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    Introduction.Julien Dutant, Davide Fassio & Anne Https://Orcidorg Meylan - 2017 - Synthese 194 (5):1427-1431.
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  2. Affective intentionality and practical rationality.Julien Deonna, Christine Clavien & Ivo Https://Orcidorg Wallimann-Helmer - 2007 - Dialectica 61 (3):311-322.
    ‘Emotions are Janus-faced,’ writes de Sousa. ‘This suggests that we might speak of a truth, or perhaps two kinds of truth of emotions, one of which is about the self, and the other about conditions in the world’. Emotions, it is claimed, disclose facts about how the world is and about who we are. The articles in this volume all focus on one, the other, or both of these aspects of emotions – How do they contribute to provide reasons for (...)
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    Introduction: Emotions and Rationality in Moral Philosophy.Christine Clavien, Ivo Https://Orcidorg Wallimann-Helmer & Julien Deonna - 2006 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 2.
    This volume includes essays presented at the conference on Emotions and Rationality in Moral Philosophy held at the Universities of Neuchâtel and Bern in October 2005. The authors of this volume share the Humean insight that the ‘sentiments’ have a crucial role to play in elucidating the practice of morality. In a Humean fashion, they warn us against taking an intellectualist view of emotions and reject the rationalist account of morality.
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  4. From Justified Emotions to Justified Evaluative Judgements.Julien A. Deonna & Fabrice Teroni - 2012 - Dialogue 51 (1):55-77.
    ABSTRACT: Are there justified emotions? Can they justify evaluative judgements? We first explain the need for an account of justified emotions by emphasizing that emotions are states for which we have or lack reasons. We then observe that emotions are explained by their cognitive and motivational bases. Considering cognitive bases first, we argue that an emotion is justified if and only if the properties the subject is aware of constitute an instance of the relevant evaluative property. We then investigate the (...)
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  5. The Value and Expected Value of Knowledge.Julien Dutant - 2012 - Dialogue 51 (1):141-162.
    ABSTRACT: Meno’s Thesis—the idea that knowing something is better than merely having a true belief about it—is incompatible with the joint claims that believing the truth is the sole source of the value of knowledge and true belief and knowledge are equally successful in believing the truth. Recent answers to that so-called “swamping” problem reject either or. This paper rejects Meno’s Thesis instead, as relying on a confusion between expected value and value proper. The proposed solution relies on an externalist (...)
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    Discrepancies between Judgment and Choice of Action in Moral Dilemmas.Sébastien Tassy, Olivier Oullier, Julien Mancini & Bruno Wicker - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
  7. Bridge Principles and Epistemic Norms.Claire Https://Orcidorg Field & Bruno Jacinto - 2022 - Erkenntnis 89 (4):1629-1681.
    Is logic normative for belief? A standard approach to answering this question has been to investigate bridge principles relating claims of logical consequence to norms for belief. Although the question is naturally an epistemic one, bridge principles have typically been investigated in isolation from epistemic debates over the correct norms for belief. In this paper we tackle the question of whether logic is normative for belief by proposing a Kripkean model theory accounting for the interaction between logical, doxastic, epistemic and (...)
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    Beyond Correlation: Acoustic Transformation Methods for the Experimental Study of Emotional Voice and Speech.Pablo Arias, Laura Rachman, Marco Liuni & Jean-Julien Aucouturier - 2020 - Emotion Review 13 (1):12-24.
    While acoustic analysis methods have become a commodity in voice emotion research, experiments that attempt not only to describe but to computationally manipulate expressive cues in emotional voice...
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    What should conceptual engineering be all about?Manuel Gustavo Https://Orcidorg Isaac - 2021 - .
    Conceptual engineering is commonly characterized as the method for assessing and improving our representational devices. Little has been said, however, on how best to construe these representational devices—in other words, on what conceptual engineering should be all about. This paper tackles this problem with a basic strategy: First, by presenting a taxonomy of the different possible subject matters for conceptual engineering; then, by comparatively assessing them and selecting the most conducive one with a view to making conceptual engineering an actionable (...)
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    “I have to translate the colors”: Description and implications of a genuine case of phoneme color synaesthesia.Lucie Bouvet, Cynthia Magnen, Clara Bled, Julien Tardieu & Nathalie Ehrlé - 2023 - Consciousness and Cognition 111 (C):103509.
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    Corrigendum: Temporality of Features in Near-Death Experience Narratives.Charlotte Martial, Héléna Cassol, Georgios Antonopoulos, Thomas Charlier, Julien Heros, Anne-Françoise Donneau, Vanessa Charland-Verville & Steven Laureys - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  12. The American Challenge.J. -J. Servan-Schreiber, Arthur Schlesinger, Ronald Steel & Claude Julien - 1970 - Science and Society 34 (1):118-121.
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    Apollonia d'Illyrie (Albanie).Pierre Cabanes, Bashkim Vrekaj, Jean-Luc Lamboley, Philippe Lenhardt, Claire Balandier, Guillaume Bonnet, Vangjel Dimo, Julien Espagne, Eric Fouache, Lami Koço, Skënder Muçaj, Pëllumb Naipi, Patrick Neury, Yann Pépin, Iris Pojani, François Quantin & Altin Skenderaj - 1999 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 123 (2):569-580.
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    Is the warm glow actually warm?: an experimental investigation into the nature and determinants of warm glow feelings.Robin Https://Orcidorg Bianchi, Florian Https://Orcidorg Cova & Emma Tieffenbach - forthcoming - .
    Giving money to others feels good. In the past years, this claim has received strong empirical support from psychology and neuroscience. It is now standard to use the label ‘warm glow feelings’ to refer to the pleasure people take from giving, and many explanations of apparently altruistic behavior appeal to these internal rewards. But what exactly are warm glow feelings? Why do people experience them? In order to further our understanding of the phenomenon, we ran two studies: a recall task (...)
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    Parents as secondary patients: Towards a more family-centred approach to care.Johanna Https://Orcidorg Eichinger, Bernice Elger, Tian Yi Jiao, Insa Koné & David Martin Shaw - forthcoming - .
    The definition of ‘patient’ is commonly taken for granted and considered as obvious, but the term is rather underconceptualised in the literature. In this paper, it will be argued that the criterion of suffering can be considered a sufficient criterion for a parent to be considered a secondary patient when their seriously ill child is receiving medical care (i.e. not necessarily the parents themselves) – these parents are sufferers in virtue of the suffering of others. The nature of parental and (...)
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    Kant and Wittgenstein: philosophy, necessity and representation.Hans Johann Https://Orcidorg909X Glock - 1997 - .
    Several authors have detected profound analogies between Kant and Wittgenstein. Their claims have been contradicted by scholars, such being the agreed penalty for attributions to authorities. Many of the alleged similarities have either been left unsubstantiated at a detailed exegetical level, or have been confined to highly general points. At the same time, the ‘scholarly’ backlash has tended to ignore the importance of some of these general points, or has focused on very specific issues or purely terminological matters. To advance (...)
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  17. Le problème de la psychogenèse des névroses et des psychoses.Lucien Bonnafé, Henry Ey, Sven Follin, Jacques Lacan & Julien Rouart - 1955 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 145:53-58.
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    The Story of Two Souls: The Correspondence of Jacques Maritain and Julien Green.Julien Green, Jacques Maritain & Henry Bars - 1988 - Fordham Univ Press.
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  19. The emotions: a philosophical introduction.Julien A. Deonna & Fabrice Teroni - 2008 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Fabrice Teroni.
    The emotions are at the centre of our lives and, for better or worse, imbue them with much of their significance. The philosophical problems stirred up by the existence of the emotions, over which many great philosophers of the past have laboured, revolve around attempts to understand what this significance amounts to. Are emotions feelings, thoughts, or experiences? If they are experiences, what are they experiences of? Are emotions rational? In what sense do emotions give meaning to what surrounds us? (...)
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    Menaces radicales sur les personnes et les familles.Julien Arotcharen & Malika Mansouri - 2022 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 237 (3):107-122.
    Les jeunes « radicalisés » sont confrontés à des mouvements de questionnements internes et externes, comme grand nombre d’adolescents, sur leur filiation, leur identité. Leur engagement dans cet horizon guerrier s’inscrit autour de menaces psychiques inexorables face à des impensés dans leur histoire individuelle et collective. Appuyé par une méthodologie complémentariste, l’article analyse la situation de deux jeunes hommes confrontés à des reviviscences traumatiques de non-dits familiaux et la réactivation de mouvements internes et externes non maîtrisables. Malgré la tentative de (...)
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    Sur la modération constitutionnelle : chronique bibliographique. A propos de Julien Bourdon, La passion de la modération d'Aristote à Nicolas Sarkozy.Julien Boudon - 2012 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes (10).
    Ne serait-ce que par son titre, dont l’oxymore est d’emblée assumée (p.11) et dont les protagonistes sont associés d’une manière qui ne laisse de surprendre, l’ouvrage de Julien Boudon publié dans la collection « Les sens du droit » des éditions Dalloz, mériterait de retenir l’attention.Dans ce court opus, l’auteur entend, à travers un examen qui puise tout à la fois aux sources de l’histoire, de la philosophie, du droit, de la science politique, et qui emprunte à la fois (...)
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  22. In Defense of Shame: The Faces of an Emotion.Julien A. Deonna, Raffaele Rodogno & Fabrice Teroni - 2011 - , US: Oxford University Press.
    Is shame social? Is it superficial? Is it a morally problematic emotion? Researchers in disciplines as different as psychology, philosophy, and anthropology have thought so. But what is the nature of shame and why are claims regarding its social nature and moral standing interesting and important? Do they tell us anything worthwhile about the value of shame and its potential legal and political applications? -/- In this book, Julien Deonna, Raffaele Rodogno, and Fabrice Teroni propose an original philosophical account (...)
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    Allocution de julien cain.Julien Cain - 1954 - Revue de Synthèse 75 (1):13-14.
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    Imagination et mouvement: Autour de Bachelard et Merleau-Ponty / sous la direction de Gilles Hieronimus et Julien Lamy.Gilles Hieronimus, Julien Lamy & Jean-Hugues Barthélémy (eds.) - 2011 - Fernelmont: E.M.E..
    Analyse de l'herméneutique du mouvement, ainsi que de son imprégnation dans la philosophie occidentale moderne, notamment en utilisant les figures centrales de Bachelard et de Merleau-Ponty. Les contributions tentent de mettre au jour les rapports qu'entretiennent imagination et mouvement, images dynamiques et schèmes moteurs.
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    Il chierico tradito: Julien Benda fra cultura e politica (1916-1933).Davide Cadeddu & Julien Benda (eds.) - 2022 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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    Vers une stylistique des imaginaires langagiers.Julien Piat - 2006 - Corpus 5:113-141.
    Vers une stylistique des imaginaires langagiers Si la description du matériau langagier mis en jeu dans tel ou tel corpus se situe à la base de toute analyse stylistique, la visée ultime de l’opération est d’approcher un style, catégorie littéraire éminemment polysémique. L’analyse stylistique, en effet, peut avoir pour finalité de dégager les habitudes langagières de tel auteur ; elle peut aussi vouloir évaluer cette pratique en l’historicisant – ne serait-ce que parce que depuis le milieu du xixe siècle, la (...)
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  27. The Case for Infallibilism.Julien Dutant - 2007 - In Carlo Penco, Massimiliano Vignolo, Valeria Ottonelli & Cristina Amoretti (eds.), Proceedings of the 4th Latin Meeting in Analytic Philosophy. Genoa: University of Genoa. pp. 59-84.
    Infallibilism is the claim that knowledge requires that one satisfies some infallibility condition. I spell out three distinct such conditions: epistemic, evidential and modal infallibility. Epistemic infallibility turns out to be simply a consequence of epistemic closure, and is not infallibilist in any relevant sense. Evidential infallibilism i s unwarranted but it is not an satisfactory characterization of the infallibilist intuition. Modal infallibility, by contrast, captures the core infallibilist intuition, and I argue that it is required to solve the Gettier (...)
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    Une grande amitié: correspondance, 1926-1972.Julien Green, Henry Bars, Eric Jourdan & Jacques Maritain - 1982 - Editions Gallimard.
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    Pushing Raman spectroscopy over the edge: purported signatures of organic molecules in fossil animals are instrumental artefacts.Julien Alleon, Gilles Montagnac, Bruno Reynard, Thibault Brulé, Mathieu Thoury & Pierre Gueriau - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (4):2000295.
    Widespread preservation of fossilized biomolecules in many fossil animals has recently been reported in six studies, based on Raman microspectroscopy. Here, we show that the putative Raman signatures of organic compounds in these fossils are actually instrumental artefacts resulting from intense background luminescence. Raman spectroscopy is based on the detection of photons scattered inelastically by matter upon its interaction with a laser beam. For many natural materials, this interaction also generates a luminescence signal that is often orders of magnitude more (...)
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  30. Emotions and Their Correctness Conditions: A Defense of Attitudinalism.Julien Deonna & Fabrice Teroni - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-20.
    In this paper, we contrast the different ways in which the representationalist and the attitudinalist in the theory of emotions account for the fact that emotions have evaluative correctness conditions. We argue that the attitudinalist has the resources to defend her view against recent attacks from the representationalist. To this end, we elaborate on the idea that emotional attitudes have a rich profile and explain how it supports the claim that these attitudes generate the wished-for evaluative correctness conditions. Our argument (...)
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    United we stand: Accruals in strength-based argumentation.Julien Rossit, Jean-Guy Mailly, Yannis Dimopoulos & Pavlos Moraitis - 2021 - Argument and Computation 12 (1):87-113.
    Argumentation has been an important topic in knowledge representation, reasoning and multi-agent systems during the last twenty years. In this paper, we propose a new abstract framework where arguments are associated with a strength, namely a quantitative information which is used to determine whether an attack between arguments succeeds or not. Our Strength-based Argumentation Framework combines ideas of Preference-based and Weighted Argumentation Frameworks in an original way, which permits to define acceptability semantics sensitive to the existence of accruals between arguments. (...)
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  32. How could models possibly provide how-possibly explanations?Philippe Verreault-Julien - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 73:1-12.
    One puzzle concerning highly idealized models is whether they explain. Some suggest they provide so-called ‘how-possibly explanations’. However, this raises an important question about the nature of how-possibly explanations, namely what distinguishes them from ‘normal’, or how-actually, explanations? I provide an account of how-possibly explanations that clarifies their nature in the context of solving the puzzle of model-based explanation. I argue that the modal notions of actuality and possibility provide the relevant dividing lines between how-possibly and how-actually explanations. Whereas how-possibly (...)
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    Affective Intentionality and Practical Rationality.Christine Clavien Julien Deonna - 2007 - Dialectica 61 (3):311-322.
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  34. Is There a Statistical Solution to the Generality Problem?Julien Dutant & Erik J. Olsson - 2013 - Erkenntnis 78 (6):1347-1365.
    This article is concerned with a statistical proposal due to James R. Beebe for how to solve the generality problem for process reliabilism. The proposal is highlighted by Alvin I. Goldman as an interesting candidate solution. However, Goldman raises the worry that the proposal may not always yield a determinate result. We address this worry by proving a dilemma: either the statistical approach does not yield a determinate result or it leads to trivialization, i.e. reliability collapses into truth (and anti-reliability (...)
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  35. Cultes locaux et traditions hellénisantes du Proche-Orient: à propos de Leucothéa et de Mélicerte.Julien Aliquot - 2006 - Topoi 14:245-264.
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    L'idée de science de la technique.Julien Pacotte - 1934 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 117 (3/4):226 - 247.
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    La logique et l'impirisme integral.Julien Pacotte - 1935 - Hermann & Cie.
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    Sacré, sécularisation et métamorphoses de sacré. Colloques et travaux récents.Julien Ries - 1978 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 9 (1):83-91.
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  39. Generalized Revenge.Julien Murzi & Lorenzo Rossi - 2019 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 98 (1):153-177.
    Since Saul Kripke’s influential work in the 1970s, the revisionary approach to semantic paradox—the idea that semantic paradoxes must be solved by weakening classical logic—has been increasingly popular. In this paper, we present a new revenge argument to the effect that the main revisionary approaches breed new paradoxes that they are unable to block.
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  40. Wrongful Medicalization and Epistemic Injustice in Psychiatry: The Case of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder.Anne-Marie Gagné-Julien - 2021 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 17 (2):(S4)5-36.
    In this paper, my goal is to use an epistemic injustice framework to extend an existing normative analysis of over-medicalization to psychiatry and thus draw attention to overlooked injustices. Kaczmarek has developed a promising bioethical and pragmatic approach to over-medicalization, which consists of four guiding questions covering issues related to the harms and benefits of medicalization. In a nutshell, if we answer “yes” to all proposed questions, then it is a case of over-medicalization. Building on an epistemic injustice framework, I (...)
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    On the Good that Moves Us.Julien A. Deonna - 2020 - The Monist 103 (2):190-204.
    In this article, I provide a detailed characterization of being moved, which I claim is a distinct emotion. Being moved is the experience of being struck by the goodness of some specific positive value being exemplified. I start by expounding this account. Next, I discuss three issues that have emerged in the literature regarding it. These concern respectively the valence of being moved, the scope of the values that may constitute its particular objects, and the cognitive sophistication required for experiencing (...)
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    Avant-propos.Julien Allavena & Matteo Polleri - 2019 - Actuel Marx 65 (1):149.
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    Stroke Syndromes.Julien Bogousslavsky & Louis Caplan (eds.) - 1995 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this important addition to the stroke literature, highly experienced clinicians set out the patterns to be expected in patients with stroke, drawing on illustrative case histories where appropriate. The book is intended as a guide to patterns and syndromes for clinicians encountering an unfamiliar presentation in a stroke patient. It will enable them to differentiate between possible locations on the basis of symptoms and signs, recognise lesion patterns found in patients with infarcts and haemorrhages in various vascular territories, and (...)
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  44. Éthiques du corps.Julien Couard (ed.) - 2023 - Aix-en-Provence: Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille.
    Le corps est, avant tout, le siège physique de notre condition humaine. Plus largement, il incarne une institution sociale. Dans les deux cas, il n'est rien sans l'esprit. Corps et esprit manifestent l'être dans toute son identité. Le corps sans esprit relève de l'avoir : juridiquement, il est une chose. L'esprit sans corps est insaisissable: on peine scientifiquement à le qualifier. Réunis, corps et esprit sont la source et le sommet de la dignité humaine, concept né dans la philosophie morale (...)
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    Drawing facilitates children's verbal reports after long delays.Julien Gross & Harlene Hayne - 1999 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 5 (3):265.
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    (1 other version)Utopianism and its discontents.Julien Kloeg - 2016 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 108 (3):451-468.
    Utopianism is often rejected out of hand for one of two reasons: either it is thought to be politically dangerous, or it is thought to be a mere fantasy. It is nevertheless an important theme in contemporary political philosophy. This article reviews part of the political-philosophical career of ‘utopia’ as a concept by considering the different traditions that have been influential in shaping the way utopia and utopianism are perceived today. A brief reading of Thomas More’s Utopia is followed by (...)
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    Les « autres » applications des technologies Peer-to-Peer.Julien Laflaquière - 2005 - Multitudes 2 (2):59-68.
    In the flow of information concerning Peer-to-Peer, it is difficult to get away from the apparently inexhaustible topic of music file sharing. This article invites us to refocus our attention towards the vast diversity of possible uses of the P2P technologies. After a survey of a few examples, the article denounces the ongoing confusion between an innovative and promising technology and the uses to which it can be subjected.
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    (1 other version)Simone Weil, sa vie, son enseignement.Julien Molard - 2004 - Sury-en-Vaux: A à Z patrimoine.
    Simone Weil, philosophe reconnue, engagée, mystique, ne laisse personne indifférent. Son année d'enseignement à Bourges est une année charnière, un moment de répit dans une courte vie mouvementée. Elle y réfléchit et y médite. Professeur de philosophie, elle a laissé une forte impression sur ses jeunes élèves du lycée de jeunes filles de Bourges. Ce sont ses cours, retrouvés grâce à deux anciennes élèves, que vous lirez dans cet ouvrage.
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    Erotic Welfare.Julien S. Murphy - 1995 - Radical Philosophy Review of Books 11 (11):106-109.
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    Feminism in Cuba: Report from the Third Conference of North American and Cuban Philosophers.Julien S. Murphy, Ofelia Schutte, Jan Slagter & Linda Lopez McAlister - 1991 - Hypatia 6 (3):227 - 232.
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