Results for 'Kōshi Saitō'

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  1.  27
    On Yuriko Saito, Aesthetics of care: practice in everyday life. London, Bloomsbury, 2022, pp. 232.Yuriko Saito, Arnold Berleant, David E. Cooper & Mădălina Diaconu - 2023 - Studi di Estetica 27 (3).
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    Response: Naoko Saito, Finding as Founding: Rejoinder to René Arcilla’s Review, Naoko Saito, Associate Professor of Education at Kyoto University, Japan. Kyoto University, Yoshidahonmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501.Naoko Saito - 2020 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (6):677-680.
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    Aesthetics of the Familiar: Everyday Life and World-Making.Yuriko Saito - 2017 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Yuriko Saito, the leading figure in the field, explores the nature and significance of the aesthetic dimensions of people's everyday lives. She argues that everyday aesthetics can be an effective instrument for directing humanity's collective and cumulative world-making project.
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  4. Everyday Aesthetics.Yuriko Saito - 2007 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Everyday aesthetic experiences and concerns occupy a large part of our aesthetic life. However, because of their prevalence and mundane nature, we tend not to pay much attention to them, let alone examine their significance. Western aesthetic theories of the past few centuries also neglect everyday aesthetics because of their almost exclusive emphasis on art. In a ground-breaking new study, Yuriko Saito provides a detailed investigation into our everyday aesthetic experiences, and reveals how our everyday aesthetic tastes and judgments can (...)
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  5. Saitō Kihaku taiwa shū.Kihaku Saitō - 1976
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  6. Everyday aesthetics.Yuriko Saito - 2001 - Philosophy and Literature 25 (1):87-95.
    Neglect of everyday aesthetics -- Significance of everyday aesthetics -- Aesthetics of distinctive characteristics and ambience -- Everyday aesthetic qualities and transience -- Moral-aesthetic judgments of artifacts.
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    Assent as an ethical imperative in the treatment of ADHD.Anson J. Koshy & Dominic A. Sisti - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (12):977-981.
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  8. Ourselves in translation: Stanley Cavell and philosophy as autobiography.Naoko Saito - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 43 (2):253-267.
    This paper offers a different approach to writing about oneself—Stanley Cavell's idea of philosophy as autobiography. In Cavell's understanding, the acknowledgement of the partiality of the self is an essential condition for achieving the universal. In the apparently paradoxical combination of the 'philosophical' and the 'autobiographical', Cavell shows us a way of focusing on the self and yet always transcending the self. The task requires, however, a reconstruction of the notions of philosophy and autobiography, and at the same time the (...)
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  9. Everyday aesthetics,„.Saitō Yuriko - 2001 - Philosophy and Literature 25 (1).
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    Saitō Kihaku no sekai: yōgo ni yoru shisō keisei no atozuke.Kihaku Saitō - 1983 - Tōkyō: Ikkei Shobō. Edited by Yōichi Matsumoto & Yoshiaki Takahashi.
  11. Max Weber on Explanation of Human Actions: Towards a Reconstruction.Koshy Tharakan - 1995 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 12 (3):21-30.
    Recent discussions on the explanation of action are permeated with two divergent models of explanation, namely causal model and non- causal model. For causalists the notion of explanation is intimately related to that of causation. As Davidson contends, any rudimentary explanation of an event gives its cause. More sophisticated explanations may cite a relevant law in support of a singular causal claim. The non-causalists, on the other hand, hold that when we explain an action we do not ask for the (...)
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    Discrepancy between explicit judgement of agency and implicit feeling of agency: Implications for sense of agency and its disorders.Naho Saito, Keisuke Takahata, Toshiya Murai & Hidehiko Takahashi - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 37:1-7.
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    Formation of Feminine Truth in Poststructuralism.Abey Koshy - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (5):79.
    This essay traces the origin of feminine thought in poststructuralism, which opens up new vistas of experience that differ from traditional philosophical thinking based on a conceptual grasp of the world. Rather than viewing the feminine as the essence of the woman gender, it is seen here as the experience of a plurality of truths produced in the affectedness of the human body by the world. The representative function of language and methodology in traditional philosophy cannot capture the plurality of (...)
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  14. The aesthetics of unscenic nature.Yuriko Saito - 1998 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 56 (2):101-111.
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    Deconstructive Turn of Ethics: Subversion of Self-identity in Derrida and Levinas.Abey Koshy - 2022 - Tattva - Journal of Philosophy 14 (2).
    Differing from the mainstream notion about deconstruction as a differential reading of texts, the paper views it primarily as a process of subversion of self-identity of a person who faces the ‘alterity’ of the other in a concrete ethical situation. Thus it is seen more as an existential experience of the individual rather than a socio-political process. It seeks a pathway from Derrida’s deconstruction of texts to Emmanuel Levinas’s trial of individuality by the ‘face’ of the other. The face of (...)
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  16. Sekai tetsugakushi nenpyō.Kaname Saitō - 1926 - Tōkyō: Seizankaku.
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    Taking a chance: education for aesthetic judgment and the criticism of culture.Naoko Saito - 2015 - Ethics and Education 10 (1):96-104.
    This article explores the possibilities of the antifoundationalist thought of Cavell with a particular focus on his idea of chance in aesthetic experience, as a framework through which to destabilize the prevailing discourse of education centering on freedom and control. I try to present the idea of chance in a particular way, which does not identify it with chaos or limitlessness but takes it rather as a condition of meaning-making, and more generally of a perfecting of culture, of a conscientious (...)
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  18.  46
    A theory of categorical syllogism.Setsuo Saito - 1969 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 10 (3):327-330.
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    A study on the origins of ^|^ldquo;Bunka^|^rdquo; and ^|^ldquo;Sports^|^rdquo; in modern Japan.Koshi Suzuki - 1999 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 21 (1):9-29.
  20.  23
    音声制御ブラウザ VCWeb の英日シームレス化.Shinohara Akio Saito Kuniko - 2002 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 17:343-347.
    We propose a novel algorithm to transliterate English to Japanese and its application to a voice controlled browser, which enable ordinary Japanese people to browse English Web site by voice. Speech recognition software designed for native English speakers do not work for most Japanese because Japanese can't pronounce English as native English speakers do. Therefore, we combined Japanese speech recognition software with English-to-Japanese transliteration software. The accuracy of our transliteration algorithm is 80% recall for the top candidate, and 92% recall (...)
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  21. Appreciating Nature on Its Own Terms.Yuriko Saito - 1998 - Environmental Ethics 20 (2):135-149.
    I propose that the appropriate appreciation of nature must include the moral capacity for acknowledging the reality of nature apart from humans and the sensitivity for listening to its own story. I argue that appreciating nature exclusively as design is inappropriate to the extent that we impose upon nature a preconceived artistic standard as well as appreciation based upon historical/cultural/literary associationsinsofar as we treat nature as a background of our own story. In contrast, aesthetic appreciation informed by our attempt to (...)
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  22. Consumer Aesthetics and Environmental Ethics: Problems and Possibilities.Yuriko Saito - 2018 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 76 (4):429-439.
    It is generally agreed that the prime mover of contemporary consumerism is aesthetics. However, today's consumer aesthetics often leads to decisions and actions that have negative environmental consequences. By taking apparel industry, represented by fast fashion, as a quintessential example of this problem, I argue that aesthetics can no longer claim immunity from environmental considerations—there needs to be a paradigm shift for consumer aesthetics. A proposed new environmentally minded consumer aesthetics promotes a paradoxical role for material ephemerality in enhancing an (...)
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  23.  47
    The gleam of light: moral perfectionism and education in Dewey and Emerson.Naoko Saito - 2005 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    In the name of efficiency, the practice of education has come to be dominated by neoliberal ideology and procedures of standardization and quantification. Such attempts to make all aspects of practice transparent and subject to systematic accounting lack sensitivity to the invisible and the silent, to something in the human condition that cannot readily be expressed in an either-or form. Seeking alternatives to such trends, Saito reads Dewey’s idea of progressive education through the lens of Emersonian moral perfectionism (to borrow (...)
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  24.  20
    Modality and preference relation.Setsuo Saito - 1973 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 14 (3):387-391.
  25.  17
    Exploring Gender Multiplicity through the Lens of Post- Lacanian Psychoanalysis.Koshy A. - 2023 - Philosophy International Journal 6 (3):1-10.
    Sexual difference must be recognized in thought and human interactions to enable people to find their real source of jouissance. The Lacanian finding of ‘masculine phallic desire’ and ‘feminine libidinal desire’ in all human beings, irrespective of their biological sex-gender, paved the way for rethinking gender identities. It calls for reforming inter-human relations from the presently predominant utilitarian mode to the one based on love and recognition of the other. Gender is an arbitrary construct to serve the interests of males (...)
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  26. Amartya Sen's capability approach to education: A critical exploration.Madoka Saito - 2003 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 37 (1):17–33.
    This article examines the underexplored relationship between Amartya Sen's ‘capability approach’ to human well-being and education. Two roles which education might play in relation to the development of capacities are given particular attention: (i) the enhancement of capacities and opportunities and (ii) the development of judgement in relation to the appropriate exercise of capacities.
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    Transforming the Ich-Du to the Ich-Es: The Migrant as “Terrorist” in Kabir Khan’s New York and Kamila Shamsie’s Home Fire.Minu Susan Koshy - 2021 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 11:97-105.
    Terror narratives have been characterized by a dialogism where the “normative” I—i.e. the “non-threatening mainstream”—defines and delineates subjects whose identity is centred on their location in the terror network. This is especially so in the case of Asian migrants who settle down in Western countries, as their very identity as Asian locates them at a precarious point in the real or imagined “terror network.” The migrant is no longer the Du, but the Es, imparting an identity to the Ich, where (...)
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  28. Aku no kenkyū.Shō Saitō - 1959 - [34 i.: E..
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    American Philosophy, Translation and the Time of the Pandemic: A Rejoinder to Ruth Heilbronn and Adrian Skilbeck.Naoko Saito - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 54 (5):1306-1313.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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  30. Ethics committees in Japanese medical schools.Takao Saito - 1992 - HEC Forum 4 (4):281-7.
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    Necessity and Derivability.Setsuo Saito - 1968 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 1:23-29.
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  32. The Aesthetic Appreciation of Nature: Western and Japanese Perspectives and Their Ethical Implications.Yuriko Saito - 1983 - Dissertation, The University of Wisconsin - Madison
    We often derive aesthetic pleasure from nature as well as from works of art. Although our experiences of both are analogous in some respects, there are some important differences. Since nature is not created specifically for aesthetic enjoyment it can be appreciated in more various ways than art. Hence, the distinction between aesthetic and non-aesthetic experience is crucial in examining the aesthetic appreciation of nature. ;An appreciation of any object is considered aesthetic if it is directed toward the sensuous surface (...)
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  33. Marx’s Theory of Metabolism in the Age of Global Ecological Crisis.Kohei Saito - 2020 - Historical Materialism 28 (2):3-24.
    When the existing order cannot offer a solution, the solution to climate crisis must come from the radical left, and this is precisely why Karl Marx’s idea of ecosocialism is more important than ever. In this context, it is worth revisiting not only the legacy of István Mészáros’s theory of ‘social metabolism’ and that of his successors – who can be categorised as comprising the ‘metabolic rift school’, which includes John Bellamy Foster, Paul Burkett, and Brett Clark –, but also (...)
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  34. The Role of Imperfection in Everyday Aesthetics.Yuriko Saito - 2017 - Contemporary Aesthetics 15 (1).
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  35. Heritage of the Yoga Philosophy and Transcendental Phenomenology: The Interlocution of Knowledge and Wisdom across Two Traditions of Philosophy.Tharakan Koshy - 2015 - In Thomas Pius V. (ed.), Knowledge, Theorization and Rights. Salesian College Publication. pp. 72-82.
    Comparative philosophy has been subjected to much criticism in the latter half of the last century, though some of these criticisms were appropriate and justified. However, in our present cultural milieu, where traditions and culture transcend their geographical boundaries, seeping through the global network of views and ideas, it seems to be a legitimate enterprise to understand one’s own traditions and culture through the critical lens of the ‘other culture’. It is such cross-cultural understanding that paved the way towards legitimizing (...)
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  36. Rethinking religious language in the age of science.Koshy Tharakan - 2008 - Journal of Dharma 33 (1-4):405-411.
    Relation of science and religion has been at the centre of many discourses in the past as well as in the recent times. Some of these were meant to refute religious claims in the light of scientific truths about the world, while others took the pain of explaining the essential compatibility between the two. The former subjects religion to the scrutiny of science while the latter reads science in religion or religion in science.Both these attempts are ill-conceived as they conflate (...)
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    Cleaning: Practicing Everyday Aesthetics and Care.Yuriko Saito - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico:167-193.
    Performing various tasks to manage our daily lives does not fit comfortably with the predominant model of aesthetics, which consists of a disinterested spectator making a judgment on the aesthetic value of an object. Taking ‘cleaning’ as an example, this paper illuminates its rich aesthetic potential, which includes sensory and bodily engagement, development of aesthetic sensibility, activation of imagination, and cultivation of a care relationship with other people and the world.
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  38. The japanese appreciation of nature.Yuriko Saito - 1985 - British Journal of Aesthetics 25 (3):239-251.
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  39. Heidegger's Interrogation of Modernity.A. Koshy - 2002 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 29 (4):495-504.
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  40. The Feminine and The Question of Troth In Nietzsche's Philosophy.A. Koshy - 1999 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 26 (1):89-108.
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    Beyond monolingualism: philosophy as translation and the understanding of other cultures.Naoko Saito - 2009 - Ethics and Education 4 (2):131-139.
    Beyond a monolingual mentality and beyond the language that is typically observed in the prevalent discourse of education for understanding other cultures, this article tries to present another approach: Stanley Cavell's idea of philosophy as translation . This Cavellian approach shows that understanding foreign cultures involves a relation to other cultures already within one's native culture. Foreshadowing the Cavellian sense of tragedy, Emerson's 'Devil's child' helps us detect the sources of repression and blindness that are hidden behind the foundationalist approach (...)
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    Makiguchi Tsunesaburō no shisō.Shōji Saitō - 2010 - Tōkyō: Daisan Bunmeisha.
  43. Puraton.Ninzui Saitō - 1972
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    Reconsidering the sense of the “text-as-friend”: Reply to Granger.Naoko Saito - 2008 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 27 (6):481-484.
  45. Tetsugaku gairon.Shō Saitō - 1956
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    "Tōyō" tetsugaku no konpon mondai: aruiwa Izutsu Toshihiko.Yoshimichi Saitō - 2018 - Tōkyō-to Bunkyō-ku: Kōdansha.
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  47. "Taiwa" wa itsu doko de de mo: Puraton kōgi.Ninzui Saitō - 1984 - Tōkyō: Asahi Shuppansha. Edited by Meisei Gotō.
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    Truth value assignment in predicate calculus of first order.Setsuo Saito - 1963 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 4 (3):216-223.
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    Web 情報検索におけるリフレクションの支援: 探索行動フィードバックシステムの構築.Miwa Kazuhisa Saito Hitomi - 2004 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 19:214-224.
    Recently, many opportunities have emerged to use the Internet in daily life and classrooms. However, with the growth of the World Wide Web (Web), it is becoming increasingly difficult to find target information on the Internet. In this study, we explore a method for developing the ability of users in information seeking on the Web and construct a search process feedback system supporting reflective activities of information seeking on the Web. Reflection is defined as a cognitive activity for monitoring, evaluating, (...)
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    Excellent Sheep or Wild Ducks? Reclaiming the Humanities for Beautiful Knowledge.Naoko Saito - 2017 - Philosophy of Education 73:431-445.
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