Results for 'Kasmira Saiva'

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  1. Se bhelkey.Kasmira Saiva - 2006 - In A. V. Afonso (ed.), Consciousness, society, and values. Shimla: Indian Institute of Advanced Study. pp. 257.
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    On Śaiva Terminology: Some Key Issues of Understanding.Lyne Bansat-Boudon - 2014 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 42 (1):39-97.
    The goal of this paper is to reconsider some key concepts of nondualist Kashmirian Śaivism whose interpretation and translation have generally been the subject of some sort of silent consensus. Through the close examination of a particular text, the Paramārthasāra of Abhinavagupta and its commentary by Yogarāja, as well as of related texts of the system, I shall attempt to improve upon the understanding and translation of terms such as ghana (and the compounds derived therefrom), the roots sphar, sphur, pra]kāś (...)
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    A Śaiva Interpretation of the Satkāryavāda: The Sāṃkhya Notion of Abhivyakti and Its Transformation in the Pratyabhijñā Treatise.Isabelle Ratié - 2014 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 42 (1):127-172.
    It is a well-known fact that the Śaiva nondualistic philosopher Utpaladeva (fl. c. 925–975) adopted the Sāṃkhya principle according to which the effect must exist in some way before the operation of its cause (satkāryavāda). Johannes Bronkhorst has highlighted the paradox inherent in this appropriation: Utpaladeva is a staunch supporter of the satkāryavāda, but whereas Sāṃkhya authors consider it as a means of proving the existence of an unconscious matter, the Śaiva exploits it so as to establish his monistic idealism, (...)
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    A śaiva theory of meaning.Usha Colas-Chauhan - 2008 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 36 (4):427-453.
    The Pauṣkara briefly discusses the meaning-expressing nature of śabda (constituted of phonemes, varṇa) and the means to the cognition of word and sentence meaning. According to this dualistic Śaiva Tantra, meaning is denoted by nāda, a capacity of varṇas. Varṇas also are the means to the cognition of meaning through a capacity (saṃskāra) manifested in them. Although the meaning-denoting capacity is natural to varṇas, the relation of words (which are nothing but groups of varṇas) with objects is fixed by convention. (...)
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    On the Śaiva Concept of Innate Impurity (mala) and the Function of the Rite of Initiation.Diwakar Acharya - 2014 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 42 (1):9-25.
    This paper tries to trace the roots of the Śaiva Mantramārga concept of innate impurity. Since innate impurity is regarded as one of the three bonds fettering bound individual souls, this paper begins with the Pāśupata and early Śaiva views on these bonds. It examines the Buddhist logician Dharmakīrti’s criticism of the Śaiva idea that initiation removes sin, and discusses the Pāśupata concept of sin-cleansing and two different concepts of innate impurity found in two early Śaiva scriptures: the Sarvajñānottaratantra and (...)
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  6.  10
    Saiva Siddhanta: the philosophy of Saivism.Po Caṅkarappiḷḷai - 2006 - Chennai: Copies available in India, Kumaran Publishers.
  7.  16
    The Śaiva School of Hinduism. By S. ShivapadasundaramB.A. With a preface by J. S. MackenzieLitt.D., LL.D.C. A. F. Rhys Davids - 1936 - Philosophy 11 (41):107-107.
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  8. The Śaiva School of Hinduism.S. Shivapadasundaram - 1936 - Philosophy 11 (41):107-107.
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    Adoption and Assimilation of Śaiva Rituals as Seen in Buddhist Tantric Texts. 방정란 - 2018 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 54 (54):35-63.
    본고는 바즈라야나(Vajrayāna)라고 불리는 불교 딴뜨라의 문헌들이 외부 전통에 관해 직,간접적으로 증언하는 내용을 살펴봄으로써, 이전의 대승 불교와 비교해 이질적인 요소를 다수 포함하는 바즈라야나의 의례들을 어떤 방식으로 접근, 이해할 수 있는지를 논의해 보고자 한다. 먼저, 유사 의례를 차별화하면서, 불교 의례의 권위를 재설정하는 초기 바즈라야나 문헌의 구체적인 구절들을 살펴본다. 더불어 불교와 샤이바(Śaiva)의 딴뜨라 문헌들이 동일한 텍스트를 공유함으로써 상호 긴밀한 관계를 유지해 온 사례들을 조사한다. 이는 딴뜨라의 수행과 의례가 상이한 종교 전통들 속에서 각기 어떻게 자리 잡게 되는지를 여실히 보여주는 증거라고 할 수 있다. 이같이 (...)
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    The Saiva Siddhanta as a philosophy of practical knowledge. Mar̲aimalaiyaṭikaḷ - 1966 - Tirunelveli,: South India Saiva Siddhanta Works Pub. Society, Tinnevelly.
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    The Śaiva Mystic and the Symbol of Androgyny.Carl Olson - 1981 - Religious Studies 17 (3):377 - 386.
    In probably the earliest Upanisad text, one learns that at the beginning of the world there was only Ātman in the form of a person. Discovering that only he existed, he declared ‘I am’. After losing his fear of being alone, he found that he did not have pleasure because of his solitary condition. Thereupon, he divided himself and became a man and a woman. When the two beings copulated other beings and forms of life were produced. Thus the original (...)
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    Self-awareness of Śaiva Pratyabhijñā Departed from Buddhist Yogācāra Doctrine.Hyojung Koo & Seung Suk Jung - 2018 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 53:257-287.
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    The Body of Shiva and the Body of a Bhakta: the Formation of a New Concept of Corporeality in Tamil Śaiva Bhakti as a Tool and Path for the Liberation of the Bhakta.Olga P. Vecherina - 2022 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 26 (2):369-381.
    The author analyses the change in the Tamil Śaiva bhakti concept of corporeality showing that understanding the body of a bhakta as the main obstacle to connecting with the body of Śiva based on the attitude of rejecting one's corporeality has much in common with Buddhist and Jain ideas about the body. Therefore, the main task of the bhakta was to liberate from his body, its elimination or transformation (remelting the physical body as an impure body, as an obstacle body (...)
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  14. Can One Prove that Something Exists Beyond Consciousness? A Śaiva Criticism of the Sautrāntika Inference of External Objects.Isabelle Ratié - 2011 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 39 (4-5):479-501.
    This article examines how the Kashmiri non-dualistic Śaiva philosophers Utpaladeva (tenth century) and Abhinavagupta (10th–11th centuries) present and criticize a theory expounded by certain Buddhist philosophers, identified by the two Śaiva authors as Sautrāntikas. According to this theory, no entity external to consciousness can ever be perceived since perceived objects are nothing but internal aspects (ākāra) of consciousness. Nonetheless we must infer the existence of external entities so as to account for the fact that consciousness is aware of a variety (...)
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  15.  44
    Shifting Concepts: The Realignment of Dharmakīrti on Concepts and the Error of Subject/Object Duality in Pratyabhijñā Śaiva Thought.Catherine Prueitt - 2017 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 45 (1):21-47.
    Contemporary scholars have begun to document the extensive influence of the sixth to seventh century Buddhist philosopher Dharmakīrti on Pratyabhijñā Śaiva thought. Utpaladeva and Abhinavagupta’s adaptation of Dharmakīrti’s apoha theory provides a striking instance of the creative ways in which these Śaivas use Dharmakīrti’s ideas to argue for positions that Dharmakīrti would emphatically reject. Both Dharmakīrti and these Śaivas emphasize that the formation of a concept involves both objective and subjective factors. Working within a certain perceptual environment, factors such as (...)
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  16.  6
    Śaivism in Philosophical Perspective: A Study of the Formative Concepts, Problems, and Methods of Śaiva Siddhānta.Krishna Sivaraman - 2001 - Motilal Banarsidass Publ..
    Saivism is one of the pervasive expressions of Indian Religious Culture stretching to the dim past of pre-history and surviving as a living force in the thought and life of millions of Hindus especially in Southern India and Northern Ceylon. The present work is scholarly reconstruction of Saivism in its characteristic and classical from as Saiva Siddhanta, focusing mainly on the philosophical doctrine and presenting a conceptual analysis of its formative notions, problems and methods. Anteceding the rise of the (...)
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  17. Spiritual journey in saiva-Siddhanta.S. Arulsamy - 1986 - Journal of Dharma 11 (1):37-61.
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  18. Humphrey Palmer (Ed.): Saiva Siddhanta. An Indian School of Mystical Thought.K. Werner - 2002 - Asian Philosophy 12 (2):150-151.
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  19. (1 other version)The relevance of Saiva siddhanta philosophy.N. Murugesa Mudaliar - 1968 - Annamalainagar,: Annamalai University.
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    The Vaiṣṇava Writings of a Śaiva Intellectual.Ajay K. Rao - 2016 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 44 (1):41-65.
    Although today Appayya Dīkṣīta enjoys a reputation as the preeminent Śaiva polemicist of the sixteenth century, it must be remembered that he also wrote works from a distinctively Vaiṣṇava perspective, in which Viṣṇu is extolled as the paramount god rather than Śiva. This paper examines one of those works, the Varadarājastava and its autocommentary. It places special emphasis on how the poem is patterned on the Varadarājapañcāśat of the fourteenth-century Śrīvaiṣṇava poet and philosopher, Vedānta Deśika, with close attention to the (...)
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  21. Salvation in Saiva Siddhanta.T. Manninezhath - 1997 - Journal of Dharma 22 (2).
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  22. Das Menschenbild im Saiva Siddhanta.J. Soni - 1988 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 22 (56):65-76.
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    The Aspect of Liṅga - Worship in Śaiva Purāṇa. 김현덕 - 2016 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 47 (47):155-185.
    인도종교에 있어, 쉬바(Śiva)신과 링가(liṅga)는 불가분의 관계를 형성하고 있다. ‘링가’가 쉬바(Śiva) 숭배, 즉 샤이비즘(Śaivism)에 있어 중요한 위치를 점하고 있다는 사실은 쉬바계 뿌라나(Śaiva Purāṇa)를 통해 뒷받침된다. 예를 들어 쿠르마 뿌라나(Kūrma-Purāṇā)나 쉬바 뿌라나(Śiva-Purāṇa)는 링가 숭배가 쉬바에 대한 다른 어떠한 숭배보다도 중요하다는 점을 강조하고 있으며 마하바라타(Mahabhārata)나 라마야나(Rāmāyaṇa)와 같은 서사시에서도 쉬바신의 상징으로서 숭배되는 링가가 거론되고 있다. 이러한 까닭에, 링가와 또한 그것의 기원에 관한 논의는 샤이비즘은 물론 힌두이즘을 이해하는데 있어 간과할 수 없는 요소라고 하겠다. 링가가 주는 에로틱한 인상은 쉬 지워지지 않는 것이다. 그래서인지 오래전부터 링가의 기원을 (...)
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    Vedāntic Analogies Expressing Oneness and Multiplicity and Their Bearing on the History of the Śaiva Corpus. Part II: Vivartavāda.Andrea Acri - 2021 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 49 (4):571-601.
    This article, divided into two parts, traces and discusses two pairs of analogies invoked in Sanskrit literature to articulate the paradox of God’s oneness and multiplicity vis-à-vis the souls and the manifest world, reflecting the philosophical positions of pariṇāmavāda and vivartavāda. These are, respectively, the analogies of fire in wood and dairy products in milk, and moon/sun in pools of water and space in pots. Having introduced prevalent ideas about the status of the supreme principle vis-à-vis the souls and creation (...)
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    The descent of power: Possession, mysticism, and initiation in the śaiva theology of abhinavagupta. [REVIEW]Christopher Wallis - 2008 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 36 (2):247-295.
    This paper surveys the key terms śaktipāta and samāveśa (both of which refer to religious experience) in the primary sources of Tantric Śaivism over several centuries of textual development, building up a theory as to their range of meanings. It specifically focuses on their usage by Abhinavagupta (Kāshmīr, 10th century) by presenting a complete translation of chapter 11 of his Tantrasāra. The paper thus serves to (a) illuminate the nature of spiritual experience and the qualifcations for religious praxis in Śaivism, (...)
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    Vedāntic Analogies Expressing Oneness and Multiplicity and their Bearing on the History of the Śaiva Corpus. Part I: Pariṇāmavāda.Andrea Acri - 2021 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 49 (4):535-569.
    This article, divided into two parts, traces and discusses two pairs of analogies invoked in Sanskrit literature to articulate the paradox of God’s oneness and multiplicity vis-à-vis the souls and the manifest world, reflecting the philosophical positions of pariṇāmavāda and vivartavāda. These are, respectively, the analogies of fire in wood and dairy products in milk, and moon/sun in pools of water and space in pots. In Part I, having introduced prevalent ideas about the status of the supreme principle vis-à-vis creation (...)
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  27. A study of the saiva siddhantam from dialogue perspective.Joseph Jaswant Raj - 1995 - In Anand Amaladass (ed.), Christian contribution to Indian philosophy. Madras: Christian Literature Society.
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    On the Distinction Between Epistemic and Metaphysical Buddhist Idealisms: A Śaiva Perspective. [REVIEW]Isabelle Ratié - 2014 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 42 (2-3):353-375.
    Modern scholarship has often wondered whether Indian Buddhist idealism is primarily epistemic or metaphysical: does this idealism amount to a kind of transcendental scepticism according to which we cannot decide whether objects exist or not outside of consciousness because we can have no epistemic access whatsoever to these objects? Or is it rather ontologically committed, i.e., does it consist in denying the very existence of the external world? One could deem the question anachronistic and suspect that with such an inquiry (...)
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  29.  19
    The Idea of God in Saiva-Siddhanta. [REVIEW]R. D. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (3):542-542.
    Four lectures, delivered at Allahabad and Benares in 1953. They present a straightforward summary of the basic principles of Saiva-Siddhanta, with emphasis on its versions of the cosmological and moral arguments for the existence of God and on the highest function of God as the redeemer of Souls.--D. R.
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    Tiruvannamalai, a Śaiva Sacred Complex of South India, Vol. 1 : InscriptionsTiruvannamalai, un lieu saint śivaïte du sud de l'Inde, Vol. 2: L'Archéologie du siteTiruvannamalai, un lieu saint śivaïte du sud de l'Inde, Vol. 4: La Configuration sociologique du temple hindouTiruvannamalai, un lieu saint śivaïte du sud de l'Inde, Vol. 5: La VilleTiruvannamalai, a Saiva Sacred Complex of South India, Vol. 1 : InscriptionsTiruvannamalai, un lieu saint sivaite du sud de l'Inde, Vol. 2: L'Archeologie du siteTiruvannamalai, un lieu saint sivaite du sud de l'Inde, Vol. 4: La Configuration sociologique du temple hindouTiruvannamalai, un lieu saint sivaite du sud de l'Inde, Vol. 5: La Ville. [REVIEW]Burton Stein, P. R. Srinivasan, Marie-Louise Reiniche, Françoise L'Hernault, Pierre Pichard, Jean Delouche, Christophe Guilmoto & Francoise L'Hernault - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (1):149.
  31.  42
    Can we attain wisdom? A non-dualist problem in śaiva philosophy.Gavin Flood - 2006 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 33 (3):409–419.
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    The Dreamer and the Yogin: On the relationship between Buddhist and Śaiva idealisms.Seung Suk Jung - 2015 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 45:193-273.
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    Śaivism in Philosophical Perspective: A Study of the Formative Concepts, Problems and Methods of Śaiva Siddhānta.M. P. Samartha - 1975 - Philosophy East and West 25 (2):247-248.
  34. Love of God, According to Saiva Siddhanta.Mariasusai Dhavamony - 1971 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 33 (2):398-398.
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  35. The Idea of God in Saiva-Siddhanta.T. M. P. MAHADEVAN - 1955
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    Mind The Study on The Original Form of Kuṇḍalinī in Non-dual Śaiva Tantra: Based on The Fifth Chapter of Tantrasāra. 심준보 - 2017 - The Journal of Indian Philosophy 51 (51):39-64.
    기존에 알려진 하타요가의 쿤달리니는 인도철학의 교설적 근원이 충분히 알려지지 않은 상태로 대중적으로 인식되었다. 이런 점은 오늘날 쿤달리니에 대한 많은 오해를 불러 오게 되었다. 그래서 본 연구는 쿤달리니를 인도철학의 공정한 관점에서 이해할 수 있도록 하타요가의 중요 원천인 불이론 쉬바파 탄트라 사상의 중요 문헌 『탄트라의 정수』 5장에 나타난 쿤달리니를 고찰하였다. 본 연구에 따르면 『탄트라의 정수』 5장에서 쿤달리니 과정은 개체적 의식의 우주적 의식으로의 복귀 과정, 혹은 의식의 정묘화 과정이라고 할 수 있는 환희의 7단계 과정, 즉 니자난다, 니라난다, 파라난다, 브라흐마난다, 마하난다, 치다난다, 자가다난다로 설명되었다. (...)
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  37. Imagination in Coleridge and Abhinavagupta: A Critical A N Aljsis O F Christian and Saiva Standpoints.Ramendra Kumar Sen - 1965 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 24 (1):97-107.
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    Rediscovering God with Transcendental Argument: A Contemporary Interpretation of Monistic Kashmiri Śaiva PhilosophyRediscovering God with Transcendental Argument: A Contemporary Interpretation of Monistic Kashmiri Saiva Philosophy.François Chenet, David Peter Lawrence & Francois Chenet - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (3):521.
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    Love of God According to Śaiva Siddhānta. A Study in the Mysticism and Theology of ŚaivismLove of God According to Saiva Siddhanta. A Study in the Mysticism and Theology of Saivism.Wilhelm Halbfass & Mariasusai Dhavamony - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (4):501.
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    Love, Violence, and the Aesthetics of Disgust: Śaivas and Jains in Medieval South India. [REVIEW]Anne E. Monius - 2004 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 32 (2/3):113-172.
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    Love Of God according to Śaiva Siddhānta.Maria Wolf - 1976 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 25:353-355.
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    Is Yogic Suicide Useless? The Practice of utkrānti in Some Tantric Vaiṣṇava and Śaiva Sources.Silvia Schwarz Linder - 2020 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 48 (3):427-445.
    The aim of this article is to discuss the practice of yogic suicide, as it occurs in some Tantric Vaiṣṇava sources, as well as in the Mālinīvijayottaratantra, particularly as concerns the affinities between the latter and certain Pāñcarātra saṃhitās. After a summary account of the contents of the text-passages where this practice is either described or alluded to, some of the problems raised by these texts are identified and provisional working hypothesis are put forward. In the first place, it is (...)
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  43. From foolish ascetics to enemies of Siva : the fate of Jains as religious others in Tamil Saiva literature.Anne Monius - 2019 - In Gil Ben-Herut, Jon Keune & Anne Monius (eds.), Regional communities of devotion in South Asia: insiders, outsiders, and interlopers. New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
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  44. Biotic Scale to Sign and Symbol: Concept of Vira in Jaina-Saiva Cults: A Comparative Study.Dr K. Satya Murty - 2001 - In Haripriya Rangarajan, G. Kamalakar, A. K. V. S. Reddy, M. Veerender & K. Venkatachalam (eds.), Jainism: art, architecture, literature & philosophy. Delhi: Sharada Pub. House. pp. 276.
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    Dravidian philosophy: with special reference to Saiva Siddhanta.C. Sam Christopher - 2009 - Kuppam: Dravidian University.
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    The Linguistics and Cosmology of Agency in Nondual Kashmiri Śaiva Thought.David Peter Lawrence - 2014 - In Matthew R. Dasti & Edwin F. Bryant (eds.), Free Will, Agency, and Selfhood in Indian Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press USA.
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    The Vedanta Dindimah = Drum-Beats of Vedåanta : With a Supplement of Kåa'smir 'Saiva & Vedåanta Puruòsa'.Jåanakåinåatha Vedantadindima, Kaula, âsaçnkaråacåarya & Nôrsiòmhåaâsrama (eds.) - 1990 - Srinagar, Kashmir: Utpal Publication.
    Presents Vedamta Dindimah Duly Translated With A Commentary By The Author - An Easy Manual On Advaita And Ascribed By Some To Sankara - Proclaims The Truth Of Vedanta In Clear Terms. 8 Small Chapters - Including Pre-View, Foreword - Introduction - Preface - Erc.
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    (1 other version)Cronologia de um crime no século XX. O roubo do Senhor Bom Jesus do Saivá, em Antonina, Paraná, Brasil -doi: 10.4025/dialogos.v17i3.782. [REVIEW]Cláudia Eliane Martinez - 2013 - Diálogos (Maringa) 17 (3).
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    A South Indian Śākta Anthropogonỵ: An Annotated Translation of Selections from Maheśvarānanda’s Mahārthamañjarīparimala, gāthās 19 and 20. [REVIEW]Whitney Cox - 2012 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 40 (2):199-218.
    This article represents the first of a projected series of annotated translations of the Mahārthamañjarīparimala of Maheśvarānanda, a Śaiva Śākta author active in Cidambaram around the turn of the fourteenth century of the Common Era. The present translation includes excerpts from the text’s presentation of two of the levels of reality ( tattvas ), puruṣa and prakṛti . These two tattvas , the apex of the older Sāṃkhya scheme incorporated centuries earlier by the Śaivas, provide for Maheśvarānanda the centerpiece and (...)
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  50.  34
    Gracious Possession, Gracious Bondage: Śiva’s Aruḷ in Māṇikkavācakar’s Tiruvācakam.A. Gardner Harris - 2016 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 44 (3):411-436.
    The primary concern in this paper is to examine the nature of Śiva’s aruḷ—his generative and salvific energy—as portrayed in Tiruvācakam, Māṇikkavācakar’s important but understudied text of medieval bhakti poems. Close attention is paid to the poet’s description of Śiva’s aruḷ as inducing seemingly incongruous ontological states of being—one of ecstatic possession that results in rapturous dance and one of spiritual bondage. In doing so, this paper posits that Māṇikkavācakar is using aruḷ as śakti is used in the philosophy of (...)
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