Results for 'Jewish religious education of teenagers. '

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  1.  42
    Commandments and concerns: Jewish religious education in secular society.Michael Rosenak - 1987 - Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society.
    In this cutting-edge study, Michael Rosenak provides a new understanding of the challenges inherent in teaching Judaism today.
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    Deuteronomy and Contextual Teaching and Learning in Christian-Jewish religious education.Jeane M. Tulung, Olivia C. Wuwung, Sonny E. Zaluchu & Frederik R. B. Zaluchu - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):9.
    This research explores the contextual approach within Christian-Jewish religious education, addressing a notable gap in existing literature and offering fresh insights into the application of the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) model within Christian contexts. Through a qualitative literature study employing a three-step methodology, including an in-depth analysis of Deuteronomy 11:19–20, this study reveals that this biblical text provides both educational guidance and theological significance, serving as a foundational support for the CTL model in Christian-Jewish (...) education. The integration of digital media into biblical sources holds promise for future research, while the central challenge lies in harmonising life experiences and empirical phenomena with biblical reflections to seamlessly integrate inquiry processes and pedagogical phases, with potential avenues for further exploration in scripture models endorsing CTL. This research provides valuable insights for educators, parents and policymakers in Indonesia and beyond, advancing educational research in contextualised teaching models within religious education.Contribution: This article demonstrates that the CTL model in the digital era has the potential to revolutionise religious education and profoundly impact learners, making it a significant scientific contribution in the context of Christian-Jewish religious education. (shrink)
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  3. ha-Masaʻ ha-merateḳ bi-shevile ha-baḥarut: havanah be-limud, tiḳshoret ben ishit, haḳalah be-hitmodeduyot..Yosef ben Tsevi Zeʾev Fridman - 2016 - [Israel]: [Publisher Not Identified].
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  4. Daʻ lekha beni: pirḳe hadrakhah ṿe-hitmodedut be-ʻinyene kedushah le-horim ule-meḥanekhim.Moṭi Zolberg - 2019 - [Jerusalem]: Aḳshivah.
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  5. Tell me the truth: real deal answers to tough hashkafah questions.Chaim Veshnefsky - 2022 - Lakewood, NJ: Israel Bookshop Publications.
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    Religious Education in Response to Changing Times Congregation Adass-Isroel Religious School in Berlin.Meir Hildesheimer - 2008 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 60 (2):111-130.
    During the 19th century, various frameworks were established in Germany for the purpose of providing Jewish students with religious education. The article deals primarily with the orthodox Congregation Adass-Isroel Religious School. Established in 1869 in Berlin, the school had a major impact on the development of supplementary religious instruction throughout Germany and served as a model in this area. The school's background, history, basic principles and method of instruction, as well as study subjects are discussed (...)
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  7. Halikhot ḥayim: igeret le-tseʻirim.Ḥayim Shelomoh Ṿerner - 1999 - Yerushalayim: Ḥayim Shelomoh Ṿerner.
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    Religious jewish education and the holocaust: The theological dimension.Michael Rosenak - 2003 - Philosophia 30 (1-4):189-218.
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    Learning to grow: a spiritual guide to your year in Israel.Gamliel Shmalo - 2016 - New York, NY: Kodesh Press.
    Get the most out of your year in Israel. The Israel experience has a natural rhythm, but it is easy to miss the big themes and even bigger opportunities if you don't have a road map. This book serves as a spiritual and intellectual guide during your year in yeshiva or seminary. Learning to Grow has very immodest ambitions: it is a guide to greatness during your year in Israel and beyond.
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    Ethics and teaching: a religious perspective on revitalizing education.Alan A. Block - 2009 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book studies education and curriculum from the perspective of the teacher’s stance in the classroom. Writing through the lenses offered by autobiography, a lifetime in the classroom serving as teacher, and drawing heavily on Jewish and secular scholarly texts, Block offers a vision of education that serves as an alternative to the increasingly instrumentalist, managerial, standards-driven impersonal nature of contemporary schools. He advocates not for a pedagogy of ethics, but for the original ethical stance every teacher (...)
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  11. Religious Conservatives and Safe Sex: Reconciliation by Nonpublic Reason.Robert S. Taylor - 2014 - American Political Thought 3 (2):322-340.
    Religious conservatives in the U.S. have frequently opposed public-health measures designed to combat STDs among minors, such as sex education, condom distribution, and HPV vaccination. Using Rawls’s method of conjecture, I will clear up what I take to be a misunderstanding on the part of religious conservatives: even if we grant their premises regarding the nature and source of sexual norms, the wide-ranging authority of parents to enforce these norms against their minor children, and the potential sexual-disinhibition (...)
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  12. Connecting Teenage Boys, Spirituality and Religious Education [Book Review].Brett Hughes - 2007 - The Australasian Catholic Record 84 (3):380.
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  13.  20
    Qanun, religious education, religiosity and sexual activity among Muslim youth.Muhibbuthabry Muhibbuthabry, Jailani Jailani, Putra Apriadi Siregar & Evalina Franciska Hutasoit - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):9.
    Muslim youths must shun free sexual behaviours. However, these actions are highly prevalent, especially among the Muslim youth. This study aimed to determine the effect of qanun (local regulations based on Islamic law), religiosity and religious education on the sexual activity of Muslim youth. The study used a case-control design carried out in the province of Aceh, which applies the qanun, and in the province of North Sumatra, which does not apply the qanun. Researchers interviewed 552 Muslim youths (...)
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  14.  26
    Religious education: philosophical perspectives.John Sealey - 1985 - Boston: Allen & Unwin.
  15. Religious education and theology: Separate sails in the one breeze.Gerard Moore - 2020 - The Australasian Catholic Record 97 (2):227.
    There is an ongoing tension between the spheres of religious education and of theological studies. It is somewhat evident in the academy, and often enough emerges when the inevitable university restructure places religious education and theology in the same school, or situates religious education within education at a remove from theology, or any range of permutations. The tension is also felt in discussions between clergy, with a theological education behind them, and classroom (...)
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  16. Masaʻ be-maʻagle ha-ḥinukh: śiaḥ be-ʻiḳvot sipure ha-Talmud = Educational journeys: dialogues on Talmudic stories.Shai Mamo & Daniel Nikritin - 2021 - [Yerushalayim]: Dabri shir.
    How do we implement our sages' way in today's world of education? The is a study of selected stories from the Talmud along with educational insights from life, research and thought that enriches the understanding of sages, as well as contemporary educational perceptions, and calls us to further learning and hard work - as partners in the ancient learning chain. And opens gates to the contemporary discourse and to the wisdom of the sages that resonates to this day.
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  17.  41
    Is Religious Education Possible? A Philosophical Investigation By Michael Hand.James Arthur - 2007 - British Journal of Educational Studies 55 (1):100-101.
  18.  21
    Roads to the palace: Jewish texts and teaching.Michael Rosenak - 1995 - Providence, RI: Berghahn Books.
    Jewish educators of diverse commitments will all find themselves addressed in the book, and enlightened by it.
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  19. Religious Education.Michael Hand - 2004 - In John Peter White, Rethinking the School Curriculum.
    Religious Education (RE) currently enjoys the status of a compulsory curriculum subject in state schools in England and Wales. Though it is not part of the National Curriculum, and therefore not subject to a nationally prescribed syllabus, it is part of the basic curriculum to which all children are entitled. The question I raise in this chapter is whether RE merits this status. Is the study of religion sufficiently central to the task of preparing children for adult life (...)
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    Religious Education in a Pluralist Society: The Key Philosophical Issues.Peter R. Hobson - 1999 - Woburn Press. Edited by John S. Edwards.
    This book discusses the philosophical issues underlying the teaching of religious education, and the conflict between religion and democratic values; it scrutinises religious education programmes in the UK, USA and Australia, and evaluates their effectiveness.
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  21.  13
    FIVE. Religious Education and the Military Elite.Jonathan Porter Berkey - 1992 - In The Transmission of Knowledge in Medieval Cairo: A Social History of Islamic Education. Princeton University Press. pp. 128-160.
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    Enhancing religious education teaching and learning for sustainable development in Lesotho.Rasebate I. Mokotso - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):6.
    This article utilises Gadamerian hermeneutics method and Freirean theory of the purpose of Religious Education to explore how Religious Education can contribute to achieving United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, emphasising education for sustainable development. The study contends that Religious Education in Lesotho occupies a distinctive position in the education system, surpassing other countries in its extensive integration. Due to historical factors, Religious Education is taught in nearly all religiously (...)
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  23.  12
    Religious Education.Gabriel Moran - 2003 - In Randall Curren, A Companion to the Philosophy of Education. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 332–341.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The United States England Variations: National and International Conclusion of a Beginning.
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    (1 other version)Enhancing religious education through emotional and spiritual intelligence.Olivia Andrei - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):7.
    In the context of the changes and challenges of the 21st century, the main focus of education, especially religious education, is to prepare students to live purposeful and meaningful lives with well-developed analytic, emotional and spiritual abilities to assist them in achieving a life perspective that allows them to face the larger world with greater self-confidence and self-awareness. Therefore, the main objectives of the study are: to bring forward the concepts of religious education, emotional intelligence (...)
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  25.  48
    Religious education or education about religion?Joris Vlieghe - 2019 - Ethics and Education 14 (2):241-246.
    ABSTRACTIn this reply to Agbaria’s reflections on religious authority I first make a distinction between three forms of authority: theological, sociological and educational. Defending the need for a purely educational account of authority, I develop with Arendt a thing-centered approach towards education. This allows me to transcend the traditional opposition between teacher – and student-centered views in education. From this perspective I argue for making a further distinction, viz. between religious education and education about (...)
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    Deradicalising religious education: Teacher, curriculum and multiculturalism.Irham Irham, Sansan Ziaul Haq & Yudril Basith - 2020 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 15 (1):39-54.
    This articles discusses deradicalization attempts in religious educational settings. It closely examines the roots of religious radicalism and offers the deradicalisation models in religious educational institutions. The discussion contributes to the current scholarship on the role of religious education in deradicalization programs and how create an Islamic educational institution that corfims and applies principles of multiculturalism. The paper particularly addresses the roles of teacher, the curriculum aspect of learning, and the translation of multiculturalism into Islamic (...)
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  27. Religious Education, an Interpretive Approach.Robert Jackson - 1998 - British Journal of Educational Studies 46 (1):87-89.
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  28.  22
    Religious moderation in Islamic religious education textbook and implementation in Indonesia.Rohmat Mulyana - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):8.
    This study aims to investigate the concept of religious moderation in the form of values contained in Islamic religious education textbooks at the junior high school level and to analyse how these values are implemented in Bandung, West Java schools. This article employs qualitative data collection techniques, including a literature review, observation, and interviews. The study finds that the content of moderation values, such as non-violence, egalitarianism and fairness, and tolerance, aligns with the Indonesian government’s religious (...)
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  29.  28
    Is religious education possible? A reply to Roger Marples.David Attfield - 1978 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 12 (1):93–97.
    David Attfield; Is Religious Education Possible? A reply to Roger Marples, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 12, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 93–97, htt.
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  30.  37
    Is religious education possible? A rejoinder to W. D. Hudson.Tasos Kazepides - 1983 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 17 (2):259–265.
    Tasos Kazepides; Is Religious Education Possible? A rejoinder to W. D. Hudson, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 17, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages 259–26.
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    Comparative Religious Law: Judaism, Christianity, Islam.Norman Doe - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    Comparative Religious Law provides for the first time a study of the regulatory instruments of Jewish, Christian and Muslim religious organisations in Britain in light of their historical religious laws. Norman Doe questions assumptions about the pervasiveness, character and scope of religious laws, from the view that they are not or should not be recognised by civil law, to the idea that there may be a fundamental incompatibility between religious and civil law. It proposes (...)
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  32. Rethinking Religious Education and Plurality: Issues in Diversity and Pedagogy.Robert Jackson - 2005 - British Journal of Educational Studies 53 (4):484-486.
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  33.  13
    Is Religious Education Possible?: A Philosophical Investigation.Michael Hand - 2006 - London: Continuum.
    This fascinating monograph tackles a well-established problem in the philosophy of education. The problem is the threat posed to the logical possibility of non-confessional religious education by the claim that religion constitutes an autonomous language-game or form of knowledge. Defenders of this claim argue that religion cannot be understood from the outside: it is impossible to impart religious understanding unless one is also prepared to impart religious belief. Michael Hand argues for two central points: first, (...)
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  34.  62
    Religious education in a pluralist society: A Philosophical Examination 1.John Haldane - 1986 - British Journal of Educational Studies 34 (2):161-181.
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    The Right to Religious Education in Lithuania.Birutė Pranevičienė & Agnė Margevičiūtė - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (2):443-458.
    The article analyzes preconditions of realization of the right to religious education in Lithuania during the period of compulsory education. The article consists of two parts. The essence of the freedom of thought, religion and conscience and their relation to religious education is discussed in the first part. The second part of the article analyses national legal framework related to compulsory education in the light of freedom of thought, religion and conscience. The states are (...)
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    Common Religious Education Activities and Mosques in Kyrgyzstan after Independency.Bakıt Murzarai̇mov & Mustafa Köylü - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):193-211.
    Kyrgyz people lived under the control of Soviet Union for about 70 years. During this time, they were forbidden to practice any kinds of religious duties. Their religious schools and mosques were closed or used for other aims rather than religious needs. In short, all kinds of religious freedom and practices were forbidden strictly. The aim was to bring up an atheistic people during the days of Soviet Union. However, when Kyrgyz people won their independence and (...)
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    European Religious Education And European Civil Religion.Liam Gearon - 2012 - British Journal of Educational Studies 60 (2):151-169.
    This paper challenges a foundational conjecture of the Religion in Education Dialogue or Conflict (REDCo) project, that increased interest in religion in public and political life as manifested particularly in education is evidence of counter-secularisation. The paper argues that rather than representing counter-secularisation, such developments represent an emergent and secularising European civil religion facilitated through European religious education.
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    Is religious education possible?Roger Marples - 1978 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 12 (1):81–91.
    Roger Marples; Is Religious Education Possible?, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 12, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 81–91,
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    Transforming Religious Education: Beliefs and Values Under Scrutiny ‐ By Brian Gates.Alan Sears - 2009 - British Journal of Educational Studies 57 (3):333-335.
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    Religious education from a critical realist perspective: sensus fidei and critical thinking.Tone Skinningsrud - 2019 - Journal of Critical Realism 18 (2):211-216.
    Volume 18, Issue 2, April 2019, Page 211-216.
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    Religious Education for Mentally Disabled Inclusive Students: Semi-Experimental Study-Support Education Room.Teceli Karasu & Eyup Şi̇mşek - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (3):1579-1606.
    In our country, mildly mentally disabled students are being educated in general education classes by means of integration. An individualized education program (IEP) is being prepared for these students when needed. However, the impact of BEP on students with intellectual disabilities in religious education has not yet been sufficiently discussed. The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of the IEP on the achievement of religious education of mentally disabled students and the (...)
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  42.  29
    Religious Education in Kyrgyzstan Secondary Schools.Sayfullah Bazarkulov - 2023 - Dini Araştırmalar 26 (65):605-628.
    In this research, religious courses in Kyrgyzstan secondary schools were discussed. With the independence of Kyrgyzstan, the return to national, spiritual and religious values was revived. In the first year of independence, the Law on Freedom of Belief and Religious Institutions was adopted. Freedom of religion is recognized within the framework of the Law. Accordingly, the search for teaching religion lessons within general education has begun. While the first searches began to take place as a result (...)
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    Religious education: educating for diversity. By L. Philip Barnes and Andrew Davis/Edited by J. Mark Halstead.Mike Castelli - 2017 - British Journal of Educational Studies 65 (1):138-141.
  44. Religious-education in England and wales.Wo Cole - 1984 - Journal of Dharma 9 (4):330-335.
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    Religious Education: Philosophical Perspectives.Roger Straughan & John Sealey - 1986 - British Journal of Educational Studies 34 (3):277.
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    Is Religious Education Possible? By Michael Hand.Stephen Mckinney - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 45 (1):163-165.
  47.  22
    Religious Education and Critical Realism: Knowledge, Reality and Religious Literacy.Andrew Wright - 2015 - Routledge.
    _Religious Education and Critical Realism: Knowledge, Reality and Religious Literacy_ seeks to bring the enterprise of religious education in schools, colleges and universities into conversation with the philosophy of Critical Realism. This book addresses the problem, not of the substance of our primal beliefs about the ultimate nature of reality and our place in the ultimate order-of-things, but of the process through which we might attend to questions of substance in more attentive, reasonable, responsible and intelligent (...)
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    Religious Education as Social Transformation.A. J. Moore - 1990 - British Journal of Educational Studies 38 (2):195-195.
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    Church schools, religious education and the multi-ethnic community.D. N. Aspin - 1983 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 17 (2):229–240.
    D N Aspin; Church Schools, Religious Education and the Multi-ethnic Community, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 17, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages 229–24.
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  50. Religious-education in the Christian colleges in india.A. Pushparajan - 1984 - Journal of Dharma 9 (4):389-405.
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