Results for 'Jefferson M. Chua'

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  1.  34
    Reiner Schürmann and the Challenge of Christian Trinitarian Thought.Jefferson M. Chua - 2013 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 17 (2):79-110.
    Reiner Schürmann speaks of the end of Western metaphysics as the end of a mode of thinking that relies on an overriding metaphysical principle that establishes the economies that provide the space for permissible and impermissible actions. In its wake, he proposes a project of an-archy, of living without the reliance to the domination of one central metaphysical concept, but rather of kata physin, of “following the way things enter into mutual relations.” Kenneth Schmitz, in reacting to Schürmann, points out (...)
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    Long-term reminiscence in the pursuit-rotor habit.Jefferson M. Koonce, Davis J. Chambliss & Arthur L. Irion - 1964 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 67 (5):498.
  3.  27
    Enhancing the therapeutic respectability of placebos.Jefferson M. Fish - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (2):291-291.
  4.  38
    Cognitive constraint on the ‘automatic pilot’ for the hand: Movement intention influences the hand’s susceptibility to involuntary online corrections.Brendan D. Cameron, Erin K. Cressman, Ian M. Franks & Romeo Chua - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (3):646-652.
    Research suggests that the reaching hand automatically deviates toward a target that changes location during the reach. In the current study, we investigated whether movement intention can influence the target jump’s impact on the hand. We compared the degree of trajectory deviation to a jumped target under three instruction conditions: GO, in which participants were told to go to the target if it jumped, STOP, in which participants were told to immediately stop their movement if the target jumped, and IGNORE, (...)
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    A Sketch for a Ricoeurian Hermeneutics of Religious Identity.Jefferson Macariola Chua - 2013 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 12 (34):57-80.
    Religious identity has, in recent times, become an important point of inquiry because of the growing awareness of religious diversity. On the one hand, this reality of diversity has served as an impetus to return to the roots of one’s religion. On the other hand, others have called for a more pluralist stance, out of the need to open up to other traditions. In light of this polarity, I argue that one can commit to one’s religion while opening up to (...)
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  6. Can automatic calculating machines be said to think?M. H. A. Newman, Alan M. Turing, Geoffrey Jefferson, R. B. Braithwaite & S. Shieber - 2004 - In Stuart M. Shieber (ed.), The Turing Test: Verbal Behavior as the Hallmark of Intelligence. MIT Press.
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    No selective integration required: A race model explains responses to audiovisual motion-in-depth.S. F. Andrew Chua, Yue Liu, Julie M. Harris & Thomas U. Otto - 2022 - Cognition 227 (C):105204.
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    Deformation behaviour of ultrafine and nanosize-grained Mg alloy synthesized via mechanical alloying.B. W. Chua, L. Lu & M. O. Lai - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (19):2919-2939.
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    Sustainable Energy: Choosing Among Options.Jefferson W. Tester, Elisabeth M. Drake, Michael J. Driscoll, Michael W. Golay & William A. Peters - 2005 - MIT Press.
    Evaluates trade-offs and uncertainties inherent in achieving sustainable energy, analyzes the major energy technologies, and provides a framework for assessing policy options.
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  10.  16
    Spontaneous Eye Blink Rate During the Working Memory Delay Period Predicts Task Accuracy.Jefferson Ortega, Chelsea Reichert Plaska, Bernard A. Gomes & Timothy M. Ellmore - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Spontaneous eye blink rate has been linked to attention and memory, specifically working memory. sEBR is also related to striatal dopamine activity with schizophrenia and Parkinson’s disease showing increases and decreases, respectively, in sEBR. A weakness of past studies of sEBR and WM is that correlations have been reported using blink rates taken at baseline either before or after performance of the tasks used to assess WM. The goal of the present study was to understand how fluctuations in sEBR during (...)
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  11.  43
    Therapeutic Discipline? Reflections on the Penetration of Sites of Control by Therapeutic Discourse.Andrew M. Jefferson - 2003 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 5 (1):55-73.
    This article addresses the way in which therapeutic practice in an English prison creates conditions whereby both prisoners and prison officers are caught up in networks and relationships of power that contribute to the constitution of particular subjects. The development of therapeutic practice, in relation to prisons and probation, is described and contextualised. Subsequently, the practices of group therapy in operation at Grendon prison - a rather unique institution built on principles of therapeutic community – are analysed with a focus (...)
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    Legal Affinities: Explorations in the Legal Form of Thought.Patrick M. Brennan, Jefferson Powell & Jack L. Sammons (eds.) - 2013 - Carolina Academic Press.
    This book is about what makes law possible. A stranger to contemporary legal practice might think such a book unnecessary, but the eight authors of this book share the view that what makes law possible is under siege today. The authors also share the hope that by exploring how law is a humanistic practice that involves whole persons, the siege will be reversed. The pathbreaking work of University of Michigan Law professor Joseph Vining provides the authors' focus for their varied (...)
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  13.  18
    Conjure: Automatic Generation of Constraint Models from Problem Specifications.Özgür Akgün, Alan M. Frisch, Ian P. Gent, Christopher Jefferson, Ian Miguel & Peter Nightingale - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence 310 (C):103751.
  14.  34
    On-line control of pointing is modified by unseen visual shapes.Erin K. Cressman, Ian M. Franks, James T. Enns & Romeo Chua - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (2):265-275.
    Shapes that are rendered invisible through backward masking are still able to influence motor responses: this is called masked priming. Yet it is unknown whether this influence is on the control of ongoing action, or whether it merely influences the initiation of an already-programmed action. We modified a masked priming procedure such that the critical prime-mask sequence was displayed during the execution of an already-initiated goal-directed pointing movement. Psychophysical tests of prime visibility indicated that the identity of the prime shapes (...)
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  15. Interactive Effects of Racial Identity and Repetitive Head Impacts on Cognitive Function, Structural MRI-Derived Volumetric Measures, and Cerebrospinal Fluid Tau and Aβ.Michael L. Alosco, Yorghos Tripodis, Inga K. Koerte, Jonathan D. Jackson, Alicia S. Chua, Megan Mariani, Olivia Haller, Éimear M. Foley, Brett M. Martin, Joseph Palmisano, Bhupinder Singh, Katie Green, Christian Lepage, Marc Muehlmann, Nikos Makris, Robert C. Cantu, Alexander P. Lin, Michael Coleman, Ofer Pasternak, Jesse Mez, Sylvain Bouix, Martha E. Shenton & Robert A. Stern - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  16.  15
    Understanding objects with curved surfaces from a single perspective view of boundaries.Shih Jong Lee, Robert M. Haralick & Ming Chua Zhang - 1985 - Artificial Intelligence 26 (2):145-169.
  17.  14
    Ciceronian and Heraclean Professiones.Jefferson Elmore - 1918 - Classical Quarterly 12 (01):38-.
    Perhaps the most difficult part of the famous inscription from Heraclea is the opening section of the extant text, where from a given form of procedure it is required to determine the subject matter. A solution of this puzzling problem, which I proposed some months ago, has recently been made the subject of an interesting article in this journal by Dr. E. G. Hardy. Mr. Hardy has long been engaged in this field, and has rendered much useful service. In this (...)
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  18.  35
    The adaptability of self-action perception and movement control when the limb is passively versus actively moved.Brendan D. Cameron, Ian M. Franks, J. Timothy Inglis & Romeo Chua - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):4-17.
    Research suggests that perceptual experience of our movements adapts together with movement control when we are the agents of our actions. Is this agency critical for perceptual and motor adaptation? We had participants view cursor feedback during elbow extension–flexion movements when they actively moved their arm, or had their arm passively moved. We probed adaptation of movement perception by having participants report the reversal point of their unseen movement. We probed adaptation of movement control by having them aim to a (...)
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  19.  30
    Jefferson’s Platonic Republicanism.M. Andrew Holowchak - 2014 - Polis 31 (2):369-386.
    That Jefferson execrated Plato in an 1814 letter to friend John Adams. In it, he expresses an unsympathetic, hostile view of Plato’s Republic, and the reasons are several. Nonetheless, Plato’s views on what makes government fundamentally sound are, at base, remarkably similar to Jefferson’s both in substance and sentiment, so much so that it is inconceivable to think that Plato’s Republic had little effect on Jefferson’s political thinking. That makes his execration of Plato difficult to understand. This (...)
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  20.  73
    Unconscious and out of control: Subliminal priming is insensitive to observer expectations.Erin K. Cressman, Melanie Y. Lam, Ian M. Franks, James T. Enns & Romeo Chua - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (3):716-728.
    We asked whether the influence of an invisible prime on movement is dependent on conscious movement expectations. Participants reached to a central target, which triggered a directional prime–mask arrow sequence. Participants were instructed that the visible arrows would most often signal a movement modification in a specific direction. Kinematic analyses revealed that responses to the visible mask were influenced by participants’ intentional bias, as movements were fastest when the more probable mask was displayed. In addition, responses were influenced by the (...)
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  21.  96
    The Paradox of Public Service Jefferson, Education, and the Problem of Plato’s Cave.M. Andrew Holowchak - 2012 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 32 (1):73-86.
    Plato noticed a sizeable problem apropos of establishing his republic—that there was always a ready pool of zealous potential rulers, lying in wait for a suitable opportunity to rule on their own tyrannical terms. He also recognized that those persons best suited to rule, those persons with foursquare and unimpeachable virtue, would be least motivated to govern. Ruling a polis meant that those persons, fully educated and in complete realization that the most complete happiness comprises solitary study of things unchanging, (...)
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  22.  15
    The "Traveller's Consolation": Jefferson, Stoicism and the Stoic argument against Esuriency.M. Andrew Holowchak - 2015 - Minerva - An Internet Journal of Philosophy 19 (1).
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  23. Philosophical Vignettes in Jefferson's Notes on Virginia.M. Andrew Holowchak - 2013 - Philosophy and Literature 37 (1):136-163.
    This paper is an examination of several of Thomas Jefferson's philosophical vignettes in his Notes on the State of Virginia. I begin with some thoughts on the structure of the book. I then turn to several of Jefferson's intriguing philosophical vignettes, concerning the aesthetic, natural explanation, Indians, blacks, education, religion, husbandry, and war. I end with some thoughts on what those vignettes tell us about Jefferson's philosophical frame of mind at the writing of his Notes.
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    Snapshot: Thomas Jefferson.M. Andrew Holowchak - 2015 - The Philosophers' Magazine 69:58-63.
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  25. Jefferson on Philosophy of Religion and Public Education.P. M. Collins - 1996 - Journal of Thought 31:37-60.
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  26.  19
    Duty to God and Duty to Man: Jefferson on Religion, Natural and Sectarian.M. Andrew Holowchak - 2016 - Sophia 55 (2):237-261.
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    The Fear, Honor, and Love of God: Thomas Jefferson on Jews, Philosophers, and Jesus.M. Andrew Holowchak - 2013 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 18 (1):49-71.
    In a letter to Benjamin Rush, Jefferson includes a syllabus—a comparative account of the merits of Jewish morality, ancient philosophy, and the precepts of Jesus. Using the syllabus as a guide, this paper is a critical examination of the influence of ancient ethical and religious thinking on Jefferson’s ethical and religious thinking—viz., Jefferson’s views of the ethics and religion of the Hebrews, the ancient philosophers, and Jesus.
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  28.  41
    Jefferson’s moral agrarianism: poetic fiction or normative vision? [REVIEW]M. Andrew Holowchak - 2011 - Agriculture and Human Values 28 (4):497-506.
    Scholars today are divided on the motivation behind what is often called Jefferson’s “moral agrarianism”. On the one hand, some scholars take Jefferson at his word when he mentions that agrarianism is a moral vision. For these individuals, Jefferson’s agrarianism is a moral vision and an indispensible part of the good life. On the other hand, other scholars maintain that Jefferson’s moral agrarianism is merely a bit of propaganda that insidiously sheaths a political or economic ideal. (...)
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  29.  12
    Thomas Jefferson and Philosophy: Essays on the Philosophical Cast of Jefferson's Writings.James J. Carpenter, Garrett Ward Sheldon, Richard E. Dixon, Paul B. Thompson, Derek H. Davis, William Merkel, Richard Guy Wilson & M. Andrew Holowchak (eds.) - 2013 - Lexington Books.
    Thomas Jefferson and Philosophy: Essays on the Philosophical Cast of Jefferson’s Writings is a collection of essays on topics that relate to philosophical aspects of Jefferson’s thinking over the years. Much historical insight is given to ground the various philosophical strands in Jefferson’s thought and writing on topics such as political philosophy, moral philosophy, slavery, republicanism, wall of separation, liberty, educational philosophy, and architecture.
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    Jefferson[REVIEW]Charles M. Wiltse - 1943 - Philosophical Review 52 (3):316-317.
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    Elizabeth A. Buchanan and kathrine A. Henderson: Case studies in library and information science ethics McFarland & company, Jefferson, nc, 2009, 175 pp, isbn: 978-0-7864-3367-. [REVIEW]Martha M. Smith - 2010 - Ethics and Information Technology 12 (4):375-377.
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    Some criticisms of Sacks, Schegloff, and Jefferson on turn taking.R. J. D. Power & M. F. Dal Martello - 1986 - Semiotica 58 (1-2):29-40.
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  33.  58
    Paul Goodman redux: education as apprenticed anarchism.M. Andrew Holowchak - 2010 - Ethics and Education 5 (3):217 - 232.
    When talk of philosophy of pedagogy comes up today, it is common to hear the names of Aristotle, Thomas Jefferson, John Dewey, or Paulo Freire, but the name of Paul Goodman, who campaigned vigorously for pedagogical reform much of his life, is seldom mentioned. In spite of neglect of his work, Goodman had much to say on pedagogical practice that is rich, poignant, and relevant today. In consequence, it is unfortunate that he is seldom read and discussed today. This (...)
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    Classical liberalism and american landscape representation: The imperial self in nature.Frank M. Coleman - 2010 - Ethics, Place and Environment 13 (1):75 – 96.
    Here it is shown that 'vacant nature' is deployed as sign in Anglo-American landscape representation of the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries to support a Cartesian imaginary of spatial extension. The referent of this imaginary is variously denoted as 'America' (John Locke), the 'north west' (Jefferson), the 'wilderness' (Ralph Waldo Emerson), and the 'frontier' (Frederick Jackson Turner) but throughout it is essentially the same 'vacant' landscape; its function is to produce a site and space of appearance for an imperial self, (...)
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  35.  22
    Is externalism really a threat to biological psychiatry?M. Cristina Amoretti - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology 37 (3):606-617.
    1. In her latest book (Jefferson, 2022), “Are Mental Disorders Brain Disorders?”, Anneli Jefferson (AJ) argues that mental disorders can be considered brain disorders when they involve brain dysfun...
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  36.  74
    Book Review: John C. Greene, American Science in the Age of Jefferson[REVIEW]Charlotte M. Porter - 2004 - Journal of the History of Biology 37 (3):604-605.
  37.  37
    Pragmatism and Social Hope: Deepening Democracy in Global Contexts.Judith M. Green - 2008 - Columbia University Press.
    Since 9/11, citizens of all nations have been searching for a democratic public philosophy that provides practical and inspiring answers to the problems of the twenty-first century. Drawing on the wisdom of past and present pragmatist thinkers, Judith M. Green maps a contemporary form of citizenship that emphasizes participation and cooperation and reclaims the critical role of social movements and nongovernmental organizations. Starting with empowering processes of storytelling, truth and reconciliation, and collaborative vision-questing that allow individuals to give voice and (...)
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  38.  90
    Not Only Sub Specie Aeternitatis, but Equally Sub Specie Durationis: A Defense of Hegel's Criticisms of Spinoza's Philosophy.J. M. Fritzman & Brianne Riley - 2009 - The Pluralist 4 (3):76 - 97.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Not Only Sub Specie Aeternitatis, but Equally Sub Specie DurationisA Defense of Hegel's Criticisms of Spinoza's PhilosophyJ. M. Fritzman and Brianne RileyIn what seem like halcyon days, when William Jefferson Clinton was America's President, James Carville wrote We're Right, They're Wrong: A Handbook for Spirited Progressives, arguing against the Republican Party's "Contract with America" (derided by the Left as a "Contract on America") and for progressivism. In the (...)
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  39.  27
    Lee M. Jefferson and Robin M. Jensen, eds., The Art of Empire: Christian Art in its Imperial Context.Alice Christ - 2018 - Augustinian Studies 49 (1):140-144.
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    Religions, Reasons and Gods: Essays in Cross-Cultural Philosophy of Religion.Anne M. Blackburn & Thomas D. Carroll - 2006 - Cambridge University Press.
    Traditional theistic proofs are often understood as evidence intended to compel belief in a divinity. John Clayton explores the surprisingly varied applications of such proofs in the work of philosophers and theologians from several periods and traditions, thinkers as varied as Ramanuja, al-Ghazali, Anselm, and Jefferson. He shows how the gradual disembedding of theistic proofs from their diverse and local religious contexts is concurrent with the development of natural theologies and atheism as social and intellectual options in early modern (...)
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  41.  44
    Inner Revolution: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Real Happiness (review). [REVIEW]John M. Koller - 2001 - Philosophy East and West 51 (1):138-141.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Inner Revolution: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Real HappinessJohn M. KollerInner Revolution: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Real Happiness. By Robert Thurman. New York: Riverhead Books, 1998. Pp. xiv + 322. $24.95.Can the Buddhist culture of Tibet—until the middle of the twentieth century a medieval theocracy almost completely isolated from the rest of the world—point the way to the fulfillment of the American dream? In his (...)
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  42.  91
    The Ideology of the American Dream: Two Competing Philosophies in Education, 1776-2006.J. M. Beach - 2007 - Educational Studies 41 (2):148-164.
    This article puts forth 2 competing notions of the American Dream, 1 radical and 1 conservative (both put forth by Thomas Jefferson), as the basis for 2 competing public philosophies of American democracy and education. This article traces out the ecology of inequality that has determined the context of these 2 competing public philosophies, especially in relation to the evolution of U.S. education. The ideology of the American Dream is still a potent philosophical means for constructing reformist discourses for (...)
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  43.  30
    The Problem of Human Rights in the "Declaration of Independence" and Current Ideological Conflicts in the United States.A. M. Karimskii - 1977 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 16 (3):35-51.
    The political independence of the United States of America was proclaimed in a Declaration of Independence by the Second Continental Congress, in Philadelphia, on July 4, 1776. Thomas Jefferson drafted the document, and the changes made in the text reflected the struggle among different factions in the revolutionary camp. Jefferson's initial version was fundamentally retained, however; and that is precisely what makes the Declaration of Independence not merely a legal document but a vivid example of a bourgeois revolutionary (...)
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  44.  7
    Addressing education: purposes, plans, and politics.Peggy A. Pittas & Katherine M. Gray (eds.) - 2004 - [Philadelphia]: Xlibris.
    Addressing Education: Purposes, Plans, and Politics is the first in the 10-volume series, Lynchburg College Symposium Readings, 3rd edition. Each volume presents primary texts organized around an interdisciplinary, liberal arts theme such as education, politics, social issues, science and technology, morals and ethics. The series has been developed by Lynchburg College faculty for use in the Senior Symposium and the Lynchburg College Symposium Readings Program (SS/LCSR). While these programs are distinctive to Lynchburg College, the texts are used on many college (...)
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  45.  60
    Books on the BombAtomic Bomb Scientists: Memoirs, 1939-1945Joseph J. ErmencThe End of the World That Was: Six Lives in the Atomic AgePeter GoldmanManhattan: The Army and the Atomic BombVincent C. JonesDay of the Bomb: Countdown to HiroshimaDan KurzmanThe General and the Bomb: A Biography of General Leslie R. Groves, Director of the Manhattan ProjectWilliam LawrenTime Bomb: Fermi, Heisenberg, and the Race for the Atomic BombMalcolm C. MacPhersonThe Making of the Atomic AgeAlwyn McKayThe Road to Trinity: A Personal Account of How America's Nuclear Policies Were MadeK. D. NicholsThe Making of the Atomic BombRichard RhodesStallion GateMartin Cruz SmithThe Atomic Scientists: A Biographical HistoryHenry A. Boorse Lloyd Motz Jefferson Hane WeaverForging the Atomic Shield: Excerpts from the Office Diary of Gordon E. DeanGordon E. Dean Roger M. AndersThe Nuclear Oracles: A Political History of the General Advisory Committee of the Atomic Energy Commission, 1947-1977Richard T. SylvesBetter a Shi. [REVIEW]Robert Seidel - 1990 - Isis 81 (3):519-537.
  46.  18
    Charles Boewe. Mantissa: A Supplement to Fitzpatrick's Rafinesque. xii + 105 pp., bibls.Providence, R.I.: M&S Press, 2001. $15. [REVIEW]Kraig Adler - 2002 - Isis 93 (1):143-144.
    This addition—hence the title Mantissa—to the rich vein of information about Constantine Samuel Rafinesque is in fact a supplement to Charles Boewe's own revised and enlarged edition of Thomas J. Fitzpatrick's book Rafinesque .The details of the peripatetic life of Rafinesque, one of America's most original yet undisciplined naturalists, are too well known to bear repeating here. Suffice it to say that because of the vicissitudes of his life—his perpetual wandering between and within Europe and frontier America, his impecunious circumstances (...)
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  47.  23
    What is Authority Made Of?Martin Powers - 2021 - Journal of World Philosophies 6 (1):73-98.
    In a letter to M. Coray, Thomas Jefferson distinguished two distinct notions of political authority. The first was that of ancient Greece, which was characterized by “slavery” and the subjection of the population. Jefferson’s characterization was astute insofar as Aristotle regarded some groups as privileged to rule “by nature,” while all other hereditary groups were fit only to be ruled. The second type, referring to governments of “the present age,” rejected that standard in favor of equality and the (...)
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  48. (1 other version)The Later Works of John Dewey, Volume 11, 1925 - 1953: 1925-1937, Essays and Liberalism and Social Action.Jo Ann Boydston (ed.) - 1987 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    This volume includes ninety-two items from 1935, 1936, and 1937, including Dewey’s 1935 Page-Barbour Lectures at the University of Virginia, published as _Liberalism and Social Action._ In essay after essay Dewey analyzed, criticized, and reevaluated liberalism. When his controversial _Liberalism and Social Action _appeared, asking whether it was still possible to be a liberal, Horace M. Kallen wrote that Dewey “restates in the language and under the conditions of his times what Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence affirmed in the language (...)
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  49. The Ereignis Interview.Iain Thomson - unknown
    Iain I remember reading Thomas Jefferson in high school; he wrote so eloquently about our human need for freedom that I got choked up just reading him. When I found out he'd had slaves I was stunned, traumatized intellectually, but I lacked the resources to work through it very far at the time. Reading Heidegger a few years later I had a similar experience, only magnified and more complicated. As I read Heidegger's later work in Hubert Dreyfus's wonderful "later (...)
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  50. The primacy of perceiving.M. T. Turvey & R. Show - 1979 - In L. G. Nilsson (ed.), Perspectives on Memory Research. Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc Incorporated. pp. 367--372.
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