Results for 'Islam. Bahai Faith. Theosophy, etc '

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  1. Kŭngil Dŭstlari: (Tazkiratul Avlië).Fotima Temur - 2004 - Movarounnaḣr. Edited by Boqizhon Matboboev.
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    The Sources for Early Bābī Doctrine and History: A SurveyThe Bahaʾi Faith and Islam: Proceedings of a Symposium, McGill University, March 23-25, 1984The Sources for Early Babi Doctrine and History: A SurveyThe Bahai Faith and Islam: Proceedings of a Symposium, McGill University, March 23-25, 1984. [REVIEW]John Walbridge, Denis MacEoin & Heshmat Moayyad - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (3):464.
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    Islamic and western liberal secular values of higher education : convergence or divergence?Abdullah Sahin - 2019 - In Paul Gibbs, Jill Jameson & Alex Elwick (eds.), Values of the University in a Time of Uncertainty. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. pp. 199-216.
    This chapter aims to discuss critically the changing values in higher education within the context of culturally, ethnically and religiously plural modern European societies with a special focus on the case of emerging European Islamic higher education institutions. The inquiry argues for the need to rethink the core values in Islamic and western liberal, secular higher education in order to facilitate a new creative engagement between these two distinctive perspectives on higher education that share an intertwined intellectual legacy. The focus (...)
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    Islamic contradictory theology.Abbas Ahsan - unknown
    There are two overarching aims of the five collated papers that make up my thesis. The first is to demonstrate that making sense of an ineffable Islamic God in virtue of classical logic and various truth theories (under the purview of analytic philosophy) motivates a theological contradiction. The second is to offer a solution to this problem. I spend a substantial part of my thesis establishing the first of these aims. The reason for this is twofold. Firstly, it is to (...)
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    Faith in God, philanthropy and foundations of criticism of religious violence in Mulla Sadra’s philosophy.Sayyed M. Emami Jome, Mahdi Ganjvar & Nafiseh Ahl Sarmadi - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1).
    This article aims at showing the potentiality of Transcendent Theosophy in the creation of peace and denial of religious violence. Belief in Necessary Being that is identical to beauty and perfection is one of the central issues in Islamic philosophy, particularly Mulla Sadra’s Transcendent Theosophy. This belief has different stages, the highest one of which is a love-based sense of humbleness before God who is the source of beauty. Thus, faith in the thought of Mulla Sadra is one of the (...)
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  6. Modern sects: The Bābī and Bahāʼī religions.Sivan Lerer - 2017 - In Meʼir Mikhaʼel Bar-Asher & Meir Hatina (eds.), ha-Islam: hisṭoryah, dat, tarbut = Islam: history, religion, culture. Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit.
    The paper outlines the history of the Babi-Baha'i Faith, its main doctrines and practices.
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    Principles for progress: essays on religion and modernity. ʻAbduʼl-Bahá - 2018 - [Leiden, The Netherlands]: Leiden University Press. Edited by Sen McGlinn & ʻAbduʼl-Bahá.
    This book presents three of the works of Abdu'l-Bahá, son of the founder of the Bahá'i Faith, dealing with social and political issues.00In 'The Secret of Divine Civilization' (1875) Abdu'l-Bahá supports the administrative and broader social reforms of Mirzá Hosayn Khán, but looks mainly for organic reform through the efforts of Iranian intellectuals to waken and educate the masses. In this work, Abdu'l-Bahá gives virtuous and progressive Islamic clerics a leading role among these intellectuals, indeed most of his appeals are (...)
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    Divine Omniscience and Omnipotence in Medieval Philosophy: Islamic, Jewish and Christian Perspectives ed. by Tamar Rudavsky. [REVIEW]Peter A. Redpath - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (4):716-718.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:716 BOOK REVIEWS phies for each section (20 in all); (2) the summaries of major conclusions at the end of many chapters; (2) the explanations of how one body of texts (or its traditions) has been re-read (i.e., re-worked) by later texts; and (4) how one body of texts (e.g., the Psalms), provides for understanding a certain perspective other parts of the Old Testament (e.g., the Pentateuch). Some shortcomings (...)
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  9. Теорія релігійної освіти в контексті конфесійної традиції віри багаї.Yana Chornoivan - 2014 - Схід 4 (130).
    The author tries to find a place of religious education in religious traditions of the Baha'i Faith. The main objectives of the research are: 1. to clarify the meaning of terms "education", "learning", "upbringing" and limits of their application in the field of education of the Baha'i faith; 2. to clarify the meaning of terms "religious education", "religious learning", "religious upbringing" and limits of their application in the field of education of the Baha'i faith; After the analysis of the main (...)
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  10. K̲h̲udā aur īmān: ʻālamī falsafah va mazāhib ke tanāẓur men̲.VīEc Musāfir - 2000 - Karācī: Sayyid ainḍ Sayyid Pablisharz.
    Philosophical study of faith in God, nature, universe, etc., with special reference to Islam.
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    Indian Muslims’ Support for Ottoman Pan-Islamism: The Case of Shibli Nu’mani.Arshad Islam - forthcoming - Intellectual Discourse:197-220.
    Following their violent suppression of the Indian Revolution of1857, the British founded and consolidated their secular empire in the IndianSubcontinent, which marginalized and bypassed religion as far as possible,particularly Islam, which had been the official religion of the Mughal ancienrégime. Contemporaneous Ottoman efforts to counter European imperialism ledto Sultan Abdul Hamid II’s policy of pan-Islamism, particularlythe call for Islamic unity against the Russian aggression against Turkey in1877. It was at this critical juncture that some Indian Muslim scholars gallantlyvolunteered to counter (...)
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  12.  42
    My Memories of Bahāʾu'llāh by Ustād Muḥammad-ʿAlīy-i Salmānī, the Barber, with a Selection of His PoemsDoor of Hope. A Century of the Bahāʾī Faith in the Holy LandStudies in Bābī and Bahāʾī HistoryMy Memories of Bahau'llah by Ustad Muhammad-Aliy-i Salmani, the Barber, with a Selection of His PoemsDoor of Hope. A Century of the Bahai Faith in the Holy LandStudies in Babi and Bahai History.Michel M. Mazzaoui, Marzieh Gail, Muḥammad-ʿAlīy-I. Salmānī, David S. Ruhe, Moojan Momen & Muhammad-Aliy-I. Salmani - 1985 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (2):360.
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  13. The second millennium-A perspective from the Bahai faith.A. K. Merchant - 2001 - Journal of Dharma 26 (4):534-543.
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    Guru Grantha Shahib: A Model for Interfaith Understanding in Today’s World.Kazi Nurul Islam - forthcoming - Philosophy and Progress:1-14.
    Though all the religions of the world teach love, preach sympathy for others and encourage man to exercise utmost self-restraint and have most profoundly been a source of inspiration for the highest good of mankind, the world today is torn by conflicts, enmity and religious hatred. In this predicament, a lasting and peaceful society is impossible unless different faiths are understood in their proper perspectives. Therefore, it is necessary that people belonging to different faiths understand each other well. This necessitates (...)
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    İlk Dönem Vehh'bî Düşüncesinde İçtihadın Konumu ve Fıkhî Bir Mezhebe Bağlılığın Manası.Kerime Cesur Turhan - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 21 (2):1323-1354.
    : The founder of Wahhabism, Muḥammad ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhāb, is on the side of those who advocate that ijtihād’s gate is open. In his thought, the continuity of knowledge about the truth is based on the sustainability of ijtihād, and in every period, there have been mujtahids to interpret the nass in consistent with the issues. The later scholars have developed the thoughts related to ijtihād on this platform. Wahhābī thought does not describe madhhab as a systematic integrated approach. According (...)
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  16. Requests for "inappropriate" treatment based on religious beliefs.R. D. Orr & L. B. Genesen - 1997 - Journal of Medical Ethics 23 (3):142-147.
    Requests by patients or their families for treatment which the patient's physician considers to be "inappropriate" are becoming more frequent than refusals of treatment which the physician considers appropriate. Such requests are often based on the patient's religious beliefs about the attributes of God (sovereignty, omnipotence), the attributes of persons (sanctity of life), or the individual's personal relationship with God (communication, commands, etc). We present four such cases and discuss some of the basic religious tenets of the three Abrahamic faith (...)
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    Demystifying the Islamic Thought Reconciliation Model of Mullah sadra's Transcendent Theosophy.Fathul Mufid & Subaidi - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (1):205-231.
    Purpose: Transcendent theosophy or as known as Al-hikmah al-Muta’aliyah is the third school of Islamic philosophy founded by Mulla Sadra, and is the result of reconciliation of previous Islamic thoughts. This school is based on three main principles, namely: intellectual-intuition, rational proof, and Islamic sharia. The purpose of this paper was to uncover the reconciliation model of transcendent theosophy in reconciling various schools of Islamic thoughts, namely: traditional normative thought of Islamic sharia (Al-Qur’an and Sunnah), classical tradition of dialectical theology (...)
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    The Miracles of Saints (Karāmāt) and Its Natures According to Ibn Ḥazm.Halil İbrahim Bulut - 2022 - Kader 20 (1):160-189.
    Muslims accept the existence of prophets and the occurrence of miracles as a basis of faith. The issue whether miracles will emerge from the righteous or saints is debatable. All Islamic scholars have accepted the existence of spiritual miracles, such as the grace of Allah to his saintly servants in the form of glad tidings, peace of heart and perseverance in faith. However, the existence of sensible (ḥissī) miracles or extraordinary situations that a person would never be able to do (...)
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    Northern Buddhism in the culture of the East Siberian region of Russia (on the history of the Irkutsk Spiritual Mission of the Russian Orthodox Church).Alexey Zykin & Mikhail Anatol'evich Aref'ev - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The study of the cultural activity of the Spiritual missions of the Russian Orthodox Church in various regions of Russia is one of the urgent tasks in the context of the problematic field of the theory of regionalism, cultural studies and socio-philosophical knowledge. Russian settlements on the territory of the Yenisei River basin and the entry of ethnic groups and territories of Yakutia and Buryatia into the Russian Empire has become one of the most important stages of the integration of (...)
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    Abbād b. Sulaymān’s Emphasis of Divine Trancendence: God’s Names and Attributes.Abdulkerim İskender Sarica - 2020 - Kader 18 (2):539-569.
    Muʻtazilite thinkers put forward the first systematic ideas for the relationship of essence and attributes, one of the most fundamental and complicated issues of Islamic theology, and comprehensive explanations to the question of God’s names. Although almost all the thinkers agreed on uṣūl al-khamsa, they differed in their approach to the principle of unity (tawḥīd). ‘Abbād b. Sulaymān, who lived in the period when these approaches emerged, is a scholar who reveals his distinctive view of God’s names and attributes in (...)
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    Sociology of Idolatry in the Pre-Islamic Arabic Faith Climate.Metin DOĞAN - 2021 - Dini Araştırmalar 24 (61):459-488.
    Many societies have had different tendencies in terms of belief in the historical process. The purpose of this article is to look in general terms whether the types of society, including the Arabs, in the pre-Islamic tribe and clan structuring, have experienced systems such as totemism, fetishism, naturism and animism in different forms and time periods. Likewise, it is to examine the pre-Islamic Arabs, the features that distinguish them from other types of society, and their monotheistic religions and paganism that (...)
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    Islam in a post-secular society: religion, secularity and the antagonism of recalcitrant faith.Dustin Byrd - 2016 - Boston: Brill.
    Islam in the Post-Secular Society offers an interpretation of the struggles that Muslims face within secular western society, and attempts to find a path for a future reconciliation.
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  23. Readymades in the Social Sphere: an Interview with Daniel Peltz.Feliz Lucia Molina - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):17-24.
    Since 2008 I have been closely following the conceptual/performance/video work of Daniel Peltz. Gently rendered through media installation, ethnographic, and performance strategies, Peltz’s work reverently and warmly engages the inner workings of social systems, leaving elegant rips and tears in any given socio/cultural quilt. He engages readymades (of social and media constructions) and uses what are identified as interruptionist/interventionist strategies to disrupt parts of an existing social system, thus allowing for something other to emerge. Like the stereoscope that requires two (...)
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    Mulla Sadra.Sayeh Meisami - 2013 - Oneworld Publications.
    Mulla Sadra is perhaps the single most important and influential philosopher in the Muslim world in the last four hundred years. The author of over forty works, he sought to bring to life the whole heritage of Islamic thought, from philosophy to mysticism, and create a more flexible and conciliatory approach to the problems which seemed to dissociate reason from faith. In this wide-ranging profile, Sayeh Meisami reaches beyond historical narrative to assess the true impact of the man and his (...)
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    Islam the ultimate faith.Mohammad Salim - 1995 - Srinagar: Rebus Pub. House.
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    Faith and Practice Are Different Matters in Islam.Sînziana Preda - 2015 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 14 (41):174-201.
    After the fall of the communist regime in Romania, in the name of their shared religious faith, a series of religious NGOs from Turkey and other Islamic countries expressed their readiness to support the members of the two communities in their search for their lost religious identity after the religious constraints enforced by the communist regime had been lifted in 1989. The fieldwork undertaken as part of a research project on the two historical Muslim communities in Dobruja, the Turks and (...)
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    The Culture of Coexistence in the Context of the Medina Agreement.Hüseyin Yilmaz - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (1):239-258.
    As a natural result of globalization and migration from village to city, peace, ease, and happiness of people who have to coexist in cities are extremely important. Beliefs, systems, ideologies, and institutions aim to achieve this. This situation forces individuals and groups who live together, whether they want to or not, to get to know and communicate with each other within a trust environment. The most important factor that makes recognizing segments of society with different characteristics and communicate with them (...)
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  28. Ortaçağ’da Bir Yorumcu: İbn Rüşd - Bir Giriş Metni.Songul Kose - 2022 - Ortaçağ Araştırmaları Dergisi (Oad) 2 (5):261-269.
    Monotheism is a product of abstract thought. Although it does not exactly overlap with the view of God in today's monotheistic religious beliefs, the thought of God in Ancient Greek philosophy, that is, the creative thought other than the creature, found its cores in Plato's Demiurge [Dēmiourgos], and this thought continued to develop with Aristotle, Plotinus and St Augustine. Thus, it can be said that the Christian faith, which includes the Jewish religion in terms of belief and Greek philosophy in (...)
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    An Assessment on Ḥüseyin Kāẓım Kadri’s Discourse Against the New Kalām of Science.Rabiye ÇETİN - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):807-831.
    The need for renewal felt in various fields with the Tanẓīmat, and the changes and modernization activities realized in accordance with it, and the nature and boundaries of these activities are important issues that determine the period's intellectual agenda. Some of the proposals for a solution to save the state are related to the renewal of religious thought. The bad situation in the Ottoman Empire stems from the way religion is understood, not from religion itself, and one of the names (...)
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    Faith and Reason, Religion and Philosophy: Four Views from Medieval Islam and Christianity.Richard C. Taylor - unknown
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    Das „Feindbild Bahai“ im Wandel der politischen Verhältnisse im Iran.Armin Eschraghi - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 72 (3):311-344.
    The Bahai Faith originated in 19th century Iran. Since the early days of its inception and up until today, in Iran the followers of the faith have been subject to persecution, carried out under different pretexts. A study of polemical anti-Bahai writings demonstrates that the accusations against Bahais evolved and in fact changed over time. The portrayal of the Bahais as “enemies” was reshaped and adapted time and again to current needs and ideological agendas. Anti-Bahaism, it is argued (...)
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    Faith and Practice: Islamic Perspectives on Robert Browning.Rehnuma Bint Anis & Md Mahmudul Hasan - 2020 - Intellectual Discourse 28 (1):129-148.
    : One of the greatest poets of the Victorian period, Robert Browningis taught universally from school through university levels. Given suchmagnitude, the multifaceted poet deserves research attention from variousperspectives. A fascinating aspect of his poetry is that, in spite of his refusal tobe labelled as a Christian, he displays strong faith in God and the afterlife. Hispoetry is steeped in religious connotations that derive heavily from the Bible.There are striking similarities between many concepts preached by Islam andChristianity. It will be (...)
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    Qualitative insights into promotion of pharmaceutical products in Bangladesh: how ethical are the practices?Mahrukh Mohiuddin, Sabina Faiz Rashid, Mofijul Islam Shuvro, Nahitun Nahar & Syed Masud Ahmed - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundThe pharmaceutical market in Bangladesh is highly concentrated. Due to high competition aggressive marketing strategies are adopted for greater market share, which sometimes cross limit. There is lack of data on this aspect in Bangladesh. This exploratory study aimed to fill this gap by investigating current promotional practices of the pharmaceutical companies including the role of their medical representatives.MethodsThis qualitative study was conducted as part of a larger study to explore the status of governance in health sector in 2009. Data (...)
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    Islam as Political Religion: The Future of an Imperial Faith.Shabbir Akhtar - 2010 - Routledge.
    This comprehensive survey of contemporary Islam provides a philosophical and theological approach to the issues faced by Muslims and the question of global secularisation. Engaging with critics of modern Islam, Shabbir Akhtar sets out an agenda of what his religion is and could be as a political entity. Exploring the views and arguments of philosophical, religious and political thinkers, the author covers a raft of issues faced by Muslims in an increasingly secular society. Chapters are devoted to the Qurâean and (...)
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    Historical Overview of Inter-Faith Relations in the Islamic Countries: The Presence of Christian Monks and Monasteries as Signposts of Faith.Steve Cochrane - 2010 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 27 (4):275-280.
    This paper examines a little known aspect of the history of inter-faith relations in Muslim countries; the presence and role of Christian monks and monasteries. Particular attention is given to Muslim attitudes and writings on monasticsm, including in the Qur’an and Hadith, the 9th century in Iraq as an important period of Muslim-Christian interactions, and present and future implications of Christian monasteries in inter-faith relations. By describing these institutions and their place in Islamic society, it is hoped that an alternate (...)
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    Color in islamic theosophy: An analytical reading of four scholars: Kubrā, rāzī, simnānī, and kirmānī.Zahra Abdollah - 2011 - Journal of Islamic Philosophy 7:35-52.
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    Maintaining faith from within: How Chinese Muslim organisations in Indonesia improve converts’ understanding of Islam.Yusuf Z. Abidin - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):9.
    This study discusses the numerous challenges that Chinese Muslims experience as a minority in Indonesia, as well as the role of Chinese Muslim groups in providing them with religious direction. This study employs a phenomenological approach that relies on in-depth interviews with 14 informants who were chosen purposively. According to the study, the obstacles faced are domestic constraints, where they are alienated by their extended family, and social constraints, particularly for those from disadvantaged groups. As a result of this situation, (...)
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    The Syncretic Swing of Faith in Maddoa: Islamic and Buginese Theological Assimilation in pinrang's Harvest Festival of Indonesia.Indo Santalia, Muhammad Ilham Thamrin & Barsihannor Barsihannor - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (3):24-44.
    Expressions of gratitude to God or any divine deity varies in each community, and often evolves from simple acts to complex rituals across different traditions. One such ritual is the Maddoa tradition of Pinrang community, Indonesia, practiced prior to a planting season, as an expression of gratitude to Allah SWT, especially by those whose occupation is agriculture. This study examines how the maddoa' (traditional swing) ceremony reflects a blend of cultural practices and broader Islamic theological perspectives in Pinrang, Indonesia. The (...)
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  39. Faith and Reason - Opposing Political Islam.Roy Brown - 2003 - Free Inquiry 24.
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    Neighboring Faiths: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism in the Middle Ages and Today by David Nirenberg. [REVIEW]Alexander Green - 2015 - Review of Metaphysics 69 (1):149-151.
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  41. A Comparative Study between the Attributes of Jesus in Christian Theology and Muhammadan Reality in Islamic Theosophy.Hossein Atrak - forthcoming - Philosophical Investigations 14 (32):29-47.
    In this paper, the attributes of Jesus as the second person of Trinity in Christianity and Muhammadan Reality in Islamic Theosophy were compared. The term ''Muhammadan Reality'' in Islamic Theosophy refers to transcendental and divine being of Muhammad rather than his human and historic existence. According to this research, both Jesus and Muhammadan Realities have divine attributes. They are lights of God, the Word or the Pen of God, the creators of the word, omniscience, omnipotent, omnibenevolent as well as the (...)
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    Potentialities of faith-based organisations to integrate youths into society: The case of the Deobandi Islamic movement in South Africa.Zahraa McDonald - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (3).
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    Theosophy and the origins of the indian national congress.Mark Bevir - 2003 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 7 (1-3):99-115.
    No doubt the Western conceptualization of the East generally served to subjugate the Indians to their colonial rulers, but it also provided a set of beliefs to which disgruntled Western occultists and radicals, and also Western-educated Indians, could appeal in order to defend the dignity and worth of Indian religion and society. No doubt the founding theosophists had no intention of promoting political radicalism on the subcontinent, but the discourse they helped to establish provided others with an instrument they could (...)
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    The Dialogue of Islam and the World Faiths.Shabbir Akhtar - 2003 - In Peter Koslowski (ed.), Philosophy bridging the world religions. Boston: Kluwer Academic. pp. 21--37.
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    Womanhood, Dignity and Faith: Reflections on an Islamic Woman's Life Story.Elisabeth Ozdalga - 1997 - European Journal of Women's Studies 4 (4):473-497.
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    Alain Locke: faith and philosophy.Christopher Buck - 2005 - Los Angeles, Calif.: Kalimat Press.
    Self-portrait -- The early Washington, D.C. Baha'i community -- Conversion -- Race amity -- Pilgrimage -- Harlem Renaissance and Baha'i service -- Estrangement and rededication -- Baha'i essays -- Alain Locke's philosophy of democracy : America, race, and world peace.
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  47. Islamic Philosophy.Oliver Leaman - 2009 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    Although Islamic philosophy represents one of the leading philosophical traditions in the world, it has only recently begun to receive the attention it deserves in the non-Islamic world. This important text provides a concise and accessible introduction to the major movements, thinkers and concepts within that tradition, from the foundation of Islam to the present day. Ever since the growth of Islam as a religious and political movement, Muslim thinkers have sought to understand the theoretical aspects of their faith by (...)
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    Islam: A Contemporary Philosophical Investigation.Imran Aijaz - 2018 - New York, NY, USA: Routledge.
    Islam as a religion and a way of life guides millions of people around the world and has a significant impact on worldly affairs. To many Muslims, however, a philosophical understanding or assessment of Islamic belief is seen as a feeble and religiously inappropriate attempt to understand matters that are beyond rational comprehension. Islam: A Contemporary Philosophical Investigation explores this issue in detail, by guiding readers through a careful study of the relationship between faith and reason in Islam. In particular, (...)
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    How Islamic Business Ethics Impact Women Entrepreneurs: Insights from Four Arab Middle Eastern Countries.Hayfaa A. Tlaiss - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 129 (4):859-877.
    This study explores how Islamic business ethics and values impact the way in which Muslim women entrepreneurs conduct their business in the Arab world. Guided by institutional theory as a theoretical framework and social constructionism as a philosophical stance, this study uses a qualitative, interview-based methodology. Capitalizing on in-depth, face-to-face interviews with Muslim Arab women entrepreneurs across four countries in the Arab Middle East region, the results portray how Islamic work values and ethics are embedded in the entrepreneurial activities of (...)
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  50. Islamic philosophy & the ethics of belief.Anthony Robert Booth - 2016 - London: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In this book the author argues that the Falasifa, the Philosophers of the Islamic Golden Age, are usefully interpreted through the prism of the contemporary, western ethics of belief. He contends that their position amounts to what he calls ‘Moderate Evidentialism’ – that only for the epistemic elite what one ought to believe is determined by one’s evidence. The author makes the case that the Falasifa’s position is well argued, ingeniously circumvents issues in the epistemology of testimony, and is well (...)
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