Results for 'Jesús M.ᵃ L. Mauleón'

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    Beyond structure: do intermediate filaments modulate cell signalling?Jesus M. Paramio & José L. Jorcano - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (9):836-844.
    Intermediate filament (IF) proteins form the largest family of cytoskeletal proteins in mammalian cells. The function of these proteins has long been thought to be only structural. However, this single function does not explain their diverse tissue‐ and differentiation‐specific expression patterns. Evidence is now emerging that IF also act as an important framework for the modulation and control of essential cell processes, in particular, signal transduction events. Here, we review the most recent developments in this growing and exciting new field. (...)
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    Logic Colloquium ’96: Proceedings of the Colloquium held in San Sebastián, Spain, July 9–15, 1996.Jesus M. Larrazabal, Daniel Lascar & Grigori Mints - 1998 - Springer.
    The 1996 European Summer Meeting of the Association of Symbolic Logic was held held the University of the Basque Country, at Donostia (San Se bastian) Spain, on July 9-15, 1996. It was organised by the Institute for Logic, Cognition, Language and Information (ILCLI) and the Department of Logic and Philosophy of Sciences of the University of the Basque Coun try. It was supported by: the University of Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unib ertsitatea, the Ministerio de Education y Ciencia (DGCYT), Hezkuntza Saila (...)
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  3. Internet y los peligros del olvido del cuerpo: una invitación a la lectura de" on the internet" de Hubert L. Dreyfus.Jesús M. Díaz Álvarez - 2007 - In César Moreno, Rafael Lorenzo & Alicia Ma de Mingo (eds.), Filosofía y realidad virtual. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza. pp. 285--300.
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    Educational background, modes of discourse and argumentation: Comparing women and men.M. Jesús Cala Carrillo, L. Manuel & Benítez Maria - 2004 - Argumentation 18 (4):403-426.
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    Murder and the death of Christ.N. M. L. Nathan - 2010 - Think 9 (26):103-107.
    Some people believe that God made it a condition for His forgiveness even of repentant sinners that Jesus died a sacrificial death at human hands. Often, in the New Testament, this doctrine of Objective Atonement seems to be implied, as when Jesus spoke of his blood as ‘shed for many for the remission of sins’ , or when St Paul said that ‘Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures’ . And for many centuries the doctrine was indeed accepted (...)
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    Environmental Education in Initial Training: Effects of a Physical Activities and Sports in the Natural Environment Program for Sustainable Development.M. Luisa Santos-Pastor, Pedro Jesús Ruiz-Montero, Oscar Chiva-Bartoll, Antonio Baena-Extremera & L. Fernando Martínez-Muñoz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Training for sustainable development is an educational challenge of prime importance. Physical activity and sports in natural environments provide training committed to sustainability and environmental education. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of an undergraduate training program in Physical Activities and Sports in Natural Environments concerned with sustainable development. A total of 113 students from the Autonomous University of Madrid who are studying a Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences and a Master’s Degree in (...)
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    Educational Background, Modes of Discourse and Argumentation: Comparing Women and Men. [REVIEW]M. Jesús Cala Carrillo & Manuel L. De La Mata Benítez Maria - 2004 - Argumentation 18 (4):403-426.
    This paper analyses the way in which discourse and argumentation may vary depending on participants’ educational level and gender. Men and women from three different educational levels (literacy, advanced level and university students) participated in discussion groups that debated about women and work, the sharing of housework and the way in which girls and boys are educated. The results showed important differences depending on participants’ educational level and gender. In general, the main differences were related to educational level, while gender (...)
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  8. L'apparition de Jésus à Marie de Magdala.L. -M. Antoniotti - 1996 - Revue Thomiste 96 (2):302-311.
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    The experience of studying the spiritual development of nations with the help of linguistic means.L. M. Abrosimova & E. V. Mykhaylova - 1998 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 7:109-111.
    The appearance of Jesus Christ in his time was inevitable. Plato's ideas were to find a material embodiment on earth. The image of Christ as a balance, the harmony of light-spirit and darkness-matter, is the materialization of the ideal image.
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    L'Avènement de Jesus dans l'Âme by S. Antoine de Padoue.Raphael M. Huber - 1949 - Franciscan Studies 9 (3):325-326.
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    In Memory of Edward Diener: Reflections on His Career, Contributions and the Science of Happiness.Weiting Ng, William Tov, Ruut Veenhoven, Sebastiaan Rothmann, Maria José Chambel, Sufen Chen, Matthew L. Cole, Chiara Consiglio, Arianna Costantini, Jesus Alfonso Daep Datu, Zelda Di Blasi, Susana Llorens Gumbau, Alexandra Huber, Saskia M. Kelders, Jeff Klibert, Hans Henrik Knoop, Claude-Hélène Mayer, Mirna Nel, Marisa Salanova, Marijke Schotanus-Dijkstra, Rebecca Shankland, Akihito Shimazu, Peter M. ten Klooster, Maria Vera, Maria A. J. Zondervan-Zwijnenburg & Llewellyn Ellardus van Zyl - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Servant leadership as part of spiritual formation of theological students in contextualisation of 21st century theological training.Amanda L. Du Plessis & Carol M. Nkambule - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (2).
    The theory of servant leadership with its key concepts of servanthood and leadership has emerged during the last few decades. A person who has a heart for people and serves them whilst leading them practices servant leadership. Servant leaders are not motivated by attaining higher positions but by serving people. Leaders call people to follow a set vision. In the church, that vision ought to be a God vision, premised on the Word of God. Leaders in the church should lead (...)
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  13. The History of the Origin of all Things including the Life of Jesus of Nazareth.L. M. ARNOLD - 1957
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  14. Que représente la vie de Jésus pour l'apôtre Paul?M. Carrez - 1988 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 68 (2):155-161.
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    L’identité juive de Jésus.P. -M. Bogaert - 2002 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 33 (3):351-370.
    L’identité juive de Jésus est un fait avéré. Dans le christianisme cependant, l’ignorance de la variété des courants d’idée dans le judaïsme au début de notre ère a conduit certains à placer l’enseignement de Jésus entièrement en marge ou même en dehors du judaïsme et à tirer argument de l’originalité de son message contre son origine juive. De même, certains courants de type monophysite ont sous-estimé, voire nié l’enracinement humain de Jésus et sa « racination » juive . Au sein (...)
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  16. M. Loisy, i, On the Teaching of Jesus.L. P. Jacks - 1933 - Hibbert Journal 32:321.
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  17. SARDINHA, Diogo. Ordre et temps dans la Philosophie de Foucault. Paris: L'harmattan, 2011.Jesús González Fisac - 2012 - Trans/Form/Ação 35 (2).
    Convengamos en que el sistema no es algo adjetivo o sobrevenido. No es algo ‘metodológico’, como suele decirse. En realidad, el sistema “es lo más alto y esencial” (HEIDEGGER, M. Schellings Abhandlung über das Wesen der menschlichen Freiheit (1809). Tübingen, Max Niemeyer, 1971, p. 29). Esto, sin embargo, no significa que toda filosofía tenga sistema. Como recuerda Heidegger (1971, p. 32-3), la filosofía griega carecía de sistema, que gana su apogeo con la filosofía moderna y con el particular devenir metódico (...)
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  18.  14
    Ontología de la finitud: L. Polo y M. Eckhart.María Jesús Soto-Bruna - 2007 - Studia Poliana 9:129-153.
    El artículo parte de la distinción poliana entre ser creado y ser increado y expone, a partir de ahí, la distinción Dios-criatura que permite el estudio metafisico de la finitud. En un segundo momento se aproxima a la interpretación que L. Polo ha dado de M. Eckhart en lo que se refiere al estatuto ontológico de lo finito; para este asunto, se acerca a la comprensión de la criatura en el Logos creador, cuestión que es tratada, con sus diferencias respectivas, (...)
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  19. «Le Jésus historique» des Pères de l'Eglise au temps des réformes.M. Fedou - 1999 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 87 (3):333-352.
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    The Gospel of Jesus Christ by Père M. J. Lagrange, O.P.Joseph L. Lilly - 1947 - Franciscan Studies 7 (4):508-509.
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  21. Le retour de l'eschatologie.J. -M. Glé - 1996 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 84 (2):219-251.
    L'eschatologie a marqué la théologie chrétienne du XXe siècle. Initiateur en ce domaine, R. Bultmann entreprend une herméneutique « existentiale » et « démythologisante » de la prédication apocalyptique de Jésus, mise en lumière par J. Weiss et A. Schweitzer : en Jésus Dieu prononce la parole définitive qui m'appelle aujourd'hui à la décision de foi et à l'existence authentique. La théologie apprend ainsi à parler de Dieu avec sens en parlant de l'homme. Avec J. Moltmann, le futur est désenclavé (...)
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    Descouvemont, P. Sainte Thérèse de l’Enfant-Jésus et son prochain. [REVIEW]M. Robillard - 1963 - Augustinianum 3 (1):158-158.
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  23. L'idéologie judéo-chrétienne et le dialogue juifs-chrétiens: Histoire et théologie.David M. Neuhaus - 1997 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 85 (2):249-276.
    La volonté présente du christianisme de nouer un dialogue fraternel avec le judaïsme pose au premier le problème de reconnaître exactement l'identité du second, et d'interpréter correctement la judaïté de Jésus et la notion de « texte commun », présupposées à la base de cette rencontre. La religion de Jésus n'était pas encore ce qui allait devenir, après l’instauration du rabbinisme, la religion des juifs actuels, fondée sur la rédaction d'une Torah orale. Le judaïsme moderne et le christianisme sont à (...)
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  24. Jesus: Parable or Sacrament of God?: An ecumenical discussion on analogy and freedom with E. Schweizer, K. Barth, and R. Bultmann. [REVIEW]J. M. McDermott - 1997 - Gregorianum 78 (3):477-499.
    L'exégèse de E. Schweizer dans Jesus : The Parable of God est construite sur un a priori protestant qui rappelle les positions théologiques de K. Barth et de R. Bultmann. La suggestion de substituer «parabole» à «sacrement» comme catégorie fondamentale pour une compréhension de Jésus conduit à considérer les positions catholique et protestante au sujet de l'analogie et de la liberté. Le contraste révèle en fait beaucoup de ressemblances quant à la structure fondamentale de la pensée, et la divergence d'accentuation (...)
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    El sistema electoral español, Una propuesta realista.Juan Jesús Mora Molina - 2012 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 46:69-92.
    L a distribució n parlamentari a qu e ha n a r rojad o lo s resultado s d e la s pasada s elecciones generale s de l dí a 2 0 d e n o viembre , d e 2011 , h a ocasionado , sobr e tod o po r pa r t e d e la s fo r - macione s política s má s s e v erament e afectadas , tod a un a (...)
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    (1 other version)Geza Vermes. Jesus and the World of Judaism. Pp. x + 197. (S.C.M. Press, 1983.) £5.95. 0 334 02094 8. [REVIEW]J. L. Houlden - 1985 - Religious Studies 21 (1):107-109.
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    Exalting Jesus in Luke.Thabiti M. Anyabwile - 2018 - Nashville: Holman Reference.
    Edited by David Platt, Daniel L. Akin, and Tony Merida, this new commentary series, projected to be 48 volumes, takes a Christ- centered approach to expositing each book of the Bible.
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    L'intrigue du quatrième évangile.J. -M. Sevrin - 2006 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 37 (4):473-488.
    Bien qu’on ne puisse réduire la cohérence narrative des actions racontées par le quatrième évangile à une intrigue unique, une intrigue principale articule et unifie toutes les autres: c’est l’intrigue d’action de Jésus qui le montre «posant son âme» dans une souveraine liberté, accomplissant ainsi l’oeuvre que le Père lui a donnée. La trajectoire des autres personnages est subordonnée à cette intrigue centrale, comme le montre l’exemple des disciples; quant aux micro-récits, ils peuvent pour la plupart être lus comme des (...)
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    Newman on belief-confidence, proportionality, and probability.M. Jamie Ferreira - 1985 - Heythrop Journal 26 (2):164–176.
    Book Reviewed in this article: Israel's Prophetic Tradition: Essays in honour of Peter R. Ackroyd. Edited by Richard Coggins, Anthony Phillips and Michael Knibb, Pp.xxi, 272. Cambridge University Press, 1982, £21.00. Essays on John. By C.K. Barrett. Pp.viii, 167, London, SPCK, 1982, £10.50. The Letter to the Colossians. By Eduard Schweizer, translated by Andrew Chester. Pp.319, London, SPCK, 1982, £12.50. Foundational Theology: Jesus and the Church. By Francis Schüssler Fiorenza. Pp.xix, 326, New York Crossroad, 1984, $22.50. The Darkness of God: (...)
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    La salud en los pueblos indígenas: atención primaria e interculturalidad.Consuelo de Jesús Alban Meneses, Víctor Manuel Sellan Icaza & Consuelo Lorena Moran Alban - 2020 - Minerva 1 (3):23-34.
    Las naciones y pueblos indígenas presentan preocupantes índices respecto a la salud, así como otras carencias como la pérdida de sus tierras, la alimentación, la educación y, en general, el ejercicio de sus derechos, consagrados por organizaciones internacionales como la ONU y la OMS-OPS. En Ecuador, de acuerdo con el orden jurídico constitucional, se han instrumentado políticas de salud que incluyen el lineamiento general de un enfoque intercultural de la atenciónprimaria que incorpora los saberes y prácticas ancestrales. Mediante una revisión (...)
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    A new 'apologia': The relationship between theology and philosophy in the work of Jean-Luc Marion.Christina M. Gschwandtner - 2005 - Heythrop Journal 46 (3):299–313.
    Books reviewed:James D. G. Dunn and John W. Rogerson, Eerdmans Commentary on the BibleYairah Amit, Reading Biblical Narratives. Literary Criticism and the Hebrew BibleThomas L. Leclerc, Yahweh is Exalted in Justice: Solidarity and Conflict in IsaiahNuria Calduch‐Benages, Joan Ferrer, and Jan Liesen, La sabiduría del Escriba/Wisdom of the Scribe: Diplomatic Edition of the Syriac Version of the Book of Ben Sira according to Codex Ambrosianus, with Translations in Spanish and EnglishSidnie White Crawford and Leonard J. Greenspoon, The Book of Esther (...)
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    A New Essenism: Heinrich Graetz and Mysticism.Jonathan M. Elukin - 1998 - Journal of the History of Ideas 59 (1):135-148.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A New Essenism: Heinrich Graetz and MysticismJonathan M. ElukinSince the Reformation, European Christians have sought to understand the origins of Christianity by studying the world of Second Temple Judaism. These efforts created a fund of scholarly knowledge of ancient Judaism, but they labored under deep-seated pre judices about the nature of Judaism. When Jewish scholars in nineteenth-century Europe, primarily in Germany, came to study their own history as part (...)
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    The Incarnation: Muslim Objections and the Christian Response.Robert L. Fastiggi - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (3):457-493.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE INCARNATION: MUSLIM OBJECTIONS AND THE CHRISTIAN RESPONSE ROBERT L. FASTIGGI St. Edward's University Austin, Texas Introduction: Christian-Muslim Dialogue and the Incarnation THE TWO largest religions in the world, Christianity and Islam cannot help but encounter each other. In the last two decades, several important steps have been made by Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox Christians to engage in meaningful dialogue with members of the Islamic faith.1 While sincerity, mutual (...)
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    The agent intellect in Rahner and Aquinas.R. M. Burns - 1988 - Heythrop Journal 29 (4):423–449.
    Book reviewed in this article: The Philosophical Assessment of Theology: Essays in Honour of Frederick C. Copleston. Edited by Gerard J. Hughes. Language, Meaning and God: Essays in Honour of Herbert McCabe OP. Edited by Brian Davies. God Matters. By Herbert McCabe. Philosophies of History: A Critical Essay. By Rolf Gruner. The ‘Phaedo’: A Platonic Labyrinth. By Ronna Burger. Lessing's ‘Ugly Ditch’: A Study of Theology and History. By Gordon E. Michalson, Jr. Peirce. By Christopher Hookway. Frege: Tradition and Influence. (...)
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    'Religion' reviewed.Grace M. Jantzen - 1985 - Heythrop Journal 26 (1):14–25.
    Book Reviewed in this article: Traditional Sayings in the Old Testament. By Carole R. Fontaine. Pp. viii, 279, Sheffield, The Almond Press, 1982, £17.95, £8.95. The First Day of the New Creation: The Resurrection and the Christian Faith. By Vesilin Keisch. Pp.206, Crestwood, New York, St Vladimirs Seminary Press, 1982, £6.25. The First Day of the New Creation: The Resurrection and the Christian Faith. By Vesilin Keisch. Pp.206, Crestwood, New York, St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1982, £6.25. The Resurrection of Jesus: (...)
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    Handbook of Embodied Cognition and Sport Psychology.Massimiliano L. Cappuccio (ed.) - 2019 - MIT Press.
    The first systematic collaboration between cognitive scientists and sports psychologists considers the mind–body relationship from the perspective of athletic skill and sports practice. This landmark work is the first systematic collaboration between cognitive scientists and sports psychologists that considers the mind–body relationship from the perspective of athletic skill and sports practice. With twenty-six chapters by leading researchers, the book connects and integrates findings from fields that range from philosophy of mind to sociology of sports. The chapters show not only that (...)
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    Some Aspects of the Treatment of Christianity by the British Idealists.D. M. Mackinnon - 1984 - Religious Studies 20 (1):133 - 144.
    It was in December 1868, a little less than fifteen years before his death, that T. H. Green entered into correspondence with the young Henry Scott Holland and R. L. Nettleship on the occasion of the latter's visit to the young Gerard Manley Hopkins, then on the threshold of entering the novitiate of the Society of Jesus. Part of this correspondence is preserved in Stephen Paget's memoir of Scott Holland, and no student of the interpretation of Christianity in the writings (...)
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    L.-M. Dewailly, O.P., Jésus-Christ, Parole de Dieu, 2 édition refondue, Paris, Éd. du Cerf, 1969, , 200 pages, 18 F. [REVIEW]Paul-Emile Langevin - 1970 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 26 (2):198.
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    Character ethics and the New Testament: moral dimensions of Scripture.Robert L. Brawley (ed.) - 2007 - Louisville, Ky.: Westminster John Knox Press.
    Throughout the New Testament, the Gospel stories, the sayings of Jesus, and the writings of Paul not only teach a way of life that requires individuals to be moral but they demonstrate how. In biblical studies, character ethics has been one of the fastest-growing areas of interest. Whereas ethics usually studies rules of behavior, character ethics focuses on how people are formed to be moral agents in the world. Here editor Robert Brawley presents the most up-to-date academic work in New (...)
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    The Logic of God Incarnate by Thomas V. Morris.O. F. M. Thomas Weinandy - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (2):367-372.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS The Logic of God Incarnate. By THOMAS V. MORRIS. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1986. Pp. 220. $19.95. Thomas V. Morris, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame, has written a technical yet provocative study on the Incarnation. As a faithful Christian he believes in and desires to defend the traditional Christian doctrine of the Incarnation proclaimed in the New Testament and defined by the (...)
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    Desire for Happiness and the Commandments in the First Chapter of Veritatis Splendor.Livio Melina & M. Harper Mccarthy - 1996 - The Thomist 60 (3):341-359.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:DESIRE FOR HAPPINESS AND THE COMMANDMENTS IN THE FIRST CHAPTER OF VER/TATIS SPLENDOR* LIVIO MELINA Pontijicio Istituto Giovanni Paolo II Rome, Italy ' ' THE DESIRE for happiness" and "the commandments " seem to constitute two irreducible alternatives, representing a contrariety that separates the classical conception of morality from the modern. The choice that Catholic post-Tridentine handbook theology made to remove the treatise on happiness from moral theology and (...)
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    Gender and the Priesthood of Christ: A Theological Reflection.Benedict M. Ashley - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (3):343-379.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:GENDER AND THE PRIESTHOOD OF CHRIST: A THEOLOGICAL REFLECTION BENEDICT M. ASHLEY, 0.P. Aquinas Institute of Theology St. Louis, Missouri I. Does "Patriarchy" Explain the Tradition? HE CONGREGATION for the Doctrine of the Faith, n its 1976 Declaration on the Question of the Admission f Wonien to the Ministerial Priesthood, based its negative response primarily on tradition.1 For many this argument 1 Inter Insigniores (Oct. 15, 1976, AAS 69 (...)
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    Scriptural Grounds for Concrete Moral Norms.Benedict M. Ashley - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (1):1-22.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:SCRIPTURAL GROUNDS FOR CONCRETE MORAL NORMS 1. Is JJ1oral Theology Really Theology? 0 BE CHRISTIAN theology moral theology ought to be firmly grounded in the Bible as understood in the living tradition of the Church. Yet the moralist who asks help from the biblicist today is to be met with a host cf objections.1 I will mention eight I have encountered: l) Attempts to develop a biblical theology unified (...)
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    Renaud Barbaras. Uno de los nuestros.Jesús M. Díaz Álvarez - 2023 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 8:11-12.
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    Nuestra fenomenología en 2023. Entre la esperanza y el recuerdo.Jesús M. Díaz Álvarez - 2023 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 20:15-18.
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    ¿Son todas las épocas y culturas humanas iguales ante Dios?Jesús M. Díaz Álvarez - 2007 - Phainomenon 14 (1):157-169.
    La presente intervención va constar de dos partes. En la primera, trataré de desentrañar aquello que al decir de Husserl es lo propio y definitorio de la cultura Europea, es decir, aquello que caracterizaría su identidad y la diferenciaría de las demás culturas: el descubrimiento de la universalidad en sentido estricto. O dicho de otro modo, para Husserl, aquello que es peculiar de la cultura occidental es su pretensión de conducir la vida de los humanos según una idea de racionalidad (...)
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    Yearnings for Foundation. The Idea of Philosophy as a Rigorous Science and Ideas I.Jesús M. Díaz Álvarez - 2022 - Phainomenon 33 (1):99-118.
    This paper reads Husserl’s phenomenology as an attempt to solve the crisis of our civilization. It is well known that for him the deep roots of this crisis are related to a misunderstanding of the idea of rationality that leads to skepticism and relativism. It is also well known that in order to overcome this situation Husserl will propound a new idea of reason and rationality that will supposedly fulfill the old dream with which philosophy was born in Greece: To (...)
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    Punto y seguido.Jesús M. Díaz Álvarez - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 18:9.
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    Symmetry in intertheory relations.M. L. G. Redhead - 1975 - Synthese 32 (1-2):77 - 112.
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    IF p, THEN q: Conditionals and the foundations of the reasoning.Jesús M. Marroquin - 1993 - Theoria 8 (1):191-192.
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