Results for 'Jean Corriéras'

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  1.  17
    Compte rendu de Nicolas de Cues, Le traité du béryl tome 2. Introduction au traité De Beryllo de Nicolas de Cues, le De Beryllo une ars cognoscendi, par Maude Corrieras, Paris, Editions.Jean Celeyrette - 2014 - Methodos 14.
    Dans le précédent numéro de Methodos j’avais fait un compte-rendu de la traduction du De beryllo (Traité du béryl) de Nicolas de Cues, proposée par Maude Corrieras (M. C.). Je considérais que cette traduction s’inscrivait dans la suite des récentes traductions en français d’œuvres du cusain, et je concluais : la traduction proposée du Traité du béryl est une aide estimable à la compréhension de la démarche de Nicolas de Cues, sans que pour autant ce traité puisse se substituer aux (...)
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    (1 other version)Compte rendu de Nicolas de Cues, Le traité du béryl tome 1 (texte, traduction et notes de Maude Corrieras), Paris, Editions Ipagine, 20101.Jean Celeyrette - 2013 - Methodos 13.
    L’œuvre de Nicolas de Cues est à la disposition de la communauté scientifique depuis l’édition monumentale de ses Opera omnia par l’académie de Heidelberg, et un grand nombre de publications y ont été consacré. Depuis une vingtaine d’années l’intérêt pour cette oeuvre a été relancé notamment par les études du grand médiéviste Kurt Flasch, et, en France, par la thèse de J.-M. Counet et par plusieurs traductions qui mettent à la disposition d’un public cultivé toute une série de textes du (...)
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    La question de la connaissance et le statut de la créature chez Nicolas de Cues et Leibniz.Maude Corrieras - 2016 - Noesis 26:197-217.
    À partir des deux théophanies de Nicolas de Cues et de Leibniz, qui donnent à l’homme une place privilégiée au sein du monde créé, du fait de son statut de miroir ou image vivante qui reflète ou exprime le monde dans sa totalité, et de conceptions qui pensent la présence de l’infini dans le fini, on s’interroge ici sur la conception de la connaissance comme perspective de la monade chez Leibniz et la connaissance « quo modo capere possunt » des (...)
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  4. Multiplicité, singularité, infini : l'Infini cusain face à l'altérité.Maude Corrieras - 2017 - In Hervé Pasqua, Infini et altérité dans l'oeuvre de Nicolas de Cues (1401-1464). Bristol, CT: Peeters.
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  5. Can the Method of Beryl - which is wished by Cusanus to be irrefutable because experienced through practice - suffice to reach the truth : the difficult practice of I and to truth.Maude Corrieras - 2019 - In Christiane Maria Bacher & Matthias Vollet, Wissensformen bei Nicolaus Cusanus. Regensburg: S. Roderer-Verlag.
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  6. Selflessness and the loss of self.Jean Hampton - 1993 - Social Philosophy and Policy 10 (1):135-65.
    Sacrificing one's own interests in order to serve another is, in general, supposed to be a good thing, an example of altruism, the hallmark of morality, and something we should commend to (but not always require of) the entirely-too-selfish human beings of our society. But let me recount a story that I hope will persuade the reader to start questioning this conventional philosophical wisdom. Last year, a friend of mine was talking with me about a mutual acquaintance whose two sons (...)
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  7. Judgment and Reasoning in the Child.Jean Piaget - 1928 - Humana Mente 3 (12):551-554.
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  8. Category theory and the foundations of mathematics: Philosophical excavations.Jean-Pierre Marquis - 1995 - Synthese 103 (3):421 - 447.
    The aim of this paper is to clarify the role of category theory in the foundations of mathematics. There is a good deal of confusion surrounding this issue. A standard philosophical strategy in the face of a situation of this kind is to draw various distinctions and in this way show that the confusion rests on divergent conceptions of what the foundations of mathematics ought to be. This is the strategy adopted in the present paper. It is divided into 5 (...)
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  9. On the birth and growth of concepts.Jean M. Mandler - 2008 - Philosophical Psychology 21 (2):207 – 230.
    This article describes what the earliest concepts are like and presents a theory of the spatial primitives from which they are formed. The earliest concepts tend to be global, like animal and container, and it is hypothesized that they consist of simplified redescriptions of innately salient spatial information. These redescriptions become associated with sensory and other bodily experiences that are not themselves redescribed, but that enrich conceptual thought. The initial conceptual base becomes expanded through subdivision, sometimes aided by language that (...)
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    The social contract: or, Principles of political right.Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 1974 - New York: New American Library. Edited by Jean-Jacques Rousseau & Charles M. Sherover.
    THE first and most important deduction from the principles we have so far laid down is that the general will alone can direct the State according to the object ...
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    Infant concepts revisited.Jean M. Mandler - 2008 - Philosophical Psychology 21 (2):269 – 280.
    In this paper I answer some concerns of the commentators on my article 'On the birth and growth of concepts'. I explain that my theory of concept formation in infancy emphasizes spatial information over bodily information but still allows the body to influence conceptual thought. I suggest that bodily feelings may be represented differently from spatial information. I do not claim that spatial image-schemas account for all conceptual thought, but I show why they are sufficient for the relatively limited conceptual (...)
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  12. (1 other version)Structuralism.Jean Piaget & Chaninah Maschler - 1972 - Philosophy 47 (181):283-285.
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    Abortion and the human brain.Jean Beer Blumenfeld - 1977 - Philosophical Studies 32 (3):251 - 268.
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  14. Canonical Maps.Jean-Pierre Marquis - 2017 - In Elaine M. Landry, Categories for the Working Philosopher. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 90-112.
    Categorical foundations and set-theoretical foundations are sometimes presented as alternative foundational schemes. So far, the literature has mostly focused on the weaknesses of the categorical foundations. We want here to concentrate on what we take to be one of its strengths: the explicit identification of so-called canonical maps and their role in mathematics. Canonical maps play a central role in contemporary mathematics and although some are easily defined by set-theoretical tools, they all appear systematically in a categorical framework. The key (...)
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  15. Between Honneth and Rancière: Problems and Potentials of a Contemporary Critical Theory of Society.Jean-Philippe Deranty & Katia Genel - 2016 - In Jean-Philippe Deranty & Katia Genel, Recognition or Disagreement. A Critical Encounter on the Politics of Freedom, Equality, and Identity. Columbia University Press. pp. 33-80.
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    On the meaning of non-welfarism in Kolm’s ELIE model of income redistribution.Jean-Sébastien Gharbi & Yves Meinard - 2015 - Journal of Economic Methodology 22 (3):335-353.
    Welfarism, a position which for a long time enjoyed a hegemonic status in the field of normative economics, holds that the sole ethically relevant information for assessing social states of affairs pertains to individual utilities. Serge-Christophe Kolm presents the Equal-Labour Income Equalization model very explicitly and repeatedly as breaking with the still dominant tradition of welfarism. This paper explores the meaning of this distancing from welfarism found in the ELIE model. After having provided conceptual clarifications concerning both ELIE and welfarism, (...)
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    Why science cannot stand alone.Jean Bethke Elshtain - 2008 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 29 (3):161-169.
    In an era in which certain arenas of scientific research have become increasingly controversial, this article critically evaluates what it means to “believe in science.” Many scientists today seem to claim a sovereign right to no political interference under the rubric of freedom. This article questions such a notion, and explores the dominance of science and the silencing of moral voices by undertaking two brief investigations—the first into National Socialist Germany, which insisted that it was defined by “applied biology,” and (...)
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    Una lectura iconográfica de Descartes.Jean Paul Margot - 2024 - Ideas Y Valores 72 (182).
    ¿Hay algún retrato “verdadero” de Descartes? Si bien sabemos, salvo unas pocas excepciones, quiénes pintaron o grabaron el retrato de Descartes, reconocemos a Descartes sin saber si los cuadros y los grabados lo retratan “verdaderamente”. ¿Qué tienen en común los grabados de Hellemans y del autor desconocido de “Descartes como Fausto” con el cuadro de Weenix? La respuesta es inequívoca: los libro; hasta tal punto que el libro funge como un atributo. El ícono de la filosofía moderna es el que (...)
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  19. En quels sens le travail vivant est-il une catégorie politique?Jean-Philippe Deranty - 2016 - TRAVAILLER 36:59-74.
    This paper seeks to clarify some of the methodological and conceptual stakes involved in the attempt to think about politics from the point of view of "living labour". In order to avoid confusions further down the track, a formal analysis of the different possible meanings of "politics" is proposed. Politics is first defined as the series of problems that arise when separate individual lives attempt to organise a common life in common. Four types of problems can be identified on the (...)
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    A Locke Miscellany: Locke Biography and Criticism for All.Jean S. Yolton - 1990 - Burns & Oates.
    John Locke is recognized as a great and original thinker, but the attention paid to his philosophy has overshadowed the many other facets of this man's accomplishments in fields such as medicine, botany, economics and literature. The author has gathered together in A Locke Miscellany many unknown essays, articles and descriptive vignettes that offer new views of Locke - both as a multi-talented individual and as an ordinary human being, forced at one time to live in exile.
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  21. Voice of conscience and call of being.Jean-François Courtine - 1988 - Topoi 7 (2):101-109.
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    The 'son of civil society': Tensions in Hegel's account of womanhood.Jean-Philippe Deranty - 2000 - Philosophical Forum 31 (2):145–162.
    The paper examines briefly Kant's and Fichte's, and more thoroughly, Hegel's theses on womanhood and their social and political consequences. It shows, taking Hegel as a case study, that the idealists' conceptual frameworks should have led them to recognize the rights of women, and, importantly, in Kant's and Hegel's case, that they implicitly did so. However, they chose to repress these unwanted outcomes behind teachings that were more in line with the beliefs of their time. This tension, it is argued (...)
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    Freedom and existence in some recent philosophies.Jean Wahl - 1947 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 8 (4):538-556.
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  24. A letter to Marvin Farber.Jean Wahl - 1950 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 11 (3):401-405.
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    Le sensorium dans la controverse Leibniz-Clarke comme héritage des disputes scolastiques sur la présence, l’immensité et la science divines.Jean-Pascal Anfray - 2014 - Studia Leibnitiana 46 (2):234-257.
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    Le principe de précaution pour lutter contre la radicalisation en milieu carcéral : une mesure risquée!Jean-Philippe Melchior & Omar Zanna - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 62 (1):373-383.
    La présente contribution analyse les deux risques auxquels sont confrontés l’administration pénitentiaire et son personnel, les surveillants notamment, dans leur lutte contre la radicalisation : le risque de la protection insuffisante de la société face à des conversions non repérées et susceptibles d’aboutir à des actes violents de type terroriste, d’une part, et, d’autre part, le risque du signalement systématique pouvant conduire au renforcement du sentiment de discrimination chez certains détenus et, paradoxalement, constituer un terrain favorable au développement de la (...)
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    Category Theory and Structuralism in Mathematics: Syntactical Considerations.Jean-Pierre Marquis - 1997 - In Evandro Agazzi & György Darvas, Philosophy of Mathematics Today. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 123--136.
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  28. Leibniz and Descartes.Jean-Pascal Anfray - 2019 - In Steven Nadler, Tad M. Schmaltz & Delphine Antoine-Mahut, The Oxford Handbook of Descartes and Cartesianism. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
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    The Unity of Composite Substance: The Scholastic Background to the Vinculum Substantiale in Leibniz’s Correspondence with Des Bosses.Jean-Pascal Anfray - 2020 - Vivarium 58 (3):219-252.
    This paper explores the scholastic context of the discussion about the unity of the composite or corporeal substance and the nature of the vinculum substantiale or substantial bond in Leibniz’s correspondence with Des Bosses. Three prominent scholastic views are examined: Duns Scotus’s antireductionist account of the composite substance as an entity irreducible to its essential parts ; Ockham’s parts-whole identity thesis, which entails a reductionist view of the composite substance; and Suárez’s explanation of the unity of composite substance through the (...)
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    La fin des avant-gardes: les situationnistes et mai 1968.Jean-Christophe Angaut - 2009 - Actuel Marx 45 (1):149-161.
    The End of the Avant-Gardes : May 68 and the Situationists What emerges first and foremost from Debord’s writings in 1968 is that the situationists’ initial reaction to the May “events” was to interpret them as the first example of a spontaneous general strike in the context of what he called “overdeveloped capitalism”. Debord’s position on this question is linked to his questioning of the status of the avant-gardes. At the time, Debord and those close to him sought both to (...)
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    Auguste Comte et la physiologie cérébrale de son temps.Jean-Gaël Barbara - 2012 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 65 (2):213-236.
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  32. (1 other version)Philosophes Et Savants Français du Xxe [I.E. Vigtème] Siècle Extraits Et Notices.Jean Baruzi - 1926 - F. Alcan.
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  33. Philosophes et savants français du XXe siècle, extraits et notices : T. I, Philosophie générale et Métaphysique, t. II, La Philosophie des science.Jean Baruzi & R. Poirier - 1926 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 33 (4):2-3.
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    Heidegger et la question de Dieu.Jean Beaufret, Richard Kearney & Joseph Stephen O'leary - 1980
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    Goldman's account of intentional action.Jean Beer Blumenfeld - 1976 - Philosophical Studies 29 (6):391 - 396.
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    Redundancy as a Semiotic Principle.Jean-Claude Choul - 1984 - Semiotics:239-249.
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    Qu'est-ce que l'ethique medicale?Jean-Pierre Cléro - 2020 - [Sesto San Giovanni]: Éditions Mimésis.
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  38. Philosopher avec Wittgenstein, coll. « L'Interrogation philosophique ».Jean-Pierre Cometti & P. M. S. Hacker - 1998 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 188 (4):493-494.
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  39. (1 other version)Lecture du commentaire de Thomas d'Aquin sur le Traité de l'âme d'Aristote.Jean-Michel Counet - 1999 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 100:803-804.
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    Philosopher, c’est faire l’idiot. Le Cusain en filigrane dans l’œuvre de Gilles Deleuze.Jean-Michel Counet - 2016 - Noesis 26:247-263.
    Deleuze, même s’il n’en fait presque jamais mention, connaît très bien la pensée de Nicolas de Cues, qu’il a abordée sans doute par la médiation de Maurice de Gandillac, son directeur de thèse. Le thème où l’influence du Cusain se marque le plus clairement est celui de l’Idiot. L’idiot pour Deleuze est l’homme qui philosophe avec les seules ressources de la raison naturelle, sans révélation ni recours à des traditions livresques. Or, dans la conception que Deleuze se fait de la (...)
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    Feuerbach's philosophical psychology and its political and aesthetic implications.Jean-Philippe Deranty - 2012 - In Paolo Diego Bubbio & Paul Redding, Religion after Kant: God and Culture in the Idealist Era. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
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  42. Work and the Social Bond.Jean-Philippe Deranty & Nicholas Smith (eds.) - 2012 - Leiden: Brill.
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  43. État actuel de la question du déterminisme en physique.Jean Louis Destouches - 1954 - [Paris,:
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  44. Autour des rapports de la Vie et de la Pensée.Jean Ecole - 1954 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 9:473.
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    Arago et la vitesse de la lumière (1806-1810), un manuscrit inédit, une nouvelle analyse.Jean Eisenstaedt & Michel Combes - 2011 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 64 (1):59-120.
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    La vita e il destino umano: attualità del pensiero di Edith Stein (1891-1942).Jean de Dieu Noël Elondabare - 2015 - Torino: L'Harmattan Italia.
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  47. Regensburg and reason : Benedict XVI against absolute will.Jean Bethke Elshtain - 2011 - In Bainard Cowan, Gained horizons: Regensburg and the enlargement of reason. South Bend, Ind.: St. Augustine's Press.
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    Alter-géographies: fiches disputables de géographie.Jean-Paul Ferrier (ed.) - 2005 - Aix-en-Provence: Publications de l'université de Provence.
    Pour le collectif Erato STENE créé par les auteurs, il existe non pas une géographie mais des géographies et les différences entre elles peuvent révéler des enjeux importants. Chaque auteur fait le point sur le vocabulaire de la géographie qu'il pratique. Sont ainsi proposées des fiches épistémologiques qui peuvent être comparées. Parmi les termes traités : centralité, dynamique, habitat, paysage.
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  49. Sur la fondation ultime de la raison : "Penser avec Apel contre Apel".Jean-Marc Ferry - 1996 - In Christian Bouchindhomme, Habermas, la raison, la critique. Paris: Cerf.
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    Le discours du pouvoir.Jean Franklin - 1975 - Paris: Union générale d'éditions.
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