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Kristen Renwick Monroe [8]Kristen Monroe [3]Kristen R. Monroe [2]
  1. Altruism and the theory of rational action: Rescuers of jews in nazi europe.Kristen R. Monroe, Michael C. Barton & Ute Klingemann - 1990 - Ethics 101 (1):103-122.
  2.  13
    Ethics in an Age of Terror and Genocide: Identity and Moral Choice.Kristen Renwick Monroe - 2011 - Princeton University Press.
    What causes genocide? Why do some stand by, doing nothing, while others risk their lives to help the persecuted? Ethics in an Age of Terror and Genocide analyzes riveting interviews with bystanders, Nazi supporters, and rescuers of Jews during the Holocaust to lay bare critical psychological forces operating during genocide. Monroe's insightful examination of these moving--and disturbing--interviews underscores the significance of identity for moral choice. Monroe finds that self-image and identity--especially the sense of self in relation to others--determine and delineate (...)
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  3. The Psychology of Genocide.Kristen Monroe - 1995 - Ethics and International Affairs 9.
    Review of Final Solutions: Biology, Prejudice, and Genocide, ; Genocide Watch, ; Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland, ; Survivors: An Oral History of the Armenian Genocide, ; The Path to Genocide: Essays on Launching the Final Solution, ; and Why Genocide? The Armenian and Jewish Experiences in Perspective,.
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  4.  17
    On Ethics and Economics: Conversations with Kenneth J. Arrow.Kenneth J. Arrow & Kristen Renwick Monroe - 2016 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Kristen Renwick Monroe & Nicholas Monroe Lampros.
    Part intellectual autobiography and part exposition of complex yet contemporary economic ideas, this lively conversation with renowned scholar and public intellectual Kenneth J. Arrow focuses on economics and politics in light of history, current events, and philosophy as well. Reminding readers that economics is about redistribution and thus about how we treat each other, Arrow shows that the intersection of economics and ethics is of concern not just to economists but for the public more broadly. With a foreword by Amartya (...)
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    A darkling plain: stories of conflict and humanity during war.Kristen Renwick Monroe - 2015 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Chloe Lampros-Monroe & Jonah Robnett Pellecchia.
    How do people maintain their humanity during wars? Despite its importance, this question receives scant scholarly attention, perhaps because of the overwhelming aspect of war. The generally accepted wisdom is that wars bring out the worst in us, pitting us against one another. "War is hell," William Tecumseh Sherman famously noted, and even wars clearly designated "just" nonetheless inflict massive destruction and cruelty. Since ethics is concerned with discovering what takes us to a morally superior place, one conducive to human (...)
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    Autocracy, Inc.: The Dictators Who Want to Run the World. Anne Applebaum. New York: Doubleday, July 23, 2024.Kristen Monroe - forthcoming - Human Rights Review:1-3.
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    Books in Review.Kristen Renwick Monroe - 1997 - Political Theory 25 (2):289-295.
  8.  16
    Contemporary Empirical Political Theory.Kristen R. Monroe - 1997 - Univ of California Press.
    How can we best understand the major debates and recent movements in contemporary empirical political theory? Is there a human nature on which we can construct scientific theories of political life? What is the role of culture in shaping any such nature? How objective and value-free can political theories be? These are only a few of the issues addressed by this collection of essays from a disparate group of contributors.
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    Fundamentals of the Stem Cell Debate: The Scientific, Religious, Ethical, and Political Issues.Kristen Renwick Monroe, Ronald Miller & Jerome Tobis (eds.) - 2007 - University of California Press.
    Few recent advances in science have generated as much excitement and controversy as human embryonic stem cells. The potential of these cells to replace diseased or damaged cells in virtually every tissue of the body heralds the advent of an extraordinary new field of medicine. Controversy arises, however, because current techniques required to harvest stem cells involve the destruction of the human blastocyst. This even-handed, lucidly written volume is an essential tool for understanding the complex issues—scientific, religious, ethical, and political—that (...)
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  10. Introduction.Kristen Renwick Monroe - 2016 - In Kenneth J. Arrow & Kristen Renwick Monroe, On Ethics and Economics: Conversations with Kenneth J. Arrow. New York: Routledge.
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  11. If Moral Action Flows Naturally From Identity And Perspective, Is It Meaningful To Speak Of Moral Choice? Virtue Ethics And Rescuers Of Jews During The Holocaust.Kristen Monroe, Kay Mathiesen & Jack Craypo - 1998 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 6.
    We considered supererogatory behavior as illustrated by people who rescued Jews in Nazi Europe. When we did so, we encountered a puzzling empirical finding: rescuers insisted they had no choice in their life-or-death actions. Rescuers' perspectives -- how they saw themselves in relation to others -- served as a powerful constraint on choice as traditionally conceived. Traditional moral theories failed to provide satisfactory explanations for this phenomenon, and we turned to virtue ethics to determine whether this approach, with its emphasis (...)
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    Review essay: The psychology of genocide.Kristen Renwick Monroe - 1995 - Ethics and International Affairs 9:215–239.
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    When conscience calls: moral courage in times of confusion and despair.Kristen Renwick Monroe - 2023 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    This is a book about moral choice and courage. It is not, however, an abstract work of moral philosophy or psychology. Rather it is an exploration of the choices made by real individuals faced by moral quandaries. Monroe and her students interviewed people who faced moral dilemmas to see what motivated them to make difficult moral choices. These ranged from public officials dealing with issues of honesty and equity in public policy, to individuals facing private difficulties as well as people (...)
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