John Howe [13]J. THomas Howe [3]J. C. Howe [2]James M. Howe [2]
Jürgen Howe [1]Joshua P. Howe [1]Jeffery Howe [1]Jacqueline Monica Howe [1]

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  1.  46
    The ethics of going private.Douglas A. Houston & John S. Howe - 1987 - Journal of Business Ethics 6 (7):519 - 525.
    In this paper, we analyze some of the ethical dimensions of going private transactions (GPTs), wherein publicly traded firms are taken private. Financial theory suggests that efficiencies may be realized in these transactions such that outside shareholders are made better off. Empirical evidence supports this theory. We therefore argue that GPTs are not inherently exploitive or unethical. The issues of the fiduciary duty of corporate managers to shareholders and their obligations to non-shareholders are also explored.
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  2.  21
    A method to predict the orientation relationship, interface planes and morphology between a crystalline precipitate and matrix. Part I. Approach.Abhay Raj S. Gautam & James M. Howe - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (24):3203-3227.
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  3.  16
    Argument is Argument: An Essay on Conceptual Metaphor and Verbal Dispute.James Howe - 2007 - Metaphor and Symbol 23 (1):1-23.
    The metaphor “ARGUMENT IS WAR” looms large in the conceptualist and experientialist approach of CitationLakoff and Johnson (1980). Despite extensive discussion of this metaphor by critics and supporters of Lakoff and Johnson, it has so far escaped serious scrutiny on several key points. English-speakers can identify verbal exchanges as arguments without resort to metaphorical comparisons or transfers, and speakers' use of war metaphors to characterize verbal dispute depends on conventional understandings rather than personal experience of war or of other kinds (...)
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  4.  20
    Trade Union Ambivalence Toward Enforcement of Employment Standards as an Organizing Strategy.John Howe & Ingrid Landau - 2016 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 17 (1):201-227.
    Trade unions in Australia have long played an important role in the enforcement of minimum employment standards. The legislative framework today continues to recognize this enforcement role, but in a way that is more individualistic and legalistic than in the past. At the same time that the law has evolved to emphasize the representation and servicing role of trade unions, the Australian union movement has sought to revitalize and grow through the adoption of an “organizing model” of unionism that emphasizes (...)
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  5.  22
    On Double-Membership Graphs of Models of Anti-Foundation.Bea Adam-day, John Howe & Rosario Mennuni - 2023 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 29 (1):128-144.
    We answer some questions about graphs that are reducts of countable models of Anti-Foundation, obtained by considering the binary relation of double-membership $x\in y\in x$. We show that there are continuum-many such graphs, and study their connected components. We describe their complete theories and prove that each has continuum-many countable models, some of which are not reducts of models of Anti-Foundation.
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    Acoustic harmonic generation from fatigue-generated dislocation substructures in copper single crystals.T. M. Apple, J. H. Cantrell, C. M. Amaro, C. R. Mayer, W. T. Yost, S. R. Agnew & J. M. Howe - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (21):2802-2825.
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  7.  50
    Historical Perspectives.Deron R. Boyles, Kathryn Cramer, Timothy Reagan, Thomas Baker, Michele Brenner, Karen Buchanan, Christine Colling, Catherine Drinan, Karen Durbin, John Farra, Melinda Gale, Christy Godwin, George Gostovich, Leslie Greger, Jennifer Howe, Anne Lesch, Carolyn Miller, Holly Powell, Kaycee Taylor, Jesse Tepper, Kelly Wainwright, Todd Wiedemann & Kimberley Zacher - 1997 - Educational Studies 28 (3-4):260-274.
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    A method to predict the orientation relationship, interface planes and morphology between a crystalline precipitate and matrix: part II – application.Abhay Raj S. Gautam & James M. Howe - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (25):3472-3490.
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  9.  34
    Correspondence.J. C. Howe - 1917 - The Classical Review 31 (3-4):112-.
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  10.  33
    Cato De Agtricultura I.J. C. Howe - 1922 - The Classical Review 36 (3-4):72-.
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  11. Paul Klee and the Unseen World: Ghosts, Somnambulists, and Witches.Jeffery Howe - 2012 - In Paul Klee, Paul Klee: Philosophical Vision, From Nature to Art. Mcmullen Museum of Art, Boston College.
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  12.  23
    Transmission electron microscopy investigation of an ordered metastable phase in Zr-N alloys.S. Sharma, K. Moore & J. Howe - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (1):31-51.
    Supersaturated hcp f -Zr alloys containing 22-28 at.% N were prepared by nitriding sheets of Zr in an atmosphere of high-purity N 2 , followed by homogenization under high-purity Ar gas. Quenching and isothermal ageing of the alloys for various times between 500 and 650°C resulted in precipitation of a metastable phase, rather than the equilibrium phase ZrN. This investigation focused on determining the structure, orientation relationship, habit plane, morphology, growth kinetics and atomic growth mechanism of this non-equilibrium precipitate using (...)
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  13.  21
    The mismanagement of surface water.Iain White & Joe Howe - 2004 - In Antoine Bailly & Lay James Gibson, Applied Geography: A World Perspective. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 24--4.
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  14.  51
    Book Review The Republic of Grace: Augustinian Thoughts for Dark Times Mathewes Charles William B. Eerdmans Grand Rapids, MI. [REVIEW]J. THomas Howe - 2013 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 34 (1):82-86.
    With The Republic of Grace: Augustinian Thoughts for Dark Times, Charles Mathewes has given us a timely book that, I imagine, will be so for many times to come. His purpose throughout is to "offer a primer in the Augustinian-Christian vernacular, a language of religious, moral, and political deliberation" (2). This language and way of understanding reality, Mathewes argues, can provide us with ways of thinking about our own lives in the world as political and social creatures. The "dark times" (...)
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  15.  58
    Christophe Bonneuil; Jean-Baptiste Fressoz. The Shock of the Anthropocene: The Earth, History and Us. Translated by David Fernbach xiv + 306 pp., figs., illus., index. London/New York: Verso Books, 2016. £16.99. [REVIEW]Joshua P. Howe - 2017 - Isis 108 (2):501-502.
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  16.  8
    The ascent of John Tyndall: Victorian scientist, mountaineer, and public intellectual: by Roland Jackson, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018. xx + 556 pp., 26 plts, £25.00, ISBN 0198788959. [REVIEW]Joshua Howe - 2019 - Annals of Science 76 (3-4):385-387.
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  17.  6
    Trauer, ontologische Konfrontation: Bericht über die 2. Tagung zur Thanato-Psychologie vom 23.-24. November 1989 in Osnabrück.Randolph Ochsmann & Jürgen Howe (eds.) - 1991 - Stuttgart: Enke.
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