Results for 'Kendall Watson'

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  1.  13
    Looking Again through Photographs: A Response to Edwin Martin.Kendall Watson - 1986 - Critical Inquiry 12 (4):801-808.
    My great-grandfather died before I was born. He never saw me. But I see him occasionally—when I look at photographs of him. They are not great photographs, by any means, but like most photographs they are transparent. We see things through them.Edwin Martin objects. His response consists largely of citing examples of things which, he thinks, are obviously not transparent, and declaring that he finds no relevant difference between them and photographs: once we slide down the slippery slope as far (...)
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    Introduction: Tights and Tiaras.Deb Waterhouse-Watson & Evie Kendal - 2012 - Colloquy 24.
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    Thoughts on Machiavelli.Willmoore Kendall & Leo Strauss - 1966 - Philosophical Review 75 (2):247.
  4. Points of view in narrative and depictive representation.Kendall L. Walton - 1976 - Noûs 10 (1):49-61.
    The reader's access to the fictional world of a novel is mediated by the narrator, when there is one; the fictional world is presented from the narrator's perspective. do depictions ever have anything comparable to narrators? apparent artists sometimes have a certain perspective on the fictional world. but they don't mediate our access to it; the fictional world is presented independently of their perspective on it. depictions do present fictional worlds from certain perspectives, but not usually the perspectives of any (...)
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    Religion in war and peace.Guy Kendall - 1947 - New York,: Hutchinson.
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    What Happens When We Smooth Out the Rough Edges of the Past?Kendall Phillips - 2022 - Journal of Media Ethics 37 (4):298-299.
    Considerations of the impact of new technologies of archival information and the texture of public memory.
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  7. Two faces of responsibility.Gary Watson - 1996 - Philosophical Topics 24 (2):227–48.
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    Women’s Auto/Biography and Dissociative Identity Disorder: Implications for Mental Health Practice.Kendal Tomlinson & Charley Baker - 2019 - Journal of Medical Humanities 40 (3):365-387.
    Dissociative Identity Disorder is an uncommon disorder that has long been associated with exposure to traumatic stressors exceeding manageable levels commonly encompassing physical, psychological and sexual abuse in childhood that is prolonged and severe in nature. In DID, dissociation continues after the traumatic experience and produces a disruption in identity where distinct personality states develop. These personalities are accompanied by variations in behaviour, emotions, memory, perception and cognition. The use of literature in psychiatry can enrich comprehension over the subjective experience (...)
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  9. On Kendall Walton's Mimesis as Make-BelieveMemesis As Make-Believe. [REVIEW]Noel Carroll & Kendall Walton - 1991 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 51 (2):383.
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    A double dose of double effect.C. E. Kendall - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (3):204-205.
    This paper presents a clinically orientated illustration of the doctrine of double effect. The case of an elderly gentleman with advanced cancer is discussed, with particular emphasis on two dilemmas encountered during the terminal phase of his illness. The author describes how the doctrine of double effect was applied to help the team make some complex management decisions.
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    "What Shall We Save?" An Historian's View.Kendall Birr - 1962 - Isis 53 (1):72-79.
  12.  20
    Commentary on Romanis’ Assisted Gestative Technologies.Evie Kendal - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (7):450-451.
    In ‘Assisted Gestative Technologies,’ Romanis argues for the conceptual creation of a new genus of assisted reproductive technologies, in recognition of the unique ethical, legal and social implications assistive gestative technologies raise.1 She argues this taxonomic classification might allow for ethicolegal determinations regarding one AGT to be generalised to other instances of this technology. Romanis correctly identifies a lack of appropriate regulations for dealing with the rapidly developing field of assisted and artificial gestation, noting the current discussion of surrogacy law (...)
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  13. Christ's Resurrection and the Aorist Passive of εγειρω.D. Kendall & G. O'collins - 1993 - Gregorianum 74 (4):725-735.
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    Terrestrial: Neither Global nor Local.Walter Kendall - 2018 - The Acorn 18 (1):92-94.
    Today we know that the planet is both too small for the globalization of progress and too large, active, and complex to remain within the local. Latour at this point in his argument postulates an alternative vector that is present and real enough to attract our thoughts from current political-economic categories such as progressive vs. conservative, left vs. right. This alternative vector—the Modern/Terrestrial--is attractive because there is a lingering sense that there was once such a thing as the common good, (...)
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  15. Categories of Art.Kendall L. Walton - 1970 - Philosophical Review 79 (3):334-367.
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    The Ethics of Access: Reframing the Need for Abortion Care as a Health Disparity.Katie Watson - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (8):22-30.
    The majority of U.S. abortion patients are poor women, and Black and Hispanic women. Therefore, this article encourages bioethicists and equity advocates to consider whether the need for abortion c...
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    On St. Thomas Aquinas’s Elimination Argument for the Soul as Form of the Body in Summa Theologiae I.76.1.Kendall Ann Fisher - 2024 - Res Philosophica 101 (4):681-704.
    In his discussion of the rational soul as form of the body in Summa Theologiae I.76.1, St. Thomas Aquinas largely devotes his response to the consideration and elimination of a few competing accounts of the relationship between the human body and soul. After rejecting these alternatives, he concludes that his account, on which the soul is the substantial form of the body, must be correct. I argue that Aquinas’s argument, which seems to involve a hasty move to affirm his own (...)
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  18. (1 other version)Transparent pictures: On the nature of photographic realism.Kendall L. Walton - 1984 - Noûs 18 (1):67-72.
    That photography is a supremely realistic medium may be the commonsense view, but—as Edward Steichen reminds us—it is by no means universal. Dissenters note how unlike reality a photograph is and how unlikely we are to confuse the one with the other. They point to “distortions” engendered by the photographic process and to the control which the photographer exercises over the finished product, the opportunities he enjoys for interpretation and falsification. Many emphasize the expressive nature of the medium, observing that (...)
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    The Complete Works of Zhuangzi.Burton Watson (ed.) - 2013 - Columbia University Press.
    This is Daoist philosophy’s central tenet, espoused by the person—or group of people—known as Zhuangzi (369?-286? B.C.E.) in a text by the same name.
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  20. Skepticism about weakness of will.Gary Watson - 1977 - Philosophical Review 86 (3):316-339.
    My concern in this paper will be to explore and develop a version of nonsocratic skepticism about weakness of will. In my view, socratism is incorrect, but like Socrates, I think that the common understanding of weakness of will raises serious problems. Contrary to socratism, it is possible for a person knowingly to act contrary to his or her better judgment. But this description does not exhaust the common view of weakness. Also implicit in this view is the belief that (...)
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  21. (2 other versions)The explanation game: a formal framework for interpretable machine learning.David S. Watson & Luciano Floridi - 2020 - Synthese 198 (10):1–⁠32.
    We propose a formal framework for interpretable machine learning. Combining elements from statistical learning, causal interventionism, and decision theory, we design an idealised explanation game in which players collaborate to find the best explanation for a given algorithmic prediction. Through an iterative procedure of questions and answers, the players establish a three-dimensional Pareto frontier that describes the optimal trade-offs between explanatory accuracy, simplicity, and relevance. Multiple rounds are played at different levels of abstraction, allowing the players to explore overlapping causal (...)
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  22. The Rhetoric and Reality of Anthropomorphism in Artificial Intelligence.David Watson - 2019 - Minds and Machines 29 (3):417-440.
    Artificial intelligence has historically been conceptualized in anthropomorphic terms. Some algorithms deploy biomimetic designs in a deliberate attempt to effect a sort of digital isomorphism of the human brain. Others leverage more general learning strategies that happen to coincide with popular theories of cognitive science and social epistemology. In this paper, I challenge the anthropomorphic credentials of the neural network algorithm, whose similarities to human cognition I argue are vastly overstated and narrowly construed. I submit that three alternative supervised learning (...)
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    Spaces of Invention: Dissension, Freedom, and Thought in Foucault.Kendall R. Phillips - 2002 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 35 (4):328-344.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Rhetoric 35.4 (2002) 328-344 [Access article in PDF] Spaces of Invention:Dissension, Freedom, and Thought in Foucault Kendall R. Phillips Over the past two decades, invention has become an increasingly difficult concept to discuss. In an age when the free, rational actor has become not only de-centered but viewed as both impossible and undesirable by some social theorists, the traditional conception of invention, especially rhetorical invention, becomes (...)
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  24. Mimesis as Make-Believe.Kendall Walton - 1996 - Synthese 109 (3):413-434.
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  25. (1 other version)Mimesis as Make-Believe: On the Foundations of the Representational Arts.Kendall L. Walton - 1990 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 49 (2):161-166.
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  26. Fearing fictions.Kendall L. Walton - 1978 - Journal of Philosophy 75 (1):5-27.
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    There’s No One Perfect Girl: Third Wave Feminism and The Powerpuff Girls.Evie Kendal - 2012 - Colloquy 24.
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  28. Marvelous images: on values and the arts.Kendall L. Walton - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The twelve essays by Kendall Walton in this volume address a broad range of issues concerning the arts. Walton introduces an innovative account of aesthetic value, and explores relations between aesthetic value and values of other kinds. His classic 'Categories of Art' is included, as is 'Transparent Pictures', his controversial account of what is special about photographs. A new essay investigates the fact that still pictures are still, although some of them depict motion. New postscripts have been added to (...)
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    Nationalism, ethnicity, and religion: a reply to Christopher Catherwood.Kendal P. Mobley - 1997 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 14 (4):21-25.
    Kendal Mobley replies to Christopher Catherwood's article ‘Nationalism, ethnicity and tolerance: some historical, political and biblical perspectives’, published in Transformation, Vol 14, no. 1, January 1997, p. 10.
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  30. Thomas Aquinas on hylomorphism and the in-act principle.Kendall A. Fisher - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (6):1053-1072.
    In Summa Theologiae I.76.1 Aquinas presents an argument for the hylomorphic union of body and soul that he attributes to Aristotle. Aquinas builds on Aristotle’s original argument, however, offering his own short but powerful line of reasoning in support of one of the main premises. This additional argument involves an appeal to the principle that nothing acts except insofar as it is in act. This principle has roots in the thought of Aristotle, but is not explicitly used by him. It (...)
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    In Other Shoes: Music, Metaphor, Empathy, Existence.Kendall L. Walton - 2015 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In fifteen essays-one new, two newly revised and expanded, three with new postscripts-Kendall L. Walton wrestles with philosophical issues concerning music, metaphor, empathy, existence, fiction, and expressiveness in the arts. These subjects are intertwined in striking and surprising ways. By exploring connections among them, appealing sometimes to notions of imagining oneself in shoes different from one's own, Walton creates a wide-ranging mosaic of innovative insights.
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    Saint Thomas Aquinas and the Too-Many-Thinkers Problem.Kendall A. Fisher - 2020 - Quaestiones Disputatae 10 (2):106-124.
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    A duty to enhance? Genetic engineering for the human Mars settlement.Evie Kendal - forthcoming - Monash Bioethics Review:1-22.
    Humans living off-world will face numerous physical, psychological and social challenges and are likely to suffer negative health effects due to their lack of evolutionary adaptation to space environments. While some of the necessary adaptations may develop naturally over many generations, genetic technologies could be used to speed this process along, potentially improving the wellbeing of early space settlers and their offspring. With broad support, such a program could lead to significant genetic modification of off-world communities, for example, to limit (...)
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  34. What is Inquisitiveness.Lani Watson - 2015 - American Philosophical Quarterly 52 (3):273–287.
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  35. Systematic Epistemic Rights Violations in the Media: A Brexit Case Study.Lani Watson - 2018 - Social Epistemology 32 (2):88-102.
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    (1 other version)Visual marking: Prioritizing selection for new objects by top-down attentional inhibition of old objects.Derrick G. Watson & Glyn W. Humphreys - 1997 - Psychological Review 104 (1):90-122.
  37. (1 other version)Metaphor and Prop Oriented Make‐Believe.Kendall L. Walton - 1993 - European Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):39-57.
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  38. 'I see men as trees suffering': The vision of Keith Douglas.Tim Kendall - 2002 - In Kendall Tim, Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 117: 2001 Lectures. pp. 429-443.
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  39. Soft libertarianism and hard compatibilism.Gary Watson - 1999 - The Journal of Ethics 3 (4):351-365.
    In this paper I discuss two kinds of attempts to qualify incompatibilist and compatibilist conceptions of freedom to avoid what have been thought to be incredible commitments of these rival accounts. One attempt -- which I call soft libertarianism -- is represented by Robert Kane''s work. It hopes to defend an incompatibilist conception of freedom without the apparently difficult metaphysical costs traditionally incurred by these views. On the other hand, in response to what I call the robot objection (that if (...)
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  40. The Shoulders of Giants: A Case for Non-veritism about Expert Authority.Jamie Carlin Watson - 2018 - Topoi 37 (1):39-53.
    Among social epistemologists, having a certain proportion of reliably formed beliefs in a subject matter is widely regarded as a necessary condition for cognitive expertise. This condition is motivated by the idea that expert testimony puts subjects in a better position than non-expert testimony to obtain knowledge about a subject matter. I offer three arguments showing that veritism is an inadequate account of expert authority because the reliable access condition renders expertise incapable of performing its social role. I then develop (...)
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  41. The self's awareness of itself: Bhaṭṭa Rāmakaṇṭha's arguments against the Buddhist doctrine of no-self.Alex Watson - 2006 - Wien: Sammlung de Nobili. Edited by Rāmakaṇṭha.
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    Empathy, Emotion Recognition, and Paranoia in the General Population.Kendall Beals, Sarah H. Sperry & Julia M. Sheffield - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:804178.
    BackgroundParanoia is associated with a multitude of social cognitive deficits, observed in both clinical and subclinical populations. Empathy is significantly and broadly impaired in schizophrenia, yet its relationship with subclinical paranoia is poorly understood. Furthermore, deficits in emotion recognition – a very early component of empathic processing – are present in both clinical and subclinical paranoia. Deficits in emotion recognition may therefore underlie relationships between paranoia and empathic processing. The current investigation aims to add to the literature on social cognition (...)
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    (1 other version)Interpreting Averroes: critical essays.Kendall A. Fisher - forthcoming - Tandf: British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-3.
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  44. Promises, reasons, and normative powers.Gary Watson - 2009 - In David Sobel & Steven Wall, Reasons for Action. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  45. Fostering purpose as a way of cultivating civic friendship.Kendall Cotton Bronk & Rachel Baumsteiger - 2018 - In James Arthur, Virtues in the Public Sphere: Citizenship, Civic Friendship and Duty. New York, NY: Routledge Press.
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  46. The Epistemology of Education.Lani Watson - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (3):146-159.
    The landscape of contemporary epistemology has significantly diversified in the past 30 years, shaped in large part by two complementary movements: virtue and social epistemology. This diversification provides an apt theoretical context for the epistemology of education. No longer concerned exclusively with the formal analysis of knowledge, epistemologists have turned their attention towards individuals as knowers, and the social contexts in which epistemic goods such as knowledge and understanding are acquired and exchanged. As such, the concerns of epistemology have once (...)
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  47. Virtues in excess.Gary Watson - 1984 - Philosophical Studies 46 (1):57 - 74.
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  48. The Work of the Will.Gary Watson - 2003 - In Sarah Stroud & Christine Tappolet, Weakness of will and practical irrationality. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The first part of the essay explores the relations between the will and practical reason or judgement. The second part takes up decision in the realm of belief, i.e. deciding that such and such is so. This phenomenon raises two questions. Since we decide that as well as to, should we speak of a doxastic will? Secondly, should we regard ourselves as active in the formation of our judgements as in the formation of our intentions? The author's answer to these (...)
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    Habit-Forming.Kendall Gerdes - 2015 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 48 (3):337-358.
    Under the influence of a reading style that Avital Ronell has called “narcoanalysis,” this article performs a reading of addiction and humility through David Foster Wallace's novel Infinite Jest. Exploring both addiction and humility through the vector of habit, I argue that both habits indicate the non-self-sufficiency of a subject exposed to affection from outside. But while I position addiction alongside humility, both as habits, I also argue that humility parasitizes the totalizing logic of addictive habit. Neither identical to nor (...)
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    Cultural Niche Construction and Human Learning Environments: Investigating Sociocultural Perspectives.Jeremy R. Kendal - 2011 - Biological Theory 6 (3):241-250.
    Niche construction theory (NCT) can be applied to examine the influence of culturally constructed learning environments on the acquisition and retention of beliefs, values, role expectations, and skills. Thus, NCT provides a quantitative framework to account for cultural-historical contingency affecting development and cultural evolution. Learning in a culturally constructed environment is of central concern to many sociologists, cognitive scientists, and sociocultural anthropologists, albeit often from different perspectives. This article summarizes four pertinent theories from these fields—situated learning, activity theory, practice theory, (...)
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