Results for 'Iva Golijan'

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  1.  23
    Ethical and legal aspects of the right to die with dignity.Iva Golijan - 2020 - Filozofija I Društvo 31 (3):420-439.
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  2. Śivādvaita paribhāṣā: mūla mattu Kannaḍānuvāda sahita.Nīlakaṇṭha Śivācārya - 2004 - Bāḷehonnūru: Śrī Jagadguru Rambhāpurī Vīrasiṃhāsana Mahāsaṃsthāna Pīṭha.
    Kannada translation with original Sanskrit text on Śaktiviśiṣṭādvaitavedānta.
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    Interview with Associate Professor of Rijeka University Iva Rinčić.Hanna Hubenko & Iva Rinčić - 2019 - Філософія Освіти 24 (1):242-247.
    Interview with associate professor Iva Rincic feels like meeting a close-minded person on a very long journey. Meet and feel that you are “on the same page”. What is urban bioethics? How is it different from bioethics in general? What is this “Project on Bioethical Urban Life Standards: The City as the Basis for Ethics Life”? – are the main points laid down in the conversation. So, during the interview, you will find out that despite the fact that bioethics is (...)
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    The comprehension of anomalous sentences: Evidence from structural priming.Iva Ivanova, Martin J. Pickering, Holly P. Branigan, Janet F. McLean & Albert Costa - 2012 - Cognition 122 (2):193-209.
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    Usare l'ironia per fare storia della filosofia: la lezione di Aleksej Losev.Iva Manova - 2020 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3:529-544.
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    A szabadság felelőssége: írások a 65 éves Dénes Iván Zoltán tiszteletére.Iván Zoltán Dénes, Ferenc Pénzes, Sándor Rács & László Tóth-Matolcsi (eds.) - 2011 - Debrecen: Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó.
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  7. From Acquuantaince to Neutral Monism: Russell’s Theory of Cognition.Iva Apostolova - 2004 - The Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly 123.
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    Princess Elizabeth of Bohemia and Margaret Cavendish: The Feminine Touch in 17th Century Epistemology.Iva Apostalova - 2010 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 26:83-97.
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    The ‘Different’ Experience of Women in War.Iva Apostolova - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 29:5-12.
    The question in the title involves two main issues: 1) should women enjoy the same right as men to fight in armed combat? 2) is it useful to have women-combatants?. I will argue that we need to address both issues. In other words, the issue of rights, including gender rights, is not sufficient to answer the question of the role of women in warfare, in general, and combat positions, in particular. In exploring the usefulness of women in combat, I will (...)
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  10. Purposes of social contracts : Hobbesian laws, Lockean rights, and Rawlsian ideas.Ville Päivänsalo - 2010 - In Virpi Mäkinen (ed.), The nature of rights: moral and political aspects of rights in late medieval and early modern philosophy. Helsinki: The Philosophical Society of Finland.
  11. 10. »dani Bioetike« U Rijeci.Iva Rinčić - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (2):422-425.
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  12.  16
    Epistemologické výzvy platonismu a Gödelovo pojetí matematické intuice.Iva Svačinová - 2013 - Pro-Fil 13 (2):4.
    Text se věnuje možnosti uspokojivé epistemologie matematického platonismu: otázce, jak je možné získat znalost o entitách, které jsou abstraktní a na mysli nezávislé. První část textu se zaměřuje na vymezení platonismu a formulaci epistemologických námitek, představuje námitky Paula Benacerrafa a Hartryho Fielda. Ve druhé části je představena a analyzována matematická intuice postulovaná Kurtem Gödelem. Gödelova epistemologická strategie je upřesněna pomocí otázek: (1) O jaký typ intuice se jedná? (2) Jedná se o spolehlivý zdroj znalosti? (3) Podává Gödel nějaké vysvětlení mechanismu (...)
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    De la possibilité d'une fiction historique chez Jacques Derrida: phénoménologie, grammatologie, poétique.Iván Trujillo - 2017 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La fiction historique dont nous parlons ici a vu le jour par rapport à la pensée de l'écriture, ou de l'inscription, telle qu'elle a eu lieu dans le travail de Jacques Derrida des années 60. Au coeur de ce travail, il y a trois textes publiés en 1967 : La voix et le phénomène, De la grammatologie, L'écriture et la différence. Traverser ces travaux revient à traverser : premièrement, l'imagination du mot, qui n'était pour Husserl que pure fiction ; deuxièmement, (...)
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  14.  30
    The lin‐12 locus of Caenorhabditis elegans.Iva Greenwald - 1987 - Bioessays 6 (2):70-73.
    Analysis of the patterns of cell lineage observed during development of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, combined with selected cell ablation experiments, has revealed that while many cell fates are autonomously (intrinsically) determined, cell–cell interactions are required for a number of developmental decisions. Earlier genetic analysis of one key gene, lin‐12, had shown that this gene controls a number of bi‐potential fate decisions involving such cellular interactions. Molecular analysis of this gene is now providing clues to its mode of action in (...)
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  15.  17
    Within-language lexical interference can be resolved in a similar way to between-language interference.Iva Ivanova & Dacia Carolina Hernandez - 2021 - Cognition 214 (C):104760.
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    Introduction. Writing a universal history of philosophy: soviet philosophical historiography in a comparative perspective.Iva Manova - 2018 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 73 (2):209-215.
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    Filosofía y estilo: ensayos de filosofía.Iván Oroza - 2001 - La Paz, Bolivia: Ediciones A.
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    Bábu nepřemluvíš, co takhle jít k volbám? Strategicky kontraproduktivní přemlouvání mladých (ne)voličů.Iva Svačinová - 2019 - Filosofie Dnes 10 (2).
    Text představuje pragma-dialektický přístup k argumentaci. Věnuje se představení nástrojů standardní verze (ideální model kritické diskuze, argumentační schéma, argumentační struktura) i rozšířené verze (typ komunikační aktivity, strategické manévrování). Následně ilustruje užití předložených nástrojů na případové analýze videa „Přemluv bábu“. Standardní verze je využita k zodpovězení otázky „Jakou argumentaci Mádl a Issová předkládají? Je zde představen postup rekonstrukce argumentační výpovědi: identifikaci argumentačně relevantních prvků textu a rekonstrukci argumentační struktury a užitých argumentačních schémat. Rozšířená verze pragma-dialektiky je užita k zodpovězení otázky „Jaké (...)
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  19.  25
    The Thesis of the Effectiveness of Quasi-logical Arguments.Iva Svačinová - 2019 - Argumentation 33 (1):75-106.
    The article focuses on the new rhetoric category of quasi-logical arguments, defined as arguments similar to logical or mathematical demonstrations, and therefore having an effect on the audience. Connecting the similarity of arguments to formal demonstrations with the claim of effect on audience is conceived in this article as the thesis of effectiveness of quasi-logical arguments. The components of the thesis are reconstructed and analyzed, and their precise definitions are proposed. The analysis shows that the category of quasi-logical arguments is (...)
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  20. James O. Young, Art and Knowledge.Iva Vlah - 2003 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 7:102-105.
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  21.  18
    Exploration patterns shape cognitive map learning.Iva K. Brunec, Melissa M. Nantais, Jennifer E. Sutton, Russell A. Epstein & Nora S. Newcombe - 2023 - Cognition 233 (C):105360.
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    Pragma-Dialectical Reconstruction of Crisis Diary-Writing as a Communicative Activity Type.Iva Svačinová - 2020 - Argumentation 35 (2):237-264.
    This paper concerns the character of argumentation in inner dialogue, i.e. dialogue that an individual keeps to herself in her own mind. The problem of inner dialogue research is the methodological difficulty connected with its externalization. In the text, the activity of crisis diary-writing is suggested as a way of naturally externalizing inner decision-making. By adopting a pragma-dialectic approach to argumentation, the text attempts to characterize crisis diary-writing as an argumentative activity type. The argumentative characterization of crisis diary-writing involves identifying (...)
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  23.  31
    Contracted time and expanded space: The impact of circumnavigation on judgements of space and time.Iva K. Brunec, Amir-Homayoun Javadi, Fiona E. L. Zisch & Hugo J. Spiers - 2017 - Cognition 166 (C):425-432.
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    Bases conceptuales de la democracia.Iván Darío Arango - 2013 - Medellín, Colombia: Editorial Universidad de Antioquia.
  25.  12
    Detecting properties from descriptions of groups.Iva Bilanovic, Jennifer Chubb & Sam Roven - 2020 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 59 (3-4):293-312.
    We consider whether given a simple, finite description of a group in the form of an algorithm, it is possible to algorithmically determine if the corresponding group has some specified property or not. When there is such an algorithm, we say the property is recursively recognizable within some class of descriptions. When there is not, we ask how difficult it is to detect the property in an algorithmic sense. We consider descriptions of two sorts: first, recursive presentations in terms of (...)
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    Kritičko mišljenje u obrazovanju: dosadašnji doprinosi i otvoreni smjerovi.Iva Buchberger, Valentina Bolčević & Vesna Kovač - 2017 - Metodicki Ogledi 24 (1):109-129.
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  27. Notas para una problematización de las ciencias sociales en tanto saberes.Iván Gabriel Dalmau - 2018 - In Héctor A. Palma (ed.), Conexiones y fronteras: desafíos filosóficos de las ciencias sociales en el siglo XXI. Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos.
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  28. Anna Mikhailovna Pankratova (1897-1957).Iva Glisic - 2023 - In Marnie Hughes-Warrington & Daniel Woolf (eds.), History from loss: a global introduction to histories written from defeat, colonization, exile and imprisonment. New York: Routledge.
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  29. Śrī Nīlakaṇṭa Civācāriyār aruḷiya Piramacūttira Civāttuvita Caivapāṭiyam.Nīlakaṇṭha Śivācārya - 2005 - Thanjavur: Saint Sekkizhaar School of Saiva Siddhanta. Edited by Centinātaiyar.
    Tamil translation with original Sanskrit text on Śaktiviśiṣṭādvaitavedānta.
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    The Mother in the Yugoslav Partisan Myth: Creative Revisions and Subversive Messages in Women-Centred Narratives.Iva Jelušić - 2017 - History of Communism in Europe 8:323-342.
    The foundations of the narrative about the partisan war in socialist Yugoslavia drew from the familiar tradition of folktales and prompted the moulding of a group of characters who, as a rule, followed a pre-established sequence of events, offering a rather polished image of the People’s Liberation Struggle. This paper will focus on one archetype that found its place in the war myth–the partisan mother. The aim of the paper is to illustrate how the women who experienced the armed conflict (...)
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    Interpretations of Spinoza's Ontology in Soviet philosophical Historiography in the 1950-70s.Iva Manova - 2016 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 71 (1):69-91.
  32.  5
    BOOK REVIEW: Maria Paola Feretti, THE PUBLIC PERSPECTIVE: PUBLIC JUSTIFICATION AND THE ETHICS OF BELIEF, Rowman & Littlefield, 2018.Iva Martinić - 2021 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 17 (1).
    Book REVIEW: Maria Paola Feretti, THE PUBLIC PERSPECTIVE: PUBLIC JUSTIFICATION AND THE ETHICS OF BELIEF, Rowman & Littlefield, 2018, ISBN-10 1786608723, ISBN-13: 978-1786608727, Hardback, $126.00, e-Book, $38.00.
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  33. Forest on trial : towards a relational theory of legal agency for transitions into the Ecozoic.Iván Darío Vargas Roncancio - 2019 - In Christopher J. Orr & Kaitlin Kish (eds.), Liberty and the Ecological Crisis: Freedom on a Finite Planet. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  34. (1 other version)Saptapadārthī. Śivāditya - 1909 - Bombay: Nirnaya-Sagar Press. Edited by V. S. Ghate & Śeṣānanta.
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  35. Secuencia soberana.Iván Trujillo - 2019 - In E. Biset, Ana Paula Penchaszadeh & Marcela Rivera Hutinel (eds.), Soberanías en deconstrucción. [Córdoba, Argentina]: Editorial Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
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  36. Entre la entrega y la búsqueda de recompensa.Iván Galvani Y. Agustina Ugolini - 2017 - In José Garriga Zucal & Paul Hathazy (eds.), Sobre el sacrificio, el heroísmo y la violencia: aportes para comprender las lógicas de acción en las fuerzas de seguridad. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Octubre Editorial.
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    A Planetary Anthropocene? Views From Africa.Iva Peša - 2022 - Isis 113 (2):386-395.
    The Anthropocene is built on complex technological systems that span the globe. Historians of science have done much to document the emergence of this “technosphere.” Yet more interdisciplinary and regionally diverse approaches are needed to understand the complexity and unpredictability of the technosphere in our Anthropocene times. Rather than assuming a single planetary phenomenon, this essay emphasizes the widely varied lived experiences of the Anthropocene. Taking industrialized mining and oil drilling as examples of the technosphere, it examines three African localities (...)
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    H2A.Z helps genes remember their history so we can remember ours.Iva B. Zovkic & Brandon J. Walters - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (6):596-601.
    Histone variant exchange is a novel epigenetic regulator of cognition. We speculate that H2A.Z, a variant of canonical histone H2A, exerts unique effects on transcription during distinct stages of memory formation, ultimately acting to maintain memory of previous transcriptional states and poise genes for re‐activation. Hippocampus‐dependent memory formation is initiated by transient expression of memory‐related genes, which support the storage of recently acquired memories. Soon after, memories undergo systems consolidation, which transfers memories from the hippocampus to the cortex for long‐term (...)
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  39. Two Sides of the Same Coin? Neutral Monism as an Attempt to Reconcile Subjectivity and Objectivity in Personal Identity.Iva Apostolova & Nils-Frederic Wagner - 2020 - Metaphysica 21 (1):129-149.
    Standard views of personal identity over time often hover uneasily between the subjective, first-person dimension (e. g. psychological continuity), and the objective, third-person dimension (e. g. biological continuity) of a person’s life. Since both dimensions capture something integral to personal identity, we show that neither can successfully be discarded in favor of the other. The apparent need to reconcile subjectivity and objectivity, however, presents standard views with problems both in seeking an ontological footing of, as well as epistemic evidence for, (...)
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  40.  18
    (1 other version)The eco-ethical contribution of Menico Torchio – a forgotten pioneer of European Bioethics.Iva Rincic, Amir Muzur & Cristina Richie - 2023 - Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities in Medicine 18 (1):1-6.
    Background In 1926, Fritz Jahr described bio-ethics (German: bio-ethik) as “the assumption of moral obligations not only towards humans, but towards all forms of life.” Jahr summarized his philosophy by declaring, “Respect every living being on principle as an end in itself and treat it, if possible, as such!.” Bioethics was thus originally an ethical system concerned with the “problems of interference with other living beings… and generally everything related to the balance of the ecosystem” according to the 1978 Encyclopedia (...)
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  41. Raznolikost bioetike u Hrvatskoj: povijesna skica s primjesom kritičnosti.Iva Rinčić & Amir Muzur - 2011 - Synthesis Philosophica 26 (2):403-428.
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  42. Śrī Vēdāgamōkta Śrī Siddhāntaśikhāmaṇi (Śrī Rēṇuka gīte): viśvadharma pratipādaka Śivādvaita śiddhāntada hr̥daya taraṅga = Sri Siddhantha shikhamani: profoundly propounds the quint essence of Shivadwaitha philosophy, viswa dharma. Śivayogiśivācārya - 1993 - Beṅgaḷūru: Śrī Pañcācārya Elekṭrik Pres. Edited by ṬiBi Basavarājayya.
    Exhaustive work on Vīraśaivism; includes commentary in Kannada.
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  43.  70
    Care and the Self: A Philosophical Perspective on Constructing Active Masculinities.Iva Apostolova & Elaina Gauthier-Mamaril - 2018 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 4 (1):1-15.
    Our paper focuses on the philosophical perspective of constructing active caring masculinities agencies in the contemporary feminist discourse. Since contemporary feminisms are not simply anti-essentialist, but more importantly, polyphonic, we believe that it is far more appropriate to talk about ‘masculinities’ as opposed to ‘masculinity’. We are proposing a revised understanding of the self in which the self is not defined primarily in the dichotomous, categorical one-other relationship. We use Paul Ricoeur’s anthropology to describe the self as relational, as well (...)
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  44.  48
    Russell's Two Theories of Memory.Iva Apostolova - 2017 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 37 (2).
    In this paper I examine Russell’s account of memory in both the acquaintance and the neutral monist periods, more specifically, the years from 1910 until 1927, with emphasis on The Problems of Philosophy, Theory of Knowledge, and The Analysis of Mind. I argue that memory is central for understanding how knowledge works, which is the main reason it remained in the focus of Russell’s analysis even after the gradual shift to neutral monism. I propose that memory played a not insignificant (...)
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    The Realistic Empiricism of Mach, James, and Russell: Neutral Monism Reconceived by Erik C. Banks.Iva Apostolova - 2015 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 53 (4):791-792.
  46. Guruśiṣyasaṃvādaḥ. Appayaśivācārya - 2013 - Mysore: [Copies can be had of Prasaranga, University of Mysore]. Edited by Es Jagannātha.
    On Anubhavādvaita in the form of dialogue between guru and disciple.
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  47. Chapter 27. Anna Mikhailovna Pankratova.Iva Glisic - 2023 - In Marnie Hughes-Warrington & Daniel Woolf (eds.), History from loss: a global introduction to histories written from defeat, colonization, exile and imprisonment. New York: Routledge.
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    BOOK REVIEW: John McMillan, THE METHODS OF BIOETHICS: AN ESSAY IN META-BIOETHICS.Iva Martinić - 2020 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 16 (1):117-122.
    BOOK REVIEW: John McMillan, THE METHODS OF BIOETHICS: AN ESSAY IN META- BIOETHICS Oxford University Press, 2018 ISBN-13: 978-0199603756 ISBN-10: 0199603758.
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    Maallinen oikeudenmukaisuus: järkiliberalismin rajat ja rosoinen lähimmäisyys.Ville Päivänsalo - 2011 - Helsinki: Suomalainen Teologinen Kirjallisuusseura.
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    Teorija institucija Arnolda Gehlena: prilog istraživanju bioetičkih institucija.Iva Rinčić - 2010 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 30 (1-2):141-159.
    Istraživanja povijesnog razvoja bioetike rijetko su kao predmet svog interesa imala fenomen bioetičkih institucija.U prvom dijelu rada se iznosi pregled povijesnog razvoja bioetike, nakon čega slijede glavne teze najvažnijih teorija institucija . Središnji dio rada obrađuje teoriju institucija Arnolda Gehlena, prema kojoj su institucije društvene činjenice u kojima se zajednički prihvaćaju i provode životne svrhe, a koje čovjek stvara s ciljem odterećenja od neizvjesnosti vlastite egzistencije, subjektivne motivacije i trajne improvizacije u odlučivanju.U zaključnom dijelu rada analiziraju se mogućnosti i ograničenja (...)
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