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Jill Dieterle [3]Jill Marie Dieterle [2]
  1.  43
    Just Food: Philosophy, Justice and Food.Jill Marie Dieterle (ed.) - 2015 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This is a collection of thirteen new philosophical essays exploring the inequities in our contemporary food system. The book addresses topics including food and property, food insecurity, food deserts, food sovereignty, the gendered aspects of food injustice, food and race, and locavorism.
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    Affording Disaster: Concealed Carry on Campus.Jill Dieterle & W. John Koolage - 2014 - Public Affairs Quarterly 28 (2).
    As of March 2012, students with concealed carry permits attending public colleges and universities in the state of Colorado may carry their weapons on campus. Colorado is one of six states with legal provisions permitting guns on public campuses. An additional twenty-two states leave it up to the governing bodies of individual colleges and universities to determine their institution's gun policy, while twenty-two states ban concealed weapons on campuses. The NRA often asserts that "an armed society is a polite society." (...)
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  3. Julius Caesar and the Number 2.Jill Dieterle - 1997 - Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy 5.
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    Realism in Mathematics. Penelope Maddy. [REVIEW]Jill Dieterle & Stewart Shapiro - 1993 - Philosophy of Science 60 (4):659-660.