Results for 'Jana Pohl'

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  1.  38
    ,,Only darkness in the Goldeneh Medina?" Die Lower East Side in der US-amerikanischen Kinder- und Jugendliteratur.Jana Pohl - 2006 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 58 (3):227-242.
    The paper deals with the Lower East Side as a site of memory in children's literature in the United States. Contemporary children's books depict the Lower East Side in migration narratives about Eastern European Jews who came to America around the turn of the last century. They do so both verbally and visually by incorporating an often reproduced photograph that has come to symbolize the imaginary place. The Lower East Side is a Jewish site of immigrant poverty, crowded tenement houses, (...)
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  2. Omnipotence, Omniscience, and God’s Right.T. Raja Rosenhagen, Michael Pohl, Jana Lührmann & Anna Brückner - 2008 - In Nicola Mößner, Sebastian Schmoranzer & Christian Weidemann (eds.), Richard Swinburne: Christian Philosophy in a Modern World. ontos. pp. 125-139.
    This paper deals with Swinburne’s project of developing a theodicy. We criticise this project from both an external and an internal perspective. Regarding the first strategy, the target of our critique is Swinburne’s construal of God’s attributes—especially omniscience—and the related issue of incorrigible foreknowledge. We argue that Swinburne has to clarify and improve his position to deal with the fideist or the atheist. Regarding the second strategy, we focus on Swinburne’s notion of God’s right. In this context, the parent-child-analogy strikes (...)
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    Jana Mohr Lone.Jana Mohr Lone & John Patrick Cleary - 2009 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 19 (2-3):28-29.
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    Heuristic search viewed as path finding in a graph.Ira Pohl - 1970 - Artificial Intelligence 1 (3-4):193-204.
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    Responding to Strangers: Insights from the Christian Tradition.Christine D. Pohl - 2006 - Studies in Christian Ethics 19 (1):81-101.
    The historic Christian tradition of offering hospitality to strangers provides moral, theological and practical insights for contemporary responses to the needs of refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants. Ancient writers were explicit about the difficulties, blessings, and necessity of welcoming strangers. In this paper, specific components of the tradition, especially as they are evident in the writings of Chrysostom, Calvin and Wesley, are discussed. Suggestions are offered for points of intersection with contemporary concerns related to asylum and immigration.
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    Perspektiven auf Wort, Satz und Text: Semantisierungsprozesse auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen des Sprachsystems ; Festschrift für Inge Pohl.Inge Pohl, Andrea Bachmann-Stein, Stephan Merten & Christine Roth (eds.) - 2009 - Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier.
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    Teaching Public Philosophy as Course Texts.Jana McAuliffe - 2023 - Teaching Philosophy 46 (4):491-506.
    In this essay I advocate for the pedagogical value of public philosophy. In public essays, philosophers craft short arguments in clear prose that avoids disciplinary specific technical terms. Such texts are pedagogically valuable both because they teach students philosophical ideas and also because they offer students a template for philosophical argumentation upon which to model their own writing. Here I report on some of the pedagogical practices I have used for teaching public texts to advanced and introductory level undergraduates in (...)
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    Foundational patterns benchmark.Jana Ahmad & Petr Křemen - 2022 - Applied ontology 17 (4):465-494.
    Recently, there has been growing interest in the use of ontology as a fundamental tool for representing domain-specific conceptual models to improve the semantics, accuracy, and relevance of domain users’ query results. Although the amount of data has grown steadily over the past decade, much data shares similar characteristics that can be captured by a foundational ontology. In this paper, we show how queries based on a foundational ontology can be evaluated and their performance measured. We also present a Foundational (...)
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    Dzieła osierocone filozofów pochodzenia żydowskiego związanych z Uniwersytetem Jagiellońskim w latach 1918–1939.Anna Smywińska-Pohl - 2019 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:175-185.
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    God, the author of nature and the supernatural.Joseph Pohle - 1912 - St. Louis, Mo.,: Freiburg (Baden) Germany [etc.] B. Herder. Edited by Arthur Preuss.
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  11. Organ transplantation seen from the perspective of the phenomenology of corporeality.Jana Tomasovicova - 2012 - Filozofia 67 (1):15-25.
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    Neurotic Situations: A Critical Dialogue between Freud and Fanon.Jana Cattien - 2024 - Political Theory 52 (6):956-980.
    This essay facilitates a critical dialogue between Freud’s early “cathartic method” and Fanon’s notion of a “neurotic situation.” Although Fanon does not explicitly develop this concept as a counterpoint to the Freudian understanding of neurosis, we can nevertheless glean from his work a robust understanding of the kind of psycho-political suffering it designates. To be in a “neurotic situation,” I argue, is to experience neurotic symptoms that are idiosyncratic to oneself and yet also a reflection of social and political structures (...)
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    How prescriptive norms influence causal inferences.Jana Samland & Michael R. Waldmann - 2016 - Cognition 156 (C):164-176.
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  14.  47
    Dramatization as Life Practice: Counteractualisation, Event and Death.Janae Sholtz - 2016 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 10 (1):50-69.
    The concept of dramatization represents a rhetorical and conceptual tension in Deleuze's philosophy in that it refers both to autopoietic ontological processes and to a critical philosophical method. Commentators are wont to refer to either one or the other, saying little about how or if these two fundamentally distinct usages can be thought together; that is what we aim to do here. By unravelling the conceptual transformations of the term, we can gain an appreciation for the double characterisation of dramatization (...)
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  15.  43
    (1 other version)Auditory Verbal Experience and Agency in Waking, Sleep Onset, REM, and Non‐REM Sleep.Speth Jana, A. Harley Trevor & Speth Clemens - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (7):723-743.
    We present one of the first quantitative studies on auditory verbal experiences and auditory verbal agency voices or characters”) in healthy participants across states of consciousness. Tools of quantitative linguistic analysis were used to measure participants’ implicit knowledge of auditory verbal experiences and auditory verbal agencies, displayed in mentation reports from four different states. Analysis was conducted on a total of 569 mentation reports from rapid eye movement sleep, non-REM sleep, sleep onset, and waking. Physiology was controlled with the nightcap (...)
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  16.  18
    Liberalismus als politisches Ordnungssystem: Positive Freiheit und die Frage nach dem guten Leben.Jana Katharina Funk - 2023 - transcript Verlag.
    Der Liberalismus beansprucht ein politisches Ordnungssystem zu sein, welches den Bürger*innen die Freiheit zuspricht und ihnen garantiert, sich selbst zu regieren. Doch löst er diesen Anspruch kohärent ein? Jana Katharina Funk zeigt auf, dass Freiheit nicht voraussetzungslos zu haben ist. In Anlehnung an Amartya Sen und Martha Nussbaum schlägt sie ein Konzept des Liberalismus vor, das die positive Freiheit in den Mittelpunkt stellt. Ein liberales Ordnungssystem muss demzufolge die Einzelnen zur Freiheit befähigen und ermächtigen. Es liegt an ihnen, sich (...)
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  17.  29
    Ethical Openness in the Work of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak.Jana McAuliffe - 2020 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 6 (2).
    This paper explores the problem of racial privilege in US American feminist thought. Drawing on Gayatri Spivak’s analysis of ethics, particularly her ideas of epistemic discontinuity and teleopoietic reading, I argue that a specific kind of ethical openness can help feminist social-political philosophy better negotiate the legacy of white privilege. Spivak’s work calls for a reconsideration and reworking of the subject who theorizes. Her analysis of ethics suggests that racially privileged feminists must be able to confront their own complicity in (...)
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  18.  4
    W. Russell Neuman – Evolutionary Intelligence: How Technology Will Make Us Smarter.Jana Švadlenková - 2024 - Filosofie Dnes 16 (1).
    Recenze seznamuje s knihou Evolutionary Intelligence – How Technology Will Make Us Smarter, jejímž autorem je W. Russell Neuman. Záměrem této recenze je obeznámit čtenáře s jednotlivými kapitolami knihy a zároveň jim předložit problematiku tématu evoluční inteligence. V závěru je pak uvedeno kritické zhodnocení celé knihy.
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  19.  37
    Solarpunk Futures.Nicole Barbara Pohl - 2022 - Utopian Studies 33 (2):342-345.
    We’re solarpunks because the only other options are denial or despair.Utopian Studies, Futures, and Anticipatory Studies all focus, if in different ways, on the past, present, and futures. Utopian narratives anticipate, to cite Abensour, “what is different, the wish for the advent of a radical alterity here and now.”1 A tool that all disciplines use is storytelling—utopias as narratives by definition, Futures and Anticipatory Studies as critical and inquisitive tools. The Solarpunk Futures game taps into these disciplines by creatively exploring (...)
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  20.  77
    (1 other version)The Power of Feminist Theory.Jana Sawicki - 2002 - Hypatia 17 (1):222-226.
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    Psychometrics is not measurement: Unraveling a fundamental misconception in quantitative psychology and the complex network of its underlying fallacies.Jana Uher - 2021 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 41 (1):58-84.
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    Atheists Finding God: Unlikely Stories of Conversions to Christianity in the Contemporary West.Jana S. Harmon - 2023 - Lexington Books.
    This book examines the unlikely conversion stories of fifty former atheists as they move from belief in naturalistic atheism to strong belief in God and conservative Christianity. Their own perspectives and journeys provide deep insight for those who are interested in why and how such dramatic change is possible.
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  23.  67
    Play-Thing of the Times: Critical Review of the Reception of Daoism in the West.Karl-Heinz Pohl - 2003 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 30 (3-4):469-486.
  24.  33
    An analysis of Donna Haraway's A Cyborg Manifesto: science, technology, and socialist-feminism in the late twentieth century.Rebecca Pohl - 2018 - London: Macat International.
    Haraway's 'Cyborg Manifesto' is a key postmodern text and is widely taught in many disciplines as one of the first texts to embrace technology from a leftist and feminist perspective using the metaphor of the cyborg to champion a socialist, postmodern, and anti-identitarian politics. Until Haraway's work, few feminists had turned to theorising science and technology and thus her work quite literally changed the terms of the debate. This article continues to be seen as hugely influential in the field of (...)
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  25.  15
    Das Echo der Utopien: Tanz und Politik by Deutsches Tanzarchiv Köln, and: Intellectual Barbarians: The Kibbo Kift Kindred by Whitechapel Gallery.Nicole Pohl - 2016 - Utopian Studies 27 (3):632-635.
    Art is always political! Only dance is not!Dance has been somewhat ignored in utopian studies as a potential transformatory and political artistic expression, though performance and drama have attracted critical attention. The exhibition Das Echo der Utopien at the Dance Archive in Cologne uses its own archival materials to prove that dance can be political by looking at archival visual material from the sixteenth century to the German dance theater of the 1990s. The underlying assumption of the exhibition is that (...)
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  26.  84
    Technology and the Wilderness Experience.Sarah Pohl - 2006 - Environmental Ethics 28 (2):147-163.
    As mechanical devices become lighter, sleeker, and cheaper, the issue of technology in wilderness becomes an increasingly more important ethical concern because many high-tech luxuries or devices stand to separate the backcountry traveler from the very goals he or she hopes to actualize by recreating in wilderness. As recreationists, we need to determine which items are essential and which aredistracting, separating important “equipment” from needless “devices,” and exercising the self-control to carry only what we need. This process can be called (...)
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    Phronesis and phantasia: Teaching with wisdom and imagination.Jana Noel - 1999 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 33 (2):277–286.
    Critics of Aristotelian accounts of practical reasoning, in teaching and in other contexts, criticise phronesis for its rigidity and lack of imagination. This paper argues that phantasia, or imagination, helps us to develop a richer account of Aristotle’s phronesis. Two senses of phantasia, as producing images and as an interpretive faculty, are proposed here to be importantly involved in phronesis. By producing images that help in the selection of an end goal, and by having an interpretive faculty that helps to (...)
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  28.  40
    Eerie: de-formations and fascinations.Jana Cattien & Richard Stopford - 2022 - Angelaki 27 (5):113-131.
    In this paper, we explore what it means for an object to be eerie. We argue that the Eerie is an index of phenomenology’s limits: it is a complex, contradictory moment in the dialectics of subject/...
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  29.  45
    She’s Making Profit Now: Neoliberalism, Ethics, and Feminist Critique.Jana McAuliffe - 2020 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 10 (1):24-46.
    This paper engages television comedy to critique the ethical values that are amenable to neoliberal capitalism. First, I explore the co-optation and containment of feminism as a collective social change movement by postfeminist and neoliberal cultures. I show how self-reliance and resilience become legible as classed, raced, and gendered values packaged for feminine, neoliberal women. Next, I address the specific challenges that neoliberal biopower poses for ethical values as they have been traditionally understood. I then argue that comedy is a (...)
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  30. Moral Elevation and Economic Games: The Moderating Role of Personality.Rico Pohling, Rhett Diessner, Shawnee Stacy, Destiny Woodward & Anja Strobel - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The concept of structure as a basic epistemological paradigm of traditional Chinese thought.Jana S. Rošker - 2010 - Asian Philosophy 20 (1):79-96.
    The theoretical work of European and American structuralism has produced a number of important elements which have resulted in (especially with respect to certain new, fundamental approaches in semantics, philosophy and methodology) essential shifts in the modes of thinking in the humanities, and in the cultural and social sciences. Despite these shifts, Western discourses have still not produced any integral, coherent structural model of epistemology. The present article intends to show that such a model can be found in the pan-structural (...)
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    Common Thread: The Impact of Mission on Ethical Business Culture. A Case Study.Jana L. Craft - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 149 (1):127-145.
    What is the impact of mission on ethical business culture? This question was analyzed through a qualitative case study of a large nonprofit organization in the human services industry with a solid history of ethical business practices and consistent use of a values-based decision-making model. This research explored ethical decision making, ethical business culture, and congruence between enacted and espoused institutional values. Institutional values were identified, and the following pair of research questions was examined: To what extent were incongruent values (...)
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    Transcranial direct current stimulation of the motor cortex in waking resting state induces motor imagery.Jana Speth, Clemens Speth & Trevor A. Harley - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 36 (C):298-305.
  34. Disciplining Foucault: Feminism, Power, and the Body.Jana Sawicki - 1991 - New York: Routledge.
  35.  25
    Social Values and Moral Management: A Slovenian Perspective.Jana Nadoh Bergoc - 2008 - Philosophy of Management 6 (3):151-158.
    Starting from the observation that in morally questionable situations managers tend to act in accordance with a so-called political utilitarianism, this paper seeks to answer the question: why is it important for managers to behave morally? It argues that managers should adopt the deontological notion of self-respect and respect for others as a basic presumption, bearing in mind management’s central role of dealing with people. It is suggested that this is especially so in transition economies. By adopting a deontological perspective, (...)
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  36.  52
    Ethics consultation as a tool for teaching residents.Jana M. Craig & Thomas May - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (4):25 – 27.
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    Notas de filosofía.Reynaldo Galindo Pohl - 1960 - San Salvador,: Editorial Universitaria.
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  38.  15
    (5 other versions)MAKKY, Lukáš : Od začiatku po koniec a ešte ďalej: umenie v definičných súradniciach. [From the Beginning til the End and Beyond: The Art in Definitional Coordinates].Jana Migašová & Peter Gurský - 2019 - Espes 9 (2):88-91.
    MAKKY, Lukáš : Od začiatku po koniec a ešte ďalej: umenie v definičných súradniciach. [From the Beginning til the End and Beyond: The Art in Definitional Coordinates]. Prešov: Filozofická fakulta Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove, Opera Philosophica. 256 pp.
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    Franz Boas' Rede an der Universitat Kiel zum 50jahrigen Doktorjubilaum.Friedrich Pöhl - 2012 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2012 (2):391-397.
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    Soviet Apartheid: Stalin’s Ethnic Deportations, Special Settlement Restrictions, and the Labor Army: The Case of the Ethnic Germans in the USSR.J. Otto Pohl - 2012 - Human Rights Review 13 (2):205-224.
    This article examines the Stalin regime’s treatment of the ethnic Germans in the USSR during the 1940s as a case study in racial discrimination. After 1938, Soviet definitions of nationality became racialized. Systematic repression against certain nationalities in the USSR after this time clearly fit the definition of racial discrimination formulated by scholars in the post-war era. This article examines the separate and unequal institutions of the special settlement regime and labor army imposed upon the ethnic Germans in the USSR (...)
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    Einleitung.Jana Rindert, Reinhard Mehring & Volker Gerhardt - 2000 - In Volker Gerhardt (ed.), Berliner Geist. Eine Geschichte der Berliner Universitätsphilosophie bis 1946. Peeters Press. pp. 12-16.
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  42.  13
    The Yields of Transition : Literature, Art and Philosophy in Early Medieval China.Jana Rošker & Nataša Vampelj Suhadolnik (eds.) - 2011
    The present volume is dedicated to the Wei Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties (220â "589 AD), which is generally regarded as one of the most fascinating phases in Chinese history. The collection opens new theoretical and methodological pathways in sinological studies, bringing to the forefront a new idea of intercultural encounters based upon a culture of recognition. It highlights the significance of transition in the making of Chinese culture and history, revises prevailing historical approaches in the study and research (...)
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    Conversational Artificial Intelligence in Psychotherapy: A New Therapeutic Tool or Agent?Jana Sedlakova & Manuel Trachsel - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (5):4-13.
    Conversational artificial intelligence (CAI) presents many opportunities in the psychotherapeutic landscape—such as therapeutic support for people with mental health problems and without access to care. The adoption of CAI poses many risks that need in-depth ethical scrutiny. The objective of this paper is to complement current research on the ethics of AI for mental health by proposing a holistic, ethical, and epistemic analysis of CAI adoption. First, we focus on the question of whether CAI is rather a tool or an (...)
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  44.  37
    Chinese and Global Philosophy: Postcomparative Transcultural Approaches and the Method of Sublation.Jana S. Rošker - 2022 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 21 (2):165-182.
    The essay deals with problems encountered by Western researchers working in the field of Chinese philosophy. It begins with a discussion of intercultural and transcultural methodologies and illuminates some of the most common issues inherent in traditional intercultural comparisons in the field of philosophy. Taking into account the current state of the so-called postcomparative discourses in the field of transcultural philosophy and starting from the notion of culturally divergent frames of reference, it focuses upon semantic aspects of the Chinese philosophical (...)
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    The Potential of Bioeconomic Innovations to Contribute to a Social-Ecological Transformation: A Case Study in the Livestock System.Jana Zscheischler, Sandra Uthes, Ingrid Bunker & Jonathan Friedrich - 2021 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 34 (4):1-26.
    Environmental crises, which are consequences of resource-intensive lifestyles and are characterized to a large extent by both a changing climate and a loss of biodiversity, stress the urgent need for a global social-ecological transformation of the agro-food system. In this regard, the bioeconomy and bioeconomic innovations have frequently been seen as instrumental in addressing these grand challenges and contributing to more sustainable land use. To date, the question of how much bioeconomic innovations contribute to sustainability objectives remains unanswered. Against this (...)
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    Ideology as a factor for the eschatological outlook hidden in a text: A study between Ezekiel 37 and 4Q386 fragment 1i.Jana Coetzee - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4).
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    The Auditory-Visual Speech Benefit on Working Memory in Older Adults with Hearing Impairment.Jana B. Frtusova & Natalie A. Phillips - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Non-expert views of compassion: consensual qualitative research using focus groups.Jana Koróniová, Júlia Halamová & Martina Baránková - 2019 - Human Affairs 29 (1):6-19.
    Although the research on compassion is growing, there is a lack of knowledge about how non-expert people perceive compassion. Therefore, the aim of the study was to explore compassion from the perspective of non-experts. Our sample consisted of 56 non-expert participants in 10 focus groups and we conducted a Consensual Qualitative Research analysis with two members of a core team and one auditor. In general, compassion was described as a mixture of non-specified positive emotions and specified negative emotions. Compassion was (...)
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  49. Heidegger and Foucault: Escaping technological nihilism.Jana Sawicki - 1987 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 13 (2):155-173.
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    Understanding Quantum Raffles: Quantum Mechanics on an Informational Approach - Structure and Interpretation (Foreword by Jeffrey Bub).Michael Janas, Michael E. Cuffaro & Michel Janssen - 2021 - Springer.
    This book offers a thorough technical elaboration and philosophical defense of an objectivist informational interpretation of quantum mechanics according to which its novel content is located in its kinematical framework, that is, in how the theory describes systems independently of the specifics of their dynamics. -/- It will be of interest to researchers and students in the philosophy of physics and in theoretical physics with an interest in the foundations of quantum mechanics. Additionally, parts of the book may be used (...)
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