Results for 'Jarosław Kita'

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  1.  74
    (1 other version)Sebastian Tomasz Kołodziejczyk, Granice pojęciowe metafizyki [Begriffsgrenzen der Metaphysik] by Jarosław Paszyński.Jarosław Paszyński - 2007 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 12 (1):202-203.
    The article reviews the book Granice pojęciowe metafizyki [The Conceptual Boundaries of Metaphysics], by Sebastian Tomasz Kołodziejczyk.
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    Jarosław Rudniański, Nauka: twórczość i organizacja (Science: Creativity and Organization). [REVIEW]Jarosław Rudniański - 1977 - Dialectics and Humanism 4 (2):213-215.
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    The Triple Beholdenness of Polish Hospital Chaplains: How to Avoid Confusion?Jarosław L. Mikuczewski - forthcoming - Christian Bioethics.
    Polish hospital chaplaincy, because of the unique political and sociological context in which it finds itself, presents a sort of triple beholdenness. It carries particular loyalties to the state, to Catholic doctrine, and above all, it is called to be faithful to the unique suffering person. In this article, I argue that the biggest challenge for Polish chaplaincy resides within the domain of loyalty to the patient, where the profound and immediate need for robust formation of individual Christian conscience through (...)
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    Education for forgiveness in the context of developing prudence.Jarosław Horowski - 2019 - Ethics and Education 14 (3):316-332.
    ABSTRACTThe purpose of my paper is to determine the consequences of including an education for forgiveness in the context of developing prudence. I aim to answer two questions: what is prudent forgiveness; what constitutes education for prudent forgiveness? I present my analyses in six parts. After introduction, I point to the advantages and doubts concerning forgiveness. Then, I present prudence as a basic virtue guiding human actions. I draw mainly on the approach proposed by Thomas Aquinas, who argued that prudence (...)
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    How do gestures influence thinking and speaking? The gesture-for-conceptualization hypothesis.Sotaro Kita, Martha W. Alibali & Mingyuan Chu - 2017 - Psychological Review 124 (3):245-266.
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    Filozofia języka Husserla i semantyczna teoria poznania Ajdukiewicza.Jarosław Rolewski - forthcoming - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej.
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    Education for Self‐Forgiveness as a Part of Education for Forgiveness.Jarosław Horowski - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (1):126-142.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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  8. Argumenty filozoficzne za koncepcją uniwersalizmu zbawienia w ujęciu Thomasa Talbotta.Jarosław Dalke - 2010 - Filo-Sofija 10 (10 (2010/1)):107-122.
    Author: Dalke Jarosław Title: PHILOSOPHICAL ARGUMENTS FOR THE IDEA OF UNIVERSAL SALVATION IN THOMAS TALBOTT’S APPROACH (Argumenty filozoficzne za koncepcją uniwersalizmu zbawienia w ujęciu Thomasa Talbotta) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2010, vol:.10, number: 2010/1, pages: 107-122 Keywords: IDEA OF UNIVERSAL SALVATION, THOMAS TALBOTT, GOD Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:This paper presents philosophical arguments for the idea of universal salvation proposed by Thomas Talbott. He argues that in the afterlife everyone (...)
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  9.  26
    Maszyny i symbole (I) – semantyczne aspekty cybernetyki i automatyzacji.Jarosław Boruszewski - 2011 - Filo-Sofija 11 (12 (2011/1)):397-425.
    Author: Boruszewski Jarosław Title: MACHINES AND SYMBOLS (I) – SEMANTIC ASPECTS OF CYBERNETICS AND AUTOMATION (Maszyny i symbole (I) – semantyczne aspekty cybernetyki i automatyzacji) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2011, vol:.12, number: 2011/1, pages: 397-425 Keywords: MACHINES, SYMBOLS, SEMANTIC, CYBERNETICS, AUTOMATION Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:This article is the first part of the cycle titled “Machines and symbols”. The main issue of this cycle may be formulated as a question: (...)
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    Na czym polega skończoność ciała własnego? W poszukiwaniu odpowiedzi Paula Ricoeura.Jarosław Jakubowski - 2010 - Filo-Sofija 10 (11 (2010/2)):107-124.
    Author: Jakubowski Jarosław Title: EN QUOI CONSISTE LA FINITUDE DU CORPS PROPRE? À LA RECHERCHE DE LA RÉPONSE DE PAUL RICOEUR (Na czym polega skończoność ciała własnego? W poszukiwaniu odpowiedzi Paula Ricoeura) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2010, vol:.11, number: 2010/2, pages: 107-124 Keywords: FINITUDE DU CORPS, RICOEUR, „OUVERTURE”, „FERMETURE DANS L’OUVERTURE”, L’ALTERITE DU CORPS PROPRE Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:L’analyse du problème formulé dans le titre se compose de deux (...)
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    The role of metaxy in the political philosophy of Eric Voegelin.Jarosław Duraj - 2021 - New York: Peter Lang.
    This project envisages a study of Eric Voegelin (1901-1985) and of the role played by metaxy in his vision of political philosophy. Metaxy already defined by Plato as the "in-between" matrix of the human condition is for Voegelin a powerful notion that symbolizes the intermediate state in which man experiences diverse and opposing tensions such as the ones between immanence and transcendence or mortality and immortality. The metaxy constitutes the realm of the divine-human mutual participation (methexis), and its locus resides (...)
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  12.  41
    Łukasiewicz Operations in Fuzzy Set and Many-Valued Representations of Quantum Logics.Jarosław Pykacz - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (9):1503-1524.
    It, is shown that Birkhoff –von Neumann quantum logic (i.e., an orthomodular lattice or poset) possessing an ordering set of probability measures S can be isomorphically represented as a family of fuzzy subsets of S or, equivalently, as a family of propositional functions with arguments ranging over S and belonging to the domain of infinite-valued Łukasiewicz logic. This representation endows BvN quantum logic with a new pair of partially defined binary operations, different from the order-theoretic ones: Łukasiewicz intersection and union (...)
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  13.  28
    Education for Loneliness as a Consequence of Moral Decision-Making: An Issue of Moral Virtues.Jarosław Horowski - 2020 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (6):591-605.
    The direct reference point for these analyses is the process of making moral decisions, but a particular point of interest is the difficulty associated with making decisions when acting subjects are aware that their choice of moral good can lead to the breakdown of relationships with those close to them or to their exclusion from the group that have been most important to them so far in their lives, consequently causing them to experience loneliness. This difficulty is a challenge for (...)
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  14. Human health and Christianity in the context of the dilemma of forgiveness.Jarosław Horowski & Mirosław Kowalski - 2022 - Journal of Religion and Health 61:1282–1299.
    This article argues that Christianity has the potential to strengthen people’s health when solving the forgiveness dilemma. However – paradoxically – the starting point for the analysis is the presumption that a hasty and imprudent decision to forgive may negatively impact the health of the decision-maker, and that Christianity may contribute to people making unconsidered decisions by prompting them to forgive. In the first part of the analysis, the concept of health and its biblical understanding are discussed. The second part (...)
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  15. Education for Self-Forgiveness as a Part of Education for Forgiveness.Jarosław Horowski - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (1):126-142.
    The analyses undertaken in this article refer to the harm experienced in close relationships, where the lack of forgiveness and the breakdown in the relationship can be a source of additional suffering for the victim. Referring to the discussion conducted in the Journal of Philosophy of Education in the years 2002–2003, I assume that one of the most difficult challenges for the injured individual is to determine whether change made by the perpetrator of evil encourages the individual to trust the (...)
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  16.  26
    Becoming Chinese with the Chinese: The Missionary Contribution of Matteo Ricci.Jaroslaw Duraj - 2024 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 20 (1):33-55.
    Matteo Ricci is one of the most important Christian missionaries in China whose groundbreaking method of accommodation in the context of the Chinese culture was paradigmatic and influenced the history of relationship between China and the West. Ricci’s work had a profound impact on Chinese culture. He introduced new ideas in astronomy, mathematics, cartography, and other fields. He also helped to spread Christianity in China through the means of science and dialogue built on authentic friendship. In this article we offer (...)
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    Attempt at the logical explanation of the wave-particle duality.Jarosław Pykacz - 1999 - In Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara (ed.), Language, Quantum, Music. Springer. pp. 269--282.
  18.  17
    Stopień racjonalności zawodnych sposobów wnioskowania. Uwagi do artykułu Kazimierza Ajdukiewicza "Zagadnienie racjonalności zawodnych sposobów wnioskowania".Jarosław Rolewski - forthcoming - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej.
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  19. Unification of Two Approaches to Quantum Logic: Every Birkhoff – von Neumann Quantum Logic is a Partial Infinite-Valued Łukasiewicz Logic.Jarosław Pykacz - 2010 - Studia Logica 95 (1-2):5-20.
    In the paper it is shown that every physically sound Birkhoff – von Neumann quantum logic, i.e., an orthomodular partially ordered set with an ordering set of probability measures can be treated as partial infinite-valued Łukasiewicz logic, which unifies two competing approaches: the many-valued, and the two-valued but non-distributive, which have co-existed in the quantum logic theory since its very beginning.
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  20. Harm, Forgiveness and the Subjectivity of the Victim.Jarosław Horowski - 2021 - Philosophia 50 (3):1175-1188.
    Forgiveness is one of the most valued decisions in contemporary culture, although it has been emphasised that imprudent forgiveness can cause more harm than good in human relationships. In this article, I focus on the rarely discussed aspect of forgiveness, namely the recovery of subjectivity by the victim in their relationship with the perpetrator. I divide my reflection into three parts. In the first, I deal with the issue of the subjectivity of individuals in social relations. In the second part (...)
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  21.  46
    Editors’ Note.Jarosław Kucharski & Jakub Pruś - 2023 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 28 (1):5-7.
  22.  14
    The Problem of the ‘Phenomenological World’ in Husserl’s Philosophy.Jarosław Rolewski - 2023 - Folia Philosophica 49:1-12.
    This paper discusses the notion of the ‘phenomenological world’ and the problems it generates in the ‘hard’ paradigm of Husserl’s phenomenology, such as the lack of universality and intersubjectivity of this world, its closure and privacy, and its being only the personal world of a subject. Also, an attempt was made to show some of the sources of this problematic situation and the impossibility of solving it in a fundamentalist paradigm. It is only in the last period of the development (...)
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  23.  32
    The Phenomenology of Initiative.Jarosław Jakubowski - 2022 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 27 (2):179-191.
    This article starts with the hypothesis that the measure of first-person experience of initiative is not, as it has been customary to believe, the present moment. Jean Nabert’s philosophy (and especially his early work titled L’expérience intérieure de la liberté) provides tools that make it clear that the sense of initiating action that one has in the present moment carries the stigma of illusoriness. If I experience initiative in the present moment, it means that I have taken part in an (...)
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    Kwestia przedzałożeń teorii sprawiedliwości. John Rawls w interpretacji Paula Ricoeura.Jarosław Jakubowski - 2021 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:223-232.
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    Economic Models as Cultural Artifacts: A Philosophical Primer.Jarosław Boruszewski & Krzysztof Nowak-Posadzy - 2021 - Filozofia Nauki 29 (3):63-87.
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    The impact of working memory on divergent thinking flexibility.Jarosław Orzechowski, Aleksandra Gruszka & Kamil Michalik - 2023 - Thinking and Reasoning 29 (4):643-662.
    Working memory (WM) is regarded the engine of the mind. It has been defined as ‘an ability to mentally maintain information in an active and readily accessible state while concurrently and selectiv...
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    Contadictions in the Development of a Socialist Society.Jarosław Ładosz & Aleksandra Rodzińska - 1977 - Dialectics and Humanism 4 (3):83-93.
  28. Filozofia w nowej edycji \"Dzieł wszystkich\" Włodzimierza Lenina.Jarosław Ładosz - 1987 - Studia Filozoficzne 263 (10).
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  29. Marksizm a tradycja empiryzmu i racjonalizmu.Jarosław Ładosz - 1969 - Człowiek I Światopogląd 2 (7/8):111-134.
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    Materializm dialektyczny: [wybrane zagadnienia z filozofii].Jarosław Ładosz - 1969 - Warszawa: Państwowe Zakłady Wydawnictw Szkolnych.
  31.  9
    Materializm historyczny: materiały Ogólnopolskiego Zjazdu Filozoficznego, Lublin, 20-23 VI 1977 r.: praca zbiorowa.Jarosław Ładosz (ed.) - 1979 - Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolinskich.
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    Przedmiot filozofii i jej rola społeczna: miejsce filozofii w teorii marksistowskiej.Jarosław Ładosz - 1975 - Warszawa : Książka i Wiedza,:
  33. Poza relatywizmem i absolutyzmem w teorii prawdy.Jarosław Ładosz - 1970 - Człowiek I Światopogląd 1 (1):25-49.
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    Section.Jarosław Ładosz - 1977 - Dialectics and Humanism 4 (4):30-31.
  35.  1
    Szkice z epistemologii matematyki.Jarosław Ładosz - 1968 - Warszawa]: Książka i Wiedza.
  36. Marie romantyków. Metafizyczne wizje kobiecości. Mickiewicz - Malczewski - Krasiński.Jarosław Ławski - 2004 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 16 (16).
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  37. Wola powszechna i jej stabilność według koncepcji J.J. Rousseau.Jarosław Bacławski - 2012 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 84 (4):183-192.
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  38. Dialektyka abstrakcji i konkretu. Miejsce abstrakcji empirycznej w Marksowskiej epistemologii.Jarosław Barański - 1988 - Studia Filozoficzne 274 (9).
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  39. Dialektyka przedmiotu i podmiotu w estetyce G. Lukacsa.Jarosław Barański - 1987 - Studia Filozoficzne 257 (4).
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    Estetyzacja epistemologiczna a modele symulacyjne - w kontekście modelu anatomicznego "Visible Human Project".Jarosław Barański - 2005 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 17:153-169.
    Epistemological esthetization of knowledge can have a lot of forms. In this article I focus my reflection on the person that is an electronic simulation model. The background for the reflections will be the simulation anatomical model Visible Human Project (VHP). The problem is what cognitive function the model fulfils and what it simulates. Conclusions: 1. VHP is not associated with real body, but with other anatomical models; it is not a simulation of real body, but only a simulation of (...)
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  41. Intelektualizm etyczny jako estetyka rekonstrukcji poznawczych aspiracji dzieł sztuki.Jarosław Barański - 2000 - Nowa Krytyka 11:95-112.
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  42. Ironia jako estetyczna herezja w "Doktorze Faustusie".Jarosław Barański - 1998 - Nowa Krytyka 9.
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  43. Medykalizacja zachowań społecznych, czyli o utopii szczęśliwej duszy.Jarosław Barański - 2010 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 46 (2):151-164.
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  44. Spektakl anatomiczny jako nowożytna postać teatralizacji śmierci.Jarosław Barański - 2003 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 9.
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    Shame, I and Spirit – the Antinomy of Human Identity. Some Reflections on Zygmunt Krasiński’s Human Philosophy.Jarosław Barański - 2017 - Nowa Krytyka 38:181-195.
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  46. The plastic body as an epistemological figure of biotechnological utopia.Jarosław Barański - 2011 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 47 (3):5-17.
  47.  15
    Zugang und Fraktur: Heideggers Subjektivitätstheorie in Sein und Zeit.Jaroslaw Bledowski - 2021 - Tübingen, Germany: Mohr Siebeck.
    'Zugang' ist der bislang übersehene Grundbegriff von Martin Heideggers Denken bis zum Hauptwerk 'Sein und Zeit' (1927). Menschsein bedeutet demnach: Zugänge erschliessen zu dem, was ist. Ermöglicht wird diese Form der Existenz durch unser gebrochenes Selbstverhältnis: die Fraktur der Subjektivität"--Page 4 of cover.
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    Investigations of an anti-semiote: Stanisław Lem’s semiotic ideas in light of semiotic functionalism of Jerzy Pelc.Jarosław Boruszewski - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (240):41-56.
    At the turn of 1960s and 1970s, Stanisław Lem devoted some of his non-fiction writing to a discussion and considerations of semiotics. Most of them were expressions of a critical approach mainly directed against structuralism. However, Lem also formulated some positive statements although they were not developed systematically. The article offers an analysis of Lem’s semiotic ideas from the perspective of semiotic functionalism of Jerzy Pelc, mainly considering its two main components: contextualism and typological approach. Special attention is paid to (...)
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  49. Problemy z pojęciem wiedzy w ramach epistemicznej koncepcji znaczenia Michaela Dummetta.Jarosław Boruszewski - 2007 - Filo-Sofija 7 (1(7)):207-222.
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  50. Semantyka po semantyce. O współczesnych projektach komunikacji bez symboli.Jarosław Boruszewski - 2004 - Principia.
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