Results for 'La Currie'

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  1.  42
    La angustia de Abraham: un análisis del argumento central de Temor y Temblor.David Curry & William Vann - 1995 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 7 (1):5-26.
    Temor y Temblor, de Kierkegaard, escrito bajo el seudónimo de Johannesde silentio, nos ofrece una recreaciónpoética de la historia bíblica de Abraham. Johannes alaba a Abraham como el más eminente caballero de la fe, pero nuestro análisis encuentra que las caracterizaciones que hace de Abraham, como decidido y al mismo tiempo angustiado por el sacrificio de Isaac, entran en conflicto y se mantienen sin resolver. Esto, sumado a la reconocida ignorancia de Johannes en cuestiones de fe, hace que la representación (...)
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  2. Cabbage à la Descartes.Devin Sanchez Curry - 2016 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 3:609-637.
    This article offers an interpretation of Descartes’s method of doubt. It wields an examination of Descartes’s pedagogy—as exemplified by The Search for Truth as well as the Meditations—to make the case for the sincerity (as opposed to artificiality) of the doubts engendered by the First Meditation. Descartes was vigilant about balancing the need to use his method of doubt to achieve absolute certainty with the need to compensate for the various foibles of his scholastic and unschooled readers. Nevertheless, Descartes endeavored (...)
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    Écho et feintise : quelle est la différence et qui a raison?Gregory Currie - 2008 - Philosophiques 35 (1):13-23.
    In earlier work (“Why irony is pretence”, in S. Nichols (ed) The Architecture of Imagination, Oxford University Press, 2006) I have argued for a version of the pretence theory of irony — a version according to which the ironist is pretending to adopt a perspective which is defective in some way. I also contrasted this version of the pretence theory with the echoic theory of Sperber and Wilson, concluding that the pretence theory is superior. Deirdre Wilson has now responded to (...)
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  4. La interdisciplinariedad en la ciencia, la didáctica y el currículo.Martínez Rubio & N. Blanca - 2003 - Lima, Perú: Fondo Editorial del Pedagógico San Marcos.
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    La filosofía en el currículum de la escuela media argentina: una sociogénesis de la asignatura.Alicia Loforte - 2016 - Córdoba, República Argentina: Alción Editora.
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    Curry H. B.. The logic of program composition. Applications scientifiques de la logique mathématique, Actes du 2e Colloque International de Logique Mathématique, Paris—25–30 août 1952, Institut Henri Poincaré, Collection de logique mathématique, série A, Gauthier-Villars, Paris 1954, and E. Nauwelaerts, Louvain 1954, pp. 97–102. [REVIEW]George W. Patterson - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (1):102-103.
  7. Mundos imaginarios y cuasi-emociones: la solución a la paradoja de la ficción en Walton y Currie.Federico Burdman - 2014 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 61:63-77.
    Las soluciones a la paradoja de la ficción propuestas por Kendall Walton y Gregory Currie, a pesar de diferir en puntos de detalle importantes, suponen dos movimientos conceptuales comunes para entender la situación de quien está inmerso en una obra de ficción, a través del recurso a la noción de “cuasi-emociones” y de la idea de construcción de escenarios imaginarios. Aquí propondré que sus propuestas fallan en sus dos puntos centrales, a partir de problemas que son, sin embargo, independientes. (...)
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    Curry Haskell B.. La théorie des combinateurs. Università di Roma, Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica, Rendiconti di matematica e delle sue applicazioni, ser. 5 vol. 10 , pp. 347–359.Curry Haskell B.. La logique combinatoire et les antinomies. Ibid., pp. 360–370. [REVIEW]J. Barkley Rosser - 1956 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 21 (4):378-378.
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    Educar o adoctrinar: análisis crítico del currículo de la Ley No. 070 "Avelino Siñani-Elizardo Perez" y otros temas de ecología, geopolítica, cultura y lectura.Rolando Barral Zegarra - 2014 - La Paz, Bolivia: Ediciones Brecha.
  10.  23
    Lukasiewicz Jan. Sur la formalisation des théories mathématiques. Les méthodes formelles en axiomatique, Paris, décembre 1950, Colloques internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique no. 36, Paris 1953, pp. 11–19.Bernays Paul, Robinson Abraham, Curry Haskell B.. Discussion. Les méthodes formelles en axiomatique, Paris, décembre 1950, Colloques internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique no. 36, Paris 1953, pp. 19–21. [REVIEW]Steven Orey - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (2):214-214.
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    Pono tibi istam:“Tu curris”. Uno sguardo alla teoria medievale delle obbligazioni.Riccardo Strobino - 2008 - Doctor Virtualis 8:139-161.
    La teoria delle obbligazioni rappresenta un significativo esempio di come un insieme di tecniche logiche possa essere applicato, in maniera feconda, a contesti disputazionali in cui la dimensione dialogica e l’interazione tra soggetti coinvolti in un confronto dialettico hanno un ruolo di primo piano.L’attenzione che numerosi studiosi hanno manifestato nei confronti di questa parte della logica modernorum negli ultimi quarat’anni testimonia la profondità e la difficoltà dei problemi teorici che stanno alla base della teoria.Molte interpretazioni sono state avanzate circa le (...)
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  12.  10
    actantes históricos en Ships in bottles de Neil Curry.Emilio José Álvarez Castaño - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-8.
    Los poemas históricos de Ships in Bottles de Neil Curry ofrecen una oportunidad de hacer una reflexión sobre la posible vigencia de la teoría del gran hombre. Contrasta la desconsideración que dicha aportación de Carlyle tiene en la actualidad con su seguimiento en otros campos, como los negocios o la política. En el caso de la poesía, los poemas seleccionados hacen ver de qué manera los grandes actantes de la historia conviven con las personas que hacen la microhistoria.
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    Antropología filosófica y currículo de la cultura física.Simón Cruz Fajardo - 2009 - Bogotá D.C.: Universidad Santo Tomás, División Ciencias de la Salud, Facultad de Cultura Física, Deporte y Recreación.
  14.  51
    Haskell B. Curry. Philosophische Bemerkungen zu einigen Problemen der mathematischen Logik. Archiv für Philosophie, vol. 4 no. 2 , pp. 147–156. - Haskell B. Curry. L-semantics as a formal system. Congrès International de Philosophie des Sciences, Paris 1949, II Logique, Actualités scientifiques et industrielles 1134, Hermann & Cie, Paris1951, pp. 19–29. - Haskell B. Curry. On the definition of substitution, replacement and allied notions in an abstract formal system. Revue philosophique de Louvain, vol. 50 , pp. 251–269. - Haskell B. Curry. Mathematics, syntactics and logic. Mind, n. s. vol. 62 , pp. 172–183. - Haskell B. Curry. Les systèmes formels et les langues. Les méthodes formelles en axiomatique. Paris décembre 1950, Colloques internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique no. 36, Paris1953, pp. 1–9. - Paul Bernays, L. E. J. Brouwer, Haskell B. Curry, A. Heyting, Abraham Robinson. Discussion. Les méthodes formelles en axiomatique. Paris décembre 1950, Colloques i. [REVIEW]Robert Feys - 1956 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 21 (4):374-377.
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    La filosofia della matematica.Carlo Cellucci - 1967 - Bari,: Laterza.
    La logica matematica di Russell, di K. Gödel.--Che cos'è il problema del continuo di Cantor?, di K. Gödel.--Osservazioni al Convegno su i problemi di matematica per il secondo centenario di Princeton, di K. Gödel.--Matematica e logica, di A. Church.--Osservazioni sulla definizione e sulla natura della matematica, di H.B. Curry.--Sull'infinito, di D. Hilbert.--Il programma di Hilbert, di G. Kreisel.--Fondamenti storici, principi e metodi dell'intuizionismo, di L.E.J. Brouwer.--Disputa, di A. Heyting.--L'intuizionismo in matematica, di A. Heyting.--Verso un nominalismo costruttivo, di N. Goodman e (...)
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  16. "¿Qué son las obras de arte? Las propuestas de los teóricos de la acción".Elisa Caldarola - 2021 - In Leopoldo La Rubia, Nemesio García Carril Puy & Francisco Larubia Y. Prado (eds.), Teorías contemporáneas del arte y la literatura. Madrid: Tecnos.
    Este capítulo presenta dos versiones de la teoría según la cual deberíamos centrarnos en ciertas acciones realizadas por los artistas para comprender qué tipo de objetos son las obras de arte: la propuesta de Gregory Currie (An Ontology of Art, 1989) y la de David Davies (Art as Performance, 2004). Si bien estas teorías no están exentas de problemas, es cierto que estas proporcionan una guía completa de algunos de los temas en los que uno debería meditar al evaluar (...)
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  17. Currie et Musgrave . - Popper and the human sciences. [REVIEW]A. Boyer - 1987 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 177:548.
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    Logique contemporaine (I. M. Bochenski, H. B. Curry, J. Dopp, K. Dürr, J. Lukasiewicz, A. Mostowski, J. B. Rosser et A.-R. Turquette, H. B. Veatch, G. H. von Wright). [REVIEW]R. Blanché - 1955 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 145:469.
  19. Une preuve formelle et intuitionniste du théorème de complétude de la logique classique.Jean-Louis Krivine - 1996 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 2 (4):405-421.
    Introduction. Il est bien connu que la correspondance de Curry-Howard permet d'associer un programme, sous la forme d'un λ-terme, à toute preuve intuitionniste, formalisée dans le calcul des prédicats du second ordre. Cette correspondance a été étendue, assez récemment, à la logique classique moyennant une extension convenable du λ-calcul. Chaque théorème formalisé en logique du second ordre correspond donc à une spécification de programme.Il se pose alors le problème, en général tout à fait non trivial, de trouver la spécification associée (...)
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    Presencia del modelo pedagógico nativo como base del currículo intercultural en instituciones de educación superior.Eva Cházaro - 2018 - Voces de la Educación 3 (5):20-30.
    Intercultural perspective on Higer Education requires epistemic porpuses that strong learn and convivences processes. On this way, I present the Native Pedagogical Model as an alternative to contextualize learning on formal education, for indigenous student, but fo no indigenous too, everybody in classroom. This article is an investigation work in universities en Puebla, México. Expose the strenghts of Native Pedagogical Model as a context tool for learnings. Keywords: Intercultural Education, Indigenous Epistemology, Intercultural curriculum.
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  21.  64
    Wittgenstein et le lien entre la signification d’un énoncé mathématique et sa preuve.Mathieu Marion & Mitsuhiro Okada - 2012 - Philosophiques 39 (1):101-124.
    The thesis according to which the meaning of a mathematical sentence is given by its proof was held by both Wittgenstein and the intuitionists, following Heyting and Dummett. In this paper, we clarify the meaning of this thesis for Wittgenstein, showing how his position differs from that of the intuitionists. We show how the thesis originates in his thoughts, from the middle period, about proofs by induction, and we sketch his answers to a number of objections, including the idea that, (...)
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  22.  15
    Intrinsic reasoning about functional programs I: first order theories.Daniel Leivant - 2002 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 114 (1-3):117-153.
    We propose a rudimentary formal framework for reasoning about recursion equations over inductively generated data. Our formalism admits all equational programs , and yet singles out none. While being simple, this framework has numerous extensions and applications. Here we lay out the basic concepts and definitions; show that the deductive power of our formalism is similar to that of Peano's Arithmetic; prove a strong normalization theorem; and exhibit a mapping from natural deduction derivations to an applied λ -calculus, à la (...)
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  23.  20
    (1 other version)Les intuitions logiques d’Edgar Morin.Didier Dacunha-Castelle - 2011 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 60 (2):, [ p.].
    Les mathématiques telles qu’elles se sont développées entre 1935 et 1970 jouent un rôle très important dans La Méthode. Ce rôle est explicite en ce qui concerne la logique, plus implicite en ce qui concerne la théorie du contrôle, l’incertitude, et certaines notions vues hors du champ mathématique et particulièrement probabiliste . Sur un exemple de résultats récents de la logique mathématique, la correspondance de Curry-Howard et les travaux de Jean-Louis Krivine nous montrent la pertinence des idées et des intuitions (...)
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    Ph.D. Carlos Herrera de la Fuente.Carlos Herrera de la Fuente - 2021 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 15 (1).
    Open Letter to Comrade Žižek is an attempt to question and highlight some incongruous points that Slavoj Žižek, one of the greatest critics of capitalism and its ideological effects in the contemporary world, expressed in his latest books about the Pandemics. The text focuses in the economic, political, social and cultural consequences of Žižek’s position and goes further in developing another position related to the spread of COVID-19 and the preventive measures to fight it.
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    Reassessing values for emerging big data technologies: integrating design-based and application-based approaches.Karolina La Fors, Bart Custers & Esther Keymolen - 2019 - Ethics and Information Technology 21 (3):209-226.
    Through the exponential growth in digital devices and computational capabilities, big data technologies are putting pressure upon the boundaries of what can or cannot be considered acceptable from an ethical perspective. Much of the literature on ethical issues related to big data and big data technologies focuses on separate values such as privacy, human dignity, justice or autonomy. More holistic approaches, allowing a more comprehensive view and better balancing of values, usually focus on either a design-based approach, in which it (...)
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    Kon-Tiki Experiments.Aaron Novick, Adrian M. Currie, Eden W. McQueen & Nathan L. Brouwer - 2020 - Philosophy of Science 87 (2):213-236.
    We identify a species of experiment—Kon-Tiki experiments—used to demonstrate the competence of a cause to produce a certain effect, and we examine their role in the historical sciences. We argue that Kon-Tiki experiments are used to test middle-range theory, to test assumptions within historical narratives, and to open new avenues of inquiry. We show how the results of Kon-Tiki experiments are involved in projective inferences, and we argue that reliance on projective inferences does not provide historical scientists with any special (...)
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  27.  68
    Unjustified evil and God’s choice.Richard R. La Croix - 1974 - Sophia 13 (1):20-28.
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    Le choc des croyances : en quel couple croyons-nous?Monique Dupré La Tour - 2008 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 178 (4):27-39.
    La rencontre des consultants et des thérapeutes se fait sur un choc de leurs croyances au couple. Cette question est interrogée à partir des formulations des consultants et des thérapeutes sur le couple, sur leur couple. Elle introduit à ce qu’est un couple pour l’auteur, un organisateur du psychisme, une matrice de subjectivité.
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  29. (1 other version)Euphemisms and hypocrisy in corporate philanthropy.Anders la Cour & Joakim Kromann - 2011 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 20 (3):267-279.
    Over the past two decades, a growing number of large multinational corporations have come to view philanthropy as an important part of their business operations. This has stimulated research on the many different strategies that are pursued by these corporations in their attempts to become more philanthropic while remaining economically responsible. In this situation, some researchers have argued, corporations run the risk of being caught out as hypocrites. Through an analysis of the corporate social responsibility reports of the biggest multinational (...)
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  30.  53
    Forces, friction and fractionation: Denis Walsh’s Organisms, agency, and evolution: 294 pp, Hardcover, ISBN: 1107122104. [REVIEW]Andrew Buskell & Adrian Currie - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (6):1341-1353.
    In Denis Walsh’s Organisms, Agency, and Evolution, he argues that new developments in the science of biology motivate a radical change to our metaphysical picture of life: what he calls ‘Situated Darwinism’. The central claim is that we should take the biological world to be at base about organisms, and organisms in a fundamentally teleological sense. We critically examine Walsh’s arguments and suggest further developments.
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  31.  21
    Principios de ética en la pandemia.María Teresa López de la Vieja de la Torre - 2022 - Dilemata 39:51-59.
    There are several lessons to be learned from the COVID-19. The crisis of 2020 not only had exposed the vulnerability of populations but also several unequalities. In this sense, autonomy, equity, equality, and other ethical basic principles define what ought to be done and also the limits of action, “drawing the line”. Equity is a core principle in public health. Justice as fairness could exemplify the normative and cognitive dimensions of principles. Equality defines the line to close the gender gap, (...)
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  32. M. Arnold, la christologie de Luther d'apres sa correspondance Martin Luther la Christologie & Sa Correspondance D'après - 2005 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 85:151.
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    Arenas, Luis. Capitalismo cansado. Tensiones (eco) políticas del desorden global. Trotta, Madrid, 2021.Álvaro Ledesma de la Fuente - 2021 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 38 (3):659-660.
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    Cuestiones de Filosofía N°32 vol. 9 Versión Completa.Alfredo Rocha de la Torre - 2023 - Cuestiones de Filosofía 9 (32):1-204.
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  35.  12
    What is the Arabic for zoon politikon? Ethics and politics in Ibn Tufayl (d. 581/1185).Corrado la Martire - 2022 - Doctor Virtualis 17:79-105.
    È possibile delineare due filoni interpretativi sul _Hayy b. Yaqzān_ (_Il vivente, figlio del desto_) di Ibn Tufayl: secondo l’uno, l’opera è uno sguardo realistico su un solitario in una società corrotta e si ispira agli insegnamenti della _Repubblica_ di Platone; secondo l’altro, l’opera ritrae un ideale puro e astratto di vita ascetica e insiste sull’imperativo morale dell’isolamento. Tuttavia entrambe queste interpretazioni precludono qualsiasi possibilità di felicità per l’uomo o per il filosofo all’interno di una società. In altre parole, tendono (...)
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  36.  22
    Coalitions and Public Action in the Reshaping of Corporate Responsibility: The Case of the Retail Banking Industry.Marta de la Cuesta-González, Julie Froud & Daniel Tischer - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 173 (3):539-558.
    This paper addresses the question of whether and how public action via civil society and/or government can meaningfully shape industry-wide corporate responsibility behaviour. We explore how, in principle, ICR can come about and what conditions might be effective in promoting more ethical behaviour. We propose a framework to understand attempts to develop more responsible behaviour at an industry level through processes of negotiation and coalition building. We suggest that any attempt to meaningfully influence ICR would require stakeholders to possess both (...)
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  37.  18
    La rigidez constitucional mínima como una forma débil del constitucionalismo.Mariano Carlos Melero de la Torre - 2020 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 51.
    Algunos autores contrarios a la práctica constitucional actualmente dominante han defendido una rigidez constitucional “mínima” como una forma “débil” del constitucionalismo en la que la voluntad mayoritaria puede identificar el alcance de los derechos fundamentales por encima de las determinaciones judiciales. El objetivo de este trabajo es plantear algunas reflexiones críticas sobre dicha propuesta, adoptando para ello como parámetro normativo la racionalidad intrínseca de la práctica constitucional contemporánea en las democracias liberales. Dicha argumentación crítica avanza del siguiente modo: en primer (...)
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  38. Arzobispo de Valencia y fundador del Colegio Mayor de la Presentación.Isidro de la Viuda - 1987 - Revista Agustiniana 28 (86):543-569.
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    F. Caballero, "Maquiavelo para el siglo XXI. El príncipe en la era del populismo", Barcelona, Ariel, 2017, pp. 152.Miguel Fernández de la Peña - 2019 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de Las Ideas 13:121-124.
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  40. The commentaries on Boethius.Gilbert de la Porrée - 1966 - Toronto,: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. Edited by Häring, M. Nikolaus & [From Old Catalog].
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    The Resurgence of Radical Populism in Latin America.Carlos De La Torre - 2007 - Constellations 14 (3):384-397.
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    Proslogion II and III.Richard R. La Croix - 1972 - Leiden,: Brill.
  43. Armenian text].Sergio La Porta - 2008 - In Two anonymous sets of scholia on Dionysius the Areopagite's Heavenly hierarchy. Lovanii [Louvain, Belgium]: Peeters.
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    Az Élő Lukács.László Sziklai (ed.) - 1986 - [Budapest]: Kossuth.
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    A szabadidő marxi elmélete.László Thoma - 1987 - [Budapest]: Kossuth.
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    Una aproximación al concepto de género en Derecho Penal francés y español. De la polémica a su validez constitucional | An approach to the gender concept in French and Spanish criminal law. From the controversy to its constitutional validity.Alicia Ginebra Brox Sáenz de la Calzada - 2019 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 40:23-44.
    Resumen: Tras varios meses de debate, Francia acaba de sustituir en el Código Penal la expresión “identidad sexual” por la de “identidad de género”, incluyendo por fin el concepto de género en el texto legal. Este artículo, que es una humilde reflexión sobre la utilidad de dicho reconocimiento, recoge los principales argumentos alegados durante la fase prelegislativa. He realizado el trabajo desde una perspectiva comparada, ya que el debate surgido en el país galo es semejante al que tuvo lugar en (...)
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    Good and Goods According to Aristotle.Ernesto La Croce - 1989 - New Scholasticism 63 (1):1-17.
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    El objetivo último de la física.Mariano Hermida de la Rica & María Luisa Marquina San Miguel - 1998 - Endoxa 1 (10):115.
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  49. Theories of Legal Argumentation and Concepts of Law. An Approximation.Massimo La Torre - 2002 - Ratio Juris 15 (4):377-402.
    This article provides an assessment of the merits of recent theories of legal reasoning. After a quick historical aperçu a number of models of legal argumentation are presented and discussed, with an eye to their mutual connection. An initial conclusion is that universalizability and discursivity are the common features of those models. The focal question dealt with, however, is that of the impact of the argumentative paradigms of adjudication on the very concept of law. Here the contention is that an (...)
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  50. La société Schopenhauer après la deuxième guerre mondiale.Après la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale - 1948 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 32.
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