Results for 'Joyce Boro'

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  1. Experiments on the sublimation of ni-cr J. Boros-gyevi.J. Boros-Gyevi - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann (ed.), Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship. pp. 309.
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  2. The Foundations of Causal Decision Theory.James M. Joyce - 1999 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book defends the view that any adequate account of rational decision making must take a decision maker's beliefs about causal relations into account. The early chapters of the book introduce the non-specialist to the rudiments of expected utility theory. The major technical advance offered by the book is a 'representation theorem' that shows that both causal decision theory and its main rival, Richard Jeffrey's logic of decision, are both instances of a more general conditional decision theory. The book solves (...)
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  3. A defense of imprecise credences in inference and decision making.James Joyce - 2010 - Philosophical Perspectives 24 (1):281-323.
    Some Bayesians have suggested that beliefs based on ambiguous or incomplete evidence are best represented by families of probability functions. I spend the first half of this essay outlining one version of this imprecise model of belief, and spend the second half defending the model against recent objections, raised by Roger White and others, which concern the phenomenon of probabilistic dilation. Dilation occurs when learning some definite fact forces a person’s beliefs about an event to shift from a sharp, point-valued (...)
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    Jocoserious Joyce.Joyce Carol Oates - 1976 - Critical Inquiry 2 (4):677-688.
    Ulysses is certainly the greatest novel in the English language, and one might argue for its being the greatest single work of art in our tradition. How significant, then, and how teasing, that this masterwork should be a comedy, and that its creator should have explicitly valued the comic "vision" over the tragic—how disturbing to our predilection for order that, with an homage paid to classical antiquity so meticulous that it is surely a burlesque, Joyce's exhibitionististicicity is never so (...)
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  5. The Myth of Morality.Richard Joyce - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In The Myth of Morality, Richard Joyce argues that moral discourse is hopelessly flawed. At the heart of ordinary moral judgements is a notion of moral inescapability, or practical authority, which, upon investigation, cannot be reasonably defended. Joyce argues that natural selection is to blame, in that it has provided us with a tendency to invest the world with values that it does not contain, and demands that it does not make. Should we therefore do away with morality, (...)
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  6. The Evolution of Morality.Richard Joyce - 2005 - Bradford.
    Moral thinking pervades our practical lives, but where did this way of thinking come from, and what purpose does it serve? Is it to be explained by environmental pressures on our ancestors a million years ago, or is it a cultural invention of more recent origin? In The Evolution of Morality, Richard Joyce takes up these controversial questions, finding that the evidence supports an innate basis to human morality. As a moral philosopher, Joyce is interested in whether any (...)
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    Love as a Guiding Principle of Descartes's Late Philosophy.Gábor Boros - 2003 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 20 (2):149 - 163.
  8. Morality, schmorality.Richard Joyce - 2008 - In Paul Bloomfield (ed.), Morality and Self-Interest. New York: Oxford University Press.
    In his contribution to this volume, Paul Bloomfield analyzes and attempts to answer the question “Why is it bad to be bad?” I too will use this question as my point of departure; in particular I want to approach the matter from the perspective of a moral error theorist. This discussion will preface one of the principal topics of this paper: the relationship between morality and self-interest. Again, my main goal is to clarify what the moral error theorist might say (...)
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    Der Einfluss des Hellenismus auf die Philosophie der Frühen Neuzeit.Gábor Boros (ed.) - 2005 - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz in Kommission.
    Eine aus der Zusammenarbeit der Herzog August Bibliothek mit der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften hervorgegangene Tagung beschaftigte sich mit einem sehr komplexen Traditionszusammenhang, der unter der Leitmetapher Einfluss thematisiert wurde. Ausgehend von Philosophen wie Hegel und Dilthey, die insbesondere die philosophiegeschichtliche Rolle des Stoizismus eingehender untersucht hatten, setzen sich die zehn Beitrager dieses Bandes mit dem Wesen einer sich wiederholenden Geschichte, mit bestimmten geschichtsphilosophischen Schemata auseinander. Sie legen Grenzen des zu untersuchenden Feldes fest und beziehen neue Stromungen in die Untersuchung (...)
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    Evandro Agazzi's ethical pragmatism of science.Janos Boros - 2003 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 81 (1):279-283.
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    Ethics in the Age of Automata: Ambiguities in Descartes's Concept of an Ethics.Gabor Boros - 2001 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 18 (2):139 - 154.
  12. Freedom in nature, freedom of the mind in Spinoza.Gabor Boros - 2018 - In Christian Krijnen (ed.), Metaphysics of Freedom? Kant’s Concept of Cosmological Freedom in Historical and Systematic Perspective. Boston: Brill.
  13. Georg Misch és az önéletírás.Gábor Boros - 2021 - Budapest: L'Harmattan Kiadó.
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  14. Gott, Welt, Bruder.Ladislaus Boros - 1967 - Meitingen,: Kyrios-Verlag.
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  15. Hume’s Theory of Passions.Gabor Boros - 2012 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 57.
    The paper’s main task is to show how much Hume’s philosophy of passions is indebted to and continues the tradition of the philosophy of affects of the 17th century, in spite of the obvious fact that he departed from the main philosophical project of the 17th century, the tripartite unity of mathematics, metaphysics, and mechanical physics. A restructuring of Hume’s order of passions and its comparison to the order followed by Descartes will show up a special „cognitivist” character of Hume’s (...)
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    Mechanik und Moralphilosophie. Überlegungen zu Descartes' provisorischer Moral.Gábor Boros - 2001 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 55 (3):325 - 348.
    Am Beispiel der im dritten Teil der Abhandlung über die Methode entworfenen "provisorischen Moral" soll gezeigt werden, wie Descartes den Versuch unternimmt, die zwei wichtigsten zeitgenössischen Denkanstöße, die mechanistische Philosophie und die traditionelle christliche Moral, zu Ende zu denken, ihren Gegensatz scharf hervorzuheben und sie miteinander zu versöhnen. Die Analyse des Sinns der Vorläufigkeit, des Vorwurfs des Konformismus, der traditionellen Unterscheidung von Negation und Privation - auch mit Blick auf ihre weitere Entwicklung im Briefwechsel zwischen Spinoza und Blyenbergh - führt (...)
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    Old and new copernican counter-revolution.Bianka Boros - 2019 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 8 (1):87-102.
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  18. Personal Identity and Self-Interpretation & Natural Right and Natural Emotions.Gabor Boros, Judit Szalai & Oliver Toth (eds.) - 2020 - Budapest: Eötvös University Press.
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    Repräsentationalismus und Antirepräsentationalismus.János Boros - 1999 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 47 (4):539-552.
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  20. Spinoza Hungarorum.Gabor Boros - 1987 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 3:459-464.
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    When Holding in Prevents From Reaching Out: Emotion Suppression and Social Support-Seeking in Multicultural Groups.Smaranda Boroş, Lore van Gorp & Michael Boiger - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  22. Dvosmisleni Maurice Merleau-Ponty: ogled o prerefleksivnom iskustvu.Boro Gojković - 1979 - Sarajevo: "Veselin Masleša,".
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    The Cogito Arguments of Descartes and Augustine.Joyce Lazier & Brett Gaul - 2011 - In Michael Bruce & Steven Barbone (eds.), Just the Arguments. Chichester, West Sussex, U.K.: Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 131–136.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Descartes' Cogito Augustine's “Si fallor, sum” Argument (If I Am Mistaken, I Exist).
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    (1 other version)Moral Anti-Realism.Richard Joyce - 2012 - In Ed Zalta (ed.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, CA: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  25. (1 other version)A nonpragmatic vindication of probabilism.James M. Joyce - 1998 - Philosophy of Science 65 (4):575-603.
    The pragmatic character of the Dutch book argument makes it unsuitable as an "epistemic" justification for the fundamental probabilist dogma that rational partial beliefs must conform to the axioms of probability. To secure an appropriately epistemic justification for this conclusion, one must explain what it means for a system of partial beliefs to accurately represent the state of the world, and then show that partial beliefs that violate the laws of probability are invariably less accurate than they could be otherwise. (...)
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  26. Metaethics and the empirical sciences.Richard Joyce - 2006 - Philosophical Explorations 9 (1):133 – 148.
    What contribution can the empirical sciences make to metaethics? This paper outlines an argument to a particular metaethical conclusion - that moral judgments are epistemically unjustified - that depends in large part on a posteriori premises.
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  27. Epistemic Deference: The Case of Chance.James Joyce - 2007 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 107 (2):187 - 206.
  28. The Many Moral Nativisms.Richard Joyce - 2013 - In Kim Sterelny, Richard Joyce, Brett Calcott & Ben Fraser (eds.), Cooperation and its Evolution. MIT Press. pp. 549--572.
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    Communities of Practice and the Buddhist Education Reforms of Early-Twentieth-Century China.Peter Boros - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (2):152-169.
    Over the course of only a few decades during the late nineteenth to early twentieth centuries, part of mainstream Buddhist education underwent a striking shift in China. From being a secluded practice within monastery walls taught by monastics for monastics with a strict focus on Buddhist scripture, it became one where monastics and laypeople study together, guided by teachers, both monastic and lay, studying a curriculum of both Buddhist and secular subjects. Although general reforms within the Buddhist community of the (...)
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    Sensational Science, Archaic Hominin Genetics, and Amplified Inductive Risk.Joyce C. Havstad - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 52 (3):295-320.
    More than a decade of exacting scientific research involving paleontological fragments and ancient DNA has lately produced a series of pronouncements about a purportedly novel population of archaic hominins dubbed “the Denisova.” The science involved in these matters is both technically stunning and, socially, at times a bit reckless. Here I discuss the responsibilities which scientists incur when they make inductively risky pronouncements about the different relative contributions by Denisovans to genomes of members of apparent subpopulations of current humans. This (...)
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  31. What neuroscience can (and cannot) contribute to metaethics.Richard Joyce - manuscript
    Suppose there are two people having a moral disagreement about, say, abortion. They argue in a familiar way about whether fetuses have rights, whether a woman’s right to autonomy over her body overrides the fetus’s welfare, and so on. But then suppose one of the people says “Oh, it’s all just a matter of opinion; there’s no objective fact about whether fetuses have rights. When we say that something is morally forbidden, all we’re really doing is expressing our disapproval of (...)
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  32. The Concept of Affectivity in Early Modern Philosophy.Gábor Boros, Judit Szalai & Oliver Toth (eds.) - 2017 - Budapest, Hungary: Eötvös Loránd University Press.
    Collection of papers presented at the First Budapest Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy.
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    Logical analysis of binary data with missing bits.Endre Boros, Toshihide Ibaraki & Kazuhisa Makino - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 107 (2):219-263.
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    . Narrative Philosophy: An Essay on Agnes.Janos Boros - 2009 - In Katie Terezakis (ed.), Engaging Agnes Heller: A Critical Companion. Lexington Books.
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  35. Public Art as Aural Installation: Surprising Musical Intervention as Civic Rejuvenation in Urban Life.Diana Boros - 2012 - Evental Aesthetics 1 (3):50-81.
    Surprising artistic interventions in the landscape of the public everyday are psychologically, socially, and politically beneficial to individuals as well as their communities. Such interventions enable their audiences to access moments of surprising inspiration, self-reflection, and revitalization. These spontaneous moments may offer access to the experience of distance from the rational “self,” allowing the irrational and purely emotive that resides within all of us to assert itself. It is this sensual instinct that all we too frequently push aside, particularly in (...)
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    The Passions.Gabor Boros - 2011 - In Desmond M. Clarke & Catherine Wilson (eds.), The Oxford handbook of philosophy in early modern Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This article examines how the Stoic ideals of impassivity and repression gave way to favourable treatments of the emotions, particular passion. It suggest that one of the trademarks of philosophy in the early modern period is the renewal of the theory of passions on the basis of the new mechanical-corpuscular philosophy which René Descartes regarded as his signal contribution to ethics. It also discusses the systematic character of the theories of passions, the theologico-philosophical approaches to the emotions, and the conception (...)
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    Teoría y filosofía política: la tradición clásica y las nuevas fronteras.Atilio Borón (ed.) - 1999 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Universitaria de Buenos Aires-EUDEBA.
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    Teoría y filosofía política: la recuperación de los clásicos en el debate latinoamericano.Atilio Borón, Alvaro de Vita & Eduardo Grüner (eds.) - 2002 - Buenos Aires, Argentina: Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales.
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    Kontingencija i smisao istorije: (od Dekarta do Merlo-Pontija).Boro Gojković - 1989 - Sarajevo: Veselin Masleša.
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    Cartesian memory.Richard Joyce - 1997 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 35 (3):375-393.
    Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
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    Dilthey’s and Misch’s “Nachverstehen” of the neo-stoic “natural system of the human sciences” in their unfinished projects on pantheism.Gábor Boros - 2024 - Intellectual History Review 34 (1):231-249.
    This paper focuses on a neglected part of Dilthey’s œuvre that consists of papers on 16th–17th century philosophical issues. These papers are closer to interpretive articles than to original works, and so they are neither considered Dilthey’s original contributions to his own philosophy nor studied as part of the secondary literature. One of the most characteristic features of Dilthey’s philosophic style is the historical-systematic method mostly repudiated as concealing the real statement of the author “between the lines,” i.e. behind historical (...)
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    Apologizing.Richard Joyce - 1999 - Public Affairs Quarterly 13 (2):159-173.
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    Structure and Agency in the Neoliberal University.Joyce E. Canaan & Wesley Shumar (eds.) - 2011 - Routledge.
    This volume considers how current transitions in postsecondary education are impacting Higher Education institutions and subjects in a number of Northern nations, as well as how these transitions are indicative of the wider shift from the welfare to the market state. The university is now considered a key site for training and wealth generation in the so-called 'knowledge economy' that operates in a globalising, high tech world. Further, these transitions are underpinned by neo-liberal economic ideas that assume that the public (...)
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  44. The Error In 'The Error In The Error Theory'.Richard Joyce - 2011 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 89 (3):519-534.
    In his paper ?The Error in the Error Theory?[this journal, 2008], Stephen Finlay attempts to show that the moral error theorist has not only failed to prove his case, but that the error theory is in fact false. This paper rebuts Finlay's arguments, criticizes his positive theory, and clarifies the error-theoretic position.
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    Conditional desirability: comments on Richard Bradley’s decision theory with a human face.James M. Joyce - 2020 - Synthese 198 (9):8413-8431.
    Richard Bradley’s landmark book Decision Theory with a Human Face makes seminal contributions to nearly every major area of decision theory, as well as most areas of formal epistemology and many areas of semantics. In addition to sketching Bradley’s distinctive semantics for conditional beliefs and desires, I will explain his theory of conditional desire, focusing particularly on his claim that we should not desire events, either positively or negatively, under the supposition that they will occur. I shall argue, to the (...)
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  46. Complexity begets crosscutting, dooms hierarchy.Joyce C. Havstad - 2021 - Synthese 198 (8):7665-7696.
    There is a perennial philosophical dream of a certain natural order for the natural kinds. The name of this dream is ‘the hierarchy requirement’. According to this postulate, proper natural kinds form a taxonomy which is both unique and traditional. Here I demonstrate that complex scientific objects exist: objects which generate different systems of scientific classification, produce myriad legitimate alternatives amongst the nonetheless still natural kinds, and make the hierarchical dream impossible to realize, except at absurdly great cost. Philosophical hopes (...)
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    Dyke Methods or Principles for the Discovery/Creation of the Withstanding.Joyce Trebilcot - 1988 - Hypatia 3 (2):1 - 13.
    Alarmed by the domination inherent in the patriarchal idea of truth, the author sketches principles that allow her to develop accounts of reality-to "do theory"-without implying that others should agree. This epistemological setting supports differences among wimmin that are expressed in different understandings of the world; it also supports agreement.
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    She’-E-O Compensation Gap: A Role Congruity View.Joyce C. Wang, Lívia Markóczy, Sunny Li Sun & Mike W. Peng - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (3):745-760.
    Is there a compensation gap between female CEOs and male CEOs? If so, are there mechanisms to mitigate the compensation gap? Extending role congruity theory, we argue that the perception mismatch between the female gender role and the leadership role may lead to lower compensation to female CEOs, resulting in a gender compensation gap. Nevertheless, the compensation gap may be narrowed if female CEOs display agentic traits through risk-taking, or alternatively, work in female-dominated industries where communal traits are valued. Additionally, (...)
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    Brief aus Ungarn.Gábor Boros - 2014 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 62 (1):123-135.
    My “Letter” collects some facts concerning the 20th century history of Hungarian Philosophy as a basis for understanding its situation now. Progressive and conservative systems of thought dominated the first half of the century alternately, until the post-war communist regime refused to tolerate independent thinking. The new regime after 1956 was unpredictably hostile or tolerant towards philosophical dissenters. All this resulted in a multifaceted philosophical life in the period after 1989. Its basic tendency has been a historical approach issuing in (...)
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  50. Stakeholders’ Perceptions and Future Scenarios to Improve Corporate Social Responsibility in Hong Kong and Mainland China.Joyce Tsoi - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (3):391-404.
    Globalisation has accelerated economic development in emerging economies through the outsourcing of their supply chains and at the same time has accelerated the degradation of environmental and social conditions. Society expects corporations to play an essential role in creating economic, environmental and social prosperity beyond their country of origin. In order to regulate outsourcing activities in the supply chain, many multinationals are constantly searching for ways to manage their indirect environmental and social impacts accordingly, as well as to meet their (...)
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