Jonathan Y. H. Sim [21]Julius Sim [10]Jiaying Sim [2]Joong Hiong Sim [2]
J. Sim [1]Jasper Hong Sim [1]Jin-Ah Sim [1]Jin-Lin Sim [1]

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  1.  51
    Do We Need Rights in Bioethics Discourse?Julius Sim - 2020 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 45 (3):312-331.
    Moral rights feature prominently and are relied on substantially in debates in bioethics. Conceptually, however, duties can perform the logical work of rights, but not vice versa, and reference to rights is therefore inessential. Normatively, rights, like duties, depend on more basic moral values or principles, and attempts to establish the logical priority of rights over duties or the reverse are misguided. In practical decision making, however, an analysis in terms of duties is more fruitful than one based on rights. (...)
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  2.  18
    Outcome-adaptive randomization in clinical trials: issues of participant welfare and autonomy.Julius Sim - 2019 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 40 (2):83-101.
    Outcome-adaptive randomization (OAR) has been proposed as a corrective to certain ethical difficulties inherent in the traditional randomized clinical trial (RCT) using fixed-ratio randomization. In particular, it has been suggested that OAR redresses the balance between individual and collective ethics in favour of the former. In this paper, I examine issues of welfare and autonomy arising in relation to OAR. A central issue in discussions of welfare in OAR is equipoise, and the moral status of OAR is crucially influenced by (...)
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  3.  21
    Developing a Framework for Self-regulatory Governance in Healthcare AI Research: Insights from South Korea.Junhewk Kim, So Yoon Kim, Eun-Ae Kim, Jin-Ah Sim, Yuri Lee & Hannah Kim - 2024 - Asian Bioethics Review 16 (3):391-406.
    This paper elucidates and rationalizes the ethical governance system for healthcare AI research, as outlined in the ‘Research Ethics Guidelines for AI Researchers in Healthcare’ published by the South Korean government in August 2023. In developing the guidelines, a four-phase clinical trial process was expanded to six stages for healthcare AI research: preliminary ethics review (stage 1); creating datasets (stage 2); model development (stage 3); training, validation, and evaluation (stage 4); application (stage 5); and post-deployment monitoring (stage 6). Researchers identified (...)
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  4.  83
    The State, Teachers and Citizenship Education in Singapore Schools.Jasmine B.-Y. Sim & Murray Print - 2009 - British Journal of Educational Studies 57 (4):380-399.
    States commonly employ education policy to build a strong sense of citizenship within young people and to create types of citizens appropriate to the country. In Singapore the government created a policy to build citizenship through both policy statements and social studies in the school curriculum. In the context of a tightly controlled state regulating schooling through a highly controlled educational system, the government expected teachers to obey these policy documents, political statements and the prescribed curriculum. What do teachers understand (...)
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  5.  23
    Affective Assemblages of Material Culture: Qi Pao, Mahjong and Performance in Ang Lee’s Lust, Caution.Jiaying Sim - 2023 - Film-Philosophy 27 (1):29-49.
    Using Ang Lee’s Lust, Caution (2007), this article illustrates how an affective mode of address is encouraged when one attends to the ways in which on-screen cinematic audio-visual spectacles are produced through the interaction of different bodies on-screen. Affective cinematic encounters open up other ways of understanding the female body as productive assemblages of everyday affective interactions and relationalities with other bodies within material culture. Particularly, I demonstrate an affective mode of address that attends to the interaction of cinematic objects (...)
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  6.  32
    The nature and ethics of natural experiments.Angus Dawson & Julius Sim - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (10):848-853.
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  7.  9
    Grand challenges for science in the 21st century.Balázs Gulyás, Jan W. Vasbinder & Jonathan Sim (eds.) - 2018 - New Jersey: World Scientific.
    This interesting book is a compilation of the lectures and discussions held during a four-day event "Grand Challenges for Science in the 21st Century" organized by Para Limes at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. The elite group of speakers included Nobel laureate Sydney Brenner who called on all scientists to adopt a truth-seeking approach and not be afraid of challenging assumptions. The other panellists were Martin Rees, Astronomer Royal and past President of the Royal Society, the much-cited Terrence Sejnowski (...)
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  8.  31
    Outcome processing and the sense of agency.Nicholas Hon & Jin-Lin Sim - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 77:102846.
  9.  21
    First Year Medical Students’ Perceptions Towards Integration of Medical Law in the Medical Curriculum: a Pilot Study.Shuh Shing Lee, Arumugam Kulenthran & Joong Hiong Sim - 2016 - Journal of Academic Ethics 14 (2):169-173.
    Medical law is not new in medical literature and can constitute an imperative component in medical education. Some medical schools include medical law as a compulsory component of the curriculum. In line with curriculum re-structuring at the University of Malaya, medical law was integrated in the medical curriculum and the feasibility of this integration into the Year 1 undergraduate curriculum was evaluated. Following implementation of a 4-week medical law module, an evaluation of the suitability of early integration of this module (...)
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  10.  17
    Semantic Cues Modulate Children’s and Adults’ Processing of Audio-Visual Face Mask Speech.Julia Schwarz, Katrina Kechun Li, Jasper Hong Sim, Yixin Zhang, Elizabeth Buchanan-Worster, Brechtje Post, Jenny Louise Gibson & Kirsty McDougall - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    During the COVID-19 pandemic, questions have been raised about the impact of face masks on communication in classroom settings. However, it is unclear to what extent visual obstruction of the speaker’s mouth or changes to the acoustic signal lead to speech processing difficulties, and whether these effects can be mitigated by semantic predictability, i.e., the availability of contextual information. The present study investigated the acoustic and visual effects of face masks on speech intelligibility and processing speed under varying semantic predictability. (...)
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  11.  68
    Ethical decision-making in therapy practice.Julius Sim - 1997 - Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann.
    The text is extensively referenced, but practical in its approach, giving real life examples and cases based on therapeutic practice.
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  12. Johnstone MJ, Bioethics: a nursing perspective.J. Sim - 1996 - Nursing Ethics 3:179-180.
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  13.  33
    Moral Rights and the Ethics of Nursing.Julius Sim - 1995 - Nursing Ethics 2 (1):31-40.
    This paper explores the nature of rights, and their implications for the ethics of nursing. A right is seen as an entitlement which is justified on moral and/or legal grounds, and which may take the form of a right of action or a right of recipience, or both; in either case, correlative duties are generally imposed on others. Some of the conflicts which can occur among two or more conflicting rights are examined through three hypothetical scenarios, and approaches to their (...)
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  14.  27
    Physiotherapy and the randomized controlled trial: an evaluation of research and development workshops in musculoskeletal physiotherapy.Julius Sim, Krysia Dziedzic & Elaine M. Hay - 1999 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 5 (4):437-441.
  15. Scarman: the police counter-attack.Joe Sim - 1982 - In Martin Eve & David Musson (eds.), The Socialist Register. Merlin Press. pp. 19--19.
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  16.  26
    Evolution of bioethics education in the medical programme: a tale of two medical schools. [REVIEW]Olivia Miu Yung Ngan & Joong Hiong Sim - 2020 - International Journal of Ethics Education 6 (1):37-50.
    Bioethics Education in the Anglo-European context developed since 1970 and was incorporated into the undergraduate and postgraduate education, residency training, and continuous education. In the Asia-Pacific region, bioethics education is less structured and often dependent on contextual constraints. This paper provides a cross-sectional analysis, describing institutional experiences in developing bioethics curriculum at two medical schools in Malaysia and Hong Kong. The medical programmes of the two institutions are distinctive in terms curriculum framework, teaching approach, and topic selection, and common challenges (...)
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  17.  28
    Book Reviews : Johnstone M-J 1994: Bioethics: a nursing perspective, second edition. Sydney: Saunders/Baillière Tindall. 574pp. £21.00 (PB). ISBN 0 7295 1421 8. [REVIEW]Julius Sim - 1996 - Nursing Ethics 3 (2):179-181.
  18.  7
    (1 other version)Book Review: Ethical dilemmas and nursing practice, fourth edition. [REVIEW]Julius Sim - 1998 - Nursing Ethics 5 (2):181-182.
  19.  37
    The ethical QALY: ethical issues in healthcare resource allocations. [REVIEW]Julius Sim - 2000 - Nursing Ethics 7 (2):171-172.
    This book is the outcome of a European Commission-funded project on resource allocation in health care. It is co-authored by a philosopher, an epidemiologist, a public health medicine specialist and a health economist. Its range is broad, covering the historical, economic, methodological and philosophical aspects of healthrelated quality of life and its measurement.
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