Results for 'Janine Maltz'

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  1.  94
    Is Integrated Reporting Really the Superior Mechanism for the Integration of Ethics into the Core Business Model? An Empirical Analysis.Janine Maniora - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 140 (4):755-786.
    This paper examines the impact of integrated reporting on the integration of environmental, social, and governance issues into the business model and the related economic and ESG performance changes. To investigate these internal and external transformational effects of IR, important differences between IR and alternative ESG reporting strategies are worked out. Using three matched samples of companies from around the world for the sample period 2002–2011, IR companies are matched with companies applying no ESG reporting, stand-alone ESG reporting, or ESG (...)
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    Mismanagement of Sustainability: What Business Strategy Makes the Difference? Empirical Evidence from the USA.Janine Maniora - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (4):931-947.
    This paper examines whether and to what extent the overall business strategy influences the firm’s mismanagement of sustainability. Specifically, an empirical measure for the mismanagement of sustainability is developed by exploiting the newly available materiality guidelines for US firms to define industry-specific material sustainability issues. Using this measure, this paper shows that mismanagement of sustainability can represent unethical business behavior when firms intentionally perform better on immaterial issues than on material issues by diverting stakeholders’ attention from the firm’s low overall (...)
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    Alfred Schutz e os Estudos Culturais: marcos teóricos e diálogos conceituais.Janine De Kássia Rocha Bargas - 2015 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 22 (2).
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  4. Pain, stress, and suffering in elephants : what is the evidence and how can we measure it?Janine L. Brown, Nadja Wielebnowski & Jacob V. Cheeran - 2008 - In Christen M. Wemmer & Catherine A. Christen (eds.), Elephants and ethics: toward a morality of coexistence. Baltimore, Md.: Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 121.
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    ENTRETIENS DE JÉRUSALEM (3-10 avril 1965).Janine Chanteur - 1965 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 20 (4):513 - 518.
  6. La vie philosophique - travaux Des sociétés.Janine Chanteur - 1965 - Les Etudes Philosophiques:565.
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    A propos des adriges chrétiens.Janine Desmulliez & Juan Antonio Jimenez Sanchez - 2007 - Augustinianum 47 (1):21-39.
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    "Semiotics à la Hegel.Janine Langan - 1985 - Semiotics:259-270.
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  9. Holocaust Fiction and National Historical Memory: Elie Wiesel, The Fifth Son.Harold P. Maltz - forthcoming - Theoria.
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  10. Lucifer's Fall: Freewill and the Aetiology of Evil in Paradise Lost.Harold P. Maltz - 1988 - Theoria 72:63-73.
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  11. 'Paradise lost', genesis and'job': A reconstruction of authorial choices.Harold P. Maltz - forthcoming - Theoria.
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  12.  50
    From Power Elites to Influence Elites: Resetting Elite Studies for the 21st Century.Janine R. Wedel - 2017 - Theory, Culture and Society 34 (5-6):153-178.
    The dominant theory of elite power, grounded in Weberian bureaucracy, has analyzed elites in terms of stable positions at the top of enduring institutions. Today, many conditions that spawned these stable ‘command posts’ no longer prevail, and elite power thus warrants rethinking. This article advances an argument about contemporary ‘influence elites’. The way they are organized and the modus operandi they employ to wield influence enable them to evade public accountability, a hallmark of a democratic society. Three cases are presented, (...)
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  13.  22
    Evaluating an Adolescent’s Decision-Making Capacity Whilst in the Harsh World of Detention.Janine P. Winters, Fiona Owens & Elisif Winters - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (2):243-251.
    Reports of children participating in hunger strikes while detained in offshore detention centres raise interrelated ethical issues and recognizable challenges for the medical decision-makers at these sites. A composite case study, informed by reports in the public domain, is employed to explore the unique challenges of consent and decision-making in these circumstances and the perennial issues inherent in adolescents’ developing capacity and autonomy. We present an amalgamated case of a fourteen-year-old adolescent who refused to consent to medical reversal of her (...)
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  14.  43
    When Parents Refuse: Resolving Entrenched Disagreements Between Parents and Clinicians in Situations of Uncertainty and Complexity.Janine Penfield Winters - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (8):20-31.
    When shared decision making breaks down and parents and medical providers have developed entrenched and conflicting views, ethical frameworks are needed to find a way forward. This article reviews the evolution of thought about the best interest standard and then discusses the advantages of the harm principle (HP) and the zone of parental discretion (ZPD). Applying these frameworks to parental refusals in situations of complexity and uncertainty presents challenges that necessitate concrete substeps to analyze the big picture and identify key (...)
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    Le Cadran Solaire de la Mosquée Umayyade à Damas.Louis Janin - 1972 - Centaurus 16 (4):285-298.
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    The Truth about Impossibility.Janine Reinert - 2018 - Philosophical Quarterly 68 (271):307-327.
    Any worlds semantics for intentionality has to provide a plenitudinous theory of impossibility: For any impossible proposition, it should provide a world where it is true. Hence, also any semantics for impossibility statements that extends Lewis’s concretism about possible worlds should be plenitudinous. However, several such proposals for impossibilist semantics fail to accommodate two kinds of impossibility that, albeit not unheard of, have been largely neglected in the literature on impossible worlds, but that are bound to arise in the Lewisian (...)
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  17. The Benefit Corporation and Corporate Social Responsibility.Janine S. Hiller - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (2):287-301.
    In the wake of the most recent financial crisis, corporations have been criticized as being self-interested and unmindful of their relationship to society. Indeed, the blame is sometimes placed on the corporate legal form, which can exacerbate the tension between duties to shareholders and interests of stakeholders. In comparison, the Benefit Corporation (BC) is a new legal business entity that is obligated to pursue public benefit in addition to the responsibility to return profits to shareholders. It is legally a for-profit, (...)
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  18.  85
    In Search of “Good Positive Reasons” For an Ethics of Divine Commands.Janine Marie Idziak - 1989 - Faith and Philosophy 6 (1):47-64.
    Recent proponents of a divine command ethics have chiefly defended the theory by refuting objections rather than by offering “positive reasons” to support it. We here offer a catalogue of such positive arguments drawn from historical discussions of the theory. We presentarguments which focus on various properties of the divine nature and on the unique status of God, as well as arguments which are analogical in character. Finally, we describe a particularform of the theory to which these arguments point, and (...)
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  19.  8
    De la guerre à la paix.Janine Chanteur - 1989 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Cette édition numérique a été réalisée à partir d'un support physique, parfois ancien, conservé au sein du dépôt légal de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, conformément à la loi n° 2012-287 du 1er mars 2012 relative à l'exploitation des Livres indisponibles du XXe siècle. L'histoire des hommes est l'histoire de leurs guerres, dit-on, la paix ne serait qu'une trêve préparant de nouveaux conflits. « Copyright Electre » Pages de début Avant-propos Introduction Première partie - La réalité de la guerre Présentation (...)
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    Gradation als ästhetische Denkform des 18. Jahrhunderts: Figuren der Steigerung, Minderung und des Crescendo.Janine Firges - 2019 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    The study examines gradation as a central mode of 18th century thought. Originally a structural notion in the natural sciences, gradation underwent a change in the 17th century to become a major descriptive trope for gradually intensifying patterns of change. As a trope that extends across disciplinary boundaries, gradation became an important aesthetic concept of the period in areas as diverse as rhetoric, aesthetics, dramatic art, and music."--Provided by publisher.
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  21. I Am Not a History Teacher But..Janine Forbes - 2008 - Ethos: Social Education Victoria 16 (4):11.
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  22. Tue was du willst, sei das ganze Gesetz" : Reflexionen bei Plotin und Nietzsche.Janine Harnischfeger & Alexander Kuhfuss - 1996 - In Edith Düsing, Thorsten Dietz & Yurie A. Ignatieff (eds.), Zur Philosophie der Individualität: Festschrift für Prof. Dr. phil. Edith Düsing zu ihrem 45. Geburtstag. Aachen: Shaker.
  23.  81
    Katherin Rogers, Anselm on freedom.Janine Marie Idziak - 2009 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 65 (3):171-175.
  24.  63
    Thomas Hibbs, Aquinas, ethics, and philosophy of religion metaphysics and practice (indiana series in philosophy of religion).Janine Marie Idziak - 2008 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 64 (2):103-106.
  25.  20
    (1 other version)Des apiculteurs à la table des experts.Janine Kievitz - 2012 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 64 (3):, [ p.].
    Des mortalités anormales frappent les ruchers d’Europe et d’autres continents depuis un peu plus de vingt ans. Depuis le début des troubles, des suspicions pèsent sur des insecticides d’un genre nouveau, utilisés en traitement de semences. La législation prescrivant l’évaluation des risques environnementaux de toute substance insecticide dès avant sa mise sur le marché, des apiculteurs sont allés consulter les dossiers portant sur les molécules suspectées, ce qui les a amenés à s’impliquer dans la critique et l’élaboration des règles d’évaluation, (...)
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    F. Bibliografie.Janine Köster - 2014 - In Sterbeinschriften Auf Wikingerzeitlichen Runensteinen. De Gruyter. pp. 313-332.
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  27. 13. Truth, Justice, and the Modern Imagination: A Reflection Launched by Elizabeth Sewell's "Death of the Imagination".Janine Langan - 1997 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 1 (1).
  28.  38
    Avaliação do raciocínio abstrato, numérico e espacial em adolescentes surdos.Janine Kieling Monteiro & Clarissa Galecki Andrade - 2005 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 21:93-99.
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    Typing Our Way to Freedom: Is It True that New Office Technology Can Liberate Women?Janine Morgall - 1981 - Feminist Review 9 (1):87-101.
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  30.  14
    A espiritualidade no atendimento de mulheres usuárias de subst'ncias.Janine Targino - 2021 - Horizonte:1078.
    O artigo apresenta e analisa as representações acerca da espiritualidade presentes nos relatos de mulheres usuárias de substâncias que buscam acolhimento em comunidades terapêuticas (CTs) de perfil religioso. Os dados observados são provenientes de entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas ao longo do segundo semestre de 2020 com mulheres acolhidas em duas CT’s, sendo uma delas de perfil católico carismático e outra vinculada a uma igreja que compõe o protestantismo histórico. As lideranças dessas instituições foram igualmente ouvidas com a intenção de alcançar informações (...)
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  31. The meaning of personal experience for a science of health.Janin Vansteenkiste - 1993 - In Robert Lafaille & Stephen Fulder (eds.), Towards a new science of health. New York: Routledge. pp. 224.
  32.  22
    Eligibility for assisted dying: not protection for vulnerable people, but protection for people when they are vulnerable.Janine Penfield Winters - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (10):672-673.
    Downie and Schuklenk1 provide a clear narrative of the development of Canadian policy on medically assisted dying. This is very helpful for considering specific aspects of the continuing deliberations in Canada. This commentary presents an alternative perspective on the authors’ argument that narrow eligibility criteria for medical assistance in dying are discriminatory and unjustified. I argue that disability or mental illness as sole reason for accessing MAiD removes protections for all people who have times in their life when they have (...)
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    Striving for group agency: threat to personal control increases the attractiveness of agentic groups.Janine Stollberg, Immo Fritsche & Anna Bã¤Cker - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  34. The impairment of empathy in goodwill whites for african americans.Janine Jones - 2004 - In George Yancy (ed.), What White Looks Like: African-American Philosophers on the Whiteness Question. Routledge.
  35. Reforming Social Justice in Neoliberal Times.Janine M. Brodie - 2007 - Studies in Social Justice 1 (2):93-107.
    This article unfolds in three stages. First, it locates the emergence of modern conceptions of social justice in industrializing Europe, and especially in the discovery of the “social,” which provided a particular idiom for the liberal democratic politics for most of the twentieth century. Second, the article links this particular conception of the social to the political rationalities of the postwar welfare state and the identity of the social citizen. Finally, the article discusses the myriad ways in which this legacy (...)
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    From war to peace.Janine Chanteur - 1992 - Boulder: Westview Press.
    Combining political theory, gender analysis, and human psychology, Chanteur (the Sorbonne, U. of Paris) explores the failures of modern political theory to come to terms with the warlike nature of the human species, and proposes that the hope for peace lies in rediscovering the failed dialogue between men and women--the two aspects of the complete human species. Paper edition (unseen), $17.95. Annotation copyright by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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    Divine Command Ethics.Janine Marie Idziak - 1997 - In Charles Taliaferro & Philip L. Quinn (eds.), A Companion to Philosophy of Religion. Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 585–592.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Works cited Additional recommended readings.
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    Recherches sur la tradition platonicienne: Platon, Aristote, Proclus, Damascius.Janine Bertier (ed.) - 1977 - Paris: J. Vrin.
  39. Author/Xtle Index, Books Reviewed.Janine Chanteur - 1995 - Philosophy 7 (3):208-211.
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    Lindsay Judson, Aristotle, Metaphysics Lambda. Translated with an introduction and commentary.Janine Gühler - 2020 - Ancient Philosophy Today 2 (2):178-183.
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    Cluster Courses as a Model for Teaching Bioethics in Science.Janine M. Idziak & Fred Schnee - 2013 - Teaching Ethics 13 (2):85-91.
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    Democracy versus Republic: Inclusion and Desire in Social Struggles.Renato Janine Ribeiro - 2008 - Diogenes 55 (4):45-53.
    This paper argues that the idea of inclusion is linked to the democratic tradition rather than to the republican one. By analyzing the origins and meaning of these two concepts, the author holds that democracy is rather linked to desire and republic to will (and to the expression of desire), and concludes that, since North Atlantic political tradition has not given a key role to desire, democracy, in order to overcome the difficulties it has been encountering in all parts of (...)
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    Maria del Guadaloupe Davidson, Kathryn T. Gines, and Donna-Dale L. Marcano (eds), Convergences: Black Feminism and Philosophy.Janine Jones - 2011 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 19 (1):165-169.
    Review of Maria del Guadaloupe Davidson, Kathryn T. Gines, and Donna-Dale L. Marcano (eds), Convergences: Black Feminism and Philosophy (Albany: SUNY, 2010).
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    Possibly turning out and metaphysical possibility.Janine Jones - 2002 - Philosophia 29 (1-4):261-276.
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    What could turn out, actually speaking.Janine Jones - 2001 - Philosophical Studies 105 (3):211-236.
    In this paper I distinguish three senses of could turn out/couldhave turned out in an attempt to elucidate how each is connected tothe notion of discovery and how each determines that a statement ofthe form `X could turn out P' (`X could have turned out P') is true.I argue that the actuality-oriented sense of could turn outbest captures what we ordinarily mean when we use could turnout or could have turned out in a nonevidential sense.
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    Raffaella Sarti, Anna Bellavitis.Janine Lanza - 2019 - Clio 50.
    Qu’est-ce que le travail? La question posée par le titre de ce recueil offre un tremplin pour des réponses multiples et nuancées, fruits de recherches sur un large spectre temporel et spatial. Les articles qui le composent répondent à cette question en interrogeant la façon dont le genre définit notre compréhension du travail. Se trouvent donc placés au premier plan les problèmes relatifs à l’égalité, le rôle du marché versus l’espace privé, la question des capacités de production comparée a...
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    Habilidade para trabalhar em equipe.Janine Kieling Monteiro, Eduardo de Aguiar Ribeiro, Fernanda Pasquoto de Souza & Susana Maria Agostini Serafim - forthcoming - Aletheia.
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    Reflexões acerca do atendimento psicológico a desempregados.Janine Kieling Monteiro, Clarissa Machado Pesenti, Daiane Maus, Daniela Bottega & Fabiane Rosa Machado - 2008 - Revista Aletheia 27:233-242.
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  49.  21
    The Administration of Buddhism in China: A Study and Translation of Zanning and the Topical Compendium of the Buddhist Clergy (Da Song Seng shiüe?????), by Albert Welter.Janine Nicol - 2019 - Buddhist Studies Review 36 (1):123-126.
    The Administration of Buddhism in China: A Study and Translation of Zanning and the Topical Compendium of the Buddhist Clergy, by Albert Welter. Cambria Press, 2018. 722pp., Hb. $154.99. ISBN-13: 9781604979428.
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    Authentic Replicas: Buddhist Art in Medieval China by Hsueh-man Shen.Janine Nicol - 2021 - Buddhist Studies Review 37 (2):261-264.
    Authentic Replicas: Buddhist Art in Medieval China by Hsueh-man Shen. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press 2019. 352 pp.; 132 illustrations, 113 in colour. Hb $72 ISBN-13: 9780824867058.
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