanların sıradan sohbet arkadaşı olmasının ötesinde, kendi ifadesi ile dili anlama, analiz etme ve üretme yeteneklerine sahip bir mekanizmadır. Yapay zekanın gelişimiyle birlikte, akademik yazım süreçlerinde yapay zekâ tabanlı dil modelleri araştırmacılara, yazarlara ve öğrencilere yazma sürecinde hız, veriye dayalı (...)
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    Ethical issues in nanomedicine: Tempest in a teapot?Irit Allon, Ahmi Ben-Yehudah, Raz Dekel, Jan-Helge Solbakk, Klaus-Michael Weltring & Gil Siegal - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (1):3-11.
    Nanomedicine offers remarkable options for new therapeutic avenues. As methods in nanomedicine advance, ethical questions conjunctly arise. Nanomedicine is an exceptional niche in several aspects as it reflects risks and uncertainties not encountered in other areas of medical research or practice. Nanomedicine partially overlaps, partially interlocks and partially exceeds other medical disciplines. Some interpreters agree that advances in nanotechnology may pose varied ethical challenges, whilst others argue that these challenges are not new and that nanotechnology basically echoes recurrent bioethical dilemmas. (...)
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  41.  79
    An Examination of Counterexamples in Proofs and Refutations.Samet Bağçe & Can Başkent - 2009 - Philosophia Scientiae 13 (2):3-20.
    Dans son influent Proofs and Refutations (Preuves et Réfutations), Lakatos introduit les méthodes de preuves et de réfutations en discutant l’histoire et le développement de la formule V — E+F = 2 d’Euler pour les polyèdres en 3 dimensions. Lakatos croyait, en effet, que l’histoire du polyèdre présentait un bon exemple pour sa philosophie et sa méthodologie des mathématiques, incluant la géométrie. Le présent travail met l’accent sur les propriétés mathématiques et topologiques qui sont incorporées dans l’approche méthodologique de Lakatos. (...)
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  42.  89
    The civic engagement community participation thriving model: A multi-faceted thriving model to promote socially excluded young adult women.Irit Birger Sagiv, Limor Goldner & Yifat Carmel - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:955777.
    Social policies to promote socially excluded young adult women generally concentrate on education, employment, and residence but tend to neglect thriving. The current article puts forward a Civic Engagement Community Participation Thriving Model (CECP-TM) that views thriving as a social policy goal in and of itself. It posits that civic engagement, beyond its contribution to social justice, serves as a vehicle for thriving through self-exploration and identity formation. Both are considered key components of successful maturation and thriving. Nonetheless, civic engagement (...)
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  43.  71
    Epistemic Injustice, Social Studies, and Moral Sensitivity.Samet Merzifonluoglu & Ercenk Hamarat - 2022 - Ethics and Education 17 (4):403-420.
    ABSTRACT There is growing interest in epistemic injustice and its connection to education. However, the relation between social studies and epistemic injustice has not yet been adequately explored and this topic has been given insufficient attention by social studies educators. But it is regarded as an important resource for students who are socially disadvantaged to render their experiences intelligible. However, due to its unique status, it has also been an effective tool for those who are in power and want to (...)
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  44. (1 other version)The Meno and the Second Problem of Geometry At 86e1.Samet Bagce - 2016 - Φιλοσοφια: International Journal of Philosophy 17 (1).
    The aim of this paper is two-fold: firstly, to argue for the claim that the two problems of geometry presented in the Meno seems to be connected to each other, and secondly, to offer, in connection with the first claim, a conjecture concerning the nature of the second problem of geometry brought up in the dialogue at 86e. This paper offers, in particular, a historical reconstruction of how we should understand this problem of construction in geometry.
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    Towards an Official Computational Thinking Education in Regular School Settings. Review of Computational Thinking Education, edited by Siu-Cheung Kong and Harold Abelson.Samet Okumus - 2020 - Constructivist Foundations 16 (1):129-132.
    The book provides a deep account of the use of computational thinking (CT) skills in education, with a focus on individual, social and cultural elements, and dives into issues foregrounding CT skills. Although the chapters of the book provide important educational and practical implications for the reader, methodological choices and the lack of theoretical connections of CT concepts curtail the use of CT skills in education, from a constructionist view.
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  46. Duhem- Quine problemi ve Poincare.Samet Bağçe - forthcoming - Felsefe Dünyasi.
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  47.  19
    The Quivis Construction in Biblical Hebrew.Nili Samet & Emmanuel Mastey - 2023 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 143 (4):767-784.
    We discuss the evolution of the distributive double noun (quivis) in biblical Hebrew. This construction developed from an asyndeton in Classical Biblical Hebrew (e.g., איש איש) into a syndeton in Late Biblical Hebrew (e.g., איש ואיש), a process that makes it an important diachronic marker in classifying and analyzing these two varieties of the language.
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    The Translation Issue of Mutashābih Expressions in the Example of Kazakh Translations Prepared in the 20th Century.Daniyar Samet - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (3):1181-1202.
    The Qurʾān is certainly the last of the divine teachings and the most perfect. While this holy book has a perfect miraculous feature, especially since its rules are valid until the Day of Judgment, it also contains many unique features in terms of style and content. The Qurʾān firstly asks people to understand it thoroughly and live it in their lives. In order for them to live, they must first correctly understand the messages that the Qurʾān gave to people. In (...)
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  49. Reichenbach on the relative a priori and the context of discovery/justification distinction.Samet Bagce - 2011 - Synthese 181 (1):79 - 93.
    Hans Reichenbach introduced two seemingly separate sets of distinctions in his epistemology at different times. One is between the axioms of coordination and the axioms of connections. The other distinction is between the context of discovery and the context of justification. The status and nature of each of these distinctions have been subject-matter of an ongoing debate among philosophers of science. Thus, there is a significant amount of works considering both distinctions separately. However, the relevance of Reichenbach's two distinctions to (...)
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    The Conquests of Adrianople by the Turks: Reflections on the Ottoman Expansion in Thrace.Samet Budak - 2022 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 99 (2):552-583.
    This article is an attempt to construct a new approach to and narrative of early Ottoman conquests in Thrace in the 1360s and 1370s. It argues that the so-called second capital of the Ottomans, Adrianople (Edirne), was conquered three times through a detailed evaluation of known, neglected, or unknow sources. The second conquest was almost certainly by frontier lords who conquered the city for their own interests. At the same time, the article challenges the unilinear rise paradigm within the Ottoman (...)
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