Results for 'Joseph Al-Obaidi'

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  1.  30
    Al-Sarrāj's Maṣariʿ al-ʿUshshāq: A Ḥanbalite Work?Al-Sarraj's Masari al-Ushshaq: A Hanbalite Work?Joseph Norment Bell, Al-Sarrāj & Al-Sarraj - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (2):235.
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  2. Sefer Imre binah: ha-shalem: ḥidot u-fitronim, hen be-divre Torah ṿe-hen be-mile de-ʻalma... ; remazim be-shemot ha-ḳodesh ṿe-ʻeser sefirot ; 18 sheʼelot u-teshuvot śikhliyot ṿe-niflaʼot ; u-shete derashot ʻal ḥinukh Bet Midrash Talmud Torah.Joseph Ḥayyim ben Elijah al-Ḥakam - 2018 - Yerushalayim: Yeshuʻah ben Daṿid Salim. Edited by Yosef Ḥayim ben ʻOvadyah Mizraḥi, Yeshuʻah ben Daṿid Salim & Joseph Ḥayyim ben Elijah al-Ḥakam.
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  3. Sefer Mashal ṿe-nimshal: ṿe-hu yalḳut ha-mekhil be-ḳirbo kamah meshalim, ʻim haḳdamotehen ʻal pi ha-pesuḳim o ha-midrashim asher luḳṭu mi-ben sefaraṿ ha-rabim..Joseph Ḥayyim ben Elijah al-Ḥakam - 1995 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon ʻAṭeret Aharon. Edited by Ben-Tsiyon Mordekhai Ḥazan.
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  4. [no title].Ismael Al-Amoudi & Joseph O'Mahoney - 2015
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    Ontology: philosophical discussions and implications for organization studies.Ismael Al-Amoudi & Joseph O'Mahoney - 2015 - In Ismael Al-Amoudi & Joseph O'Mahoney, [no title].
    This chapter discusses the import of philosophical discussions of ontology for organisational studies. It analyses the ontological presuppositions of positivism that still permeate much of sociology and organisational studies. These ontological presuppositions are then discussed from philosophical perspectives that propose or presuppose different ontologies: interpretivism; Heideggerian ontology; negative ontology and realism. The chapter then traces how these philosophical debates are reflected and extended in the field of organisational studies. The following approaches are discussed: positivism, Marxism, critical realism, post-foundational approaches, actor (...)
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  6. Sefer Imre binah: nikhlal bo arbaʻah peraḳim.Joseph Ḥayyim ben Elijah al-Ḥakam - 1996 - Yerushalayim: Śiaḥ Yiśraʼel.
    pereḳ 1. ʻOśeh fele -- pereḳ 2. Ḥidud be-divre Torah -- pereḳ 3. Ḥidud be-mile de-ʻalma -- pereḳ 4. Ḳetsat shut śikhliyot ṿe-ʻimahem shene derushim le-midrash Talmud Torah.
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  7. Sefer Mayim Ḥayim: divre musar: be-darkhe ha-teshuvah ṿeha-yirʼah uve-ḳinyan ha-midot..Joseph Ḥayyim ben Elijah al-Ḥakam - 2015 - Yerushalayim: Yeshuʻah ben Daṿid Salim. Edited by Yosef Ḥayim ben ʻOvadyah Mizraḥi, Yosef Yeshaʻyah Daiṭsh, Yeshuʻah ben Daṿid Salim & Joseph Ḥayyim ben Elijah al-Ḥakam.
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  8. Sefer Otsrot Ḥayim: leḳeṭ amarim be-khol miḳtsoʻot ha-Torah, sedurim lefi nośʼim ṿa-ʻarakhim: Yosher ha-midot.Joseph Ḥayyim ben Elijah al-Ḥakam - 1998 - Yerushala[y]im: Makhon le-hotsaʼat sefarim ṿe-khitve-yad "Ahavat-shalom".
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  9. Sefer Otsrot Ḥayim: mitsṿot: leḳeṭ amarim be-khol miḳtsoʻot ha-Torah, sedurim lefi nośʼim ṿa-ʻarakhim.Joseph Ḥayyim ben Elijah al-Ḥakam - 1990 - Yerushala[y]im: Makhon le-hotsaʼat sefarim ṿe-khitve-yad "Ahavat-shalom". Edited by G. Y..
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    1. Immanenzphilosophie als Ontologie : Joseph Rouse.Joseph Rouse - 2018 - In Kaja Tulatz, Epistemologie Als Reflexion Wissenschaftlicher Praxen: Epistemische Räume Im Ausgang von Gaston Bachelard, Louis Althusser Und Joseph Rouse. Transcript Verlag. pp. 111-174.
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  11. Buch der Ringsteine Alf'r'bis Neu Bearbeitet Und Mit Auszügen Aus Dem Kommentar des Emir Ismail El F'r'nî Erläutert. 1. Teil: Einleitung Und Übersetzung von Max Horten.Isma'il Ibn Al-Husayn Farabi, Max Joseph Heinrich Farani & Horten - 1904 - Aschendorff.
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    Historia, memoria futuri: mélanges Louis Vereecke (70e anniversaire de naissance).Louis Vereecke, Réal Tremblay & Dennis Joseph Billy (eds.) - 1991 - Roma: Editiones Academiae Alphonsianae.
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    Maimonides' Treatise on Logic: Makalah Fi-Sina-at Al-Mantik.Moses Maimonides, Israel Efros, Joseph ben Joshua Moses ibn Tibbon, Ahitub ben Isaac & Ibn Vives al-Lorqui - 2011 - New York, NY, USA: American Academy for Jewish Research.
    Text Is In English, Hebrew And Arabic. American Academy For Jewish Research, Proceedings, V8, 1937-1938.
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    (1 other version)Ethical judgments and intentions: A multinational study of marketing professionals.Scott J. Vitell, Aysen Bakir, Joseph G. P. Paolillo, Encarnacion Ramos Hidalgo, Jamal Al-Khatib & Mohammed Y. A. Rawwas - 2003 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 12 (2):151–171.
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    Schellings Philosophie des ewigen Angfangs: die Natur als Quelle der Geschichte.Joseph P. Lawrence - 1989 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  16. ʻAl shitat ha-madaʻ.Joseph Solomon Bentwich - 1954 - [Tel-Aviv]:
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  17. ʻAl ha-ḳedushah: dat, musar u-misṭiḳah ba-Yahadut uve-datot aḥerot.Joseph Dan - 1998 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit.
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  18. al-Insān al-ḥadīth: dirāsah fī mazājuh wa-qaḍāyāh.Joseph Wood Krutch - 1965 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Kātib al-ʻArabī. Edited by Bakr ʻAbbās.
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  19. Aḥmad al-Ghazali, remembrance, and the metaphysics of love.Joseph E. B. Lumbard - 2016 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    Why study Aḥmad al-Ghazali -- Initiatic influence -- Literary influence -- Studies on Aḥmad al-Ghazali -- The goal of this book -- Sources for the Aḥmad al-Ghazali tradition -- The life and times of Aḥmad al-Ghazali -- Aḥmad al-Ghazali's spiritual practice -- The roots of Aḥmad al-Ghazali's teachings -- Aḥmad al-Ghazali's metaphysics of love -- Conclusion.
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    Dichter als Boten der Menschlichkeit: literarische Leuchttürme im Chaos des Nebels unserer Zeit.Joseph P. Strelka - 2010 - Tübingen: Francke.
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    Wallfahrt als Glaubensentwicklung: Wandlung und Festigung.Joseph Z. T. Pieper & Marinus H. F. Van Uden - 1992 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 20 (1):270-283.
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    Ägypten als Reichsprovinz im Wandel der Jahrtausende.Joseph Vogt - 1938 - Klio 31 (1):301-312.
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    (2 other versions)Proposiciones relativas al Porvenir de la Filosofia.Joseph Louis Perrier - 1919 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 87 (7):332-334.
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    The just prince: a manual of leadership: including an authoritative English translation of the Sulwan al-Mutaʻ fi ʻUdwan al-Atba by Muhammad ibn Zafar al-Siqilli (consolation for the ruler during the hostility of subjects).Joseph A. Kechichian - 2003 - London: Saqi. Edited by R. Hrair Dekmejian, Ibn Ẓafar & Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd Allāh.
    The Sulwan al-Muta' is an 800 year-old handbook for statesmen written by a Sicilian Arab who addressed this advice for a "just prince" based on Islamic morality, European realism and a broad-ranging knowledge of different cultures. The work is explicated using straight philosophical discourse as well as the narrative whirl of fables-within-fables so beloved of ancient and mediaeval Oriental literature. This is a work of practical political philosophy that combines penetrating contemporary analysis, the entertainment value of The Thousand and One (...)
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    Spiegelpaleis Europa: Europese cultuur als mythe en beeldvorming.Joseph Th Leerssen - 2011 - Nijmegen: Uitgeverij Vantilt.
    Essays over de beeldvorming rondom het fenomeen 'Europa' door de eeuwen heen.
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    Un Vistazo al futuro del Pragmatismo.Joseph Margolis - 2011 - A Parte Rei 74:3.
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  27. Die Idee der Bewegung als geistesgeschichtliche Erfahrung.Joseph Meurers - 1954 - Philosophia Naturalis 3:447.
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    De la modernidad al reino de la doxa.Joseph Moreau - 1986 - Anuario Filosófico 19 (2):61-72.
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  29. (1 other version)Tsafnat paʻneaḥ: ʻal ha-Rambam Hilkhot isure biʼah.Joseph Rosen - 2015 - Yerushalayim: [Avraham Ben Shimʻon]. Edited by Avraham Ben Shimʻon.
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  30. Sefer Divre zikaron: ʻal Yoreh deʻah: shene ḥalaḳim.Joseph Stadthagen - 1705 - [Israel?: Ḥ. Mo. L..
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  31. Are ‘counter-intuitive’ deontological judgments really counter-intuitive? An empirical reply to Kahane et al.\ (2012).Joseph Paxton, Tommaso Bruni & Joshua Greene - 2013 - Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 9 (9):1368–71.
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    Bioethics and the Power Asymmetry Contextualizing Experience.Joseph A. Stramondo - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (1):1-3.
    In “Bioethics and the Moral Authority of Experience,” Nelson et al. explore what they refer to as “The Paradox of Experience.” The authors characterize this paradox formally as follows:(A) Personal...
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  33.  19
    La garantía constitucional y la aplicación práctica del derecho individual de libertad religiosa, así como de la libertad de las Iglesias al amparo de la Ley Fundamental en la R. F. de Alemania.Joseph Listl - 1978 - Salmanticensis 25 (2):177-189.
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    Early Maliki Law: Ibn Abd al-Hakam and His Major Compendium of Jurisprudence.Joseph Lowry & Jonathan E. Brockopp - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (1):91.
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    The First Islamic Legal Theory: Ibn al-Muqaffaʿ on interpretation, authority, and the structure of the law.Joseph E. Lowry - 2008 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 128 (1):25-40.
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  36. Ḥinukh shel petiḥut mi-meḳorot ha-Yahadut: ʻal beʻayat ha-indoḳṭrinatsyah ba-ḥinukh.Joseph Shapira - 2003 - Yerushalayim: ha-Mikhlalah ha-aḳademit ha-datit le-ḥinukh al shem R. A.M. Lifshits.
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    Human–Autonomy Teaming: Definitions, Debates, and Directions.Joseph B. Lyons, Katia Sycara, Michael Lewis & August Capiola - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:589585.
    Researchers are beginning to transition from studying human–automation interaction to human–autonomy teaming. This distinction has been highlighted in recent literature, and theoretical reasons why the psychological experience of humans interacting with autonomy may vary and affect subsequent collaboration outcomes are beginning to emerge (de Visser et al., 2018;Wynne and Lyons, 2018). In this review, we do a deep dive into human–autonomy teams (HATs) by explaining the differences between automation and autonomy and by reviewing the domain of human–human teaming to make (...)
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    The Great Asian Religions.Lois Rothenheber, Wing-Tsit Chan, Isma'īl Rāgī Al Fārūqī, Joseph M. Kitagawa, P. T. Raju & Isma'il Ragi Al Faruqi - 1970 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 90 (4):603.
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  39. An Obligation to Help?Sarah Smolyansky, John H. Adams, May F. Affre, Jaafar Al Fakih, Haider S. Albassam, Daniel O. Asparouhov, Jessica A. Dudley, Joseph Rodriguez & Lauren Ross - unknown
    Is helping those whose subsistence needs are not meet a matter of charity or an obligation? What role should ordinary citizens of developed nations play? In a globalized world, the causes, connections, and responsibilities become complicated. Agriculture subsidies that keep food prices low for many in relatively rich countries may, for example, negatively impact poor farmers in developing countries. Students in Ethics/Philosophy 352 report on their project examining whether, and to what extent, a true obligation to aid exists.
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    Praying as a Form of Religious Coping in Dutch Highly Educated Muslim Women of Moroccan Descent.Joseph Z. T. Pieper, Marinus H. F. van Uden & Leonie van der Valk - 2018 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 40 (2-3):141-162.
    This article addresses the research question: “How do Dutch highly educated Muslim women of Moroccan descent use prayer in dealing with problems?” The theoretical framework was mainly based on the work of Pargament et al. regarding religious coping. The empirical part of the study consisted of a quantitative and a qualitative part. This article presents results of the quantitative part. For the quantitative part of our research, 177 questionnaires were collected using snowball sampling. We asked respondents about their praying practices (...)
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    Implicit Fuzzy Specifications, Inferior to Explicit Balancing.Joseph P. DeMarco, Paul J. Ford & Susannah L. Rose - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (7):21-23.
    Lukas J. Meier et al. offer the promise of a pathway for resolving clinical bioethical problems using an artificial intelligence interface. The ultimate goal, we assume, is...
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  42. Milot Ha-Higayon ...Bi-Mekoro Ha- Arvi Uve-Targume Ibn Tibon, Ahitov U-Vivas, Arukh...U-Meturgam Anglit Al Yede Yi Sra El Efrat.Moses Maimonides, Israel Efros, Mosheh Ibn Tibon, Joseph ben Joshua Ahitub ben Isaac & Ibn Vives al-Lorqui - 1938 - Ha-Akademyah Ha-Amerikanit le-Mada E Ha-Yahadut.
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    Hiermit trete ich aus der Kunst aus: Vorträge, Aufzeichnungen, Gespräche.Joseph Beuys - 2021 - Hamburg: Edition Nautilus ;. Edited by Wolfgang Storch.
    Das heftig diskutierte Werk Joseph Beuys? ist eines der einflussreichsten des 20. Jahrhunderts. Sein schöpferischer Reichtum umfasst bildnerische, philosophische und politische Aspekte. Die Aufzeichnungen, Gespräche und Vorträge von Joseph Beuys gehören zu seinem Werk wie seine Zeichnungen, Installationen und Aktionen. Sein bildnerisches Werk konfrontiert mit Rätseln, die nach dem Menschen fragen. Durch deren Aufschlüsseln sucht er ein Denken zu provozieren, das in Intuition umschlägt. Sie setzt kreative Kräfte frei, eine innere Freiheit, durch die der Einzelne auf eine Transformation (...)
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  44. Probabilistic Justification Logic.Joseph Lurie - 2018 - Philosophies 3 (1):2.
    Justification logics are constructive analogues of modal logics. They are often used as epistemic logics, particularly as models of evidentialist justification. However, in this role, justification (and modal) logics are defective insofar as they represent justification with a necessity-like operator, whereas actual evidentialist justification is usually probabilistic. This paper first examines and rejects extant candidates for solving this problem: Milnikel’s Logic of Uncertain Justifications, Ghari’s Hájek–Pavelka-Style Justification Logics and a version of probabilistic justification logic developed by Kokkinis et al. It (...)
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    The Summa Contra Gentiles Reconsidered: On the Contribution of the de Trinitate of Hilary of Poitiers.Joseph Wawrykow - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (4):617-634.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE SUMMA CONTRA GENTILES RECONSIDERED: ON THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE DE TRINITATE OF HILARY OF POITIERS JOSEPH WAWRYKOW University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana 0 NE OF THE most difficult and puzzling of Aquinas's works, the Summa contra Gentiles, has occasioned much controversy among scholars.1 Who are the gentiles against whom Thomas is writing? Is the work principally philosophical or theological in character? Why has Thomas delayed (...)
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    Disability or end-of-life? Competing narratives in bioethics.Joseph Kaufert & Thomas Koch - 2003 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 24 (6):459-469.
    Bioethics, and indeed much ethicalwriting generally, makes its point throughnarratives. The religious parable no less thanthe medical teaching case uses a simple storyto describe appropriate action or theapplication of a critical principle. Whilepowerful, the telling story has limits. In thispaper the authors describe a simple teachingcase on ``end-of-life'' decision making that wasill received by its audience. The authors ill-receivedexample, involving the disconnection ofventilation in a patient with ALS (Lou Gherig'sDisease) was critiqued by audience members withlong-term experience as ventilation users. Inthis (...)
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  47. Sihot Al Ha-Filosofyah Shel Ha-Mada.Yeshayahu Leibowitz, Joseph Agassi & Chemi Ben-Noon - 1996
  48. ʻAl ha-yaḥas she-ben ketavaṿ ha-filosofiyim ṿeha-historiyim shel Yum.Joseph Grünfeld - 1959 - [Jerusalem]: [S.N.].
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  49. al-Taṣānīf al-mansūbah ilā faylasūf al-ʻArab.Richard Joseph McCarthy - 1962
  50. Wahrheit als Problem.Joseph Möller - 1971 - München: Wewel.
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