Results for 'Georges-L. Bérubé'

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  1.  29
    Le personnage de Philoctète dans l’Oedipe de Voltaire : un signe avant-coureur.Georges-L. Bérubé - 1994 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 13:61.
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    Voltaire et le thé'tre comique : étaient-ils incompatibles?Georges L. Bérubé - 1996 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 15:17.
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    L’apparition du personnage du père dans le thé'tre de Voltaire.Georges Bérubé - 1998 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 17:91.
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    De l'Esprit laïque médiéval à la laïcité moderne.Camille Bérubé - 1965 - Dialogue 4 (2):185-205.
    Cette étude a un double objectif: 10 dégager les grandes lignes de l'ouvrage de Georges de Lagarde, La Naissance de l'Esprit laïque au Moyen Age, tout spécialement du volume V, Guillaume d'Ockham, Critique des structures ecclésiales; 20 retracer les origines de la doctrine actuelle de la laïcité de l'État et ses incidences dans la Constitution dogmatique de l'Église. En un temps où l'Église catholique prend pleinement conscience d'elle-même et approfondit le message qu'elle doit transmettre au monde, l'histoire des manifestations (...)
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    De l'Esprit laïque du Moyen Age à la Laïcite moderne: II — Laïcité de L'État Moderne in the main title.Camille Bérubé - 1965 - Dialogue 4 (3):295-322.
    Le mouvement laïque du Moyen Age nous est apparu, en gros, comme un phénomène chrétien, parce qu'inhérent à la structure même du christianisme médiéval. Georges de Lagarde le définit comme la revendication par les princes chrétiens d'attributions exercées par les autorités ecclésiastiques, tant dans l'ordre spirituel que dans l'ordre temporel. Il reflète un état social caractéristique du Moyen Age chrétien. D'une part, en effet, les nations chrétiennes appartiennent à une même et unique chrétienté où la distinction entre le citoyen (...)
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    Correspondence of A.F. Losev and George L. Kline (1957-74).George L. Kline - 2001 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 40 (3):69-73.
    I know about you only from your valuable books and from the little that was communicated to me by telephone in Moscow in September. Nevertheless, we share a warm interest in Greek culture generally and philosophy in particular.
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    Agency, Autonomy and Euthanasia.George L. Mendz & David W. Kissane - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (3):555-564.
    Agency is the human capacity to freely choose one’s thoughts, motivations and actions without undue internal or external influences; it is distinguished from decisional capacity. Four well-known conditions that can deeply affect agency are depression, demoralization, existential distress, and family dysfunction. The study reviews how they may diminish agency in persons whose circumstances may lead them to consider or request euthanasia or assisted suicide. Since agency has been a relatively neglected dimension of autonomous choice at the end of life, it (...)
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    Value in Marx: The Persistence of Value in a More-Than-Capitalist World.George L. Henderson - 2013 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Long prone to dogmatic disagreement, the question of value in Marx’s thought—what value is, the purpose it serves, its application to real-world capitalism—requires renewal if Marx’s work is to remain vibrant. In _Value in Marx_, George Henderson offers a lucid rereading of Marx that strips value of its turgid theoretical reduction and reframes it as an investigation into the tensions between social relations and forms as they are rather than as what they could otherwise become. Drawing on Marx’s _Capital_ and (...)
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  9. The clinical application of the biopsychosocial model.George L. Engel - 1980 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 6 (2):101-124.
    How physicians approach patients and the problems they present is much influenced by the conceptual models around which their knowledge is organized. In this paper the implications of the biopsychosocial model for the study and care of a patient with an acute myocardial infarction are presented and contrasted with approaches used by adherents of the more traditional biomedical model. CiteULike Connotea What's this?
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  10. 翻譯《傳習錄》中陸澄語錄的關鍵術語:一些初步的考量.George L. Israel - manuscript
    "Translating Key Terms Terms in Lu Cheng's Records in the Chuan xi lu: Some Preliminary Considerations" Draft paper for the 2024 Conference on [Wang] Yangming's Learning of Mind, Shaoxing, Zhejiang. Updated October 4, 2024. The final version will appear in the conference volume. -/- Criticism and suggestions welcome. Please do email.
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    Response to a ‘Commentary’ and Letters.George L. Mendz & David W. Kissane - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (4):802-804.
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  12. Studying Wang Yangming: History of a Sinological Field.George L. Israel - 2022 - Kindle Direct Publishing.
    Wang Yangming (1472-1529) and his School of Mind dominated the intellectual world of sixteenth-century Ming China (1368-1644), and his Confucian philosophy has since remained an essential component of East Asian philosophical discourse. Yet, the volume of publications on him in the Western-language literature has consistently paled in comparison to the volume of scholarship on classical Chinese philosophy, modern Chinese philosophy, Buddhism, and Daoism. Studying Wang Yangming: History of a Sinological Field explains the history of writing in the West about the (...)
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  13. Linking History and Education: The Life of Erling Hunt, 1901-1978.George L. Mehaffy - 1982 - Journal of Thought 17 (3):27-44.
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    Time, thermodynamics, and theology.George L. Murphy - 1991 - Zygon 26 (3):359-372.
    Keywords: A theological approach to understanding time and change in a modern way must consider the relationships between thermal physics and time as elucidated during the past century and a half. The fact of temporal change, including death and decay, has been a religious problem since antiquity, so that some traditions have simply attempted to transcend the world of change. However, a major current of the Christian tradition has seen change as a fundamental aspect of God's creation, and one with (...)
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  15. John M. Cuddihy, "The Ordeal of Civility. Freud, Marx, Lévi-Strauss".George L. Mosse - 1975 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 25:221.
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    Truth and Fallacy in Educational Theory.George L. Newsome - 1963 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 3 (1):91-98.
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    Transhumanist Genetic Enhancement: Creation of a ‘New Man’ Through Technological Innovation.George L. Mendz & Michael Cook - 2021 - The New Bioethics 27 (2):105-126.
    The transhumanist project of reshaping human beings by promoting their improvement through technological innovations has a broad agenda. This study focuses on the enhancement of the human organism through genetic modification techniques. Transhumanism values and a discussion of their philosophical background provide a framework to understand its ideals. Genetics and ethics are employed to assess the claims of the transhumanist program of human enhancement. A succinct description of central concepts in genetics and an explanation of current techniques to edit the (...)
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    P. Cornelii Taciti Dialogus de Oratoribus.George L. Hendrickson & Alfred Gudeman - 1895 - American Journal of Philology 16 (1):80.
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    Bagnetia.George L. Huxley - 1977 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 121 (1-2):316-317.
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  20. Taras D. Zakydalsky (1941-2007).George L. Kline - 2008 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 46 (4):93-97.
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    Faith, Knowledge, and Action: Essays Presented to Niels Thulstrup on His Sixtieth Birthday.George L. Stengren - 1984
  22. Philosophy of religion.George L. Abernethy - 1968 - New York,: Macmillan. Edited by Thomas A. Langford.
  23. History of Philosophy Selected Readings.George L. Abernethy & Thomas A. Langford - 1965 - Dickenson Pub. Co.
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    Introduction to Western philosophy: pre-Socratics to Mill.George L. Abernethy - 1970 - Belmont, Calif.,: Dickenson Pub. Co.. Edited by Thomas A. Langford.
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  25. Lu Xiangshan, Wang Yangming, and the Early Heart-Mind Learning.George L. Israel - manuscript
    Draft Chapter for Chinese Philosophy and Its Thinkers: From Ancient Times to the Present Day .
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  26. “Rationality” and contexts in agency theory.George L. Cowgill - 2000 - In Marcia-Anne Dobres & John Robb, Agency in archaeology. New York: Routledge. pp. 51--60.
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  27. Statistical Determination.George L. Kline - 1970 - In Ervin Laszlo & James Benjamin Wilbur, Human values and natural science. New York,: Gordon & Beach. pp. 4--213.
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    Posthumanism: Creation of ‘New Men’ Through Technological Innovation.George L. Mendz & Michael Cook - 2021 - The New Bioethics 27 (3):197-218.
    The posthumanist project proposes directing the evolution of human beings by promoting their improvement through technological means to create a variety of entities that will have few or no common...
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  29. Returning to the Root: The Formative Political Career and Intellectual Development of Nie Bao, 1487-1548.George L. Israel - 2024 - The World of the Orient 122 (1):145-172.
    Nie Bao 聶豹 (1487–1563) was a Neo-Confucian philosopher and scholar-official of sixteenthcentury Ming China. In his Ming ru xue an 明儒學案 (Case studies of Ming Confucians), Huang Zongxi 黃宗羲 placed him in the Jiangxi (Jiangyou 江右) group of Wang Yangming followers. Nie Bao met the influential founder of the Ming School of Mind in 1526 and was inspired by his teaching of the innate knowing (liangzhi 良知). However, he differed from other followers in his quietist approach to realizing and extending (...)
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    The Course in Business Ethics.George L. Pamental - 1991 - Business Ethics Quarterly 1 (4):385-393.
    Ethical theory in business ethics texts lacks sufficient specificity to be used as a tool of analysis. The result is that business faculty do not see the course in business ethics as helpful to their students, and the students do not see the course as helpful in their careers.A further difficulty is the inclusion of material which is not seen by business faculty, as appropriate or germane to the practice of decision-making. Issues such as the legitimacy of the corporation, or (...)
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  31. Wang Yangming in Beijing: "If I do not awaken others, who will do so?".George L. Israel - 2017 - Journal of Chinese History 1 (1):59-91.
    After being recalled to Beijing in 1510 for evaluation and reassignment in the wake of his two-year exile to Guizhou and his period of service as a magistrate, Wang Yangming was assigned to a succession of posts at the capital that kept him there through 1512. During that short time, he remained disillusioned with the Ming court and high politics and chose to put his energies into fostering a philosophical movement. He believed that by restoring the “way of master-disciple relations (...)
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  32. Thomism.George L. Stengren - 1981 - In A. Freire Ashbaugh, Niels Thulstrup & Marie Mikulová Thulstrup, Kierkegaard and great traditions. Copenhagen: Reitzel.
  33. A School of Mind Philosopher in Ming China: Nie Bao’s Formative Political Career and Intellectual Trajectory, 1487-1548.George L. Israel - 2021 - In 第二十一届明史國際學術研討會 論文匯編 Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference of the Chinese Ming History Society. pp. 204-239.
    Nie Bao 聶豹 (1487-1563) was a Neo-Confucian philosopher and scholar-official of sixteenth-century Ming China. In his Ming ru xue an 明儒學案 (Case studies of Ming Confucians), Huang Zongxi 黃宗羲placed him in the Jiangxi (Jiangyou 江右) group of Wang Yangming followers. The goal of this article is to provide a sketch of Nie Bao’s political trajectory and intellectual development from his early years until he was imprisoned in 1547, as well as translation of important documents pertaining to that trajectory and development. (...)
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  34. Wang Yangming in Chuzhou and Nanjing, 1513-1516 "I have only two words to say: 'Be truthful.'".George L. Israel - 2019 - In Kenneth Swope, The Ming World. Routledge. pp. 322-342.
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    Volume II, Chapter 12: Lu Xiangshan, Wang Yangming, and the Early Heart-Mind Learning.George L. Israel - 2024 - In Dawid Rogacz, Chinese Philosophy and Its Thinkers. Bloomsbury. pp. 267-284.
    Across a set of three volumes spanning more than three thousand years, this is a survey of thinkers central to the development of philosophical thought in China. -/- Volume I Chinese Ancient and Early Imperial Philosophy Volume II Chinese Imperial Philosophy After Buddhism Volume III Chinese Philosophy from the Eighteenth Century to the Present .
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    Reply to Commentators.George L. Kline - 1970 - Proceedings of the Hegel Society of America 1:212-215.
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    The Hegelian Roots of S. L. Frank’s Ethics and Social Philosophy.George L. Kline - 1994 - The Owl of Minerva 25 (2):195-208.
    Semën [Simon] Liudvigovich Frank was born in Moscow, the son of a doctor. He studied law at Moscow University, joined a student Marxist group headed by P.B. Struve, and as a result was barred by the Russian authorities from living in any of the Russian “university cities.” He continued his university education at the Universities of Berlin and Munich. His first published work was a critique of Marx’s theory of value. Between 1902 and 1905 he divided his time among Berlin, (...)
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    7. Form, Concrescence, and Concretum.George L. Kline - 1983 - In Lewis S. Ford & George L. Kline, Explorations in Whitehead's philosophy. New York: Fordham University Press. pp. 104-146.
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  39. Draft translation of Lu Cheng’s records in Wang Yangming's Record of Instructions for Practice (Chuan xi lu 傳習錄).George L. Israel - manuscript
    Criticism and recommendations are very much welcome. Please don't hesitate to contact me with them. -/- .
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  40. Philosophy of Religion a Book of Readings.George L. Abernethy & Thomas A. Langford - 1962 - Macmillan.
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  41. Religion and Trade in New Netherland Dutch Origins and American Development.George L. Smith - 1974 - Religious Studies 10 (4):498-500.
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  42. What's it all about?George L. Williams - 1969 - New York,: Exposition Press.
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    The Smile of Murugan: On Tamil Literature of South India.George L. Hart & Kamil Zvelebil - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (4):494.
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    ΝΟΜΟΦΥΛΑΚΙΑ and the Areopagus.George L. Cawkwell - 1988 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 108:1-12.
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    Notes from the profession.George L. Kline - 1996 - Studies in East European Thought 48 (2-4):277 - 279.
  46. The Holy Pretence.George L. Mosse - 1958 - Science and Society 22 (3):273-275.
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    Models and multineuron recordings.George L. Gerstein - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (4):546-547.
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    Cuestiones Disputadas: Ensayos de Filosofia.Ortega y Gasset. An Outline of His Philosophy.George L. Kline & Jose Ferrater Mora - 1960 - Journal of Philosophy 57 (10):341.
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    A different look at texts.George L. Pamental - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (7):531 - 536.
    The course in business ethics is required by an increasing number of business programs. Accordingly, it seems appropriate to evaluate the text materials used from the perspective of the business student.Relative to early criticisms, recent texts represent considerable improvements in their use of case materials and in the manner by which they involve the student in decision-making situations. However, there are two distortions present in all of the texts examined. First, they concentrate too heavily on cases of a policy, or (...)
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    Notes and Correspondence.George Sarton & S. L. - 1933 - Isis 20 (90):260-266.
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