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  1.  49
    Einleitung: Kooperation und Konkurrenz in der Wissenschaft.Kärin Nickelsen & Fabian Krämer - 2016 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 24 (2):119-123.
  2.  34
    Cooperative Division of Cognitive Labour: The Social Epistemology of Photosynthesis Research.Kärin Nickelsen - 2021 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 53 (1):23-40.
    How do scientists generate knowledge in groups, and how have they done so in the past? How do epistemically motivated social interactions influence or even drive this process? These questions speak to core interests of both history and philosophy of science. Idealised models and formal arguments have been suggested to illuminate the social epistemology of science, but their conclusions are not directly applicable to scientific practice. This paper uses one of these models as a lens and historiographical tool in the (...)
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  3.  29
    The organism strikes back: Chlorella algae and their impact on photosynthesis research, 1920s–1960s.Kärin Nickelsen - 2017 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 39 (2).
    Historians and philosophers of twentieth-century life sciences have demonstrated that the choice of experimental organism can profoundly influence research fields, in ways that sometimes undermined the scientists’ original intentions. The present paper aims to enrich and broaden the scope of this literature by analysing the career of unicellular green algae of the genus Chlorella. They were introduced for the study of photosynthesis in 1919 by the German cell physiologist Otto H. Warburg, and they became the favourite research objects in this (...)
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  4.  45
    Physicochemical Biology and Knowledge Transfer: The Study of the Mechanism of Photosynthesis Between the Two World Wars.Kärin Nickelsen - 2022 - Journal of the History of Biology 55 (2):349-377.
    In the first decades of the twentieth century, the process of photosynthesis was still a mystery: Plant scientists were able to measure what entered and left a plant, but little was known about the intermediate biochemical and biophysical processes that took place. This state of affairs started to change between the two world wars, when a number of young scientists in Europe and the United States, all of whom identified with the methods and goals of physicochemical biology, selected photosynthesis as (...)
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  5. Discovery of causal mechanisms: Oxidative phosphorylation and the Calvin–Benson cycle.Raphael Scholl & Kärin Nickelsen - 2015 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 37 (2):180-209.
    We investigate the context of discovery of two significant achievements of twentieth century biochemistry: the chemiosmotic mechanism of oxidative phosphorylation and the dark reaction of photosynthesis. The pursuit of these problems involved discovery strategies such as the transfer, recombination and reversal of previous causal and mechanistic knowledge in biochemistry. We study the operation and scope of these strategies by careful historical analysis, reaching a number of systematic conclusions: even basic strategies can illuminate “hard cases” of scientific discovery that go far (...)
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    Introduction: Embracing Ambivalence and Change.Lara Keuck & Kärin Nickelsen - 2022 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 45 (3):291-300.
    Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Volume 45, Issue 3, Page 291-300, September 2022.
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    New perspectives in the history of twentieth-century life sciences: historical, historiographical and epistemological themes.Robert Meunier & Kärin Nickelsen - 2018 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40 (1):19.
    The history of twentieth-century life sciences is not exactly a new topic. However, in view of the increasingly rapid development of the life sciences themselves over the past decades, some of the well-established narratives are worth revisiting. Taking stock of where we stand on these issues was the aim of a conference in 2015, entitled “Perspectives for the History of Life Sciences”. The papers in this topical collection are based on work presented and discussed at and around this meeting. Just (...)
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  8.  17
    (1 other version)„Zusammenwirken“ oder „Wettstreit der Nationen“A Cooperative and Competitive Endeavour.Liza Soutschek & Kärin Nickelsen - 2019 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 27 (3):229-263.
  9.  77
    Draughtsmen, botanists and nature: constructing eighteenth-century botanical illustrations.Kärin Nickelsen - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 37 (1):1-25.
    At first glance botanical illustrations of the eighteenth century might be interpreted as being naturalistic portraits of living plants. A more detailed investigation, however, reveals that the pictures were meant to communicate typical features of plant species in the way of a model. To this end, botanists of the period gave botanical draughtsmen specialist training; copying earlier examples and standardised motives from drawing books was a common part of this training. The practice of copying elements of previously published drawings and (...)
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  10. The construction of a scientific model: Otto Warburg and the building block strategy.Kärin Nickelsen - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 40 (2):73-86.
    In the years 1919 to 1923, Otto Warburg published four papers that were to revolutionise the field of photosynthesis. In these articles, he introduced a number of new techniques to measure the rate of photosynthesis, put forward a new model of the mechanism and added a completely new perspective to the topic by attempting to establish the process’s efficiency in terms of the light quantum requirement. In this paper I trace the roots of Warburg’s series of contributions to photosynthesis research (...)
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  11.  34
    Die Zukunft der Wissen/schaft/sgeschichten.Kärin Nickelsen - 2018 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 41 (4):409-412.
    The Future of the Histories of Science and Knowledge. This essay addresses the relationship between the history of science and the history of knowledge, particularly in view of the situation in Germany. This relationship has become a controversial issue, culminating in the suggestion that the history of science suffers of irremediable shortcomings and, hence, ought to be replaced by the less problematic history of knowledge. The essay raises doubt in this analysis, while a more comprehensive discussion will be presented in (...)
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  12.  80
    In pursuit of formaldehyde: Causally explanatory models and falsification.Kärin Nickelsen & Gerd Graßhoff - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 42 (3):297-305.
    Falsification no longer is the cornerstone of philosophy of science; but it still looms widely that scientists ought to drop an explanatory hypothesis in view of negative results. We shall argue that, to the contrary, negative empirical results are unable to disqualify causally explanatory hypotheses—not because of the shielding effect of auxiliary assumptions but because of the fact that the causal irrelevance of a factor cannot empirically be established. This perspective is elaborated at a case study taken from the history (...)
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  13.  39
    The Challenge of Colour: Eighteenth-Century Botanists and the Hand-Colouring of Illustrations.Kärin Nickelsen - 2006 - Annals of Science 63 (1):3-23.
    Summary Colourful plant images are often taken as the icon of natural history illustration. However, so far, little attention has been paid to the question of how this beautiful colouring was achieved. At a case study of the eighteenth-century Nuremberg doctor and botanist, Christoph Jacob Trew, the process of how illustrations were hand-coloured, who was involved in this work, and how the colouring was supervised and evaluated is reconstructed, mostly based on Trew's correspondence with the engraver and publisher of his (...)
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  14.  16
    (1 other version)Ein bisher unbekanntes Zeitzeugnis.Kärin Nickelsen - 2008 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 16 (1):103-115.
  15.  23
    Wissenschaft im Glaubenskampf. Geschichte als Argument in den akademischen Festreden Emil DuBois‐Reymonds (1818–1896).Christoffer Leber & Kärin Nickelsen - 2016 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 39 (2):143-164.
    The Religious War of Science. Historical Argumentation in the Academic Speeches of Emil DuBois‐Reymond (1818–1896). Among the protagonists of the “laboratory revolution” (Cunningham/Williams) in 19th‐century physiology were the self‐proclaimed ‘organic physicists’ (“organische Physiker”), who shared a mechanistic conception of life processes. One of their key figures was the physiologist Emil DuBois‐Reymond (1818–1896) who not only excelled in the field of neuroscience but also became known, over the decades of his active career, as an orator at the Berlin Academy of Sciences (...)
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  16.  44
    The Politics of Sources Meets the Practices of the Librarian: An Interview with Esther Chen.Esther Chen, Lara Keuck & Kärin Nickelsen - 2022 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 45 (3):508-516.
    Abstract[I] want to single out one phenomenon that could be called the ‘politics of sources’. It points to the extent to which the histories that both scientists and historians can write are artifacts of the available sources. The Rockefeller Foundation not only opened its archives very early on for historical work but also invested a lot in making the archives readily available for historical exploration. During the 1980s, many young historians took advantage of this opportunity. Thus, in a relatively early (...)
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  17.  45
    Botany and the Science of History: Nature, Culture, and the Origins of Civilization, circa 1850–1900.Fabian Kraemer, Kärin Nickelsen & Dana von Suffrin - 2022 - Isis 113 (1):45-62.
    Research has shown that there has often been overlap between the humanities and the sciences. This essay brings to the fore a prominent borderline case in cultural history, where the mix of disciplines that could contribute to its study became an issue of debate. It examines the attempts made by botanists throughout the nineteenth century, culminating around 1900, to call into question the monopoly of the humanities on cultural history. Botanists argued that botanical objects, such as the original forms of (...)
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  18.  83
    The Gentleman and the Rogue: The Collaboration Between Charles Darwin and Carl Vogt.Martin Amrein & Kärin Nickelsen - 2008 - Journal of the History of Biology 41 (2):237-266.
    This paper investigates the relationship between the eminent 19th-century naturalists Charles Darwin and Carl Vogt. On two separate occasions, Vogt asked Darwin for permission to translate some of the latter’s books into German, and in both cases Darwin refused. It has generally been assumed that Darwin turned down Vogt as a translator because of the latter’s reputation as a radical libertine who was extremely outspoken in his defence of scientific materialism and atheism. However, this explanation does not fit the facts, (...)
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    Deutsch-israelische Annäherungen in Geisteswissenschaften und Kulturpolitik.Irene Aue-Ben-David, Michael Brenner & Kärin Nickelsen - 2017 - Naharaim 11 (1-2):5-11.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Naharaim Jahrgang: 11 Heft: 1-2 Seiten: 5-11.
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    Introduction: History of Science or History of Knowledge?Christian Joas, Fabian Krämer & Kärin Nickelsen - 2019 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 42 (2-3):117-125.
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  21.  36
    A Botanist in the History of Paper: Open and Closed Cooperations in the Sciences Around 1900.Josephine Musil-Gutsch & Kärin Nickelsen - 2020 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 28 (1):1-33.
    The paper uses the example of historical paper research in Vienna around 1900 in order to analyze the dynamics of scientific cooperation between the natural sciences and the humanities. It focuses on the Vienna-based plant physiologist Julius Wiesner (1838–1916), who from 1884 to 1911 studied medieval paper manuscripts under the microscope in productive cooperation with paleographers, archaeologists and orientalists (Josef Karabacek, Marc Aurel Stein, Rudolf Hoernle). The paper examines why these cooperations succeeded and how they developed over time. Here we (...)
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  22.  3
    : A Lab for All Seasons: The Laboratory Revolution in Modern Botany and the Rise of Physiological Plant Ecology..Kärin Nickelsen - 2024 - Isis 115 (4):895-897.
  23.  33
    Santiago Madriñán. In collaboration with Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. Nikolaus Joseph Jacquin's American Plants: Botanical Expedition to the Caribbean and the Publication of the Selectarum Stirpium Americanarum Historia. xi + 423 pp., illus., bibl., index. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2013. $169. [REVIEW]Kärin Nickelsen - 2014 - Isis 105 (3):643-644.