Results for 'Ives Zarka'

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  1. Does a belief in God lead to moral cowardice?: The difference between courage of moral conviction and acquisition: Ives does a belief in God lead to moral cowardice?Jonathan Ives - 2008 - Think 7 (20):57-68.
    In our seventh and final piece on the theme “Good without God”, Jonathan Ives argues that reliance on God as an external source of moral authority leads to a kind of moral cowardice.
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  2. Appropriate methodologies for empirical bioethics: It's all relative.Jonathan Ives & Heather Draper - 2009 - Bioethics 23 (4):249-258.
    In this article we distinguish between philosophical bioethics (PB), descriptive policy orientated bioethics (DPOB) and normative policy oriented bioethics (NPOB). We argue that finding an appropriate methodology for combining empirical data and moral theory depends on what the aims of the research endeavour are, and that, for the most part, this combination is only required for NPOB. After briefly discussing the debate around the is/ought problem, and suggesting that both sides of this debate are misunderstanding one another (i.e. one side (...)
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    First philosophy and the foundation of knowledge.Yves-Charles Zarka - 1996 - In Tom Sorell (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 62--85.
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    Standards of practice in empirical bioethics research: towards a consensus.Jonathan Ives, Michael Dunn, Bert Molewijk, Jan Schildmann, Kristine Bærøe, Lucy Frith, Richard Huxtable, Elleke Landeweer, Marcel Mertz, Veerle Provoost, Annette Rid, Sabine Salloch, Mark Sheehan, Daniel Strech, Martine de Vries & Guy Widdershoven - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):68.
    This paper responds to the commentaries from Stacy Carter and Alan Cribb. We pick up on two main themes in our response. First, we reflect on how the process of setting standards for empirical bioethics research entails drawing boundaries around what research counts as empirical bioethics research, and we discuss whether the standards agreed in the consensus process draw these boundaries correctly. Second, we expand on the discussion in the original paper of the role and significance of the concept of (...)
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    Hobbes and Modern Political Thought.Yves Charles Zarka - 2016 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Edited by James Griffith. Translated by James Griffith.
  6.  19
    Réformer la démocratie : la légitimité d'exercice.Yves Charles Zarka - 2011 - Cités 47 (3):271.
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    De la gestion des fantômes du nihilisme. La réponse de la Destination de l’homme.Ives Radrizzani - 2019 - Fichte-Studien 47:34-43.
    The accusation of Nihilism, which Jacobi expressed in his Letter to Fichte, marks a caesura in Fichte’s production. Reputed to be the paradigmatical representantive of a philosophical tradition letting any reality dissolve in a simple game of shadows, Fichte sees himself constrained to clarify the status of the image in his system. This paper aims to examine the strategy to which he has recourse in the Destination of Man, in order to find an answer to the attack.
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    Jacobi und der konstruktivismusvorwurf gegen Fichte.Ives Radrizzani - 2024 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 149 (3):307-315.
    Quelle est la légitimité de l’accusation de constructivisme adressée par Jacobi à la « Doctrine de la Science » de Fichte? Il apparaît que Jacobi commet une double erreur, méthodologique et matérielle : d’une part il n’a pas suffisamment réfléchi sur le statut de sa propre démarche, d’autre part il gomme complètement l’assise pratique du système fichtéen, enracinée dans le sentiment ( Gefühl ).
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  9. Ambivalence de la peur.Yves Charles Zarka - 2018 - In Jean Birnbaum (ed.), De quoi avons-nous peur? [Paris]: Gallimard.
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    De la révolte de la jeunesse au nécessaire réveil des politiques.Yves Charles Zarka - 2011 - Cités 47 (3):288.
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    Le 20 e anniversaire de Cités.Yves Charles Zarka - 2020 - Cités 81 (1):179-184.
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    Le populisme et la démocratie des humeurs.Yves Charles Zarka - 2012 - Cités 49 (1):3-6.
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    Monique Atlan et Roger-Pol Droit, Quand la parole détruit, Paris, Éditions de l’Observatoire, 2023.Yves Charles Zarka - 2023 - Cités 96 (4):193-195.
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    Imperial-Way Zen: Ichikawa Hakugen's Critique and Lingering Questions for Buddhist Ethics.Christopher Ives - 2009 - University of Hawai'i Press.
    Despite the importance of Ichikawa's writings, this volume is the first by any scholar to outline his critique.
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  15. The ideology of context : Uses and abuses of context in the historiography of philosophy.Yves Carles Zarka - 2005 - In Tom Sorell & Graham Alan John Rogers (eds.), Analytic philosophy and history of philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Sounding Sense and Sensing Sound: ‘Form-Content Unity’ Revisited and Reformulated.Eliza Ives - 2024 - British Journal of Aesthetics 64 (4):429-444.
    What is poetry’s so-called ‘form-content unity’? In this paper, I argue that the idea of ‘form-content unity’, as derived from A. C. Bradley’s 1901 lecture, has been misconstrued by Peter Kivy, who believes that it is confused and vague. I argue that it has also been misconstrued, however, by the philosophers who find the idea insightful and instructive and present themselves as defending and developing it against Kivy’s criticisms. Crucially, Bradley’s argument emphasizes that hearing is necessary to any ‘poetic’ reading (...)
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    Nāgārjuna and analytic philosophy, II.Ives Waldo - 1978 - Philosophy East and West 28 (3):287-298.
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    Charles Ives and the American Mind.Rosalie Sandra Perry & Charles Ives - 1974 - Kent, Ohio : Kent State University Press.
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    Vers la fondation de l'intersubjectivité chez Fichte: des principes à la Nova methodo.Ives Radrizzani - 1993 - Paris: Vrin.
    La Doctrine de la science Nova Methodo est l'oeuvre maitresse de la production fichteenne de l'epoque de Iena. Construite sur les resultats des Principes de la Doctrine de la science, mais allant, aux dires memes de l'auteur, plus loin dans le developpement des principes, elle commande, grace a la deduction de l'intersubjectivite, les parties pratiques du systeme telles que le droit et l'ethique. Loin d'etre un atout mineur, la theorie de l'intersubjectivite est censee constituer la clef de voute de la (...)
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  20. Who's arguing? A call for reflexivity in bioethics.Jonathan Ives & Michael Dunn - 2010 - Bioethics 24 (5):256-265.
    In this paper we set forth what we believe to be a relatively controversial argument, claiming that 'bioethics' needs to undergo a fundamental change in the way it is practised. This change, we argue, requires philosophical bioethicists to adopt reflexive practices when applying their analyses in public forums, acknowledging openly that bioethics is an embedded socio-cultural practice, shaped by the ever-changing intuitions of individual philosophers, which cannot be viewed as a detached intellectual endeavour. This said, we argue that in order (...)
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    The foundations of natural law.Yves Charles Zarka - 1999 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 7 (1):15 – 32.
  22. La Recherche Philosophique En France Bilans Et Perspectives : Universités, Cnrs, Grands Établissements d'Enseignement Supérieur : Rapport de la Commission Présidée Par Pierre Magnard Et Yves Charles Zarka ; Avant-Propos Par Pierre Bigot.Pierre Magnard, Yves Charles Zarka & Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - 1996 - Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale, de l'Enseignement Supérieur Et de la Recherche.
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    Os contos de fada e a sanidade mental.Ives Gandra Martins Filho - 2009 - The Chesterton Review Em Português 1 (1):35-40.
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    Fichte e lo scetticismo.Ives Radrizzani - 2019 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4:601-609.
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    Editions and Abbreviations.Yves Charles Zarka & Anne Deneys-Tunney - 2016 - In Yves Charles Zarka & Anne Deneys-Tunney (eds.), Rousseau Between Nature and Culture: Philosophy, Literature, and Politics. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Hobbes : Le pouvoir entre domination et resistance.Yves Charles Zarka & Liang Pang (eds.) - 2022 - Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin.
    La tension entre domination et resistance est au centre de la notion du pouvoir politique chez Hobbes. Or, celui-ci opere une mutation dans l'histoire de ces deux notions. La mutation intervenue dans la figure du gouvernant s'opere avec la notion de souverainete, c'est-a-dire avec la mise en place d'un concept uniquement politique du pouvoir, la rupture correlative intervenue dans la notion resistance consiste dans le passage du droit de resistance collectif du peuple au tyran a la notion de droit de (...)
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  27. Introduction générale.Yves Charles Zarka - 2025 - Cités 100 (4):3-14.
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    Le film : du projet au produit.Samuel Zarka - 2019 - Cités 1:23.
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    Le féminisme brouillé.Yves Charles Zarka - 2018 - Cités 73 (1):3.
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  30. Présentation.Yves Charles Zarka - 2025 - Cités 100 (4):439-443.
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    Pour un nouvel idéal de l’Europe.Yves Charles Zarka - 2017 - Cités 71 (3):3.
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    The Mutation of the Right of Resistance in Grotius and Hobbes.Yves Charles Zarka - 1999 - Grotiana 20 (1):35-47.
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    Socrates’ Request and the Educational Narrative of the Timaeus.Charles Ives - 2017 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book addresses the relevance of Timaeus’s cosmology to Socrates’ request for a speech about war. Charles Ives finds relevance in the dialogue’s concern for education apropos of the medical dimensions of Timaeus’ physics, the project of becoming like god, and the philosophical soul responsible for success on the battlefield.
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  34. Labor's historic mission [Book Review].Rosslyn Ives - 2016 - Australian Humanist, The 124:25.
    Ives, Rosslyn Review of: Labor's historic mission, by Brian Ellis, Pamphleteer series No. 1, Australian Scholarly Publishing.
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    A method of Reflexive Balancing in a Pragmatic, Interdisciplinary and Reflexive Bioethics.Jonathan Ives - 2013 - Bioethics 28 (6):302-312.
    In recent years there has been a wealth of literature arguing the need for empirical and interdisciplinary approaches to bioethics, based on the premise that an empirically informed ethical analysis is more grounded, contextually sensitive and therefore more relevant to clinical practice than an ‘abstract’ philosophical analysis. Bioethics has (arguably) always been an interdisciplinary field, and the rise of ‘empirical’ (bio)ethics need not be seen as an attempt to give a new name to the longstanding practice of interdisciplinary collaboration, but (...)
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  36. Fiction, Poetry and Translation: A Critique of Opacity.Eliza Ives - 2021 - Debates in Aesthetics 16 (1):31-46.
    This essay will criticize Peter Lamarque’s claim in The Opacity of Narrative that reading for ‘opacity’ is the way to read literature as literature. I will summarize the idea of ‘opacity’ and consider the plausibility of this claim through an examination of Lamarque’s related comments on translation. The argument for ‘opacity’, although it insists on the importance of attention to a work’s form in the apprehension of its content, involves, at the same time, a certain obliviousness to form, indicated in (...)
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  37. Arguably [Book Review].Rosslyn Ives - 2012 - The Australian Humanist (105):19.
    Ives, Rosslyn Review(s) of: Arguably, by Christopher Hitchens Atlantic Books London, 2011.
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  38. Carmen Lawrence Australian Humanist of the Year 2015.Rosslyn Ives - 2015 - Australian Humanist, The 118:1.
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  39. Reimagining humanism.Rosslyn Ives - 2017 - Australian Humanist, The 125:1.
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  40. The god argument: The case against religion and for humanism [Book Review].Rosslyn Ives - 2013 - The Australian Humanist 110 (110):25.
    Ives, Rosslyn Review of: The god argument: The case against religion and for humanism, by A. C. Grayling, Bloomsbury, London 2013. $30.
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  41. The most good you can do: How effective altruism is changing ideas about living ethically [Book Review].Rosslyn Ives - 2015 - Australian Humanist, The 119:24.
    Ives, Rosslyn Review of: The most good you can do: How effective altruism is changing ideas about living ethically, by Peter Singer, Text Publishing Melbourne 2015.
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  42. The swerve: How the renaissance began [Book Review].Rosslyn Ives - 2013 - The Australian Humanist 109 (109):22.
    Ives, Rosslyn Review of: The swerve: How the renaissance began, by Stephen Greenblatt, Publisher The Bodley Head, London 2011.
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    Implementation Science and Bioethics: Lessons From European Empirical Bioethics Research?Jonathan Ives, Giles Birchley & Richard Huxtable - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (4):80-82.
    Volume 20, Issue 4, May 2020, Page 80-82.
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  44. "Tiempo y espacio en Aristóteles y Kant", por Humberto Giannini.Ives Benzi - 1983 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 21:145-148.
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    Plato's Atlantis Story: Text, Translation and Commentary by Christopher Gill.Charles Ives - 2018 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 56 (1):171-172.
    Plato's Atlantis Story is a revised edition of Gill's previous volume, Plato: The Atlantis Story, originally published by Bristol Press in 1980. This revised edition includes a new interpretive introduction, comprehensive bibliography, an original translation, Greek text with commentary, a glossary of Greek terms, an index of ancient passages, and a handful of helpful figures that portray the geography of Atlantis as well as the geography of the world as conceived by the Greeks. All the bases have certainly been covered, (...)
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  46. Portals to Freedom.Howard Colby Ives - 1938 - Philosophical Review 47:554.
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    Die Bestimmung des Menschen.Ives Radrizzani - 2000 - Fichte-Studien 17:19-42.
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    Après le traumatisme, la réflexion sur soi en France.Yves Charles Zarka - 2016 - Cités 66 (2):95-102.
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    Being and Action in the Thought of Ralph Cudworth.Yves Charles Zarka - 2000 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 22 (1):41-52.
    The theory of action is a centerpiece of the philosophical thought of Ralph Cudworth. It is indeed in this theory that the fundamental, twofold operation of his thinking is played out: an overturning of necessitarian materialism and, correlatively, a reestablishment of the genuine idea of an intelligible system of the universe. The problem of action in Cudworth’s thought concerns his physical doctrine as much as his moral doctrine. It thus involves the theory of being and of value.
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    (1 other version)Éditorial.Yves Charles Zarka - 2006 - Cités 25 (1):1-3.
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