Results for 'James B. Weaver'

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  1.  17
    Commentary.James B. Weaver - 1985 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 4 (3-4):137-141.
  2.  46
    : The United States Presidents and Their Wills. Herbert R. Collins, David B. Weaver. ; Facts about the Presidents. Joseph Nathan Kane.James B. Lewis - 1992 - Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 4 (1):69-83.
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    Directed Motor-Auditory EEG Connectivity Is Modulated by Music Tempo.Nicoletta Nicolaou, Asad Malik, Ian Daly, James Weaver, Faustina Hwang, Alexis Kirke, Etienne B. Roesch, Duncan Williams, Eduardo R. Miranda & Slawomir J. Nasuto - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  4.  89
    The Effects of Religiosity on Ethical Judgments.Alan G. Walker, James W. Smither & Jason DeBode - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 106 (4):437-452.
    The relationship between religiosity and ethical behavior at work has remained elusive. In fact, inconsistent results in observed magnitudes and direction led Hood et al. (The psychology of religion: An empirical approach, 1996 ) to describe the relationship between religiosity and ethics as “something of a roller coaster ride.” Weaver and Agle (Acad Manage Rev 27(1):77–97, 2002 ) utilizing social structural versions of symbolic interactionism theory reasoned that we should not expect religion to affect ethical outcomes for all religious (...)
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  5. 13 The New Biotechnology James B. Beal.James B. Beal - 1974 - In John Warren White (ed.), Frontiers of consciousness: the meeting ground between inner and outer reality. New York: Julian Press. pp. 213.
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  6. Publications by James B. Ashbrook.James B. Ashbrook - 1996 - Zygon 331:483.
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  7. James Gouinlock, Rediscovering the Moral Life: Philosophy and Human Practice Reviewed by.James B. Sauer - 1994 - Philosophy in Review 14 (4):259-261.
  8.  15
    Evolution, Animal 'rights' & the Environment.James B. Reichmann - 2000 - Catholic University of Amer Press.
    Among the more significant developments of the twentieth century, the widespread attention given to 'rights issues' must surely justify ranking it somewhere near the top. Never before has the issue of rights attracted such a wide audience or stirred so much controversy. Until very recently 'rights' were traditionally recognized as attributable only to humans. Today, we increasingly are hearing a call to extend 'rights' to the nonhuman animal and, on occasion, to the environment. In this book, James B. Reichmann, (...)
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  9. Guilt and Destiny in the German War.James B. Baillie - 1939 - Hibbert Journal 38:417.
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    Dialectics and the macrostructure of arguments: a theory of argument structure.James B. Freeman - 1991 - Berlin ; New York: Foris Publications.
    Chapter The Need for a Theory of Argument Structure. THE STANDARD APPROACH The approach to argument diagramming which we call standard was originated, ...
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  11. Logic and the Method of Metaphysics.James B. Reichmann - 1965 - The Thomist 29 (4):341.
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  12. Disorders of volition from neurological disease : altered awareness of action in neurological disorders.James B. Rowe & Noham Wolpe - 2015 - In Patrick Haggard & Baruch Eitam (eds.), The Sense of Agency. New York: Oxford University Press USA.
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  13. The Scottish Church Question.James B. Grant - 1913 - Hibbert Journal 12:677.
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  14. Political ecology of guitars and their tonewoods.James B. Greenberg - 2019 - In Thomas Kerlin Park & James B. Greenberg (eds.), Terrestrial transformations: a political ecology approach to society and nature. Lanham: Lexington Books.
  15. Immanently Transcendent and Subsistent Esse: A Comparison,“.James B. Reichmann - 1974 - The Thomist 38 (2):335-43.
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    Philosophical Meditations on Richard Wright.James B. Haile (ed.) - 2012 - Lexington Books.
    This book is affords us the opportunity to rediscover Richard Wright and reexamine his work and its continuing significance in light of our contemporary situation. Moreover, the collection allows us to analyze Wright’s relationship and contribution to the discipline of philosophy, both challenging and enriching its traditional ideas and concepts.
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    Justice, Law, and Violence.James B. Brady - 1991
  18.  20
    Commentary on Kauffeld.James B. Freeman - unknown
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    On the Philosophical Consistency of Season Seven; Or, "It's not about right, not about wrong…".James B. South - unknown
  20. Suarez on Human Knowledge of Singulars and the Medieval Tradition.James B. South - 1995 - Dissertation, Duke University
    It is acknowledged that Francisco Suarez had an excellent knowledge of the Medieval Scholastic tradition. In this project, I focus on one topic, human knowledge of material singulars, to determine Suarez's debt to and freedom from the Scholastic tradition. The representative thinkers of the Medieval tradition that I consider are Thomas Aquinas, John Duns Scotus, and William of Ockham. ;In the first two Chapters, I consider the accounts of John Duns Scotus and William of Ockham on the issue of knowledge (...)
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  21. Symposium on the Foundations of Modern Physics 1994.James B. Hartle, K. V. Laurikainen, Henry J. Folse D'Espagnat Paris, Asher Peres, Abner Shimony, Henry Stapp & Stig Stenholm - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (2).
  22.  7
    The Distribution of Consumer Goods: A Factual Study of Methods and Costs in the United Kingdom in 1938.James B. Jefferys, Margaret Maccoll & G. L. Levett - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    Originally published in 1950, this book is one of a series of studies regarding the structure of the British economy which were produced by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research after the Second World War. It was produced in collaboration with a group of leading businessmen, all of whom were concerned in one way or another with the distribution of consumer goods and dissatisfied with the existing state of knowledge about distribution. The study represented a substantial advance in (...)
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  23. The Church and Contemporary Cosmology.James B. Miller & Kenneth E. McCall - 1990
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    Argument structure: representation and theory.James B. Freeman - 2011 - New York: Springer.
    An approach to argument macrostructure -- The dialectical nature of argument -- Toulmin's problematic notion of warrant -- The linked-convergent distinction, a first approximation -- Argument structure and disciplinary perspective : the linked-convergent versus multiple-co-ordinatively compound distinctions -- The linked-convergent distinction, refining the criterion -- Argument structure and enthymemes -- From analysis to evaluation.
  25. (1 other version)Journals and New Books.James B. Pratt - 1912 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 9 (12):333.
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  26. The Excavation at Herodian Jericho, 1951, Conducted by the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem.James B. Pritghard, Sherman E. Johnson & George E. Miles - 1958
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  27. What's Wrong with Bribery?James B. Sauer - 2001 - In Laura Duhan Kaplan (ed.), Philosophy and everyday life. New York: Seven Bridges Press. pp. 54.
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    Moral nexus.James B. Nelson - 1971 - Philadelphia,: Westminster Press.
    Becoming More Conscious of Some "Unconscious Influences" The Question In his sermon "Unconscious Influence," written a century ago, Horace Bushnell had this ...
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    Conscious Negligence.James B. Brady - 1996 - American Philosophical Quarterly 33 (3):325 - 335.
  30. The Doctrine of Mens Rea: A Study in Legal and Moral Responsibility.James B. Brady - 1970 - Dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin
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    Narrative, Truth, and Self: The Hermeneutical Mistake of Social Constructionism.James B. Sauer & Randall R. Lyle - 1997 - The Personalist Forum 13 (2):195-222.
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  32.  7
    The Ethics of citizenship.James B. Stockdale (ed.) - 1980 - Dallas: University of Texas at Dallas.
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  33.  28
    Acceptable Premises: An Epistemic Approach to an Informal Logic Problem.James B. Freeman - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    When, if ever, is one justified in accepting the premises of an argument? What is the proper criterion of premise acceptability? Can the criterion be theoretically or philosophically justified? This is the first book to provide a comprehensive theory of premise acceptability and it answers the questions above from an epistemological approach that the author calls common sense foundationalism. It will be eagerly sought out not just by specialists in informal logic, critical thinking, and argumentation theory but also by a (...)
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  34.  8
    Humanitas; human becoming & being human.James B. Ashbrook - 1973 - Nashville,: Abingdon Press.
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  35.  72
    Why Intellectual Disability is Not Mere Difference.James B. Gould - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (3):495-509.
    A key question in disability studies, philosophy, and bioethics concerns the relationship between disability and well-being. The mere difference view, endorsed by Elizabeth Barnes, claims that physical and sensory disabilities by themselves do not make a person worse off overall—any negative impacts on welfare are due to social injustice. This article argues that Barnes’s Value Neutral Model does not extend to intellectual disability. Intellectual disability is (1) intrinsically bad—by itself it makes a person worse off, apart from a non-accommodating environment; (...)
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  36. Neurotheology: The working brain and the work of theology.James B. Ashbrook - 1984 - Zygon 19 (3):331-350.
    Because the mind is the significance of the brain and God is the significance of the mind, the concept “mind” bridges how the brain works and traditional patterns of belief. The left mind, which utilizes rational vigilance and the imperative instructions of proclamation, names and analyzes the urgently right. The right mind, which discloses the relational responsiveness of numinous presence and natural symbolism, is immersed in and integrates the ultimately real. Together they provide a typology of mind‐states with which to (...)
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    The influence of deontological and teleological considerations and ethical climate on sales managers' intentions to reward or punish sales force behavior.James B. DeConinck & William F. Lewis - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (5):497-506.
    This study examined how sales managers react to ethical and unethical acts by their salespeople. Deontological considerations and, to a much lesser extent, teleological considerations predicted sales managers' ethical judgments. Sales managers' intentions to reward or discipline ethical or unethical sales force behavior were primarily determined by their ethical judgments. An organization's perceived ethical work climate was not a significant predictor of sales managers' intentions to intervene when ethical and unethical sales force behavior was encountered.
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  38.  89
    Theorizing Affordances: From Request to Refuse.James B. Chouinard & Jenny L. Davis - 2016 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 36 (4):241-248.
    As a concept, affordance is integral to scholarly analysis across multiple fields—including media studies, science and technology studies, communication studies, ecological psychology, and design studies among others. Critics, however, rightly point to the following shortcomings: definitional confusion, a false binary in which artifacts either afford or do not, and failure to account for diverse subject-artifact relations. Addressing these critiques, this article demarcates the mechanisms of affordance—as artifacts request, demand, allow, encourage, discourage, and refuse—which take shape through interrelated conditions: perception, dexterity, (...)
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  39.  32
    Six to Four Against: James Bond and the Hope for a Meaningful Life.James B. South - unknown
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  40. Redescribing Mandalas: A Test Case in Bodh Gaya, India.James B. Apple - 2008 - In Jonathan Z. Smith, Willi Braun & Russell T. McCutcheon (eds.), Introducing religion: essays in honor of Jonathan Z. Smith. Oakville: Equinox. pp. 40.
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    The responsible Christian.James B. Nelson - 1969 - Boston,: United Church Press.
  42. Computability and physical theories.Robert Geroch & James B. Hartle - 1986 - Foundations of Physics 16 (6):533-550.
    The familiar theories of physics have the feature that the application of the theory to make predictions in specific circumstances can be done by means of an algorithm. We propose a more precise formulation of this feature—one based on the issue of whether or not the physically measurable numbers predicted by the theory are computable in the mathematical sense. Applying this formulation to one approach to a quantum theory of gravity, there are found indications that there may exist no such (...)
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  43.  50
    Relevance, warrants, backing, inductive support.James B. Freeman - 1992 - Argumentation 6 (2):219-275.
    We perceive relevance by virtue of inference habits, which may be expressed as Pierce's leading principles or as Toulmin's warrants. Hence relevance in a descriptive sense is a ternary relation between two statements and a set of inference rules. For a normative sense, the warrants must be properly backed. Different types of warrant to empirical generalizations, we introduce L.J. Cohen's notion of inductive support. A to empirical generalizations, we introduce L.J. Cohen's notion of inductive support. A generalization H is supported (...)
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  44.  53
    The Influence of Abusive Supervision and Job Embeddedness on Citizenship and Deviance.James B. Avey, Keke Wu & Erica Holley - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 129 (3):721-731.
    This paper draws from the turnover and emotions literatures to explore how job embeddedness, in the context of abusive supervision, can impact job frustration, citizenship withdrawal, and employee deviance. Results indicate that employees with abusive supervisors were more likely to be frustrated with their jobs and engage in more deviance behaviors. And yet, the relationship between abusive supervision and job frustration was moderated by job embeddedness such that the relationship was weaker and negative for those higher in job embeddedness and (...)
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  45.  91
    The Place of Informal Logic in Philosophy.James B. Freeman - 2000 - Informal Logic 20 (2).
    We argue that informal logic is epistemological. Two central questions concern premise acceptability and connection adequacy. Both may be explicated in tenns of justification, a central epistemological concept. That some premises are basic parallels a foundationalist account of basic beliefs and epistemic support. Some epistemological accounts of these concepts may advance the analysis of premise acceptability and connection adequacy. Infonnallogic has implications for other aspects of philosophy. If causal interpretations are acceptable premises and thus justified, does the world have a (...)
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  46.  94
    Systematizing Toulmin’s Warrants: An Epistemic Approach.James B. Freeman - 2005 - Argumentation 19 (3):331-346.
    Relevance of premises to conclusion can be explicated through Toulmin’s notion of warrant, understood as an inference rule, albeit not necessarily formal. A normative notion of relevance requires the warrant to be reliable. To determine reliability, we propose a fourfold classification of warrants into a priori, empirical, institutional, and evaluative, with further subdivisions possible. This classification has its ancestry in classical rhetoric and recent epistemology. Distinctive to each type of warrant is the mode by which such connections are intuitively discovered (...)
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  47.  65
    The Quasiclassical Realms of This Quantum Universe.James B. Hartle - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (6):982-1006.
    The most striking observable feature of our indeterministic quantum universe is the wide range of time, place, and scale on which the deterministic laws of classical physics hold to an excellent approximation. This essay describes how this domain of classical predictability of every day experience emerges from a quantum theory of the universe’s state and dynamics.
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  48.  25
    (1 other version)Modern Science and Modern Man.James B. Conant - 1953 - Philosophy of Science 20 (3):242-242.
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  49.  61
    Argument Structure and Disciplinary Perspective.James B. Freeman - 2001 - Argumentation 15 (4):397-423.
    Many in the informal logic tradition distinguish convergent from linked argument structure. The pragma-dialectical tradition distinguishes multiple from co-ordinatively compound argumentation. Although these two distinctions may appear to coincide, constituting only a terminological difference, we argue that they are distinct, indeed expressing different disciplinary perspectives on argumentation. From a logical point of view, where the primary evaluative issue concerns sufficient strength of support, the unit of analysis is the individual argument, the particular premises put forward to support a given conclusion. (...)
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  50.  62
    Zabarella, Prime Matter, and the Theory of Regressus.James B. South - 2005 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 26 (2):79-98.
    The sixteenth-century philosopher Jacopo Zabarella stands near the end of the long Aristotelian dominance of western academic philosophy. Yet, despite the fact that Aristotelianism was soon to be overwhelmed by other currents of thought, Zabarella’s influence on western thought would continue into at least the nineteenth century, and he still provides useful discussions relevant to today’s Aristotle scholars. In what follows, I discuss the existence and essence of matter, and show how Zabarella argues for his claims. What is especially notable (...)
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