Results for 'Isabel Estrada Carvalhais'

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  1.  10
    The Cosmopolitan Language of the State: Post-national Citizenship and the Integration of Non-nationals.Isabel Estrada Carvalhais - 2007 - European Journal of Social Theory 10 (1):99-111.
    This article looks at the cosmopolitan potential of post-national citizenship working at the state level. The article stresses the idea of post-national citizenship as capable of translating cosmopolitan language into one that can be developed within the state-society relationship. To this end, four questions designed to clarify this relationship are raised.
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    Aportes para pensar la cátedra de la paz desde las resistencias y proyectos de paz de los grupos étnicos en Colombia.María Isabel Villada & Juan Camilo Estrada - 2018 - Ratio Juris 13 (26):43-67.
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    Predictive Model of The Factors Involved in Cyberbullying of Adolescent Victims.Ligia Isabel Estrada-Vidal, Amaya Epelde-Larrañaga & Fátima Chacón-Borrego - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The development of Information and Communication Technologies has favored access to technological resources in adolescents. These tools provide access to information that can promote learning. However, they can also have a negative effect against people, as they can be used with other functionality, in which cyberbullying situations are caused during the interactions that arise when using social networks. The objective of this study was to determine the predictive value of the role of cyberbullying victims based on variables related to other (...)
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    Enfoque jurídico-social del pequeño y mediano minero en el Bajo Cauca Antioqueño, según la Ley 685/2001.Isabel Calderón Cervera, Jennifer Arias Sánchez & Carlos Alberto Restrepo Estrada - 2017 - Ratio Juris 12 (25):177-196.
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  5. Formación docente desde la filosofía educativa transdisciplinaria.Floralba Aguilar, Javier Collado, José Manuel Touriñan, Robert Fernando Bolaños-Vivas, Jefferson Alexander Moreno-Guaicha, Alex Estrada-García, María Alejandra Marcelín-Alvarado, Dante Augusto Galeffi, Florent Pasquier, Nicolás Aguilar-Forero, Elisa Álvarez-Monsalve, Alexis Alberto Mena-Zamora, Odalia Llerena-Companioni, Oscar Santiago Barzaga- Sablón, Grey Zita Zambrano, Elva Vaca-Cárdenas, Yamilia Bárbara Cruz-Álvarez, Fanny Tubay-Zambrano, Cristian Javier Urbina Velasco, María Fernanda Alvarado-Ávila, Joselin Katerine Segovia-Sarmiento, Karina Luzdelia Mendoza-Bravo, Katty Isabel Posligua-Loor, Miguel Orozco-Malo & Cufuna Silva-Amino - 2023 - Quito: Abya Yala.
    La formación docente es indispensable para responder a los requerimientos de la compleja sociedad actual. De su conocimiento, iniciativa, praxis y creatividad depende el éxito o el fracaso del sujeto que aprende. Al modificar el rol del docente se transforma la actitud de los estudiantes. ¿Cómo entender la formación filosófica transdisciplinar? Este texto responde a este y otros cuestionamientos: ¿cuáles son los planteamientos pedagógicos afines a la era digital? ¿en qué medida las TIC se encuentran al servicio de una filosofía (...)
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  6. Identidad, autenticidad y libertad, proyecciones de una filosofía del hombre y de la cultura en Eduardo Mallea.Raúl Iriarte & María Isabel Iriarte - 2012 - In Lértora Mendoza & Celina Ana (eds.), Identidad y libertad en la filosofía argentina: estudio a través de Zum Felde, Korn, Fatone, Mallea y Estrada. Buenos Aires: Ediciones F.E.P.A.I..
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  7. Olhar e memória na percepção cinematográfica.Susana Isabel Rainho Viegas - 2008 - Princípios 15 (24):31-44.
    O presente artigo tem dois objectivos: por um lado, o de analisar os conceitos de percepçáo e memória no cinema segundo a fenomenologia de Maurice Merleau-Ponty em “Le Cinéma et la Nouvelle Psychologie” e, por outro lado, o de analisar estes mesmos conceitos no filme de Christopher Nolan, Memento . A nossa principal referência será a fenomenologia da percepçáo em Merleau-Ponty de modo a melhor compreendermos o interesse fenomenológico do cinema e deste filme em particular.
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  8. (1 other version)La inspiración poética en el ión de Platón.María Isabel Flisfisch - 1982 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 20:45-54.
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  9. Heraldos de la verdad: Montaigne, Balzac, Nietzsche.Ezequiel Martínez Estrada - 1958 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Nova.
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  10. From the inexistent to the concrete : Kojève after Kandinsky.Isabel Jacobs - 2022 - In Luis J. Pedrazuela (ed.), Alexandre Kojève: a man of influence. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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    De Rodalquilar a Recanati: fragmentos de un universo inevitablemente amoroso.Isabel Prieto Palomo - 2010 - Arbor 186 (Extra):151-156.
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    La joven María Zambrano y su incipiente metafísica femenina.Isabel Sancho García - 2020 - Albolote (Granada): Comares.
    María Zambrano Alarcón fue una filósofa metafísica española que vivió de lleno el siglo XX al compás de su circunstancia. Comprometida con los hechos más significativos de su tiempo, pertenece a la generación que algunos llaman "de la libertad", precedida de grandes maestros como Ortega, Unamuno, Machado y otros, preocupados todos por España, aspirando a una nueva sociedad y, según María, a una "nueva forma de vida". Durante la segunda mitad del siglo, Zambrano vivió en el exilio, donde dedicó cuarenta (...)
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  13. Derecho de igualdad y asistencia sanitaria.María Isabel Alvarez Vélez - 2008 - In Salomé Adroher Biosca (ed.), Los avances del derecho ante los avances de la medicina. Cizur Menor: Thomson/Aranzadi.
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    Adam Ferguson y la difícil articulación entre el comercio y la virtud.María Isabel Wences Simon - 2006 - Polis 14.
    Durante el período Ilustrado hubo un discurso difundido que aclamaba la supremacía de la esfera económica sobre lo político y lo ético. Adam Ferguson, destacado filósofo de la Ilustración escocesa, no lo compartía, juzgándolo monolítico y reductor. Pensaba que la llegada de la sociedad comercial –del mercado-, decisiva para el progreso económico, fue también factor de desequilibrios que amenazaban el porvenir de la sociedad. Lo político era un elemento fundamental de la reproducción social. Se confrontaban dos modelos: uno basado en (...)
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    Should we reject the expertise hypothesis?Isabel Gauthier & Cindy Bukach - 2007 - Cognition 103 (2):322-330.
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    The Importance of Coaches’ Autonomy Support in the Leisure Experience and Well-Being of Young Footballers.Isabel Balaguer, Isabel Castillo, Ricardo Cuevas & Francisco Atienza - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:363660.
    Drawing on the self-determination framework, the study examined the effect of coaches’ autonomy support on the leisure experience of young male football players. Specifically, a model was tested analyzing the long-term predictive power of the players’ perception of coach-autonomy support at the beginning of the season on the subjective vitality of young football players at the end of the season through needs satisfaction and intrinsic motivation. Moreover, we tested whether the effects of coach-autonomy support on the aforementioned variables (needs satisfaction, (...)
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  17. Dementia, autonomy and guardianship for the old.Margaret Isabel Hall - 2014 - In Charles Foster, Jonathan Herring & Israel Doron (eds.), The law and ethics of dementia. Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing.
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  18. Documentary production and dispute records in León before the Year 1100.Isabel Alfonso - 2023 - In Isabel Alfonso Antón, José M. Andrade & André Evangelista Marques (eds.), Records and processes of dispute settlement in early medieval societies: Iberia and beyond. Boston: Brill.
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  19. Ortega y Gasset y los inicios de la Vanguardia artística española.Isabel María Lorenzo Alquezar - 1993 - Endoxa 1:309-338.
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    The effect of risk factors on cognition in adult cochlear implant candidates with severe to profound hearing loss.Miryam Calvino, Isabel Sánchez-Cuadrado, Javier Gavilán & Luis Lassaletta - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Hearing loss has been identified as a major modifiable risk factors for dementia. Adult candidates for cochlear implantation represent a population at risk of hearing loss-associated cognitive decline. This study investigated the effect of demographics, habits, and medical and psychological risk factors on cognition within such a cohort. Data from 34 consecutive adults with post-lingual deafness scheduled for CI were analyzed. Pure tone audiometry and Speech Discrimination Score were recorded. The Repeatable Battery for Assessment of Neuropsychological Status for Hearing impaired (...)
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    The philosophy of St. Thomas of Aquin in relation to the spiritual aspects of nursing..Mary Isabel Fitzgerald - 1938 - Washington, D.C.,: The Catholic university of America.
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    Josefa Amar y Borbón. Une intellectuelle espagnole dans les débats des Lumières.Isabel Morant Deusa - 2001 - Clio 13:4-4.
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    Family guidance on the prevention of deviations in the development of children in early childhood.Sampayo Hernández Isabel Cristina, Moreno Ricard Vilma Esther & Cuenca Díaz Maritza Milagros - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (2):253-269.
    El artículo constituye un acercamiento a las razones que sustentan la necesidad de elevar la calidad de la orientación a las familias de niños en la primera infancia y su objetivo consistió en capacitar al personal de la salud para desarrollar la orientación familiar en función de la prevención de desviaciones en el desarrollo en esta etapa. En él se aborda el rol que tiene la familia en la formación de los niños y la incidencia de los médicos y enfermeras (...)
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  24. Una familia ceutí en la Granada de los siglos XIV y XV: los Banu l-Sarif al-Hasani.María Isabel Calero Secall - 1986 - Al-Qantara 7 (1):85-106.
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    Boolean Connexive Logic and Content Relationship.Mateusz Klonowski & Luis Estrada-González - 2023 - Studia Logica 112 (1):207-248.
    We present here some Boolean connexive logics (BCLs) that are intended to be connexive counterparts of selected Epstein’s content relationship logics (CRLs). The main motivation for analyzing such logics is to explain the notion of connexivity by means of the notion of content relationship. The article consists of two parts. In the first one, we focus on the syntactic analysis by means of axiomatic systems. The starting point for our syntactic considerations will be the smallest BCL and the smallest CRL. (...)
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  26. Learning processes and repercussions from handicrafts for social and popular education.Fanny Monserrate Tubay-Zambrano & Alex Estrada-García - 2024 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 37 (37):311-333.
    La investigación incorpora las experiencias de un grupo de personas artesanas de las provincias de Azuayy Cañar, en Ecuador. Tiene como objetivo reflexionar, desde un enfoque pedagógico centrado en la educaciónsocial y popular, sobre las prácticas profesionales de los colectivos artesanales y su relación con los procesosescolarizados de enseñanza y aprendizaje. El estudio aplica la metodología cualitativa con enfoque etnográfico.Los resultados no solo visibilizan que los espacios que ocupa el artesanado en el imaginario social están marcadospor bloqueos y restricciones en (...)
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  27.  52
    An Introduction to the Philosophy of Logic.Daniel Cohnitz & Luis Estrada-González - 2019 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Philosophy of logic is a fundamental part of philosophical study, and one which is increasingly recognized as being immensely important in relation to many issues in metaphysics, metametaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of mathematics, and philosophy of language. This textbook provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to topics including the objectivity of logical inference rules and its relevance in discussions of epistemological relativism, the revived interest in logical pluralism, the question of logic's metaphysical neutrality, and the demarcation between logic and mathematics. Chapters (...)
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    Not by Bread Alone: Symbolic Loss, Trauma, and Recovery in Elephant Communities.Isabel Bradshaw - 2004 - Society and Animals 12 (2):143-158.
    Like many humans in the wake of genocide and war, most wildlife today has sustained trauma. High rates of mortality, habitat destruction, and social breakdown precipitated by human actions are unprecedented in history. Elephants are one of many species dramatically affected by violence. Although elephant communities have processes, rituals, and social structures for responding to trauma—grieving, mourning, and socialization—the scale, nature, and magnitude of human violence have disrupted their ability to use these practices. Absent the cultural, carrier groups who traditionally (...)
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    Losada Goya, José Manuel y Lipscomb, Antonella (coords.), "Mito e interdisciplinariedad. Los mitos antiguos, medievales y modernos en la literatura y en las artes contemporánea".Ana Isabel Jiménez San Cristóbal - 2014 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 19:333-334.
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    Estudo comparativo sobre a perspectiva de futuro dos estudantes de escolas públicas e privadas1.Isabel Cristina Vasconcelos de Oliveira & Ana Alayde Werba Saldanha - 2010 - Paideia (Misc) 20 (45):47-55.
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    Evaluación del conocimiento y práctica de la limitación del esfuerzo terapéutico en personal asistencial de una institución prestadora de servicios de salud para pacientes oncológicos de Medellín, 2018.Laura Isabel Vallejo Londoño, Ana María Palacio Restrepo, Verónica Marulanda Jaramillo, Andrea Restrepo Múnera, Laura Yepes Valencia, Nelcy Lorena Valencia Ortiz & Marco Cruz Duque - 2020 - Persona y Bioética 24 (2):177-187.
    Evaluating the Knowledge and Practice of Limitation of Therapeutic Effort in Health Workers at a Health Care Institution for Cancer Patients in Medellín, 2018Avaliação do conhecimento e da prática da limitação de esforço terapêutico em equipe de atendimento de uma instituição prestadora de serviços de saúde para pacientes oncológicos de Medellín, 2018Limitation of therapeutic effort is any action that involves suspending or not initiating medical treatment or therapeutic measures in patients who will not receive any clinical benefit. In Latin America, (...)
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    Cambios conceptuales y emociones: una propuesta de teoría integradora Conceptual Changes and Emotions: A Proposal for an Integrative Theory.Ana Isabel González Manso - 2011 - Historiografias 2:29-44.
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    Patrimônio e História: reflexões sobre o papel do historiador - doi:10.4025/dialogos.v18i2.875.Isabel Cristina Martins Guillen - 2014 - Dialogos 18 (2).
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    Philosophical Writings.Henry More & Flora Isabel Mackinnon - 1925 - Oxford University Press.
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  35. Incidencias de teoría crítica y de la acción comunicativa de Jürgen Habermas en la educación del siglo XXI.Sonia Isabel Muñoz Muñoz - 2012 - Revista de Filosofia: Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción 11 (3):89-100.
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    Imagen, evocación y relato.Isabel Navarro Ruiz & Eulalia Hernández Encuentra - 2004 - Arbor 177 (697):59-79.
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    Syntactic Priming As a Test of Argument Structure: A Self-paced Reading Experiment.Isabel Oltra-Massuet, Victoria Sharpe, Kyriaki Neophytou & Alec Marantz - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Ansichten von in Deutschland arbeitenden Wissenschaftlern in der Stammzellforschung zur Lage der Stammzellforschung in Deutschland.Tobias Samusch, Isabel Budiner, Susanne Weber, Almut Busch & Felix Knappertsbusch - 2008 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 13 (1):237-262.
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    Conciencia jurídica: su formación como función social del derecho.María Isabel Urquiza - 2001 - Córdoba: Advocatus.
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  40. Necessidade e Teleologia na Teoria da Natureza em Empédocles e Aristóteles.Isabel Cristina Rocha Hipólito Gonçalves - 2014 - Pensando: Revista de Filosofia 5 (9):146-166.
    This paper presents a discussion about how the necessity and teleology are present in the theory of nature in Empedocles and Aristotle. For this task we go through the fragments relate to the thought of Empedocles in the Poem From Nature as a central reference to the work The presocratic philosophers of Kirk and Raven, and the work Physics I and II of Aristotle.
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    Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide: Knowledge, attitudes and experiences of nurses in Andalusia (Spain).María-Isabel Tamayo-Velázquez, Pablo Simón-Lorda & Maite Cruz-Piqueras - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (5):677-691.
    The aim of this study is to assess the knowledge, attitudes and experiences of Spanish nurses in relation to euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. In an online questionnaire completed by 390 nurses from Andalusia, 59.1% adequately identified a euthanasia situation and 64.1% a situation involving physician-assisted suicide. Around 69% were aware that both practices were illegal in Spain, while 21.4% had received requests for euthanasia and a further 7.8% for assisted suicide. A total of 22.6% believed that cases of euthanasia had (...)
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    The Influence of Consumers’ Cognitive and Psychographic Traits on Perceived Deception: A Comparison Between Online and Offline Retailing Contexts.Isabel P. Riquelme & Sergio Román - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (3):405-422.
    In this article, we examine the role of several consumers’ cognitive and psychographic traits in their perceptions of retailers’ deceptive practices and the different effects on perceived deception associated with online vis-à-vis in-store shopping. Building on theoretical models of persuasion in consumer behavior, we hypothesize that the antecedents of perceived deception in traditional settings are the same as those on the Internet, while the intensity of the impact of these antecedents differs between the online and the offline environment. Results suggest (...)
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    A logical approach to the analysis of metaphors.Isabel D'Hanis - 2002 - In L. Magnani, N. J. Nersessian & C. Pizzi (eds.), Logical and Computational Aspects of Model-Based Reasoning. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 21--37.
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    Scenes and Adventures in Spain: La España de la Primera Guerra Carlista.Isabel Abradelo de Usera - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-15.
    El presente artículo tiene el objetivo de analizar el libro de viajes de uno de los corresponsales que el periódico británico The Morning Chronicle envió para cubrir la Primera Guerra Carlista. John Moore, Poco Mas, como hicieron muchos otros periodistas contemporáneos, utiliza sus notas tomadas en el campo de batalla y sus reflexiones para publicar, años más tarde, una visión personal del conflicto que, además, refleje las características de un país y una sociedad diferente a la propia, con sus peculiares (...)
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    In the Shadow of Graft: Unveiling the Economic Costs and Remedies of Corruption.Prof Isabel Garcia - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Criticism 5 (2):211-218.
    _The serpent of corruption slithers through societies, injecting its venom into the veins of economies, constricting growth, and poisoning trust. This article delves into the labyrinthine terrain of corruption's economic effects, unraveling the intertwined threads of reduced efficiency, distorted markets, and undermined development. By navigating this labyrinth, we illuminate the hidden costs of graft and explore potential remedies for safeguarding economic health and fostering ethical prosperity. Charting a course towards a future free from corruption's corrosive touch requires a nuanced understanding (...)
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    The Effects of Occupational Status and Sex-Typed Jobs on the Evaluation of Men and Women.Cristina García-Ael, Isabel Cuadrado & Fernando Molero - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Contribution of Judges to Society.M. Isabel Garrido Gómez - 2015 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 101 (3):332-353.
    This article proposes that the social function of judges has evolved in line with the changes that have occurred in our societies, and so it must always be contextualised. The basic guarantee which judges should provide from the point of view of their social function is translated into offering a solution to the conflicts of legitimate rights and interests, and therefore the achievements must be viewed on the basis of the kind of judge acting in each case. Nonetheless, it can (...)
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    Extreme case formulations in Spanish pre-electoral debates and English panel interviews.Isabel Iñigo-Mora - 2007 - Discourse Studies 9 (3):341-363.
    This article is concerned with Extreme Case Formulations in multiple-party TV programmes in two different languages: Spanish and English. I examine the role of ECFs in Spanish pre-electoral debates and in English panel interviews. English data is 77 minutes and 58 seconds long and comprises nine different panel interviews of political, socio-political and social issues and Spanish data is 78 minutes long and includes four political pre-electoral debates. The results will disclose that the number of ECFs found in the Spanish (...)
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    May Subjective Language Complaints Predict Future Language Decline in Community-Dwelling Subjects?Carolina Maruta & Isabel Pavão Martins - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  50. Philosophical Writing.Henry More & Flora Isabel Machinnoe - 1925 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 5 (5):144-144.
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