Results for 'Jan G. Rein'

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  1.  19
    Response classes, operants, and rules in problem solving.Jan G. Rein - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (4):602-602.
  2.  98
    Toward a Philosophy of Scientific Discovery.Jan G. Michel - 2021 - In Making Scientific Discoveries: Interdisciplinary Reflections. Paderborn, Deutschland: Brill/mentis. pp. 9-53.
    Jan G. Michel argues that we need a philosophy of scientific discovery. Before turning to the question of what such a philosophy might look like, he addresses two questions: Don’t we have a philosophy of scientific discovery yet? And do we need one at all? To answer the first question, he takes a closer look at history and finds that we have not had a systematic philosophy of scientific discovery worthy of the name for over 150 years. To answer the (...)
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  3.  64
    How Are Species Discovered?Jan G. Michel - 2019 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 96 (3):419-441.
    The aim of this paper is twofold: The general aim is to shed light on the structure of species discoveries new to biology by bringing together a practice-oriented philosophy of science perspective with a philosophy of language perspective. The more specific aim is to argue that and to show how the overall structure of biological species discoveries comprises aspects of both institutional and non-institutional reality. The author proceeds as follows: he shows that placing the focus on the topic of scientific (...)
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  4.  51
    Vom Transhumanismus zur These des erweiterten Geistes: Ethische Implikationen?Jan G. Michel - 2018 - In Benedikt Paul Göcke & Frank Meier-Hamidi (eds.), Designobjekt Mensch. Herder. pp. 199–224.
    Jan G. Michel klärt in seinem Artikel "Vom Transhumanismus zur These des erweiterten Geistes: Ethische Implikationen?" zunächst eine eindeutige These des Transhumanismus, den er als die Position versteht, dass menschliche Personen ihre gegenwärtigen physischen und mentalen Limitationen durch die von den Wissenschaften zur Verfügung gestellten Technologien erweitern können. Im Anschluss daran wendet er sich der in der Philosophie des Geistes und der Kognitionswissenschaft diskutierten sogenannten These des erweiterten Geistes zu und argumentiert, dass entgegen des ersten Eindrucks der für diese Debatte (...)
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  5.  62
    Making Scientific Discoveries: Interdisciplinary Reflections.Jan G. Michel (ed.) - 2021 - Paderborn, Deutschland: Brill/mentis.
    Scientific progress depends crucially on scientific discoveries. Yet the topic of scientific discoveries has not been central to debate in the philosophy of science. This book aims to remedy this shortcoming. Based on a broad reading of the term “science” (similar to the German term “Wissenschaft”), the book convenes experts from different disciplines who reflect upon several intertwined questions connected to the topic of making scientific discoveries. -/- Among these questions are the following: What are the preconditions for making scientific (...)
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  6. John Searle.Jan G. Michel & Michael Kober - 2011 - Brill/mentis.
    John Searle zählt zweifellos zu den weltweit wichtigsten und einflussreichsten Denkern der Gegenwart. Seine grundlegenden und nachhaltigen Beiträge zur Sprachphilosophie, zur Philosophie des Geistes, zur Handlungstheorie und zur Sozialphilosophie werden weit über die Grenzen des Fachs Philosophie hinaus wahrgenommen und gehören vielfach zum Standardrepertoire wissenschaftlicher Forschung und Lehre. -/- Michael Kober und Jan G. Michel bieten in diesem Buch eine übersichtliche sowie gut verständliche, aber auch kritische Einführung in das Gesamtwerk John Searles: Neben einer sehr persönlichen biographischen Notiz und einem (...)
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  7.  86
    Could Machines Replace Human Scientists? Digitalization and Scientific Discoveries.Jan G. Michel - 2020 - In Benedikt Paul Göcke & Astrid Rosenthal-von der Pütten (eds.), Artificial Intelligence: Reflections in Philosophy, Theology, and the Social Sciences. pp. 361–376.
    The focus of this article is a question that has been neglected in debates about digitalization: Could machines replace human scientists? To provide an intelligible answer to it, we need to answer a further question: What is it that makes (or constitutes) a scientist? I offer an answer to this question by proposing a new demarcation criterion for science which I call “the discoverability criterion”. I proceed as follows: (1) I explain why the target question of this article is important, (...)
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  8.  23
    The Importance of Contrary Forces in Education: On the Notion of Conflict in Tagore’s Religion of Man.Jan G. Pouwels - 2024 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 43 (3):243-268.
    Dealing with conflicts seems to be a great challenge in society today. But not only in society. Higher education displays an air of resoluteness with certainty and security that disguises the conflicts and the fear of conflicts in a substantial number of subjects. If not in a state of denial, higher education avoids taking up conflicts over issues, for learning. The detailed investigation of Tagore’s pedagogical writings, with a focus on the importance of conflicts in education, reveals a genuine embrace (...)
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  9.  15
    The Right of Nonuse.Jan G. Laitos - 2012 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The Right of Nonuse provides a fresh and remarkably different perspective on the real causes of the ills plaguing the world's resources and environment. It re-examines the very nature of nature, and from this new perspective, argues that what is needed is for humans to grant to natural resources a legal right to be left alone - a right of nonuse. In the process, it explores the following questions: Why do natural resources continue to be depleted and removed at an (...)
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  10. Online Overview Article: Reductionism.Jan G. Michel - 2018 - SDA, Digital Humanities Project, Oxford University.
  11.  79
    Frege-Inspired Neo-Descriptivism and Its Problems.Jan G. Michel - 2015 - In Dieter Schott (ed.), Frege: Freund(e) und Feind(e). Berlin: Logos. pp. 161-175.
    In this paper, I mainly pursue the following two goals: on the one hand, I want to show how a central Fregean insight is tried to be captured within a two-dimensional strategy. On the other hand, I want to show that, in the light of Saul Kripke’s arguments against descriptivism, this strategy is faced with a fundamental problem. I proceed in four steps: in a first step, I bring together the passages that contain a central Fregean insight as a source (...)
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  12.  26
    Anatomical substrates for cerebellar computational units and cerebellar magnification factors.Jan G. Bjaalie & Per Brodal - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (2):246-247.
    We discuss anatomical data that may represent the substrate for very diverse input to a single folium, indirectly supporting the notion of a laterolateral beam spreading along the long axis of a folium. We also raise the question of whether the more linear body representation in somatosensory cortico-ponto-cerebellar pathways represent an adaptation to sequential processing of information from contiguous body parts.
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  13. Fronting in Dutch.Jan G. Kooij - 1978 - In Frank Jansen (ed.), Studies on fronting. Lisse [postbus 168]: Peter de Ridder Press.
  14.  86
    Der qualitative Charakter bewusster Erlebnisse: Physikalismus und phänomenale Eigenschaften in der analytischen Philosophie des Geistes.Jan G. Michel - 2010 - Brill/mentis.
    Zu den großen Rätseln der Philosophie des Geistes, ja der Philosophie überhaupt, gehört die folgende Frage: Wie lässt sich der qualitative oder phänomenale Charakter bewusster Erlebnisse beschreiben, erklären oder verstehen? Wie lässt sich beispielsweise erklären, wie es ist, eine Rose zu riechen? Einerseits erscheint angesichts der Erfolgsgeschichte der modernen Naturwissenschaften die Annahme plausibel, dass sich letztlich alles physikalisch erklären lässt, auch bewusste Erlebnisse. Bei dieser Annahme handelt es sich um die physikalistische Intuition, die in der analytischen Philosophie des Geistes die (...)
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  15. Die Schlick-Feigl-Variante der Identitätstheorie aus heutiger Sicht: Eine Skizze.Jan G. Michel - 2010 - Schlickiana 5:303-338.
  16.  36
    Die Suche nach dem Geist.Jan G. Michel & Gernot Münster (eds.) - 2013 - Münster: Mentis.
  17.  15
    Editor’s Introduction.Jan G. Michel - 2019 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 96 (3):293-294.
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  18.  86
    Ist der Geist im Kopf? Beiträge zur These des erweiterten Geistes.Jan G. Michel, Kim J. Boström & Michael Pohl (eds.) - 2015 - Brill/mentis.
    Im Jahre 1998 verblüfften Andy Clark und David Chalmers die philosophische Gemeinschaft mit der so genannten These des erweiterten Geistes, die im Kern besagt, dass kognitive Systeme nicht-biologische Komponenten enthalten können und sich damit über die Grenzen biologischer Organismen hinaus erstrecken können. Die These wird seitdem nicht nur von Philosophen, sondern auch von Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaftlern intensiv und kontrovers diskutiert. In den Beiträgen, die in dem vorliegenden ersten deutschsprachigen Band zur These des erweiterten Geistes versammelt sind, werden u.a. die folgenden (...)
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  19. John R. Searle: Thinking about the Real World.Jan G. Michel, Dirk Franken & Attila Karakus (eds.) - 2010 - Frankfurt: ontos/de Gruyter.
    John R. Searle is one of the world's leading philosophers. During his long and outstanding career, he has made groundbreaking and lasting contributions to the philosophy of language, to the philosophy of mind, as well as to the nature, structure, and functioning of social reality. This volume documents the 13th Münster Lectures on Philosophy with John R. Searle. It includes not only 11 critical papers on Searle's philosophy and Searle's replies to the papers, but also an original article by John (...)
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  20.  25
    Making Scientific Discoveries. Editor's Introduction.Jan G. Michel - 2021 - In Making Scientific Discoveries: Interdisciplinary Reflections. Paderborn, Deutschland: Brill/mentis. pp. 1-8.
  21. Making Scientific Discoveries.Jan G. Michel (ed.) - 2022 - Brill | mentis.
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  22.  19
    The Extended Mind: Was ist eigentlich mit "Mind" gemeint? Zum Verhältnis von Geist und Kognition.Jan G. Michel - 2015 - In Jan G. Michel, Kim J. Boström & Michael Pohl (eds.), Ist der Geist im Kopf? Beiträge zur These des erweiterten Geistes. Brill/mentis. pp. 57-82.
  23.  18
    Vorwort.Jan G. Michel - 2015 - In Jan G. Michel, Kim J. Boström & Michael Pohl (eds.), Ist der Geist im Kopf? Beiträge zur These des erweiterten Geistes. Brill/mentis. pp. 5–6.
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  24.  31
    To Define or Not to Define: The Problem of the Definition of Religion.Jan G. Platvoet - 1999 - In Jan G. Platvoet & Arie Leendert Molendijk (eds.), The Pragmatics of Defining Religion: Contexts, Concepts & Contests. Boston: Brill. pp. 245-265.
    In this contribution, I deal firstly with the problem of whether ‘religion’ can actually be defined. My answer is twofold. Firstly, that such a definition must indeed be deemed to be extremely un-like¬ly, if not downright impossible. Secondly, however, that definition also has more modest uses which may turn definitions of religion, that have shed this universalist ambition, into quite useful tools in the academic study of religions. In the second section, I shall address the question of why, if a (...)
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  25.  88
    What Might Machines Mean?Mitchell Green & Jan G. Michel - 2022 - Minds and Machines 32 (2):323-338.
    This essay addresses the question whether artificial speakers can perform speech acts in the technical sense of that term common in the philosophy of language. We here argue that under certain conditions artificial speakers can perform speech acts so understood. After explaining some of the issues at stake in these questions, we elucidate a relatively uncontroversial way in which machines can communicate, namely through what we call verbal signaling. But verbal signaling is not sufficient for the performance of a speech (...)
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  26. Imaginary Demons and Scientific Discoveries. [REVIEW]Jan G. Michel - 2020 - Science 370 (6518):772.
  27.  23
    Mental Representation and Self-Consciousness. From Basic Self-Representation to Self-Related Cognition. [REVIEW]Jan G. Michel - 2010 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 64 (2):276-279.
  28.  54
    Correction to: What Might Machines Mean?Mitchell Green & Jan G. Michel - 2022 - Minds and Machines 32 (2):339-339.
  29. A Metafísica da Teologia do Pseudo-Aristóteles. Metaphysics in Pseudo-Aristotle's Theology.Jan G. J. Ter Reegen - 2006 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 23:59-74.
    This paper, looking over the life and the texts of the greek philosophers and analyzing the Pythagorean harmony, the two stories of Thales, the outstanding personality of Xenophanes, the humorous sense of Democritus and the Socratic irony, shows that philosophy in the beginning was understood not like an abstract reflection, but like a joyful search of the excellence in the human life.
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  30.  87
    Physikalismus, Willensfreiheit, Künstliche Intelligenz.Marius Backmann & Jan G. Michel (eds.) - 2009 - Brill/mentis.
    Die Debatten zu den Themen Physikalismus, Willensfreiheit und Künstliche Intelligenz stehen seit einigen Jahren im Mittelpunkt der Philosophie des Geistes. In den Debatten um den Physikalismus geht es dabei u.a. um folgende Fragen: Lässt sich alles, was es gibt, physikalisch erklären - auch der menschliche Geist? Lässt sich alles auf das Physische reduzieren? Ist der Bereich des Physischen kausal geschlossen? Realisiert das Physische das Mentale? Wie lässt sich mentale Verursachung erklären? In den Debatten um Willensfreiheit fragt man sich: Sind wir (...)
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  31. Refining Kitcher's semantics for kind terms, or: Cleaning up the mess.Amrei Bahr, Jan G. Miehel & Mareike Volta - 2013 - In Marie I. Kaiser & Ansgar Seide (eds.), Philip Kitcher – Pragmatic Naturalism. Frankfurt/Main, Germany: ontos. pp. 15--91.
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    Boekbesprekings.Jan G. Du Plessis, A. D. Pont, D. J. Booysen & P. S. Dreyer - 1967 - HTS Theological Studies 23 (4).
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    Hooflyne van die bybelse hermeneutiek.Jan G. Du Plessis - 1966 - HTS Theological Studies 22 (2/3).
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    A Espiritualidade No Livro Dos Vinte E Quatro Filósofos.Jan G. J. Ter Reegen - 2008 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 64 (1):511-519.
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    Liber viginti quattuor philosophorum – O livro dos vinte E quatro filósofos.Jan G. Ter Reegen - 2002 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 47 (3):441-452.
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    Abraham Johannes Malherbe – teoloog en mens / theologian and human.Jan G. Van der Watt - 2012 - HTS Theological Studies 68 (1).
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    ‘Breek die tempel af’: Etiese dimensies in Johannes 2:13-22?Jan G. Van der Watt - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (1).
    Destroy this temple’: Ethical dimensions in John 2:13–22? The question asked is to what extent could one speak of ethical dynamics in the Gospel of John, even in cases where there is no surface level textual evidence for the presence of ethical material? It is argued that through the process of rereading, which is invited by the Johannine text as performative text, ethical dimensions are highlighted in texts where such emphases were not apparent at the first reading. As example the (...)
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  38.  29
    C.H. Dodd se verstaansraamwerk vir die Johannes-evangelie: ’n Evaluasie.Jan G. Van der Watt - 2013 - HTS Theological Studies 69 (1):1-7.
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    Mag deur taal in 1 Johannes.Jan G. Van der Watt - 2012 - HTS Theological Studies 68 (1).
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  40. Reflections on doing what is good and true in the Gospel of John.Jan G. van der Watt - 2013 - In Friedrich Wilhelm Horn, Ulrich Volp, Ruben Zimmermann & Esther Verwold (eds.), Ethische Normen des frühen Christentums: Gut - Leben - Leib - Tugend. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
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    Stephan J. Joubert (South African academic and visionary): His response to questions related to his academic views.Stephan J. Joubert & Jan G. Van der Watt - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4).
    This article reflects a conversation between Jan G. van der Watt and Stephan Joubert. The article serves as the introduction to the Special Collection: ‘From timely exegesis to contemporary ecclesiology: Relevant hermeneutics and provocative embodiment of faith in a Corona-defined world – Festschrift for Stephan Joubert, sub-edited by Willem Oliver ’. Following a brief bio-statement as introduction, the following issues are discussed: the collection for the Jerusalem church; relevance of theology for society; social-scientific exegesis; the ancient concept of grace; Bible (...)
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  42.  24
    The adjudication of miracles: Rethinking the criteria of historicity.Michael R. Licona & Jan G. Van der Watt - 2009 - HTS Theological Studies 65 (1).
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  43.  19
    The portrayal of the hardening of the disciples’ hearts in Mark 8:14–21.Sug-Ho Lee & Jan G. Van der Watt - 2009 - HTS Theological Studies 65 (1).
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    Historians and miracles: The principle of analogy and antecedent probability reconsidered.Michael R. Licona & Jan G. Van der Watt - 2009 - HTS Theological Studies 65 (1).
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  45.  48
    Christentum Und Geschichte.G. A. Rein - 1953 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 5 (1):73-76.
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    Performance predictions affect attentional processes of event-based prospective memory.Jan Rummel, Beatrice G. Kuhlmann & Dayna R. Touron - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (3):729-741.
    To investigate whether making performance predictions affects prospective memory processing, we asked one group of participants to predict their performance in a PM task embedded in an ongoing task and compared their performance with a control group that made no predictions. A third group gave not only PM predictions but also ongoing-task predictions. Exclusive PM predictions resulted in slower ongoing-task responding both in a nonfocal and in a focal PM task. Only in the nonfocal task was the additional slowing accompanied (...)
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  47.  18
    Metaphor and non-metaphor: the semantics of adjective noun combinations.Jan M. G. Aarts - 1979 - Tübingen: Niemeyer. Edited by Joseph P. Calbert.
    The book series Linguistische Arbeiten (LA) publishes high-quality work in linguistics that addresses current issues in synchrony and diachrony, theoretically or empirically oriented.
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  48.  11
    Das Böse, der Teufel und Dämonen =.Jan Dochhorn, Susanne Rudnig-Zelt & Benjamin G. Wold (eds.) - 2016 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Im Zentrum des vorliegenden Sammelbandes steht die Frage nach dem Bösen in Religionen, die als monotheistisch verstanden werden oder für die zumindest die Herrschaft des Hauptgottes über alle anderen Götter und Mächte ein entscheidendes Anliegen ist. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem sich formierenden Judentum und Christentum sowie dem Alten Testament. Besonderes Interesse gilt den Texten aus Qumran, und darüber hinaus erfolgt ein Blick auf mittelalterliche Heiligenlegenden. Die Beiträge des Bandes zeigen, dass es in den antiken jüdischen und christlichen Texte eine (...)
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  49. Pentagrams and Paradoxes.Piotr Badzia̧g, Ingemar Bengtsson, Adán Cabello, Helena Granström & Jan-Åke Larsson - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (3):414-423.
    Klyachko and coworkers consider an orthogonality graph in the form of a pentagram, and in this way derive a Kochen-Specker inequality for spin 1 systems. In some low-dimensional situations Hilbert spaces are naturally organised, by a magical choice of basis, into SO(N) orbits. Combining these ideas some very elegant results emerge. We give a careful discussion of the pentagram operator, and then show how the pentagram underlies a number of other quantum “paradoxes”, such as that of Hardy.
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  50.  44
    Boekbesprekingen.Jan C. M. Engelen, W. Beuken, J. -M. Tison, J. Lambrecht, P. Smulders, P. Fransen, P. Verdeyen, Rob van Kessel, A. H. C. van Eijk, W. G. Tillmans, R. G. W. Huysmans, J. Y. H. Jacobs, Ger Groot, A. Poncelet, M. Heijndrikx, C. G. M. 'T. Mannetje, Maria ter Steeg & H. Stroeken - 1978 - Bijdragen 39 (1):78-112.
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