Results for 'J. Vargas Díaz'

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  1. Estudio bibliométrico de la investigación sobre el quehacer fonoaudiológico.J. Vargas Díaz - unknown
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    Aesthetic experiences and flourishing in science: A four-country study.Christopher J. Jacobi, Peter J. Varga & Brandon Vaidyanathan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In response to the mental health crisis in science, and amid concerns about the detrimental effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on scientists, this study seeks to identify the role of a heretofore under-researched factor for flourishing and eudaimonia: aesthetic experiences in scientific work. The main research question that this study addresses is: To what extent is the frequency of encountering aesthetics in terms of beauty, awe, and wonder in scientific work associated with greater well-being among scientists? Based on a large-scale (...)
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  3. Varieties of three-valued Heyting algebras with a quantifier.M. Abad, J. P. Díaz Varela, L. A. Rueda & A. M. Suardíaz - 2000 - Studia Logica 65 (2):181-198.
    This paper is devoted to the study of some subvarieties of the variety Qof Q-Heyting algebras, that is, Heyting algebras with a quantifier. In particular, a deeper investigation is carried out in the variety Q 3 of three-valued Q-Heyting algebras to show that the structure of the lattice of subvarieties of Qis far more complicated that the lattice of subvarieties of Heyting algebras. We determine the simple and subdirectly irreducible algebras in Q 3 and we construct the lattice of subvarieties (...)
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    Open Innovation in the Latin American Public University.José J. González Millán, Miryam Teresa Rodríguez Díaz & Oscar U. González Millán - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:313-324.
    The public University is an actor capable of energizing local ecosystems to transform the territory, and open innovation is its instrument of connection with the environment. University open innovation was studied through factor analysis by the principal components’ method in Mexico and Colombia. Data were collected in 54 research groups of two public universities. The analysis showed that the first six components explain 82.479% of the variance of the university open innovation model. The coincidences were evidenced in the factors that (...)
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  5. Non-dynamism and temporal disturbances.Sam Baron, Andrew J. Latham & Somogy Varga - 2023 - Synthese 202 (2).
    Philosophical accounts denying that temporal passage is an objective feature of reality face an explanatory challenge with respect to why it appears to us as though time passes. Recently, two solutions have surfaced. Cognitive illusionism claims that people experience the passage of time due to their belief that time passes. Cognitive error theory claims that we do not experience the passage of time, but hold the belief that we do, which we have acquired through making an inference from the prior (...)
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  6. The concept of psychosis: A clinical and theoretical analysis.J. Parnas, J. Nordgaard & S. Varga - 2010 - Clinical Neuropsychiatry 7 (2):32-37.
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    Liberating Liberation Theologies.J. Angelo Corlett & Marisa Diaz-Waian - 2013 - Philosophy and Theology 25 (1):3-32.
    Some recently articulated American Christian liberation theolo­gies maintain that they seek justice for the oppressed. But such “justice” fails to encompass the respecting of certain rights of the oppressed to compensation from their oppressors. The right of the oppressed to holistic (including compensatory) reparations from their oppressors is explored in terms of why liberation theologies ought to, among other things, respect and embrace such a right. For economic issues, both distributive and compensatory, are inseparable from oppression-based poverty and hence inseparable (...)
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  8. Freedom, moral responsibility, and the failure of universal defeat.Andrew J. Latham, Somogy Varga & Hannah Tierney - 2023 - Philosophical Issues 33 (1):252-269.
    Proponents of manipulation arguments against compatibilism hold that manipulation scope (how many agents are manipulated) and manipulation type (whether the manipulator intends that an agent perform a particular action) do not impact judgments about free will and moral responsibility. Many opponents of manipulation arguments agree that manipulation scope has no impact but hold that manipulation type does. Recent work by Latham and Tierney (2022, 2023) found that people's judgments were sensitive to manipulation scope: people judged that an agent was less (...)
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    Free Double Ockham Algebras.Manuel Abad & J. Patricio Díaz Varela - 1999 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 9 (1):173-183.
    The variety O2 of double Ockham algebras consists of the algebras (A ∨, ∧, f,g 0,1) of type (2,2,1,1,0,0) where (A; ∨, ∧,f, 0,1) and (A; ∨, ∧,g 0,1) are Ockham algebras. In [16], M. Sequeira introduced several subvarieties of O2. In this paper we give a construction of free double Ockham algebras on a partially ordered set. We also describe free objects for the subvarieties of O2 considered in [16].
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    The Methodology of Maurice Hauriou. [REVIEW]J. Angelo Corlett & Marisa Diaz-Waian - 2011 - Review of Metaphysics 64 (3):639-641.
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    Childbearing after age 35: its effect on early perinatal outcomes.Judith A. Fortney, J. E. Higgins, A. Diaz-Infante, F. Hefnawi, L. G. Lampe & I. Batar - 1982 - Journal of Biosocial Science 14 (1):69-80.
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    Alexia pura causada por toxoplasma en un paciente con SIDA.V. Rodríguez-Salvador, E. España, J. A. Aviño & M. Díaz-Llopis - unknown
  13. Translational validity across neuroscience and psychiatry.Drozdstoj St Stoyanov, Stefan J. Borgwardt & Somogy Varga - 2014 - Alternative Perspectives on Psychiatric Classification.
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    Animal Models of Maladaptive Traits: Disorders in Sensorimotor Gating and Attentional Quantifiable Responses as Possible Endophenotypes.Juan P. Vargas, Estrella Díaz, Manuel Portavella & Juan C. López - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    The ARSQ 2.0 reveals age and personality effects on mind-wandering experiences.B. Alexander Diaz, Sophie Van Der Sluis, Jeroen S. Benjamins, Diederick Stoffers, Richard Hardstone, Huibert D. Mansvelder, Eus J. W. Van Someren & Klaus Linkenkaer-Hansen - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Shareholder Activism on Climate Change: Evolution, Determinants, and Consequences.Ivan Diaz-Rainey, Paul A. Griffin, David H. Lont, Antonio J. Mateo-Márquez & Constancio Zamora-Ramírez - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 193 (3):481-510.
    We study 944 shareholder proposals submitted to 343 U.S. firms on climate change issues during 2009–2022. We use logistic and two-stage regression to estimate the propensity for a firm to be targeted or subjected to a vote at the annual general meeting and, for voted proposals, the determinants of that vote. We also examine whether climate-related proposals affect investor returns and how they relate to firms’ future environmental performance and greenhouse gas emissions. Compared to a matched sample, we first find (...)
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    Neuromodulación para la mejora de la agencia moral: el neurofeedback.Paloma J. García Díaz - 2021 - Dilemata 34:105-119.
    This article aims to pay heed to the rational and deliberative dimensions of moral agency within the project of moral enhancement. In this sense, it is presented how the technique of neurofeedback might contribute to the enhancement of moral deliberations and autonomy. Furthermore, this brain-computer interface is thought as a possible element of a Socratic moral assistant interested in improving moral enhancement within a model of full interaction between moral agents and such a moral assistant. This proposal does not embrace (...)
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  18. Slurs and register: A case study in meaning pluralism.Justina Diaz-Legaspe, Chang Liu & Robert J. Stainton - 2020 - Mind and Language 35 (2):156-182.
    Most theories of slurs fall into one of two families: those which understand slurring terms to involve special descriptive/informational content (however conveyed), and those which understand them to encode special emotive/expressive content. Our view is that both offer essential insights, but that part of what sets slurs apart is use-theoretic content. In particular, we urge that slurring words belong at the intersection of a number of categories in a sociolinguistic register taxonomy, one that usually includes [+slang] and [+vulgar] and always (...)
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  19. Is Health the Absence of Disease?Somogy Varga & Andrew J. Latham - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    While philosophical questions about health and disease have attracted much attention in recent decades, and while opinions are divided on most issues, influential accounts seem to embrace negativism about health, according to which health is the absence of disease. Some subscribe to unrestricted negativism, which claims that negativism applies not only to the concepts of health and disease as used by healthcare professionals but also to the lay concept that underpins everyday thinking. Whether people conceptualize health in this manner has (...)
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    Semiotic and discursive consequences of the cybertextual condition: The case of tragedy.Juan J. Vargas-Iglesias - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (229):329-352.
    In recognition of the central place that the concept of tragedy holds in the historical understanding of culture and society, this paper features an analysis of its presence, current state, and value in the digital environments of the postmodern era, with special attention to videogames. Thus, the overcoming of a classic model of tragedy in the cybertextual condition is first determined, along with the discursive dimension underlying said overcoming. To this end a theoretical statement to the issue of tragedy is (...)
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  21. La estructura de la Fenomenologia del Espiritu.J. Aurelio Diaz - 1986 - Ideas Y Valores 36 (70):3-32.
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    En búsqueda de una evidencia razonable de las creencias religiosas.S. J. Castañeda Vargas - 2016 - Universitas Philosophica 33 (66):129-150.
    Este artículo presenta la cuestión de si las creencias religiosas son o no razonables, es decir, si tienen o no una evidencia razonable que las sustente. El interés no es comprobar la existencia de Dios, sino simplemente saber si el lenguaje religioso como tal tiene o no sentido. Para esto, primero veremos la concepción de la creencia en general. A continuación, trataremos las creencias religiosas bajo dos puntos de vistas totalmente opuestos: por un lado, se expondrá la posición de autores (...)
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    Mujerista Theology: Strategies for Social Change.Rodolfo J. Hernandez-Díaz - 2011 - Feminist Theology 20 (1):45-53.
    Mujerista Theology, the name given to the groundbreaking work of Ada María Isasi-Díaz, can be understood as a constellation, with each star symbolizing its various concepts, themes, and theories, all forming a pattern that can be perceived from a distance. This pattern — the legacy of mujerista theology — changes as these stars shift against the celestial backdrop over time. This essay explores the implications of Mujerista Theology for social change by exploring three ‘stars’ of the Mujerista Theology constellation (...)
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    Jumping to conclusions is differently associated with specific subtypes of delusional experiences: An exploratory study in first-episode psychosis.L. Diaz-Cutraro, H. Garcia-Mieres, R. Lopez-Carrilero, M. Ferrer, M. Verdaguer-Rodriguez, M. L. Barrigon, A. Barajas, E. Grasa, E. Pousa, E. Lorente, I. Ruiz-Delgado, F. Gonzalez-Higueras, J. Cid, C. Palma-Sevillano, S. Moritz, Group Spanish Metacognition & S. Ochoa - 2021 - Schizophrenia Research 228:357–359.
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    Continuing education in neurosurgery: calendar of events.Fernando G. Diaz, S. C. Hilton Head Island, Robert Iskowitz, Steven R. Jarrett, Gerald M. Fenichel, Ms Sher Reed, Albert J. Finestone, U. T. Snowbird, Michael Brant-Zawadzki & M. Peter Heilbrun - forthcoming - Laguna.
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    Incidencia de los cambios socioculturales en la evangelización y en el ejercicio de la vida cristiana.J. Mª Díaz Mozaz - 1974 - Salmanticensis 21 (2):283-293.
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    Written distractor words influence brain activity during overt picture naming.Michele T. Diaz, Larson J. Hogstrom, Jie Zhuang, James T. Voyvodic, Micah A. Johnson & C. Christine Camblin - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  28. Kraut and Annas on Plato.Marisa Diaz-Waian & J. Angelo Corlett - 2012 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 16 (2):157-195.
    Mouthpiece interpreters of Plato such as Richard Kraut and Julia Annas believe that Plato had philosophical beliefs, doctrines, and theories that he intended to convey in his dialogues. We argue that some of their primary arguments for this approach to Plato are problematic and that there is a more promising approach to Plato’s dialogues than the mouthpiece interpretation, all things considered.
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    (1 other version)RESEÑA de : González García, Moisés. Filosofía y cultura. Madrid : Siglo XXI, 1992.J. Miguel Díaz Alvarez - 1994 - Endoxa 1 (3):363.
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    Resting-State Subjective Experience and EEG Biomarkers Are Associated with Sleep-Onset Latency.B. Alexander Diaz, Richard Hardstone, Huibert D. Mansvelder, Eus J. W. Van Someren & Klaus Linkenkaer-Hansen - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    "They Had It Coming!" The Effect of Moral Character on Somatic and Mental Health Judgments.Somogy Varga, Andrew J. Latham & Edouard Machery - forthcoming - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement.
    Prior research has unveiled a pathologization effect where individuals perceived as having bad moral character are more likely to have their conditions labeled as diseases and are less often considered healthy compared to those viewed as having a good moral character. Moreover, these individuals are perceived as less unlucky in their affliction and more deserving of it. This study explores the broader impacts of moral character on such judgments, hypothesizing that these effects reach deeper and extend to both negative and (...)
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  32. (1 other version)Health, Disease, and the Medicalization of Low Sexual Desire: A Vignette-Based Experimental Study.Somogy Varga, Andrew J. Latham & Jacob Stegenga - forthcoming - Ergo.
    Debates about the genuine disease status of controversial diseases rely on intuitions about a range of factors. Adopting tools from experimental philosophy, this paper explores some of the factors that influence judgments about whether low sexual desire should be considered a disease and whether it should be medically treated. Drawing in part on some assumptions underpinning a divide in the literature between viewing low sexual desire as a genuine disease and seeing it as improperly medicalized, we investigate whether health and (...)
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    Marrying Past and Present Neuropsychology: Is the Future of the Process-Based Approach Technology-Based?Unai Diaz-Orueta, Alberto Blanco-Campal, Melissa Lamar, David J. Libon & Teresa Burke - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    A cognitive assessment strategy that is not limited to examining a set of summary test scores may be more helpful for early detection of emergent illness such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and may permit a better understanding of cognitive functions and dysfunctions in those with AD and other dementia disorders. A revisit of the work already undertaken by Kaplan and colleagues using the Boston Process-Approach provides a solid basis for identifying new opportunities to capture data on neurocognitive processes, test-taking strategies (...)
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  34. What is Mental Health and Disorder? Philosophical Implications from Lay Judgments.Somogy Varga & Andrew J. Latham - 2024 - Synthese (5).
    How do people understand the concepts of mental health and disorder? The objective of this paper is to examine the impact of several factors on people’s judgments about whether a condition constitutes a mental disorder or a healthy state. Specifically, this study examines the impact of the source of the condition, its outcome, individual valuation (i.e., the value the individual attaches to the condition), and group valuation (i.e., the value the relevant group attaches to the condition). While we find that (...)
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  35. Muga, J. y Cabada, M. (editores): Antropología filosófica. Planteamientos.J. Diaz - 1987 - Diálogo Filosófico 7:105-108.
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    Electrical conductivity and resonant states of doped graphene considering next-nearest neighbor interaction.J. E. Barrios-Vargas & Gerardo G. Naumis - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (29):3844-3857.
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    Homenaje al P. Gabriel del Estal.P. Carlos J. Sánchez Díaz - 2009 - Ciudad de Dios 222 (1):9-10.
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  38. ¿ Filosofía para quién?J. Aurelio Díaz - 2001 - Ideas Y Valores 50 (117):79-96.
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    The political signi. cance of small things.Carlos J. Delgado Díaz - 2004 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 6.
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    La Corona, los moriscos granadinos y el servicio de 1603. Pacto fiscal y negociación política.Francisco J. Moreno Díaz del Campo - 2017 - Al-Qantara 38 (1):7-43.
    This paper analyses the details that characterized the negotiation and collection of the servicio de los naturales from the year 1603 onwards, the last time of those three in which moriscos of Granada paid to the Hispanic Monarchy after the Alpujarras War, when they were settled in Castile. The author has analysed documents coming from the Archivo General de Simancas, but also those included in notary’s protocols and in local archives. Its main contributions are three: to publish the content of (...)
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  41. La teologia fundamental y los signos de los tiempos in Teologia fundamental.J. Diaz Murugarren - 1988 - Ciencia Tomista 115 (1):5-27.
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    La hermenéutica política de Paul Ricoeur.Guillermo Zapata Díaz S. J. - 2012 - Universitas Philosophica 29 (59):267-281.
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  43. The stream revisited: A process model of phenomenological consciousness.J. Diaz - 1996 - In Stuart R. Hameroff, Alfred W. Kaszniak & Alwyn Scott (eds.), Toward a Science of Consciousness: The First Tucson Discussions and Debates. MIT Press.
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    Development and Validation of a Specific Self-Efficacy Scale in Adherence to a Gluten-Free Diet.Ricardo Fueyo-Díaz, Rosa Magallón-Botaya, Santiago Gascón-Santos, Ángela Asensio-Martínez, Guillermo Palacios-Navarro & Juan J. Sebastián-Domingo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  45. A commentary on'The double life of BF Skinner'by BJ Baars.J. S. Vargas - 2003 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (1):68-73.
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    Spontaneous para-Lorentzian conserved-vector and nonconserved-axial weak currents.J. G. Vargas - 1982 - Foundations of Physics 12 (8):765-779.
    The energy-momentum relationship is obtained in para-Lorentzian dynamics. It is shown that the well-known correspondence rule for the operators energy and momentum holds in any inertial system if it is assumed to hold in the preferred reference frame. The new Dirac equation is obtained. Some qualitative features of the new theory are given; one of then is the spontaneous appearance of conserved-vector and nonconserved-axial weak currents. Finally one evaluates the convenience of further developments of the present theory in view of (...)
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  47. Tecnología, Meta-tecnología y Educación.Carlos J. Delgado Díaz - 2011 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 11:31-55.
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  48. El impacto de la música ambiental en la productividad laboral (The impact of environmental music on work productivity).H. Diaz, M. H. Badii & J. L. Abreu - 2008 - Daena 3 (1):223-259.
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    Schmitt and Marcuse: Friends, Force, and Quality.J. Diaz - 2013 - Télos 2013 (165):137-150.
    I. Introduction: Political Friendship Proverbial wisdom has bequeathed us the dictum “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Contained within this adage is a progression of oppositional distinctions resulting in an emergent complicity. Two actors are identified in addition to the subject—my enemy, and my enemy's enemy. The latter actor takes on a new meaning for me by the mere coincidence of exact formal similitude exhibited by the relationships existing between each of ourselves and our common enemy. But is (...)
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  50. El Mesías y la realización de la justicia escatológica.J. Díaz - 1976 - Salmanticensis 23 (1):61-84.
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