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Krassimir Stojanov [19]K. Stojanov [1]
  1.  23
    Education, Self-Consciousness and Social Action: Bildung as a Neo-Hegelian Concept.Krassimir Stojanov - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    Education, Self-consciousness and Social Action reconstructs the Hegelian concept of education, Bildung, and shows that this concept could serve as a powerful alternative to current psychologist notions of learning. Taking a Hegelian perspective, Stojanov claims that Bildung should be interpreted as growth of mindedness and that such a growth has two central and interrelated components, including the development of self-consciousness toward conceptual self-articulation and the formation of one's capacity for intelligent social action. The interrelation between the two central components of (...)
  2.  36
    Educational justice and transnational migration.Krassimir Stojanov - 2018 - Journal of Global Ethics 14 (1):34-46.
    ABSTRACTIn this paper I address the distributive, inclusive, and relational dimensions of educational justice individually in relation to transnational migration. First, I thematize distributive issues with regard to immigrant students, the central question being whether these students are entitled to more or less educational resources as non-immigrant students. Second, I discuss to which extent and in which sense enabling immigrant students to participate fully in the social and political life of their receiving country is a demand of educational justice. Third, (...)
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  3. (1 other version)Overcoming Social Pathologies in Education: On the Concept of Respect in R. S. Peters and Axel Honneth.Krassimir Stojanov - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 43 (supplement s1):161-172.
    The concept of respect plays a central role in several recent attempts to re-actualise the programme of a critical social theory. In Axel Honneth's most prominent version of that concept, respect is closely tied to the sphere of law, and it is limited to the recognition of a Kantian-type moral autonomy of the individual. So interpreted, the concept of respect can only have a very limited application in the field of education, where concern for the particular desires, intentions and beliefs (...)
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  4.  20
    Social Justice and Education as Discursive Initiation.Krassimir Stojanov - 2016 - Educational Theory 66 (6):755-767.
    In this essay Krassimir Stojanov attempts first to reconstruct the “heart” of Jürgen Habermas's discourse ethics, namely the so-called “principle of universalization” of ethical norms. This principle grounds Habermas's proceduralist account of social justice via equal access of all concerned to the practices of deliberative validation of norms. Stojanov claims with regard to this account that it could only be implemented if the social actors are involved in a process of education as discursive initiation. After using R. S. Peters's educational (...)
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    Bildung as Formation of Mindedness in Hegel's Philosophy.Krassimir Stojanov - 2018 - Philosophy of Education 74:593-607.
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    Intersubjective recognition and the development of propositional thinking.Krassimir Stojanov - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 41 (1):75–93.
    The paper’s main purpose is to show that the new recognition paradigm could have a great impact on the philosophy of education. The author demonstrates that impact by a comparative analysis of both Axel Honneth’s theory of intersubjectively founded self-realisation and Robert Brandom’s concept of socially mediated propositional articulation. The focus of the analysis is the question of the social prerequisites and intersubjective mechanisms of the development of propositional thinking as a core dimension of subjectivity. On the ground of the (...)
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  7.  20
    Inclusive Universalism as a Normative Principle of Education.Krassimir Stojanov - 2023 - Educational Theory 73 (2):245-257.
    In recent years we have seen a newfound engagement with Jürgen Habermas's work in philosophy of education, focusing on his conception of argumentative dialogue, or discourse, as the origin of both truth-related epistemic judgments and justifications of moral norms that claim rightness rather than truth. In this article, Krassimir Stojanov first reconstructs the way in which Habermas determines the relation between truth and rightness, and he then shows that moral rightness functions as a “truth-analogue” since moral norms, like true facts, (...)
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    Bildung and Freedom in Hegel’s Philosophy.Krassimir Stojanov - 2020 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2020 (1):475-485.
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    Bildungsgerechtigkeit.Krassimir Stojanov - 2019 - In Johannes Drerup & Gottfried Schweiger (eds.), Handbuch Philosophie der Kindheit. Berlin: J.B. Metzler. pp. 348-354.
    Die Kategorie der Bildungsgerechtigkeit erlebt derzeit eine Hochkonjunktur in der bildungspolitischen Diskussion wie auch in der empirischen Bildungsforschung. Dabei wird sie – insbesondere im deutschsprachigen Raum – in Nachfolge der PISA-Studien fast ausschließlich als Bezeichnung für eine angestrebte Überwindung der Herkunftsabhängigkeit von Bildungsbiographien verwendet. Diese Abhängigkeit, die im Fokus dieser Studien seit 1999 steht, wird von ihnen in allen OECD-Ländern festgestellt, wobei sie in Deutschland besonders stark ausgeprägt zu sein scheint.
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  10.  18
    Children's Ideals as a Philosophical Topic.Krassimir Stojanov - 2019 - Educational Theory 69 (3):327-340.
  11. Charles Taylor: Das Unbehagen an der Moderne (The Malaise of Modernity).K. Stojanov - 1996 - Synthesis Philosophica 11:254-258.
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  12.  24
    Education as Bildung.Krassimir Stojanov - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 50:237-241.
    The concept of Bildung, as it has been developed within the framework of the German Idealism, does not refer to any particular social sphere like schooling, teaching, training etc. but to the character, the directions and the mechanisms of human development in general. We can find probably the most elaborated version of the concept of Bildung via human development in the work of G. F. Hegel. That is way I focus in this paper exclusively on Hegel’s concept of Bildung. In (...)
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  13.  23
    Gerechtigkeit.Krassimir Stojanov - 2019 - In Gabriele Weiß & Jörg Zirfas (eds.), Handbuch Bildungs- Und Erziehungsphilosophie. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 203-214.
    Die zentrale Frage, die dieser Aufsatz zu beantworten versucht, ist die folgende: Welchen Normen müssen Bildungsinstitutionen und pädagogisches Handeln entsprechen, damit sie als gerecht bezeichnet werden, d.h. damit sie als moralisch legitim gelten können? Damit ist eine weitere Frage verbunden: Unterscheiden sich diese Normen der Gerechtigkeit von denjenigen in Wirtschaft und Arbeitsleben? Mit anderen Worten: Gibt es Besonderheiten der Bildungsgerechtigkeit, die sie etwa von der Leistungsgerechtigkeit und der sozialen Gerechtigkeit unterscheiden?
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  14.  10
    On the Gap Between Philosophy of Friendship and Political Philosophy.Krassimir Stojanov - 2013 - Philosophy of Education 69:117-119.
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  15.  35
    Personal Identity and Social Change.Krassimir Stojanov - 1999 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 6 (1):55-60.
    The paper attempts to describe mechanisms of personal identity development during the radical break with traditions which is typical for the age of reflexive modernity. Here identity development is no longer possible on the base of identification with irreflexive, traditionally given symbols of a local culture. Post-traditional identity does not refer to the past, but to the future, which has optional as well as contingent character.Post-traditional identity is formed through participation in a kind of intersubjectivity which has a reflexive and (...)
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  16.  25
    (1 other version)The design of the university: German, American, and ‘World Class’.Krassimir Stojanov - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory:1-3.
  17.  22
    The Issue of the Cosmopolitan Identities and the Third Way between Cultural Embeddement and Liberal Autonomy.Krassimir Stojanov - 2002 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 9 (2):7-12.
    This paper attempts to develop an alternative to both classical liberal claims about individual autonomy and communitarian claims about cultural embeddement of the individual. It shows a way to develop a new model of subjectivity through an interpretation at the level of a deeply located, coherent self. This self is the core of personal identity as a pluralisticly structured, decentralized, internalization of Ego - Alter Ego relationships. This concept is clarified by a critical interpretation and reformulation of Jeremy Waldron’s concept (...)
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  18.  33
    The Post‐Socialist Transition as a Process of Biographical Learning: On the Contradiction between Democratization and Political Alienation in Eastern Europe.Krassimir Stojanov - 2012 - Constellations 19 (1):121-134.