Results for 'L. Lukács'

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  1. La antropología tomista de Guillermo Blanco.María L. Lukac de Stier - 2011 - Sapientia 67 (229):273-280.
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  2. Naturaleza y ética en Hobbes y Tomás de Aquino.MarÍa L. Lukac De Stier - 1988 - Sapientia 43 (67):123.
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    A Note from the Editor.María L. Lukac de Stier - 2011 - Hobbes Studies 24 (1):1-3.
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    Hobbes on the passions and imagination: tradition and modernity.María L. Lukac de Stier - 2011 - Hobbes Studies 24 (1):78-90.
    This article introduces the doctrine of the passions in the Hobbesian work, showing its debt with tradition, especially the scholastic Aristotelian one, even if, at the same time, it offers some breach features with this tradition, which are also analysed. In addition, the fundamentals of imagination manifest themselves in the appetitive process, in Hobbes's doctrine as well as in the scholastic Aristotelian tradition, showing their similarities and differences.
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  5. Algunos aspectos de la doctrina tomista del entendimiento posible.MarÍa L. Lukac De Stier - 1985 - Sapientia 40 (56):109.
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  6. Compatibilidad entre la presciencia divina y la libertad de los actos humanos.MarÍa L. Lukac De Stier - 1984 - Sapientia 39 (54):267.
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    Virtues and Rights. [REVIEW]María L. Lukac de Stier - 1992 - Review of Metaphysics 46 (1):151-153.
    Undoubtedly, Ewin's view of Thomas Hobbes's moral philosophy offers a fresh counterpart to most current analytical readings of Hobbes by recent American scholars, such as Gregory Kavka and Jean Hampton. Staying close to Hobbes's text, this Australian professor is continuously in debate with these two authors, criticizing their game theoretic reconstruction of Hobbesian philosophy. Ewin's main purpose seems to be the revival of Hobbes's reputation as a moral philosopher.
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  8. Brill Online Books and Journals.María L. Lukac de Stier & Omar Astorga - 2011 - Hobbes Studies 24 (1).
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    Theoretical and Practical Knowledge in Hobbes and Thomas Aquinas.Maria L. Lukac de Stier - 1987 - New Scholasticism 61 (1):1-12.
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    The Notion of good in Hobbes' system.María L. Lukac de Stier - 2002 - Hobbes Studies 15 (1):87-99.
    Generally, the topic of Hobbes's ethics that has received little attention is the "good"1, probably because the critical viewpoint has almost always been from politics and social philosophy; their focus is the justification of rules, obligation, the relationship between natural law and civil law and so on. This paper intends to consider different approaches to the theme of "good" given in the complete works of Hobbes, and not just the politically focused works, to explain the apparent contradictions.
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  11. Hobbes on authority De Cive and Leviathan : a comparison.Maria L. Lukac De Stier - 1997 - Hobbes Studies 10 (1):51-67.
    The primary purpose of this paper is to show the change in the notion of authority as reflected in Leviathan with respect to De Cive on account of the inclusion, in the former, of the concept of authorization. This notion, which had not appeared in either De Cive or Elements of Law, introduces a new way of conceiving of sovereignty, of power and even of the view on the Kingdom of God. In this paper I will also undertake an analysis, (...)
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  12. Hobbes y el medioevo: El problema de Dios.Maria L. Lukac de Stier - 2001 - Sapientia 56 (210):435-444.
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  13. Lenguaje, razón y ciencia en el sistema hobbesiano.María L. Lukac de Stier - 1991 - Dianoia 37:61-70.
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  14. Razón y verdad: Hobbes y el Aquinate.Maria L. Lukac de Stier - 2000 - Sapientia 55 (207):47-54.
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    Individual Egoism as Motivation for Human Praxis.Maria L. Lukac De Stier - 1993 - Hobbes Studies 6 (1):43-57.
  16. Naturaleza humana e historia en la doctrina del Aquinante.Maria L. Lukac de Stier - 2007 - Sapientia 62 (221-222):259-266.
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    A Note from the Editor.Lukac de Stier & L. Maria - 2011 - Hobbes Studies 24 (1):1-3.
  18. Philosophie de l'art . Premiers écrits sur l'esthétique.Georg Lukács, Rainer Rochlitz & Alain Pernet - 1984 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 174 (1):94-95.
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  19. La Destruction de la Raison : Les Débuts de l'Irrationnalisme moderne, de Schelling à Nietzsche, tome I.Georg Lukacs - 1960 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 65 (2):212-213.
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  20. La destruction de la Raison, t. I: Les débuts de l'irrationalisme moderne, de Schelling à Nietzsche; t. II: L'irrationalisme moderne, de Dilthey à Toynbee. « Le sens de la marche ». [REVIEW]Georg Lukacs, Stanislas George, René Girard, André Gisselbrecht, Joël Lefebvre & Édouard Pfrimmer - 1960 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 15 (2):290-291.
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    Georg Lukács: Life, Thought, and Politics (review).Eva L. Corredor - 1992 - Philosophy and Literature 16 (2):382-383.
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    Georg Lukács' Marxism, Alienation, Dialectics, Revolution. [REVIEW]L. M. W. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (2):383-383.
    Zitta once attended a course given by Lukács in Budapest. He has prepared an impressive partial bibliography of Lukács' pre-1958 writings, and he liberally scatters the sometimes erratic, often interesting notes of an undisciplined but voracious reader throughout his text. The book-beautifully printed, promising insight into a great but much-neglected thinker, its title replete with four of the most emotion-charged words in contemporary philosophical vocabularies—appears on the surface to emanate intellectual respectability. In fact, it is a clearer candidate (...)
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  23. Lukács, Marx and the Soures of Critical Theory.Walter L. Adamson - 1983 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 21 (2):264-265.
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    György Lukács 1902–1918: His way to Marx.Ferenc L. Lendvai - 2008 - Studies in East European Thought 60 (1-2):55 - 73.
    At the end of his life György Lukács described his intellectual career as ‘my way to Marx’ [mein Weg zu Marx]. By this he meant that his professional life can be interpreted as an attempt to get to the real Marx. In this paper I use this expression in a narrower and more direct meaning: I attempt to present the road at the end of which the young Lukács arrived at a Marxist standpoint.
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    The Heidegger and lukács collaboration.L. Goldmann & Charles M. Opincar - 1979 - Research in Phenomenology 9 (1):229-232.
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    Lukács After Communism: Interviews with Contemporary Intellectuals.Eva L. Corredor - 1997 - Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
    Since the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe, the validity of Marxism and Marxist theory has undergone intense scrutiny both within and outside the academy. In _Lukács After Communism_, Eva L. Corredor conducts ten lively and engaging interviews with a diverse group of international scholars to address the continued relevance of György Lukács’s theories to the post-communist era. Corredor challenges these theoreticians, who each have been influenced by the man once considered the foremost theoretician of Marxist aesthetics, to reconsider (...)
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    Georg Lukács über die Ontologie des gesellschaftlichen Seins und die Marxsche Auffassung der Gesellschaft.Ferenc L. Lendvai - 1990 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 38 (6).
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    The Philosophy of the Novel: Lukács, Marxism and the Dialectics of Form (review).Eva L. Corredor - 1986 - Philosophy and Literature 10 (2):338-340.
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    Four Critics: Croce, Valéry, Lukács, and Ingarden (review).Eva L. Corredor - 1984 - Philosophy and Literature 8 (1):134-135.
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    Laszlo Ropolyi Lakatos And Lukacs.G. Kampis, L. Kvasz & M. Stoltzner - 2002 - In G. Kampis, L: Kvasz & M. Stöltzner (eds.), Appraising Lakatos: Mathematics, Methodology and the Man. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 1--303.
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    Hegel und Lukács über das Zeitalter des Epos.Ferenc L. Lendvai - 2007 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2007 (1).
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    Marxism & Totality: The Adventures of a Concept from Lukacs to Habermas.G. L. Ulmen - 1985 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1985 (66):174-183.
  33. Lukács 1933-1942. L'irrazionalismo nell'età del fascismo.Matteo Gargani - 2020 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 75 (1):81-106.
    "Lukács 1933-1942. Irrationalism in the Age of Fascism". This essay reconstructs the philosophical and historiographical premises to Georg Lukács’ research on irrationalism conducted during the period of Nazi rule in Germany. To this end, the Author focuses chiefly on two posthumous works: How Did Fascist Philosophy Arise in Germany? (1933) and How Did Germany Become the Centre of reactionary Ideology? (1941-1942). After a brief historical contextualization, the Author illustrates the main purpose of these texts: to free German philosophy (...)
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    L'intero segreto della concezione critica. Sul lavoro in Lukács e Marx.Matteo Gargani - 2016 - Links. Rivista di Letteratura E Cultura Tedesca Zeitschrift Für Deutsche Literatur- Und Kulturwissenschaft 16:35-44.
    The “concept of labour” has no bearing on the methodological premises of Marx’s “Critique of political economy.” In The German Ideology there is an attempt to abandon the field of philosophy to become a “real science”, i.e., a science capable of overcoming all the hypostases of “concepts” of “ideology”. From History and Class Consciousness onwards, Lukács continuously tackles the “concept of labour”. The late Lukács interprets the latter as the “Urphänomen” of human praxis. In actual fact this is (...)
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    La Révolution française dans l’œuvre de Lukács.Stéphanie Roza - 2021 - Actuel Marx 69 (1):44-59.
    Cet article porte sur les enjeux de l’émergence de la Révolution française comme moment de rupture fondatrice dans l’œuvre du second Lukács, à partir des années 1930. Ce prisme permet de reconsidérer ce qui est généralement présenté comme le tournant stalinien de l’auteur. Lukács voit dans les prises de position à l’égard de la Révolution française le révélateur de lignes de fracture philosophiques, esthétiques et idéologiques majeures du monde moderne. Sur cette base, il élabore une lecture marxiste hétérodoxe (...)
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    L'eredità classica della categoria lukàcsiana del lavoro nel pensiero dell'ultimo Lukàcs.Antonino Infranca - 1992 - Trans/Form/Ação 15:53-64.
    Interessato in esaminare il rapporto tra Lukàcs e la filosofia clàssica, questo saggio vuole mostrare che il filosofo ungherese ha trovato nella categoria del lavoro una sintesi tra soggetto e oggetto, restando cosi in condizioni di riproporre alcune delle questioni fondamentali delia filosofia: il ruolo del filosofo nella società, il rapporto tra filosofia e politica, la definizione di una nuova etica. Dimenticate dalla filosofia contemporânea, queste questioni sono tornate oggi al centro del dibattito filosòfico, spingendo i filosofi a riflettere sul (...)
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    Book Review: A History of Modern Criticism: 1750-1950, Volume 8: French, Italian, and Spanish Criticism, 1900-1950. [REVIEW]Eva L. Corredor - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (1):260-262.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A History of Modern Criticism: 1750–1950, Volume 7: German, Russian, and Eastern European Criticism, 1900–1950Eva L. CorredorA History of Modern Criticism: 1750–1950, Volume 7: German, Russian, and Eastern European Criticism, 1900–1950, by René Wellek; xvii & 458 pp. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1991, $42.50.The seventh volume of René Wellek’s history of modern criticism may well be the most interesting of his eight-volume monumental oeuvre. Devoted to German, (...)
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    Es gibt Kunstwerke--Wie sind sie möglich?Violetta L. Waibel (ed.) - 2014 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
    Spätestens mit der Wiener Moderne wurde Wien zu einem wichtigen Kulturzentrum des Aufbruchs. Diese und andere Strömungen des Umbruchs der Kunst seit dem 19. Jahrhundert werden in diesem Band gesichtet, dargestellt und bewertet. Die Reflexion auf die Verschränkung und Konkurrenz von Kunstpraxis, -theorie und -philosophie steht im Fokus der Aufmerksamkeit. Die theoretischen Perspektiven des Ästhetischen werden ebenso beleuchtet wie verschiedene Kunstgattungen. Schließlich werden Konzepte der Synästhesie und des Gesamtkunstwerks vorgestellt und Wittgenstein und die Kunst in verschiedenen Perspektiven untersucht. Der ungarische (...)
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  39. L'esperienza giovanile premarxista di Lukacs tra Budapest e la Germania.Guido Oldrini - 2007 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 3 (3):450-478.
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    L'émergence du concept de totalité chez Lukács (II).Lucien Pelletier - 1992 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 48 (3):379-396.
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    L'aliénation dans l'ontologie sociale de Georg Lukacs.Nikos Foufas - 2024 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Ce livre s'intéresse à une thématique peu encore explorée par la recherche marxiste et la théorie critique, celle du sens du concept d'aliénation, mais aussi de la notion de réification dans les derniers écrits de Georg Lukács, à savoir dans son Ontologie de l'être social, écrit publié dans son intégralité après sa mort.Tandis qu'on s'interroge le plus souvent sur la réification dans son célèbre livre Histoire et conscience de classe, l'objectif de ce texte est de mettre en lumière la centralité (...)
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    Introduction to Carl Schmitt.G. L. Ulmen & Paul Piccone - 1987 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1987 (72):3-14.
    The need to anticipate these questions already betrays an abnormal state of affairs. Carl Schmitt is an extremely controversial figure, compromised by his collusion with Nazism at the peak of his career and throughout his life a European conservative whose authoritarian political objectives have never been in doubt. So what is a nice leftist journal like Telos doing in a dieoretical dive like this? Having successfully protected our political virtues from corruption by the totalitarian undercurrents of the various Marxisms and (...)
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    Ideologia come funzione. Lukács e l'Ontologia dell'essere sociale.Valeria Gualdi - 2014 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 26 (51).
    A partire dagli anni '60, György Lukács intraprende una ricerca volta a recuperare e sviluppare l'ontologia sociale racchiusa negli scritti di Marx nel tentativo di rinnovare la riflessione marxista dopo l'effetto inibitorio provocato dallo Stalinismo. Lo scopo di questo articolo è di indagare la concezione lukácsiana dell'ideologia come funzione sociale, mettendola in relazione con il regime di complessità descritto da Lukács nella sua ultima opera, Ontologia dell'essere sociale. Recuperando il riferimento goethiano implicito nell'idea di lavoro come “fenomeno originario” (...)
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    Book Review: A History of Modern Criticism: 1750-1950, Volume 7: German, Russian, and Eastern European Criticism, 1900-1950. [REVIEW]Eva L. Corredor - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (1):259-260.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A History of Modern Criticism: 1750–1950, Volume 7: German, Russian, and Eastern European Criticism, 1900–1950Eva L. CorredorA History of Modern Criticism: 1750–1950, Volume 7: German, Russian, and Eastern European Criticism, 1900–1950, by René Wellek; xvii & 458 pp. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1991, $42.50.The seventh volume of René Wellek’s history of modern criticism may well be the most interesting of his eight-volume monumental oeuvre. Devoted to German, (...)
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    Lukács et la question de l'idéologie.Ester Vaisman - 2009 - Cahiers Philosophiques 119 (3):79-96.
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    L'émergence du concept de totalité chez Lukács (I).Lucien Pelletier - 1991 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 47 (3):291-328.
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    L'évolution politique de Lukacs, 1909-1929: contribution à une sociologie de l'intelligentsia révolutionnaire.Michael Löwy - 1975 - Paris: diffusion, H. Champion.
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  48. L'irrationalisme selon G. Lukacs.Stanislas Breton - 1960 - Recherches de Philosophie 5:207.
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    L'ontologie chez Heidegger et chez Lukacs - Phénoménologie et dialectique.Nicolas Tertulian - 2009 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 50 (119):23-41.
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    Adventures of the Dialectic. [REVIEW]L. W. S. - 1974 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (4):804-804.
    This book, which is thematically linked with Humanism and Terror, marks another of Merleau-Ponty’s attempts to come to grips with Marxism. Adventures presents reflections on the struggle between the proletariat and the Party for a valid revolutionary praxis. The question for Merleau-Ponty is, are we to conceive the revolution as a spontaneous, necessary uprising of the proletariat, in which case the Party is superfluous; or is the proletariat the tool of the Party, in which case the Party is superior and (...)
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