Results for 'Juan Mansur'

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  1.  6
    Leonardo da Vinci, Art and worldview of the Renaissance genius.Juan Carlos Mansur Garda - 2024 - Ideas Y Valores 73 (185):163-187.
    This article explains the philosophy of Leonardo da Vinci, who through his writings, designs and pictorial work, shows a tension and rupture on the art, beauty and truth of his time. Painting is scientific and therefore a liberal art, but it does not manifest the sacred truth of the icon of the medieval finalist worldview, but it will be the scientific truth of Modernity.
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    Filosofía del paisaje y la belleza natural en Kant.Juan Carlos Mansur Garda - 2024 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 22 (149):155.
    Para Kant, la contemplación de la belleza natural no solo nos libera de un espíritu utilitario y de explotación, sino que nos eleva como seres humanos a las regiones del sentimiento, en que se vive de forma libre y desinteresada la contemplación del a naturaleza y su respeto. Contemplar la naturaleza bella y preservarla contribuye a humanizarnos, por la libertad que desarrollamos a través de la contemplación, el sentido de vida que nos proporciona la contemplación de la naturaleza bella, la (...)
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  3. Belleza, morada de la persona libre.Juan Carlos Mansur Garda - 2017 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 22 (1):2-10.
    Esta reflexión plantea la necesidad e importancia de investigar de forma más profunda una pedagogía del gusto a través del desarrollo autónomo de la autonomía, con el interés de que, mediante la contemplación de las formas bellas, pueda acercarse el individuo al desarrollo de su persona y a la vivencia de la belleza como un retorno a casa, algo que es posible si el hombre tiene la disposición de ser acogido por la belleza, pues para poder habitar en ella es (...)
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    El paisaje natural y los jardines en la vida de las ciudades.Juan Carlos Mansur Garda - 2023 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 55 (154):158-186.
    El presente artículo es una reflexión sobre los paisajes naturales y los jardines como paisajes construidos, a fin de hacer comprensible su importancia en las ciudades, así como la necesidad de reincorporarlos a la vida citadina y al diseño urbano. Para ello, me he centrado en las consideraciones filosóficas de Simmel y Watsuji sobre el tema, con el propósito de mostrar que el encuentro poéti- co entre la naturaleza y su contemplador no sólo permite reconoce el carácter particular o Stimmung (...)
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    Amor y deseo de la belleza en Tomás de Aquino.Juan Carlos Mansur Garda - 2024 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 22 (151):93.
    Este artículo destaca la visión de Tomás de Aquino del ser humano como alguien que está hecho para contemplar la belleza y que es movido a lo largo de su existencia por el amor y el deseo de contemplarla. La apreciación de la belleza, de su integridad, proporción y claridad, generan en el contemplador la vivencia de gozo, alegría y también le permiten ver una finalidad y orden en el universo, que comunica una experiencia de paz en el contemplador, quien (...)
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  6. Belleza y formación en el pensamiento de Platón.Juan Carlos Mansur - 2011 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 16 (1):83-97.
    Este artigo analisa o pensamento estético de Platão e sua relação com a formação do homem, mostrando que sua concepção estética vai muito além da esfera da arte. Trata-se de mostrar que, em Platão, enquanto é amante da beleza, a reflexão estética transita na esfera da moral, da ciência e da metafísica, não sendo, por conseguinte, o atributo estético da beleza campo exclusivo da arte. Ou seja, a beleza permeia toda a filosofia de Platão desde sua metafísica e cosmologia, passando (...)
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  7. La belleza, horizonte de sentido // The beauty, horizon of sense.Juan Carlos Mansur Garda - 2013 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 18 (2):122-134.
    Este artículo propone valorar la contemplación de la belleza como una guía existencial en la vida del hombre. La belleza como horizonte de sentido aparece de forma muy especial en las obras de arte, pero también nos acompaña en la vida ética así como en nuestra actividad científica, pues la capacidad de contemplar la belleza debe estar en todas nuestras actividades y es muestra de una psique sana. De la misma manera, aborda este artículo aborda el “narcisismo” como una vía (...)
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    Presentación: 40 aniversario.Juan Carlos Mansur Garda - 2024 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 22 (150):7.
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    Presentación.Juan Carlos Mansur Garda - 2022 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 20 (143):7.
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    Principios precríticos y críticos del pensamiento de Emmanuel Kant.Juan Carlos Mansur - 2013 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 36 (1):67-84.
    This article shows the precritical principles of beauty in Kant’s thought, in order to understand his main contribution to the theory of beauty. This critical principles are not found in the Observations on the feeling of the beauty and sublime, but in the first and second critique which locate the feeling of pleasure and pain in the sensation faculty, instead of the Judgment, and in the Universal Nature History and the Theory of the Heavens, that considers beauty as the perfection (...)
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  11.  12
    La memoria de los espacios públicos en la movilización política.Christof Göbel & Juan Carlos Mansur Garda - 2023 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 21 (147):145.
    Este artículo explica cómo la movilización política aprovecha y transforma el espacio público y hace de él un espacio político con fines determinados. Para esto se explica qué son los espacios públicos dentro de las ciudades, los espacios públicos se conforman por los encuentros que posibilitan la memoria histórica y los usos y costumbres que propician su "apropiación simbólica", la constitución del genius loci. Las movilizaciones políticas se apropian de los espacios públicos, que se transforman momentáneamente en "espacios políticos", cuya (...)
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    Juan Carlos Mansur Garda: Kant: ontología y belleza, México:Herder 2010, 270 pp. [REVIEW]Vicente de Haro Romo - 2013 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 39 (1):181-185.
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  13. Evidentialist Reliabilism.Juan Comesaña - 2010 - Noûs 44 (4):571-600.
    I argue for a theory that combines elements of reliabilism and evidentialism.
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  14. Epistemic Pragmatism: An Argument Against Moderation.Juan Comesaña - 2013 - Res Philosophica 90 (2):237-260.
    By “epistemic pragmatism” in general I will understand the claim that whether propositions instantiate certain key epistemic properties (such as being known or being justifiably believed) depends not just on factors traditionally recognized as epistemic, but also on pragmatic factors, such as how costly it would be to the subject if the proposition were false. In what follows I consider two varieties of epistemic pragmatism. According to what I shall call moderate epistemic pragmatism, how much evidence we need in favor (...)
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    On the relationship between human brain functions and the foundations of physics, science, and technology.Juan G. Roederer - 1978 - Foundations of Physics 8 (5-6):423-438.
    The objective of this paper is to discuss the relationship between the functional properties and information-processing modes of the human brain and the evolution of scientific thought. Science has emerged as a tool to carry out predictive operations that exceed the accuracy, temporal scale, and intrinsic operational limitations of the human brain. Yet the scientific method unavoidably reflects some fundamental characteristics of the information-acquisition and -analysis modes of the brain, which impose a priori boundary conditions upon how science can develop (...)
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  16. Difference‐Making in Epistemology.Juan Comesaña & Carolina Sartorio - 2012 - Noûs 48 (2):368-387.
  17. On a Puzzle About Withholding.Juan Comesaña - 2013 - Philosophical Quarterly 63 (251):374-376.
    I discuss Turri's puzzle about withholding. I argue that attention to the way in which evidence can justify withholding dissolves the puzzle.
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  18. The Ethics of Price Discrimination.Juan M. Elegido - 2011 - Business Ethics Quarterly 21 (4):633-660.
    ABSTRACT:Price discrimination is the practice of charging different customers different prices for the same product. Many people consider price discrimination unfair, but economists argue that in many cases price discrimination is more likely to lead to greater welfare than is the uniform pricing alternative—sometimes for every party in the transaction. This article shows i) that there are many situations in which it is necessary to engage in differential pricing in order to make the provision of a product possible; and ii) (...)
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    The evolution of pretence: From intentional availability to intentional non-existence.Juan-Carlos Gómez - 2008 - Mind and Language 23 (5):586-606.
    Abstract: I address the issue of how pretence emerged in evolution by reviewing the (mostly negative) evidence about pretend behaviour in non-human primates, and proposing a model of the type of information processing abilities that humans had to evolve in order to be able to pretend. Non-human primates do not typically pretend: there are just a few examples of potential pretend actions mostly produced by apes. The best, but still rare, examples are produced by so-called 'enculturated' apes (reared by humans) (...)
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  20.  35
    Epistemic Standards for Participatory Technology Assessment: Suggestions Based Upon Well-Ordered Science.Juan M. Durán & Zachary Pirtle - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1709-1741.
    When one wants to use citizen input to inform policy, what should the standards of informedness on the part of the citizens be? While there are moral reasons to allow every citizen to participate and have a voice on every issue, regardless of education and involvement, designers of participatory assessments have to make decisions about how to structure deliberations as well as how much background information and deliberation time to provide to participants. After assessing different frameworks for the relationship between (...)
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  21.  39
    On Some Semi-Intuitionistic Logics.Juan M. Cornejo & Ignacio D. Viglizzo - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (2):303-344.
    Semi-intuitionistic logic is the logic counterpart to semi-Heyting algebras, which were defined by H. P. Sankappanavar as a generalization of Heyting algebras. We present a new, more streamlined set of axioms for semi-intuitionistic logic, which we prove translationally equivalent to the original one. We then study some formulas that define a semi-Heyting implication, and specialize this study to the case in which the formulas use only the lattice operators and the intuitionistic implication. We prove then that all the logics thus (...)
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  22.  23
    Influence of the Enochic tradition on Qumran: reception and adaptation of the Watchers and Giants as a case study.Juan Sebastián Hernández Valencia - 2024 - Perseitas 12:34-71.
    The confluence of different Jewish traditions in the Qumran library is evident. The Enochic traditions are not only counted as the oldest influences in Qumran, they also give it a certain theological unity. This is even more true in the case of demonology. Belial’s figure brings together a rich lexicographic heritage in which different traditions are integrated under the characteristics of the Watchers and Giants of the Enochic tradition (1 En 6—8). This study analyzes the theological characterization of the demonological (...)
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  23.  17
    Finite Freedom and its split from the Absolute in Schelling’s Bruno.Juan José Rodríguez - 2024 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 66 (2):93-115.
    The dialogue Bruno of 1802 is arguably the natural starting point for any investigation on the concepts of finitude, evil and human freedom in Schelling’s middle metaphysics. In this dialogue the author elaborates for the first time in his system a concept of freedom and independence of the finite, which extends via his reformulation in Philosophy and Religion of 1804 to the Freedom Essay of 1809 and beyond to the works of 1810 and 1811 – Stuttgart Private Lectures and The (...)
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    Strong completeness of provability logic for ordinal spaces.Juan P. Aguilera & David Fernández-Duque - 2017 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 82 (2):608-628.
  25. Leibniz on Agential Contingency and Inclining but not Necessitating Reasons.Juan Garcia - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 52 (2):149-164.
    I argue for a novel interpretation of Leibniz’s conception of the kind of contingency that matters for freedom, which I label ‘agential contingency.’ In brief, an agent is free to the extent that she determines herself to do what she judges to be the best of several considered options that she could have brought about had she concluded that these options were best. I use this novel interpretation to make sense of Leibniz’s doctrine that the reasons that explain free actions (...)
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    Semi-intuitionistic Logic with Strong Negation.Juan Manuel Cornejo & Ignacio Viglizzo - 2018 - Studia Logica 106 (2):281-293.
    Motivated by the definition of semi-Nelson algebras, a propositional calculus called semi-intuitionistic logic with strong negation is introduced and proved to be complete with respect to that class of algebras. An axiomatic extension is proved to have as algebraic semantics the class of Nelson algebras.
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    Harnessing Computational Complexity Theory to Model Human Decision‐making and Cognition.Juan Pablo Franco & Carsten Murawski - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (6):e13304.
    A central aim of cognitive science is to understand the fundamental mechanisms that enable humans to navigate and make sense of complex environments. In this letter, we argue that computational complexity theory, a foundational framework for evaluating computational resource requirements, holds significant potential in addressing this challenge. As humans possess limited cognitive resources for processing vast amounts of information, understanding how humans perform complex cognitive tasks requires comprehending the underlying factors that drive information processing demands. Computational complexity theory provides a (...)
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  28.  20
    Semantic activation in the absence of perceptual awareness.Juan J. Ortells, María Teresa Daza & Elaine Fox - 2003 - Perception and Psychophysics 65 (8):1307-1317.
  29.  15
    El Concilio III de Toledo: Aspectos litúrgicos.Juan Manuel Sierra López - 2022 - Isidorianum 31 (2):159-182.
    El Concilio III de Toledo, celebrado en mayo del año 589 a instancias del rey Recaredo, constituye un acontecimiento excepcional para la historia de España y para la historia de la Iglesia. La liturgia ocupa un lugar de gran importancia en este Concilio, pues en ella se recoge y se expresa la fe. Al mismo tiempo, la liturgia sirve para alimentar la fe, como se ve en la introducción del rezo del Credo en la celebración de la Misa, prescrito por (...)
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    Frequency-based organization of speech sequences in a nonhuman animal.Juan M. Toro, Marina Nespor & Judit Gervain - 2016 - Cognition 146 (C):1-7.
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    Personalist anthropology: a philosophical guide to life.Juan Manuel Burgos - 2021 - Wilmington, DE: Vernon Press. Edited by Benjamin Wilkinson & James Beauregard.
    Philosophical personalism has generated a very powerful field of study in the twentieth and twenty first centuries but has not produced a systematic exposition. This book fills this big gap by offering for the first time a full systematic personalistic vision of the human person. This ambitious volume offers a pedagogical and integrated exposition of philosophical personalism, answering vital questions about human identity and existence in a way that the reader can achieve an integrated view of the person. The book (...)
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  32.  24
    Parallel Stories in the Āvaśyakacūrṇi and the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya: A Preliminary Investigation.Juan Wu - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (2):315.
    While it has been known for several decades that the Āvaśyakacūrṇi of the Śvetāmbara Jaina tradition and the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya of the Buddhist tradition share some common narrative plots or motifs, so far no detailed study has been made to understand the different ways in which parallel narrative material is utilized in the two texts. Through a comparative study of stories of three characters in the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya and their counterparts in the Āvaśyakacūrṇi, this paper demonstrates that the Buddhists and (...)
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  33.  18
    Pesadillas posthumanistas: Frankenstein como caso de estudio.Juan Sebastián Hernández Valencia - 2020 - Perseitas 9:494.
    Los textos publicados sobre el poshumanismo han ido creciendo en los últimos años, asimismo, la recepción del fenómeno se ha hecho cada vez más matizada y los análisis diversos. Tampoco han faltado las metáforas usadas para acercar el fenómeno, un tanto nuevo y desconocido, a otros más familiares. Entre estas metáforas, una de las primeras y, a nuestro juicio, más interesantes es la de Frankenstein. No obstante, su amplio uso, consideramos que falta un análisis más detallado de los motivos antropológicos (...)
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    Heidegger, Deleuze y la diferencia. Aportes para pensar la irrupción de la novedad.Juan Pablo Esperón - 2016 - Aisthesis 59:143-156.
    This article seeks to raise the problems of the notion of difference according to Heidegger and Deleuze, for, to our knowledge, they are two of the mayor contemporary thinkers who have influenced our time by addressing this issue. What is “new” about the ways Heidegger and Deleuze think the notion of difference? What convergences appear between their proposals? What disagreements occur between their philosophies? The article is an attempt to provide critical answers to these questions.
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    Effects of practice on task architecture: Combined evidence from interference experiments and random-walk models of decision making.Juan E. Kamienkowski, Harold Pashler, Stanislas Dehaene & Mariano Sigman - 2011 - Cognition 119 (1):81-95.
  36.  30
    Special Issue on the Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures.Juan A. Lara & Shadi Aljawarneh - 2020 - Foundations of Science 25 (4):1003-1008.
    In this full review paper, the recent emerging trends in Computing Structures, Software Science, and System Applications have been reviewed and explored to address the recent topics and contributions in the era of the Software and Computing fields. This includes a set of rigorously reviewed world-class manuscripts addressing and detailing state-of-the-art, framework, implemented approaches and techniques research projects in the areas of Software Technology & Automation, Networking, Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering, Big Data and E-learning. Based on this systematic (...)
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    How Interpersonal Justice Shapes Legitimacy Perceptions: The Role of Interpersonal Justice Trajectories and Current Experience.Juan Liang & Bibo Xu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Where Did All the Sport Go? Negative Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Life-Spheres and Mental Health of Spanish Young Athletes.Juan Pons, Yago Ramis, Saul Alcaraz, Anna Jordana, Marta Borrueco & Miquel Torregrossa - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    During the 2020, the pandemic caused by the massive spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus resulted in a global crisis. In Spain, the COVID-19 pandemic caused a lockdown for almost 100 days and forced the sudden stop of sport practices and competitions. This interruption had a negative impact on high-level athletes’ mental health. However, its impact on young athletes, who are intrinsically developing a high-demanding dual career, remains unclear. Therefore, this study aimed at describing and characterizing the general impact that COVID-19 (...)
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  39. Trends in Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of Neuroscience.Juan José Sanguineti - 2015 - In P. A. Gargiulo H. L. Mesones (ed.), Psychiatry and Neuroscience. Bridging the Divide. Springer. pp. 23-37.
    This paper presents current trends in philosophy of mind and philosophy of neuroscience, with a special focus on neuroscientists dealing with some topics usually discussed by philosophers of mind. The aim is to detect the philosophical views of those scientists, such as Eccles, Gazzaniga, Damasio, Changeux, and others, which are not easy to classify according to the standard divisions of dualism, functionalism, emergentism, and others. As the variety of opinions in these fields is sometimes a source of confusion, it is (...)
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  40. La revolución kantiana de Antonio Caso.Juan Carlos Gonzalez - 2023 - In Virginia Aspe Armella & Ana Paola Tiro Chagoyán (eds.), Argumentos de Filosofia Politica de la Tercera y Cuarta Transformaciones de Mexico. Una Aproximacion Interdisciplinar. Mexico City: Editorial Lambda. pp. 61-80.
    In this article, I argue that, contrary to scholarly consensus, Antonio Caso draws inspiration from important principles and ideas from Kant’s philosophy in his critique of positivism. I first examine the prima facie textual reasons why someone might believe that Caso and Kant are philosophical enemies. To contradict this notion, I proceed by noting and developing three core ideas that the two share in common. First, Caso and Kant are both ardent critics of dogmatic philosophizing. Second, both Caso and Kant (...)
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    El programa fundacionalista del saber en la enciclopedia de las ciencias filosóficas.Juan J. Padial - 2014 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 19 (3).
    RESUMENEste artículo trata del programa de la Enciclopedia de las ciencias filosóficas deHegel. Programa que Hegel delinea en la introducción a dicha obra, y que culmina en el silogismo de silogismos que concluye su obra. Desde su comienzo y término cabe advertir (1) la diferencia de la Enciclopedia hegeliana con las enciclopedias dieciochescas, y (2) la relación de la ciencia filosófica hegeliana con lo empírico.PALABRAS CLAVEHEGEL, ENCICLOPEDIA, FUNDACIONALISMO, CIENCIAABSTRACTThis paper focus on the Hegelian program of the Encyclopedia of the Philosophical (...)
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    Más allá del fundamento y la verdad: La inmanencia.Juan Pablo E. Esperón - 2013 - Aisthesis 54:11-38.
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    Libertarianism and Basic-Income Guarantee: Friends or Foes?Juan Ramón Rallo - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (1):65-74.
    The Basic-Income Guarantee is a governmental programme of income redistribution that enjoys an increasing predicament among academic and political circles. Traditionally, the philosophical defence for this programme has been articulated from the standpoint of social liberalism, republicanism, or communism. Recently, however, libertarian philosopher Matt Zwolinski also tried to reconcile the Basic-Income Guarantee scheme with libertarian ethics. To do so, he resorted to the Lockean proviso: to the extent that the institutionalization of private property impoverishes certain people by depriving their access (...)
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    La teoría de la percepción en la Filosofía del Entendimiento de Andrés Bello.Juan José Rosales Sánchez - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (1):127-145.
    Este artículo estudia, desde un punto de vista analítico, la teoría de la percepción que AndrésBello presenta en su Filosofía del Entendimiento. El objetivo central consiste en elucidar cuáles sonlos elementos que componen y estructuran el proceso de la percepción. En este sentido, se procedemediante el análisis de los capítulos y los apéndices relacionados con los temas de la percepción, quecorresponden con la primera parte denominada, “Psicolojía mental”. De conformidad con lo anterior,se analizan las nociones de alma o espíritu, conciencia, (...)
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  45. La teología en la filosofía utilitarista de John Stuart Mill (II).Juan Ramón Fuentes Jiménez - 2012 - Naturaleza y Gracia 1:51-77.
    The work then develops attempts to present the most relevant aspects of the philosophical thought of John Stuart Mill in relation to religion. The work consists of two parts: the first part, w e develop below, theological reflection on the most important aspects about religión, the debate on the arguments that justify the existente of God; the attributes of God; the occurrence of evil in the World; and, finally, the M ill's assesment about Christ. The second part, will focus on (...)
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  46. La p (s) icaresca:¿ un género literario nacido en Medellín?Juan Carlos Rodas Montoya - 2006 - Escritos 14 (32):279-298.
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    The “Trolley Problem” in Fully Automated AI-Driven Media: A Challenge Beyond Autonomous Driving.Juan Wang & Bin Ye - 2024 - Journal of Media Ethics 39 (4):244-262.
    The rapid progress of artificial intelligence (AI) has resulted in its integration into various stages of the media process, including information gathering, processing, and distribution. This integration has raised the possibility of AI dominating the media industry, leading to an era of “autonomous driving” within AI-driven media systems. Similar to the ethical dilemma known as the “trolley problem” (TP) in autonomous driving, a comparable problem arises in AI automated media. This study examines the emergence of the new TP in fully (...)
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  48.  22
    El hombre en psicoanálisis a la luz de Foucault: La analítica de la finitud en Freud y Lacan.Juan Manuel Zilman - 2024 - Praxis Filosófica 58:e2051258.
    Este artículo analiza los desarrollos que Foucault realiza en torno a la analítica de la finitud en su libro Las palabras y las cosas con el fin de dilucidar las diferencias conceptuales con que Freud y Lacan abordan el sujeto del psicoanálisis. Se pretende reconocer la potencia de la crítica foucaulteana al cuadrilátero antropológico y revisar si las teorías de Freud y Lacan se encuentran o no dentro del mismo, buscando pensar la fecundidad de las direcciones contemporáneas del psicoanálisis. Resultados: (...)
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    Superatomic Boolean algebras constructed from strongly unbounded functions.Juan Carlos Martínez & Lajos Soukup - 2011 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 57 (5):456-469.
    Using Koszmider's strongly unbounded functions, we show the following consistency result: Suppose that κ, λ are infinite cardinals such that κ++ + ≤ λ, κ<κ = κ and 2κ = κ+, and η is an ordinal with κ+ ≤ η < κ++ and cf = κ+. Then, in some cardinal-preserving generic extension there is a superatomic Boolean algebra equation image such that equation image, equation image for every α < η and equation image. Especially, equation image and equation image can (...)
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  50.  21
    Las inscripciones constructivas de la época del gobierno de Almanzor.Juan A. Souto - 2007 - Al-Qantara 28 (1):101-142.
    Se presentan y comentan los datos de las inscripciones constructivas andalusíes correspondientes al período de gobierno de Almanzor (976-1002).
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