Results for 'L. Tugan Muftuler'

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  1.  24
    Provocation defence for femicide in Turkey: The interplay of legal argumentation and societal norms.Canan Muftuler & Meltem Muftuler-Bac - 2021 - European Journal of Women's Studies 28 (2):159-174.
    Increasing numbers of women in Turkey are murdered by their relatives, spouses or significant others. The perpetrators plead provocation for their crimes, claiming their actions are provoked by women’s initial acts which they deem to violate societal norms. Pleading provocation enables more lenient sentences. This article investigates the interplay of the legal rules and societal norms on ‘proper’ female behaviour in femicide, based on data drawn from the Journal of Legal Proceedings, which publishes select rulings of the Court of Cassation (...)
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    Teoreticheskīi︠a︡ osnovy marksizma.Mikhail Ivanovich Tugan-Baranovskiĭ - 1906
  3. Mechanisms of Adaptive Behavior: Clark L. Hull's Theoretical Papers, with Commentary.Clark L. Hull, A. Amsel & M. E. Rashotte - 1985 - Behaviorism 13 (2):171-182.
  4. Response to Tucker on hiddenness: J. L. SCHELLENBERG.J. L. Schellenberg - 2008 - Religious Studies 44 (3):289-293.
    Chris Tucker's paper on the hiddenness argument seeks to turn aside a way of defending the latter which he calls the value argument. But the value argument can withstand Tucker's criticisms. In any case, an alternative argument capable of doing the same job is suggested by his own emphasis on free will.
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    Ethical Concepts and Problems.K. E. Løgstrup & Hans Fink - 2020 - Oxford University Press.
    This is first English edition of Ethical Concepts and Problems (1971) by the great Danish philosopher and theologian K. E. Løgstrup (1905-81). Løgstrup presents key elements of his ethical and political thinking, on topics from duty, responsibility, will, and choice to cultural policy, democracy, and the right of resistance.
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  6. Book Review:The Miracle of Theism: Arguments for and against the Existence of God. J. L. Mackie. [REVIEW]Steven L. Ross - 1982 - Ethics 94 (4):718-.
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    In Pursuit of Performatives.L. W. Forguson - 1966 - Philosophy 41 (158):341 - 347.
    It sometimes happens that a philosopher will develop a view on some topic and then later come to reject it. J. L. Austin was perhaps unique in that he not only rejected a philosophical view of which he himself was the author, he patiently developed the view and then showed it to be ultimately unsatisfactory within the compass of the same work. And he did this not once but three times, in material intended for publication. I am thinking, of course, (...)
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  8. Ḥadīs̲-i inqilāb.Shams Āl Aḥmad - 1979 - Tihrān: Intishārāt-i Ravāq.
    jild-i 1. Āzādī va marzʹhāyash -- jild-i 2. Istiqlāl (farhangī).
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  9. La FIVETE II: Les manipulations de la FIVETE ou Les infortunes de l'innocence.J. -L. Brugues - 1988 - Revue Thomiste 88 (1):36-64.
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  10.  29
    Le personnage de Philoctète dans l’Oedipe de Voltaire : un signe avant-coureur.Georges-L. Bérubé - 1994 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 13:61.
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    Heimsoeth, Studien zur Philosophie Immanuel Kant: metaphysische Ursprünge und ontologische Grundlagen.K. B. L. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (3):539-539.
    This volume brings together flux essays by an eminent scholar on the origins, development, and import of Kant's philosophy, chiefly in its metaphysical aspects. Four of these were separately published between 1924 and 1926, but until now have been difficult to obtain, despite great demand. Their appearance here will be welcomed. The thesis emerging from these studies is that the critical philosophy originates in metaphysical probings concerning the nature and presuppositions of being, and issues in doctrines which, despite psychological, epistemological, (...)
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    Christian Wolff und das System des klassischen Rationalismus: die philosophia experimentalis universalis = Christian Wolff e il sistema del razionalismo classico: la philosophia experimentalis universalis.L. Cataldi - 2001 - New York: G. Olms.
    La metodologia empirica di Christian Wolff -- Vernunft und Erfahrung. Zur Entwicklung der empirischen Methodologie in der Rationalistischen Tradition des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts -- Wahrscheinlichkeit und wahrscheinliches Wissen in der Philosophie von Christian Wolff -- Wolff, Bolzano e la probabilita -- Fondamento razionale e fondamento empirico della dimonstrazione: un'alternativa sei-settecentesca -- Christian Wolff e l'ermeneutica filosofica dell'Illuminismo tedesco -- Le origini dell'ermeneutica filosofica -- Teoria e critica della ragione nella filosofia di Christian Wolff -- Proposizioni indubitate e giudizi sintetici (...)
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  13. Yat-il une vérité dans l'image?L. Chamming'S. - 1999 - Nova et Vetera 74 (1):77-103.
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  14. Soŭn Sŏnsa kangnon ŭl hwadu ro ch'ŏrhak ŭl mutta.Yu Chong-nyŏl - 2023 - In T'ae-su Yi (ed.), Pak Hong-gyu ch'ŏrhak ŭi segye. Sŏul: Tosŏ Ch'ulp'an Kil.
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    M. Tulii Ciceronis Opera philosophica: Interpretatione ac notis illustravit Franciscus l'Honore e Societatis Jeus ; Jussu Christianissimi Regis, in usum serenissimi Delphini.Marcus Tullius Cicero, François L'honoré, Claude Thiboust & Pierre Esclassan - 1689 - Apud Viduam Claudii Thiboust, Et Petrum Esclassan,.
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    (1 other version)Market Contractarianism and the Unanimity Rule*: JULES L. COLEMAN.Jules L. Coleman - 1985 - Social Philosophy and Policy 2 (2):69-114.
    This essay is part of a larger project exploring the extent to which the market paradigm might be usefully employed to explain and in some instances justify nonmarket institutions. The focus of the market paradigm in this essay is the relationship between the idea of a perfectly competitive market and aspects of both the rationality of political association and the theory of collective choice. In particular, this essay seeks to identify what connections, if any, exist between one kind of market (...)
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  17. JONATHAN St. BT EVANS (University of Plymouth) The mental model theory of conditional reasoning: critical appraisal and revision, l-20.Jeffrey L. Elman, Francesca Ge Happe, Richard D. Platt & Richard A. Griggs - 1993 - Cognition 48:30-5.
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  18.  25
    Porous vessels: A critique of the nation, nationalism and national character as analytical concepts.L. L. Farrar - 1989 - History of European Ideas 10 (6):705-720.
    I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to colleagues whose suggestions have been essential: Karl S. Bottigheimer, Pierre H. Boulle, L. Perry Curtis, Arnold Esch, Marjorie M. Farrar, John R. Gillis, James Joll, Richard F. Kuisel, Alan Lawson, Philip T. Nicholson, James J. Sheehan, Robert Young.
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  19. From speculum anime to miroir de l'âme: The origins 0f vernacular advice literature at the capetian court.Sean L. Field - 2007 - Mediaeval Studies 69:59-110.
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  20.  52
    A Science of Pure Consciousness?: R. L. FRANKLIN.R. L. Franklin - 1983 - Religious Studies 19 (2):185-204.
    I have come to believe that the whole framework of our current thought is about to begin a long and radical transformation, based on what I shall call a new science of pure consciousness. The content of most of the matters to be considered by this science have hitherto been the concern of some areas of religion, particularly what in our culture we call ‘mysticism’; but the treatment of it would legitimately be called scientific. Thus one aspect of the transformation (...)
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  21. al-Amr bi-al-maʻrūf wa-al-nahy ʻan al-munkar: fī ḍawʼ Kitāb Allāh wa-Sunnat Rasūl ṣallá Allāh ʻalayhi wa-sallam.Sulaymān ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Ḥaqīl - 1993 - al-Riyāḍ: Sulaymān ʻAbd al-Raḥmān al-Ḥaqīl.
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    Ibn 'Aqīl et la Résurgence de l'Islam Traditionaliste au XIe Siècle (Ve siècle de l'Hégire)Ibn 'Aqil et la Resurgence de l'Islam Traditionaliste au XIe Siecle.Nicholas L. Heer & George Makdisi - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (2):331.
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    Propaganda: Its Psychology and Technique. L. W. Doob.Helen L. Koch - 1936 - International Journal of Ethics 46 (4):515-517.
  24.  18
    Correction to: Contextualism in Normative Political Theory and the Problem of Critical Distance.Sune Lægaard - 2019 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (4):971-971.
    The original version of this article unfortunately contained an error. In pages 7 and 8, the reference citation “Lægaard 2016: 13-14” must not be included in the quote.
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  25. Natura e uomo: oltre il moderno? in L'idea di natura.L. Lombardi Vallauri - 1987 - Studium 83 (4-5):633-650.
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  26.  11
    Seeds of the Kingdom: Utopian Communities in the Americas.Anna L. Peterson - 2005 - Oxford University Press USA.
    In these skeptical and disillusioned times, there are still groups of people scattered throughout the world who are trying to live out utopian dreams. These communities challenge the inevitability and morality of dominant political and economic models. By putting utopian religious ethics into practice, they attest to the real possibility of social alternatives. In Seeds of the Kingdom, Anna L. Peterson reflects on the experiences of two very different communities, one inhabited by impoverished former refugees in the mountains of El (...)
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  27. Humanisme et communisme, à propos de l'humanisme russe.Henri-L. Miéville - 1949 - Lausanne,: F. Rouge.
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  28. Manhaj al-baḥth al-ʻilmī ʻinda al-ʻArab fī majāl al-ʻulūm al-tabīʻīyah wa-al-kawnīyah.Jalāl Muḥammad ʻAbd al-Ḥamīd Mūsá - 1972 - Dar Al-Kitab Al-Lubnani.
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    Tempo e Identita.L. Nathan Oaklander - 2009 - Metropolitan City of Rome, Italy: Armando Editore.
    Translation of several chapters of L. Nathan Oaklander's contribution to Time, Change and Freedom: An Introduction to Metaphysics (New York and London: Routledge, 2008.
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    Ληνοί Μινωικοί. Installations minoennes de traitement des produits liquides.Leftéris Platon L. & Katérina Kopaka - 1993 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 117 (1):35-101.
    Nous examinons ici un type très caractéristique d'installation artisanale, fréquente dans les habitats ou les bâtiments isolés de l'époque minoenne. Elle est composée, dans sa forme la plus simple et la plus courante, d'un récipient tronconique avec bec verseur placé sur une plate-forme artificielle ou un banc et, en immédiate relation avec lui, d'un grand vase situé à un niveau inférieur, servant à recueillir un liquide. On a donné des interprétations variées de ces installations : servaient-elles à séparer deux liquides (...)
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  31. Chadong Yi Chŏng-mo ŭi hangmun sŏnghyang kwa Hanju haksŏl suyong.Chŏn Pyŏng-ch'ŏl - 2020 - In Wŏn-sik Hong & O. -yŏng Kwŏn (eds.), Chumun p'arhyŏn' kwa Hanju hakp'a ŭi chŏn'gae: kŭndae sigi 'Nakchunghak. Taegu Kwangyŏksi: Kyemyŏng Taehakkyo Ch'ulp'anbu.
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    al-Falsafah: min al-tahāfut ilá al-istishkāl.Zuhayr Qūtāl - 2015 - ʻAmmān: Dār al-Ayyām lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    " Ongoing Missionary Labor": Building, Maintaining, and Expanding Chicana Studies/History an Interview with Vicki L. Ruiz.Vicki L. Ruiz & Leisa D. Meyer - 2008 - Feminist Studies 34 (1-2):23-45.
  34.  23
    Quelques déplacements récents dans la pratique des théologies contextuelles.L. Santedi - 2003 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 34 (2):155-186.
    Le point de départ des théologies contextuelles se situe dans la réalité vécue et les problèmes qu’elle pose en vue d’élaborer une réflexion de foi. L’article situe d'abord les théologies contextuelles dans le champ du travail herméneutique; il dégage ensuite leur démarche propre à travers un triple mouvement : contextualisation – décontextualisation - recontextualisation. Il évoque en finale deux chantiers qui appellent quelques déplacements dans l'écriture de ces théologies: l'inculturation comme orthopraxis et l'inventivité. C'est le service de la vie qui (...)
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    Henri IV, odet de la noue, et l'assemblée de loudun.V. L. Saulnier - forthcoming - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance.
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    Les Formations adverbiales à quasi-suffixe en Chinois Archaïque et dans la langue de l'époque HanLes Formations adverbiales a quasi-suffixe en Chinois Archaique et dans la langue de l'epoque Han.Paul L.-M. Serruys, Mieczyslaw Jerzy Künstler & Mieczyslaw Jerzy Kunstler - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (1):241.
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  37. Issledovanii︠a︡ analiticheskogo nasledii︠a︡ Lʹvovsko-Varshavskoĭ shkoly.V. L. Vasi︠u︡kov (ed.) - 2006 - Sankt-Peterburg: Mir.
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    De la dangerosité des sectes et nouveaux mouvements religieux?L. Voyé - 2005 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 36 (1):21-41.
    Trois objectifs sous-tendent cet article. Il s’agit tout d’abord d’apporter quelques éclaircissements sur le concept de « sectes », loin de l’acception courante. Les raisons susceptibles d’expliquer pourquoi tant les médias que l’acteur politique entretiennent un a priori négatif sur ce phénomène constituent l’objet d’un deuxième propos. Quant au troisième, il s’interroge sur les raisons qui attirent certains de nos contemporains vers ces sectes et « nouveaux mouvements religieux » tant décriés.
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    17-segi Chosŏn, maŭm ŭi ch'ŏrhak: Song Si-yŏl haktan ŭi maŭm e kwanhan t'amgu.Sŏn-yŏl Yi - 2015 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Kŭl Hangari.
    1. Hŏryŏng, t'ŏng piŏ yŏnghwarhan maŭm -- 2. Ajik tŭrŏnaji anŭn maŭm esŏ chigak i kanŭng han'ga -- 3. Mibal kwa kijil ŭn ŏttŏn kwan'gye in'ga -- 4. Umjiginŭn maŭm kwa koyohan maŭm -- 5. Chigak ŭi sŏnggyŏk kwa kŭ yŏnwŏn e kwanhan munje.
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  40. al-Khuluq al-ʻaẓīm fī ḥurūb al-rasūl al-karīm.Ibn Yūsuf & Maḥmūd Fajjāl - 2012 - al-Kuwayt: Ghirās lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ wa-al-daʻāyah wa-al-iʻlān.
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  41. Book review: Patrice DiQuinzio. Modern maternity: A review of the impossibility of motherhood: Feminism, individualism, and the problem of mothering new York: Routledge, 1999; Nancy E. Dowd. In defense of single-parent families; Julia E. mother troubles: Rethinking contemporary maternal dilemmas; Linda L. layne. Transformative motherhood: On giving and getting in a consumer culture; and Laurie lisle. Without child: Challenging the stigma of childlessness. [REVIEW]Abby L. Wilkerson - 2004 - Hypatia 19 (2):180-190.
  42. Horace - Antonio La Penna; Orazio e la morale mondana europea. Pp. 184. Florence: Sansoni, 1969. Paper, L. 1,300. - Antonio La Penna: Orazio, Le opere: antologia. Pp. xxxi+591. Florence: La Nuova Italia, 1969. Paper, L. 2,200. [REVIEW]M. L. Clarke - 1971 - The Classical Review 21 (01):52-53.
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    Book Review: Identity Work in Social Movements. Edited by Jo Reger, Daniel J. Myers, and Rachel L. Einwohner. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2008, 312 pp., $75.00 (cloth), $25.00. [REVIEW]Helena L. Alden - 2011 - Gender and Society 25 (2):274-276.
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    Problemy garmonii i zakonomernosti v razvitii sovremennogo mira: nauchnye i prakticheskie aspekty, sbornik trudov Vserossiĭskoĭ nauchno-prakticheskoĭ konferent︠s︡ii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem, posvi︠a︡shchennoĭ 500-letii︠u︡ izdanii︠a︡ knigi L. Pacholi "Bozhestvennai︠a︡ proport︠s︡ii︠a︡," 26 marta 2009 g.I︠U︡. L. Aleksandrov (ed.) - 2009 - Krasnoi︠a︡rsk: KGTĖI.
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  45.  14
    Book Review: Body Panic: Gender, Health, and the Selling of Fitness. By Shari L. Dworkin and Faye Linda Wachs. New York University Press, 2009, 272 pp., $22.00. [REVIEW]Margaret L. Andersen - 2009 - Gender and Society 23 (5):716-718.
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    Aegean Civilizations René Treuil, Pascal Darcque, Jean-Claude Poursat, Gilles Touchais: Les civilisations égéennes du Néolithique et de l'Âge du Bronze. (Nouvelle Clio, l'Histoire et ses Problèmes, 1.) Pp. iv + 633; 64 figs., 8 maps. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1989. Paper, frs. 198. [REVIEW]R. L. N. Barber - 1992 - The Classical Review 42 (01):132-135.
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  47.  14
    Formale Logik. [REVIEW]L. K. B. - 1959 - Review of Metaphysics 12 (4):665-665.
    After introducing and illustrating the idea of a calculus, this work develops a philosophically interesting but technical theory of the foundation of logic, in connection with propositional calculi and in relation to recent metamathematical research; then quantification theory is introduced, including material on completeness and undecidability and the theory of equality. Not just another logic text, this information-packed little treatise will probably find a place among the classical introductions to the field.--L. K. B.
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  48.  31
    In The Last Analysis. [REVIEW]L. K. B. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (4):715-715.
    A thoughtful inventor-businessman's statement of the simple truth about the world: All is energy, with causal order everywhere, and with such forces dominating as to justify optimistic trust in the necessary course of events.--L. K. B.
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    The Philosophy of Science. [REVIEW]L. K. B. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (3):541-542.
    This first volume of a projected two volume work deals with "science in general," which is understood to include theology and philosophy. The first two chapters analyze the concept of a science and issue in a descriptive definition which is then developed in subsequent chapters; among the topics of this development are abstraction as an intellectual operation, the necessity of scientific statements, induction and deduction, hypothesis and theory. The book presents neither an investigation of particular sciences nor epistemological arguments in (...)
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    Etudes sur Marx et Hegel. [REVIEW]L. C. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (4):721-721.
    A collection of previously published articles by one of the leading translators and interpreters of Hegel's philosophy. Most of the studies about Hegel concern the Phenomenology, although one goes back to his early writings to find the roots of some later doctrines. The other studies are about the philosophical presuppositions of Marxism and their relation to their idealistic sources.--C. L.
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