Results for 'Jörg Villwock'

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  1. Rhetorical reflection in the philosophy of Nietzsche, Friedrich.Jörg Villwock - 1982 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 89 (1):39-55.
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  2. Das Erhabene: Zwischen Grenzerfahrung Und Größenwahnein Gespräch Zwischen Jean-Frangois Lyotard Und Christine Pries.Jörg Villwock - 1989 - De Gruyter.
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    FrontmatterInhaltEinleitungΙ. Die historischen Meilensteine in der Diskussion um das ErhabeneSublime Rhetorik. Zu einigen noologischen Implikationen der Schrift Vom ErhabenenSchönheit und Erhabenheit. Der Anfang doppelter Ästhetik bei Boileau, Dennis, Bodmer und BreitingerEine Geschichte der Angst ? Appropriationen des Erhabenen in der englischen Ästhetik des 18. JahrhundertsDas Interesse des ErhabenenDas Steinerne Anmerkungen zur Theorie des Erhabenen aus dem Blick des „Menschenfremdesten"Zur frühromantischen Selbstaufhebung des Erhabenen im SchönenII. Das Erhabene auf der Schwelle zur heutigen ZeitDie Verwindung des Erhabenen - NietzscheIst die Moderne ein Trauerspiel? Das Erhabene bei BenjaminAdornos Ästhetik: eine implizite Ästhetik des ErhabenenIII. Das Erhabene in den zeitgenössischen KünstenDas Erhabene in der Musik oder Von der Unbegrenztheit des KlangsBarnett Newman Who's afraid of red, yellow and blue IIIVom erhabenen zum komischen, vom geschichtlichen zum kosmologischen Denk. [REVIEW]Jörg Villwock - 1989 - In Das Erhabene: Zwischen Grenzerfahrung Und Größenwahnein Gespräch Zwischen Jean-Frangois Lyotard Und Christine Pries. De Gruyter. pp. 33-54.
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    Platos Wort zu Seele und Unsterblichkeit. Erwägungen zur Verabschiedung eines theologischen Vorurteils.Jörg Baur - 1976 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 18 (2):173-179.
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    Das Dritte-Welt-Bild in Kinder- und Jugendbüchern der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.Jörg Becker - 1978 - Communications 4 (3):339-360.
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  6. Koevolution und recht: zur aktuellen Konjuntur von Veraltensmodellen in der Rechtwissenschaft.Jörg Benedict - 2006 - Rechtstheorie 37 (1):121-129.
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    4 Heidegger, George und die Literaturwissenschaft.Jörg Appelhans - 2002 - In Martin Heideggers ungeschriebene Poetologie. de Gruyter. pp. 326-421.
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    Connectionism about human agency: responsible AI and the social lifeworld.Jörg Noller - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-10.
    This paper analyzes responsible human–machine interaction concerning artificial neural networks (ANNs) and large language models (LLMs) by considering the extension of human agency and autonomy by means of artificial intelligence (AI). Thereby, the paper draws on the sociological concept of “interobjectivity,” first introduced by Bruno Latour, and applies it to technologically situated and interconnected agency. Drawing on Don Ihde’s phenomenology of human-technology relations, this interobjective account of AI allows to understand human–machine interaction as embedded in the social lifeworld. Finally, the (...)
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    Barnabas, Apostel der Mailänder. Überlieferungsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zur Entstehung einer stadtgeschichtlichen Tradition.Jörg W. Busch - 1990 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 24 (1):178-197.
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    Fighting for Differences: Forms and Limits of Religious Individuality in.Jorg Riipke - 2013 - In Jörg Rüpke (ed.), The Individual in the Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean. Oxford University Press. pp. 315.
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  11. Die konst der natur: Schillers landschaftsästhetik und die anthropologische revision Von lessings laokoon.Jörg Robert - forthcoming - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft.
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    Quantifiers and congruence closure.Jörg Flum, Matthias Schiehlen & Jouko Väänänen - 1999 - Studia Logica 62 (3):315-340.
    We prove some results about the limitations of the expressive power of quantifiers on finite structures. We define the concept of a bounded quantifier and prove that every relativizing quantifier which is bounded is already first-order definable (Theorem 3.8). We weaken the concept of congruence closed (see [6]) to weakly congruence closed by restricting to congruence relations where all classes have the same size. Adapting the concept of a thin quantifier (Caicedo [1]) to the framework of finite structures, we define (...)
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    On fixed-point logic with counting.Jorg Flum & Martin Grohe - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (2):777-787.
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  14.  28
    Drive, Will, and Reason: Reinhold and Schiller on Realizing Freedom after Kant.Jörg Noller - 2021 - In Manja Kisner & Jörg Noller (eds.), The Concept of Drive in Classical German Philosophy: Between Biology, Anthropology, and Metaphysics. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 241-254.
    Karl Leonhard Reinhold’s and Friedrich Schiller’s conception of drive can be interpreted as a systematic response to an ambivalence in Kant’s conception of drive and driving force, which he associates with heteronomy and autonomy. Reinhold distinguishes between a selfish and an unselfish drive. In doing so, he revaluates the drive as something that is compatible with our freedom of the will. Both drives are the vital basis of our free decision and therefore united. Schiller distinguishes between three kinds of drive. (...)
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    Philosophie der Digitalität.Jörg Noller - 2021 - In Uta Hauck-Thum & Jörg Noller (eds.), Was Ist Digitalität?: Philosophische Und Pädagogische Perspektiven. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 39-54.
    Der Beitrag widmet sich aus genuin philosophischer Perspektive dem Phänomen der Digitalität. Er analysiert dessen ontologische, epistemologische und moralphilosophische Dimensionen. Als Schlüsselbegriff erweist sich dabei der Begriff der Virtualität, der jedoch notorisch unklar ist und von verwandten Phänomenen wie Simulationen und Fiktionen unterschieden werden muss. Abschließend werden einige pädagogische Perspektiven aufgezeigt, welche sich aus der Digitalität ergeben.
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  16. A theory of intergenerational justice.Jörg Tremmel - 2009 - London: Earthscan.
    Ultimately this book provides a theory of intergenerational justice that is both intellectually robust and practical with wide applicability to law and policy.
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    Bernhard Jussen. Das Geschenk des Orest.Jörg Schwarz - 2024 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 117 (3):957-960.
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    Reason’s feeling: A systematic reconstruction of Kant’s theory of moral respect.Jörg Noller - 2019 - SATS 20 (1):1-18.
    In my paper, I shall take seriously Kant’s puzzling statements about the moral feeling of respect, which is, according to him, “a feeling self-wrought by means of a rational concept and therefore specifically different” from all common feelings. I will focus on the systematic position of the moral feeling of respect within the framework of Kant’s transcendental idealism. By considering its volitional structure, I argue for a compatibilist account of the moral feeling of respect, according to which both intellectualist and (...)
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    “Will is Primal Being”: Schelling’s Critical Voluntarism.Jörg Noller - 2020 - In Manja Kisner & Jörg Noller (eds.), The Concept of Will in Classical German Philosophy: Between Ethics, Politics, and Metaphysics. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 181-202.
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    Mad families, splitting families and large continuum.Jörg Brendle & Vera Fischer - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (1):198 - 208.
    Let κ < λ be regular uncountable cardinals. Using a finite support iteration (in fact a matrix iteration) of ccc posets we obtain the consistency of b = a = κ < s = λ. If μ is a measurable cardinal and μ < κ < λ, then using similar techniques we obtain the consistency of b = κ < a = s = λ.
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    On Historicizing Epistemology: An Essay.Hans-Jörg Rheinberger - 2010 - Stanford University Press.
    Epistemology, as generally understood by philosophers of science, is rather remote from the history of science and from historical concerns in general. Rheinberger shows that, from the late nineteenth through the late twentieth century, a parallel, alternative discourse sought to come to terms with the rather fundamental experience of the thoroughgoing scientific changes brought on by the revolution in physics. Philosophers of science and historians of science alike contributed their share to what this essay describes as an ongoing quest to (...)
  22.  66
    Neuroethology of releasing mechanisms: Prey-catching in toads.Jörg-Peter Ewert - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (3):337-368.
    Abstract“Sign stimuli” elicit specific patterns of behavior when an organism's motivation is appropriate. In the toad, visually released prey-catching involves orienting toward the prey, approaching, fixating, and snapping. For these action patterns to be selected and released, the prey must be recognized and localized in space. Toads discriminate prey from nonprey by certain spatiotemporal stimulus features. The stimulus-response relations are mediated by innate releasing mechanisms (RMs) with recognition properties partly modifiable by experience. Striato-pretecto-tectal connectivity determines the RM's recognition and localization (...)
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    Solovay-Type Characterizations for Forcing-Algebras.Jörg Brendle & Benedikt Löwe - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (3):1307-1323.
    We give characterizations for the sentences "Every $\Sigma^1_2$-set is measurable" and "Every $\Delta^1_2$-set is measurable" for various notions of measurability derived from well-known forcing partial orderings.
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    Ambivalent Freedom: Kant and the Problem of Willkür.Jörg Noller - 2021 - In Marco Hausmann & Jörg Noller (eds.), Free Will: Historical and Analytic Perspectives. Springer Verlag. pp. 251-266.
    In this chapter, I will address the philosophical ambivalence of the concept of Willkür in and after Kant. The aim of my chapter is to defend it against the charge of irrationality and mere chance, and to rehabilitate it from a historical and analytic point of view. I will analyze Kant’s use of the word “Willkür”, and chronologically follow the semantic and systematic changes in his philosophical work. Finally, I address recent attempts to revitalize the concept of Willkür in the (...)
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    Mob families and mad families.Jörg Brendle - 1998 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 37 (3):183-197.
    We show the consistency of ${\frak o} <{\frak d}$ where ${\frak o}$ is the size of the smallest off-branch family, and ${\frak d}$ is as usual the dominating number. We also prove the consistency of ${\frak b} < {\frak a}$ with large continuum. Here, ${\frak b}$ is the unbounding number, and ${\frak a}$ is the almost disjointness number.
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    Wenn Millionen eine Reise tun.Jörg Hübner - 2002 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 46 (1):214-226.
    Tourism is a less observed subject in theological ethics. In traditional theological ethics tourism is only understood as escape from everyday's Iife or as an expression ofpeople finding to themselves away from their daily routine. Both of those ways of looking at the theme of tourism don't allow to Iook at the subject in a responsible way regarding all the consequences oftoday's tourism since it plays an important role in the economy with enormaus rates of growth. Those facts challenge theological (...)
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    Das Prokonsulat des Q. Caecilius Metellus Celer.Jörg Spielvogel - 1993 - Hermes 121 (2):242-246.
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  28. Zwischen-Welten. Uberlegungen zu Bild--Erscheinung--Mit-Sein.Jorg Splett - 2007 - Theologie Und Philosophie 82 (4):574.
    Ohne Unmittelbarkeit verliert sich das Selbst in Vermittlungen. Daher die Versuchung, auf Differenzen zu verzichten, zur Selbstaufgabe ins Unum. Wie aber, wenn wir Grenzen als als Trefflinien oder Flächen denken sollten? Das wird hier mit Fichte am Bild erwogen: Bild als Dienst im Erscheinungsgeschehen. Darin zeigt das Eins sich als Mit-Eins. Das bedrohliche Zwischen wird zum Ort wechselseitigen Daheim-seins.Without immediateness the self will be lost in mediations. Is it therefore forced to self-delivery into Unum? This paper suggests, to take borders (...)
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  29. Agent-Relative Reasons as Second-Order Value Responses.Jörg Https://Orcidorg Löschke - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 50 (4):477-491.
    Agent-relative reasons are an important feature of any nonconsequentialist moral theory. Many authors think that they cannot be accommodated within a value-first theory that understands all value as agent-neutral. In this paper, I offer a novel explanation of agent-relative reasons that accommodates them fully within an agent-neutral value-first view. I argue that agent-relative reasons are to be understood in terms of second-order value responses: when an agent acts on an agent-relative reason, she responds appropriately to the agent-neutral value of her (...)
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  30. (1 other version)Agent-Relative Reasons and Normative Force.Jörg Https://Orcidorg Löschke - 2020 - Philosophia 49 (1):359-372.
    The distinction between agent-relative reasons and agent-neutral reasons is philosophically important, but there is no consensus on how to understand the distinction exactly. In this paper, I discuss several interpretations of the distinction that can be found in the literature: the Motivational Interpretation, the Scope Interpretation, and the Goal Interpretation, and argue that none of these interpretations is entirely convincing. I propose a novel interpretation of the distinction, which I call the Normative Force Interpretation, according to which the distinction between (...)
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  31. The problematic employment of reason in philosophy of Bildung and education.Jörg Ruhloff - 2001 - In Frieda Heyting, Dieter Lenzen & John Ponsford White (eds.), Methods in philosophy of education. New York: Routledge. pp. 57--72.
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    Nietzsche und Lange.Jörg Salaquarda - 1978 - Nietzsche Studien 7 (1):236-260.
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    “Practical reason is not the will”: Kant and Reinhold's dilemma.Jörg Noller - 2019 - European Journal of Philosophy 27 (4):852-864.
    Contrary to Karl Leonhard Reinhold's theoretical critique of Kant's philosophy, his practical critique has been almost unknown. In my paper, I shall reconstruct Reinhold's practical philosophy after Kant. I will concentrate on the so‐called Reinhold's dilemma, which concerns the problem of moral imputability in the case of immoral actions in Kant. Also, I shall explain how Reinhold tried to escape this dilemma by introducing a new action theory and by sharply distinguishing between reason and will. Finally, I shall evaluate Reinhold's (...)
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    Conflicting imperatives and dyadic deontic logic.Jörg Hansen - 2005 - Journal of Applied Logic 3 (3-4):484-511.
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    »Alles Vereinzelte ist verwerflich«. Überlegungen zu Goethe.Jörg Baur - 1991 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 33 (2):152-166.
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    (1 other version)Cardinal invariants of infinite groups.Jörg Brendle - 1990 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 30 (3):155-170.
    LetG be a group. CallG akC-group if every element ofG has less thank conjugates. Denote byP(G) the least cardinalk such that any subset ofG of sizek contains two elements which commute.It is shown that the existence of groupsG such thatP(G) is a singular cardinal is consistent withZFC. So is the existence of groupsG which are notkC but haveP(G) (...)
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    An Extension of the Lemma of Rasiowa and Sikorski.Jörg Flum - 1998 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 44 (4):509-514.
    We prove an extension of the Lemma of Rasiowa and Sikorski and give some applications. Moreover, we analyze the relationship to corresponding results on the omission of types.
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    (1 other version)Legal tender laws and fractional-reserve banking.Jörg Guido Hülsmann - 2004 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 18 (3):33œ55.
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  39. Filosofía y diversidad cultural en la Edad Media.Jorg Alejandro Tellkamp - 1998 - Universitas Philosophica 29:149.
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  40. Lying and falsely implicating.Jörg Meibauer - 2005 - Journal of Pragmatics 37 (9):1373-1399.
    This paper analyses falsely implicating from the point of view of Gricean theory of implicature, focusing on the Story of the Mate and the Captain which is a classical example of lying while saying the truth. It is argued that the case of falsely implicating should be included within a general definition of lying. Whether Particularised Conversational Implicatures (PCI), as in the Story of the Mate and the Captain, and Generalised Conversational Implicatures (GCI) behave differently with regard to falsely implicating (...)
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    Heautonomy: Schiller on freedom of the will.Jörg Noller - 2020 - European Journal of Philosophy 29 (2):339-353.
    In his book “Schiller as Philosopher”, Frederick Beiser laments that “contemporary Kant scholars have been intent on ignoring him. If they know anything at all about Schiller, it is only as the author of an epigram satirizing Kant”. Therefore, Beiser calls us “to consider Schiller as a philosopher, to reconstruct and appraise the arguments of his philosophical writings” (Beiser, 2005, p. vii). In this paper, I shall argue that it is Schiller's conception of freedom of the will as “heautonomy” that (...)
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    Deontic logics for prioritized imperatives.Jörg Hansen - 2006 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 14 (1-2):1-34.
    When a conflict of duties arises, a resolution is often sought by use of an ordering of priority or importance. This paper examines how such a conflict resolution works, compares mechanisms that have been proposed in the literature, and gives preference to one developed by Brewka and Nebel. I distinguish between two cases – that some conflicts may remain unresolved, and that a priority ordering can be determined that resolves all – and provide semantics and axiomatic systems for accordingly defined (...)
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  43. Political Unification: A Generalized Progression Theorem.Jörg Guido Hülsmann - 1997 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 13 (1):81-96.
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    Logik des Scheins. Kant über theoretische und praktische Selbsttäuschung.Jörg Noller - 2021 - Kant Studien 112 (1):23-50.
    In this paper, I will reconstruct Kant’s theory of illusion from the perspective of his transcendental philosophy. I argue that it is Kant’s theory of dialectic as the “logic of illusion” that grounds both theoretical and practical error and that traces them back to a common root: the operation of rationalizing by theoretical and practical reason. I analyze different kinds of theoretical and practical errors and show how they are grounded in reason’s general propensity to rationalize. The paper exposes this (...)
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  45.  25
    Mensch oder Person?Jörg Noller - 2019 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 67 (5):905-910.
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    Das Golem-Projekt: Ethik der Kreativität.Jörg Sternagel - 2019 - Internationales Jahrbuch Für Medienphilosophie 5 (1):223-230.
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    The dispute about the climate non-identity problem – looked upon from the paradigm perspective.Jörg Tremmel - 2020 - Intergenerational Justice Review 5 (2).
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    Denken im Modell: Theorie und Erfahrung im Paradigma eines pragmatischen Modellbegriffs.Jörg Wernecke - 1994 - Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
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  49. Die poiesis der Zeit und die Zeit der poiesis.Jörg Wernecke - 2001 - Synthesis Philosophica 16 (1):63-78.
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    Molecular chaperones in cellular protein folding.Jörg Martin & F.‐Ulrich Hartl - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (9):689-692.
    The discovery of “molecular chaperones” has dramatically changed our concept of cellular protein folding. Rather than folding spontaneously, most newly synthesized polypeptide chains seem to acquire their native conformation in a reaction mediated by these versatile helper proteins. Understanding the structure and function of molecular chaperones is likely to yield useful applications for medicine and biotechnology in the future.
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