Results for 'Joseph Barrère'

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    Estienne de La Boëtie contre Nicolas Machiavel.Joseph Barrère - 1908 - Bordeaux,: A. Mollat.
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    Alguns aspectos da compreensão hegeliana do ceticismo antigo a partir da crítica ao ceticismo de Gottlob Ernst Schulze.Luiz Fernando Barrére Martin - 2007 - Dois Pontos 4 (2).
    Normal 0 21 In 1802 Hegel publishes in Jena “On the Relationship of Skepticism to Philosophy”. This article has the objective of criticizing the skepticism of Gottlob Ernst Schulze. The accomplishment of that critic will demand from Hegel the review of some fundamental aspects of the ancient skepticism. It treats here of reconsidering Hegel’s interpretation of the ancient skepticism, starting from that critic to the modern skepticism of Schulze.
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    (1 other version)Des foires-musées aux musées du marché.Patrick Barrer - 2011 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 61 (3):, [ p.].
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    Makoto Itoh, La crise mondiale. Théorie et pratique. Études et Documentation Internationales, 1987.Christian Barrère - 1987 - Actuel Marx 2:95.
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    Penser le marché.Christian Barrère - 1991 - Actuel Marx 9:52-75.
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  6. La modernité et l'imaginaire de la mobilité : 'inflexion contemporaine.Anne Barrère & Danilo Martuccelli - 2003 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 1 (1):55-79.
    En partant de quelques transformations sociétales majeures, et en s’appuyant sur la fiction romanesque française, l’article dessine deux grandes constellations imaginaires de la mobilité dans la modernité. La première associe le but du déplacement, l’existence d’un ailleurs, le goût de l’aventure, l’attitude de départ actif et le rôle de la mobilité comme logique de pouvoir. La deuxième, souvent en résonance avec les items précédents, souligne plutôt l’exigence de la mobilité pour la mobilité, la fin de l’idée de dehors, l’impératif de (...)
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    First time description of dismantling phenomenon.Laurence Barrer & Guy Gimenez - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Hegel e a contradição na natureza.Luiz Fernando Barrére Martin - 2015 - Doispontos 12 (2).
    A contradição é um conceito central para que se compreenda o desenvolvimento dialético da filosofia de Hegel. Desde a Antiguidade é debatido pelos filósofos se a contradição seria ou não uma anomalia a ser combatida quando se pensa na possibilidade da constituição de um discurso acerca das coisas e qual o seu alcance. No que se refere a Hegel, a contradição não está presente apenas no domínio dos conceitos, mas também na natureza. O que pretendemos aqui é apreender o significado (...)
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    Heritage as a basis for creativity in creative industries: the case of taste industries.Christian Barrère - 2013 - Mind and Society 12 (1):167-176.
    The aim of this paper is to focus on the specificities of the creative processes in taste industries: industries that have connected the artistic and industrial dimensions to supply goods and services—demand for which derives not from the logic of needs and necessity, but from the logic of pleasures, tastes, ethic preferences and hedonism. These taste industries belong to the creative industries but, unlike scientific and technological production, they work not on the basis of cumulative knowledge but through the creation (...)
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    Les analyses marxistes de l'économie capitaliste.Christian Barrère - 1988 - Actuel Marx 4 (1):24.
    This text is a survey of main Marxist conceptions of contemporary capitalism. Is shows that, if Marxist problemacy is a fructuous one, the implicit model in Capital is radically insufficient as a foundation for today capitalism's analysis.
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    L'éducation à l'épreuve des activités juvéniles : de nouveaux défis professionnels.Anne Barrère - 2013 - Revue Phronesis 2 (2):4-13.
    Résumé. : L’article s’interroge sur la manière dont l’institution scolaire est aujourd’hui mise en question dans son projet de formation par les activités juvéniles, dans une sphère extrascolaire où ils jouissent d’une grande autonomie. Ces activités électives (numériques, musicales, sportives…) réalisent une éducation informelle où les adolescents forgent leur caractère, alors même que l’école n’a plus de modèle lisible de projet éducatif. À partir d’une enquête qualitative réalisée auprès d’une centaine d’adolescents français, on dégagera différentes épreuves qui forment les adolescents (...)
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    Le système judiciaire entre ordre marchand et ordre républicain: Le droit contre le droit.Christian Barrère - 1997 - Actuel Marx 21:75-98.
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    Pour une théorie critique des droits de propriété: Critique de la propriété.Christian Barrère - 2001 - Actuel Marx 29 (1):11-44.
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  14. A crítica de Hegel a Kant em Crença e saber: entre a subjetividade do conhecimento e a autêntica especulação filosófica.Luiz Fernando Barrére Martin - forthcoming - Kant E-Prints:51-74.
    Para que se compreenda a crítica de Hegel a Kant em _Crença e saber_, artigo publicado pelo filósofo no _Jornal Crítico de Filosofia_, editado em conjunto com Schelling, retomaremos inicialmente no escrito sobre a _Diferença_ o primeiro esboço da exposição hegeliana daquilo que pare ele constitui a tarefa filosófica, de modo que ela dê conta das cisões originadas pela cultura filosófica moderna. O ponto de vista filosófico de Hegel no artigo está apoiado nesse texto. A seguir, reconstituiremos o contexto da (...)
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    Niilismo e crença no diálogo David Hume de Jacobi.Luiz Fernando Barrére Martin - 2020 - Discurso 50 (2):133-146.
    Podemos afirmar de modo fundamental que a crítica de Jacobi à filosofia deriva de seu afastamento do sensível em direção à constituição de verdades cada vez mais abstratas e passíveis de demonstração. Com isso a filosofia apenas conseguiu gerar disputas a respeito do que ela seja, sem conseguir demonstrar qual posição filosófica deu conta da tarefa e que terminam por levar à perda de confiança no empreendimento, ou em outras palavras, levar ao ceticismo. Trata-se aqui de, sem desconsiderar a influência (...)
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    (1 other version)Vermittlung versus Unmittelbarkeit: Die Kritik des Unmittelbaren Wissens in der Enzyklopädie der Philosophischen Wissenschaften.Luiz Fernando Barrére Martin - 2019 - Hegel Jahrbuch 2019 (1):130-136.
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    (1 other version)Monismo metodológico Y dualismo analítico, teórico Y semiótico en la filosofía Del derecho.Unzuita María Ángeles Barrere - 1988 - Theoria 4 (1):163-176.
    In this paper, a series of observations have been made on the pecularities originated by the Theory of Law as an autonomous subject within the wider framework of the Philosophy of Law. The object of these observations is not, however, the Theory of Law in genere but the Theory of Law as understood and defended by some Italian Philosophers of Law of the so-called ‘Bobbio School’. As a result of this examination, it can be seen how a methodological approach to (...)
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  18. Aspects économiques et sociaux du progrès technique et de la recherche scientifique.P. Auger, A. Barrère, E. Hirsch, P. Piganiol, M. Ponte & C. Thibault - 1965 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 20 (2):214-214.
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    Conceito, negatividade dialética e realidade na lógica hegeliana.Luiz Fernando Barrére Martin - 2025 - Dois Pontos 21 (3).
    Trata-se neste artigo de apresentar a noção de conceito hegeliana de modo a afastar compreensões equivocadas e arraigadas. Na primeira parte apresento a discussão hegeliana sobre o que é o filosofar na Introdução da Enciclopédia das Ciências Filosóficas e como a transposição de representações para o plano conceitual. Na segunda parte, trato da categoria de contradição na Lógica da Essência, fundamental para que se compreenda o conceito especulativo de conceito. Na terceira parte, abordo o conceito hegeliano de conceito tal como (...)
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    Subordiscriminación y Discriminación Interseccional: Elementos Para Una Teoría Del Derecho Antidiscriminatorio.M. ª Ángeles Barrère Unzueta & Dolores Morondo Taramundi - 2013 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 45:15-42.
    Este trabajo se inscribe en una revisión in progress del Derecho antidiscriminatorio moderno que las autoras vienen efectuando desde hace más de tres lustros. En la primera parte del mismo se examinan los textos de una f ilósofa política y de dos juristas esta- dounidenses (I. M. Young, C. A. MacKinnon y K. Crensahw) que inspiran la propuesta de un concepto de discriminación y de una visión de la interseccionalidad basados en el reconocimiento de los sistemas de opresión. La segunda (...)
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    Neo-Institutionalism, Legal Dogmatics and the Sociology of Law.Maria Angeles Barrere Unzueta - 1994 - Ratio Juris 7 (3):353-365.
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    2. PRESENTE Y FUTURO DE LA FILOSOFÍA DEL DERECHO. Una Filosofía del Derecho situada y posicionada: visibilizar el conflicto para disputar la celebración de la juridicidad.María Ángeles Barrère Unzueta - 2024 - Anuario de Filosofía Del Derecho 39.
    Este texto recoge una visión particular de la Filosofía del Derecho, en tanto situada y posicionada. Lo primero porque parte de la experiencia y la subjetividadde quien le da voz. Lo segundo porque en el texto se defiende una concepción instrumentalista del Derecho con fines contra-hegemónicos. Paraestructurar la exposición de esta particular visión iusfilosófica se utiliza la distinción entre la Filosofía como teoría y como práctica. En el apartado relativoa la Filosofía como teoría se analizan diversas posturas sobre la relación (...)
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    (1 other version)“DOXA” Cuadernos de Filosofía del Derecho. Nemero 4. [REVIEW]María Ángeles Barrere Unzueta & F. J. Ezquiaga Ganuzas - 1988 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 4 (1):249-255.
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    Permeation of hydrogen through metals.R. Ash & R. M. Barrer - 1959 - Philosophical Magazine 4 (47):1197-1206.
  25.  7
    ¿Vulnerabilidad vs. Subordiscriminación? Una mirada crítica a la expansión de la vulnerabilidad en detrimento de la perspectiva sistémica | Martha A. Fineman and legal equality: Vulnerability vs. Subordiscrimination? [REVIEW]Mª Ángeles Maggy Barrère Unzueta - 2016 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 34 (34):17-34.
    RESUMEN. En este artículo se analiza (y cuestiona) la tesis de la vulnerabilidad de la jurista estadounidense Martha A. Fineman. El trabajo se estructura en cinco apartados en los que el paradigma de Fineman es sucesivamente contextualizado, proyectado sobre la jurisprudencia del TEDH y comparado con otras contribuciones críticas al Derecho antidiscriminatorio. El trabajo finaliza con una breve conclusión en la que, aun reconociendo la validez del diagnóstico y la loable finalidad que mueve la teoría de Fineman, pone en duda (...)
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  26. The Morality of Freedom.Joseph Raz - 1986 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Ranging over central issues of morals and politics and the nature of freedom and authority, this study examines the role of value-neutrality, rights, equality, ...
  27. (1 other version)Practical reason and norms.Joseph Raz - 1975 - London: Hutchinson.
    Practical Reason and Norms focuses on three problems: In what way are rules normative, and how do they differ from ordinary reasons? What makes normative systems systematic? What distinguishes legal systems, and in what consists their normativity? All three questions are answered by taking reasons as the basic normative concept, and showing the distinctive role reasons have in every case, thus paving the way to a unified account of normativity. Rules are a structure of reasons to perform the required act (...)
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  28. The authority of law: essays on law and morality.Joseph Raz - 1979 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Legitimate authority -- The claims of law -- Legal positivism and the sources of law -- Legal reasons, sources, and gaps -- The identity of legal systems -- The institutional nature of law -- Kelsen's theory of the basic norm -- Legal validity -- The functions of law -- Law and value in adjudication -- The rule of law and its virtue -- The obligation to obey the law -- Respect for law -- A right to dissent? : civil disobedience (...)
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  29. Value, Respect, and Attachment.Joseph Raz - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The book is a contribution to the study of values, as they affect both our personal and our public life. It defends the view that values are necessarily universal, on the ground that that is a condition of their intelligibility. It does, however, reject most common conceptions of universality, like those embodied in the writings on human rights. It aims to reconcile the universality of value with the social dependence of value and the centrality to our life of deep attachments (...)
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  30. Authority, Law and Morality.Joseph Raz - 1985 - The Monist 68 (3):295-324.
    H. L. A. Hart is heir and torch-bearer of a great tradition in the philosophy of law which is realist and unromantic in outlook. It regards the existence and content of the law as a matter of social fact whose connection with moral or any other values is contingent and precarious. His analysis of the concept of law is part of the enterprise of demythologising the law, of instilling rational critical attitudes to it. Right from his inaugural lecture in Oxford (...)
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  31. Facing diversity: The case of epistemic abstinence.Joseph Raz - 1990 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 19 (1):3-46.
  32. The problem of authority: Revisiting the service conception.Joseph Raz - manuscript
    The problem I have in mind is the problem of the possible justification of subjecting one's will to that of another, and of the normative standing of demands to do so. The account of authority that I offered, many years ago, under the title of the service conception of authority, addressed this issue, and assumed that all other problems regarding authority are subsumed under it. Many found the account implausible. It is thin, relying on very few ideas. It may well (...)
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  33. Human rights without foundations.Joseph Raz - 2010 - In Samantha Besson & John Tasioulas (eds.), The philosophy of international law. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Using the accounts of Gewirth and Griffin as examples, the article criticises accounts of human rights as those are understood in human rights practices, which regard them as rights all human beings have in virtue of their humanity. Instead it suggests that (with Rawls) human rights set the limits to the sovereignty of the state, but criticises Rawls conflation of sovereignty with legitimate authority. The resulting conception takes human rights, like other rights, to be contingent on social conditions, and in (...)
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  34. Authority and justification.Joseph Raz - 1985 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 14 (1):3-29.
  35. On the nature of rights.Joseph Raz - 1984 - Mind 93 (370):194-214.
  36. Engaging Science: How to Understand Its Practices Philosophically.Joseph Rouse - 1998 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 49 (2):359-364.
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  37. On the guise of the good.Joseph Raz - 2010
    I will provisionally take the Guise of the Good thesis to consist of three propositions: (1) Intentional actions are actions performed for reasons, as those are seen by the agents. (2) Specifying the intention which makes an action intentional identifies central features of the reason(s) for which the action is performed. (3) Reasons for action are such reasons by being facts which establish that the action has some value. From these it is said to follow that (4) Intentional actions are (...)
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    Toward an Historiography of Science.Joseph Agassi - 1963 - 's-Gravenhage : Mouton.
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  39. On respect, authority, and neutrality: A response.Joseph Raz - 2010 - Ethics 120 (2):279-301.
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    Disability and the Damaging Master Narrative of an Open Future.Joseph A. Stramondo - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (S1):30-36.
    It is sometimes argued that medical professionals should protect a future child's rights by prohibiting disabled parents from using technology to deliberately have a disabled child because disability is taken as an inevitable, severe threat to a child's otherwise “open” future. I will first argue that the open future that allegedly protects a child's future autonomy is precluded by the very conditions needed to develop that future autonomy. Any child's future will be narrowed as they are socialized in a way (...)
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  41. Responsibility and the Negligence Standard.Joseph Raz - 2010 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 30 (1):1-18.
    The paper has dual aim: to analyse the structure of negligence, and to use it to offer an explanation of responsibility (for actions, omissions, consequences) in terms of the relations which must exist between the action (omission, etc.) and the agents powers of rational agency if the agent is responsible for the action. The discussion involves reflections on the relations between the law and the morality of negligence, the difference between negligence and strict liability, the role of excuses and the (...)
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    The practice of value - reply.Joseph Raz - 2003 - In Jay Wallace (ed.), The Practice of Value. Oxford University Press.
    The privilege of having three sets of extensive and hard-hitting comments on one's work is as welcome as it is rare, and especially so on this occasion as the lectures were, for me, but thefirst (well, not entirely first) stab at a subject I hope to explore at greater length. The reflectionsthat follow will respond to some of the criticisms, but will not be a point by point reply. I will use the occasion to clarify some obscurities in the lectures, (...)
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  43. Can there be a theory of law?Joseph Raz - 2004 - In Martin P. Golding & William A. Edmundson (eds.), The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 324–342.
    The paper deals with the possibility of a theory of the nature of law as such, a theory which will be necessarily true of all law. It explores the relations between explanations of concepts and of the things they are concepts of, the possibility that the law has essential properties, and the possibility that the law changes its nature over time, and that what is law at a given place and time depends on the culture and concepts of that place (...)
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  44. The role of well‐being.Joseph Raz - 2004 - Philosophical Perspectives 18 (1):269–294.
    "Well-being" signifies the good life, the life which is good for the person whose life it is. I have argued that well-being consists in a wholehearted and successful pursuit of valuable relationships and goals. This view, a little modified, is defended , but the main aim of the article is to consider the role of well-being in practical thought. In particular I will examine a suggestion which says that when we care about people, and when we ought to care about (...)
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    Indicators of Humanhood: A Tentative Profile of Man.Joseph Fletcher - 1972 - Hastings Center Report 2 (5):1-4.
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  46. The slippery slope of fear.Joseph E. LeDoux - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (4):155-156.
    'Fear' is used scientifically in two ways, which causes confusion: it refers to conscious feelings and to behavioral and physiological responses. Restricting the use of 'fear' to denote feelings and using 'threat-induced defensive reactions' for the responses would help avoid misunderstandings about the brain mechanisms involved.
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    A philosophy of human hope.Joseph John Godfrey - 1987 - Hingham, MA, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Few reference works in philosophy have articles on hope. Few also are systematic or large-scale philosophical studies of hope. Hope is admitted to be important in people's lives, but as a topic for study, hope has largely been left to psychologists and theologians. For the most part philosophers treat hope en passant. My aim is to outline a general theory of hope, to explore its structure, forms, goals, reasonableness, and implications, and to trace the implications of such a theory for (...)
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  48. How Do We Acquire Parental Rights?Joseph Millum - 2010 - Social Theory and Practice 36 (1):112-132.
    In this paper I develop a theory of the acquisition of parental rights. According to this investment theory, parental rights are generated by the performance of parental work. Thus, those who successfully parent a child have the right to continue to do so, and to exclude others from so doing. The account derives from a more general principle of desert that applies outside the domain of parenthood. It also has some interesting implications for the attribution of moral parenthood. In particular, (...)
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  49. How do we acquire parental responsibilities?Joseph Millum - 2008 - Social Theory and Practice 34 (1):71-93.
    It is commonly believed that parents have special duties toward their children—weightier duties than they owe other children. How these duties are acquired, however, is not well understood. This is problematic when claims about parental responsibilities are challenged; for example, when people deny that they are morally responsible for their biological offspring. In this paper I present a theory of the origins of parental responsibilities that can resolve such cases of disputed moral parenthood.
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  50. Global Bioethics and Political Theory.Joseph Millum - 2012 - In J. Millum & E. J. Millum (eds.), Global Justice and bioethics. Oxford University Press. pp. 17-42.
    Most bioethicists who address questions to which global justice matters have not considered the significance of the disputes over the correct theory of global justice. Consequently, the significance of the differences between theories of global justice for bioethics has been obscured. In this paper, I consider when and how these differences are important. I argue that certain bioethical problems can be resolved without addressing disagreements about global justice. People with very different views about global justice can converge on the existence (...)
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