Jesse Lopes [7]Jorge Filipe N. S. Teixeira Lopes [4]Jean Richard Lopes [2]Jorge Luis Carneiro Lopes [2]
Jecson Girão Lopes [2]Jorge Filipe Teixeira Lopes [2]Júlio Aurélio Vianna Lopes [2]Jorge F. Teixeira Lopes [2]

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  1.  81
    On the psychologism of neurophenomenology.Jesse Lopes - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (1):85-104.
    Psychologism is defined as “the doctrine that the laws of mathematics and logic can be reduced to or depend on the laws governing thinking” (Moran & Cohen, 2012 266). And for Husserl, the laws of logic include the laws of meaning: “logic evidently is the science of meanings as such [Wissenschaft von Bedeutungen als solchen]” (Husserl ( 1975 ) 98/2001 225). I argue that, since it is sufficient for a theory to be psychologistic if the empiricistic theory of abstraction is (...)
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  2. Phenomenology as Proto-Computationalism: Do the Prolegomena Indicate a Computational Reading of the Logical Investigations?Jesse D. Lopes - 2023 - Husserl Studies 39 (1):47-68.
    This essay examines the possibility that phenomenological laws might be implemented by a computational mechanism by carefully analyzing key passages from the Prolegomena to Pure Logic. Part I examines the famous Denkmaschine passage as evidence for the view that intuitions of evidence are causally produced by computational means. Part II connects the less famous criticism of Avenarius & Mach on thought-economy with Husserl's 1891 essay 'On the Logic of Signs (Semiotic).' Husserl is shown to reaffirm his earlier opposition to associationist (...)
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  3.  70
    How Do Mental Processes Preserve Truth? Husserl’s Discovery of the Computational Theory of Mind.Jesse Daniel Lopes - 2020 - Husserl Studies 36 (1):25-45.
    Hubert Dreyfus once noted that it would be difficult to ascertain whether Edmund Husserl had a computational theory of mind. I provide evidence that he had one. Both Steven Pinker and Steven Horst think that the computational theory of mind must have two components: a representational-symbolic component and a causal component. Bearing this in mind, we proceed to a close-reading of the sections of “On the Logic of Signs” wherein Husserl presents, if I’m correct, his computational theory of mind embedded (...)
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  4.  41
    Hume, Kant, and Feuerbach: Why the anthropomorphic critique reveals a false dilemma between naturalistic atheism and anti-naturalistic theism.Chris Byron & Jesse Lopes - 2020 - Think 19 (54):55-67.
    In current debates concerning atheism, two positions are considered possible: naturalistic atheism or anti-naturalistic theism. Anti-naturalistic theism is motivated by the failure of naturalism to explain the fundamental nature of reality. We, however, endorse anti-naturalistic atheism by reviving the ‘anthropomorphic critique’, arguing that theism misattributes human traits to the deity. Anti-naturalistic atheism is better suited to refute theists, since it undercuts their appeal to science's inadequacies. We trace the anthropomorphic critique from Hume's Dialogues, through Kant's epistemology, and conclude with its (...)
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  5. Can Deep CNNs Avoid Infinite Regress/Circularity in Content Constitution?Jesse Lopes - 2023 - Minds and Machines 33 (3):507-524.
    The representations of deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are formed from generalizing similarities and abstracting from differences in the manner of the empiricist theory of abstraction (Buckner, Synthese 195:5339–5372, 2018). The empiricist theory of abstraction is well understood to entail infinite regress and circularity in content constitution (Husserl, Logical Investigations. Routledge, 2001). This paper argues these entailments hold a fortiori for deep CNNs. Two theses result: deep CNNs require supplementation by Quine’s “apparatus of identity and quantification” in order to (1) (...)
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  6. Naturalization without associationist reduction: a brief rebuttal to Yoshimi.Jesse Lopes - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-9.
    Yoshimi has attempted to defuse my argument concerning the identification of network abstraction with empiricist abstraction - thus entailing psychologism - by claiming that the argument does not generalize from the example of simple feed-forward networks. I show that the particular details of networks are logically irrelevant to the nature of the abstractive process they employ. This is ultimately because deep artificial neural networks (ANNs) and dynamical systems theory applied to the mind (DST) are both associationisms - that is, empiricist (...)
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  7.  15
    The contribution of the labour practices to organizational performance: The mediating role of social sustainability.Elisabete Nogueira, Sofia Gomes & João M. Lopes - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    In the fiercely competitive global business environment, the attainment of excellence is contingent upon the efficient management of human resources and their alignment with sustainable development goals. This study examines the interplay between labour practices, social sustainability and organizational performance, with a focus on the often-ignored perspectives of employees. Employees, often neglected as critical stakeholders, shape corporate values and strategy. The study uses a quantitative approach, having applied the partial least square method for the proposed research model. Questionnaire responses from (...)
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  8.  21
    Quantum Mechanics, a Half Century Later.J. Lopes & M. Paty - 1981 - Philosophy of Science 48 (1):156-161.
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  9.  45
    Phenomenology, Scientific Method and the Transformation Problem.Jesse Lopes & Chris Byron - 2021 - Historical Materialism 30 (1):209-236.
    We argue in this article that Marx’s scientific method coupled with his analysis of the phenomenological consciousness of agents trapped within the capitalist mode of production provides a sufficient solution to the transformation problem. That is, Marx needs no amending – mathematical, philosophical, or otherwise – and the tools he uses to demonstrate and resolve the problem – science and phenomenology – were already clearly spelled out in his texts. Critics of Marx either fail to understand his scientific method, or (...)
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  10.  10
    Etica e direito: um diálogo.Márcio Fabri dos Anjos & José Reinaldo de Lima Lopes (eds.) - 1996 - Aparecida, SP: Editora Santuário.
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  11.  30
    Hume, Kant, and Feuerbach: Why the anthropomorphic critique reveals a false dilemma between naturalistic atheism and anti-naturalistic theism.Christopher Byron & Jesse Lopes - 2020 - Think 19 (54):55-67.
    In current debates concerning atheism, two positions are considered possible: naturalistic atheism or anti-naturalistic theism. Anti-naturalistic theism is motivated by the failure of naturalism to explain the fundamental nature of reality. We, however, endorse anti-naturalistic atheism by reviving the ‘anthropomorphic critique’, arguing that theism misattributes human traits to the deity. Anti-naturalistic atheism is better suited to refute theists, since it undercuts their appeal to science's inadequacies. We trace the anthropomorphic critique from Hume's Dialogues, through Kant's epistemology, and conclude with its (...)
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  12.  28
    Hume, Kant, and Feuerbach: Why the anthropomorphic critique reveals a false dilemma between naturalistic atheism and anti-naturalistic theism - erratum.Chris Byron & Jesse Lopes - 2020 - Think 19 (55):139-139.
  13.  25
    A invasão do direito: a expansão jurídica sobre o Estado, o mercado e a moral.Júlio Aurélio Vianna Lopes - 2005 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil: FGV Editora.
    O gás sarin no metrô de Tóquio, as 'balas perdidas' no Rio de Janeiro e os ataques terroristas às torres gêmeas em Nova York ou ao transporte coletivo em Madri e Londres revelam que nossa sociedade interdependente é muito vulnerável.
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  14.  1
    Contrapontos Feuerbachianos Às Teses Marxianas Sobre Feuerbach.Júlio Aurélio Vianna Lopes - 2024 - Revista Dialectus 35 (35):249-268.
    Pesquisa teórica que detecta, em obras de Feuerbach publicadas e conhecidas por Marx no período durante o qual escreveu suas Teses Ad Feuerbach (só publicadas após a morte de ambos), para destacar naquelas certas formulações feuerbachianas contrárias às críticas marxianas então formuladas (embora somente guardadas) ao seu pensamento. Objetivando ampliar a compreensão do pensamento de Feuerbach nos aspectos criticados por Marx nas teses de 1845, o autor discute suas (im)pertinências teóricas, à medida que as formulações feuerbachianas detectadas, e correspondentes a (...)
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  15.  8
    Deus, consciência e gnosticismo na actual filosofia da religião: algumas orientações tomistas.Jorge F. Teixeira Lopes - 2023 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 79 (3):1193-1220.
    This article intends to address the problem about God, consciousness and gnostic legacy to modernity, whose immanent nature leads to serious philosophical conclusions. Indeed, the most important concept of contemporary idealism, within philosophy of religion, is consciousness, which is related with human’s individualism and self-sufficiency. In a cosmic approach, this doctrine proposes a pantheistic view of the universe and a paradigm of man’s deification and self-redemption, whose mainstream is the New Era’s spirituality without religion. Finally, an outline of Thomist doctrines (...)
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  16.  32
    Entrevista: Marilena Chauí.João Paulo Rodrigues Lopes - 2011 - Trans/Form/Ação 34 (s1):179-211.
    Bom, Marilena, a gente queria que, inicialmente, você falasse da sua formação intelectual.Tomando como ponto de partida o curso colegial ou tomando como ponto de partida a Faculdade?
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  17. O crepusculo de Deus nasa guerras dos homens. Uma leitura do In nomine Dei de Josè Saramago.Joao De Oliveira Lopes - 1998 - Humanitas 50:1025-1040.
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  18.  16
    Sobre a noção de contrato social em Hobbes.João Aloísio Lopes - 1979 - Discurso 10:87-94.
  19. Science, humanisme et tiers-monde.J. Leite Lopes - 1968 - Scientia 62 (3):623.
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  20.  25
    Thomas Hobbes: a necessidade da criação do Estado.Jecson Girão Lopes - 2012 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 6 (2):170-187.
    O presente artigo emerge com a proposta de explicitar como, a partir da teoria política do filósofo inglês Thomas Hobbes, engendra-se a necessidade da instauração do Estado, isto é, do Leviatã. Essa perspectiva vai perpassar todo o curso da obra Leviatã, na medida em que o filósofo mostra os fundamentos e as razões pelas quais o Leviatã deve terminantemente exercer a força, autoridade, influência, juízo, poder sobre os súditos, visto que, sem esse exercício de poder coercitivo pelo Estado a humanidade (...)
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  21.  19
    Kant e a mentira.Francisco Eliandro Souza do Nascimento & Jorge Luis Carneiro Lopes - 2015 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 11 (1):1-21.
    Neste artigo abordaremos a questão da mentira, em Kant, vinculando a questões de ordem moral. Pois, sendo a ética e o direito ramos da moral, o problema da mentira encontra-se em saber se ela é uma questão ética ou jurídica, ou se é um problema moral, que engloba tanto a ética como o direito, que não legitimam tal ato. Iniciaremos esta unidade com a análise dos conceitos de moral, ética e direito buscando compreender o que constitui cada um desses campos (...)
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  22.  29
    Safety and Tolerability of Burst-Cycling Deep Brain Stimulation for Freezing of Gait in Parkinson’s Disease.Joshua K. Wong, Wei Hu, Ryan Barmore, Janine Lopes, Kathryn Moore, Joseph Legacy, Parisa Tahafchi, Zachary Jackson, Jack W. Judy, Robert S. Raike, Anson Wang, Takashi Tsuboi, Michael S. Okun & Leonardo Almeida - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Background: Freezing of gait is a common symptom in Parkinson’s disease and can be difficult to treat with dopaminergic medications or with deep brain stimulation. Novel stimulation paradigms have been proposed to address suboptimal responses to conventional DBS programming methods. Burst-cycling deep brain stimulation delivers current in various frequencies of bursts, while maintaining an intra-burst frequency identical to conventional DBS.Objective: To evaluate the safety and tolerability of BCDBS in PD patients with FOG.Methods: Ten PD subjects with STN or GPi DBS (...)
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