Results for 'L. Rochette'

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  1.  9
    L’inversion motivationnelle, un problème d’irrationalité? Thi Nguyen et le spectre de la duperie de soi.Adrielle Pelchat-Rochette - 2023 - Philosophiques 50 (2):253.
    Dans « Games and the Art of Agency » puis dans Games : Agency as Art, Thi Nguyen introduit l’inversion motivationnelle, un état motivationnel adopté par certain·e·s agent·e·s qui ne visent la victoire que pour éprouver les défis qui se présentent dans le cadre du jeu. Celleux-ci sont amené·e·s à considérer les objectifs largables du jeu comme des fins, bien qu’iels sachent ne désirer les rencontrer que dans une perspective instrumentale. Il s’agit ici de préciser la description de ce phénomène (...)
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    La traduction de textes religieux dans l'Égypte gréco-romaine.Bruno Rochette - 1995 - Kernos 8:151-166.
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    Interpretation of epicardial mapping by means of computer simulations: Applications to calcium, lidocaine and to BRL 34915.P. Auger, R. Cardinal, A. Bril, L. Rochette & A. Bardou - 1992 - Acta Biotheoretica 40 (2-3):161-168.
    The aim of this work was to compare experimental investigations on effects of lidocaine, calcium and, BRL 34915 on reentries to simulated data obtained by use of a model of propagation based on the Huygens' constriction method already described in previous works. Calcium and lidocaine effects are investigated on anisotropic conduction conditions. In both cases, reduction in conduction velocities are observed. In lidocaine case, a refractory area is located along the longitudinal axis. In agreement with experimental electrical mapping, the simulations (...)
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    Giuseppe FLAMMINI (ed.), Hermeneumata Pseudodositheana Leidensia. Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum Teubneriana.Bruno Rochette - 2005 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 98 (2):585-590.
    Méthode d'étude du latin – et plus tard aussi du grec – pour grands débutants, les Hermeneumata Pseudodositheana (HP) – ainsi improprement appelés parce qu'ils sont placés, dans le Codex Sangallensis 902, immédiatement après l'Ars Dosithei magistri – étaient destinés à des Grecs de l'Empire romain qui voulaient apprendre le latin. La connaissance de la langue de Rome était en effet indispensable pour accéder à des postes importants dans l'administration, l'armée ou la justice, surtout après les réformes dioclétiennes. Composés sans (...)
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    B. Rochette: Le latin dans le monde grec. Recherches sur la diffusion de la langue et des lettres latines dans les provinces hellénophones de l’Empire romain. (Collection Latomus, 233.) Pp. 423. Brussels: Latomus, Revue d’Études Latines, 1997. ISBN: 2-87031-173-7. [REVIEW]Simon Swain - 1999 - The Classical Review 49 (1):280-281.
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    Ève Gran-Aymerich – Jürgen von Ungern-Sternberg, L’Antiquité partagée. Correspondances franco-allemandes . Karl Benedikt Hase, Désiré Raoul-Rochette, Karl Ottfried Müller, Otto Jahn, Theodor Mommsen.Sarah Rey - 2015 - Klio 97 (2):844-846.
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  7. The PageRank Citation Ranking : Bringing Order to the Web.L. Page, S. Brin, R. Motwani & T. Winograd - 1999 - .
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  8. The concept of a linguistic variable and its application to approximate reasoning.L. A. Zadeh - 1975 - Information Science 1.
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    Classifier systems and genetic algorithms.L. B. Booker, D. E. Goldberg & J. H. Holland - 1989 - Artificial Intelligence 40 (1-3):235-282.
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    Proof-number search.L. Victor Allis, Maarten van der Meulen & H. Jaap van den Herik - 1994 - Artificial Intelligence 66 (1):91-124.
  11. Compassionate love.L. G. Underwood - forthcoming - Encyclopedia of Bioethics.
  12. Mementʻo mori, chugŭm ŭl kiŏk hara: Hanʼgugin ŭi chugŭmnon.Yŏl-gyu Kim - 2001 - Sŏul-si: Kungni.
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    XVI. Ateius Capito.L. Merklin - 1863 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 19 (1-4):650-664.
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    R. D. Ingthorsson: McTaggart’s Paradox.L. Nathan Oaklander - 2019 - Metaphysica 20 (2):255-267.
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    Macte, Mactare, Macula.L. R. Palmer - 1938 - Classical Quarterly 32 (1):57-62.
    The old ritual word macte was only vaguely understood even in Republican times. As is well known, the ancient critics connected the word with magis, magnus, and explained it as magis auctus. A glance at Walde's Wörterbuch reveals that many attempts have been made in modern times to solve the mystery; but the formidable equipment of the modern philologist has yielded little better results than the popular etymology of the ancients, the most favoured view to-day seeing in mactus the PPP (...)
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    Leadership Ethics: An Introduction, by Terry L. Price Cambridge University Press, 2008.Barry L. Padgett & Mary Rau-Foster - 2012 - Business Ethics Quarterly 22 (3):601-604.
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    Patočka’s Socrates: The Care for the Soul and Human Existence.L’Ubica Učník - 2014 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 4:87.
    In order to get out of present day discussions between determinism and free will, creationism and evolution, bios and zoē, human existence and biological life – those dead end binaries of our present day thinking into which we have manoeuvred ourselves – we need to revisit the Ancient discussions relating to the care of the soul and human existence. I will draw together these two themes from Jan Patočka’s writings by anchor-ing them in his account of Socrates who was the (...)
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  18. The Later Thought of L. Binswanger in The Moral Sense and Its Foundational Significance: Self, Person, Historicity, Community (Analecta Husserliana, XXXI).Aaron L. Mishara - 1990 - Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  19. Galatians.L. Ann Jervis - 1999
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    Ninth Circuit Holds Physician Joint Venture Liable for Anti-Kickback Violation.L. W. J. - 1995 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 23 (4):406-407.
    Hanlester Network v. Shalala ) marks the first test of the application of the Medicare-Medicaid anti-kickback statute to physician self-referral joint ventures. The most recent development in this ongoing litigation was the April 6, 1995 decision of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, holding the Hanlester Network vicariously liable for its marketing vice president's knowing and willful violation of the antikickback statute. The vice president had offered to pay physician-investors in order to induce their referrals of program-related business.The Hanlester Network (...)
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  21. Resurrecting Excellence: Shaping Faithful Christian Ministry.L. Gregory Jones & Kevin R. Armstrong - 2006
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    A New Reading of the Germanicus Papyrus.L. A. Post - 1944 - American Journal of Philology 65 (1):80.
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    Platon, Oeuvres Completes XII: Les Lois.L. A. Post, A. Dies & Edouard Des Places - 1958 - American Journal of Philology 79 (3):286.
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    Platon, Oeuvres Completes XI: Les Lois.L. A. Post & Edouard des Places - 1954 - American Journal of Philology 75 (2):201.
  25.  18
    The fragment of research the quality of life and professional burnout of doctors in children's polyclinics in volgograd.L. P. Slivina, M. E. Morozov, A. A. Khaydukova, E. I. Kalinchenko & I. V. Fedotova - 2020 - Bioethics 26 (12):52-57.
    The level of medical care to patients and the success of the implementation of the national project "Health" depend on the health status and doctor's professionalism. Modern healthcare reform is being implemented by optimizing costs, merging medical organizations, closing ineffective hospitals, expanding the use of high-tech care and informatization of the doctor's activities. All this makes it necessary to assess the health of doctors. Scientists have studied the quality of life and identified the professional burnout of doctors in children's clinics (...)
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    Cicero's Succession-Problem in Cilicia.L. A. Thompson - 1965 - American Journal of Philology 86 (4):375.
  27.  9
    Trying on Gender, Gender Regimes, and the Process of Becoming Women.L. Susan Williams - 2002 - Gender and Society 16 (1):29-52.
    This article uses two concepts—trying on gender and local gender regime—to examine adolescent gendering processes for 26 girls from two northeastern communities. Based on a four-year study, the author found that the process of becoming a woman is much more provisional than previously thought. Adolescent girls resist, experiment, and practice gender in a trying-on process; gender, race, and class structures in the communities mutually reinforce particular kinds of femininities. This article describes the gender regime of each community and examines how (...)
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    The Power of Thinking—The Origins of China’s Re-rise.L. I. Xiaodong - 2021 - Philosophy Study 11 (3).
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    Criminal record, character evidence, and the criminal trial*: Richard L. Lippke.Richard L. Lippke - 2008 - Legal Theory 14 (3):167-191.
    The question addressed here is whether evidence concerning defendants' past criminal records should be introduced at their trials because such evidence reveals their character and thus reveals whether they are the kinds of persons likely to have committed the crimes with which they are currently charged. I strongly caution against the introduction of such evidence for a number of reasons. First, the link between defendants' past criminal records and claims about their standing dispositions to think and act is tenuous, at (...)
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  30. al-Khuluq al-ʻaẓīm fī ḥurūb al-rasūl al-karīm.Ibn Yūsuf & Maḥmūd Fajjāl - 2012 - al-Kuwayt: Ghirās lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ wa-al-daʻāyah wa-al-iʻlān.
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  31. The monophysite angelology of John Philoponus.L. S. B. MacCoull - 1995 - Byzantion 65 (2):388-395.
    Jean Philiponus s'est toujours opposé à la notion nestorienne des anges servant les hommes à la place de Dieu. Jean Philiponus s'inscrit dans le courant égyptien critique de la fin du VIe siècle de certains récits apocryphes des anges dans l'univers primitif. L'argumentation de Philoponus est anti-dyophysite. Il s'attache à démontrer que l'univers que nous percevons est peuplé d'entités non corporelles puissantes, au service de Dieu et dont le rôle est de faire passer des messages aux êtres humains. Ces entités (...)
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  32. Conceptions monistique et dualistique de l'univers stellaire.C. V. L. Charlier - 1917 - Scientia 11 (22):77.
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    Damascius: Traité des premiers principes, 3 vols.L. G. Westerink - 1986 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres. Edited by Leendert Gerrit Westerink & Damaskios.
    v. 1. De l'ineffable et de l'Un -- v. 2. De la triade et de l'unifié -- v. 3. De la procession.
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  34. Bilgi otobanında nihilizm: günümüz çağında anonimlik karşısında bağlılık (EG Atıcı, Çev.).H. L. Dreyfus - 2002 - Cogito 30:100-118.
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    Narrative Theology and the Hermeneutical Virtues: Humility, Patience, Prudence by Jacob L. Goodson.Michael L. Raposa - 2019 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 40 (1):67-71.
    The distance in conceptual space between the philosophical pragmatism of William James and the narrative theologies of Hans Frei and Stanley Hauerwas would appear at first glance to be significant. Hauerwas himself has measured that distance in public, when his extended critique of James supplied a good portion of the agenda for his Gifford Lectures, delivered in 2001 at St. Andrews and subsequently published as With the Grain of the Universe: The Church's Witness and Natural Theology. In this book, Jacob (...)
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    On sets not belonging to algebras.L. Š Grinblat - 2007 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 (2):483-500.
    Let A₁,..., An, An+1 be a finite sequence of algebras of sets given on a set X, $\cup _{k=1}^{n}{\cal A}_{k}\neq \germ{P}(X)$, with more than $\frac{4}{3}n$ pairwise disjoint sets not belonging to An+1. It was shown in [4] and [5] that in this case $\cup _{k=1}^{n+1}{\cal A}_{k}\neq \germ{P}(X)$. Let us consider, instead An+1, a finite sequence of algebras An+1,..., An+l. It turns out that if for each natural i ≤ l there exist no less than $\frac{4}{3}(n+l)-\frac{l}{24}$ pairwise disjoint sets not belonging (...)
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  37. Jināyāt Arisṭū fī ḥaqq al-ʻaql wa-al-ʻilm: maẓāhiruhā, āthāruhā, asbābuhā: qirāʼah naqdīyah li-fikr Arisṭū takshifu jarāʼimahu fī ḥaqq al-ʻaql wa-al-ʻilm.Khālid Kabīr ʻAllāl - 2012 - al-Jazāʼir: Muʼassasat Kunūz al-Ḥikmah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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  38. Taḍārīs fikrīyah naḥwa falsafah muḥāyithah.Ḥasan Awzāl - 2012 - [Rabat?]: [Publisher Not Identified].
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    On the suspicion of an art forgery.L. B. Cebik - 1989 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 47 (2):147-156.
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    (1 other version)A note on direct products.L. Novak Gál - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (1):1-6.
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    (1 other version)`True' and `provable'.L. Goddard - 1958 - Mind 67 (265):13-31.
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    Die frauen in der philosophie.Karl Joël - 1896 - Hamburg,: Verlagsanstalt und druckerei a.-g..
    A lecture concerned with women as philosophers and as philosophical thinkers. Some bibliographical information in the footnotes.
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  43. Pakuję walizkę.Marcin Król - 2021 - In Pakuję walizkę. Warszawa: Iskry.
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  44. Moral práctica.L. M. (ed.) - 1913 - Buenos Aires,: Casa editora "Alfa y omega".
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    Critical notices.L. J. Russell - 1944 - Mind 53 (212):355-361.
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    Becoming an Expert: Exploring the Ethics of Radical Life Extension.L. Shore - unknown
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    Die strekking van Job 28.L. C. Bezuidenhout - 1985 - HTS Theological Studies 41 (2).
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    Perspektiewe uit die Psalms wat lig werp op die wese van die geloofsgemeenskap.L. C. Bezuidenhout - 1995 - HTS Theological Studies 51 (3).
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    Correcting Perry's Misleading Narrative: Historicizing James's "Shady Excursions" into Phrenology.I. V. Ermine L. Algaier - 2020 - The Pluralist 15 (1):17-24.
    while william james's research in mental healing, psychical research, and religious experience are all well-documented, his foray into phrenology remains unexplored and undeveloped. This paper begins with Ralph Barton Perry's narrative, which portrays James as a believer in the truth of phrenology and as someone who thinks it should be valued as an art. While this depiction of James has not made its way into the recent biographies, there are a few individuals who, in fact, perpetuate this idea within the (...)
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  50.  11
    On the Ecclesiastical Hierarchy: The Thirteenth-Century Textbook Edition.L. Michael Harrington - 2011 - Leuven: Peeters Press.
    The medieval fascination with the mysterious language of Dionysius the Areopagite is nowhere more evident than in the thirteenth-century textbook edition of his treatise on liturgical rites. Dionysius employed unfamiliar Greek to describe people, actions, and texts that would have been perfectly familiar to his readers. The Latin translation used in the thirteenth-century textbook strives to preserve this unfamiliarity, but commentaries are introduced between its lines and paragraphs, disrupting its ability to bewilder and surprise. These commentaries make the Dionysian text (...)
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