Results for 'Jay S. Efran'

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  1.  13
    Reading the Postmodern Polity: Political Theory as Textual Practice (review).Jay S. Andrews - 1992 - Philosophy and Literature 16 (2):388-389.
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    Recent Developments in Health Law.Jay S. Reidler, Joshua Berkowitz, Katherine Booth, Britt Cramer & Jennifer M. Klein - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (2):409-426.
  3.  6
    Who Executes the Executioner-Impeachment, Indictment and Other Alternatives to Assassination.Jay S. Bybee - 1997 - Nexus 2:53.
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    We are not as ethical as we think we are: conversations about low visibility decisions that corrupt government, business and ourselves, or, better ethical conduct in six steps.Jay S. Albanese - 2021 - Potomac Falls, Virginia: Great Ideas Publishing.
    In six compelling chapters, this book recounts conversations that discuss what is ethical, why it does not occur more often, and how can we improve ethical conduct in our personal and public lives. The conversations include Knowing Ethical Principles, Learning How to Apply Principles in Practice, Moral Reminders, Accountability for Conduct, Addressing Structural Problems, and Ethical Vigilance. Major ethical perspectives are discussed in conversational format, as are fascinating ethical dilemmas taken from actual cases to evaluate and improve our ability to (...)
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    Recent Case Developments in Health Law.Sally Wang, Jeremy O. Bressman & Jay S. Reidler - 2010 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 38 (3):708-716.
    The False Claims Act, 31 U.S.C. § 3729, a post-Civil War law inspired by cases of defense contracting fraud, was revitalized in 1986. Since then it has been used to sue both manufacturers and providers of pharmaceuticals. In some cases, these suits were meant to target offlabel marketing of pharmaceuticals. In 2009, the 11th Circuit rendered a decision in Hopper v. Solvay Pharmaceuticals that dramatically limits the ability of private plaintiff whistle-blowers to bring qui tam suits under the FCA for (...)
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    Ottawa Statement from the Sparking Solutions Summit on Population Health Intervention Research : Déclaration d’Ottawa issue du sommet Provoquer des solutions sur la recherche interventionnelle en santé des populations.Erica Ruggiero, Louise Potvin, John P. Allegrante, Angus Dawson, Marcel Verweij, Evelyn Leeuw, James R. Dunn, Eduardo Franco, Katherine L. Frohlich, Robert Geneau, Suzanne Jackson, Jay S. Kaufman, Alfredo Morabia, Kenneth R. Mcleroy & Valéry Ridde - unknown
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    Flaws in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Rationale for Supporting the Development and Approval of BiDil as a Treatment for Heart Failure Only in Black Patients.George T. H. Ellison, Jay S. Kaufman, Rosemary F. Head, Paul A. Martin & Jonathan D. Kahn - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (3):449-457.
    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's rationale for supporting the development and approval of BiDil for heart failure specifically in black patients was based on under-powered, post hoc subgroup analyses of two relatively old trials , which were further complicated by substantial covariate imbalances between racial groups. Indeed, the only statistically significant difference observed between black and white patients was found without any adjustment for potential confounders in samples that were unlikely to have been adequately randomized. Meanwhile, because the accepted (...)
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    A multicenter study of key stakeholders' perspectives on communicating with surrogates about prognosis in intensive care units.Wendy G. Anderson, Jenica W. Cimino, Natalie C. Ernecoff, Anna Ungar, Kaitlin J. Shotsberger, Laura A. Pollice, Praewpannarai Buddadhumaruk, Shannon S. Carson, J. Randall Curtis, Catherine L. Hough, Bernard Lo, Michael A. Matthay, Michael W. Peterson, Jay S. Steingrub & Douglas B. White - unknown
    RationaleSurrogates of critically ill patients often have inaccurate expectations about prognosis. Yet there is little research on how intensive care unit clinicians should discuss prognosis, and existing expert opinion-based recommendations give only general guidance that has not been validated with surrogate decision makers.ObjectiveTo determine the perspectives of key stakeholders regarding how prognostic information should be conveyed in critical illness.MethodsThis was a multicenter study at three academic medical centers in California, Pennsylvania, and Washington. One hundred eighteen key stakeholders completed in-depth semistructured (...)
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  9. Śrī Jayēntira Carasvati Cuvāmikaḷin̲ aruḷuraikaḷ.Jayēntira Sarasvati - 2003 - Cen̲n̲ai: Vān̲ati Patippakam.
    Spiritual messages of Jayēntira Sarasvati, Jagatguru Sankaracharya of Kamakoti, b. 1935, Hindu religious leader.
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    Primary Prevention with a Capital P.S. Jay Olshansky & Bruce A. Carnes - 2017 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 60 (4):478-496.
    The first longevity revolution began in the middle of the 19th century, accelerated through the first half of the 20th century, and led to the first and only quantum leap in human life expectancy.In the 20th century alone, life expectancy at birth in most developed nations rose by about 30 years. The first three quarters of the century were notable for gains made at younger and middle ages, and in the last quarter century, old age mortality declined. Nothing in history (...)
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  11. Reasons and recognition: Essays on the philosophy of T.\ M. Scanlo.Jay Wallace, R. Kumar & S. Freeman (eds.) - 2011 - Oxford University Press.
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    Love Meets Wisdom: A Christian Experience of Buddhism.Jay C. Rochelle, Aloysius Pieris & S. J. Maryknoll - 1990 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 10:277.
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    Is There a Right to Futile Treatment? The Case of a Dying Patient with AIDS.Jay Alexander Gold, D. F. Jablonski, P. J. Christensen, R. S. Shapiro & D. L. Schiedermayer - 1990 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 1 (1):19-23.
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    Brandom's making it explicit: A first encounter.Review author[S.]: Jay F. Rosenberg - 1997 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 57 (1):179-187.
  15.  32
    The Mnemonic Consequences of Jurors’ Selective Retrieval During Deliberation.Alexander C. V. Jay, Charles B. Stone, Robert Meksin, Clinton Merck, Natalie S. Gordon & William Hirst - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (4):627-643.
    In this empirical paper, Jay, Stone, Meksin, Merck, Gordon and Hirst examine whether jury deliberations, in which individuals collaboratively recall and discuss evidence of a trial, shape the jurors’ memories. In doing so, Jay and colleagues provide a highly ecologically valid baseline for future investigation into why, how and when selective recall either facilitates remembering or leads to forgetting during jury deliberations. In particular, Jay et al. explore the specific social and cognitive mechanisms that might lead to either memory facilitation (...)
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    Kant’s Machiavellian Moment.Jay Foster - 2015 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1:238-260.
    At least two recent collections of essays – Postmodernism and the Enlightenment and What’s Left of Enlightenment?: A Postmodern Question – have responded to postmodern critiques of Enlightenment by arguing that Enlightenment philosophes themselves embraced a number of post-modern themes. This essay situates Kant’s essay Was ist Aufklärung in the context of this recent literature about the appropriate characterization of modernity and the Enlightenment. Adopting an internalist reading of Kant’s Aufklärung essay, this paper observes that Kant is surprisingly ambivalent about (...)
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  17. Exaptation–A missing term in the science of form.Stephen Jay Gould & Elisabeth S. Vrba - 1998 - In David L. Hull & Michael Ruse (eds.), The philosophy of biology. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Displacement by Development: Ethics, Rights and Responsibilities.Peter Penz, Jay Drydyk & Pablo S. Bose - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    For decades, policy-makers in government, development banks and foundations, NGOs, researchers and students have struggled with the problem of how to protect people who are displaced from their homes and livelihoods by development projects. This book addresses these concerns and explores how debates often become deadlocked between 'managerial' and 'movementist' perspectives. Using development ethics to determine the rights and responsibilities of various stakeholders, the authors find that displaced people must be empowered so as to share equitably in benefits rather than (...)
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  19. Guidelines for the Security of Health Information, University of Thessaioniki, Greece. 26-30 September 1994.U. S. Senator Jay Rockefeller - 1994 - Health Care Analysis 2:271-272.
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  20.  14
    Directed avoidance and its effect on visual working memory.Ryan S. Williams, Jay Pratt & Susanne Ferber - 2020 - Cognition 201 (C):104277.
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  21.  37
    The Dialectic of Essence: A Study of Plato's Metaphysics.Allan Jay Silverman - 2002 - Princeton University Press.
    The Dialectic of Essence offers a systematic new account of Plato's metaphysics. Allan Silverman argues that the best way to make sense of the metaphysics as a whole is to examine carefully what Plato says about ousia (essence) from the Meno through the middle period dialogues, the Phaedo and the Republic, and into several late dialogues including the Parmenides, the Sophist, the Philebus, and the Timaeus. This book focuses on three fundamental facets of the metaphysics: the theory of Forms; the (...)
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    Magic and Myth of the MoviesThe Film Sense.Milton S. Fox, Parker Tyler, Sergei M. Eisenstein & Jay Leyda - 1950 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 8 (3):203.
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  23. What is it like to be a bodhisattva? Moral phenomenology in íåntideva's bodhicaryåvatåra.Jay Garfield - unknown
    Bodhicaryåvatåra was composed by the Buddhist monk scholar Íåntideva at Nalandå University in India sometime during the 8th Century CE. It stands as one the great classics of world philosophy and of Buddhist literature, and is enormously influential in Tibet, where it is regarded as the principal source for the ethical thought of Mahåyåna Buddhism. The title is variously translated, most often as A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life or Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds, translations that follow the (...)
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  24.  87
    Accessing Kant: a relaxed introduction to the Critique of pure reason.Jay F. Rosenberg - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Jay Rosenberg introduces Immanuel Kant's masterwork, the Critique of Pure Reason, from a "relaxed" problem-oriented perspective which treats Kant as an especially insightful practicing philosopher, from whom we still have much to learn, intelligently and creatively responding to significant questions that transcend his work's historical setting. Rosenberg's main project is to command a clear view of how Kant understands various perennial problems, how he attempts to resolve them, and to what extent he succeeds. At the same time the book is (...)
  25.  14
    Songs of Experience: Modern American and European Variations on a Universal Theme.Martin Jay - 2005 - University of California Press.
    Few words in both everyday parlance and theoretical discourse have been as rhapsodically defended or as fervently resisted as "experience." Yet, to date, there have been no comprehensive studies of how the concept of experience has evolved over time and why so many thinkers in so many different traditions have been compelled to understand it. _Songs of Experience _is a remarkable history of Western ideas about the nature of human experience written by one of our best-known intellectual historians. With its (...)
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  26. Australia's own secular coalition.Jaye Christie & Stuart - 2014 - Australian Humanist, The 113:24.
    Christie, Jaye; Stuart, Stephen The United States have experienced devastating attacks on church-state separation in recent decades. The intrusion of religion into affairs of state is more blatant than in Australia, but there is mounting evidence that the religious right is gaining momentum here. As former Australian High Court judge, Michael Kirby, has said, 'The principle of secularism is one of the greatest developments in human rights in the world. We must safeguard and protect it, for it can come under (...)
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  27. Peirce's theory of signs.Jay Zeman - manuscript
    Origin of Species was published; he approached the end of his life just before Albert Einstein presented us with General Relativity. His lifetime saw the emergence of psychology as a discipline separate from philosophy, a birth attended by philosopher-psychologists such as his good friend William James. The work of Peirce, like that of the other American Pragmatists, reflects the ferment of the times. His thought bears the imprint of science, not the science of that Nineteenth Century which as Loren Eiseley (...)
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  28.  32
    Powerful Vegan Messages: Out of the Jungle for the Next Generation (A Side We Didn’t See or Hear, chapter).Anne Dinshah, H. Jay Dinshah, Maynard Clark & Maynard S. Clark - 2014 - Malaga, New Jersey: American Vegan Society.
    H. Jay Dinshah, the father of the modern vegan movement in America and founder of American Vegan Society, eloquently explains ethical reasons for veganism. His daughter Anne updates and edits his pioneering writings. Over forty vegan luminaries tell how they were influenced and inspired by Jay. Together they encourage readers to explore ways to promote positive action in the world towards veganism through “dynamic harmlessness.”.
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    All animals matter: Marc Bekoff's contribution to constructive Christian theology.Jay McDaniel - 2006 - Zygon 41 (1):29-58.
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    Dickie's Institutional Definition of Art: Further Criticism.Jay E. Bachrach - 1977 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 11 (3):25.
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    Hegel's Politics: Liberal or Democratic?Jay Drydyk - 1986 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 16 (1):99 - 122.
    It probably comes as a surprise to no one that Hegel's political philosophy is difficult to interpret. But his political thought clearly poses problems which the rest of his work does not, and these problems arise from apparent political ambivalence on his part towards the French Revolution, towards monarchy, towards the doctrine of popular sovereignty, towards public opinion and press freedom - well, there is scarcely a reader of Hegel who could not add some additional topic to this already lengthy (...)
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    Comprehending Oral and Written Language.Rosalind Horowitz & S. Jay Samuels (eds.) - 1987 - Brill.
    Written by researchers in their field, this book is about the skills beyond basic word recognition that are necessary for the processing and comprehension of spoken and written language. It offers topics such as: language and text analysis; cognitive processing and comprehension; development of literacy; literacy and schooling; and more.
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    Bonaventure's Itinerarium: A Respondeo.Jay M. Hammond - 2009 - Franciscan Studies 67:301-321.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:I would like to begin by thanking Gregory LaNave for his analysis of Bonaventure's Itinerarium. His interpretation has helped me clarify my own understanding of that rich text. I would also like to thank the editors of Franciscan Studies who invited this response. It focuses on LaNave's misreading of "symbolic theology," his own "scientific" interpretation of the Itinerarium, and the relationship between scientific and symbolic theology as explained by (...)
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  34.  25
    The Concealed Influence of Custom: Hume's Treatise From the Inside Out.Jay L. Garfield - 2019 - New York, NY: Oup Usa.
    Jay L. Garfield defends two exegetical theses regarding Hume's Treatise on Human Nature. The first is that Book II is the theoretical foundation of the Treatise. Second, Garfield argues that we cannot understand Hume's project without an appreciation of his own understanding of custom, and in particular, without an appreciation of the grounding of his thought about custom in the legal theory and debates of his time.
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    Stakeholder Theory at the Crossroads.Jeffrey S. Harrison & Jay B. Barney - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (2):203-212.
    The stakeholder perspective has provided a rich forum for a variety of debates at the intersection of business and society. Scholars gathered for two consecutive years, first in North America, and then in Europe, to discuss the major issues surrounding what has come to be known as stakeholder theory, to attempt to find common ground, and to uncover areas in need of further inquiry. Those meetings led to a list of “tensions” and a call for papers for this special issue (...)
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  36. Let's pretend: How pretence scaffolds the acquisition of theory of mind.Jay Garfield - manuscript
    De Villiers and de Villiers (2000) propose that the acquisition of the syntactic device of sentential complementation is a necessary condition for the acquisition of theory of mind (ToM). It might be argued that ToM mastery is simply a consequence of grammatical development. On the other hand, there is also good evidence (Garfield, Peterson & Perry 2001) that social learning is involved in ToM acquisition. We investigate the connection between linguistic and social-cognitive development, arguing that pretence is crucially involved in (...)
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  37. Some Remarks on Jerry Fodor's Arguments for a Language of Thought.Jay David Atlas - unknown
    The arguments that Fodor (1987: 150-52) gives in support of a Language of Thought are apparently straightforward. (1) Linguistic capacities are "systematic", in the sense that if one understands the words 'John loves Mary' one also understands the form of words 'Mary loves John'. In other words, sentences have a combinatorial semantics, because they have constituent structure. (2) If cognitive capacities are systematic in the same way, they must have constituent structure also. Thus there is a Language of Thought. The (...)
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  38.  53
    Derrida’s Solution to Two Problems of Time in Husserl.Jay Lampert - 2006 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 6:259-279.
  39.  32
    Investigating the Extent to which Distributional Semantic Models Capture a Broad Range of Semantic Relations.Kevin S. Brown, Eiling Yee, Gitte Joergensen, Melissa Troyer, Elliot Saltzman, Jay Rueckl, James S. Magnuson & Ken McRae - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (5):e13291.
    Distributional semantic models (DSMs) are a primary method for distilling semantic information from corpora. However, a key question remains: What types of semantic relations among words do DSMs detect? Prior work typically has addressed this question using limited human data that are restricted to semantic similarity and/or general semantic relatedness. We tested eight DSMs that are popular in current cognitive and psycholinguistic research (positive pointwise mutual information; global vectors; and three variations each of Skip-gram and continuous bag of words (CBOW) (...)
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  40.  97
    Wittgenstein's aesthetics and the theory of literature.Jay Shir - 1978 - British Journal of Aesthetics 18 (1):3-11.
  41. The Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way:Nagarjuna's Mulamadhyamakakarika: Nagarjuna's Mulamadhyamakakarika.Jay L. Garfield - 1995 - Oxford University Press.
    For nearly two thousand years Buddhism has mystified and captivated both lay people and scholars alike. Seen alternately as a path to spiritual enlightenment, an system of ethical and moral rubrics, a cultural tradition, or simply a graceful philosophy of life, Buddhism has produced impassioned followers the world over. The Buddhist saint Nagarjuna, who lived in South India in approximately the first century CE, is undoubtedly the most important, influential, and widely studied Mahayana Buddhist philosopher. His many works include texts (...)
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    Pathways of influence: understanding the impact of philosophy of science in scientific domains.Kathryn S. Plaisance, Jay Michaud & John McLevey - 2021 - Synthese 199:4865–4896.
    Philosophy of science has the potential to enhance scientific practice, science policy, and science education; moreover, recent research indicates that many philosophers of science think we ought to increase the broader impacts of our work. Yet, there is little to no empirical data on how we are supposed to have an impact. To address this problem, our research team interviewed 35 philosophers of science regarding the impact of their work in science-related domains. We found that face-to-face engagement with scientists and (...)
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  43. At Theresa Schiavo's bedside : a guardian's role and reflections.Jay Wolfson - 2010 - In Kenneth Goodman (ed.), The case of Terri Schiavo: ethics, politics, and death in the 21st century. New York: Oxford University Press.
    At Theresa Schiavo's bedside : a guardian's role and reflections.
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    EARSHOT: A Minimal Neural Network Model of Incremental Human Speech Recognition.James S. Magnuson, Heejo You, Sahil Luthra, Monica Li, Hosung Nam, Monty Escabí, Kevin Brown, Paul D. Allopenna, Rachel M. Theodore, Nicholas Monto & Jay G. Rueckl - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (4):e12823.
    Despite the lack of invariance problem (the many‐to‐many mapping between acoustics and percepts), human listeners experience phonetic constancy and typically perceive what a speaker intends. Most models of human speech recognition (HSR) have side‐stepped this problem, working with abstract, idealized inputs and deferring the challenge of working with real speech. In contrast, carefully engineered deep learning networks allow robust, real‐world automatic speech recognition (ASR). However, the complexities of deep learning architectures and training regimens make it difficult to use them to (...)
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    Cardinal Newman’s “Factory-Girl Argument”.Jay Newman - 1972 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 46:71-77.
  46.  24
    America the Scrivener: Economy and Literary HistorySeeing and Being: The Plight of the Participant Observer in Emerson, James, Adams, and Faulkner. [REVIEW]Gregory S. Jay & Carolyn Porter - 1984 - Diacritics 14 (1):36.
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    Institutionalizing expert systems: Guidelines and legal concerns. [REVIEW]Janet S. Zeide & Jay Liebowitz - 1992 - AI and Society 6 (3):287-293.
    Often, knowledge engineers become so involved in the development process of the expert system that they fail to look further down the road toward the expert system's institutionalization within the organization. Institutionalization is an important component of the expert system planning process. More specifically, the legal issues associated with expert systems development and deployment are critical institutionalization factors. This paper looks at some expert system institutionalization guidelines, and then focuses on legal considerations.
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    Swift's Very Knowing American.Jay Mcpherson - 1994 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 13:109.
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  49. Scanlon’s Contractualism.R. Jay Wallace - 2002 - Ethics 112 (3):429-470.
    T. M. Scanlon's magisterial book What We Owe to Each Other is surely one of the most sophisticated and important works of moral philosophy to have appeared for many years. It raises fundamental questions about all the main aspects of the subject, and I hope and expect that it will have a decisive influence on the shape and direction of moral philosophy in the years to come. In this essay I shall focus on four sets of issues raised by Scanlon's (...)
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    The Esthetic Sign in Peirce's Semiotic.Jay Zeman - 1977 - Semiotica 19 (3-4).
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