Results for 'José María Cigüela'

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  1. Mi adscripción a Asturias (del libro de José María Laso, de Bilbao a Oviedo pasando por el penal de Burgos).José María Laso Prieto - 2009 - El Basilisco 41:81-96.
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    MARÍA JOSÉ FALCÓN Y TELLA / FERNANDO FALCÓN Y TELLA. Punishment and Culture: A Right to Punish?.José María Carabante Muntada - 2008 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 94 (4):547-548.
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    Why the Wrongness of Killing Innocents is Not a Universal Moral Certainty.José María Ariso - 2022 - Philosophical Investigations 45 (1):58-76.
    In this paper, I argue that the certainty about the wrongness of killing must not be considered as a universal, but as a local one. Initially, I show that there exist communities in which the wrongness of killing innocents is not a moral certainty and that this kind of case cannot be justified by arguing that such people are psychopaths. Lastly, I argue that universal certainties do not admit of exceptions: thus, the fact that some exceptional cases affect the certainty (...)
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  4.  52
    Can Certainties Be Acquired at Will? Implications for Children's Assimilation of a World‐picture.José María Ariso - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (4):573-586.
    After describing Wittgenstein's notion of ‘certainty’, in this article I provide four arguments to demonstrate that no certainty can be acquired at will. Specifically, I argue that, in order to assimilate a certainty, it is irrelevant whether the individual concerned has found a ground that seemingly justifies that certainty; has a given mental state; is willing to accept the certainty on the proposal of a persuader; or tries to act according to the certainty involved. Lastly, I analyse how each of (...)
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    Teaching Children to Ignore Alternatives is—Sometimes—Necessary: Indoctrination as a Dispensable Term.José María Ariso - 2018 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 38 (4):397-410.
    Literature on indoctrination has focused on imparting and revising beliefs, but it has hardly considered the way of teaching and acquiring certainties—in Wittgenstein’s sense. Therefore, the role played by rationality in the acquisition of our linguistic practices has been overestimated. Furthermore, analyses of the relationship between certainty and indoctrination contain major errors. In this paper, the clarification of the aforementioned issues leads me to suggest the avoidance of the term ‘indoctrination’ so as to avoid focusing on the suitability of the (...)
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  6.  30
    Religious Certainty: Peculiarities and Pedagogical Considerations.José María Ariso - 2020 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (6):657-669.
    This paper presents the concept of ‘religious certainty’ I have developed by drawing inspiration from Wittgenstein’s notion of ‘certainty’. After describing the particular traits of religious certainty, this paper addresses two difficulties derived from this concept. On the one hand, it explains why religious certainty functions as such even though all its consequences are far from being absolutely clear; on the other hand, it clarifies why, unlike the rest of certainties, the loss of religious certainty does not result in the (...)
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  7.  32
    The teacher as persuader: On the application of Wittgenstein’s notion of ‘persuasion’ in educational practice.José María Ariso - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (10):1621-1630.
    Wittgenstein’s conception of ‘persuasion’, understood as the persuader’s attempt to modify the persuadee’s certainties, has been recently misinterpreted by some scholars. For Persichetti has overlooked the fact that one cannot persuade unintentionally, while Marconi and Perissinotto have not only taken for granted that persuasion consists in the mere transfer of a world-picture or set of certainties to an individual even when she has not alternative or different certainties, but also that education is restricted to persuading or transmitting certainties. After clarifying (...)
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    Learning to Believe: Challenges in Children’s Acquisition of a World-Picture in Wittgenstein’s On Certainty.José María Ariso - 2014 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 34 (3):311-325.
    Wittgenstein scholars have tended to interpret the acquisition of certainties, and by extension, of a world-picture, as the achievement of a state in which these certainties are assimilated in a seemingly unconscious way as one masters language-games. However, it has not been stressed that the attainment of this state often involves facing a series of challenges or difficulties which must be overcome for the development of the world-picture and therefore the socialization process to be achieved. After showing, on the one (...)
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    Can a culture of error be really developed in the classroom without teaching students to distinguish between errors and anomalies?José María Ariso - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (10):1030-1041.
    It is expected that children increasingly learn to identify errors throughout their schooling process and even before it. As a further step, however, some scholars have suggested how a culture of error should be implemented in the classroom for the student to be able not only to locate errors but also, and above all, to learn from them. Yet the various proposals aimed at generating a culture of error in the classroom keep regarding error as all those responses and reactions (...)
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  10.  54
    Wittgenstein and the Possibility of Inexplicably Losing Certainties.José María Ariso - 2013 - Philosophical Papers 42 (2):133-150.
    Though Wittgenstein's On Certainty has been influential in analytic epistemology, its interpretation has been enormously controversial. It is true that exegesis has been mainly concerned with the proper characterization of Wittgenstein's very notion of ?certainty?; however, some important questions remain unanswered regarding this notion. On the one hand, I am above all referring to the study of the possibilities we have of retaining a certainty when it has seemingly been placed into question and, on the other hand, of regaining a (...)
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  11.  35
    Morality in Disguise. A Response to Laves.José María Ariso - 2021 - Philosophical Investigations 45 (1):91-97.
    Philosophical Investigations, Volume 45, Issue 1, Page 91-97, January 2022.
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  12.  26
    On Why ‘Trust’ Constitutes an Appropriate Synonym for ‘Certainty’ in Wittgenstein’s Sense: What Pupils Can Learn from Its Staging.José María Ariso - 2024 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 43 (2):163-176.
    In this paper I outline the most relevant traits of the term ‘trust’ understood as one of the synonyms for ‘certainty’ that Ludwig Wittgenstein used in his posthumous work On Certainty. To this end, I analyze the paragraphs of On Certainty in which reference is made to pupils who are expected to trust what is taught by their teacher: in addition, I note that such a process is largely based on the attitude of rejection and bewilderment that teachers promote towards (...)
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  13.  20
    O que a linguagem do Terceiro Reich – como descrito por Klemperer – pode nos ensinar sobre certezas no sentido de Wittgenstein.José María Ariso - 2024 - Aufklärung 10 (3):21-36.
    Victor Klemperer (1881-1960) foi um professor alemão de línguas românicas que ficou famoso especialmente pelos escritos em que ele relatou como os nazis deformaram a língua alemã ao ponto de desenvolver o que ele chamou de “a língua do Terceiro Reich”. Neste artigo, pretendo explicar o que esta língua revela sobre certezas, compreendidas no sentido de Wittgenstein, o que, por sua vez, também pode contribuir para fornecer uma visão mais abrangente da medida em que a língua do Terceiro Reich foi (...)
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    Delusion Formation through Uncertainty and Possibility-blindness.José María Ariso - 2019 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 52:29-50.
    Algunos autores han intentado considerar los delirios como certezas –entendidas en el sentido de Wittgenstein– debido a las similitudes que parecen existir entre sus respectivos estatus epistemológicos. Sin embargo, dicho intento ha sido criticado con agudeza, entre otras razones, porque el contenido de los delirios choca frontalmente con el contenido de las certezas, por lo que los delirios no pueden ser comprendidos debido a los cambios en las relaciones de significado. Pero es evidente que, aunque los delirios no se puedan (...)
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  15. José Rubio Carracedo, "Educación moral, postmodernidad y democracia. Más allá del liberalismo y del comunitarismo".José María Rosales - 1995 - Dianoia 41 (41):244.
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    En torno a "María Teresa López de la Vieja, La pendiente resbaladiza. La práctica de la argumentación moral.".José María Rosales - 2011 - Telos: Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios Utilitaristas 18 (1):285-291.
    Wide analysis of "María Teresa López de la Vieja, La pendiente resbaladiza. La práctica de la argumentación moral . Madrid y México, D.F.: Plaza y Valdés, 2010, 288 páginas.".
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  17. Excurso: Marías y Titín. La línea clara.José María Salaverri - 2009 - In José Luis Cañas & Juan Manuel Burgos, El vuelo del Alción: El pensamiento de Julián Marías. Madrid: Páginas de Espuma.
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    La liquidez constitucional entre rigidez y flexibilidad: las cláusulas de liquidez constitucional.José María Sauca - forthcoming - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho.
    La estabilidad es una de las características centrales de una constitución, aunque su consecución trascienda los planteamientos puramente constitucionales. Los métodos institucionales que se han utilizado para, en cierta medida, intentar alcanzarla son diversos —y a veces contradictorios— según se adapten más o menos fácilmente a la demanda de cambio constitucional. Entre estos fenómenos, este trabajo formula un nuevo concepto denominado liquidez constitucional cuya utilidad radica en propiciar dimensiones de flexibilidad en constituciones rígidas. La liquidez constitucional se canaliza a través (...)
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  19.  34
    Should Business Organizations be Blind to Anomalies? On the Role of the Attributor in the Blurred Confines of Modern Error Theory.José María Ariso - 2018 - Philosophy of Management 17 (2):219-228.
    In this paper, I describe the main lines of modern error theory, a systemic theory which regards errors not as the results of someone’s negligence, but as parts of a complex system. Bearing in mind that errors must be considered as such by an observer or attributor, I expose Wittgenstein’s conception of the attributor responsible for discerning if a strange event constitutes an error or an anomaly. Subsequently, I illustrate this conception of the attributor by describing some traits of the (...)
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  20. Sermón inédito de Fr. José de Sigüenza en el aniversario de la muerte de Felipe II.José María Ozaeta - 1998 - Ciudad de Dios 211 (3):989-1004.
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    ‘They just say so!’ Second language teaching and the acquisition of certainties.José María Ariso - 2025 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 57 (2):177-185.
    Siegel claimed that teachers are obliged to provide grounds whenever demanded, as a result of which they must be able to subject to scrutiny whatever they teach. In this paper, however, and taking as a reference Wittgenstein’s On Certainty, it is shown that such a demand cannot work for second language teachers because their main task consists in transmitting ungrounded certainties. To clarify this point, I begin by presenting Wittgenstein’s conception of ‘certainty’, and explaining why I think he was right (...)
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    Pensar y hablar.José María Valverde - 1995 - Isegoría 11:5-41.
    José María Valverde, al repasar su relación personal con la filosofía recuerda como experiencia decisiva para toda su vida intelectual la toma de conciencia de que el pensar y el hablar son una sola cosa. Esto le parece la gran cuestión para la filosofía del siglo XX pero, aunque algunos pensadores la hayan asumido, mejor o peor. no son pocos los que la eluden, quizá porque desde tal perspectiva hay riesgo de ver la filosofía como algo imposible o como «abuso (...)
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  23.  10
    En Torno a la Inteligibilidad de España: Ortega y Marías.José María Atencia Páez - 2014 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 10:15-38.
    En el presente texto se intenta presentar una visión ordenada de la evolución de la pregunta de si es España una nación, y en caso de ser la respuesta afirmativa, si ha sido una nación normal y si es su historia la historia de una decadencia. La preocupación por el tema de “España como problema” se remonta al siglo XVII y llega a nuestros días. Nos detendremos especialmente en las tesis al respecto de Ortega y Gasset y su discípulo Julián (...)
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    Butterfly wings: the evolution of development of colour patterns.José María Frade & Yves-Alain Barde - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (5):391-401.
    The diversity in colour patterns on butterfly wings provides great potential for understanding how developmental mechanisms may be modulated in the evolution of adaptive traits. In particular, we discuss concentric eyespot patterns, which have been shown by surgical experiments to be formed in response to signals from a central focus. Seasonal polyphenism shows how alternate phenotypes can develop through environmental sensitivity mediated by ecdysteroid hormones, whereas artificial selection and single gene mutants demonstrate genetic variation influencing the number, shape, size, position, (...)
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  25. La Prudencia en el Tratado Sobre José de Filón de Alejandría.José María Zamora Calvo - 2003 - Revista Agustiniana 44 (135):623-642.
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    Autobiografía apócrifa de José Ortega y Gasset.José María Carrascal - 2010 - Madrid: Marcial Pons Historia.
    Este libro nos presenta un «Ortega desde dentro», es decir, no como él había observado a Goethe, con catalejo, sino reconstruido a base de sus testimonios personales esparcidos en artículos, libros, cartas, clases y conferencias, a los que habría que sumar los que sobre él dejaron familiares, colaboradores, discípulos, amigos y enemigos. Estamos pues ante una biografía con ropaje autobiográfico, no sólo de su persona, sino también de su obra, íntimamente unidas a la España de la primera mitad del siglo (...)
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  27. Tres sermones inéditos del P. Fr. José de Sigüenza en honor de S. Lorenzo.José María Ozaeta - 2006 - Ciudad de Dios 219 (1):153-183.
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  28. El cristianismo en la cultura española según Marías.José María Atencia - 2009 - In José Luis Cañas & Juan Manuel Burgos, El vuelo del Alción: El pensamiento de Julián Marías. Madrid: Páginas de Espuma.
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  29. La relación filial-esponsal de María con Dios Padre.José María de Miguel González - 2005 - Salmanticensis 52 (3):529-557.
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    "O Virgo, templum Dei sanctum". Simbolismo del templo en imágenes de la Virgen María en los siglos XIV-XV según exégesis patrísticas y teológicas.José María Salvador González - 2017 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 22:359-398.
    Among the elements which have gradually been complicating the countless representations of the Virgin Mary throughout history, this paper seeks to highlight and interpret conceptually one of special doctrinal significance in some Marian images during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries: the temple, in whose interior some artists place some actual or symbolic episodes of Mary, from her birth or her Annunciation to the Sacra Conversazione, to give a few examples. Even though at first sight it looks as a mere scenographic (...)
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    La relación filial-esponsal de María con Dios Padre: perspectiva bíblica, teológica y litúrgica.José María de Miguel - 2005 - Salmanticensis 3:529-557.
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  32. Cenas Hora Europea. Ambito de Investigación y Difusión "María Corral". Curso 1988-1989 María Corral.José María Vegas - 1989 - Diálogo Filosófico 15:427-428.
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    Hegel on Spinozism and the Beginning of Philosophy.José María Sánchez Serrano - 2021 - In Yitzhak Y. Melamed, A Companion to Spinoza. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 548–556.
    Hegel's main criticisms of Spinoza are well‐known both among Spinoza and Hegel scholars. The role of Spinozism in Hegel's conception of philosophy turns out to be significantly more crucial than the rest of philosophies. This chapter argues that Spinoza's acosmism constitutes for Hegel the necessary condition for the rise and development of philosophy, and hence for the realization of human freedom, insofar as philosophy is the highest form of human freedom. It outlines the general conception of philosophy behind Hegel's statement (...)
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    Crítica de libros.José A. Zamora, Antonio Casado da Rocha, Jorge Riechmann, Adrián Almazán, Carmen Madorrán Ayerra, Javier Romero Muñoz, Fernando Arribas Herguedas, Javier Cigüela Sola, Alfredo Saldaña Sagredo, Clara Navarro Ruiz, Cristopher Morales, Manuel Toscano, Roberto Navarrete Alonso & Ignacio Castro - 2016 - Isegoría 55:707-766.
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    Enciclopedia de las ciencias físicas. Pasajes escogidos de Vicente de Beauvais.José María Felipe Mendoza - 2023 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 14 (1):149-189.
    Traducción, selección y estudio preliminar José María Felipe Mendoza * Edición bilingüe. Se recomienda descargar el PDF para visualizar mejor la traducción y el original en paralelo.
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    Plutarch's Lysander and Sulla: Integrated Characters in Roman Historical Perspective.José María Candau Morón - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (3):453-478.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 121.3 (2000) 453-478 [Access article in PDF] Plutarch's Lysander and Sulla: Integrated Characters in Roman Historical Perspective José María Candau Morón The term ritratto paradossale has been used to describe a formula of character portrayal seen in Latin literature of the first centuries B.C. and A.D. whose basic process consists in combining in one character apparently contradictory traits (La Penna 1976). To be precise, the (...)
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    Presentacón - Minga-Mutirão de Revistas de Teología latinoamericanas - A los 40 años de la Teología de la Liberación: balance y futuro.José Maria Vigil - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (32):1670-1673.
    Índice del número colectivo Minga-Mutirão de Revistas Latinoamericanas de Teología 2013, «A los 40 años de la Teología de la Liberación: balance y futuro» VIGIL, José Maria. Presentación . BARROS, Marcelo; VIGIL, José Maria. Anunciaron su muerte, ¡pero está bien viva! Teología de la Liberación 40 años: balance y perspectivas . SUSIN, Luiz Carlos, Secretario Executivo do Foro Mundial de Teologia e Libertação, Porto Alegre, Brasil, Teologia da Libertação: de onde viemos, para onde vamos? ALMEIDA, Antonio José de , Teologia (...)
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    Deliberación, deferencia y Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. El caso Gelman vs Uruguay.José María Sauca Cano - 2021 - Araucaria 23 (46).
    The Gelman case entails the conviction of Uruguay for violation of the rights to recognition of legal personality, to life, to personal integrity and to personal liberty; to the family, to the name, to the rights of children and to nationality, to the protection of the family, to judicial guarantees and judicial protection and has failed to comply with the obligation to adapt its domestic law to the American Convention on Human Rights. Protected by the democratic legitimacy of the referendums (...)
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  39. Pacto privado feudal y estructura pública en la organización del poder político en la alta Edad Media.José María Minguez - 2007 - Res Publica. Murcia 17.
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  40. Voluntad de mediodía y lealtad a lo real. Un autorretrato comentado de J. Ortega y Gasset.José María Atencia - 2002 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 7:35.
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    Unbegründeter Glaube bei Wittgenstein und Ortega y Gasset. Ähnliche Antworten auf unterschiedliche Probleme.José María Ariso - 2011 - Wittgenstein-Studien 2 (1):219-248.
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    División, objeto y abstracción de las ciencias especulativas según Francisco Suárez.José María Felipe Mendoza - 2019 - Patristica Et Medievalia 40 (2):45-63.
    Durante los últimos decenios del siglo XX la filosofía de Francisco Suárez fue considerada parte integrante de un movimiento escolástico comúnmente mencionado como escuela tomista. La perspectiva de abordaje, según el mote impuesto, colocaba la posición especulativa del Dr. Eximio más próxima al dominico Tomás de Aquino de acuerdo con los siguientes matices: a. en el ámbito epistémico la figura del Aquinate eclipsaba ampliamente aquella de Suárez, promoviendo una auténtica desconsideración de sus tesis originales; b. el jesuita español fundaba, igual (...)
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    The Death of the Heavens: Crescas and Spinoza on the Uniformity of the World.José María Sánchez de León Serrano - 2024 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (1):183-194.
    El artículo examina el papel de Crescas y Spinoza en la transición de la concepción medieval a la concepción moderna del universo. Crescas es presentado como ejemplo ilustrativo de la tensión entre aristotelismo y religión revelada y de cómo esta última provoca la disolución del aquel, allanando así el camino a la concepción moderna del universo. A continuación, se muestra cómo la concepción moderna se plasma en el pensamiento de Spinoza, el cual radicaliza algunos de sus rasgos definitorios. Esta radicalización (...)
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    La recepción de la Teoría Crítica en España.José María Mardones - 1990 - Isegoría 1:139-150.
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    Francisco Suárez, metafísica y conocimiento a priori.José María Felipe Mendoza - 2024 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 91:53-68.
    This research pursues the proper meaning of the expression a priori in the first treatise of Francisco Suarez's Disputationes Metaphysicae. There, the term seems to keep the connotation of universality and independence of experience, valid mainly for Metaphysical Science. Moreover, the expression a priori is used as an adjective of the first principles par excellence. According to this, Dr. Eximious includes brief considerations on formal abstraction, causality, and the consequent relation of Metaphysics with the other sciences under the name of (...)
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    "Per aurem intrat Christus in Mariam". Aproximación iconográfica a la "conceptio per aurem" en la pintura italiana del Trecento desde fuentes patrísticas y teológicas.José María Salvador González - 2015 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 20:193-230.
    La tesis mariológica de la conceptio per aurem, según la cual la Virgen María habría concebido a Jesucristo por el oído en el momento de escuchar del ángel el mensaje celestial anunciándole que, sin perder su virginidad, sería madre del Hijo de Dios encarnado, ha merecido hasta ahora muy pocos estudios académicos rigurosamente fundados en fuentes primarias. De hecho, en la literatura especializada son muy escasas las referencias a tal teoría y, cuando algún estudioso la evoca, casi siempre se contenta (...)
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  47. La influencia sobre Wittgenstein de la obra de Weininger "Über die letzten Dinge".José María Ariso - 2007 - Anuario Filosófico 40 (90):599-621.
    After making reference to the socio-cultural context of fin-desiècle Vienna —in which Otto Weininiger’s work appears— I describe in this paper the main characteristics of the influence that Weininger’s Über die letzten Dinge had on Ludwig Wittgenstein. I deal specifically with the way Wittgenstein’s work reflects Weininger’s remarks on criminality, animality, and madness.
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    SOLANES CORELLA, Ángeles (Dir.): Dinámicas racistas y prácticas discriminatorias.José María Garrán Martínez - 2024 - Anuario de Filosofía Del Derecho 39.
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    Is Critical Thinking Particularly Necessary when Using Augmented Reality in Knowledge Society? An Introductory Paradox.José María Ariso - 2017 - In José María Ariso, Augmented Reality: Reflections on its Contribution to Knowledge Formation. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 3-22.
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    Una aproximación a la presencia de las Órdenes Mendicantes enel reino de Sevilla durante la Edad Media. Elenco de Fundaciones.José María Miura Andrades - 2024 - Isidorianum 4 (8):155-194.
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