Results for 'Katechon'

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  1. Katechon.Oneide Perius - 2025 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 70 (1):e46397.
    Katechon, figura enigmática que aparece en las cartas paulinas, reúne siglos de debate en torno a la relación entre teología y política. Conduce a una sólida tradición hermenéutica en la que se entiende como un poder establecido que frena la anomia y el caos, colocando así a la teología como el fundamento que mantiene los órdenes políticos establecidos. Pero también puede interpretarse como ese conjunto de fuerzas que aún frenan el advenimiento del Día del Señor, la parusía. En esta (...)
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    The katechon in the age of biopolitical nihilism.Sergei Prozorov - 2012 - Continental Philosophy Review 45 (4):483-503.
    The article addresses the ‘messianic turn’ in contemporary continental philosophy, focusing on the concept of the katechon as the restraining force that delays the advent of the Antichrist in the Second Letter to the Thessalonians. While Carl Schmitt held the passage on the katechon to ground the Christian doctrine of state power, Giorgio Agamben’s reading of Pauline messianism rather posits the ‘removal’ of the katechon as the pathway for messianic redemption. In our argument, the significance of this (...)
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    Katechón y flujo. El Avicena de Ernst Bloch como antídoto a la teología política.Mauricio Amar Díaz - 2022 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 11 (1):169-175.
    El presente trabajo articula, desde el libro Avicena y la izquierda aristotélica de Ernst Bloch, una crítica a la estructura espacio-temporal de la teología política schmittiana. En lugar de pensar el espacio-tiempo sustentado en la figura del katéchon, donde adquieren sentido conceptos como el de estado de excepción y enemistad como sustento de lo político, en el Avicena de Bloch el flujo de la materia es fuente de toda relación, donde la propia soberanía no es más que un recurso posible, (...)
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    American katechon:When political theology became international relations theory.Nicolas Guilhot - 2010 - Constellations 17 (2):224-253.
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    Katechon: filosofia, politica, estetica.Francesca Monateri - 2023 - Torino: Bollati Boringhieri.
  6. To katechon.Marek A. Cichocki - 2004 - Civitas 8 (8):83-112.
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    "Katechon" und "Anarch": Carl Schmitts und Ernst Jüngers Reaktionen auf Max Stirner.Bernd A. Laska - 1997 - Nürnberg: LSR-Verlag.
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  8. Counterrevolutionary Polemics: Katechon and Crisis in de Maistre, Donoso, and Schmitt.M. Blake Wilson - 2019 - Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 3 (2).
    For the theorists of crisis, the revolutionary state comes into existence through violence, and due to its inability to provide an authoritative katechon (restrainer) against internal and external violence, it perpetuates violence until it self-destructs. Writing during extreme economic depression and growing social and political violence, the crisis theorists––Joseph de Maistre, Juan Donoso Cortés, and Carl Schmitt––each sought to blame the chaos of their time upon the Janus-faced postrevolutionary ideals of liberalism and socialism by urging a return to pre-revolutionary (...)
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    The Katechon and the Future of Latin America.Alberto Buela - 2003 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2003 (126):166-175.
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    Keynes y el Katechon.Alberto Moreiras - 2013 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 30 (1):157-168.
    Reflection on “the contemporary crisis” must take into account that, beyond financial problems in global capitalist administration, the crisis works over a fall of the human in relation to which every postulation of an affirmative biopolitics seems insufficient. The biopolitical condition responds to a process of nomic self-consecration of technical structures that dramatically increase the capacity to oppress without doing much for the capacity to tolerate it. This essay engages with Heidegger, Keynes, Weber and Schmitt, as thinkers of the “crisis,” (...)
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    Hobbes and the Katéchon : The Secularization of Sacrificial Christianity.Wolfgang Palaver - 1995 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 2 (1):57-74.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hobbes and the Katéchon: The Secularization of Sacrificial Christianity Wolfgang Palaver Universität Innsbruck Hobbes and equality: his knowledge of mimetic desire When reading Thomas Hobbes we immediately recognize that he was writing in the early years of our modem age. Hobbes's world is very different from ancient cultures. This is most clearly demonstrated by the importance in his political philosophy of equality and individualism, concepts which cannot be found (...)
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    The political theology of entropy: A Katechon for the cybernetic age.David Bates - 2020 - History of the Human Sciences 33 (1):109-127.
    The digital revolution invites a reconsideration of the very essence of politics. How can we think about decision, control, and will at a time when technologies of automation are transforming every dimension of human life, from military combat to mental attention, from financial systems to the intimate lives of individuals? This article looks back to a moment in the 20th century when the concept of the political as an independent logic was developed, in a time when the boundaries and operations (...)
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  13. The Last Temptation of Giorgio Agamben? The Antichrist, the Katechon, and the Mystery of Evil.Eric D. Meyer - manuscript
    Abstract: Giorgio Agamben's recent works have been preoccupied with a certain obscure passage from St. Paul's 'Second Epistle to the Thessalonians,' which describes the portentous events that must occur before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ can take place---specifically, the appearance of a 'man of lawlessness' (the Antichrist?) and the exposure of who or what is currently restraining the 'man of lawlessness' from being exposed as the Antichrist: a mysterious agency called the 'katechon.' In 'The Mystery of Evil: Benedict (...)
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    Should Law Keep Pace With Technology? Law as Katechon.Vasilis Kostakis & Wolfgang Drechsler - 2014 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 34 (5-6):128-132.
    It is a commonly held belief that the law is unable to keep up with the fierce technological development and innovation that denote our times. The current essay attempts to show that this characteristic of the law should not necessarily be considered a disadvantage. Using the Biblical concept of the katechon, we argue that the law fulfills a katechontic function vis-a-vis technological progress. That is to say, its retarding effect might create positive spillovers that open spaces for debate, discussion, (...)
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    Sovereignty between the Katechon and the Eschaton: Rethinking the Leviathan.Melayna Lamb & German E. Primera - 2019 - Télos 2019 (187):107-127.
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    Singularity and Repetition in Carl Schmitt’s Vision of History.Matthias Lievens - 2011 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 5 (1):105-129.
    Despite the problematic political positions he adopted during his life span, the work of Carl Schmitt contains a fascinating argument in favour of `the political', which is understood as a plural symbolic space composed of friends and enemies who reciprocally recognise each other. Schmitt's struggle for the political is a struggle for a public spirit which accounts for this plurality. One of the terrains on which Schmitt wages this struggle is that of historical meaning. The image of history is crucial (...)
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    Carl Schmitt : un contre-messianisme théologico-politique?Bernard Bourdin - 2015 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 98 (2):241-259.
    La théologie politique de Schmitt est celle d’un juriste et non celle d’un théologien. Par sa théorie du droit, il n’entend pas développer une pensée du messianisme chrétien ayant un impact politique. Il s’agit au contraire de réinscrire le christianisme dans l’histoire par une théorie juridico-politique institutionnaliste, décisionniste puis de l’ordre concret. Ce faisant, il lui faut reléguer l’eschatologie au-delà de l’histoire. C’est par cette relégation qu’il est permis d’accréditer un contre-messianisme. Ce contre-messianisme vient conforter le refus schmittien de la (...)
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  18. review of giorgio agamben mystery of evil.Eric D. Meyer - 2017 - Dissertation,
    A review of Giorgio Agamben's The Mystery of Evil: Bendict XVI and the End of Days, which attempts to place Agamben's peculiar argument regarding Pope Benedict's abdication in the context of his reading of St. Paul's 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, and, more generally, in terms of his political-theology in the Homo Sacer series. The questions, 'Who is the Antichrist?' and 'Who (or what) is the katechon?' are also explored, in the attempt to translate Agamben's obscure theology into contemporary political terms.
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    The Mystery of Evil: Benedict Xvi and the End of Days.Giorgio Agamben - 2017 - Stanford University Press.
    In 2013, Benedict XVI became only the second pope in the history of the Catholic Church to resign from office. In this brief but illuminating study, Giorgio Agamben argues that Benedict's gesture, far from being solely a matter of internal ecclesiastical politics, is exemplary in an age when the question of legitimacy has been virtually left aside in favor of a narrow focus on legality. This reflection on the recent history of the Church opens out into an analysis of one (...)
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    Figures of Antichrist: The Apocalypse and Its Restraints in Contemporary Political Thought.Giuseppe Fornari - 2010 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 17:53-85.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Figures of Antichrist:The Apocalypse and Its Restraints in Contemporary Political ThoughtGiuseppe Fornari (bio)1. The Antichrist and the Katéchon in Early ChristianityThe history of the Antichrist follows the history of Christ like a shadow.1 This statement is far from banal, not only because of its consequences but also because Christianity as currently presented typically denies that a figure like the Antichrist could be a cause for concern. When confronted with (...)
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    Gloomy Observations about the Political Present.Paul Gottfried - 2008 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2008 (142):185-192.
    A heavily documented case for Carl Schmitt's theological preoccupations can be found in a recent work by the Italian philosopher Massimo Maraviglia, La penultima guerra: Il katechon nella dottrina dell'ordine politico di Carl Schmitt. Maraviglia, an eminent bibliographer of philosophical writings and the editor of the scholarly website Ekpyresis, sets out to disprove that Schmitt was an amoral positivist who seized on religious thinking as a fig leaf for his fixation on power. According to some interpreters, Schmitt lost interest (...)
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    La strategia della fenice. Capitalismo dell'apocalisse e civiltà asiatiche.Roberto Terrosi - 2015 - Kaiak 2.
    In recent times, there has been a debate about the Schmitt’s notion of political theology, by which the notions of messianism and katéchon have been rediscovered. Both the questions are connected with the one of apocalypse and apocalypse nowadays is linked to the western perception of the crisis of capitalism. Thus a question is: how does this complex of conceptions relate with Far-East Culture? Is that apocalyptic imagination valid also for these countries or do they have a different conception that (...)
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    Die Gegenwart überwinden.Davide Barile - 2018 - Philosophische Rundschau 65 (4):290-310.
    Wie kann die italienische Philosophie dazu beitragen, die gegenwärtige Krise der modernen politischen Theorie zu lösen? Der vorliegende Text berücksichtigt die Werke einiger zeitgenössischer italienischer Hauptdenker und betont trotz der verschiedenen Standpunkte die unterschwelligen Verbindungen. Insbesondere lässt sich der Konflikt, oft im Sinne des griechischen Begriffs stasis, als Schlüssel zur Krise des modernen Staates bestimmen. Das Thema Konflikt durchquert alle besprochenen Werke und wirft ein Licht auf die Spannung zwischen der Fortdauer eines politisch-theologischen Rahmens und dem ständigen Verweis auf die (...)
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  24. Jonathan Israel et Carl Schmitt. Contre-révolution théologique vs révolution philosophique.Marta Garcia-Alonso - 2017 - In Marta García-Alonso (ed.), Les Lumières radicales et le politique. Paris: Honoré Champion. pp. 355-85.
    Le travail mené par Jonathan Israel dans sa trilogie sur les Lumières aurait fourni des éléments pour une critique de la théologie comme fondement de la politique moderne et, de ce fait, il nous aurait offert une critique indirecte à l’œuvre de Carl Schmitt. Schmitt et Israel souscrivent à l’analyse des idées majeures que Spinoza hérite de la modernité. En revanche, ils ne s’entendent pas sur l’appréciation de cette contribution ni sur le sens qu’il faut donner à cet héritage. Tandis (...)
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    Historic Power Europe.Davide Barile - 2019 - Londra, Regno Unito: Routledge.
    This book proposes a new theoretical framework to move beyond the traditional tenets of modern international relations theory to investigate European integration and shed light on current events. -/- Based on contemporary analyses, Hegel’s political philosophy, and the fundamental role of historical interpretation, this book addresses the institutional dynamics as well as the discursive practices behind both the Eastern enlargement and the current critical situation. Looking back in particular at European integration in one of its most significant events, namely the (...)
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